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tv   News  RT  May 16, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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the, the logan disagrees with the government doesn't agree with stuff in the systems to ukraine. it's breaking news over analogy international as the voters of privy to buy a new gun. dial the slow back 5 minutes to disagreed with a government's policy over a few things. if you break that is, according to the nations in here, where you have minutes facing, rolling out the red carpet for vladimir putin state visit, where he's met with a very warm welcome and kind words from his chinese counsel. a couple of days ago, you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. once again, i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people, i am convinced that you will certainly lead russia to create achievements in national development. this institutionalized community has led is about to engage in the, in this genocide,
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which have shopped the conscience of humanity and south africa during the international court of justice to take action and preserve the rights of palestinians. as israel continues it's bombing campaign all across the signing the world from moscow. but if you want to use unfiltered, as always here or not. so what is that breaking news to kick off this our here on how to international the latest on the assassination attempt against the slow back prime minister at a press conference earlier. the interior minister said the government has been, i'm good, a government policies, including the stoppage of weapons supplies to ukraine, or should i still own the impulse? but at each just i can confirm the reasons why this is classified as politically motivated, pre mediated murder. we're not pointing fingers on anybody. i presented to you with the facts. and this was a summary of a statement from a, but they say it was the he's unhappy with the situation and he disagrees with the government. it doesn't agree with stuff in assistance to ukraine,
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but it will sort of these based off of the statements from a show. officials, we understand that there is a nation wide embargo on informations related to the attacks. the officials of course did hence at some possibility, such as the motives of the attack, suggesting that they could have been political or otherwise, without going into too much detail as the stipend segments of essentially considered the general approach of the media. it's also taken into consideration the political divide within the country or so many, many reports within the country claimant. there's also been a great deal of opposition with respect to how the local media has been treating the attack. there are more reports that are emerging with respect to the assailants and his motives for the attack. we understand that. over the course of the last few years, he has had a drastic change in ideal naji. what was once designated, a pro russian stance in 2016 and quickly turned into
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a pro ukrainian or pro western position in 2022. and since then, many people within his close circle has essentially come out to say that's of the arguments that they've been having has increased. that's become a little bit more violent than some uh for, for lack of a better word. so this immediate, so social circle has also realized that there's been a change in his attitude, which essentially highlights a number of differences as social media posts over the course of the last 3 months or years. is also hensley to that, as well, is position on ukraine is positioned within the country of suboxone in and of itself, the government's policies all in one form or another rule tie into the assassination attempt. what kind of slow the brother. so it is. this is simply an aggressive who committed an attack very well the times when called rich kicked out on this communist from the party. there were times when i threw stones at the russian tanks because they came to the, the rates us duplex face went beyond most cuz the slow, big prime minister has a good reputation abroad. and those usually directed at the heart,
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coal of the. unfortunately, however, interesting days is government has been labeled as in mafia state is that association with the mafia is very irresponsible. another matter we need to consider is of course the lock is positioned within this geography. it's a member of the european union. it's a member of nato, and we understand that robot fits those policies, or it's a government has been quite vocal in putting a stop and an end to farm supplies and agents who ukraine is also taken to consideration. it's an opposition to ukraine, joining nato. so there's a crate to a great list of essential policies that could have led to the attack, or at least given reason to some sort of some form of motive. but what we also understand is, of course, the countries position over the course of the last couple decades is the slovakian permit or so it has had some position within the governments. he has been in politics since 1992. and since and up until this point, his policies haven't changed much and he has been elected into office time and time
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again, essentially highlighting the will of the people in and one and one form. and this is also a matter of great concern because the officials did provide a statement supporting that as well as the will of the people maybe to that i gave you the biggest tragedy the past i was, is that we've discovered that the disagreement with a different political opinion, disagreement, or conflict of opinions have turned into pre meditated murder. what has to happen for a person who originally presented themselves, presented his opinions as pacifists to become an extremist, take a gun and callously want to kill someone else? i believe that the emotions of the last months with so i is the back you. this was not a coincidence. well, the visa is nothing. you put edition, these been named politics since 1992. that's 32. yes. if you didn't have the same opinion with selected media, then the criticism float, and if you, despite public criticism, still one the elections, then it breaks the question, how can we criticize him if he still won the vote?
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was one more matter of great concern just based on the statement that was provided by sebastian officials, highlights the importance of ensuring that the country does not essentially boil into chaos so that the prospect of a civil war should be. the last thing people should be considering and taking into consideration the government tends to walk in. leadership is trying to seek some form of a solver in foreign policy and an identity for itself. something that is independent from that of the european union or the nato alliance. and this has been a matter of great concern within the country, but also across the greater european block. and this is one of the many reasons that is believed to be the motivation behind the silence attack and assassination attempt against the slovak in prime minister. several weeks before firing 5 shots point blank of the prime minister. the gunman, whose name is used items to low with spots that are protested in western sort of act. yeah, he's seen right there holding a placard report, leaving her to the riley, challenging his support for you. craig. we discussed the attack on the slide by
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prime minister with a member of a german book. the stock he told us is to send growth in europe. you, governments are ready to do whatever it takes to shut down the opposition, a c. so lots and lots and some main politics. also, you was against the laws for peace in the spring. and um, he said to you and going to move on to the live veterans and he was against the sentence and this, and this is contrary to the policy also european union. and maybe this was the reason why he was shot sullens receipt best of speech. and hate speech against the opposition this on e, as in john and petition and see if the stocks and i can hear in the speeches. and this is a very,
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very bad situation if i could chose that. yeah, the main parties was in germany, but i think all over europe, they don't want to get out of the power. and this is the reason they want to this to 0 position and they want to cut down. so position parties really isn't. and you're and you do something against bresser and politics that you get this pressure and yeah, it's, it's, it is. so there's a situation of a lot of effort and is all that acts like if it's china trip now, visiting the city of hobbin, i'm hating that strategic partnership like the neighborhood and was given
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a will weltman from his chinese col devolved at the start of his 2 days, state visit of china you're with ought to be covering every step of the way it's of the, at the start of his visit, appleautomotive router and messaging thing outside the great whole of the people that's in the heart of beijing. the, you can hear the music right there is the a to lead is read it. each of the national anthem is if they respect countries right now about that and they put an end is huge in thing praise. the enduring
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relationship between russia and china, the by, i'm very happy to be here in china among my friends meeting with you. thank you for your congratulatory address. on the occasion when i was re elected as the russian president, thank you very much for your invitation. in march last year, immediately after you were elected head of the people's republic of china. you also visited moscow. we have this good tradition of making our 1st international visits to our countries. this is a true sign of the importance that must go invasion, lay on consistent development of bilateral ties and all encompassing partnership and strategic co operation. finishing the dear president, put in my great friend, i welcome you to china on a state visit. a couple of days ago, you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. once again, i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people. i am convinced that you will certainly lead russia to great achievements in national development over the
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past 3 quarters of a century. china and russia's relations have been forced under difficult conditions . they've withstood tests under change and international situations and have become standard for relations between major states or financial consulting to angelo, juliano. it says, pretends for that a child that was laying the foundations for a new level order. what do you have any advice on e? b, g is, is the shaping of the, the, the next decade that may be the next century. the also thing to get the foundation which ease, uh, which ease of a discipline, from the what, the least over the last last entries. which was easy for me that was basically as a shift between the british empire. now you have to use a higher, but it's uh, it's declining. the thing that you get a foundation which is going to be a deal with each of these. this whole, i mean, is it is going to be about multiple no words. please note about the rush of reading
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the words not to box china, really the, the, the words, but they are putting the foundation, meaning that whoever wants to join joined the chinese have a st. lucie and look for what united is. instead, the aside the differences, that means it's not about the white and black, and this reflects a lot. the chinese min 30 confusion is mentality or be they pragmatic t. they're working on how they contribute different currencies. so 90 percent up to trades between russia and china and their local currency. so the bypassing the dollar in this way, they actually might in the us the game and because they just gave me these based on its currency and it's the on the trip. always always. so all the so that we thing together, the foundation and the looking of ohms plus a beep is called again, more integrates to do more traits. because when you do traits, when you're having gauge much, you actually a virtual head was because you haven't,
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mutual interests, of course will be continue without coverage of like americans visit a china with a packed schedule for the 2nd and final day of the presidential trip. a stick around for all the details here on the shifting gears into the hague. we go now with the international court of justice. this has been a hearing arguments regarding the humanitarian crisis in gaza. resounding theme is that israel has disregarded the ride. so by the human rights of palestinians, and the tennessee is openly ignoring the previous orders of the international court . so definitely guys travel today to do what did scan to identity, stop the ongoing general side, the tribe, beauty of the text, but acquiring urgent and speedy proceedings to present the lives of the published dean and people is right, assuming that the breeches, the binding resolutions of the united nations security council has to be leaving
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from the lack of content managers by the international community that it is exempt from having to respect international. this institutionalized community has led is allowed to engage in this genocide, which has shopped the conscience of humanity. 7 months ago, south africa, north heavy imagines that cause i would now be mostly wiped off the walls. so the officer did it's noise was i presented the argument today and is all i'm will deliver it's response tomorrow. but also that's opening statement of from, for tourism back to the, to the middle is the voice him was the my don't say law i the representatives the force of africa took the floor and it was the professor john to god who made it clear that to over the course of the months the follow to the eyes. today's reading is what has lots abided by the older and has continued to commit genocide of games to for the scene and people in the gaza strip. and he says that even as the court
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found that proceeding is have a principal rights to be protected from acts of genocide. it's due for the state to that to the action in the the final blow to put the see me is as a move on that is actions are in violation of fundamental rules of preventative enrolled. but in addition, they provide the evidence of the crime of genocide in terms of articles to a, b, c, and d, of the genocide coordination as the present members of the quote. this is the final blow that he's intended to destroy the palestinian group in gauze. what is also very important from these arguments was the rights to self defense. as you would know, that is law and his allies have insisted that a bomb being so justified because it has the right to self defense and a substance wise that can be no doubt that to be
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a check on the 7th of october did constitute an attack and turns off the soldier required by the law as well. how is the icy j and his opinions denied is well, the rights of self defense. that is such a tax for many reasons. and one can stop at one that watch is the right to self defense. and does it josh decides is, was killing of almost $40000.00 per diem is. so that's because representative do nothing. so have a listen to this. the rights of self defense does not give a state a license to use unlimited files. so i could nothing. nope, self defense. so anything else can ever justify genocide, the prohibition on genocide is absolute. so the court ruled in 2004 that there is no rights of self defense by an occupying state.
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the case of the territory, the result parks. the 2nd last presentation focusing on so that because arguments that these walk intends to eradicate for the seniors and guys of what's from advocate to make a move. i told before all do that for the scene is needless words and denunciations of these walls conduct what immediate action and solutions will guide 12, besides the speeches and states move from both political and military officials. we saw arguing that those inside to genocide and previously would know that. so that's good to argue that such statements of reach of the genocide convincing is moved from who is in the minnesota finance. develop. smotts is a member of the scituate to cabinet, has a subset in terms there are no hoffman as us or alpha date of loss. no sort of full time on the nation. goes on to say we are negotiating with the
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ones that should not have existed for a long time in an interview abroad costs the one who's the to the vision on city may 20 to the default device of the international of the liquid party, the part to to to which is the prime minister belongs stated i think we need to engage with alpha yesterday to go in and to get to the, the, i know i'm involved. we need to go in and kill and kill and kill neither also know any of the other is are in a few 1000 civilians, insights institutional fight against the policy knows, have been prosecuted. much less honest in the not saw. so that for to argue that a mid a, a whole so lack of accountability as a complete international failure to protect the police. the news people from the crimes that have been committed by is off these law has in fact committed more
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violations in some instances than it did in the time leading up to the prior forces . like dining report on his right, the actions in gaza university natural for human rights has laid bad. israel has clearly violated the un genocide convention. israel has committed genocidal acts of killing cause and serious home to and inflicting conditions of less calculated to bring about the physical destruction of palestinians and gaz protective group that forms a substantial part of the palestinian people. but the report highlights the mass casualties of the code and the enclaves since october, the 7th, noting that around 70 percent of the homes that have been destroyed. the report looked into causes humanitarian situation, the same quote, catastrophic hunger persist. it also calls and other countries to refrain from being complicit in human rights and to any done colleagues, shows that a child's washington can still be made to pull it support. assuming the american
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people's voice is heard. there's a lot of complexity to go around, but certainly the number 18 are and a battery is the united states. and in fact, you know, most palestinians understand this is the us war against the palestinian people is much more so than it is in his riley war. the truth is, the american people are the last back stop to prevent worse from happening. i think there's still a chance to say, gaza, i do think by then his administration, it can be sway just to save their own political lives though, you know, i saw a report, i forget where it was. but essentially, you know, saying that the, by the ministration from top to bottom is living in a bubble. they're delusional about what's really happening. they're delusional about their phone numbers and about how the american people view this. but you know, it's our job to convince them that we will, as we say on the streets,
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we will remember in november. so i hope, i hope we can change this in his recent trip to ukraine and off to the handshake. photo ups and as rock star performance playing guitar at a local pub in key of us. secretary of state anthony blank and go to work. spinning the narrative spoke about corruption in ukraine and in typical fashion, blamed all of it on most winning on the battlefield. will prevent you pain from becoming part of russian winning the war against corruption will keep you crane from becoming like russia. and i wonder if we can sought to weaponized corruption, ukraine. she knows how powerful corruption can be, and sewing division and distrust undermining faith and government and its institutions. after all, these been fine tuning these tactics at home for nearly 25 years. however, according to a report released by the public owns inspector general corruption and ukraine
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remains. and sizes of the war has created a field day of bribery opportunities for the officials and corruption remains a persistent challenge for the ukrainian government perception of corruption and ukraine has declined significantly since 2013. but it still remains one of the least accountable governments in europe. the war has created new opportunities for bribes kickbacks and inflated procurement costs. which on list uh, and also daniel, as it says, there is no evidence of the corruption. the ukraine is old russians who this is in the old neo con, talking point just goes back to years at that is part of the us tendency to blame everything on russia and to excuse its own failures. but the fact is that corruption has been sky high and in the ukraine since since the fall of the soviet union, it's been added control. it was a factor in the 2014 made on uprising. it may have subsided,
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subsided since then, but it still is as very high levels, and there is simply no evidence whatsoever that this is the, this is rushers fault in any way, shape or form. the country is rife with corruption. so therefore, a lot of western age is being mislaid. by the way, there are, there are complaints from the battle of the battlefront. i around solve charles this, the town in uh, in north ukraine, which is now the center of fierce fighting that the reason there were no defenses put up by the ukraine to prevent this kind of incursion. uh is that uh, is that the phone, the company's made or put the money and did not build the defenses that they were hired to build. so in this case, corruption is directly harming the, the cranium defense effort. and yet somehow it's all, it's all put in schools. it's. it's very self serving, obviously,
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well pack your bags and you have patches, you don't bulk them anymore. that's the clear message from berlin as a host of ukranian troops that have been training in germany a sent home for wearing nazi symbol, the 7 cases were identified in which soldiers were right wing extremists symbols during the training conducted by the buddhist vera for the ukrainian armed forces, the training of the affected ukrainian soldiers was ended immediately in coordination with the ukrainian armed forces and the affected people were returned to ukraine. i was discussing this ton of events with a member of the button state parliament. governor lindman joined me. he said, it's an open secret who's in the right. and so the ukraine, you know, i'm a nato states typically just turn a blind since 2014 the flashes that mission, the socialist fight does a in the creating an army fight thing. and they've done both the area now as
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a say in office at the end of a career, they'll say of the in the start. and then they have phone to 7. ok. and so just so it's a, it's a not the symbol and say, sends them back. i think a lot of, uh, okay, and so a dresser training to buy windows and germany just put amazing symbols to be trained . maybe this 7 fuck ends up to put them a valuable because we know about this situation when the rest are most media was not being talked about this situation, the german government to try to keep it aside and there is a duty officer not to of course the nato countries, it is a germany, so you up in union countries and of course the united states, they need a new and m e n z i, because i took action for donation is i'm and i mean, and now they tried to change the sometimes the left german months,
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maybe as they say, the russians are frustrates that very, hopefully by that, that's a to like these. now this will be a solution for the vision and try to change of the history and don't to the people that was. but it's a strategy of the natural i'll set you up in union because they wanted to take so cutting insights and natural insight to your brand new. and of course, because of the jail footage, a political interest because of, of, of they have interest. and so kind of deal for the general political reasons. they don't have interest as the people and, you know, the landscape dropped the tech guy and stuff, the puppet was not doing for the rest. and the country is the most people in germany, not the government in germany, is does normally, people in germany, they want to find a diplomatic solutions. and they want to, is that the, their license innovation look like you can go to the table and discuss about the situation and find the, the,
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the pretty much solution was the opposite was the republican senators in united states of accused abide and administration of fumbling the bowl in africa and allowing russia and china in to the continents back to prison. biden's foreign policy has been a disaster, and every continent in africa is no exception. while the russians and chinese are working overtime to oust the was from a region that will soon be home to quarter of or as population, the button and ministration continues to fumble the bowl and we can our nation strategic interest with our african partners that has pottery outside and tied against washington's presence, for example, need uh, recently ripped off like military cooperation packs with america, ordering all the troops that have pack up their bags and leave that size. russian forces have been invited into that the west african nation to help in the fight against terrorism. we spoke with a security consultant in nigeria who says that america is basically you're having a bit of a tough time coping with
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a 5 that is losing so much influence on the african continent as well. from the american point of view, you know, on the national interest, that of us us that uh uh, president biden is having, especially as he's for some election, come see uncomfortable, but i made a cut off. and so if we move on to power, it does know what to be seen to be displaced by people that they think that one particular for the corpse doesn't america, definitionally, russia, china, so as to end up before, you know, so where, what america is, which is this the reasons you see i, the china or russia or iran getting for lives there. so these are the reasons why that's a legion is size, but it will start as you can photos, america, america always wants to have mobile in place beyond just bored as you can see. yes, he's having a international relations nightmare right now. all right, thanks for joining us for this program from moscow. one of us stores continuing online, just a few clicks away. you know the websites. ok, so you don't,
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the the guns and the right to bear arms are deeply ingrained in american society to the 2nd amendment. of the constitution, but at the same time, in response to concern such as rising gun deaths and mass shootings, it is back in the national spotlight. a majority of americans say it is too easy to legally obtain a gun in this country and favour stricter gun laws. i'm christy i. you're watching the cost of everything. where today we're going to be delving into the contentious topic. the cost of guns and fire arms and their impact on society the,
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the firearms industry is a significant player in the us economy, generating billions and revenue annually and supporting thousands of jobs across the manufacturing, retail and related sectors. and as a market size of over $21000000000.20 and is expected to grow 5 percent. the u. s. is also the world's largest export of arms with saudi arabia. but being the main recipient of 22 percent, the 5 largest arms export as include the us followed by russia, france, germany, and china, which together accounts for 75 percent of global exports. the us alone accounts for 39 percent. montana has the highest rate of gun ownership in the us, followed by wyoming, alaska, idaho, and west virginia. meanwhile, new jersey has the lowest rate followed by massachusetts, rhode island, hawaii.


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