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tv   News  RT  May 17, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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on the planet and the development, as we believe should be constructive. near the entry, but peaceful there is no doubt about that. it should take into consideration not only our insurance, but the interests of all the participants, elderly, international, legal communication and the multi polar world must be strengthened something that is just something that's going to be built right now in front of us. the world is becoming a multi polar. there is no doubt about that. everyone is perfectly aware of that. everyone understands that split those to 6 and enough is important that those who tried to push him up to preserve the monopoly on the decision making process and globally, they must understand base and they do understand that. and it is important that while they understand that the should do everything to make these products is natural. and once again,
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it should be peaceful to them in the region of the complex so that the pain in so called the of the entire international community was taken into consideration in full so that everyone that was trying to find compromises in the difficult situations that we are faced with that's our approach. that's why we want to engage in these kind of words. i, it's sad that the number of occasions and presidency sounds, batch allred cooperation. our strategic partnership between brushing china is not directed against any one else. it is directed to add some fluid establishing that are conditions for the development of our countries and probing the welfare of the people is of russia and china. and is this don to the channels law. and if they're interested you, how was your informal meeting with president? see you at your age sat, it was the very small group one. i'm the defense minister under
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a bill that was of security console. secretary, sir, destroy, who was part of this conversation that we use speak about to ukraine and what could be it convincing proof of the willingness of ukraine to be engaged in negotiations for you. because previously you in for administer. a lot of mention that there is no transfer to western part 30, so anymore. yes, we have these informal meetings in a very small group district, an extra study we did discuss a lot of matters important matters of our bilateral relations. him a when he leaves the topic of them, you find him cries of settlement was brought up the time of the presidency that we spoke about the show for do you when you that when you for your security, your group of about lodge please focus on the snout during his recent trip to europe, he had spoke about his position and regard. so the chinese state,
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each of these initiatives and as we sat china, very sincerely ones who saddled this issue suggests a lot of functions and behaves in a flexible manner. and i think they sincerely want to resolve this a shift. so we spoke about these and a lot of detail is for a notification our i think i say it's a father of partners. let's put it this way. and the training literate ships and or patterns from across the ocean and from europe. well, we've spoken about this on many occasions when our troops were actually deployed near keith, we were told by the western partners that we took with me one cannot sign any documents. and i mean, when the opposite side is holding a gun again, someone else has had this by so that we ask, what should we do then? so please withdraw your troops from to you soon or should we leave that in the very
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next day they threw away all the gremlins that we had. somebody said, let's the band fight until the bitter end and the washington. and when you, their masters, they have now taken the position that is known to the entire world to inflict a strategic defeat, to russia, to us. and when the beats rush on the battlefield, we weren't the ones who behaved like they is the west, the that and through the statements by directly shows. so for you to let me know, can i schedule it again, the hands of the training and the locations during the talks 1st and means come danny's in eastern vote. and it can be talked about that the british prime minister is down for these prime minister, travel to keep and said go one with the head still. it is to see what a new one was. go over there and for the or how may i ask, who was head of the delegates in fact then now he's ahead of the ruling function in
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the training parliament, nitrous because otherwise we, we'd use his sad ripple categories. all the conflicts would have stopped a year and a half ago. he stated that publicly to journalist and no one had any doubt about that picture. so what summit up now must which to answer your question once again, we were deceived. and now we need to understand human. cool, can we deal with people who can we trust and to what extent the condition of just under the student system and now we are in the line, think everything that is going on. so when you base regards, of course we're looking at what is happening around these things to issue loudly and nouns. saw many things with the roland in geneva. as much as the 1st location is today. of course we are not good, then you're going to discuss anything that we are not aware of,
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but we have never rejected to have any problem with the other side. they were the ones who went through from these practices. they were the ones who had said that the want to inflict the strategic definitely to us and they were the ones who said that the want to fight until the end until the last the training. and that's why they did. we have a foundation for the future and to go to the station. something that we have agreed upon in easton both something that was basically putting into the gist of this document wasn't signed by the had all the training and delegation back then with the initial dash we help this document. it was signed by him. the pony to new florida. what additional conditions that we have never heard of the strongest do they need and what would be the sense some of that stuff more of that? well, i guess i understand the idea behind that to get as many countries as they can together
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they can say that they agreed everything upon that. and then the one present flush . so we've, these a document is a fact that that's not like how it is going to be right. and then it would to follow up on the claim of ukraine. yesterday's. the landscape trailer, the hartfield email a had to general the staff meetings there and we are engaged in active hostility is nearly harko and we were making a success from what i know not from what you know, but that's true. every day we go on according to the plan. so what is the plan to seize harko or to create this buffer zone? i do not know what the so this to the head of the crate in states to sad about that. but it's ultimately, it is their fault. i mean, what is happening list, if you all of the distortion you can discover, insulate a shipping carrier,
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sylvester, the source of the power is a cool data. and that is the source of states power in ukraine. right now. stick number tubes of the test, as their western sponsors allow that to happen. they created the conditions for these uh, slow going conflicts. uh for this conflict. so turn into, i hold one, they now want to, they not try to blame russia for all these tragic events. but this is the logical outcome of their own policies. now, as for what's happening in the cartridge region, that is also their phones because they keep shelling the civilian the residential areas. i'm in the boulder regions. i'm frustrated in belgrade. they keep
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striking residential areas. it's very clear what that trying to do, and i have publicly said that if this continues, we will have to create this sen, rezoned, this safety zone. and this is what we're doing to kind of course the best for car calls. know we have no plans to capture that city right now. i'm sure it's best in the state. you're good afternoon, mr. president. recently we've heard information that the chinese banks no longer take payments from russian banks. did you discuss that? and that to, with the chinese presidents and if you did, you, did you or she even the result? did you agree on perhaps a new system of payments that would not be affected by western sanctions? frontier actually, well, i'm sure you take the sanctions against a 3rd party. is this a good chance to participate in suffolk and i'll make activities. these are also
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a legitimate because if they are taken without the support of the un, secure to counsel if they're of late against a 3rd party is this goes beyond all reason. and the same kind of sanctions are used by the us by the european nations against their own allies. and so i mean concert with measuring, i know that the americans actually just introduced sanctions against their own is european partners. they don't just do it against russia, but against all the nations as well. and this is what they do. what i see to this is an established practice of theirs and the europeans swallow it up. so you said it was 80 something once again, we a firm and confirming that they are vast, sol, so pretty much all america and the most. now the fact that such decisions are made in the 1st place, that certainly damages the national economy as a whole,
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not just the countries that are the most, the objects that are, we're going to give to all of those sanctions, dreams. now this effect, so the energy sector in many of the areas are they called in a couple seconds here. she said, i should defend when it comes to the actual transfers of payments that so it's and also affects is that right? that's for sure. it doesn't depend digits, and that's what needs to be done. see a yes, we need to have a system that is more reliable or the national over on a state level. so it should be more than you can understand the motivations alpha lodge banks and other financial institutions. they don't want to lose money because of someone else's factions. a good way to live with, even though those actions are illegitimate. like i said, but this would be a great mistake. all. this is a great mistake on the part of the americans,
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but the way it leads because they undermine the trust fund, right? for the dollar itself. and this is and how they got waste. and i should reduce the dollars standing as a global cover and see if the of the police are in your door of the room, even though they much gained quite a lot from the status of the dollar. as a covered save zillow to 1st adults and you get door, they uh, went away from the gold standard. then i'm gonna show their move to their covenants and the system which is basically based on the, the power of the american printing press. so that on the trust towards the u. s. economy, because the nations of the world trust us, that'd be the us economy. it's submitted to us and it will much. and so that is why
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they take the money that the us prints shipment, that it was good and you bought this, this does provide system games and advantages to the american economy, but it's not substantiated by anything. nope. but i can give you some sure data, for example, sunset district according to our experts, over 10 trillion dollars is the amount of money that's you basically being for an insect like that's on, substantiate it's money on found it and it will give you them production of simulator, mr. premier, and i would say that it's a new one, a overall $54.00 trillion dollars is the amount of money that is been printed, but that it was by the us to use while the world. but as they do that, they keep hampering onto mining. they're very coursed resource,
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the source of the power, the dollar. they are shooting themselves in the foot. sketch. village commence. let's let's, let's start. yes, they are shooting themselves in the foot. you mean you go from yes to maybe it's, this is absurd. sit in the system still moving. yes. there are some problems that has crates for us as well. but there are benefits to go to because of the situation in which one country dictates to the rest of the world. it's will instead of being political well. and you will in terms of the use of financial instruments. that is, of course, unacceptable. but if you look at the reserves, but at the us reserves is look at the reserves that countries have. that's why the world, the dollar, the parts of those reserves is getting lower. so we are overcoming,
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that's a problem. we are moving towards the transactions in national conferences. we're starting to use all the financial instruments. the process is over. the has already started and it's not going to stop mr. president, listen, they go back to the topic of ukraine and some initiatives proposed by the west. i just said that yesterday you cover that issue in your thoughts for the presidency. you will have you discussed the initiative by present smack drawn to announce a truce during the olympic games, or is that possible or is that just one more trapped by the west? as president g, a race that's a matter we will cover dates. and now what i think about it is the number one, the principals all the electric movement and the olympic food piece. they are very
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real, the very significant over. so i'm just decades over ages. uh, they, you get the forms and to be of course, very few nations nations actually acted according to this principles maybe long ago in securing the answer in greece times. but this is number one. and number 2, we see that currently on your officials, invalid movements and internationally, they violates their own principles. they violate the principles of olympic sports to support you to achieve some personal gain and political gain shares. and since they have violated things on these principles themselves, including acting against russia, like prohibiting our athletes from participating in the games on their own
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flag under our own anthem. so they are violating those principles with respect to us, but they want us to follow the same principles as they dictate them to us. so we have to doesn't, that's sounds almost pretty good news. the contradictory does that sound in just on just so they want us to follow the principles that they themselves did not want to follow the way it would send you to you. this is not a way to reach an agreement with the table. so there's a few, a demand, something from someone you have to follow the rules yourselves 1st, right? so what we could do, but overall the cost and that gives you can of course, the emulate movement will continue to develop in some way or another. of course they have the courtesy to shoot for assistance and then they will still keep
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prioritizing money over everything else, like a commercial enterprise change. if it, once a, if all they want is to make profits, well, nothing do it is going to come out of it's in the future. when it comes to the olympics movements, we want to just press the never can use the front of it. sure. as like i said it's, it's almost like a commercial corporation right now. all of a price of duties and money from attracting new sponsors, new advertising, paying for a for broadcast, etc. so this is a way to make money from sports, but the principles of the olympic moment are different today. a few minutes area and in nature i just ended up just in co, russia channel. uh this we could, was us the us introduced to um, initially, but that in, in new uh,
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really put payments. so when it comes to uh, importing several products. uh, they introduced to good uh on the side of the conductors and other products. uh, how do we oppose that these, these sanctions? well, let me just get rain, you know, a bit of what i think you mean. yeah. it's these, the sanctions uh 50 these off. i need to come. they have been in use for quite some time. um, a dissertation in the mean, ukraine relations with china. it has nothing to do with all that. this is just uh, this honest competition companion to consider a couple of months ago where they were to kick off to renew. we know that. so i lost them, varies uh, could i get them, for example, the production alpha, somebody have to do it on the sudden, but it's a something components of for our make aircrafts picture and they
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promised us to deliver them and then they just added them to the sanctions list and then no longer uh provide them to us. yes. we have to produce them our selves or it's what have to take some more time. uh, this small components for the wings. that's whole. so we have to produce them themselves. and now our components of in better and more long lasting than the ones that we wanted to buy from you from them, you put it if so, and also i spoke about the restrictions for since they went talking to the students here in china. i spoke about the restrictions that the us introduced against the car industry in the us of the west. why did they do that? because you why the chinese car industry is becoming stronger. and the u. s. doesn't to one to allow of this song competition into the markets. this is what they do that. and they doing the same in europe. so create this that on the
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whenever a single country becomes a little more sense and a sense or all of it going to be developing the magic for prices up becomes more competitive. it's being suppressed is being uh, tablets. uh the food is below. uh, this level of competition. now can we do something to oppose that? yes we can, but they are still creating obstacles. alicia's report on outlaws like for example, of that goal. so when it comes to financing, when it comes to transactions. so we are now most interested at this time for an intern sole source of buying certain products. now can we do something with that? yes, we can. yes, but it takes time. like i said, even when we have to create so defaults for our across, we had just had to learn to produce them ourselves. so all we in cooperation of with some of the nation and this is what we're always going to do. so this,
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this way, this bob, that's the west chose when it comes to building the national financial system, was the wrong one. and the open. this is what they have been trying to dictate to us. for decades, they've been saying that the markets decides, oh, it's markets which markets the sunset, our ultimate, it's like you gift. but these markets are going to be assessed better than themselves because as they continue to abuse the markets, they're going to create more installation. so they're going to have to that are going to go through some products themselves without our resources. are they going to spend that much of their own economic potential to do that? and does it conceive valencia in germany? the economy is going down and in sure parts of europe. it's a great we it's about to go. yeah, you're gonna down. and if germany,
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a government is economy, feels safe, then the rest of the european economies of a single cycle. so these decisions by the west are not market decisions. they're foolish. carson daly and draco, as think of under which conditions is you could participate in a peace conference on ukraine in switzerland. if such a invitation would have been extended to you here. but smile. you know, we cannot speaking conditionals. one was big about holidays. if let's not go on, there are a lot of feats in a lot of situations, but we were not invited more than that. they say that they did not see is there enough which you do that, or if you do these, then maybe we could have taken this decision. but if we don't what us, they are,
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then we don't need to be there. and another important thing is that we do not want to discuss with you the door to from the mid field to discuss things that we are not aware of. staples that i missed, but for a month and a half we were engaged in a very busy talks 1st and means, cuz then eastern both. we re, cert and compromise. the ukranian side, signed these documents. we've been protect. city spent the entire portfolio of documents, but very 3 can be initially the gist of these agreements. we sum worth them days now these, these formulas based on what their wins, not on the real situation. how can we discounts? that's what we are open for discussions. we have never read to used. that's not a joke. that's how it happened. as soon as we were through the troops,
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the western nurse told ukraine do not sign anything. keep on fighting. they are implementing what the or told and then they are telling us let's fight until the end no more talk. so, you know, you can see you that maybe they can keep on finding until the and, and, but they would not be able to inflict strategic display dunham broadstreet. they can see that. and now that you start screaming though, okay, let's start this conference. let's organize this conference. okay, well, it brought you participate. we are ready to english being patient and peaceful negotiations, but we do not invite to, oh, okay, fine. now i know that you have to use russia or not. one thing to be part of this conference. we have never been in find it, and now you are asking me about the conditions. why should i present this conditions or ask about something or employ about something that they do not want to see as they are. they just want to get as many countries that they can to the
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other. they want to convince them that the condition suggested by the ukrainian side are the best ones. and then they want to present us with this ultimatum. the entire world wants you to do these agree to these 52. is this a way to be engaged in the serious, substantive task? and maybe it is an attempt to impose something to the 1st they tried to inflict strategic defeat. they failed and this attempt to impose something else will result in the same failure artist equals or blue quote. the condition is that the agreements last reach should still be in force. well, that's the foundation of that they initials a document because of the serious matters were discussed. they are in matters related to security of ukraine. and we would think it over again now, but that could be used as a foundation and this was signed by the training and signed simulations.
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well, if it was not dictated by the west to please the west group today is what the assigned but then, but it describes operating their interest as well. and it also outlines the interest of russia from our a security standpoint. there a lot of matters. so i did not want to go into detail in their regards. i remember only the most essential parts of days. i did the shift to publish it, the image and then the scrap these the wanted to win on the battlefield that you wanted strict conflict, strategic defeated, did not word no agree to our conditions. are you crazy? why would we agree to these now? so of course we are going to come from the realities of the current situation as onto his computer. yeah, for the kids i would exclude channels one about china and energy supplies from russia to china. have you reached the principal to see what's the agreement on the
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power of the site be ready to when the construction of all of these started this year or the next year, and discussed the possible enhancement of supplies technician? well, i'm not afraid to speak about the technical details, but the interest of the both sides was confirmed to escape because chinese economy is growing and it requires more energy that are needed to maintain this growth dealership. and there is nothing more reliable. i think it is an avid in think there is nothing more reliable than supplies from russia on their sugar. and you can because we have a vast joint border and no one can stop us. no sanctions on our tankers, no sanctions, nor has financial institutions because we pay them one thing to transfer payments and national currencies. so the interest from both sides has been via ferns on one
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side, they want additional volume. and on the other side, we are interested to be present and the china is market economic operators. it's always a complicated process because the price is that who does want. but strategically, you know, i can say for sure that both parties, both sides are interested in seeing this project implemented. and that's what we are planning to do. and then guess from our oil companies, they will agree to details. there are various possible routes. one of them is environment to go live and we can also build against pipeline oil pipeline, but it's something especially what is the best way to do that. maybe the northern c route to pursue most of the we can use tankers knowledge along the north and see a route or stick through here. and it would be almost like a pipeline. so all options are possible because all of them are acceptable and we
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can obviously viable. so we need to choose the best one. i think this word will be completed sent to the specialist. now, girl, please. now i don't know. i mean, uh, reading all the speakers, you know, i've got a question because about the great value training and tell us about the training. okay. so for them what you envision soon, the presidential term of let him or is it, let me give you, will that run out may 21st after the state russia will stop considered human, legitimate, the president of the country? will it mean anything to you? will you be ready to speak to him and then oh, we used to speak stay on the contact. we used to be in constant contact before the conflict rates. so it's like a huge phase of the facility lights across. still it is space. as for the legitimacy and you just get, you put them away.


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