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tv   News  RT  May 17, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the issue is there is still a cold war mentality, unilateral head gemini, black faced confrontation and a policy of strength. together with russia bay, jane calls for multi polarity and the roles of the red carpet for vladimir, put in st. visits the russian liter meeting his chinese counterpart and now on a trip to the city of harvey. and also i have located security forces have removed a foot from this tree that was launched as a result of an attack and assassination attempt on the lease of walk in prime minister pizza. the man who left the slovak prime minister in critical condition after an assassination attempt to oppose the governments and policy of refusing to arm you frame as,
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according to the nation's interior minister. this institutionalized community has led is allowed to engage in the, in this genocide, without structure, the conscience of humanity. and south africa urges the international court of justice to take action and preserve the rights of palestinians. as israel continues its bombing campaign in gaza. the you're watching artie international, i'm rachel ruble live in moscow were covering the top new stories from around the world's russian president vladimir putin is on the next leg of his china trip. now, visiting the city of harbor earlier hailing their strategic partnership, put in was given a warm welcome from his chinese counterparts region, paying at the start of his 2 days straight visit to china. recovery every step of the trip right here on archie,
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on the on thursday bought them or put and then she didn't paying hold of meeting that culminated in the signing of a statement on the comprehensive partnership. the leaders stress multi polarity, is key to russian of china relations. setting an example of how diplomacy can be conducted for common prosperity. fisher gentry, term issues, russia and china standard. finally, for the un century international system and a world order based on international law, we coordinate closely our positions on such platforms as the u. n. and the g 20. we promote a multi lateral world order, true multi polarity. we also intend to promote a political settlement of problems in global hotspots,
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seeking truth justice and fairness. in today's world, there is still a cold war mentality, unilateral head, germany black face confrontation and a policy of strength. these are a threats to global peace and security of all countries. i'm not sure what he wants to do to at least how negotiations have once again demonstrated that the approaches of russia and china to many international and regional problems of clothes for coinciding both countries pursue an independent foreign policy. we are working in solidarity to form a more just and democratic multi polar world order, which should be based on the central role of the united nations and its security council. as well as international law, cultural and civilizational diversity, and a balance of interest as of all of our disappearance in the global community. all right, let's press live now to our to correspondence or i guess you have and we're out of
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how was the russian leader greeted and badging as well. i'm glad i was welcome buck and with all the pomp and ceremony. anyone could once indeed the pump of ceremony that many world leaders arriving to try that could only wish for. he was more than a warm welcome. it was welcome for fred, which is of course, the children being invited me who can use to describe each of the relations between china and russia are irreplaceable. their significance is hard to overestimate the, the, which i apologize for speaking so long and not letting the interpreter do his job.
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i feel at home here. it's like i thought everyone here already speaks russian. the, the to, he does met time and time again over the course of the day. those individual meetings of face to face with the translates. this is amazing with the delegations, with the russian minister of many russian ministers, including the minister of defense attendant. but you need assigned certainly a number of agreements, a number of statements of intent as well. deepening ties with, with strategic vision, and didn't tend to develop those ties to work on google issues. things the busha and trying to agree on the vcs moves geopolitical issues according to vladimir putin. the views of the co inside who are very close. uh blacksmith who can again
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saying, but the chinese russian relationship, which is a, as a historic hi, isn't aimed as a what it isn't easy. its purpose is only to benefit russia and try that. it isn't to work against a 4 block or a form, cut fuel. well, you'd, you'd have countries, indeed, the foundation of russian russian try these relations is all through economics is fund that these trade turnover between the 2 countries is near enough a quarter of it freely in dollars, which is twice what, for example uh the, the, the trade the seat indian china, as stands as a at this moment. there was also comments from the chinese leaders about support for, for rushes, defense of it's of, it's interesting again that nobody should interfere impressions affairs. there's also another hour as long meeting behind closed door and store and we're at,
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i'm sorry where that happened. i had to interrupt 2 ways that they discussed. we will know. okay, mike, my apologies. i my apologies. we're, i guess we can please. so feel free to do 2 of these uh, i suppose the symbolic that these 2 important events held in the heart of being one of the leading educational and innovation center of china. this is my 1st time here and this city is in the gym. the very impressive it is a more than dynamic you pretty at the urban sensor. so my age has its own identity, but its history and culture. the 3 was the one you have considered it's not the vehicle it was found. it's in late nineties, essentially,
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and sooner than yesterday he has a, a little different carriage, whether it's a history of soul and size. but in russia and china, our both, both of our cultures and traditions have been enriched to as i moved through the historical part of the city. and i sure more than that, the fitness center, something that i felt is that there is a, is in you to join the you see. so the man a feeling glove. let me just get out of something question that as well because russian people faces contributed a lot to establishing the city, including its infrastructure. it's factories, it's uh, we will have different parts of the city. so we, so harvey is a symbol of our partnership. like well, yeah, so much the thousands of all 5 people associates, which troops smells, gave their lives to sort of protects the defends them in the uh yeah,
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this whole part of china from my view. um, you know, actually i can see from invaders during world war 2, it was here that the parade took place that signal to the end of the final and to world war 2 over 300000 for this a people that dissipated in. that's a ceremony. it was a schools and that's just a moment of peace and unity for both of our nations. we have just leads the way it's a 2 ammonium into the soviet soldiers and officers. and i'd like to express my gratitude to the people are part of being then to the chinese authorities who are a member of our warranty, as our soldiers, local health labor rates, most of the option is stages coming. china and that's suite our level of the service h cell phones,
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historical heritage with such respect. so when you move more from today, we can confidently look into the future somewhere and check out some of the most daring projects together as we carry out most the admissions goals. what are the prospects for? first of all, the ships, a comprehensive partnerships to something that we just have just discussed at my folks just yesterday with presidents seating thing. got it. it's got to me. i think that we can be rightly proud of the results of russia. china, economic ties, and corporations. projects that new settling just a few years ago. it was considered media. that's $100000000.00 worth of trade was, was an impressive sum. and now we've reached over to hundreds and according to our,
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into the chinese because it takes us over to $140000000.00 us dollars. and it cannot be, can be in the face, just kind of extensive cooperation, things to helps improve what they told them as of both of our countries create new industries, new jobs increases the wellbeing and prosperity of our citizens in august, the future lines in the caea of energy becoming in the a, some impulsive foundation to the entire global resource market. and it will expand will continue to expand and washer will continue to provide for the restaurant to the chinese economy. and we had a green energy, environmental friendly energy, electricity, and other resources. industrial corporation is on the rise in the best chinese, so you guys have car and companies are entering the russian market value of someone . you guys don't get that. we have cooperation in the,
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across the industry basically be in a helicopter production industry. that's all we are ready to provide to invest us from coming from china. there's all kinds of benefits and support as well as access to rush of technologies and our highly trained, especially as the world stands on the brake of a new technological revolution. we are ready to steadily continue to increase and expand our economic and to college go integration. and you might discover new technologies some good, you know, so as to maintain our leadership positions and make sure that structure in china maintain leading positions and the economy of tomorrow. i'd like to focus especially on transportation infrastructure, and it's development, which are the lines that i saw. you also have to give the along the more river to get
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a new me more across the board of regents have been unveiled, potentially the railroads have been built, as well as to fail over to operations. here in the board of regents of prussia in china, we have 5 high speed transportation corridor. they are in demand for both the people and the businesses. the support will continue to updates and the grades, checkpoints along the village and our countries of working together to diversify by less like freight used to stimulate the change of it's given the structure instructor afraid. i don't see that i see some of the how much from the production of russian agricultural sector is something that we are focusing on a lot. i've discussed that to present for see yesterday. and she, ma'am, this is an environmental leave of friendly industry is a high quality interest,
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so you would provide grain to meet jobs for fish and other products, lots of china. so we have establishing additional documents for changing the cost to ship with china in this area. which is on the same level as our developmental said, how about the ship with the energy sector now, this expo holds the great value to us. it's has been how old's because for several years old graduating. and each time it is titled to a low chest, it's a rates you make this attention to other businesses and regional authorities. voice pro law 2 countries, this really russia, china expo that just opens today is no exception. i mean, the export from russia leaders of the largest companies save a to this expo, i, people from all sorts of, from the russian railways my shuttle from object companies. you have to wait tilting mineral resources to catch up technicals to nope,
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metallurgy to light industry and digital technologies during the numerous events here of the expo. i see various uses all of the comments work meetings and to like, you know, conversations. yeah, you'll be able to find new avenues for commercial partnership, attracting new investments and exchange all the technologies usually projects establish new project, assign you agreements that well, i believe. i think one of the supported by the governments of both russia and china seas for letting me do this. google what i'm paying extra. i don't use our chinese friends also wanted to organize a home board and especially that special exhibition name. and that way that provides all kinds of products produced in russia, they will be available to the visitors. and so basically, for them, well,
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the rush of china for them on so regional corporation is also part of our agenda today. i see the majority of russian regents over represented the and most of them have ties with russia. and we also see that's coming from china to almost all of the provinces. and i think it's sort of regions of china are also engaged inside the ship with us. from over $300000.00 municipalities have established a total of the nation fee. we 5 and that's worth of direct contact. so this week and then the scope of this number of agreements on cooperation, instrument, etc, and cannot make it so every is is something that we that for sure. what i mean on the have with china is, you know, the conflict comes even close to months. we have representatives all the question regents with us today. 17 of our agents are represented by the heads of regions
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which have plans to find new partners. we kept people from moscow that us down there looks good from a to the region from so let's say somebody to squeeze in some other regions. they all have their own initiatives that are well developed almost in detail. for example, you can look at region a has strong lands, uh and i for the car industry, it's called the ration by triplets and so on. we see a lot of potential in expanding our size between the russian far east and the, the north eastern part of a china. because i'd like to use this opportunity to invites me. i was trying to expensive the 9th the far eastern economic forum that will take part. we will take place in light of all salt in september of this year that will be able to continue to talk about expanding our partnership, including the areas of extended,
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expanded economic development to which create special conditions for investments investors. and in conclusion, that'd be friends. i'd like to wish all of the participants and organizers and so visitors of all of these mexico productive work. this must be from just usually beneficial discussions. so some of the best we're going to do is thank you so much . the russian president vladimir putin speaking the add to the china, russia expo in her being in the northeast of china, saying that the russian people contributed a lot to the establishment of har being calling it a symbol of the partnership between russia and china. and if you've ever been to harvey and you really can see the russian influence that's in the city. but let's go back to our correspondence and we're, i guess the of who is in our being as well. um or on my apologies for cutting you off earlier uh,
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president put into parse on his 2nd today of his official visit to china. there in the hard being after a visiting with the chinese president sheets and taken by jane, which is also about what he has planned for this the 2nd day of his i'm trying to visit. 6 2 who we spoke about the 1st day of what flags may approve, and then she gene being agreed to will the extent to the re, uh, acclimation of russian chinese relations. today's the 2nd day blackboard arrive during the night to kind of be which is symbolic in and of itself because kind of being was initially founded by russian construction book is building a railway to try that. and then now let me approve that opening the 8th russian chinese expos again in order to facilitate trade and technology transferred sharing between china and bush and say there's an enormous
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amount of potential for the development and the deepening of russian chinese ties economically and technologically specially. with the will on the brink of a new technological revolution. the day began, of course, with him laying flowers. it's a memorial to a russian with the soviet troops to the thousands of them gave the lives liberating china from the imperial japanese army. during the 2nd, the 2nd world war and he fact china for remembering the sacrifice we expect the president to arrive here had it been institute of technology to speak to professors, to speak the students, many of the russian students who have come over exchange, students studying and try them and flag me approved. we also highlighted the fees. the change of humans is, is new, less important as it will bind the countries together in ways does a revoke
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a r t correspond that we're on? does the as in har, being mironda, thank you. all right, let's cross live now to marco fernandez, research or with the tri continental institute for social research and co editor of adoption the news. marco, thanks for staying with us and speaking with us today. and emerging global multi polarity, took up a considerable part of the conversations between cj and paying. and by the way, i put in just how much of the 2 countries and driving force behind this size makes shift to rachel, thanks for having me here. well, i mean, as we notes, china and russia are the key actors in this shift of the global power. as presence should have been said to buckley putting pressure go to less time. he went to russia. um, is, uh, is changing unseen a 100 years. and we are driving this changes. so of course they are many levels as the actors. but i would say, 1st of all, in terms of global governors,
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i mean we need to reform united nations. i mean, i think the, what's happening out of the genocide of palestine, it's an incomplete example that we need to deep reform of the global international system. but i think also in terms of what is expected for breaks in the next month and next year's the creation for his opportunities to the dollar had gemini. so there's a big discussion right now. rush is chairing breaks this year in china, of course has the major finance capacity to drive this change. so i think there are other aspects that they they are also driving, but i think this would be the 2 most urgent right now. both the russian and chinese leaders chose each other's countries for their 1st of foreign troops at the start of their new terms. what does that signify to you? well, it's a clear sign of the priority partnership that they have. i mean,
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this is, i think that the meeting number 43 between children being of like me, booking less than 12 years. and of course, i mean we just, we just heard president bush is a speech about how comprehensive is the partnership between both countries. and i think, of course, the more the west collective west um, is aggressive against china and russia. they're more, this, a partnership will, will increase that would deepen in, in many, many parts of cooperation in china is among the countries that's refusing to bend to western pressure when it comes to breaking ties with russia. what would that mean for china is relationship with the west and both now and into the future? well, i think this is a trend that is just going to get worse. i mean, this is trump, at least we know that you asked is being attacked in china. first, they launch the trade war. it's failed actually was a blow back to united states economy. and then they,
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they started to sanctions companies, as huawei, and now they are banning china to have access to a high end shapes. but china is already catching up. so now there's a new, like a, a trade war to, uh, dot 0, which is now against china, electric vehicles, solar panels. so, i mean the, the, the bottom line is that the west and us specifically is realizing that they can no longer stop china. so, and this is actually a problem for the humanity to because the chances of a more aggressive actions from nighted states is increasing. so that's, that's, that's not a, that'd be an easy solution in the next years. right? micro fernandez research or with try continental institute for social research and co editor of junction news. thank you. thank you, rachel. but we'll be continuing our coverage, a lot of references visit to china with
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a packed schedule for the 2nd and final day of the president's trip to stay with r t, for all of that. the slovak prime minister robert fade so remains in serious condition. after an attempt on his life, the country's president elect says pizza has regained consciousness and is able to speak after hours and the operating room that says the country's interior minister said the suspected gunman expressed anger. over fits those policies, including stopping arms supplies to ukraine, should i won't be able to get at each. i can confirm the reasons why this is classified as politically motivated, pre mediated murder. we're not pointing fingers on anybody. i presented to you with the facts. and this was a summary of a staples night, but they say it was that he's unhappy with the situation and he disagrees with the government. it doesn't agree with stop and assistance to ukraine, but it will settle those weeks before the assassination attempt to the suspected
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gunmen. your eyes and to allow was spotted at a protest. in western slovakia, the rally and support of ukraine saw a small group of people carrying a you flags and condemning the countries ruling party on some background on the suspect. the 71 year old at your eisen toola is a fierce critic of the slow bought prime ministers, ukraine policies, members of feats those government have confirmed that he has taken part in numerous pro western rallies and has demanded that the prime minister renew slovak arm supply. is it to key of as the sale of shop prime minister feed. so 5 times as he exited a government building and seats those guards rushed the prime minister into a par before he was lifted into the hospital from a safe location. eye witnesses, a panic, and a chaos spread through the crowds waiting to meet the country's leaders. already needed the fact that we were standing somewhere here when the prime minister walked out of the cultural center and went to say good bye to more people. we didn't quite
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understand what was going on at 1st. we thought maybe someone had thrown some firecrackers, and then things happened very fast. the intervention was very quick. this man stood among the people and it's just a huge stroke of luck that he didn't hit the citizens who were standing there are to the us and i can brings us more details from the scene of the attack. the smoking security forces have removed a bullet from this tree that was lodged as a result of an attack and assassination attempt on the lease of walking 5 minutes a little bit bit so immediately behind it is the cultural center in which the prime minister walked out of moments before the attack took place, the silence was a 71 year old male speaking to the locals. they suggest the sentiment that the silence had towards the prime minister or the government is not necessarily something that is shared throughout the country. the silence was in one form or another aligned with a number of conflicting ideologies. back in 2016,
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many suggested his values more traditional that they were aligned with slovakian interests. some would even describe them as pro russian, whereas in 2022 has inner circle suggests his views changed, supported pro ukrainian, pro western and pro liberal values, drastic shift that resulted in the assassination attempt of football game, prime minister. but all that good stuff, of course, 1st of all, it's a tragedy when you hear a politician is being attacked. and of course, uh, we know that the silver carries a country where there's a big polarization. there's parts of the country which is strongly opposed to 5 minutes or feet. so and then there's a large part which is a fan of feed. so. so of course, it's a dangerous situation and it's also, it's always, uh, a said through here that people tend to violence to express their opinion. and there's just, yeah, that's misfortune. maybe the gentleman was a little bit sick and it had, but that's not the way to handle things. in my opinion. there are
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a number of policies that we can list policies that the assailant was opposed for the most part. but the one thing that does remain constant is the government's position to ukraine, as well as ukraine's potential bid to join nato. this is something the government oppose us. these policies have been in place for a while. many would suggest there's a division within society. but then again, officials throughout the country have stated, the prime minister has been elected into power time and time again, his policies haven't necessarily changed. so the bigger question here is, where is this pressure coming from? and the pressure for the most part is of course coming from brussels that's coming from the united states to walk you as a member of the european union as a member of the nato alliance. and this i'm on many of the things is one of the fundamental reasons as to why because salience could have potentially cavity of the attack. one final thing to mention is leased to lock you in government and it's intention to establish a foreign policy that is sovereign and independent from that of the european union and nato. this is a fundamental reasoning behind the government's position,
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the opposition as well as the motivation behind the servants motives. but more importantly comes at a time when you are up itself is questioning its own existence, its identity, as well as its foreign policy. hon. europe is looking to establish that identity. it makes sense that slovakia, serbia hungry, many countries within the european continent are essentially trying to establish the very same thing the us and again, our to in 100 of us will walk. you turning to the heck now where the international court of justice is holding a hearing on the rising humanitarian crisis in does a israel is being accused of disregarding policy and in human rights and ignoring it. previous court orders is right. and similarly, preaches the binding resolutions of the united nations security council that it has to be leaving from the lack of content measures by the international community that it is exempt from having to respect international law. this institutionalized


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