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tv   Inland Visions  RT  May 17, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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in also destruction of the palestinian homeland and the displacement of more than 700000 palestinians the day known as the words next slide solve in arabic means catastrophe award. that is still relevant to describe the current situation in gaza. and as the people gathered earlier today, they began the action where opposed to being lifted up to describe the supports from the western countries including the west. for is there a else oppression as a dial? heart over humanity, they also try to stop trying to side and also sees fire in front of the u. s. embassy today to show their mitzy and also to acknowledge the palestinians fight over freedom over is or else a passion. and they also see that has united to show support for the
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palestinians. but the people said that it's not enough until palestine has their freedom that they cannot be to reporting from jakarta for our team. coming your way next to learn about the tradition of watch making, getting washer dicing all the way back to the 18th century escalate. this episode of inland visions without more of the latest news updates lined up for you in about 13 minutes. hope to see you then the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, that tricky reminds me that i'm late for very important dates, which means it's time to slip down to the rabbit hole and into a world of russian time pieces. the, this is peter hoff. one of and for peter, the grades exquisite creations, showcasing luxury palaces, cascade fountains in spectacular park lands. but few people know that it's also home to one of russia's oldest watch making factories. david henderson stewart has
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been at the helm of this enterprise for more than a decade. so i'm going to ask him, what makes russian watch making check the so david, i have to, i guess, start with an esoteric question. the philosophers and scientists stay really cannot decide on what time is. one theory is the time was created by humans so that we could deal with our uncertainty. what is time to you and what are clocks to you? well times for me is one of the most important things and it was, i mean with all the money in the world, you cannot buy an additional seconds. your issue of a substrate equals in front of time. and um, you know, when you look at so the history far on says this time was acreage time was given by sky. they looked at the sun, the stars at the moon, so it came kind of for them. it came from a good time. we say course, so i kind of from have the same feeling towards time is something that's been very precious. and definitely one of the most important things start. we happen to wells
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with assets that we have. it was easy. now when you started here in the black chapter, you really didn't know anything about watches. now you were pretty much an expert. um, so what makes a cat the watch stand out to pick from a technical point of view? well, i can't say is much more than the watch and i can't say is a history. and i can't, the is brand that's intern sky link to russian culture russian history. and it's also the result of an incredible new how that is kept in under this roof, which otherwise would have disappeared. because you can always buy the machines in switzerland. but the new house is out solution incredible. these people doing incredible things with their hands. and the result is what you with us. any but fees, ships that are connected that's should always give the right time is just and that's what caused that to interact and every single day, week month, fee. uh uh, gives,
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gives you the time is something that is quite incredible. now, um, i've heard of an acoustic signature and i've heard that a lot can't to watch, has its own unique acoustic signature. what exactly is that? and why is that kids are so unique? watches um, no, just watches, move the hands, move around, the diode and watches make a sound also. and so what, she's very much like a living postings. and it has a history. it's, it, it's, it's in the watch make. it gives life to the, to the watch and, uh, the watch that you were and your risk measures your sure your time. mm hm. and it gives a sound and the sound is unique because the watch is made with russian metal. mm hm . uh and uh there which also has this in construction. so the sounds just difficult for me to describe the sound, but i know it's unique. it doesn't look, it doesn't sound like uh, the sound that this with which, so i'll take 1000 joules and watches. um,
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when i think of jewels, i think of something that is decorative, but jewels for water, i'm much more important to can you talk to me a little bit about what a jewels watch means? yeah, of course. every single which is a switch which has depression, which is tons of using the mechanical movements i have on my wrist. 24 jewels. now jewels, uh no, just beautiful gems. mm hm. jewels are also um, sort of a very important function. you should imagine like in, in, in the game tree and there are lots of wheels with boxes. mm hm. and, uh, each box rotates around is pivots like sometimes what a $100000.00 times a day. and uh, if it was a metal against my phone, it was very significant you were out isn't so at the tip of every ok so you have, you said you really against the metal doesn't wear out just so you sort of some very important function. ok, that's very cool. something that i did not know. thank you for that. very few people knew that there's a lot of people think like you, it's just extra that. i mean, that's a declaration,
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but it's not right. it's actually has it's expensive. very, very important. now, what about you, what you do here is more than business. you say that it is a can to well cultural values. in fact, i've heard in an interview that you said that what you do here is kind of like from the bookstore theater. can you explain that? what do you mean by that? i mean, everyone's things as a business is not a business. a business is something which is aims to make money. i get this too much money, not you should imagine that i get to as a fund fee that has existed for more than 300 years. it was funded by jim per piece of the great. mm hm. and it tells the stories that folds incredible achievements of the service under brushing people and the conquests of space and brushing of on god, and so on, so on. and what she does so doesn't seem peopled by what she has to read the time now to people by what she has. because the gets emotions from the watch. and the emotion comes from the mechanical movement, which is unique,
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which is the result of an incredible know how the story that the watch toes, the design and all of this is, is tremendously incredible. and look to my watch as a result of more than a 1000 corporations. you need more than the specialists to do this. i mean, it's not, it's the purpose of all of this is not to make money out of being much, much richer. if i started, you know, and i to company you insignificant, whatever. this is about something much bigger than that's the alexander brother and coffee has been collecting time pieces for half a century and now owns more than 6000 clocks and watches from different places and fx. more than any known private collector in the world. the
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how did you get started? what is collecting watches mean to you? is it about preserving history? is it about the fascination with time? what does this collection mean to you? later on? yes, i'm 64 years old. you know, you pay for some people say soviet watches a worth listening, boring, changing that wrong. then what we need to preserve a history which i'm trying to do. i doesn't feel young. people have no idea about soviet watches, which will actually amazing on what i've been collecting is a history of watches. that's your 1st and every collective antique timepieces before switching to soviet made one set there with no, it's a fascinating subject. i'm a member of the connect as club with a woman with many years ago, wrote to me saying it's better to own 10 break. it watches the bucket full of soviet mass, produce john, because it was, i guess question, just had no clue about soviet watches and see what, what, what i want to do is help the next generation appreciate the beauty of soviet
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washes. and so you're going to go this history is the legacy i want to leave behind checklist pay persisted. so you've mentioned you have more than 6000 watches. it's an impressive collection. and of these thousands, what are some of the most rare or the valuable like half my fitness and the most rare and valuable ones as he is or if it was good. in fact, these watches have zodiac signs on the dials. yeah, you have cancer and so on, you know, can you think the zodiac sign has its own gemstone? okay, so we've got music. this time piece is also interesting that with the, if you look at the live is, you can see it has a holographic crystal skeptical or isn't another remarkable piece. by the diving was from a factory museum, there was an hour this watch here has a unique movement of which was never mass produced. we found that it was destroyed . you wouldn't, as soon as it was made 0 instead of what is the use of the renters watches i have just the, i guess my final question is, how much is this all work? have you ever had your entire collection appraised um, how much is it all value that way that you know, this collection is priceless, sam,
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i don't even know how much it could be was because it's so unique, but it would be a lot of money. and then it has a lot of work that has gone into this collection. and you can find such a time pieces today or they don't exist anymore. it was a woman who called me twice, offering me 50000000 for the collection. i would remain it's guardian, but i would no longer be the i'm in a, it was something on stuff for me. you know, i'm 64. okay. and then when i been doing this my whole life with doing that, i just con, sell it to anyone. doing sure, it's my life. i don't want to change it back with. yeah. like collecting watches and you, i think i enjoy the excitement and i'm really committed to seeing this through the should i or do you my goal is to have the biggest collection period. i remember i said, well that's what i want. the money doesn't have the same appeal to me. i will think of what i enjoy noise being able to tell people about my watches that i want people
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to know the country, maize, all these wonderful things, the what are the qualities that you look for and a watchmaker. what does one need to have in order to be like an exclusive about yet? the quality watchmaker? i would say, the biggest quality that's a which mucus house is pushing me. um i uh before discovering that i guess i was a lawyer. i was a banker. i never saw so much passion in the profession as what you mean because uh for them and so much within the job is the passion of your life. mm hm. and when you're passionate about what you making, then all the other qualities flowing automatically, you know, precision and, and all of that. and so really i would say oppression. and what about you do? you cannot be a good what's, what makes you feel caution and about to your about to making, which is i would say that that's true all the way through. i guess. what about you
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personally? what have you learned from watch making you say that you were lawyer and a banker coming here? what have you learned about life in general? well, 1st of all, i've discovered 2 things. first of all, um i discovered the world of time and things like we, we talked about to submit a value around. hm. i also discovered how, you know, we, we come from a wealth of the western world where we value, you know, people who succeed in life by being bankers and lawyers and all the thoughts. and i discovered in this stock for you, how incredible g 's was uh, you know, when i see workers is crossing it, people doing things with a hands. that job is so much more difficult than even being a banker. mm hm. um, to become a good to watch me could take suitcase 5 to 6 years. and that was a huge challenge because there are new normal which making schools in rush anymore . so we, when we high young people we, we created our own wish making so, and we,
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we freedom and it takes us 5 to 6 years to, to make, you know, especially as often. so i've have it for months for specs. now for, for, for these workforce work with their hands because they do out to these incredible things. the, the sometime pieces can be spotted on the wrists of the world's rich and mighty take constantine check. and who's watching making is recognized by kind of source, as some of the most creative and original we can find out what's quite literally behind the face of it. the konstantin, thanks for taking the time to speak with us and to show us some of your work. now i see some sketches out here which fascinates me. i understand that before you start any project, you start with a sketch in, in a time when we have a i,
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and computer enhancements. so why with a sketch? are you an analog person, per se? he's one of me, several of the many watchmakers and designers who rely on modem, 3 d modeling tools. so most you said use a i in see what i want though, is the money creativity to come from the how does it with me? but as if you need this direct link between my fingertips in my brain, when i transfer my idea around to a note that will canvass my gimme a call that such a must for me. that i personally theater. where is the quickest way to sketch a new watching life? so now the outside design, the ornaments are one thing. but the inside of the watches, the mechanism itself. do those change from watch to watch or time piece to time piece, or is it all the same inside? and then when we describe a watch movement, we talk about it architecture. when we look at different buildings and they're architectural styles, we certainly see some functional elements like the foundation and the post in the ground, the rules, the windows and so on. a watch movement is
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a very functional mechanism as well. so we have a functional elements of also meant to have aesthetic value to even though some of the pots will never be seen by anyone except to watch, make a full service or to pay the watch later that you're working with so many tiny parts to create the mechanisms or on such a small, small scale, very delicate work. how do you get such crash midship um the mathematics, correct the parts, correct. some of them you're manufacturing it yourself. i'm sure um how does that all work together? have you do that here and we're putting in the list. sometimes this kind of craftsmanship is described as jewelry. great. in fact, some watchmakers consider with almost an insult, almost to the precision you need for making jewelry, is orders of magnitude lower than what's required for mechanical launches of s v o question. we certainly need special measurement to instruments because the, the color and says in making about depend on the precision of our measurements. we have these instruments as well as specialized machines, which allow us to manufacture high precision pods, to
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a total runs of several microns or several thousands of a millimeter. and now you have said that you've made the most complex timepiece in russia. what do you mean by that is a complexity and number of parts. is it the interest in introducing, excuse me, of movement and what is the most complex time police in rush? and of course miss todd created both the most complicated table clock in russia and full recently the most complicated watching rush. it was, well, you pronounced? yes, one tried to or in this a number of parts in the movement. for example, the moscow computers clock has 2506 pots in the movement alone. the wristwatch i mentioned has 664 pods and can use me. but the complexity is also determined by the number of function that don't complication. so you should so you have the number of pods and with the number of functions that can perform the bowl. so probably the number of new inventions in the time based on the background tax, and then this a time, which is the most precious thing we have, that went into the crafting of
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a mazda piece. ok, now you've also created the 1st to, to be on clock or time piece in russia. what exactly is that? um, am i correct in understanding that it's helps with the accurate accuracy? what is it to be on time takes? 20 years ago, i set myself the goal of creating the 1st of a tube alone in russia, in a table clock that's on usual goal was a challenge i decided to take upon myself to create the tool below. and as a mechanism invented by dis, with what jamaica abraham lou, but i gave you 200 years ago. i should start with the purpose of countering the effect of gravity on the accuracy of a time piece with the laws of physics hasn't changed much over the last 200 years. so one of the key components of a time based of 10 shows its accuracy is the balance wheel. who has access must coincide with its center of mass in tennessee, none of them even now in the 25th century. we can't make it exactly so therefore the job of
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a to belong is to average out gravitational error and provide accurate time keeping . i think it works well in portable time piece is and is a great solution on, you know, some of your designs are fantastic with um, extravagant ideas and thinking of the time piece that calculates the time on mars, as well as a time piece that calculates russian orthodox easter i guess i have to ask maybe the most obvious question. who's the clientele for this type of watch? why would someone want this type of watch? the, my role here is primarily that to but not just to me knows no limits. there's classical, out like drawing or making sculptures. and what i do is technical out to modest me most working on extremely complicated mechanisms which calculate the distance between us and to boss full time on miles on the days of orthodoxy. stuff. obviously these have no practical sense these days in the same book. it's more of an autistic challenge for me. when you're talking about mechanical watches in general, most of the day we're swamped with information and can check the time, not necessarily on a wristwatch and put on
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a middle by phone and so on. you could say that the mechanical watch has essentially outlived its usefulness because they were just so many other convenient devices that can tell you the time that the bucket. so my work is primarily a creative process for me in your live a 1st, we do have already space programming. i'm system that watches the show, the time on miles will eventually be used by cause milledgeville arrest or no to will set foot on the red planet. and the distant or not too distant future, they'll want to know what time it is, but it's secondly, what use have been and still being used on the international space station and stuff. so yeah, he's never among the very few time paces that have been worn under a space suit by customer. no, it's during space walks by somebody. so there are a couple of specific examples of serious practical use. give others me, konstantin. and let's talk about the orthodox easter time piece because i've tried to calculate it with a sasha. my editor. it's very difficult. it's incredibly complex in terms of doing that. how do you go about creating something?
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and the mechanism for something so complex. just different indeed. rules for setting the date of orthodoxy. use the formulated in the middle of the 1st millennium hague d. it was defined as the 1st sunday following the 1st full moon off the casa, rub, many different algorithms for determining the data with proposed over the next 1500 years with all that, i've taken it a step further from. i came up with my own mathematical formula based on those algorithms, which then helps me to build a mechanical watch maggio history based on. yes, i've done that twice. by the way, i get that once for a model with optical indication released in 2005. my 1st launch for orthodoxies to the federal. i'd like to for a different mechanism of, of which uses a hand to indicate the right data. i'm proud to say that few watchmakers do innovative mass apart from classical mathematical calculations to help them invent
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new modules and the calendars. another thing that is now after say that the time of my research, you had 90 for patents already. you're an artist, you're an engineer, and you have to be all of these things. um or what is your next big dream project? i guess i'm not sure i'm happy to say that we just go down 95th painted. i will reach 100 page and soon enough, you know, at some point i began to see my work as a challenge and we're just trying to do something. nobody else is doing and setting apparently unachievable goals. i'm not going to develop any secrets, but we do have quite a few very ambitious project in the pipeline. you can trace this trajectory, looking at some of our previous achievements because frank red, gold of unusual and complicated watches. some of them related to space, exploration, nor other challenges and some not very practical isn't others quite practical. see me at the moment, but not necessarily needed today or next year. that may be very handy and future. yes. what about your work? it brings you joy and brings you pride what. what you like most of you do, unlike other forms of, of watch making is very complex and it takes
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a long time to create, to watch. it's true that it can be months and often years after big names, the movement of this clock here took me about 5 years to build some of my latest, a complicated wristwatch is required to g as in more, almost at them. add to that the inventions i had created before which went into those models skipping. sometimes you could easily say those watches with 10 years in the making states to you. i think it's a lengthy process. what brings me joy is the bus of a new time piece, a new. it's great to have a new idea. it's nice to sketch something beautiful and serious goodwin,
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having invested several years into a timepiece, would be you see a bonus last. so for me as a mechanical device, it has a life of its own. i'm at this moment your over whelmed with joy without the kind of back to the esoteric a little bit. i'm an american. you are british. ah, but i've heard you talk about, the russian soul is important and what you do here. but i've also heard from russian, says that there's no possible way that a foreigner could really fully understand. the russians also talk to me about the russian soul and the rocket to watch how is it implemented? go 1st of all what i kind of disagree because when you look at the history from me, um starting with the to the great and then of to it's lot of foreigners have come to russian like a lot of so far. and this house has of significant impact in the development to frustrate you over to over the overtime on the roof. and so from you. well, i just got a diversion. so by reading those to you have ski in uh, in uh when i lived in engines is to me it was kind of
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a people with very tormented deep culture, decreased feelings. mm hm. which was very different from what i'm using because english people and not like us. and we are thoughts too high, the shootings and not have any feeling senior governors expression this difficult the. it means to us, you know, what, what, why, when people feel things are usually the eclipse starts moving. mm hm. well, we are thoughts and have a to show a few things. right? so that was very different from, from, from what i knew. and i was interested invite us and, or does what difference always to me. i mean, it goes all goes back to those steps, get rid of those and definitely escape, i like like many, many people. right. and he describes very well dis, afraid, jeep complications, reference. so you've also said that watch me thing in general would be boring without russians. so what do russians and bring in? what does russia bring to the table in the realm of watching me thinking it? i know the one who said, that's okay. this is something about this tool that is, this is set to meet every time i grew to we participate in big procedures. wish
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exhibitions, engineering for example. we have all of these new john dallas and which making experts who come to me and said fine go do do exist because otherwise the world unfortunately can, would be much more boring if that what, when you switch switches and where we bring is a different construction of the movements mean a movements i'm moving with the russian movement looks like this, this moment, but it's constructive confusion differently. and another kind of design. i was just tell a very different his history or school story. and so the russian watches are very
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different from what you find in switzerland and people in the watch making world of crushing it about twitches. mm hm. so they're very happy. that's we being we bring some fresh to to a well that's would be otherwise dominated by switch,
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which is the, the oh the the, [000:00:00;00] the hi. i'm rick sanchez. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. several opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state
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department c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you, i'm comfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the as for the city of car. so we have no plans of taking talk of today. has been vladimir putin stays, russian was being forced to create a security zone on his oldest mit constance, ukrainian shelling of civilian areas, stuff during a press conference in the chinese city of hobbin,


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