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tv   News  RT  May 17, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the, the best for the city of cardboard. we have no plans of taking thought of today. i'm glad to meet peyton sayings. russia is being forced to create a security zone only for designate constant to training and shelling of civilian areas during a press conference and the chinese city a coffin pulls that ahead. but it's a beloved, disagrees with the government. doesn't agree with stuff in assistance to bring to not who left the slovak prime minister in a critical condition, often assassination attempt to post the government's policy. i was teasing to, um, ukraine correspondence visits the scene of the crime. smoking security forces have removed a bullet from this tree that was launched as a result of an attack,
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an assassination defense on the lease of walking 5 minutes. the benefits of the deadly violence continues a new caledonia of a voting bill. as prong struggles to contain protest as deploying troops to the territory, locals, okay, now i'm say the how power is, has responded to the crisis investigation. but what i realized is that the french have never thought about us. they talk about sharing and balance, but that's name of being the case. the is very welcoming school pm here in middle school and you are watching all the international with the latest world news update script to have you with us. on top story, a news conference was held in the chinese city as hall. ben to wrap up president vladimir putin is to day estate visits. the russian delegation received a welcome from president a huge and thank you halles,
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the country strategic partnership with comfort. again, we stepped all the official trip right here. oh no to the the the, the president vladimir putin told reporters that the russian army has no plans to take . the city of hall calls, hey emphasize that rusher was now focusing on creating a security zone to protect cities on his buddhist distortion. the source of the power of the current key of authorities is included. the western sponsors have created conditions for the transition of
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a smouldering conflict into an armed one. and now they are trying to put the blame on russia. this is the result of their policy. what is happening in the cock up direction is also default. ukraine is showing residential areas of the board of territories, including belgrade. civilians are dying. it's obvious that shooting right into the center of the city. if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone. that's what we're doing. as for the city of car costs, we have no plans of taking a cock of today. it's not meant to can address this athletic v reads, or is it again, something that p is made to point to of a point called. and that is, but russia has been cheated time and time again when it comes to dealing with u. k . and it has learned it's less and all the way, all the way back from, from the meanest agreements, which were 2 side by western states. as well as kids and
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a deal that they never even intended to own. let me meet the the, the, the tell themselves under the obligations they spent the time by their own admission pumping. you came full of what weapons preparing it for more with rush when the war finally came and brushing tubes serge towards key of zalinski aust, russia to remove to pull those forces back so that a p steel could be achieved easy. but most includes with the side of the gesture of goodwill, then it came out and said, that would be no peace deal. this would be, this would be a fights to the end and the bus up would be defeated fast forward to his views. ambitions haven't borne fruit, pain, ease by its own admission using this conflict. and here, let me put and points out the absurdity. it is now cooling
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a peace conference in switzerland, believes inside cooling a peace conference without advising russia, and aiming to then dictate the tubs to the winning side. we analyze everything. of course, we are following what is happening around the announce meeting in switzerland. we're not going to switzerland, but we never refuse negotiations on like ukraine. they are the ones who withdrew from the negotiation process. they are the ones who said they were going to inflict the strategic to feed and they declared that they were going to fight to the end. in fact, not to the end, but to the last ukrainian. the wes approach to the conflicts hasn't changed as a whole sentence from hells of fail. the russian economy is growing faster than most european nations. and here the united states, each time now to sanction countries other than russia. but news do business with russia and the approach that let me approve and said is
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a get upset and will eventually damage the united states. more than anyone else. sunset is traditionally sanctions against 3rd party states. they are generally illegitimate and already in relation to 3rd countries. this is completely beyond the bounds of common sense. by the way, such sanctions are applied by the americans or the europeans, even against their allies. this is the practice and the europeans as swallowing it all. once again, confirming its vessel edge to the overseas silver and the issues related to calculations are discussed at the level of participants in economic activity. it is possible to understand the motives of behavior in large financial institutions, but no one wants to incur any losses in connection with legal, even the legal actions of the us authorities. this is a d audit and a huge mistake on the part of the american political elite because they themselves are doing great damage, undermining confidence in the dollar, and gradually curtailing the dollar status as a global settlement currency,
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you wouldn't be to ship to. and you have like may please and says it is time for some nations of the will to face the obvious, the obvious he's that this is a big well, a well where everyone's rights deserve to be respected. you are finished to but it's important that those who are trying to maintain a monopoly on old issues understanding that a multiple world is emerging before our eyes do everything that depends on them in this case. so that this process is natural, peaceful, conflict, free. and that the opinions of all participants in the international of this piece taken into full account and that we all look for compromises in the rather complex decisions that we all face. we prepared for this kind of work. i have spoken about this more than once, and the president of the people's republic of china has emphasized that our cooperation is not directed against any one. it is aimed at one thing, creating better conditions for the development of our countries and improving the well being of the people of china and russia. they're all coast a number of a number of deals that have been signed statements of intense agreements for future
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corporation for, for military corporation. since it's a peaceful energy when nuclear energy, as well as promises to keep the chinese academy fed with russian energy and resources as well as brain and food. c, g ping will. so expressing support for us is actions of defending its, its sovereignty. them the 2 of the 2 nations of i've reached relations that they describe as, as a historic high and these are relations that they tend to heighten even further less cost live now to as some of these are right. so it would be a booge of score of social and political thoughts many thanks for joining us on a program. it's very nice to see, excuse me. so the russian president, he said earlier that taking up a hall coffee is not on the table right now. instead, the russian advance in the region is likely aiming to establish
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a buses or giving the intent of showing fine ukrainian forces targeting the russian border region. what do you make all of this strategy to was the ukraine crisis? i think you are finding that for us to actually come out from the west. um uh, i spoke to a 4th grade and i didn't think that the person is that may be a show which i think i saw on, on the city both for what you said um there is no need to put into her say that she has no plans to move in now learn about how to protect fits, that kind of thing. she says she'll run the cities. i think there's the problem here is uh maybe the level of information districts. uh, the kind of a switch on the list that media. so it's distribution shorted. that's what i've seen as condition as it's been reported, listen meant it looks like maybe what i want to see too much. discoloration is
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to use as the fives less casualties of people, cities being taught. so this is where i showed it and that i can use, we can look forward to maybe some kind of a discussion to attempt to come on. i q. when i see the russian government just not planning to just kind of i'm going to be serious on the consequential dental would be a secret on casualties. be mall. this is restaurant in the for dave, don't hold russia for his pause. has said that time and time again, it was because she h less come to a peaceful sacrament, these a cold night. and so just being loaned to the nodes by the west by ukraine. ukraine, however, is arranging this pace summit to be held in switzerland. russia hasn't been invited is everybody else has, but to china and south africa have dismissed these invitations. why do you think by using pretoria have taken this approach and what does it say about how this piece of it is being viewed?
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that i think is clear now that there's some kind of, uh bipolar. so you know, structure and instructors are going on over to one of your credit. clearly like you printed out, you will find the us and that the dia on question do not the involve rushed at china and south africa. i know played cute penalties context and therefore it would have expected at this point, something much more costly. dietrich, i'm pulling loosely discussion for peace. i. any person who loves guzman said this is boss of well, the 1st list. so good news. we need to reduce the cost, right? is under. and, you know what to do is click on this one. so it does. if it is 2 possible underwriting to do to good taylor on good to see, but a good look at a strategic issue, driving to wall on the, on the monitors, that it was the focus on content in china, russia,
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and the fact that russia is been, you know, branded, the digital guys either come coming to of nation. i'm so in a sense, special field isolated and restricted. and that could increase the public defense to go to the war. and just suv in the west. perhaps it fits fried to which i just have to rush. yeah, let me see now that the russians and let me give you that i will or that and is for the as soon structure of the what the group or the what because we see in me so, but she a see also focus on the show destruct dispute running into maybe taking this coffee beyond what you want to do. i think this is who i need for his subject that will do my best to get russia good. so you cringe. i'm going to really what involve to single see full time for the solution that's respect to the so we did the countries that is supposed to be schumer right issues. i'm good source to level
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is in the wall for this is when they were supposed to meet the flow by that they should. but unfortunately, when i seen that level of, of, of, because there's shown on the 4th by, with the us, the west and china, russia, cribs level as well. i'm, i'm uh, platform focused for the grocery store. i think it's, it's sensible now to start to find a way to get but russia and ukraine on the west. but together, how much of a role uh, sanctions playing and creating based hostility and this division around the well as i mean, its functions were a recurring theme of the russian president in spain. surely i, he said that the west is using sanctions against russia in china and trying to cub everything on the growth and what are the same. so i'm usa is blaming badging and most guys are using on. so trade practice is what do you make of his statements? do agree with them. what i didn't know essentially the part of this uh,
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intellus matter, is there a g? unfortunately, people been voting that sometimes suntrust due to the beginning, this to exclusion. the game, you see what in terms of apartheid an ocean, these stuffs, assumption. but people are going to box. it doesn't work that much while i'm in russia. the assets are frozen. i'm not doing the discussions going on or using those are says to finance the what and you claim auto finance. a few create. i'm so frustrated is going to feel that this is a fair, i mean, so why assumptions are busy as new friends to compel in change of behavioral motivation level is in this as like what i'm trying to, you know, if you get a bunch of small and dr. students into more corporate, so in my view, i think, yes, centrals, i don't think there's a lot of instrument, but they should be using the money that respects could possibilities for, for peaceful. and i'm calling about to get up to 40 co solutions. it should be use,
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you know, with the foreclosure is the possibility of a peaceful settlement of discipline. and that's really what china and russia i knew to get into the sofa. china seen a security and economy trips. i'm a good match to get us away to a new one of which time i assume i said trust us on to the west in terms of in terms of security. and so we're the bipolar. we're going to should have been award that is much more, less comfortable. it's not going to be possible. we are china and russia outside africa. and if you're the one blog, i didn't know where to go. hugo bundled us on to the side and that's what we did it, these guys, phones could work again, i'm friends, are the ones who don't want to one to one of the ladies chinese irish and presented the water media. they'll be much more, you know, just with quick assistance, but the pro, and is there a list of, uh,
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listed issues from the cold war that needs to be that's seem to. yeah, you know, the featuring and why isn't in this new class on for request collision on physically existence. i thought it was speaking to us today is great to hear from you some i'm on the director of the a booth to school. thank you very much. have a great today hoping to these how it break down with the russian leaders press conference and off the 2nd and final day office, a visit to china. so do stay with us here and all. see for all of that to unload throughout the day. the what's the focus is on building bridges in asia, the us supposed to be risking relations with one of the regions k play is india. all the spoke to the may a couple of the russian forum industries, asian department director who's on busted washington for tracing other states as less the nation's or we have those last uh we have any previously expressed. i'll
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view that the us does not understand. the indian people and the reach history and traditions. these are all postcolonial vestiges and bad habits that have to be fought against russia has long been in favor of the global majority. we must fight against any attempts by the west and limited development of large agents states and emerging as leaders in the global dimension for the west had better get busy assess on its own electrical system. we have seen how is this happen in the us? and soon enough, we'll see another episode when we chose to be spectacular in terms of numerous violations of generally accepted democratic knowns. so it is notable that democracy in elections to the largest democracy in the world. when the indian people made their silver and choice, you know, giving leadership more confidence. the indian lady she, if has always emphasized it is interested in developing a multi faceted, mutually beneficial relations with the russian federation. so we have only positive
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expectations. one area of contention between washington and new delhi is trade washington's to us since the country with sanctions off the india and the wrong inc . a managements a grievance over the se, the se, in a rainy and poor to of it's ha ha, is the only a rainy and pulled with direct access to the indian ocean to being part of the north, south transport, cargo, connecting a vast area from india to russia lowering the cost of transporting goods for all participants in the region. so me, i kept me with all the again, so he's the u. s. broke is promised to india not to interfere with the projects. or i'd say you're thinking you're going to, we're says this negatively. and it isn't possible to assess that brazen unapologetic behavior in any other way or this thing. so i'm just recently, the american says show the in the leadership that they would not impulse any sanctions or restrictions on this project. which benefits a whole group of countries, not only in the, in iran, but also i've gotta stand. it was one of the alternative routes to help the apps
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going economy and regional trade. apart from that, there is another dimension to this project to do this in the around project fits very homeless. they even started coming to work with the region to create a north selves international task, but core down here rushes to reaction to washington's already. unfortunately, traditional behavior is quite obvious. and then a big story. now the done non suspect, the few things slow about 5 minutes the robot fits so opposed his policies, including the binding of on supplies to ukraine, as according to the countries in syria, minnesota. or should i school on vehicles, but at each just i can confirm the reasons why this is classified as politically motivated, pre mediated murder. we're not pointing fingers on anybody. i presented you with the facts. and this was the summary of a staples made, but they say it was the he's unhappy with the situation and he disagrees with the government. it does. one group is stuck in assistance to ukraine to settle those
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well weeks before the assassination attempts be suspected. done not at urology and to love with spoke to the protest in west, instead of back here in raleigh and supportive ukraine, saw a small group of people carrying the flags and conducting the countries were willing policy. let's give you some of backgrounds information on this space. now 71 year old to lodge conseula is a fish for sake. i'll be slow about prime ministers, ukraine policies, members of fits. those government confirms that this was pausing numerous pro west and raleigh's and dumont, did that deployment as to renew a slovak on supplies to key up before chasing the top. official countries. defense witnesses phase. the share thing was known as co, incidental. this is what i gave you all the biggest tragedy the past i was, is that we've discovered that the disagreement with a different political opinion, disagreement, or conflict of opinions have turned into pre meditated mode at what has to happen for a person who originally presented himself presented his opinions as,
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as the 1st to become an extremist. take a gun and chemistry want to kill someone else. i believe that the emotions of the last months was so high as the back you. this was no coincidence. so now the pizza is not so new politician. he's been in politics since 1992. that's 32 years on if he didn't have the same opinion with selected media and then the criticism float. and if you, despite public criticism still won the elections, then it breaks the question of it. how can we criticize him if he still wants to fight on somebody floating a slovak presence into a piece of the greening se sweetser remains of a serious condition? despite them to go to a successful operation off to be violent attack, the boots each one of the things that was panic on the tail, spread through the crowd waiting to needs be countries. anita. the assailant shows prominence. if it says 5 times on the exit to the government building is gone,
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rushed the prime minister into a call before he was left at the hospital from a safe location. the suspect was immediately taken into constance. he sees yes and that can bring says more details from the scene and see us how smoking security forces have removed a boat from this tree that was launched as a result of an attack and assassination attempt on the side walk in 5 minutes. a rule that fits so immediately behind it is the cultural center in which the prime minister walked out of moments before the attack took place. the silence was a 71 year old male speaking to the locals. they suggest the sentiment that the silence had towards the prime minister or the government is not necessarily something that is shared throughout the country. the silence was in one form or another aligned with a number of conflicting ideologies. back in 2016, many suggestive values more traditional that they were aligned with some marketing interest. somebody even described them as pro russian, whereas in 2022 was inner circle suggests his views changed,
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supported pro ukrainian, pro western and pro liberal values a drastic shift that resulted in the assassination attempt of football game, prime minister. but all that fits up, of course, 1st of all, it's a tragedy when you hear a politician is being attacked. and of course uh, we know that the softball care is a country where there's a big polarization. there's parts of the country which is strongly opposed to 5 minutes or feet, so and then there's a large part which is a fan of feats so. so of course, it's a dangerous situation and it's also, it's always a sets to hear that people tend to violence to express their opinion. and there's just, yeah, that's miss for chambers. maybe the gentleman was a little bit sick and a had, but that's not the way to handle things. in my opinion. there are a number of policies that we can list policies that the assailant was opposed for the most part. but the one thing that does remain a constant is the government's position to ukraine,
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as well as ukraine's potential bid to join nato. this is something the government opposes. these policies have been in place for a while. many would suggest there's a division within society. but then again, officials throughout the country have stated, the prime minister has been elected into power time and time again, his policies happened necessarily change. so the big question here is, where is this pressure coming from? and the pressure for the most part is of course, coming from brussels. it's coming from the united states. the walk is a member of the european union. so member of the nato alliance and this, and many other things as one of the fundamental reasons as to why the sealants could have potentially carried out the attack. one final thing to mention is these to lock you in government and it's intention to establish a foreign policy that is sovereign and independent from that of the european union and nato. this is a fundamental reasoning behind the government's position, the opposition as well as the motivation behind the servants motives. but more importantly comes at a time when your up itself is questioning its own existence, its identity as well as its foreign policy and about europe is looking to establish
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that identity. it makes sense that slovakia, serbia hungry, many countries within the european continent are essentially trying to establish the very same thing. yes, and again are 200 of us. little kid phones has declared a state of emergency over 16000 kilometers away from is you are paying food to new caledonia is up. and also the electra were phones put forward by paris. as the french government is dispatching a 1000 more troops to face ryah's, at least 4 people, including a police officer, have opposed to be being killed in the violence. the on rest is just the latest flash point and no running 10 since the powers is roll in the archipelago. flashes are up to the online day off the french little make is back. so bill, which the indigenous population size will dine loops that political influence the regions indigenous kind of people say powers has never cared about them to saw
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a refill, a press, the angry, everything is happening over the in the a one dream. i'll be the kind of people being heard, most christian, but what i realized is that the french have never thought about as they talk about shedding and balance. but that's never being the case. let's go plot, but we can't go on like this. we won't get anywhere with threats, violence or our discussion that works for everyone is needed so that we can find sincerity. serenity and above all, peace fits to aliyah. we spoke with tyler tyler and the full. my name is jerry and i'm boss. is it to the u. s. s. all who said phones is designed to dominate the called any at any cost, doesn't surprise them. and that's in the face use of which we are not surprised because this is a tendency to want to maintain into people on dates donation, not to any cost. unfortunately, the colonial power takes advantage of the situation which is characterized by an almost you reducible opposition between the independence east. under the least obviously, if it's easier to manipulate people when they are divided,
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i think that if there's any interest of virus to take account, the aspirations of the population, you have 2 types of reaction. pollution is well organized with political and social political structures that meets the aspiration. it's kind of defensive grades under weeks of civil war is not so if you under estimate that in this case, if the population decide to react violently, the 2nd reason is that's buying system under way of doing things by using force is that some of the policies ends least can also take the initiative unreality independent. consequently, the use of force under maintainance of the state of emergency can only be temporary, yukon for sale, population leaving the somebody a key in a state of emergency thing to prevent us to accept it gets to the bottom of the issue so that each con, without constraints can we talk political maneuvers allowed the population to express themselves free on this issue? i think the problem that arise today is to know if you'll call it on here 6. the remaining 13, your fast to be a french dependence volume, any case,
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a friend's house and company or even a citizen of this country wants to take their own land. and if the elections or for endo is a denies and a lawyer unfairly in a transfer into a obviously the comes out of last to be forced to concede this response to south africa agenda pan in the international court of justice. we're going to get tax on rasa, the deputy attorney general intel a v. as a case pretoria of trying to gain a military of volunteers, voids ally, have us as, as the u. n. well trade program is blaine's the idea of operation on rasa. so causing interruptions in a deliveries to garza, and to the cheryl has also condensed the blockade, which now prevents help from reaching the place, saying it should be prosecuted and donations have riley to the us embassy to commemorate the 76 anniversary of the not caught. which was the do not displacements of palestinians when the state of israel was created, ortiz rebecca,
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and not be superior to has more on this move of solidarity from 7 to 6 years. also napa, hundreds of other nations gathered in front of the u. s embassy entered car that to commemorate the big, held by the outside working group, muslim movement, community for palestine and i'll upside in indonesia. the people here spend info direct to you with the palestinians as a condemned, as or else oppression. and asking for a ceasefire. this is a message that can also be seen from the signs that are being lifted up to date. please fire now, let down the list and also uh find that urging the people to boy park all the is right else related products may 15th mark as the beginning of the destruction of the palestinians homeland and the displacement of more than 700000
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palestinians. the day known as the words next slide solve in arabic means catastrophe award. that is still relevant to describe the current situation in gaza. and as the people gathered earlier today, they began the action where opposed being lifted up to describe the supports from the western countries including the west. for is there a else oppression as a dial heart over humanity, they also try to stop trying to side. and also cease fire in front of the u. s embassy today to show their mitzy and also to acknowledge the palestinians fight over freedom over is or else a passion. and the also the same thing to national community that has united.


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