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tv   News  RT  May 18, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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of the state of israel request the court to reject the request for them of the situation. an indication of provisional measures submitted by the republic of south africa as well as had cool cuz an international court of justice hearing as a country twice to shift the blame for assistance. if this kills more than $35000.00 thing, god made criticism from the year when the us invalid a floating dog to deliver ace to gaza on the land crossings remain closed. as drive is trying to transport was much needed. supplies are a task, it's fine is really set to is also a head breast 3 consolidations selected media and journalists,
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which for us has been the bill from the day, the labeling for appropriate pizza as a criminal and they will do everything they can to ensure that for the 3 to does not prove the slovak defense minister said western media past the blame for provoking the assassination attempt on prime minister robot fits f. almost 12 ounce prime minister box, the activations in an exclusive interview with all the majority of this mass, the media are going against the majority of solar citizens. that's create tension in society to coney, a new made by a semi legitimate government. that's how protested. describe the new mobilization legislation coming into the full thing. you pray the thing cuz you own a short video on the truck. there's protest of this a key of highway against the draconian laws of the simulate judgment. zalinski government the
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the a very welcome to you. this is on the international with the world news updates, scraping happy with the top story i made sounds off because john's a pale in the international court of justice concerning id for tax on rafa as well, has tried to justify it's offensive. this code of associate 5000 sconces. and the reason to i c j hearing is riley representatives were heck codes for their attempts to shift the blame on to south africa. the state of israel requests the court to reject the request for them with the situation. an indication of provisional measures submitted by the republic of south africa foot. and this was suppose is what has once again contested any accusations of genocide for to the court advice of africa. it told the court that so that because the case was complete fee i'm divorced from the facts and circumstances. it also defended its
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attack on the south of gaza, telling the quote back in the states would have done the same if they were in their place. representatives off or as well even the mid to the short notice that was given for the hearing to them saying that is why was given less than 24 hours to respond to. so that because i'm request and that instead of south africa repeatedly, i'm returning to the call to the focus should be a directed on getting come must to accept a sci fi a deal and not only is really representative denying. and detecting the claims carried out to this meta, they also say this in the one that should be stopped in this whole thing. it is so that because this case even bytes very name the application of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. anything does a street suggest an inversion of reality? if anybody should be told that enough is enough. it is 40 south africa and not
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easily as to what's points. do we say enough to sift off because repeated attempts to expose the provision of the measured procedure of these courts in such advice and seem to come on to the lawyers off as well, even went as far as being that so that's a is exporting the international court of justice to help her must game with the military is over the if and because a war and that's an order sold by so back because for is for as well to withdrawal from guys that would be denied. and it's the right to self defense off to the attorney said to the country is repeated request for the court order as well, to stop it for military operations against guys that demo status of africa's desire to, to preserve how much ruling does that and that it is shocking that south africa, elaine bull nation, the full to against racism now aligns itself, become muscle which they refer to as a racist organization. so that's where co responded and said that this is not true
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. in fact to this issue and dr. issue it also says that it is acting in the name of palestinians who have no independent representation at the u. n. for instance, we do believe that our own intention, yeah, has literally been to bring to the full key concerns that i need to national crimes . and particularly the kinds of crimes which is genocide in this case. and we are very serious about that from a human rights perspective. and not be essentially your as a list by his though that way you to defend, to protect from us from dispatch it. so that also says that the previous rulings from the bench telling is, well, su, preventive genocide, have not succeeded in protecting police being is in does a so it is see change and explicit or that this time we hold to share in a few weeks the decision on this very urgent request that so that because filed as that decision is expected next week. but then to go on,
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how does announce the closing pair we spelled to assist on what has been completed and installed the 1st bunch of ages being delivered according to the us military. and the sense calling deputy cologne does say the plan has been developed to ensure the safety of all personnel for the protection of us forces participating as a top priority. and as such, in the last several weeks, the united states and israel have developed an integrated security plan to protect all the personnel. we're confident in the ability of this security arrangement to protect those involved. apologize till 2 months to load onto a private didn't find unveiled. the plan is where the forces will be in charge of security on show well to us navy warships patrol. the area in the eastern mediterranean sea vessels are equipped with a range of western sounds, capabilities to protect the american troops on this allies. although the un will cover alternate distribution of the assistance and garza is humanitarian assess folks us and say the floating docks cannot replace blonde crossings any and all 8
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into gaza, isabel come by any, by any route. however, getting a 2 people that need in to and across the guys i cannot and should not depend on a floating duck far from where needs a most acute land roost on the most viable, effective and efficient aide delivery method. which is why we need all crossing cards to be opened. meanwhile, the foreign ministers of the same countries including old g 7 nations, except for the us accordingly as well to work for the old border crossings for aid, especially the ralph of crossing the jordan statements. har likes the urgent need to relieve the h, the growing humanitarian twice as in gaza, and was as well against continue and gets rougher offensive. dimitri dealing on a faster reform wisdom chronic functions. spokes person says motions and is trying to save israel from further. falsification, in the genocide case,
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by delivering some 8 this board was built to to present the state of the 0 from further prosecution over its genocidal siege. or where the uh, the guys district uh, the political dynamics and the, as well as citing with the support this is jim sidle values, will not allow the government to adhere to international pressures to open the costs of once with gaza and provide a humanitarian even to the medicine to 2400000 bouncing in, strapped, and it has a strip to the point that the, the state of israel has even as is complicit with the terrorist gang said that it needs to be attempting to go through the course. and of course, into a gaza. but at the same time when the united states, there comes and saves this save it is, you know,
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save some of its position in terms of, uh uh, having the gateway to enter the military needs into the gaza strip. the kind of shows that the by the president biden. yeah, we go on genocide, joe is willing to take the, the extra effort an extra mile to cool is loyalty to the supremacy is design is states of this so a lot of tools have plays the code for it to try to assassinate the prime minister under arrest the deputy prime minister has condemned pro western media and politicians over the criticism as well, but fits so kindly with baseless attacks may have cause the reason to turn on his life. a game. so newbies for them is that i thought equal both the go as long as the onset of the rest 3 consolidations selected, median journalists, which for years has been built on the day. the labeling can probably to feed so as
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a criminal and fios of a mother. i think the to put in 7th and an evil that must be stopped and they will do everything they can to ensure the trouble fits. it does not through. it is impossible to go further. self reflection is the only way for woods. one sincere apologies needed it because all these lies are the main reason why rubber fits he's fighting for his life today. so this, well, they were some of the western media headlines that could have contributed to on t fits so sentiments they needed was betrayed as a per russian politician, despite quoting himself pro slovak and some obstacles even referred to his government as bengal stars. how are you? according to the small documented sta, misinformation like this could have led to the nan say to attack the rock reminder they slowed by plumbing as to which schultz multiple times buying a silent earlier this week. the stage when the scene show as panic spreading through
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a crowd waiting to meet the country's lead to the attacker's shots, what fits there was he left the government building upon me just as gauze rushed him into a call before he was lifted to a hospital from a safe location, he saw his condition is stable, but serious. the suspect was immediately taken into custody and does now admitted his guilt. and an exclusive insecure to warranty form, a slow vice prime minister yon a ton of glass case, suggested the shopping incidence was instigated by western media. one of the reasons i see that the so called mainstream media are opposing feats. so because features policy and features government because they are supported from the west end, partly the owners of this media us are western western companies and that's, that's creates a situation is to lock. yeah. that majority of this mass, the media, us, uh,
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going against majority the opinion of salt lake citizens. and yes that's, that's create um tension in society. well, he says the tucker has been transferred to a specialized criminal cost located know the process lava boy interrogation sees yes. and that can solve this report from outside these statements. this here is a residential complex and this the walk in town of livid say, behind me is the residential complex in which the assailants tried to assassinate somebody in 5 minutes, a little back feet. so on one of the balconies is a russian flag. it symbolizes the unity of the residents. here, as well as some show of sympathy, particularly because of the silence is currently being accused of siding with pro ukrainian pro western and pro liberal values. whereas the locals and the government,
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us to walk, you are trying to push for more nationalistic, but more traditional values. now this is important because we spoke to some of the locals, hesitant to speak on camera, but very vocal about where they stand with respect to the events that took place. many local suggest the family was a good family that it came as a bit of surprise. others suggest when speaking to them at a local pub said the same and did not try to introduce himself with the local society. and we understand, over the course of the last few years, he has had drastic shifts in his political alignments. and in 2016, he was essentially a line with pro russian or pro, so bulky and national interest. and in 2022, we took a complete turn and decided to side with pro ukrainian pro western and pro liberal values. we understand speaking to locals and reports from local newspapers. so just the ceiling was also a member of a number of organizations. many with different political alignments and id ologies was kicked out of each of those organizations which provides some sort of an idea
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into the mindset of the statements. he was initially against the role that fits was political alignment as well. we understand in 2023 when little that fits so was running for office. he vowed to put an end to farm supplies to ukraine and upon assuming office in 2023 he'd be got to deliver on that promise. we also understand the government is currently opposing ukraine's bid at least the potential of joining nato saying that it will stand in his way, taking everything into account. we've also encountered a difference between the locals here in livid sir and handler where the attack took place. as well as the capitals, but the locals who spoke to them, but at some suggest that they were surprised not because the attack took place because it took so long, whereas the people here and live it. so the locals for the football game, nationals being oliver, have a different approach. they have more pro, govern, which really makes this come as a surprise for many locals here because they're surprised that the silence was from
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one of these pro governments towns. we also understand, of course, much of these rhetoric. so debates are happening at a time when the european union is questioning its phone identity, as well as its form policies. many suggest the government step robust through about c. so as for the leading is pro russian. but if you ask local politicians, it would suggest it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with signing with one side or the other. but it has to do with siding with slovakia, building its own national interest, its own form policy solver and an independent from the european union nato, which the volunteer is both a member to ya. so that can are 2 individual slovakia the ukranian village of storage. so has folded into the russian army, bringing the total number of specimens, taking in the conical regions. he's the teen. and just the past week that's according to most of the defense ministry. so he's washing forces of goals that completed 28 strikes using high precision weapons on ukrainian military size. it's
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all different through the guy defense, alms on spanish and stuff, those as well as drone facilities, west of media. it sounds like a long story for the rapids russian offensive, and they're missy outcry, president pearson, and now swan and china, they've taken talk of is known as russians go. the spot must go seeking to create the buses to ensure the safety of his food or regions. it is a 3. what is happening in the cock of direction is also default. ukraine is showing residential areas of the board of territories including belgrade. civilians are dying. it's obvious that shooting right into the center of the city. if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone. that's what we're doing. as for the city of car cost, we have no plans of taking cock of today. i with grace and losses on the balance of sales. and even though on globalization has come into force and you train
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legislation now requires all conscripted men between the ages of 18 and 62 updates the personal day. so within 2 months, without waiting for summons, it also cancels the delay of service that higher education students on the employees of the defense ministry enterprises were allowed. and then the one has expanded, who can deliver a summons now, including employers and heads of educational institutions. so my list, ukrainian truck has stage to protest on the key as a desa highway and reaction to the new. they sold hundreds of trucks on the road to create a huge traffic. john le quoting sir, who training and media is what we heard from the process to go to thing cause you're a short video on the truck. there's protest on the of this a key of highway against the draconian laws of the same legitimate zelinski government from the additional region eco, life skills lagracia. there's probably no such region from which cars are not standing here so that they can see that we are the citizens of this country and the
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address on us, not them them. this week alone, most goes for these half of where the game small grounds and caves troops were able to achieve during several months of them. not tribes counts were offensive. last year, the planning and presidents whose time expires next week, is blaming their lack of western weapons for the russian games along the way as lensky has also signed a news. busy to us and please send the most soldiers to the crumbling front lines and authorize the mobilization of prison convicts. according to ukrainian media reports on 10 to 15000 criminals will soon be rushed to battle with minimal training. k of claims. the move is needed to make up for a critical shortage of non power. as is regular military has been heavily depleted . you're creating those stars. he's also posted on the video evidence can be used, is princess conscript a notice even if a person refuses to receive the document from an investment office,
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a veteran will correspondence, elijah, i'm not near says ukraine is struggling to find enough volunteers for a military conflict is simply cannot win the desperate situation and the, the, it cannot be mobilized the truth that all serving since the last 27 months. now, they are going up on the old ages. they go to 25 years old now. and they, even, there's stopped or support a broad concept of support to own men will be called to assess the ukraine. so they really mature to just man, so therefore they would go to fund anyone to come and go and kill themselves in the bathroom feed because they, they know how this is going to end up. and the reason why people are not taking the initiative and join the army because they understand this is the law school. and
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even though it is give this time that europe knows that the americans understand that. but as long as you, it's an excuse, been saying, i'm ready to fight to the not too great. and then the, what you're saying would be my guess, go and fight and mobilize whatever you want, even convict or a youngsters or the level left, b, o, a, in the villages all inmates, many see thought i d, o after you want, as long as you are happy to continue the war. a commitments declaration for peace has been signed between the south for the government on rebel opposition groups. as high level mediation talks take place in kenya, the deal is seen as a key stuff and then doing the conflicts with his cripples. the country's economy, although the agreement substance has not yet to be named public, can use forward office has reported that the warring signs can message to ending the violence understands the whole system for elections to continue and revel
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a position. groups were not pause of a 2018 agreement that ended sauces on 5 years civil war leaving 400000 dead millions displaced the country in space on going fi, sing, and remains politically fragile due to the incomplete implementation of the early agreements, we spoke to independence political analysts co on a pallet chung who says these steps taken all commendable the the um, the. ringback uh the, the, the visual decision, the only, we don't know which of this you saw. ringback before on the, on the,
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on the on the ext there's like, well that's been the focus of a major international form in the russian city of cuz on economist sounds, politicians from ac countries, i've come to the toughest on campus. so with a goal of boosting, cooperation across multiple spaces, i'll say correspond to the shape of the springs as more details and see events wraps up. so we've reached the end of the cuz um, is lot make world for him here, intact our stats. it's been a remarkable week. we've met people from across the islamic world. we've had 900 speakers over 16000 people attending from 80 countries, a remarkable display of unity innovation and excitement. and it surely doesn't fit in with a narrative of an isolated rush. but one of the most remarkable meetings i have here is on this. we was with the ask on minister for trade and commerce. he talked
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about the hopes and aspirations for his country, a country that's been true so much. what represents so much in hope, beginning trade links, meeting prime ministers here and because on developing economic ties, which he hopes will benefit to people of us kind of stuff to ship with a sort of showing that it has been 2 years that we have participated in this form, afghanistan is an independent country with an independent will. commercial affairs have pivotal importance for us to understand, considering the situation at the moment of our policies are revolving around commercial affairs. our government's desire in stance is to have a proper connection with all countries because we are a neighboring country to central asia and have had proper ties with russia. we want to export our products to all countries and the requisite for that is to have a good connection with all the countries we visited because on form, last year with various afghani groups and that visit ended up with interest in our private sector. we visited the president of the tar,
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stan and other ministers this year, and i believe that our visit to the cause of the form will consolidate our ties with russia. i hope we can exploit this fine opportunity in the interest of our nation and our beloved afghani people. well, well, this week conference has a course been about economy and business entrepreneurs making deals, people getting together from across the atlantic world. it's also being about security and strategy as part of those meetings. we've met with the boss. so there's a new the stairs from across the islamic and wider world from practiced on palestine from a run. and even from you, gone to the top of listen to what they had to say. oh affairs. and for example, if somebody said didn't really come come civilities um would do friend of lasha the present to your present 14 via or is to gain the despite to a table with the simple humans like no, the son is a long time friend. they have to move some in so many areas of century 10 of us so
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may as administer to them. you them, they've been phased into scary and they've been cited to make a new scene and includes telepresence has always told us, amongst the per month ties and left for the sugar they have, we use the russia and this i am here in pakistan present duties, remarks about slumber phobia, his talk is views and about the muslim community living side by side in that you are very, very the can you not a country and i'm sure in the invoice. and this is an example for the rest of the communities our to live and go exist side by side. and i, i'm sure the tricia is an example for the rest of the voice. how the, i mean, uh, whomever i have uh, got in touch with the, our new they shouldn't people and the on the each of the and that's the speech, the unity of this country. so as we prepared to bid farewell to the beautiful city of cuz on here and talk to our staff, we look back on
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a conference pack with remarkable interactions. we've met, i'm boss orders from across the islamic world, ministers for trade. we've met onto printers and people building links among different republics, different countries. there's a huge amount of energy here. and of course, security and strategic cooperation have become also equally important as economy. how many southern and some of those meetings as the guys issue is discuss widely. we look forward to next year as we see the importance of this conference grow and grow shaped bose for or t intact our style. but we also heard from the russian diapers, the prime minister in the rise coast. nolan, and he said he cannot make ties between russia and islamic countries. it'd be coming back to a low with communications between people that it was at the mid a pretty, at your most. thanks to this event, we have become closer to our colleagues and muslim countries are trade turnover is increasing over the past year. trade turnover with the slimy corporation countries
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has increased by 30 percent. we begin to supply more products to these countries. we begin to receive more products in russia, all the countries of the persian gulf of the entire hour of world, our participants gear, and everyone's number one question was, when will the international north south transport chord or begin? it's what, what actions need to be made to speed up this project as much as possible. we discussed all of this in great detail at the cars on for more than 20000 people are taking part in the forum. this is more than last year, 85 countries, 84 regions. we even have new regions with their own investment programs looking for investors. more than 120 agreements have been signed. it's already working. but the most important thing is the people, because when they communicate with each other, that communication gets better and it starts to work is i'm very savvy with us on asi international this saturday. if you guys find out more details about any of these stories and find some more digit accounts on websites, all the dot com that was more news about the 2 minute. see you then
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the i'm action or down. so you're welcome back to going underground, broke of single around the world from the you a hold on the hills of tucker calls and allowing americans to finally hear assigned to the story of the us war and russia through ukraine. meanwhile, no one is in any doubt that the plausible genocide in gaza was enabled by billions of dollars of weapons and support given by dividing administration with tens of thousands killed most of them, women and children. and now native nation outlawing of money going to the main u. n. 8 organization that educates houses and kaz for refugees across this region.
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the international community is waiting for a new u. s. president. could that be professor cornell west or could you help me determine who ultimately gets elected in november? the lifelong peace activists scholar and freedom fica is running as an independent in the 2024 u. s. presidential election. you joins me now from you. thank you so much, professor west for coming back on going underground. it's been a long time ago daily and now you're running for president before i get to the present president's backing of genocide in gaza for american view. as of this, what states will you be on the ballot full on the 5th of november this year? oh, shooting for all 50. i should be on a good 15 by march 30 in the summer and by november 1 we're shooting for 50 member . very much so we can really begin in an intense way until just a week or 2 ago because it in, in the states the do,
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i believe is so deeply colonized dominated by big money make it difficult for independent candidate. so you begin the process of getting, getting access to the ballots until of february 1 in most states. and so that, that's why we already got it last and we got oregon brass, we have a number already, but we're on the move for good 15 by the eyes of march, and then 30 by june, and then 50 by november. well, let's just go to the genocide then before more on your campaign, you know, fan of don't know, but you could stop by means the backing of genocide, stop the u. s. u k, back bombing of syria. rog, him and if you a president, clearly of course trump says he would stop, it is a matter of hours. so would you, how would you do that and what is to be in your um your reaction to president biden . after all you are is a bolger of is in a way last time around.


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