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tv   Inland Visions  RT  May 17, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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mystic japan started a full scale invasion of china. the invading army was rapidly advancing towards the capital of the republic of china. the dies, the city of not seeing, leaving behind the burned down villages and thousands of the dead. on december 13th, the japanese occupied time, z and staged out real massacre. for 6 weeks, the invaders exterminated the civilian population. they carried out mass executions, rates, women, and were engaged, been merciless robbery. ruthless competition of 2 officers of the imperial army. so see ya. d my guide and to yoshi, no to gain particular notoriety. they competed with each other as to who would be the fastest to kill $100.00 chinese with us or this monstrous competition was widely reported in the japanese press. the non z massacre claims the lives of about
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300000 people and became one of the largest crimes against humanity in the world history. after world war 2, manufactures advance of the atrocity phase trial. however, the commander of the japanese army, in the non seeing operation freezes, yasu lee to a socket, was able to escape the responsibility due to the interference of the american administration, the the
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geography we have this term, big places. the big places are places where life, there are layers and layers and layers of history or something. huge happened. you still in the south carolina. it's a big place, the thinking a lot of ways and we can understand what has happened in south carolina. going to be a land to understand a whole host of racial issues across the country. the
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news circulating a new video of alleged abuse by an officer so little bit difficult to watch. today, the sheriff's, deputy, and columbia, south carolina, forcibly remove the student from her classroom at spring valley high schools. 18 year old naya kennedy was in her math class at spring valley high. when she saw school resource officer been field. we were moved for classmate leave. i notice here at, i've got nobody and i couldn't believe this has happened at never seen it like that in my life. like, i may use that much force on a little girl, a big man like 300 pounds of muscle. oh, by no way, no way like you can do that and a little girl that's shamefully shocking video is reprehensible shocking confrontation witnessed by
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a classroom full of students. deals do not follow proper training does not follow proper procedure. and approximately 20 minutes ago. still resource also the entails with terminated from the richmond county sheriff. students in several platforms walked out, showing their support for a former school resource officer, ben fields. he was a great guy like he protected us and everything like he was a resource officer from apparently were very t shirts that fred bring back the old while others were chancing fryfield last year feels received an honor for being an exceptional role model. police officer lost his job for doing his job. it's high time we started addressing the root cause of all that the disrespect to the teachers as black live matter movement. this incident started with a vague, disruptive student and a slice student was not allowing the teacher to teach and not allowing the students to learn. this is ridiculous. the people are going to say that the cop is in the wrong doing. we're dealing with the generation of kids who do not respect a far this is an absolute ticket and our which is exactly what many in our country
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would like. do you know, you know, how it is even you, even, you're just saying that has people say, you know, we don't care, i don't care. i mean, you can go problem of violence in school. officers is not a new problem. this was the moment that documented those complaint, the monday morning actually wasn't going to go to school. the new saw him just talking to her whispering to her and initially, you know, i didn't think is a problem because i knew that she was just this quiet student in the class. so i teach a piece of his phone and i kind of hear me say, i need someone escorted out of my class and i was like, what did you do?
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what can happen that getting you kicked out of class. he didn't disrupt the class. so we had no idea what was going on here. him saying that he's gonna call a deputy, and i was the only one who could see the door. so soon as i saw fields outside the door, outside its field outside, you know, get your cameras, get your cameras cuz she's still sitting there like i guess i encourage the kids to figure out the cameras for the us. knew that something to go, you know, from 0 to a 100 indefinitely . d. the
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whole time, she's still quite, you know, she lived out once. now once they took her out, he came back and he kinda likes then and there, and kind of scaled the classroom, like where you see, he says something like, you have so much say you're coming to the success downstairs and we sat there for about an hour and comes before a paddy wagon came and got me, and i was taken off to jail a real deal the
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as a lot of time, the thing you know in handcuffs, cnn, and quite wrong ours is by the light. and we can't arrest the bind for that, you know, deadlines go to jail right now, so i can never come back and never come back to school. i'm never come back. the i think this incident is illustrative. of so many dynamics that are relevant in this moment. as a white person, i'm going to ask the white people to try to killer lens on. i'm just going to ask
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you to grapple with the lens is white, the being raised as a white person in this society. i was not raised to see myself and racial terms, but whiteness as a race. it is a killer position in the world, check killer world view and view point. how has being white shape, how you experience the world? how does that shape here in perspective, on this incident, the, there's sources never predict it looks ugly, it looks bad. it's hard for necessary. a task people were never going to change your mind. so people will never change their minds about the video. they think i was wrong, and that's it. so she will think i was absolutely right. and that's it. i. but i
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don't, i can't get into that so much. i think what we get into what i want to get into more is this a lot. we're trying to certain ways police officers are trying to deal with tough situations. we're trying to follow the law and force the law. and then we have to use the 4th continuum that we go by. then we have to stay with it. and i did a said someone looks, the police officer says, here is law enforcement that is clearly attacking, abusing power, airport and other other as close as this is what's wrong, the probably behave on discipline. black children, 2 very different perceptions, which i believe comes from a historical perspective. what is the relation between black people and police officers? it's important to note that this is not the 1st time this officer has been accused of excessive force army veterans. carlos martin says he recognized ben feels the answer. he saw that video because deals treated him the exact same way. he says,
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10 years ago we did for me, we started making all these personal comments we started documenting. unfortunately . brandon is racial comments? correct. are you finding what it all was right on the ground as you can see, protecting myself. i think that's public record. i believe. um, as far as that goes, um. but yeah, i, i had been accused before of excessive force. yes. which, which was the lawsuit which i found in my favor, then i'll just leave it at that the guess. and 4th thing that we acknowledge that there were 2 chief complaints. that happened months before spring valley ever had the office of civil rights within the department. juvenile justice received 2 chief complaints in may of 2015. the 1st complaint was that the federal program at the richmond county sheriff department were arresting african american students at a disproportionate rate. 88 percent of our arrest or african american students,
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you ask any one, know, 8 percent majority or rest. asking american, you can look at the present systems and solve that. that's not a new story. it's not a new narrative, but it now filters into the school. the 2nd complaint was that we were engaging with students who have a disability from it uninstalled position. we did not have a policy in place on how school resource officer should deal with students with disabilities visible and unseen disability. the place like columbia law and order is a core value. you know, the idea that there is respect for authority that there is a way things are done and not done. that is
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a deep value at the same time. it's also the case that in the south politicians used to talk about segregation forever. and when, when that became outlaws, they start talking about law and order a lot more. the amendment keeps in in brooklyn, i saw video of naya beer of interview after she's been released from jail. and it has kind of what made you spend the last 4 my whole life change because here's a child is saying, nobody else has no staff, this child, and i'm like what? and then i got enough courage actually watched the video was the crowd all night. i was angry. i'm a member of black lives matter, new york city,
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my peace with health and wellness and like care. this is visual what we've been talking about. a girl got physically assaulted. 2 girls were arrested. oh wait a minute, you got a criminal charges. these are 2 girls, the touch, it was just a snapshot of you know, and that was a bad snapshot of, of things that we do every day that are good. and that was just a bad snapshot. so i think south carolina is probably head of other places because of the relationship that we had within the community where they trust that law enforcement was going to do the right thing. now we didn't have riots, we didn't have major protests. we didn't have, we didn't have problems over, and we haven't had people from the house side who's main intent was to come in and spread hate and violence we, we didn't last last time we. it's not law for success. community did not allow them
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to come in. hi, i'm accepted and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't marshall stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you think the
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video focused everyone's attention on the success of force. but we can't forget what brought that officer into that classroom. he was there, enforcing a law that made it a crime to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kid causes in school is across the board. it all comes from the original intent was to control young people. the very, very original version of south carolina's law. it was a log ins flirting. and it was written 1919 and it was because the state lawmaker was concerned by the amount of flirting he saw going on your women's colleges, white women's college and his jurisdiction. the
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and then it was in the late ninety's sixty's at that law was expanded to apply to all schools, not just girls and women schools in the late 1960. so what do you know? what was going on that, you know, not a coincidence. kids were protesting to be an armoire. kids were protesting civil rights violations, and it was like there was violence and it was a very scary time for many, many people. so this was very much an attempt by lawmakers and educators to find more tools. the words that's always used more tools to control kids at a time when the status quo was really threatened. and in that case, it was designed to be as it comes outside agitators, this is the phrase that was always used. and in fact, when it was used against was, you know, tens of thousands of kids at these schools, they were not outside years, right. and disproportionately kids of color in the 19 ninety's, this law started being used all the time to run something else,
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which is student misbehavior. and you got to a point where i don't know, i think since 2000 something like 30000 kids were charged with serving schools in south carolina. they used to the certain schools law was a home phone, but yet law for the farmers structural barnes. and so we, we were utilizing that law as a blanket law is to uh, to deal with, um, uh, school house conflict. the one that i was thinking about, okay, it's tough for me now opened up 1st of all. okay. and i'm just gonna keep a clear idea of what happened and how to avoid it. hard to switch sort of went better over the morning. i was getting dress going. all right, sorry,
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because the night before i was up all night. i couldn't sleep and i was just had a lot of things on my mind. what school wants more resource teach? a class class was checking more. everyone might so she know that i'm at school. she said, how are you doing that? so i was not a little bit stressed out and has some problems with my mom. i went to english that morning after i got to that class, i went to what the math teacher, he was going over some stuff. i know this not be a good day because i don't understand math without a test. i went to him and i was like, can you call our resource teacher to see if i can go to her class so i can get some help since i know you're going to stay here today. i took it up on my cell, but that's okay. she's not going to ask for it and i'll ask myself. so as i don't my computer, and i was trying to see her email. and to get quoted me out of the app because he had his wife's computer that he can control whatever we're doing on ours. and i say, why don't you calls me out? he's like, that's not appropriate for class. i don't want to send her email. so i tried to get
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back on the can me cause my problem if i ask for help the calmer. so see to his opposed to find out in the i p that he was a cost and let me go down. there are the i handed them to us and i started it and i was like, i don't know understand, so i'm not, i'm not even going to try and i'll just put it down and how slight this one is whatever he came and knew beside me. he so why are you not taking the test? i said, because i don't understand that and he won't let me go to my research teacher for the caps off now. and i was like, head down like this. this one is that he came to sit beside me. he was like him, your phone. i was like, what phone? if something don't you have your hands?
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i don't have a phone. he thumbs up too. so i'm not gonna ask you again. i said, i still have phone his okay. take this in the know like what is that? oh, i'm right you up because you want to be just your best one. not put your phone way . a site, but i'm, i'm calling because i didn't do anything. you can just send me out a classroom for some, assuming that i have a phone. so my son is the teacher has a choice about what to do. does he say car, you know, my cellphone policy? i already asked you once. you've now got it. and then left it there and dealt with it after class, so it didn't disrupt everybody else for that or doesn't call the assistant principal. and then you've got a similar set of questions in discretion that the assistant principal called the assistant principal. and yeah, what's the problem, why not put the phone up outside because i don't have the phone as anybody. i don't have the phone. so okay, well i need you to come with me and i didn't do that. i don't think i should have sent me a classroom for not doing anything on this principle decides calling the extra
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row and this is to my lawyer brain. that's the really big choice because that's making the s r o b enforcer to school. at this point. she cars, behavior isn't gotten more disruptive, bringing the officer in is what makes it more disruptive to the other students. so somebody beside me, it was a lot all step for me to get feels i'm thinking of what as a full sales and administrator on the 3rd floor called for a deputy bout for me pacifically. but for a deputy miles is on the 1st floor. and i went ahead and got up to the 3rd floor. he says that the young lady who refusing, who is refusing to leave class as the weight of issues always fast, well, she's refusing to leave class for. so we tried to call her teacher because she was in one of these classes where they get some extra help or of the case may be a teacher wasn't available. and they, all, she does have a choice, right?
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what am i gonna do if the structure that puts arrows in a position where every crime is supposed to be reported to them? any disturbance is a crime. so lots of kind of exposed to get reported to them and his duty is to enforce the law that point time i decide that based on the circumstances of what we have, that i'm going to go in and remove from the classroom. so i walked in the classroom than what i saw or right away, i recognized i dealt with it before or to try flights. and she had a spring valley and both of which i felt like that she was put, picked on, pushed into a corner a little bit and kind of far away out of both of which i didn't arrest for both of which i really felt sorry for the young lady in some ways because i know she was doing some things. so i so as to your lady, i said it's tough to tell me the
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reason why i didn't get up to scott, i feel like i'm doing. i'm doing wrong. i wasn't, you know, fine and i wouldn't argue with the teacher. i wasn't doing things are managed throughout the or the seniors out of do what he said, i'm not saying you did anything, but i'm saying so with me and we can talk about it. and i said young lady, you know me, you know, almost very gosh, because i don't know you are, i know he's gonna try to move me. so i just know i was holding onto the desk. the
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i approached the desk, the man went to, i grabbed her last off ranch around forever, right on track right here in a job the i grabbed her left arm reached around to grab it right on the
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track and right here. and the job at the moment i was trying to get some like some i was trying to hold on the samsung i wanted flower and in light it was made like i hit him, but i wasn't on his i was just trying to grab one or some one from you don't like it, but i did. it was so it was all mostly techniques grab a hold of her. she was locked into the desk, the desk just backwards. i pulled back up. i have or pulling on or she comes out some slight out the best. the remember at the desk with no right now i'm all in front of the classroom. the he had his knee and my neck and all. and i cannot believe also, i was thinking like to get off the f one time and given the mass which as bonnie bag put your hands behind you back. and i'm trying to get, i've tried to get her still fighting. she still punched me in the chest by on the
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ground. i finally get a handcuff still sliding side to that point in time. i call 3 other deputy who did respond. we're able to get her in handcuffs got her up. he took it or all the paperwork beside and i turned her over to her foster mom cuz she was juvenile, $516.00, and all of her comb or whatever the case may be close going on with his mom. he had a problem at home or even frustrated with something else at the moment is locked. oh, so he thought he'll found it right away when he applied to much force the focus was in fact by use of force in this situation. how i removed or from the share was the focus of the investigation. from the word go. a texas school police officer has been put on leave after video surfaced of a violent incident at
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a middle school school. police officer body slamming a female high school student has triggered a outrage in a north carolina community. does not want any parent expects to happen to a child at school. you're rest of in albuquerque, student for burping and was just touching his initials on the school sidewalk. they said if you want to sign the citation we're bringing and cups this cell phone, the video shows the struggle between a school resource officer and their students. so the rest, 6 year old with kentucky sheriff handcuffs, and 8 year old boy had enough of this. take you back all the way a 17 year old student on a suspended status would not comply this resource officer twice. forced the student to the ground. they don't see the racism aspect of it at all. they're just blind to that there's any quality. they see that something that i was arrested in that i was
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thrown on the ground and that it wasn't a racism issue. but that i must do something wrong to deserve that. the, [000:00:00;00] the, the french president, the manual look round says he's advocating strategic ambiguity when it comes to the ukraine. this includes sending western military personnel to fight for ts. this is not strategic ambiguity, but rather strategic confusion,
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the organ everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. i want you to look at something. it's the us secretary of state and key ukraine recently playing a guitar at a bar while a war that he is funding continues. the there is what do you think uh, not bad play and the guitar o nero eskoville, right. how nero ask? i mean, he fell in and it ain't rome, but ukraine is burning, and the guy is playing the guitar while he is helping to make it happen. i mean,


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