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tv   News  RT  May 17, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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or the best for the city of culture. we have no plans of taking talk of today. president vladimir putin say is russia is being forced to create a security zone. his food is a constant, ukrainian shelling of civilian areas during a press conference of a chinese city of hall. been full sunday so we do not wish harm to the civilians. how must this is precisely what use or at least taking states to try and contend with the massive complexity such as situation presents as positive as well defense fit the i, c, j, west south africa has accused the middle east and the state of genocide,
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of the closing 35000 deaths in golf and the powers is determined to tighten the screws in new caledonia off the deadly. why is killed for people locals? the often on say, the how towers has responded to the crisis. must gives you more, i realized, is that the french have never thought about us. they talk about sharing and balance . but at the same of being the case, the very welcome you want to go to the international with the wells news update, as always is good to have you with us. on top story this, our president vladimir putin as wraps up a 2 days day visit to china with a news conference. and this is a, a called in the russian delegation received a welcome from chinese presidents, gigi, and ping to help the countries that strategic partnership. we've been covering
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every step to all the official trip right to an aussie the the was speaking on the final day of his trip president vladimir putin updated reporters on the situation with you pray. it confirms that russia has no plans to take the city of hawk off and is now focusing on creating a security zone to protect cities on his board. as the source of the power of the current key of authorities is included, the western sponsors have created conditions for the transition of
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a smouldering conflict into an armed one. and now they are trying to put the blame on russia. this is the result of their policy. what is happening in the cock of direction is also default to ukraine is showing residential areas of the board of territories including belgrade. civilians are dying. it's obvious that shooting right into the center of the city. if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone. that's what we're doing. as for the city of cards off, we have no plans of taking a cock of today. like maybe we can address this athletic, the reason raise it again. something the p is made a point to of a point of and that is, but russia has been cheated time and time again when it comes to dealing with u. k . and it has learned it's less and all the way, all the way back from, from the ministry agreements, which was to side by west and states as well as q and
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a deal that they never even intended to own. let me meet the, the, the, the tons of under the obligations they split the top by the only mission pumping. you came full of what weapons preparing it for more with rush when the war finally came and brushing tubes serge towards key of the landscape. aust, russia to remove to pull those forces back so that a peace deal could be achieved, easy, but much influence with the son of the gesture of goodwill. then he came back and said that would be no peace steal. this would be, this would be a fights to the end and the bus up would be defeated. fast forward to he is. a villas ambitions have been born fruits, pain, ease by its own admission using this complex. and here, let me put in points out the absurdity. it is now cooling
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a peace conference in switzerland believes inside cooling a peace conference, without advising russia and the aiming to then dictate the tubs to the winning side . we analyze everything. of course, we are following what is happening around the announce meeting in switzerland. we're not going to switzerland, but we never refuse negotiations on like ukraine. they are the ones who withdrew from the negotiation process. they are the ones who said they were going to inflict the strategic to feed and they declared that they were going to fight to the end. in fact, not to the end, but to the last ukrainian. the west, supposed to the conflicts hasn't changed as a whole sentence from hells of fail. the russian economy is growing faster than most european nations. and here the united states is time now to sanction countries . all the russia boons do business with rush,
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an approach the black near booth and said, is it get absorbed and will eventually damage the united states. more than anyone else? sunset is traditionally sanctions against 3rd party states. they are generally illegitimate and already in relation to 3rd countries. this is completely beyond the bounds of common sense. by the way, such sanctions are applied by the americans or the europeans, even against their allies. this is a practice and the europeans as swallowing it all. once again, confirming its vessel edge to the overseas silver and the issues related to calculations are discussed at the level of participants in economic activity. it is possible to understand the motives of behavior in large financial institutions, but no one wants to incur any losses in connection with legal, even the legal actions of the us authorities. this is a d audit and a huge mistake on the part of the american political elite because they themselves are doing great damage, undermining confidence in the dollar, and gradually curtailing the dollar status as
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a global settlement currency would it be to ship to and do you have like maybe was and says it is time for some nations of the well to face the obvious, the obvious he's, the piece is a big well well, what everyone's rights deserve to be respected. you as much to but it's important that those who are trying to maintain a monopoly on old issues, understanding that a multi point of world is emerging before our eyes do everything that depends on them in this case. so that this process is natural, peaceful, conflict, free and that the opinions of hold participants in the international of this piece taken into full account. and that we all look for compromises in the rather complex decisions that we all face. we prepared for this kind of work. i have spoken about this more than once. and the president of the people's republic of china has emphasized that our cooperation is not directed against any one. it is aimed at one thing creating better conditions for the development of our countries and improving the wellbeing of the people of china and russia. there of course, a number of a number of deals that have been signed statements of intense agreements for future
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cooperation from, from military cooperation to the peaceful energy when nuclear energy, as well as promises to keep the chinese academy fed with russian energy and resources as well as brain and food, c, g ping rule, so expressing support for us is actions and defending its, its sovereignty. them the 2 of the 2 nations of i've reached relations but they describe as, as a historic high and these are relations. but they tend to heighten even further. but while we, us precious mexico know to who's chinese electric vehicles, manufacturers on an soil. and so i think the staging with the future power if increase is always cause computer chips and solar cells. the russian president vladimir person has his house is what he called the west onside economic wolf. a
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sensory integration of different sections, of course, looked like sanctions on the outside. but to a certain extent, such elements of economic warfare are not being used for the 1st time. why have such restrictions been imposed on the chinese automotive industry? because they have become better and cheaper than european and non american ones? that's all they just killed the competition. in this case, the chinese competitor is not allowed to enter the market of. let's discuss this now with professor of politics and international relations at east china normal university. joseph gregory mahoney when he, thanks for joining us on their programs, they really appreciate it. at best up. how would you assess the behavior of us officials regarding chinese electric cost is a full in line with the free trade practices. but the us preaches. well, let's look at the bigger picture. first of us attacks against trying to see these are part of a much larger trade war and studies prove american consumer, sir. consumers and businesses have encouraged,
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significant loss is due to these policies, reports estimate as many as 300000 american jobs have been loss along with half a percentage point to about gdp. it's also contributed to inflation, a leading cause of discontent among us others. now, despite these losses, uh, the u. s. continues to expand the policies that created them by their objectives seem to include increasing economic pressure on china to induce popular discontent . frustrating china is structural reforms slowing. china is rises a, a technological society, true tactic, counseling, and pushing china into a middle income trip. more specifically, the us is also demonizing, chinese tvs is capable of being used for spying and sabotage. trying to dissuade other countries from buying and hosting a chinese e v plants in short, this isn't narrowly about economic competition. it's not really about free trade. it's much bigger. it's about sustaining global hegemony against the rising major
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power. generally, that has long lead a dollar, an oil, and us us as incurring losses accordingly. when it comes to mexico. what, what low lowest and benefits do you expect? and mexico to see from the production of chinese electric cars on his territory. and why would they, he was supposed to be ignoring these, the regulations my negatively affect the ordinary citizens in that country. well, mexicans would benefit from cheaper and greater cars and trucks, a godsend for the highly polluted capital, mexico city. it would also bring more jobs and other growth opportunities. in fact, mexico has long been a target for expanding automobile manufacturing and sales with volkswagen being a well known case study. historically, up, however, the us, the side care about mexicans, us took mexico's best way a by force in the 19th century and still discriminates against mess against today. who comes with us as migrant workers, especially in states, but previously belonged to mexico. meanwhile, uh the, the us fuels,
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uh mexican drug cartels with insatiable demand and provides them with an english supply weapons, reducing much of mexico to near civil war conditions. us free trade agreements meant that to us companies could move to mexico and pollutes they're avoiding us environmental protection, but selling in the us carefree funding, much of the manufacturing space in northern mexico to assess goals. in short, i think it would be difficult to save us as ever cared much about mexico or mexicans. and the us isn't going to start caring. now if they want to, to buy chinese eaves a quite the opposite. but with the chinese, the basement across as now was kind of protective measures, could be us take, they could have an impact on the development of chinese electric thomas would you think can see him is, will be persuaded that the us product is better through such measures well, you know, i think the facts and matters. uh, some us consumers uh, remains hospital to eat these. uh some have uh some sort of cultural uh,
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link to polluting uh, automobiles. uh this is uh, an identity thing. uh, but many would like to to buy. i these, if they were cheaper enough, tesla does make a good product that most of americans cant afford one not and it would be very difficult for us companies to make high quality i these that can compete with those that are being manufactured in china and this has been proven true and especially true, given the fact that the american companies that want to produce these are being restricted from accessing even parts or batteries from china under some of these restrictions out as, as we know, it is the item is really in a bind administration is trying to pressure mexico and the you to avoid chinese eaves altogether. but what we've seen and, and some countries in europe, for example, spain hungry and most recently, frances,
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that they're inviting chinese, usually companies to manufacture their. and this will, this may probably be a growing trend if the us efforts to demonize fails in europe. now, perhaps a new administration, if one is elected this year in the us, might change policies. this has been floated as a possibility. but don't hold your breath. many thanks for speaking to us today. i really appreciate it. joseph gregory mahoney, a professor of politics on the international relations at east the china normal university. thank you. all on the 2nd, on find out the day of the russian need to stay visit to china. do stay tuned to watch a full off full coverage and the moving on now as is well, we're suppose to south africa's hudgens appeal in the international court of justice regarding a tax. on rafa the deputy attorney general and tyler vapors accused to mass of
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using the area as a strong hold for terrorist activities on tommy civilians. apparently, unlike the idea, russell in particular is a focus point for i'm going to over 60 with the it is a strong hold full from us is operate is with several battalions belonging to the rough, 3 gauge entrenched in the area. we do not wish harm to the civilians. how much does that is precisely what is what is taking states to try and contend with the massive complexity that such a situation presents. let's get more details on this. that's cost a lot to well correspond to the icon guy and the be a good to see you. um, what are the claims has as well made in defense against the south african appeal to the i c j of the quote. and this response as well, has once again contested any accusations of genocide for to the court advice of
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africa. it's all the court that so that's because the case was complete fee. i'm divorced from the facts and circumstances. it also defended its attack on the south of gaza, telling the quote that in the states would have done the same if they were in their place, presented tubs offer as well, even the mid to the short notice that was given for the hearing to them, saying that is why was given less than 24 hours to respond to so that because i'm request and that instead of so that's because repeatedly, i'm returning to the core to the focus should be a directed on getting come must to accept a sci fi a deal and not only is really representative denying and detecting the claims carried out to this meta, they also say this in the one that should be stopped in this whole thing. it is so that because let's have a listen to this, this case, even bytes very name. the application of the convention on the prevention and
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punishment of the crime of genocide in the gaza strip suggests an inversion of reality. if anybody should be told that enough is enough, it is for the sub africa and not is right. what's points do we say enough specific? because repeating that tends to exploit the provision of the major procedure of these courts in such advice and seem to come on the lawyers off as well, even went as far as saying that. so that's a, is exporting the international court of justice to help commerce. um gave me the past military is over the if and the guys a war and that's an order sold by. so that's because for is for as well to withdrawal from guys that would be denied and it's the right to self defense of the move in anything the representative of the as well say as tragic as this is not visible. how much is doing for having the seems to the surging civilians there, mr. president, members of the court. there is no doubt that this war is tragic
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and has coast great suffering on both sides. again, this is a message doing south africa provides an account that is not only and in credible and incredibly partial, it is also distorted after those arguments well presented and everything else i'm to place cries off with. thank you. so i've actually got from palestinian crowds with her, so that's a can legal team, representing gods. i left the international court of justice after that. here we review how has pretoria responded to the as rarely statements. a well niche sheet off to the attorney said to the country is repeated request for the court ordered as well to stop its military operations against guys that demonstrated. so that because desire to,
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to preserve how much ruling does that and that it is shocking. that's not africa. elaine bull nation, the full to against racism now aligns itself become muscle, which they refer to as a racist organization so that they could respond to it and said this is not true. in fact, of this issue and dr. issue it also says that it is acting in the name of palestinians who have no independent representation at the you at the, at the you in for a for is those have a listen to this? we do believe that our own intention. yeah, has really been to bring to the full key concerns that i need to national crimes and particularly the kinds of crimes which is the genocide in this case. and we are really serious about that from a human rights perspective. and not essentially your as a list by him, his though that way you to defend, to protect from us from destruction. so that's a can also says that to the previous rulings from the bins telling is well, su,
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preventive genocides have not succeeded in protecting palistine is in does a so it is see change and explicit or that this time we hope to share in a few weeks the decision on this very urgent request that so that because filed as that decision is expected next week. many thanks for the update done. so i'll take correspondence. maybe i can go thank you the front. how's the glad they say to them that i didn't see of a 16000 kilometers away from his european buddha as power as dispatch is a 1000 more troops to new caledonia, the countries overseas territory and the south pacific. the french justice witnesses stays older, must be restored swiftly. because the 3 woods in my circular awesomeness speed and system up. why am i saying this? because it is imperative that republican order be restored and it is imperative just as it was during the riots we experienced in mainland fronts,
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which have very similar points to what is happening in new caledonia that we have these offices. but the judiciary must play its full thoughts in providing these offices. i would like to remind you that the justice system was there for us during the riot who's that's a close, so i have to all say contribute to rachel marston for more on this. now rachel, get to see you today. so what are the latest developments between power sends me kind of, don't you? us newton ladonna as a french tony in 2024. it's starting to look a bit like algeria as a french colony in the fifty's and sixty's when there was a, a fight for self determination there as well. and that's exactly what perish is looking to prevent. we're talking here about an island that's closer to us. surely i in the pacific then is to france, still the french overseas territory voted against independence in referendums, 3 separate times. and that's what i thought was pretty evenly split though.
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a bit too close for comfort for the french government though. all right, so what exactly happened to kick off all of this new unrest? well, 1st president menu is not because really party in the french national assembly. on the other side of the world, i might add here in paris, decided to introduce a new law, meaning that french people who have lived in new caledonia for 10 years could vote in the islands elections. which means that thousands more people living there would be adding to be electra roles. now some local theaters are saying that the new move risk di moving the vote of the native kind of close to saw. and we feel oppressed, we are angry, everything is happening over that and be a one dream. i'll read the kind of people being heard. most crucial, but what i realize is that the french have never thought about as they talk about
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shedding and balance. but that's them of being the case that's gonna pop, but we can't go on like this. we won't get anywhere with threats, violence or our discussion that works for everyone as needed so that we can find some saturday serenity and above all peace fits. so there's a sense to adding a 1000 more voters instantly to the islands voting. bass is a way of tipping the scales by at the very least is dying. losing any block voting by the. busy independence crowd which heresies as absolutely critical to suppress in some way. because france doesn't need a taiwan or a hong kong situation on its hands. and that's exactly what this would turn into. all the seems to have prompted independence officials to just kick off some for an outreach like and as and by john just last month. then basically doing francis trying to implemented colonial policy in terms of legislation. new caledonia has
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signed various agreements with funds from time to time through them. parents was supposed to support the independence of new caledonia. but today, frances, trying to limit the rights of ethnic minorities by making changes to the constitution. today, france does not comply with its obligations, thereby deviating from neutrality. francis trying to prevent the holding of a 3rd or random on the south to terminate sion of the people of new caledonia. we believe that the world community should recognize the right of all peoples to self determination. we continue our struggle for independence. all right, so that visit there, prompted paris to accuse azerbaijan as born interference, been a delicate subject right now, considering the fact that the you and queen are sort of underlying, in particular, when over there, begging for gas from as advisors on to replace the russian supply that it cut itself off of so kind of delicate and the back in september of 2021. the strategic research institute of the french military academy published
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a report suggesting that china was hoping for a pro independence victory to that referendum to hone in on the island, which represents an estimated 13 percent of francis economic interest. so, parents has long seen china sniffing around new caledonia, and is now accusing one of its known allies as advise on of joining a trouble on the island. the question is, why would france water create a major new flash point with this new law that could drive the independence movement to make the kind of trouble that is already seeing 5 people killed and unrest of thousands of police deployed from mainland france? surely, it couldn't have anything to do with frances wandering at all in any cost to water down any possibility the independent tests would ever have the chance to govern over the 3rd largest producer of nichol for things like making electric car
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batteries. and it really represented 6 percent of the world's output, new caledonia is, or it couldn't possibly mean that the move it to grow into something like what happened in algeria resulting in president shelf. and they've got, basically just casting off algeria as a french colony. and in this particular case, pairs of spear is that if that ever happened with new caledonia. well, the big benefit and the big gains would probably go to be shang, or even maybe to the us and basset, or was sniffing around last october. the master from france went there and, and paid a bit of a visit, which was kind of interesting. rachel, thanks for bringing this up to speed on the saucy contributor, rachel moss and meanwhile, b, i cannot say new caledonia. indigenous group has organized a riley and powers protest, as are outraged by the french government states of emergency declaration in the
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home territory. the minorities union, the leader has condemns powers for choosing to send troops without this, we wish for the situation to come down. of course, and to see the french government make a strong political statement rather than send troops. that's not something to do. that's not something that will get talks back on track. starting a conversation would be strong political statement, sending the army to another country is not usually to haul trucks. okay, we spoke with a cadillac hiring i for many sherry and i'm bosses as of the us as um, he said phones is designed to dominate the cold in the us at a cost doesn't surprising. it says in the face use of which we are not surprised because this has a tendency to onto the maintenance people on the exterminator. so not too many cars, unfortunately, to put on your power and takes advantage of the situation which is characterized by an almost you reducible opposition between the independence east under the,
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obviously it's as easy as the money police people, when they are divided. i think that's it isn't even in terms of bobby's stake accounts, the aspiration of the population. you have 2 types of reactions population as well as the 9 as well. it's a core and social political structure that meets desperation. each country's integration under weeks of civil war is not so if you under estimate that in this case, if the population decides and we had to go out and keep the 2nd, right? since that's buying system on the way of doing things by using force is that some of the policies and least can also take the initiative unreality independent. consequently, the use of force under maintainance of the states of emergency can only be temporary, yukon for sale, population leaving the somebody key in the state of emergency thing to prevent us to accept, to get to the bottom of the issue. so that each con, without constraints and we talked political maneuvers allowed to populations and express themselves free on this issue. i think the problem that arise today is to know if you're calling during here 6 to remain and 13, you're fine. to be
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a french dependence. slowly, in any case, your friend's house and company, or even a citizen of this country, wants to take their own land on the elections, or for end of the denies and a lawyer unfairly entrust parental. each of these needs to become told of losses to be forced to concede. the gunman suspect as if she were taken slow back prime minister robot fitz, so opposed his policies, including plans to bind the arm supplies to ukraine. as according to the country's interior minister, i should i still on the impulse, but at each just i can confirm the reasons why this is classified as politically motivated, pre mediated murder. we're not pointing fingers on anybody. i presented to you with the facts. and this was a summary of a statements made by they say it was that he's unhappy with the situation and he disagrees with the government. it doesn't agree with stop and assistance to ukraine, but it will settle those weeks before the assassination attempt. a suspecting, done that, and you raj, and to lot was supposed to that a protest in west, in slovakia, the raleigh is supposed to be quite and so
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a small group of people carrying the flags and condemning the countries we willing policy. let's bring you some more background information on this space. now. 71 year old you raj into the is a phase critic cuz they still have that prime ministers, ukraine policies, members of fits. those government confirms the dates of policy in numerous pro west and raleigh's, and demanded that the prime minister renew slovak on supplies to kias before shooting the top official countries defends with. especially if the serious thing was not co incidental. maybe to that i gave you the biggest tragedy the past i was, is that we've discovered that the disagreement with a different political opinion, disagreement, or conflict of opinions have turned into pre meditated mode at what has to happen for a person who originally presented themselves, presented his opinions as past the 1st to become an extremist take a gun and chemistry want to kill some.


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