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tv   News  RT  May 18, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the georgia position, the president delivers on the pledge to veto the government spills, which supposed to form funding of n g owns that says the country's reading policies funds several european board minutes. joining a rally. escape to legislation into bc, dakota new made via send me legitimate government. that's how i protested with describing new legislation to increase mobilization sort of thing. have you on a short video on the truck, there's protest on the of this a key of highway against the draconian laws of the same legitimate zalinski government. the rest 3 consolidations selected media and journalists, which for years has been built on the day, the labeling of property feats as
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a criminal, and they will do everything they can't insure the trouble fates. it does not prove so in the back, defense minister says western media bags the blame for preventing the accessories and attempt to speak. so couple more so about prime minister has backed up those accusations in an exclusive and to be with all the majority of this mass. the media us are going against the majority of select citizens. that's create tension in society. the very will welcome tiffany. down here in nazi international, we're going to bust through the big news stories for you, those ones that you need to know, bringing you views and analysis while contributors from across the world. the red lines have been cross. this is how the georgian ruling party chapman has betrayed
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the appearance of the foreign ministers of lift away in your stony and ice and at a raleigh against the new transparency or these people spoken of rally organized by the opposition. what should we call it? if not an insulting interference in the internal political affairs of our country, what is this? if not an insult, it is unacceptable when a foreign minister arrives and speaks at a rally, especially a diplomat. this is an unwritten law. this is a red line. and when they come out and tell us what to do, it is unacceptable. what kind of support is this? this is a blatant interference, a violation of everything. and they pretend to be our friends you appear in foreign ministers arrived will be see on wednesday and participated in raleigh, protesting the new new to speak of the georgia in parliament has accused the western diplomats of trying to food by throw it's government. meanwhile, a stone is foreign minister has the right to georgia with new sanctions. washington
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is issued similar warnings. if the law goes forward, how of conformity with you norms, we will see restrictions coming from the united states. those tend to be financial and or travel restrictions on the individuals responsible for those actions and their families. we will see the parliament what the problem it does. but if this legislation passes, it will compel us to fundamentally reassess our relationship with georgia. alexander chancia heads the center for the study of globalization problems and has told off the, the foreign diplomats presence in georgia is a sign of efforts to undermine the current government. the there was already certain patterns when something anti russian is growing or happening somewhere along the perimeters of the border of the russian federation representatives of the baltic. governments are always present there. they have led their own countries
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into a state of complete despair of half the population destroyed their industrial potential, which was very high after they gained independence. well, now they're trying to share this experience, apparently with other posts of the countries in georgia. this is perceived extremely negatively by the broad masses of the population because such a brazen interference and internal affairs is simply outrageous. why don't they go with similar demands with similar condemnation, for example, to the u. k. or the us, or israel, where similar laws on for an influence apply, but are much more stringent than the ones in georgia. but no, they do not go there. they do not condemn those laws. what's in georgia, where apparently they feel more at ease. i don't know for what reasons, but they consider it necessary to come and to lecture the local government, the local population to threaten them with sanctions and whatever. no one doubt it and that president is rubbish truly would veto this law on foreign influence. since
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western countries, the leadership of the european union and the united states did not like it, and she is the conductor of their interests in georgia. therefore, there's nothing surprising in the fact that she vetoed and will in every possible way impede own measures, that the governments will take the strength and independence and sovereignty of the states. she prevents everything that meets the interest of georgia and the georgian people, her main task is to ensure that everything meets the interest of the french government, the european union. and of course, the united states. but then georgia and president has confirmed, she's a veto. the foreign agents bill passed by the parliament salumi zora fish relay had repeatedly promised, but she would do that to block the legislation if it was sent to her. she's also expressed support for the protest movement against the law. autism moreno cause that ever picks up the story. it's only natural, it's a question of precedence motives when they have to home constantly spending the
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case of so long as rubbish. lily is georgia and france, so whose interest is she actually survey based on these? so i go to the 2nd later today we talked about how serious is the point that was made yesterday with yesterday's decision on the 84 people who voted in favor of the bill is a serious point for the government that has declared that we want to pursue the european post. this point shows that the government did not listen to its people to the recommendations and warnings of his friends and started to pursue its own posts, even a robot. now there is time to think that they can tell you that a european passport, georgia comes with increased security risk, domestic political divisions, economic dependence on the west end, naturally limits of corporations with non western countries. and it's for those exact reasons that the ukranian government ultimately chose russia over the when push came to shove in 2013. but pro western forces could have the letter go. and
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it's the same story in georgia where the president is literally trying to drag to the country in some nato and the european union. my priorities are to bring georgia in europe and i came from europe to georgia for that. i'm now the president elect to as been election by a society that once more you are put into georgia and georgia into the european union. they say at home is where the heart is and when it comes to salom is rubbish, really home is paris. that's where she was born and raised after her parents fled georgia in the 19th wednesdays to escape soviet communism. so to passports until 2018 when she asked the french government to renounce with by, instead of concepts so that she could run in the presidential elections in georgia . or by that point you gained
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a lot of experience in the west and was ready to apply it to georgia. i guess. let's take a look. so joined the french diplomatic service when she was 22 years old. she's on the 10th of the columbia university in new york, where she studied under people who were a counsellor to us president lyndon b. johnson who later became national security adviser to president jimmy carter. and this was the kind of rhetoric that the future madam president, was learning joe politically, an independent george that gives us access to the oil and energy of the caspian sea of us or by john, which would be terribly vulnerable if it was cut off. it gives us access even to central asia. it's morally the issue at stake is how the nation is conduct themselves in the was forced to impose their will on that a sick. i'm addiction from 1974 to 2004. she served in the french diplomats of the
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service at embassies and actually the united states, and had, as well as with french representations to international organizations such as the one made of western european union, n o s. c. she was at one point, the french ambassador to georgia, the irony, all that all well fast forward to 2005. and she answers towards in politics as the minister of foreign affairs. at the invitation all the novel western lover, me file sack us the late, she became known for her pro western stands advocating for closer ties with nato, and the e u, which naturally calls tensions with the georgia and governments. so was eventually fired then to quit politics altogether before she reemerge with that ben, this is where a decision is going to be taken about whether georgia becomes a candidate states a membership. um, how bad would it be for georgia if the answer is no?
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very bad without any question marked for me. and because a to the mean, a very deep frustration in the public opinion, even deeper after the recommendations made by the commission. now, i think everybody's convinced that the answer is going to be yes. my view is to that's, we owe to the 27 members states to not consider anything as done before. it's done because it just didn't kind of always happen. but clearly, the frustration would be enormous. and that's what gave in a hand to russia, a huge shift satisfaction because of course, and we all know that frustration is what can be best exploited by people that venue for that propaganda. if they can use and all of that,
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then they would start blaming the repair and union suddenly for our and her western supporters. her veto power means nothing, as it can be quickly overturned by the georgian parliament spots. it's a reminder to everyone as to where her heart lies and whether it's intentional or not. it could be the green light. the protesters need to keep going until they achieve change, regardless of the consequences that change can bring the crane village you have studied so has a full into the russian army, bringing the total number of sacraments, taking the costs of the region to 13 in just the pulse week that's according to most go. the defense industry says russian forces of also completed 28 strong choosing high precision weapons on ukrainian military sites. the targets included the defense arms on munitions, death, those as well as de rolling facilities west. the media has been sounding the alarm
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over the rapid russian defensive and a mit the outcry present peach in the notes while he was in china. that taken concourse is not russia's go. this is despite the fact that most school is seeking to create a buffer zone to ensure the safety he says for it's border regions. what is happening in the cock of direction is also default. ukraine is showing residential areas of the board of territories, including belgrade. civilians are dying. it's obvious that shooting right into the center of the city. if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone. that's what we're doing. as for the city of car cost, we have no plans of taking cock of today. while with great loss is on the bottle field, the new neural mobilization has come into force in ukraine. this legislation now requires all conscripted men between the ages of $18.60 to update that personal
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data within 2 months without waiting for summons. it also cancels the delay of service that employees of the defense ministry enterprises were previously allowed on. the law has been expanded as to who can deliver a summons that now includes heads of educational institutions on the list. meanwhile, mobilization on the streets of ukraine seems to have ramped up the the lots of our needs about like new wood, ukrainian truckers now staging a protest on the key of a desk the highway in reaction to it. they sold hundreds of trucks on the road to create a huge traffic jam. that's according to craning media is what we've heard from the
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protest is going to thing cause you're a short video on the truck. there's protest on the of this a key of highway against the draconian laws of the same legitimate zelinski government from the additional region and the kolowski lagracia. there's probably no such region from which cars are not standing here so that they can see that we are the citizens of this country and the address on us, not them them. well this week, like most guys, forces have already gains move around the kid street. so able to achieve doing this several months have been much hyped come to offensive last year. you courtney and president who's time expires next week is blaming a lack of west weapons, full rushes, gains flooded me. zalinski has also signed a new new to urgently send most old is to those crumbling front lines and authorized to mobilize ation of prison. call me back. and according to ukraine,
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you need to report some 10 to 15000 from those will soon be rushed to battle. possibly with minimal training, have claims the move is needed to make up for a critical shortage of manpower. as it's ready to military has been heavily depleted. ukrainian authorities of ulster pastor knew that video evidence can be used as proof of a conscription notice. even if a person refuses to receive the documents from an investment officer veteran will correspond that, elijah, many a says, the claim is struggling to find enough volunteers for a military conflict that he says it's simply kind of which isn't a desperate situation and they do cannot de mobilize the truth at all, serving since the last 27 months. now they are going up on the, on ages. they go to 25 years old now. and they even though stopped or
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support a broad concept of support to own man who will be called to assess the ukraine. so they really in the shortage of man. so therefore they will. busy on anyone to come and go and kill themselves in the bathroom fee because they, they know how this is going to end up. and the reason why people all not taking the initiatives and join the all me because they understand this is a law school and even is care of this. them that you're and that was that the americans understand that. but as long as you as an excuse didn't saying i'm ready to fight to the not too great. and then the worst you saying would be my guess, go and fight and mobilize whatever you want, even convict or the youngsters or the left, the b o a in the villages all a needs, many see thought id. so after you want, as long as you have been to continue the wall,
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just want to bring you an update on the slovak prime minister, who was gravely injured in wednesday's assassination, to attend. he said to be improving after his latest surgery, but remains in a serious condition. a robot defeat says deputy has added that the state needed clearly remembers what happened here. remember everything. absolutely. clearly, we calling to calm down the situation to discuss between as, as to look through the mirror, what's happened and why it's happened? well, the minutes the condemned pro western media and politicians over that criticism of faith. so claiming the base us attacks may have been what provoked the recent attempt on his life came suddenly the spell. yeah, the eco point because as long as the onset of the rest of the week of politicians selected media and journalists, which for years has been built on the day, the labeling, appropriate of feats as a criminal and the fios of
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a murder. i think the to put in 7th and an evil that must be stopped and they will do other thing. they can't insure the trouble fits. it does not through it is impossible to go further. self reflection is the only way for which one sincere apologies need. it because all these lives are the main reason why rubber fits, he's fighting for his life today. so just want to bring you some of the west and media headlines that could have big violated that empty seats. so sentiment, deleda is being portrayed as a pro russian politician. despite the fact he calls himself pro slovak, some articles even referred to his governments as being or for terry. and that according to the slope, i administer misinformation like this could have led to the near fatal attack. just to remind you of the slope about 5 minutes that will show up multiple times by in the silent earlier this week. the full footage from the scene shows the
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panic that was spreading through the crowd that was waiting to meet the country's lead to the attack a short feet. so as he left the government building department as his guards and rushed him into a call before he was then lift gate to hospital from a safe location. now his condition is reportedly stable, but it's still set to be serious. the suspect was immediately taken into custody and have now it's mitigating his fields in an exclusive interview to archie for missouri. about 5 minutes, the young trouble go. speed has suggested that this shocking incident was instigated volley the western media. one of the reasons i see that the so called mainstream media are opposing feats. so because features policy and features government because they are supported from the west end, partly the owners of this media are western western
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companies. and that's, that's creates a situation. and so like, yeah, the majority of this makes the media us uh, going against majority delta dental opinion of salt lake citizens. and yes that's, that's create um tension in society to northern goals. and now where at least 13 people have reportedly been wounded in the latest is where the strike on a refugee camp. the, i just wanna bring you footage from the scene which shows you the ruins of several buildings that were apparently hit by the ideas into valley. most of the casualties all set to be civilians who were sheltering as a new and refugee agency facility. the dozens of people have been killed in the air just in the past few days of israel claims it is targeting the refugee camp to
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eliminate a militant threat that meanwhile, the u. n. is urging, as well to reopen all crossings. i'm the live humanitarian a to float in to garza. the only boat, the point that is still open is cutting shalom, but some truck drivers say that they are coming on the increasing pressure for these race atlas. while they trying to deliver supplies that goes up from jordan to use the middle east, spill, or chief maria financial report, so from the grant. the 3 50 am spontaneous parking on a dead end street somewhere between jordan and jerusalem. for security reasons, we could not disclose the exact location. i'm and not his real name starts the engine and inspects the cargo. having been a truck driver for a decade, i'm and lost his job due to the worst impact on the logistics industry. on his 1st day back to work in 7 months, he embarks on an important mission,
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shaping. she went to tearing aid to gaza for his understand this is the, the age going from jordan to gaza through these really territory. so here among them, yes, we load the dates of the island, be bridge shown, the joel daniel border until deliver it to the car. i'm so long crossing. we'll drop it off at the crossing and we'll head back to it might sound like an easy job, but it became a challenge recently. for months. do settlers have been present in 2 minutes? hearing aids from going to guys are blocking roads attacking trucks, holding the coals for hours and vandalizing, cars and supplies. left on the road has been piles of sugar, flour, rice grain, desperately needed in war torn, starving, the gaza of last week. several trucks were set on fire rock place online groups where people post information on where the trucks will be calling on
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all those available to come and stop. the $800.00 is the same idea. normally they come on the phone. so what's in front of the main argument, notion of any terry and assistance before all is really hostages. afraid i guess you've seen the pictures of the attack. so humanitarian tracts. best thing for gaza, how you feel about it, a war and about your trip. it's very dangerous smell just a little, but what can we do when you just done by all people and deliver the a to them? for 45 am. timon is ready to go. the as soon as we start moving, we spoke at the lease car for
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a moment. we think it is for the truck security, but it is not well its really supposed to ensure the safety of international humanitarian aid transport as to its territory. it doesn't provide convoys with passports. when attacks happened, police arrive at the scene, they would occasionally arresting the most active settlers. but it doesn't stop others from continuing the very next day. the u. s. has condemned the souls at a total outrage. jordan has criticized israel for failing to safeguard crucial supplies, while human rights groups labeled these incidents as acts of terror, the news 6 am. we try to engage argument in conversation,
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but he appears focused and reserved. it's about 2 hour drive. tough is already coverage with threats remain the while on the roadways bought a number of trucks similar to ions, although many a bound 4 guys on the avoid traveling together in the convoy to minimize the risk of costing past with settlers the 710 and we arrived to the frontier, garza is less than kilometer away when the care i'm show on crossing on a is road g as a boulder it leads to the southern parts of the probably seen it in play. it has been the key entry for a few minutes here in a 12 guys, and since the 1st truck was cents for the street, but it still remains. so since the beginning of the war and of cobra,
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more than 27000 vehicles, more than a half a 1000000 tons of supplies worse. and so the guy, this trip and most of it went through here, this vital passage has been closed for some time following a deadly walk. if a tax had not super responsibility for. but now these really authorities say that it's reopens and it is functioning in a day. and we see that there are many trucks here. some of them that go in through the check point, some of them are going to be inspected and continue the way to the guy is a 3 where the supplies they are carried off and such a desperate needs, humanitarian organizations and international organizations like the u. n. r alarming, that's fam, and is spreading their in the in wave where literally everybody out of 2300000 population suffers from food and water shortages, find one on his truck through each tier. luckily without any trouble on the roads. but with a set there is a tax on humanitarian convoys,
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tests and full gazda speed on the rise. we can say that everybody could be that lucky and even his next 3 would be different. ready for an auction at all to you reporting from israel and kept them shut them crossing. well, that's what we've had time to squeeze in, but we will be back with when using these view at the top of the next hour. don't go anywhere though, because going underground is up next. i mean, this latest episode, an independent candidate for the us selection doesn't minutes, is woods about the state of his country, the, the, some visit the mission that mr. to and you see the exaggeration, your visit here has eliminated the whole world with a flurry of reports and publications. apparently,
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everyone understands that the future of today's rapidly changing world largely depends on the position of rushing china and based on the results of your negotiations. here in china, i wanted to find out whether most going badging have a common understanding of what this future system opened. your national security and international politics should be like. thank you, but it's just the hutch republic of that. it's but it to the, to the 1st of all, i would like to think chinese president, she didn't thing and the entire chinese leadership for their invitation. and for creating a very favorable, warm atmosphere for joint work. in general, the negotiations were very meaningful and eventful. this is obviously an official trip, of course, with some kind of state status. but undoubtedly this is a simple old work trip. from morning to evening, we spent almost a whole day together with both the chairman and his colleagues. there were a lot of topics to discuss the fact that the future depends on russia and china is
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partly only partly true, because the future of humanity depends on all of humanity. but of course, china and russia are important components of modern civilization. and we have our own opinion on how we should develop. and our development will certainly influence the old partners on this planet. and we believe this development must undoubtedly be constructive and peaceful. it must take into accounts, not only our interests, but also the interests of whole international participants. and of course, we need to strengthen the emerging multi polar. well, there is no doubt that it is now taking shape before our eyes. and the world is becoming multi pony. i think that everyone understands this very well and is aware of it. and it is important that those who are trying to maintain the monopoly on decision making on old issues in the world understand this. and i think they understand this very well. i don't think so. i know it. so you understand this very
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well and, and understanding this, they do everything can for this process to develop naturally. i repeat again, peacefully, conflict free. and so that the opinions of both participants in the international process are fully taken into account. we were all looking for compromises in the rather complex decisions that we office. we prepare for this prepared for this kind of work. i have repeatedly said, and the president of the people's republic of china has emphasized this that our interaction, our cooperation, our strategic partnership with china, is not directed against anyone. it is aimed at one thing, creating better conditions for the development of our countries and improving the wellbeing of the people of china. and the russian federation has quite a slot of washer. and if i, if i may ask, how did your informal meeting which using being go, which is your assistance, said, had a very limited full of participants. but in that.


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