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tv   The Cost of Everything  RT  May 16, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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of the firearms industry is a significant player in the us economy, generating billions and revenue annually and supporting thousands of jobs across the manufacturing retail and related sectors. and as a market size of over $21000000000.20 and is expected to grow 5 percent. the u. s. is also the world's largest export of arms with saudi arabia. but being the main recipient of 22 percent, the 5 largest arms export as include the us followed by russia, france, germany, and china, which together accounts for 75 percent of global exports. the us alone accounts for 39 percent. montana has the highest rate of gun ownership in the us, followed by wyoming, alaska, idaho, and west virginia. meanwhile, new jersey has the lowest rate followed by massachusetts, rhode island, hawaii, and new york. the us has far more civilian own firearms than any other nation in
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the world. the country with the 2nd most by arms compared to us is canada with 72 percent fewer guns per $100.00 citizens. meanwhile, texas, not surprisingly, has more actual guns stockpiled than any other state. it is estimated that texas has over 1000000 guns and just over 29000000 residence, florida trails in 2nd place with just over 500000 guns. currently, more than 40 percent of households have at least one fire on this number has increased by 15 percent since 1994 with 18 percent buying more firearms. during the pandemic. more than 15000000 americans have a fi, i'm in their home for the 1st time today. the estimates very on how many guns are circulating today in the us, but most sources suggests that guns out number americans, gun ownership can be a wonderful thing. it can give a person
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a sense of responsibility over their own life in a way that people who don't own them can't fully grasp. but even budget firearms involve a significant expense. the price of gun ownership has more than just the initial hand gun sale. but there is more such as ammunition and any ancillary accessories, such as a safe, your protection, holster, cleaning supplies, i protection, etc. but the biggest cost of owning a firearm is the cost to society. one of the most pressing questions regarding civilian fire ownership is do far as result in more death. with our relationship here is unclear whether us has more fire arms than any other country, brazil, el salvador, mexico and greenland have higher rates of gun related debts. texas, california, georgia, illinois and florida have more homicide and suicide desks than any other state in 2021. however, these 5 states have
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a fire or ownership rate of only 15 per $1000.00 people. this suggests that there is no direct correlation between gun ownership and firearm related deaths. in fact, these 5 states have relatively low firearm ownership rates. however, more americans have died from gun violence in 20202021 than any prior year on record to gun related homicides and suicides. total 488302021. and the shootings of children nearly doubled during the pandemic. the nation also endeared a record number of mass shootings in 2021 where there were 690 incidents in which 4 or more people were shot. and now today we're joined by civil rights attorney robert patello. now robert, can you provide an overview of the economic significance of the gun industry in the us, including revenue, employment, and contributions to the local economies of what people to the standards of the
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gulf industry of america, the largest industry. so in the country, we have over 330000000 guns and america. some estimates over the 5400000000 firearms. i have the hands of americans, this is more the one part citizen i. in many states, i have companies, loc and remington, their major pointers of state where i'm at once georgia. i would have many major corporations move to the state because of their tax laws because of the laws of the cross keys to carry that it doesn't look like that. slowly down what we've seen that the weight of the pandemic is methyl spikes of gun ownership among people were member gun owners previously of the group such as black and latino women are the fastest growing sectors when he comes to go on gun owners of ours. in self defense classes nationwide be on no cap to the brands after gateway system, particularly if i'm meeting minority communities. i feel that the nation was all the point of a soul or soul. people stop highly emptiness and start calling guns and fire alarm
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classes for building firearms have been on the never more populated. so the, the gun industry and america right now do the booming industry, the old you pick and go. and how does gun ownership in the us compared to other countries in terms of per capita ownership, rates, regulation and cultural attitudes towards firearms, america really gun culture driven through as doors calling once that's where the golden country that has rocking some bombs of the national land we're kind of steep, is ideal, fierce independent militia. maybe we must get them fighting back against the british red pulse of the regulars. we have reading to our constitution, the 2nd amendment. i want people to remember and so they were doing amendments. the 1st one was free, it was free when religion over in weight the 2nd, but maybe it was god's that of how about how important it is difficult to leave those here in america l supreme court has a phone to get it again,
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this is to be the individual right in the siding, right. what's the only important to melissa is our right is only important. one is not a right. there's only a quarter to the military. the individual lives right to, to have firearms in this country. because of this, we have a state level laws that regulate firewalls to a certain extent. so northern states by large have much stricter don't laws. so you're in a state like maryland, and you want to own a firearm. you have to, you have to buy him a round limit to your magazine. you have to take classes in order to own a, a pistol or a roland for the state, or to be licensed. with that, you have to have a certain careers where you deal with the public or we deal with large amounts of money or we may be endangered or even apply for fire reports. you go directly across the board in virginia. all that's out the window you. if it was on a walmart or somewhere else, a you had on the start shooting, i really depends on what part of the country you're eligible for. doors and
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regulations. it's c meeting state, just wanting to what's called constitutional carry a constitutional carrie was the concept because the 2nd amendment is the cost to so right, just before some of those, a constitutional rights that there should be no will probably be required since you don't need a permit to use the 1st amendment, you still need a permit to you. the 2nd amendment of 4 states of the state insurance, you have no rules with doors and licensing for public hearings and firearms, incurious close to one of your help concealed carry a firearm without a permit. is illegal for law enforcement to ask you why you have that firearm in any location where you're allowed to have businesses have some little gift disposal variances to stop from carrying your fire onto those locations. american women bends over backwards to big tubs as accessible as possible. to the most individuals as possible, and we prepare to see other countries of almost unheard of internationally. countries like sweden,
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i have one of the largest largest growing populations in europe. it has been one for every 10 household versus america where we have more than one firearm out per household. but for every individual in the country and those numbers are simply, are continuing to go out because it continues to involve something like a cult 19 by uh, 1919 crystal pills lives over a 100 years old. well, $31.00 would be the factory to build that in 2023. you need a computer to print that off on a free bridge, or you can program it into a micro lake and having to grow 3, a frame of it produce at a almost no cost to build a custom offer that will solve goals going to be banned earlier this year probably won't be any goes cuz it's just a piece of plastic. and you can print that off on a 3 d printer that have an operational firearms, all the unregistered accessories within the hours of 15 lower. for example. you can
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take an old or 15 lower and put it into casting fan and cast your own lower out of that, drill a few holes and have a fully false the error 15 in a few hours. so in terms of the progress of technology, it's almost impossible to know exactly how many firearms are that are in america. and we're what's impossible to try to stop those firearms because now they can be produced by anybody at any point in time. and are the lessons that could be learned from international approaches to gun control and violence prevention either. absolutely. let's as a, we can work on internationally. we're going to go to control one. we know that more wholesale bands on firearms, on a national level to simply do not work. what we've seen in a country where you do have those sorts of vans. everyone, the only people have guns or to criminals are the people who are in games. the were part of what kind of crimes the individuals were in the list of a take the ability for a while away from the individuals to be able to protect themselves and also communities. however, that lives on denials in america has
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a problem. as soon as we have a problem with school issues, we have a problem, we're almost getting part of american life has been shut up. will there be churches of shopping malls, entertainment complexes, etc. a, we've had a mass shooting of those events. there was a, a cruise joke on the internet earlier this week after the uh, the tragic terrorist attack in russia. where people say, you'll never see that happening in america because our, our shooters wanna shop the terrorist before they started shooting out the, the concert as a chrome joe. here in the waiting room mass, you can see in the mirror. so we have to work on using a leveraging technology to sort of gums and not getting into the hands of the right people. we should put in place mandatory background checks and what was mandatory training classes for individuals positive. they're not simply getting scared by the golf for $200.00 and then he's going out and start shooting and hold them for the best. i've been waiting period for very much a reasonable aspect of gun control because of so might be able to leave bits of an
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argument, maintenance or not be able to directly run to the store by and got the return to whatever the heightened situation was. so there are small appliances that can be taken big gun control to really read with dangers associated with will got files. but i don't think those will require the whole so disarm in america, american public. and can you provide insights into the toll of gun by lens in the us, including the number of lives lost injuries, the stain and the broader societal impact, the wound care of the the negative externalities has been a part of the culture in america. one of the street gains of the role many major cities in many minutes. it is now, you know, children as young as might in 10 years old carrying guns and doing carts, seconds of your se, washington dc or baltimore, atlanta, chicago, new york. los angeles of this is the real problem. we also have to look at the
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effect of the insecurity of also american public spaces. that because of the, the, the major pilots in this country, many people feel disquieted. go to public convictions, all the channels to the cheese. great, the 0 for the super bowl. i'll be interrupted by gun violence. we see troops uh, services be interrupted by god, violence and we have to find the balance of the in the united states of america. i'll be able to have a free and open society, but also society. there was, but the 2nd amendment of respect to the right, so con owners, we've tried meeting things for many things have failed. but what has to be be put in place are the types of smart technology and the smart strategies that can be used to keep the have out of the get, keep close out of the hills. that people will make sure they have all by themselves and have the right to protect themselves and to protect, in fact, protect their families business, something better. so in 1st of america, even if you try to ban all guns tomorrow, good luck finding all of them. if you want to band itself,
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maybe there's some people to make him, you know, some in their basements. i, if you want to simply say what we're going to be and also rival, well, i'll put a one in stock on my 8 or 15. it won't lubricant or fault, rightfully more, of the most of the slogan nearing the subject matter when it comes to discussing for all of this, this hopefully don't work. and we have to have some more conversations about how we can leverage technology, how we can leverage social good allocative sure that we're protecting communities while also historic individual rights. and we're doing deliveries that are a lot of our constitutional values. thank you so much, robert, for all your time today is coming up after the break, we'll be joined by another gun expert to talk about america's unique gun culture and the risk posed by what experts referred to as goes guns. don't go way the,
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[000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the america's relationship with guns is unique and its gun culture is a global outlier. on the one hand, only a guide is a right imbedded in the 2nd amendment. but on the other hand, it is a privilege that should be regulated. there are about a 120 guns for every 100 americans, according to the latest data, but that number could actually be much, much higher. goes guns, have created a major public safety issue. goes guns are often assembled from d i y kits or produced during 3 d printing technology. they have no serial number and are untraceable, presenting a significant challenge for lawn for smith as they circumvent traditional background checks and registration requirements, making them attractive to criminals and individuals seeking to evade detection. these kits are readily available and relatively cheap. the rise of ghost guns have
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also been accompanied by a surge in conversion devices that transform legal, semi automatic weapons into fully automatic firearms. police have seen a rise of 570 percent, and the number of conversion devices and a 1083 percent increase in ghost guns. between 20172021. the increasing ease of internet sales has made obtaining weapons easier than ever. a goes gun could cost as little as $200.00 as prince and designs on how to 3 print them, circulate chat rooms. in contrast, many countries have chosen to ban guns altogether except for private security companies, militias, or paramilitary groups. these countries include cambodia. now these solomon islands and a handful of others. meanwhile, other countries like singapore don't ban guns altogether, but is the strictest country in the world. when it comes to gun laws. to own a gun, you must belong to a gun club and you must leave your gun at the club for storage. no guns are allowed
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at home. there is also a mountain of paperwork to fill out when you apply for ownership and permits are only valid for one year at a time. anyone who illegally owns a gun or even a munition faces at least 5 years in jail. the china is also quite strict, making it illegal to own gun powder, ammunition, or guns or risk facing prison. japan basically ban citizens from possessing, carrying, buying, and selling firearms, as well as important gun parts unless they have a gun license, which is notoriously hard to obtain. candidates must take a written exam as well as a shooting range test, where accuracy needs to be above 95 percent. the only guns you can own in japan are shot guns. an air rifles, no hand guns or automatics. australia used to have a relax policy about gun ownership, but in the past couple of decades that has changed as well. they made the process
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of buying and only a gun as inconvenient as possible with a lot of paperwork and licenses that must be renewed each year. when the government passed this law and also offer a buyback scheme to encourage citizens to hand in these guns. this led to about 700000 guns being destroyed. and so for this and more, let's bring in steve a bromwoods, host of heartland journals, tennessee podcast. now steve, how easy is it for individuals to legally obtain fire arms in the us and what process sees and regulations governing the purchase and ownership of firearms? it's getting harder for sure. uh for uh, you know, the 2nd amendment it says, shall not be infringed. they certainly figure out lots of ways to do it on fire. our licensing laws generally require those who wish to obtain a gun to undergo a background check and apply in person submit additional information like fingerprints directly to law enforcement, complete
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a firearm safety course. wait for the application to be processed before acquiring a gun. uh california in new jersey or the states that have the strictest gun laws in the nation. california, california requires a 10 day waiting period for organ purchases, as well as through background checks for all gun purchases and everybody has to go through an f b i background check to to walk away with a gun. are their ongoing debates and legal challenges surrounding gun control measures such as background checks, waiting periods, and restrictions on certain types of firearms? sure, every state has their, their, their means of doing this in tennessee for example. there's a bill that would allow school staff to carry concealed handguns on campus. our governor li, once red flag laws based on mental health and reaction to the company. christian trans active is killing of 6 people. democrats and the house that they want to see something stronger from governor lee. this was a char $1574.00,
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which would expand that existing order of protection law that encompasses domestic violence cases. the as the way the bill was written, this would be dumped as a temporary mental health order protection, meaning those in question will have to be notified and given the opportunity to stand before a judge. and also in this past the big one point, something trillion dollar bill this week was ethan's law legislature named in honor of ethan song, a teenager from connecticut. it was tragically killed in 2018 by an unsecure gun and a neighbor's home. the bill would create federal requirements for safe storage guns and establish strong penalties for any violations, but it would also require safe storage to protect children and others from unsecured firearms and police can search your house not like the way you store your legal firearms and then take them before that that would have been considered illegal search and seizure. now it's fair game. so definitely
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a 4th amendment rights violation. can you explain the concept of goes guides and their implications for fire and regulation and public safety and how common are these today? yeah, so they, those are also known as privately manufactured firearms, basically guns without serial numbers. it has exploded in recent years, climbing from about 1600 from crime scenes in 2017, to nearly 200-2021. and that's a 1083 percent increase prompting the atf to significantly toughen his regulations on home, a weapons at the atf national integrated ballistic information network facility in dc. ballistic evidence is evaluated and matched to crime scenes from across the country. but without the serial numbers on the gun frames, it is virtually impossible to trace goes guns and track down dealers who are selling guns illegally to miners or to people without proper fire and licenses. so
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that is a huge concern, but that is why i am pro a gun company manufacturer and not so much the do it yourself at home. you know, back in the day from the very 1st loan or rest of the british man and 2013 suspected of 3 d printing a gun in what's thought to be the 1st ever caesar of a next generation weapon to shocking a 108 in the 1st half of 2023 alone. um the surge interest at paints a picture of how the 3 d printed firearms have shifted from a minor concern. so a more noticeable phenomenon in crime statistics. the over a 100 fold increase in a decade underscores the accelerating interest. the criminals and gains have developed in these untraceable and undetectable weapons, also known as coast guns. how do the wi fi arm kits? and 3 d printing technologies contribute to the proliferation of untraceable firearms and the production of these who made guns. yeah. that they certainly are part of it. yeah, i mean firearm tracing begins when a law enforcement agency discovers a firearm at
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a crime scene. right. so the crime has to be happened 1st before they even get involved. and of course it was 3 d printed prior to it being used in a crime. so when it seeks to learn the origin or background of that firearm, in order to develop investigative beads tracing is a systematic process of tracking the movement of a firearm from its manufacturer or from its introduction to us commerce by the importer through the distribution train. the wholesalers and retailers, so do identify and unlicensed. uh lets say purchaser, that information can help to link a suspect to a firearm and a criminal investigation and identify potential traffickers, fire, orange tracing can detect in state interstate and international patterns in the source and type of of crime that the gun was used in atf processes these crime, gun phrase, requests for thousands of domestic and international law enforcement agencies each
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year. it also traces us sources, firearms recovered, informed countries for law enforcement agencies in those countries. traces classified as routine are complete within $7.00 to $10.00 days. on average. the law enforcement agency submitting the trace request, the term is the trace classification. so with a ghost gun with no serial number, almost impossible to do that. so most of these crimes will probably go on solved. there's a thing called a trace. you trace it as a, as a web based fire increasing system available to accredited domestic and international law enforcement agencies to assist in the tracing of those us sources firearms. so the technology is getting better, but the ghost gun scenario, the know serial number scenario is very difficult. and then the last thing i'd say about that is, um there's, there's records, there's what's called out of business records. they're integral in the fire and tracing process fails, that discontinued business are required by law to send all fire. i'm transaction
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records to the mtc receipts and average about $5000000.00 out of business records per month. atf utilizes out of business as a file records to assist in the investigation and firearm paths when it could be incomplete. identifying information is available. so since 1968 atf has received several 100000000 of those type of records in it's out of business record depository is the only one of its kind in the world. so again, if it's a ghost gun freshly printed on a printer, those types of crimes just can't go on. solve the atm, receive thousands of record search requests from law enforcement jurisdictions where an individual firearm owner has no record of the firearm identified or the f . a fail from whom new owner purchased the firearm is no longer a business or not even a live. maybe somebody's grandfather's gun. these records are proven pivotal in order for criminal investigations. um, so we really do need our licensed serial number to register guns to be out there to
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fight crime. and can you discuss the industry's efforts to implement strategies to track fire arms throughout their life cycle and prevent legal sales and traffic a yeah, between each race and the out of business directors, the best one i think is the firearm examiners are able to examine bullets and cartridge casings to determine if they were expelled from that same firearm that may be found at the scene of a crime. so the gun itself may be disguised, but the bullet may be able to be traced back to it. and that's obviously the key because guns don't kill people, bullets kill people, right? so if you have the ability to trace the bullet back to either the manufacturer or the seller or the owner, that is another way to solve the crime. but again, if the gun itself is a ghost, very, very difficult. thank you so much, steve, for all your insight today. while there's a lot of debate surrounding guns, fire arms are a tool that most commonly comes to mind when people think of
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a tax. but firearms are certainly not the only weapon to be used, nor are they the most effective means of committing may have. so it is important to remember that guns don't kill people, people kill people, and guns are merely a tool used by most for survival and sportsmanship. perhaps the most troubling aspect of gun ownership for protection today is the sharp edged individual is um that it implies that institutions can't be trusted and that the police will be unresponsive. i'm christy, i thanks for watching and we'll see you right back here. next time on the cost of everything
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the in the early $1880.00 brands decided to subjugate madagascar. however, the mother got the king, refused to submit it $1883.00. during the 1st franco mail, i guess a wars the friend sent a punitive expedition to force submission on the island. the aggressors ships brutally bombarded the coastal settlements. the invaders managed to forcefully impose control over in madagascar and external affairs, but the french wanted more. a few years later, they started a full scale village, airy invasion, and in 1895 captured the capital tent and other evil. the commonest exiled queen, run of all on the 3rd, and their prime minister brian a letter of une abroad. then the invaders began to clear the island from the malcontents, with an iron and blood in 18. 96 france declared
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a protector at over mad. a gas guard and in $1897.00, annex the island. the suppression of the liberation movement erupted, merciless massacre. the capture of madagascar are led to tragic consequences. natural resources were in the hands of french corporations. all local schools were closed and the french language was imposed on the population. the chair lasted 15 years and resulted in the death of at least 100000 mile, like as the people, the colonial regime left an open wound in the history of madagascar. but violence was never able to suppress the val a gas gauge striving for freedom. the checking reminds me that i'm late for very important date, which means it's time to slip down the rabbit hole in into a world of the russian time.
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the, the, it's a below the disagrees with the government doesn't agree with stuff in assistance to ukraine. it's breaking news. your analogy international as the voters are privy to abide, who gung, doubtless? slow back 5 minutes the disagreed with a government's policy of refusing to um, new brand that is according to the nations in syria minutes. beijing, rolling out the red carpet to vladimir putin state visit, where he's met with a very warm welcome and kind words from his chinese count of a couple of days ago. you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. once again, i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people, i am convinced that you will certainly lead russia to create


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