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tv   News  RT  May 17, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way the s for the city of car. so we have no plans of taking talk of today. as the patient says, rusher is being forced to create a security zone on his oldest. let me constance, ukrainian shelling of civilian areas, stuff during a press conference in the chinese city of hobbin also. but it's a bit louder, disagrees with the government. doesn't agree with stuff in assistance to ukraine and non who left the slow back problem and just in a critical condition, often assassination attempt opposed to the government's policy of refusing to ukraine, of correspondent visits the scene of the crime. smoking security forces have removed a bullet from this tree that was launched as
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a result of an attack and assassination attempt on the lease of walking 5 minutes. the pizza that the wireless continues in new caledonia were low thing bill as prong struggle to contain protesters deploying troops to the territory, locals the up in on the how power it has responded to the smart. let's get you. what i realized is that the french have never thought about us. they talk about sharing and balance, but at the same of being the case, no, so free to speak out the sounds down on full russian road, costa. so i think information risks the outlets and such as me the a very well welcome to you. it's 5 pm here in most go in. you're watching all the international with the latest wells news on the day to skip the happy with us as
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always, the top story, a news conference was held in the chinese city of hobbin. to wrap up president vladimir putin as to day state visits, the russian delegation received a room welcome from president sheets and paying to help the countries strategic partnership. what we've been covering every step of the official trip right here on the the the, the, during the day press conference on the final day of the visit, the russian president vladimir putin said the russian army is no plans to take the
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city of hall cove emphasizing that rusher is now focusing on creating a security zone super as heck fits. he's on his board as the source of the power of the current key of authorities is included. the western sponsors have created conditions for the transition of a smouldering conflict into an armed one. and now they are trying to put the blame on russia. this is the result of their policy to the what is happening in the cock of direction is also default to ukraine is showing residential areas of the board of territories including belgrade. civilians are dying. it's obvious that shooting right into the center of the city. if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone. that's what we're doing. as for the city of cardboard, we have no plans of taking talk of today. like maybe we can address this athletic
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fee reads or is it again, something that p is made to point to of a point of and that is, but russia has been cheated time and time again when it comes to dealing with u. k . and it has learned it's less than a little wave all the way back from, from the meanest agreements, which would cube side by western states, as well as kids and a deal that they never even intended to own. let me meet the, the, the, the tell themselves under the obligations they spent the time by their own admission pumping. you came full of what weapons preparing it for more with rush when the war finally came and russian troops, serge, towards key of the landscape. aust, russia to remove to pull those forces back so that a p steel could be achieved, easy, but must includes with the side of the gesture of goodwill. then they came out and said that would be no peace deal. this would be, this would be
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a fights to the end and the body shop would be defeated. fos full would to his views. ambitions, haven't borne fruit, pain, ease by its own admission using this complex. and here let me put in points out the absurdity. it is now cooling a peace conference in switzerland believes inside cooling a peace conference without inviting russia and a meant to then take the to on to the winning side. we analyze everything. of course we are following what is happening around the announce meeting in switzerland. we are not going to switzerland, but we never refuse negotiations on like ukraine. they are the ones who withdrew from the negotiation process. they are the ones who said they were going to inflict a strategic defeat on it. they declared that they were going to fight to the end. in fact, not to the end, but to the last ukrainian. the wes approach to the conflicts hasn't changed as
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a whole sentence from hells of fail. the russian economy is growing faster than most european nations. and here the united states is time now to sanction countries, other than russia, boons do business with russia. and the approach that like me approved and said is it gets absorbed and bullied eventually damage the united states. more than anyone else, senses traditionally, sanctions against 3rd party states. they are generally illegitimate and already in relation to 3rd countries. this is completely beyond the bounds of common sense. by the way, such sanctions are applied by the americans or the europeans, even against their allies. this is a practice and the europeans are swallowing it all. once again, confirming its vessel edge to the overseas silver and the issues related to calculations are discussed at the level of participants in economic activity. it is possible to understand the motives of behavior in large financial institutions,
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but no one wants to incur any losses in connection with legal, even the legal actions of the us authorities. this is a d audit and a huge mistake on the part of the american political elite because they themselves are doing great damage, undermining confidence in the dollar, and gradually curtailing the dollar status as a global settlement currency, you wouldn't be too issue to and have like maybe losing says it is time for some nations of the will to face the obvious, the obvious he's the piece is the big well, a world where everyone's rides deserve to be respected. you are finished to but it's important that those who are trying to maintain a monopoly on old issue understanding that a multiple world is emerging before our eyes do everything that depends on them in this case. so that this process is natural, peaceful, conflict, free. and that the opinions of both participants in the international process is taken into full account and that we all look for compromises in the rather complex decisions that we all face. we prepared for this kind of work. i have spoken about
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this more than once. and the president of the people's republic of china has emphasized that our cooperation is not directed against anyone. it is aimed at one thing creating better conditions for the development of our countries and improving the well being of the people of china and russia. they're off coast a number of a number of deals that have been signed statements of intense agreements for future corporation for, for military corporation. since it's a peaceful energy when nuclear energy, as well as promises to keep the chinese academy fed with russian energy and resources as well as brain and food. c, g ping, russo expressing support for us as actions of defending its, its sovereignty. them the 2 of the 2 nations of i've reached relations, but they describe as, as a historic hi. these are relations that they tend to heighten even further a list of things. i have
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a now with i guess where it joins live binding can do most mondays, social science academic with too many thanks for joining cuz i'm a product and very nice to see you today. so speaking on this final day, all of these are china trip. the russian president gave some insights into the current situation with ukraine. he said the taking over the city of hall called is not on the agenda right now. instead, the russian advance of the region is, is it aiming to establish a buses zone given being 10 shilling we seen of, he cried yet of the russian board regions by ukrainian forces. what do you may to of the strategy? well, i think this is a guinea line, it would present the audience, pull the that are the chinese president dosage and being done. so the coming up with a police listed for them and then it got to ukraine. and the strategy is evidence that the one to know to have more of a political engagement in terms of ending this particular perfect and that as raged
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now for over 3 years. so the, the, the announcement about the intention of rushing us to be able to take stuff, talk to, you've ease in line with what the most cool or the criminal nozzle is maintained, which is now to move towards the strategic engagement police engagement especially we've, we've wished when it comes to bring a photo and to this conflict, and there were been numerous offers to mediate from tech a, from china, from others. this ukraine, p summit that we're going to see in switzerland. russia hasn't even been invited to . it's a now trying to in south africa, i've always, i said, you know, we don't want to be a positive is why do you think beijing in pretoria taking this approach and what does it say about how the summit is being views? well, you cannot uh, be speaking about uh,
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conflict and then not inviting uh by the main main players lacresha and the school as far as you know has its, uh, uh, lies, uh, such as china in south africa who of now, um, showing that the important allies to my school, and now they have decided not to also attend, which again shows you that and disability to the situation. and my date is that the most cool um i, she, uh, wanting us to have this despite everything that is up need. and it is also a high time the, the west and the international community do us, understands the role play by russia and be invited in such summits so that you can be able to come up with a peaceful resolution to the, to the green conflict. and data i gather that they the intention of new crane and holding the so called piece um is, is to gather together as many times as possible who are going to put more pressure
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. and we're going to increase, put more pressure on russia. how is that attack sake is going to bring peace? hey, ken has often done that in the past 3 years and especially relied on that it wasted as the united states in terms of the nation. and of course, the other 2 weeks ago, the united states congress passed these bills for on to use funding uh to the ukraine. and ukraine also sees this is an opportunity to, to continue to put pressure on the international community, especially mental members. and the united states to gain more support and maybe that these be the thinking behind it. but let's say it was, and i think this does not in any way paid way for peace in the so i think it is a alexis's aimed to be to me, i don't really succeed in terms of the approach. so the approach should be more
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about engagement to reach russian most was being able to come up with some sort of proposals, which i think if they want to be put into consideration, then we might be able to accommodate me. is that possible in these sites to there is always one of these particular conflict and days. many thanks for joining us on the program. it's great to hear your thoughts on this. like at the most mid day social science academic research and conflicts development consultancy analysts, sweetie. appreciate your time. thank you. thank you. off a little on the 2nd and final day of the russian liter state visit to china to stay with us on see for our full coverage the see what the news now be. dunlab suspect cuz it shows things slow about 5 minutes to robust fix. a opposed his policies, including the bonding, the lawn supplies to you, frame that's according to the countries in syria,
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minnesota. or should i still on the impulse? but at each just i can confirm the reasons why this is classified as politically motivated, pre mediated murder. we're not pointing fingers on anybody. i presented to you with the facts. and this was a summary of a stipends made, but they say it was the he's unhappy with the situation and he disagrees with the government. it doesn't agree with stuff in assistance to ukraine. to sort of weeks before the assassination attempts a suspected gun manager, roger, and 10 to the, was supposed to that a protest in west. in slovakia the raleigh is supposed to view freight and sore, a small group of people carrying e flags and condemning the countries ruling policy. so let's give you some background information on the suspects. now 71 year old gerard to attend to utilize a phase course, a could be slow about prime ministers, ukraine policies, numbers of states, so as a government. and so it confirms that the 2 pausing numerous pro western riley's and them on the department is to renew,
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solve back on supplies. the kid before shooting the top official countries defends witness to say is the shooting was notes coincidental? this is what i gave you all the biggest tragedy the past i was, is that we've discovered that the disagreement with a different political opinion, disagreement, or conflict of opinions have turned into pre meditated mode at what has to happen for a person who originally presented himself presented his opinions as pacifists to become an extremist. take a gun and chemistry want to kill someone else. i believe that the emotions of the last months was so high as the back you. this was no coincidence. by visa is not so new politician. he's been in politics since 1992. that's 32 years. if he didn't have the same opinion with selected media, then the criticism float. and if you, despite public criticism, still one the elections, then it breaks. the question is, how can we criticize him if he still wants to fight on somebody floating is going
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to slovak prizes. and patriot pelligrini says fits so remains that a serious condition. despite on the go and a successful operation, also the violent attack, the associates from the scene shows panic and tails spread through the crowd wasting to meet the country's, anita, they say, let's show the department of defense those 5 times as the exits to the government building is gone, rushed b p. m, into a call before he was listed to hospital from a safe location based on suspect, was immediately taken into custody on the easiest. and that can brings as well dates house when the scene of the attack. smoking, security forces have removed a boat from this tree that was lodged as a result of an attack and assassination defense on the sidewalk. in 5 minutes, a rule that fits so immediately behind it is the cultural center in which the prime minister walked out of moments before the attack took place. the silence was
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a 71 year old male speaking to the locals. they suggest the sentiment that the silence had towards the prime minister or the government is not necessarily something that is shared throughout the country. these statements was in one form or another aligned with a number of conflicting ideologies. back in 2016, many suggest his values more traditional that they were aligned with some walking interest. somebody even described them as pro russian, whereas in 2022, his inner circle suggests his views changed, supported pro ukrainian, pro western and pro liberal values a drastic shift that resulted in the assassination attempt of football game, prime minister. but all that fits up, of course, 1st of all, it's a tragedy when you hear a politician is being attacked. and of course, uh, we know that the football carries a country where there's a big polarization. there's parts of the country which is strongly opposed to finance their feet. so and then there's a large part which is a fan of feed so. so of course, it's a dangerous situation and it's also,
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it's always, uh, a sets to hear that people tend to violence to express their opinions. and there's just, yeah, that's misfortune. maybe it's the gentleman was a little bit sick and a had, but that's not the way to handle things. in my opinion, there are a number of policies that we can list policies that the assailant was opposed for the most part. but the one thing that does remain a constant is the government's position to ukraine, as well as ukraine's potential bid to join nato. this is something the government opposes. these policies have been in place for a while. many would suggest there's a division within society. but then again, officials throughout the country have stated, the prime minister has been elected into power time and time again, his policies happened necessarily changed. so the big question here is, where is this pressure coming from? and the pressure for the most part is of course, coming from brussels. it's coming from the united states. the walkie is a member of the european union member of the nato allies. and this i'm a menu of the things is one of the fundamental reasons as to why the sealants could
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have potentially carried out the attack. one final thing to mention is lisa lockheed and government. and it's intention to establish a foreign policy that is sovereign and independent from that of the european union and nato. this is a fundamental reasoning behind the government's position, the opposition as well as the motivation behind the servants motives. but more importantly comes at a time when your up itself is questioning its own existence, its identity as well as its foreign policy and about europe is looking to establish that identity. it makes sense that slovakia, serbia hungry, many countries within the european continent are essentially trying to establish the very same thing. yes, and it can r, t and 100 of us live all the time to go on has announced that the floating pia, its spelled to assist gaza has been completed on been sold. ships will soon begin delivering much needed to monetary and aid including food. the us sons call a deputy colanda is a, is
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a plan has been developed to ensure the safety of old personnel, the protection of us forces participating as a top priority. and as such, in the last several weeks, the united states and israel have developed an integrated security plan to protect all the personnel. we are confident in the ability of this security arrangement to protect those involved. the project has been launched. mold in 2 months off the president bind and unveiled the plan with a he wasn't expected to coordinate distribution of the assistance in gaza. is ready for this will be in charge of security on show a while to us navy warships patrol the area and the eastern mediterranean sea. both vessels are equipped with a range of weapons capabilities to protect the american troops and its allies will. meanwhile, the foreign ministers of 13 countries, including all the g 7 nations, except for the u. s. accordingly,
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as well to work for the old border crossings. the aid, especially the rafa crossing. the joint statement highlights the urgent need to alleviate the was sitting humanitarian crisis in garza and was as well against attacking ruffin. we're getting close live now to demetrius de leon. a sponsor reform is democratic functions by exposing many thanks for joining on the program. it's good to see. so they see this of some aid organizations, of course, as well. i think this expensive pay a construction project is questioning why as well does it simply allow land convoys into gone? so why do you think the decision was made to create this delivery system by say, not land? well we, as a matter of principle, welcome any gateway to for the humanitarian aid, to enter the gods. this is something essential. now for the people living under
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these randy genocide, but at the same time we cannot emphasize enough the importance of israel opening the areas and calling the crossing guy points with the state of israel. now the reason as you ask why they did this, a port was even established by the united states of america. it's very simple. the state of israel has a government and elected government that is so right wing fascist genocide. go to the point that the people of the state of israel that elected it, will not allow it or it will not go easily if israel, for political, internal, political reasons, allow humanitarian a to enter gust. so at this puts the state of israel in odds with the old world, with human values even, and with the odds with the international criminal court, the court. so uh, so who comes to an aid and help and save the step?
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it is real complicated genocide, jo, week comes and puts in more money to build this quote which we welcome anyway. but this book, the purpose of this not to save the people of gaza is to save the state of israel. but with that as a byproduct, the people of guys that would benefit and that's what we welcome, but this does not at all replace the need. urgent need to have the state of israel lift. it's jim sidle siege on guys a strip by opening corny and arrows post points as the operating as people meet, which is much more hours the heavier traffic. because simply people are not living under normal conditions or normal or regular seed. they are living under genocidal need and their needs are much,
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much more than what they were loading is what i said. let's just talk about the system that the us has put in place now at the plant is according to the us naval central. come on says that b is waning, military is going to provide security on the show with american ships patrolling the coastal was, is it how successful do you think the strategy will be what, what issues might arise with this system? i believe that so the united states or the state of israel, sometimes they do not realize that without the cooperation from people on the ground, none of this would take place. and so far i know for sure that no doubt, city infection would agree to uh, any uh, cooperation with the united states of america as a complicit partner to the state of israel and even to cooperate. of course, with the genocide goal is really are what's required is yes for them to find
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somehow a way maybe to attend that independent, the national organizations to carry aid into gaza strip. this would be okay, but again, if there is no uh, solid dallas city in uh, water, things will be much slower, much harder. and as long as the car, the uh crossing and aris cross and our flows, we know that this is a political ploy to see the state of israel world further into national trouble as it continues with. it's jim southern guns and thank you for speaking to us today. is this good to hear your views on the situation to meet with a on a spokes person of the thoughts as were full mess, democratic sites, and thank you. thank you for you as well. dollars, another round of bands against the russian media outlets,
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sites and risks to the both cost is allegedly pose by sharing information. the console today decided to suspend the broad costs and activities seem to he repeated union of for additional media out. that's which spread and support the boston propaganda and whole for direction against ukraine. the russian federation has engaged in a systematic international campaign of media and information manipulation, interference and grave distortion effect. so in order to justify and support its full scale across from the gays to crane, and to enhanced that strategy of disability ation of its neighboring countries and all the and it's not in the states. let's get some more details. more correspondence. marina cause a river now marina. good to see you. so just bring it up to speed on the latest and what this all means for press freedom in a you to absolutely well the for media outlets and question our voice of europe. adi and all of us see is vs the as well as what i see. so does he have time?
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these are mainly news papers and online media really. and they say there that effectively the drilling of us can still conduct research. they can still conduct interviews, but no one in europe will see them. of course they can be seen in other countries, but when it comes to the you, no one will be able to see them. why? because these bands essentially cover the transmission and distribution of all means we're talking about tables, satellites of the internet. so any social media platforms app, so you will not be able to find it there. and this is of course, all sorted after the special military operation began in crane right away. your opponents who shopped down any russian channels. for example, the 1st one that got hits and slapped to assign sanctions. and it's broadcast activities were suspended was r c. and splitting it, and then they continued. and also we see now again, thomas, i'm again, russian has said that this infringes upon the freedom of speech,
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which is what europe is all about. so your opinions are essentially, don't want their citizens to hear russia's version of events of russia's point of view as well, shall, all along with st. it's only fair to allow your p and citizens to hear all sides of the story to see the full picture and be able to make up their own minds. but it seems that they do doesn't want it citizens to make up their own mind. they just want them to think what the you wants them to think, and this is what the process for and ministry spokesman has to say regarding these latest measures. and so, russia's was highly ation by the story, despite the fact that western correspondence will not want to, they will also have to face our retaliatory measures. and exactly the same way as we responded to the harassment of russian journalists before we will respond with lightning speed and extremely painfully for westerners. if even one russian media outlet is subject to and justified restrictions, this will ricochet on their colleagues here in russia. i mean, on western journalists, this is not a threat, and it is not even
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a warning. this is a statement of an inevitable scenario for the development of events under certain circumstances as well. the e. u has also binds russian funding, all of a media, n g o is as well as political parties. having said all of this, this is all a little bit useless because nowadays will live in the world, a vpn where europeans and americans kind of course switch on their vpn and still be able to access to watch and read all these bad media outlets. and what's more, just reading your news from a few days ago, there was an article stating there that some member states are not even going by applying their own rules. because as it states there are it see for example, which has been banned for 2 years. now is still a quarter and see here and use accessible within the european commissions press room in belgium. so if that doesn't say at all, i don't know one does marina, thanks to bring this up to date on that. as long as the correspondent maureen,
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a customer of phones has declared a state of emergency over 16000 kilometers away from is your pin, bought a new caledonia is up and owns the electric over phones put forward by powers. since the french government is dispatching a 1000 more troops to face riotous, at least 4 people, including a police officer, have reported me being killed in the violence. the unrest is just the latest flash point and long running tensions of a power is as role in the archipelago class as abrupt on monday off the french lawmakers and back to bill, which the indigenous population saves, will bindings death. political influence, the regions and vigilance cannot, people say pirates has neza kaz about them to saw and we feel oppressed, we are angry, everything is happening over that and be a one dream. i'll be the kind of people being heard most crucial, but what i realized is that the french have never thought about us. they talk about
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sharing and balance. but.


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