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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 17, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EDT

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you will have to negotiate on it, isn't this the official ukrainian version? obviously not, but this is the official version of the americans. this is the official version of everyone who roughly sees what is happening to. it's no surprise that the key ever seems. western backers are looking to push key up towards concessions, especially with sweeping russian advances in the heart of region. it seems that in those need to countries where, until recently they were talking about the possibility of sending the troops to ukraine. they are backing off load instead of native soldiers and not needed any green check for us. and pabo who supported mcgraw, now calls for an end of the still these mccomb is still showing off calling for us you to be stopped but seems to be left alone. even the main stream media is sporting defeatist headline, setting doubts on ukraine's ability to defend itself and admitting russian victories on the battlefield. according to the new york times, an armistice that would suspend the conflict indefinitely in a fashion similar to what we see on the korean peninsula is one of the most likely
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outcomes of tops all the while rush is always stated, it's open to sit down at the negotiating table and hats out a piece plan, so rushes for negotiations on the west may now be changing its tune. but how many people have died for that change of heart and how long until the tide may once again turn what you say. so joining it's aaron, i see international this friday. we're back at the top of the hours playing see more of the natives to see you then the the checking it reminds me that i'm late for very important date, which means it's time to slip down the rabbit. hole and into a world of the russian time. the
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fellow got everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. i want you to look at something, it's b u. s. secretary of state and keep ukraine recently playing a guitar at a bar while a war that he is funding continues the there is what do you think uh, not bad play and the guitar o nero eskoville. right. how nero ask? i mean higg fiddling and it ain't rome but ukraine is burning and the guy is playing the guitar while he is helping to make it happen. i mean, you can't make this stuff up. here's the news blinking is backed into of now, and he's thinking a different tune. one that politically speaking is even less risk big. i'm going to
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tell you all about this and it's important number. it's interesting. i'm gonna play it for you. now let's, let's do it. it's the, all right, so before we get to that, as we begin this show, let me catch you up on the assassination attempt. bob's lock you prime minister, robert fitz, so after being shot repeatedly yesterday, as you saw, as we were bringing you the story when we 1st uh, went on the air. uh, he has come out of surgery, were happy to report a is now expected to survive as we left the show yesterday, we didn't know whether he was going to make it nobody did. while apparently he survived the surgery. survive the shooting. however, there are a lot of questions that are being now asked about the country security and the countries stability. there's also this today, and this is another developing story that we're following. as we begin this newscast, russian president pollutant is once again meeting with his chinese counterpart
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present and g. and in this case, you know, you know, the expression of picture is worth a 1000 words. well then we've got 2000 words. look at this, look at this, look at the difference between she with that called fish hand cake offered to him a crown in france. and now the real genuine embrace that's offered to put and it's like 2 completely different situations. and it says so much that this relationship seems to be blossom being between mr. putting in, mr said, wow, when he was asked to go to france, it was almost like, uh, the french president had all this revelry and he has bands ready to go. and then he put his arm around them and then he, he stroked them on the back a couple of times and she has this expression like a. yeah, wow whatever. but very different with, with put and then i just think that says something. i'm not trying to be a body language expert here, but let me bring manila and what did you see as you looked at these pictures? and obviously as you look some of the video that's been coming in from beijing.
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yeah, rick, i can't help but laugh. i mean, you could it contrast to no images any more? i mean, we discussed that that handshake with my crone when it happened and, and i kind of compared it to when a woman is on a, on a date with a ma chrome date. it seems like it was a date that the parents forced them to go on and present and she didn't want to be there and was like, all right, i'm just doing this to satisfy my parents because they want me to be here with me. these 2 are like they, they just seemed happy to be together. i mean, it was the body language is so evident. you don't need to be an expert wreck, you can see, or, i mean, you literally have to be blind and not be able to see that these to see eye to eye and have mutual respect. and there's a geo political implication and all of this. and we're going to be speaking with the k j. now coming up later in this newscast, about that i want to ship now to something else. something will happen. i'm gonna take you back to 18. 641864. you remember what was going on?
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the u. s. was in the middle of a civil war. was incredibly horrible time. things look really bleak for the country . thousands of soldiers were diag daily in battles. right. and see them, especially 5000 gettysburg. the country was ripping itself apart. most people were, of course, critical of washington critical of the president at the time. but there was an election coming up. so what do you do? i mean, semi war, thousands dead bodies on the streets. the president at the time could have easily said, forget the election. we can't have an election. let's just call marshal law. it's not a good time for it. let me just declare the martial law thing. postpone or cancel the election. but that's not what happened. if you know your history, this country's never missed an election. that's not what happened. the president decided to go ahead and have the election, and he won barely by just a little bit. right. that president was abraham lincoln. the guy he'd be to,
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if you remember, was general mcclendon abraham lincoln. let's compare that to what's going on right now. and ukraine. a country i'm told that as an american, i have to defend if i believe in standing up for democracy. right. it too is involved right now in a war, much like we were. it too is facing an election in a matter of days. and what are we finding out or finding out creating president bottom or soleski is no abraham lincoln. and neither of the people in washington have chosen to back him as an on elected leader. say that again on, on elected leaders. zalinski is determined office as opposed to and may 20th. it was not going to and which means the people of ukraine will not get to the side who is gonna lead them. and those who are who we are told are defending democracy. we are then being lied to. right. it's not if he's not going to be elected and that
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they don't have free elections, it's not of the mark or say or am i crazy. now what do you think that our. 1 government would go there right about now and say, hey, dude, sorry, mean, go to key of tell zalinski, do you have to hold an election? we can't back you. if you in keep sending you money, if you don't have an election. i mean, that's your, that's what you think we would to right. well guess what? mr. guitar, player, secretary of state anthony, blinking did flight of keys. he didn't meet with zelinski. and besides playing guitars, what did he tell them? he told them essentially it's okay. it's okay if it's not a democracy, as long as you promised at some point in the future that you will become a democracy and we're going to help you do it here does. what's it for yourself? today? i'm here in keith to speak about ukraine strategic success and to set out how, with our support, ukrainian people can and will achieve their vision for future. a free press for
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a secure democracy, fully integrated into the outline of community and fully in control of its own destiny. to hear that, to hear that i feel sure of a free democracy. i feel sure of that means not now in the future you'll have a freedom. ah, we spent a $175000000.00 on a country that isn't a democracy. them. in other words, they're not of the mark receive and that's what he's saying. but they will be in the us state department will decide how they get there. by the way, shouldn't ukrainian people be asking themselves at this point? why is this dude coming from washington to my country? the tell me how the future of my government will be decided. think about that. just think for a minute about that. i think it's played on cnn a 1000000 times. i bet they've never asked the question. i mean, can you say meddling? you know that term meddling, that we hear so much. isn't that meddling?
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by the way, i wanna make sure i'm not saying something isn't, isn't true here. so i went back and i checked. i went to the chatham house, it's a good place to check political information to check the actual legal definition of a democracy. and i put in democracy you create. here's what i found. this is a direct quote. let, let me pull it up for you. victor. put that up so, so people can see it. it's a direct quote i found on the chat amounts ukraine. it writes, does not, it does not currently meet the criteria for electoral democracy or liberal democracy as these terms are used in political science because it is under martial law and cannot hold the elections. so all you gotta do is call a martial law, and then you can say, sorry, we're not going to have an election. and then according to the chatham l, sorry, you're not, you're not a democracy. so don't call yourself a democracy. so there you go. and how long can they remain a not democracy, i guess is long and until the elected lead on elected leader, i should say,
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decides to fit or, or to lift the martial law and hold elections. as abraham lincoln would say, isn't that a fine kettle of fish? manila, that's what lincoln would say. what do you say? well, right, we don't have to go as far back as lincoln. we can go back to just 1944. the us was in the throes, the middle of world war 2, and we still held in the election f d r was reelected, right? during the middle of world war 2. if you truly are a democracy and if you have a constitution, 1st of all, ukraine has the constitution, but it gets altered all the time. so i don't know that it's necessarily a real constitution, but this is, shouldn't be an outrage. i think to the ukrainian people, i mean, i think they a lot of, from what i understand, a lot of people are actually tired of their rhetoric coming from kia these days. and they would love to have an election,
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but instead they have be the keeper of the key of government, which is anthony blinking, that's in town. and getting this not so impromptu rock concert by you know, the secretary of state. this is not in problem 2 by the way, because this is evidenced by the spam cameras being invited to his. yeah. show yeah . was completely blown down which is tasteful. he was the thousands of ukrainians are dying and it was just that a bar decided to play some music while this war was going right. it just, it's about the cameras were there, right. it's bad form. it's bad optics. i mean, cameras are no cameras by the way, speaking of that guy blinking, blinking his predecessors back in the news. hillary clinton is out there. she's presenting herself now as an expert on the middle east while defending israel and describing something most of middle east experts on both sides say it's simply not true. but here she is with respect to the middle east and they don't know that um under the uh uh they bringing together the israel leaves and the palestinians. um
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by my husband the then it's really a prime interest or a hood brock. the then head of the palestinian liberation organization and the palestinian authority. yasser arafat as an offer was made uh to the palestinians for a state on, you know, 96 percent of the existing territory occupied by the palestinians with 4 percent of israel to be given to reach a 100 percent of the amount of territory that um was uh hoped for, and this offer was made and if the yasser arafat had accepted it, there would have been a palestinian state now for about 24 years. so one of the great tragedies of history, i am amazing, my husbands. amazing. and if those damn palestinians are just listen to this, they would be the happiest people in the world right now. or most experts say, she's full of crap. and by the way, uh, also when she calls herself
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a middle is middle east experts. a lot of people would beg to differ vanilla. yeah, this lady has got a lot of gall to speak about this stuff. the lady that destroyed libya and condemned it to this current, open air slave market. she so glib in her view of young people, but it couldn't be because young people had him directly twice rejected her the 1st time in the primaries against obama. and then she failed to garner youth support against bernie sanders and 80 something year old man. and you know, young people yeah. aren't having what she's selling the car. she's going to be mean and cruel to young people. she hates young people. yeah, no, it's funny that this good. i'm glad you brought that out because i don't think i made that clear enough that the reason what she's talking about when she made that comment is she's essentially saying they're dumb. they don't get it. they don't understand what's going on. and she is an older wiser. patterson, an elder, she's going to tell them the truth. what, in fact, that's not the truth,
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that the palestinians at that point decided they didn't want to take the bill. they did take the deal. it was being negotiated when things got out of control after that. but you didn't mention that when she was mentioning uh, her little story there about her and her husband. oh, i mean we, we've, we've actually heard the former that we can call him the beltway inside or of all times the big new version ski. actually say in the year 2000 to actually say that the united states had completely a band in peace negotiations. by that, you know, by the time clinton was in office, we know that kept the camp david cox and the year 2000 were kind of a sham. it was just there for show. nothing has ever really stuck from the oslo accords that were ratified in dc in 1993 and an oslo to ratified in top of egypt. no. 1995. none of that ever stop and you could, you could, you could, but yeah, the story is keep coming out there in that same manner and it looks and i hate to
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say it, but it looks like talking points from apax. i mean, that's just what it is. and this is a woman who's obviously taking a lot of their money. truth be what it is. thanks so much. we appreciate it. manila latter porton is in china being received at the invitation of president g. and we're going to show you how a picture can be worth a couple 1000 words, k, j. know, as a journalist is a specialist on asian pacific region is going to do a little a body language exercise with us. when we come back, he's really good at it to don't go away. the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as it shows you fractured images, presented to this 1st?
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can you see through their illusion going underground? can the french president, the manual look round, says he's advocating strategic ambiguity when it comes to the ukraine. this includes sending western military personnel to fight for ts. this is not strategic ambiguity, but rather strategic confusion the talking back. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. that's dr. k. j. now k j is an expert on all things related to the asia pacific region. and uh, let me set this up for you. recently president, she was invited to france and the president crowd looked like i get a school girl at a party trying to slap him on the back while she appeared to give him kind of a cold fish and shake like to stop it is embarrassing. let's look at the 2 images.
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once again, the ones i showed manila a little while ago, i want to get, i want to get a reaction to this, or you see i'm with macro w. i look at them. i mean, it doesn't even look what's, what's in the chrome is patting on the back and everything. and then the other picture, it's actually she whose pin padded putting on the back and seems very engaged. i mean, these 2 guys looks like they're going to go out and buy furniture and share an apartment or something. uh, what's going on. uh, what's going on with this relationship that seems extremely more cordial and more friendly every time i see it. and with every time these 2 guys meet between put me and she a j. well, you know, it's the 43rd time. they're amazing. so of course, you know, they've had some time to build a relationship, but absolutely, you're right. it is very, very cordial. you can see the spontaneity, the ones, the real affection, and this is what they've been highlighting, that it's really truly a relationship of deep friendship amity cooperation when,
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when it's cetera. but i think the other dimension of this and, you know, there's the symbolism involved, you know, it's full pageantry, 21. god. it's the 1st meeting after the election. and if we follow the relationship our dime, you know, your 1st is always important right after she likes and the 1st person he met the starting us out. and i really our conversation like these 2 guys are dating and so well, i mean they're framing is that they have modeled on new task for major country relation. yes. and that pos as a strategic dimension, it has a military dimension of. busy as it has economic tre, tech, and of course, you know, he brought all his senior officials to energy economy, finance, but also the new minister of defense andre, that we saw and the former minister of defense circuit show. well,
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i think there's so symbolism that why does china need russia? china needs russia because they share a 4000 kilometer uh, border. uh and because uh the us is essentially a encircling china in order to take it down to containers and taking that ticket down pop in originally, the neil con plan was that russia would be an appetizer on the way to the main dish, which was china. but instead of russia or run through the proxy, when in ukraine turned out to be, as the french say, the flat device, the stalls. and there's been a lot of, you know, flounder is being served on that. on that serving. does russia need china for the same reason the china needs russia in russia and china has a kind of natural synergy?
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i mean, as i pointed out, the neighbors, they share a border, but also china has the industrial capacity, the technological development. russia has the strategic, the resource and the military capacity. and so it's kind of a match that fits really, really well. what, but the other piece is, and this is, i think, really important is the china is sending a message to the united states. remember, the us understand that it cannot defeat it, cannot roll over russia the way that he did originally planned to it. they thought it was going to be a cake walk. yeah, hope or a gas station mask or anything as a nation. they couldn't do that because of china's support largely in the economic trade field. and so their message to china is we can't beat russia unless you help us out. we need you to, we couldn't russia so, so we can defeat it and pivot to attack you. so, so,
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and if we look at china and russia together kind of with a, as a, as a, as a uni centric uh, geo political force. where then does india and iran and south africa and brazil for example, fall into that equation. well, you know, so they are the try block, right? yeah, and chuck just approach is to the next the world through trade, through economies, their approach is to build not to but they want to build out relations connect so that we can all live so they can all do develop. so we can all have a wind uh, you know, cooperation, a good outcomes for everybody. and that's a post to the us approach, which is the ball and to capture. yeah, to what do you think? so, i mean, let's put ourselves in the shoes of a washington analyst or somebody in the state department right now,
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and they're looking at this conversation that kids right now and rick sanchez are having and they're scratching their head and they're saying, what do we do? i mean, because, you know, the ship has left the port, right. it's already formed. this relationship between china and russia is blossoming. the other countries are coming on board. they're ignoring our calls and hanging out with a new good looking guy as a new, a good looking go in, in the college campus. how do we fight it? or do we join it or what the hell do we do? j. j? well, you can see that the immediate response has been to right, right. so they have said to china, you know, you need to stop helping out russia or else and they have threatened, you know, of sanctions. they say we, you know, you don't want to find out what we're going to do, blinking says, don't bet against the united states. and she is response to this pressure of all, you know, breaking or weakening russia is to invite to 10 for full state honors. but here's,
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here's what you just said. no, i'm sorry for interrupting, but it makes me think a to the united states telling china that if it becomes friends with russia, we're going to get really mad at you. you're not allowed to have russia as a friend, and remember our economic power. well, here's the problem with that. china is about to become economically more powerful than the united states if they're not already. now let's flip that in the united states. as to russia, you're not allowed to be friends with russia, and pardon me with china, which is what they're saying. well, russia has more nuclear warheads than we do. so in both, both in both cases, you're arguing, you're trying to poke a barrier that could not just bite you were scratched you but could devour you. absolutely. and so that's the, you know, unbridled rationality of this ruling and imperial neil con plus, they just don't seem to understand,
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they don't seem to understand the score. or they think that 1st they did a reverse kissinger and that they pushed china and russia together. and now they think they can pull the kissinger again, separate them again. it's not going to happen. but they seem really, they will explain that. explain that. to me, that's interesting of whole kissinger. you call it where we actually brought these 2 countries together. i thought you meant because, you know, we're so mean to them that eventually they found a friendship in, in each other. is that what you're mean? or do you mean something else? well, you know, going back to kissinger, remember the us strategically split china away from the ussr bought or strategic reasons. and they were successful in that. and for decades, the ussr and china fo, see, were not on speaking terms actually had to, you know, small border war and, and then what has happened in the blinking and vitamin ministration is they've
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essentially pushed china and russia together to be the best of all possible uh no, allies and companions to each other. it's extraordinary. it's the most foolish thing you could do if you were thinking just strategically. final question, apparently put and yesterday came out and said that he's willing to abide by an accord or a truce, or an agreement that is brokered by china. this is the same. vladimir putin who's basically told europeans look, i'm not gonna listen to you guys. i don't, you don't have credibility with me, but he's saying if china sits them down within ukrainians, who is willing to abide by whatever they come up with. that's a hell of a thing for him to say, what's the significance to you of that? well, i mean, 1st it shows that china and russia have a good relationship. russia certainly trust china to be a, you know, a mutual broker in p. still remember, try and also has good relations with ukraine is they, you know,
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prior to the war they were very, very close. and so i think, you know, china has credibility, they've already put forth a 12 point plan for, you know, resolving the conflict. and that plan is something that russia can get behind. it talks about sovereignty, but so talks about mutual security. and that's what russia is looking for. well, listen to those of us who i think are the vast majority of the people in the world . we're looking for a peaceful solution. are gratified to hear that there's a, you know, something that could be forthcoming if china and the russians and ukrainians were to sit down and never before had the ukrainians needed to sit down more than they do. now. if you've been reading and seeing what's going on right now, in that, in that conflict, kids you're, you're always such a pleasure to talk to thank you so much for sharing your time with us. thank you. always a pleasure. that's our show. remember to always look inside or outside your box and
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don't just live there though. truths don't live in boxes, neither should we. i'm rick sanchez and we'll see you again. next time on direct impact. the, the french president, the manual look round says he's advocating strategic ambiguity when it comes to the ukraine. this includes sending western military personnel to fight for ts. this is not strategic ambiguity, but rather strategic confusion. the new video of alleged to abuse by an officer today, the sheriff's deputy and columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed his student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talking to her when her
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and initially, you know, i didn't think it was a problem because i knew that she was just as quite a student in the class. someone looked at the police officer and says, here was law enforcement that is worse, clearly attacking, abusing power and it ended. the other is who says this is what's wrong with the poorly behaved on discipline black church. he was there, enforcing a lot to meet the crime, to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes and school is huge and forces never predict but necessary. a tops people were never gonna change your mind so people will never change their minds about video. they think i was wrong, and that's it. the taking it reminds me that i'm late for very important date, which means it's time to slip down the rabbit hole and into
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a world of russian time. the pest for the city of carswell, we have no plans of taking talk of today. president vladimir, who was insane. russia is being forced to create a security zone on his food is i'm a constant. so ukrainian show length of the civilian areas of steering and as conference of a chinese city of hall this old side. but it's a beloved, disagrees with the government, doesn't agree with stuff in a system, steve cream and non who left faith like prime minister and a critical condition off to an assassination attempt opposed to the government's policy or proceeding to ukraine or correspondence visits to see if the con, locate security forces have removed a bullet from this tree that was.


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