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tv   News  RT  May 17, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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site for this is not strategic ambiguity, but rather and strategic confusion, the environment and wraps up his visit to china with a pack schedule. and the city of har being the president is expected to meet with journalists and a short while. but it's a beloved, disagrees with the government, doesn't agree with the government assistance to print the man who left the slovak prime minister in critical condition after an assassination attempt to oppose the government's policy of refusing to our new crime. our correspondence is the scene of the crime. smoking security forces have to move a boat from this tree that was large as a result of an attack and assassination attempt on the lease of all confinement. it's the bed itself. the deadly violence continues a new caledonia over a voting village friend,
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struggles to contain protesters applying troops to the territory. also, obviously, the situation is incredibly dire. usa department laments the challenging time for ukrainian troops on the battlefield. this comes as russian troops make sweeping advances in the hard top region, the live in moscow. this is our t international. i'm rachel ruble. russian president vladimir putin is on the next leg of his china trip. now, visiting the city of hard being where he is expected to give a news conference earlier hailing, there are a strategic partnership for it and was given a warm welcome from his chinese counter parts. she didn't pay at the start of his to day state visit to china. recovering every step of the way right here on archie, the the,
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the, the, the lot of reboot and took the floor at the age of china, russia expo. a key event, visiting trade and investment in the region. the president held successful economic ties between the states looking forward to our achievements. i wasn't reading this month, which today we can look forward with confident us is that we can embark on the most daring projects together. just before we build an implement ambitious plans together, ensuring us a few years ago, a $100000000.00 trace to an okay. that was considered a great success for bilateral trade. and now we have already across the 240000000000 law. and this is not the limits of course,
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but it's the enduring russian chinese partnership directly contributes to the growth of i was calling you. i am sure, a strategic alliance in the energy sector, which has become the main stay of the entire global energy market with continues to strengthen in that would be that well, but that would be a spoke about the energy predominant t. and he also spoke about the huge potential in trade in, in ties relations, economic, technological relations between china and russia to be mostly chosen by accident. these are the regional capital of a, of a region which for those 5 russian regions in the, in the far east of russia. i'm glad to be approved and said that there's a huge potential for, for example, chinese companies to, to, to base production in russia. localized production and marshall, he said rush, i can keep the chinese economy fed with the energy with team accessible energy
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that is for most reliable, for the move like may have invited chinese delegation to an economic form in the city of logic also can in september, this is the 2nd day of lot to be a pigeons tool and it was welcomed very, very warmly with all the pomp and ceremony. one could, could want. i mean, i mean many leaders around the world visiting try the community. wish for a welcome. as room is these, he was moving home. it was a welcome for a friend. and that is the word that of this use to describe each other. the continuous strengthening of russian chinese develop no comprehensive, strategic interaction and mutually beneficial cooperation. meet the fundamental interest of our countries and our people that are in line with the needs of the world community and time. relations between china and russia are here replacing
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their significance as hard to overestimate the, the, which i apologize for speaking so long, and you're letting the interpreter do his job. i feel at home here, it's like i thought everyone here already speaks russian. the, the day was very busy packed with meetings between glad to be approved and then we're trying to see this. if she can ping dominant people say what was have delegations involved? what format talks as well as i had those types of that towards between that many people are changing things, especially towards the end of the day. they spend hours locked away. several agreements inside a statements have been tend visions again for verse strategies to develop those
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times would log me approving remarks and he made a point about this, the chinese west from relations on a, in a teddy one. they are exclusively built uh on the, on an economic foundation to benefit china and box we are currently waiting for black to be approved to arrive at he is a kind of been institute of technology way he will address, professes students as well as rush and exchange students about those ties that he wishes to be able to try to a nelson long valley club experts and vice chairman of the shanghai center for rent pack. and international studies says the 2 countries relations are at their highest point ever very successful. the trip of a rush, shooting president to china. the not only this is the 1st trip, so you can say stops is new term as russians president. but also it's
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symbolizes the, the 75th anniversary of the 2 countries having to provide a good relation spot to what we can see out of the, the short, 2 day visit. of course, the 2nd day is due on going. but to know what we can see is that the 2 countries are now not only comprehensive, strategic pop, and as but as the statement. the joint statement shows yesterday by the 2 countries is that both sides is taking each other as priority. paul, this is something very significant in the calls of our 2 countries relations and particularly in the context of the current world of as where there are k offs and even stability and threats to the country security is happening everywhere. so this,
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the district of russian president to china is very, very important. and the importance cannot be stressed whether i'll be continuing our coverage of let him or put in the visit to china with a packed schedule for the 2nd and final day of the president's trip. to stay with r t for all of that of the and well, russia focuses on building purchase in asia. the us appears to be a risk in relations with one of the regions key players, india, r t spoke to the mirror top, loves the russian foreign ministries asian department director who lambasted washington for treating other states as less our nations. the most nice uh we have any previously expressed i'll view the us does not understand the indian people and the reach history and traditions. these are all post colonial vestiges and bad
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habits that have to be fought against russia has long been in favor of a global majority. we must fight against any attempts by the west and leaving the development of large agents states and emerging as leaders in the global di mentioned. the west had better get busy assessing it's so electoral system we have seen how would this happen in the us? and soon enough, we'll see another episode we chose to be spectacular in terms of numerous violations of generally accepted democratic knowns. so it is not for the democracy in elections to the largest democracy in the world. when the indian people make the silver and choice, he'll give the indian leadership more confidence. the indian lady she has always emphasized that it is interested in developing a multi faceted, mutually beneficial relations with the russian federation. so we have only positive expectations. one area. 6 of contention between washington and new delhi is trade washington threatens the country with sanctions. i for india in iran inc,
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the management agreement over the south eastern remaining part of trouble. har, it's only a rainy and port was direct access to the indian ocean. being part of the north south, the transport cord are connecting a vast area from india to russia, lowering the cost of transporting goods for all participants in the region is a mirror, a couple of again says the us brokerage promise to india not to interfere with the project or i'd say you were writing your gotcha, we have says this negatively. and it is impossible to assess the brazen, unapologetic behavior in any other way. i think so i'm just recently the american says show the in the leadership that they would not impulse any sanction. so restrictions on this project which benefits a whole group of countries not only in the in the run, but also i've gotta stand. it was one of the alternative routes to help the i'm going economy and regional trade. a ball from that, there is another dimension to this project to do this in the around projects,
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it's very homeless. they even started coming to work with the region to create a north selves international task record. here, rochester reaction to washington's already. unfortunately, traditional behavior is quite obvious. the suspected gunman shot slovak from prime minister rubber feed. so opposed his policies, including the banding of arms supplies to ukraine, as according to the countries interior minister should ice columbia and both what of each, if i can confirm the reasons why this is classified as politically motivated, pre mediated murder. we're not pointing fingers on anybody. i presented to you with the facts. and this was a summary of a stipends made by they say it was the he's unhappy with the situation and he disagrees with the government. it doesn't agree with stuff in assistance to ukraine . to sort of those a weeks before the assassination attempts to suck suspected gun. many your ice until i was spotted out a protest in western vakio. the rally in support of the crime saw a small group of people carrying you flags in condemning the countries ruling party
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. now, some background on the suspect 71 year old, your eisen tula, is a fierce critic, the silver prime ministers, ukraine policies, members of faith. so the government confirms that he took part in numerous pro western rallies and demanded that the prime minister renew slovak arm supplies to cab before shooting the top of fissile. the country's defense minister says the shooting was not coincidental. this is what i get the, all the biggest tragedy of the past i was, is that we've discovered that the disagreement with a different political opinion, disagreement, or conflict of opinions have turned into pre meditated mode at what has to happen for a person who originally presented himself presented his opinions as passive, has to become an extremist, take a gun and chemistry want to kill someone else. i believe that the emotions of the last month's was so i is the back you. this was no coincidence. problem, pizza is not so new politician. he's been in politics since 1992. that's 32 years
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on if he didn't have the same opinion with selected media and then the criticism float. and if you, despite public criticism still won the elections, then it breaks the question, how can we criticize him if he still wants to fight on somebody floating? it's going to kick slovak president peter pellegrini associates of remains in the serious condition, despite undergoing a successful operation after the violence of time. the footage from the same shows and pen again the chaos spread through the crowd, waiting to meet the country's leader. the silence shot prime minister feats of 5 times as he left the government building. his guards rushed to the prime minister and to a car before he was listed to the hospital from a safe location. the suspect was immediately taken into custody ortiz. yes, and that can brings us more details from the scene of the attack. smoking security
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forces have removed a boat from this tree that was launched as a result of an attack and assassination attempt on the side walk in 5 minutes. a rule that fits so immediately behind it is the cultural center in which the prime minister walked out of moments before the attack took place. the silence was a 71 year old male speaking to the locals. they suggest the sentiment that the silence had towards the prime minister or the government is not necessarily something that is shared throughout the country. these statements was in one form or another aligned with a number of conflicting ideologies. back in 2016, many suggested his values more traditional that they were aligned with slovakian interests. some would even describe them as pro russian, whereas in 2022 has inner circle suggests. his views changed, supported pro ukrainian, pro western and pro liberal values a drastic shift that resulted in the assassination attempt of to walk in 5 minutes . or what will that fits up, of course, 1st of all, it's a tragedy when you hear a politician is being attacked. and of course, uh,
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we know that some of our care is a country where there's a big polarization. there's parts of the country which is strongly opposed to 5 minutes their feet. so and then there's a large part which is a fan of feed. so. so of course, it's a dangerous situation and it's also, it's always, uh, a said through here that people to divide them to express their opinion. and there's just, yeah, that's misfortune. me. the gentleman was a little bit sick and a had. but this is not the way to handle things, in my opinion. there are a number of policies that we can list policies that the assailant was opposed for the most part. but the one thing that does remain constant is the government's position to ukraine, as well as ukraine's potential bid to join nato. this is something the government opposes. these policies have been in place for a while. many would suggest there's a division within society. but then again, officials throughout the country have states that the prime minister has been
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elected into power time and time again, his policies haven't necessarily changed. so the big question here is, where is this pressure coming from? and the pressure for the most part is of course, coming from brussels. it's coming from the united states. the walkie is a member of the european union. it's a member of the nato alliance. and this, among many other things, is one of the fundamental reasons as to why the sealants could have potentially carried he'll be attacked. one final thing to mention is this the lucky and government, and it's intention to establish a foreign policy that is sovereign and independent from that of the european union and nato. this is a fundamental reasoning behind the government's position, the opposition as well as the motivation behind the servants motives. but more importantly comes at a time when europe itself is questioning its own existence, its identity as well as its foreign policy and about europe is looking to establish that identity. it makes sense that slovakia, so it'd be a hungry many countries within the european continent are essentially trying to establish that very same thing. yes. and again are 200 of a slovak you already discussed to the assassination attempt with
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a member of the german. but in this time, he told us that you is doing everything to shut down, growing the sense and that cut down opposition a c. so lots and lots and some main politics. also you was against the laws for peace in the spring. and um, you said to you is going to want to do live veterans and he was against the sentence and this, and this is contrary to the policy also that you can union. and maybe this was the reason why he was shot sullens receipt best of speech. and hate speech against the opposition as on e, as in john, a titian, and see if the stocks and i can hear in the speeches. and this is a very,
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very sad situation if i could chose that. um, yeah, the main parties was in germany, but i think all over europe, they don't want to get out of the power. and this is the reason they want to this to 0 position and they want to cut down. so position parties really fission. and you're and you do something against dresser and politics that you get this pressure. and yeah, it's, this is so this situation of a use seems to be drifting further from us later. this idealistic vision of the so called european garden was authoritarian and liberalism, leading to violence, against those who dare to voice mail turn of opinion. and here's our to contributor
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ritual marsden with the details. i remember when the european union's chief diplomat used burrell showed students at the european diplomatic academy, the finer points of the subtle art of diplomacy by comparing the you to apply a garden in the developing world to a wild jungle. yes. beautiful. you said garden we have built a golden advocacy works is the best combination of, of political freedom, economic prosperity, and social cohesion, the rest of the world, most of the rest of the goal, it's a jungle and the jungle could invade the goddess is this still actually the case because it's increasingly looking like jungle eel, is that okay, just go on a safari right there. it is on e garden. attempted assassinations of playful leaders like what just happened in slovakia this week. the prime minister robert feed. so are more of
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a lawless jungle wide, and this will vacuum interior minister has said that the 71 year old man who allegedly shot seats. so got so worked up about the government policies. just some finishing or media coverage that he felt compelled to grab his gun and go out. hunting. pizza criticize the european establishment is intolerance when it comes to diversity of thought and specifically populist or nationalist. anti global is by that same establishment, uses values like solidarity as authoritarian tools in an attempt to shoehorn everyone into dos of compliance with their agenda. well, beautifying just that the impact of the establishment is cracked down on percent is also off. p, as in germany, where interior ministry officials are now i knew measures to tap for violence against politicians and elected officials. the repeated attacks represent a social development whereby people are trying to achieve their political ends, not only with words, but with violence. hayden harassment, this endangers our democracy. in our law based freedom,
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there's been no less than 4 recent attacks on politicians from germany's governing coalition of social democrats in greens, prompting the reaction of chancellor off schultz schultz claim the political right rate, which is convenient to score points against the rising populace. right ahead of upcoming local and european parliamentary elections, but it also negates the fact that representatives from the right wing alternative for deutsch lands party, are also being attacked. the parties leader it's, you know, tr, paula even had to be hospitalized last fall after the fire incident. at the campaign defense. so she's all this violence comes as a result of a stomach breaking. yeah. maybe one that could have been avoided if the son wasn't treated like such a dirty word and with iron fisted intolerance. what kind of defense, this kind of defense with the european union as in love with itself, has convinced themselves that is the best place in the world. it has the right to instruct others. however,
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other countries can be better than us. sometimes i think get up with you and do send the european union slowly and running out. we struggle to understand what is normal and what is of normal into european union. so the guy was elected as so as peter pelligrini as well actually, and president who's from fits those own ideological accounts. now they got elected despite the pro western establishment opposition scare mongering over what would happen if there was not just one but 2 populace elected in slovakia, the higher office. so how did the react when the people's choice was to elect pizza, the apartment, the dr. resolution quote, criticizing the new government right out of the gate, i guess for an array of worrying reform proposals and warned against the prime minister's use of polarizing language. because of course that's something they absolutely never do. and we never tolerate humans. democratically elected byes people okay. the polarizing language, on the other hand, is coming from
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a supernatural institution of global governance. and if that wasn't enough, here comes the use. i'm elected chief bureaucrats cleaners of a bonded line, also known as the president at the european commission with her royal proclamation on the whole matter. our peaceful and united security is being challenged like never before by populous by nationalists, by demagogues. whether it's the far right parts the far left these days, it seems that freedom and democracy is defined by the western establishment. religious means the freedom to adhere to their agenda and well divisions and european societies seem to be the result of them insisting on the kind of conformity that tends to ride for lies. citizens on all sides. sounds exactly like the kind of dynamic normally associated with barrels jungle has actually ended up making its way right into his garden coupling columbus. his battles
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rage and the hard car region ukrainian forces attacked russia overnight. air defense systems destroyed and intercepted $102.00 drones, according to the country's defense minister attempted the tax took place on the crimea in peninsula belgrade and cursed with regions. the fire broke out and an oil refinery. after a drone crashed into the city of 2 of say, in the crescent, our region, the situation for you printing strips on the battlefield is an incredibly difficult . the admission was made by the us state department deputies spokesperson during a briefing. obviously, the situation is incredibly dire. we know that this is a challenging time, but we are sure that military aid is also going to make a real difference on the battlefield. meanwhile, the russian ships making the sweeping advances in the archive region. it seems that western states are changing their tune over the ukrainian complex with officials.
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now, calling for negotiations, our to is donald quarter has more of this fantasy of total victory on the battlefield is becoming little more than a pipe dream for the west with leaders like the check president calling for negotiations. i think it would be naive to say that ukraine's and liberate the occupied territories in the foreseeable future. russia is not going to give up the occupied territories just like that. we need to stop the war and then start discussing future agreements. this may be a compromise, but not without the consent of ukraine, russia in the countries that will guarantee disagreement later on possible, said that well, military aid to keep deeds to continue, it does not exclude working out a solution to the conflict. have long stress the need to support ukraine by all means in accordance with international law. part of this legitimate support is to increase the supply of ammunition and military equipment to ukraine, including through the check munitions initiative. however, military support for ukraine does not preclude the search for
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a solution to end the conflict. on the contrary, it must take place time will tediously. as for washington, antony blanket as usual war hawk attitude has all of a sudden start to see the possibility of talks. although he says only up the key up to decide when negotiations will begin in terms of to go see ations. these again are decisions for you are trying to make, not the united states or not any other country. fundamentally, these are questions for your brain to answer. we've been very clear, we support you train, we support ukraine and it's decisions ceasefire. this simply freezes current lies in place and enables them to consolidate control over the territory of the seas and then risk free arm and we attack that is not just and lasting. peace is up attempting peace. and so i'm in the french military's top brass say it's only a matter of time before the west needs to admit that t of cannot realistically retake the territories that process liberate that you're more familiar. ukrainians are not unreasonably afraid of some voices in the west,
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telling them that we will have to discuss this yet. obviously, one day we will have to discuss negotiations. no serious analysts today thinks that ukraine will be able to retake the territories conquered by russia. so at some point you will have to negotiate on it, isn't this the official ukrainian version? obviously not, but this is the official version of the americans. this is the official version of everyone who roughly sees what is happening to. it's no surprise that the key ever seems. western backers are looking to push key up towards concession, especially with sweeping rushing advances in the product of region. it seems that in those need to countries where, until recently they were talking about the possibility of sending the troops the crate it's, they are backing off longer and say the data sold this and not needed any green check present. pabo who's supporting the crawl now calls for an end of the still it is. mccomb is still showing off calling for us you to be stopped but seems to be left alone. even the main stream media is sporting defeatist, headline,
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setting doubts on ukraine's ability to defend itself and admitting russian victories on the battlefield. according to the new york times, an armistice that would suspend the conflict and definitely in a fashion similar to what we see on the korean peninsula, is one of the most likely outcomes of tops all the while rush is always stated, it's open to sit down at the negotiating table that hops out a piece plan, so rushes for negotiations, and the west may now be changing its tune. but how many people have died for that change of heart? and how long until the tide may once again turn, the russian security services have disrupted preparations of a terror attack and the countries tara t. a boat, you're testing a republic. the suspect belonged to an international terran group and was planning an attack on the republics law enforcement. the culprit resisted arrest by opening fire and security officers before he was killed. law enforcement found an automatic
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rifle. i had made explosive device as well as a cellphone. links to form the coordinators at the scene of france has declared a state of emergency over 16000 kilometers away from it to europe and border new caledonia is up in arms over like tall reforms put forward by paris. as the french government is dispatching a 1000 more troops to face the writers as well. so that means that hopefully this is what it is. the presence of the republican school for the most severe measures to be taken against looters and writers and the next few hours. the justice minister will therefore publish official recommendations to ensure that the writers and looters received the harshest punishment. because i repeat the 1st victims of this violence, the 1st victims of such abuse, a part of the people of new caledonia who wants to live in peace. i'm up there. at least 4 people, including a police officer, have him formerly been killed in the violence. the unrest is just the latest flash point in long running tensions over paris as role in the archipelago. classes are
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update on monday, after french law makers back to bill, which the indigenous population says will dilute their political influence in an effort to contain the chaos. france has deployed reinforcements to secure ports and the island territories and main airports to saw a refill of price, the increase. everything is happening over the in the a one's re much i'll be the kind of people being heard the most crucial. but what i realized is that the french have never thought about as they talk about sharing and balance. but that same of being the case that's gonna pop, but we tend to go on like this. we won't get anywhere with threats, violence or our discussion that works for everyone as needed so that we can find some facility serenity and above all this piece fits to long earlier we spoke with kyla kyra move former and i knew jerry and ambassador to the ussr who said he isn't surprised with frances desire to dominate it's a colony at any cost that's any phrases.


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