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tv   News  RT  May 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the prime minister netanyahu, i look you in the item, i can tell you the choices in your hands. if you choose to follow the pos fanatics and lead the entire nation into interface, we will be forced to quit. the government is really well cabinet minister benny gals challenges premier benjamin netanyahu to adopt a post a will plan for garza new one will face mutiny within his own government. george's opposition, president delivers overhead fledged to veto. the government failed to expose the farm funding of n g o is not the countries ruling policy. so on several european ford administer
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business for joining with riley in face to legislation in tbilisi plus was telling me you put a new men, go into hiding others off protesting the new to boost mobilization. signed by platinum is the legs can just days before his presidential to expand the short video on the truckers protest. plenty of this a key if highway against the draconian laws of the same legitimate zelinski government, the usa, nonsense and national banks attaining in the south and using these we may way to you now from across the globe. we're going to stalls in israel the where these really will cabinet. minnesota has a threatening to rebel against benjamin netanyahu, his government, unless his demands a matt. this is benny gans who is given the permit just 3 weeks to agree to his
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postal plan for garza. and also for is ro what's the prime minister netanyahu? i look you in the lights and i can tell you the choice is in your hands. the nets and yahoo of a decade ago would have done the right thing. are you willing to do the rights and patriotic thing today? the people of israel are watching you. you must choose between zionism and cynicism, between unity and factionalism, between responsibility and lawlessness, between victory and disaster. if you choose to follow the path of fanatics and lead the entire nation into an abyss, we will be forced to quit the government. we will turn to the people and form a government that will gain the trust of the people. we will form a government based on broad unity that will bring correction. unreal. victory will ministers planning cleared the return of all hostages from garza. he won't say own slaves to be won by an international civilian government, and that would include american european,
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arab and policy and in elements. but it wouldn't have the involvement of the west bank authorities. guns also wants to seek goals that the miller tries an occupied by these really military, which she calls security control. benjamin netanyahu has responded to the demands, claiming that they would mean a defeat for israel. well, benny gowns is the latest, is rarely official to open media pose. nothing you all who just study this week. we had some defense when to say you're going to choose the premier of mismanaging the war effort. gallons demanded that next. and you all have commit to palestinian governments for the own place as opposed to his radio, occupational and resettlement. now in january, the prime minister suffice a new confidence both in parliament. this was over his failure to bring home or of the hostages. meanwhile, thousands of his waiting purchases have riley didn't tell of feedback, urging benjamin netanyahu to resign. and also to cool
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a snack election. please have fine with the canon at some of them and scratches is waiting to list on the organs as 5 minutes that has long i stayed as well. some animals, any statement by mistake guns was to have been eagerly await to. but um, what uh, turned out to have been his uh, statement was directly disappointing. he says, no tall and political leaders and shouldn't behave rather than do something immediately. and now the t's right now, leaving the government and leaving the movement to replace it to call for to meet us and the elections gave understand, you know, a 3 week ultima to which is really lovable. teneo is a both the most haste, the dominion,
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these rules and majority of these riley stints. we hate and despise him because both of his responsibility for october, the 7th, and his insistence on evaluating that comfortability for him, however, seemed to connect, had been to follow him and he still enjoys majority. so the total have at least half a dozen members softly crude, led by gallons bolting from the government to topple the government the incumbents . i just want to pick up on some news i knew was in gauze where at least those young people have reportedly been wounded in the latest is where the strike on a refugee camp. just want to be footage from the sea, which shows the ruins of the several buildings that were hit by the idea in jamalia . most of the casualties said to be civilians who was sheltering at the u. n.
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refugee agency facilities that thousands of people have been killed in the air just in the last few days as well. claims it's targeting the refuge account to eliminate a militant scratch. but in a positive development, humanitarian aid has most to go through the end to gauze. this where us build to pay on the mediterranean coast. a us president finding or did the construction of the temporary c condo in march. the site is due to receive a total of some $500.00 tons of supplies from cyprus over the next few days. west and officials have welcome to move, but they'll also urging, as well to reopen all of the land crossings to casa, well, they are in a boat, a point that is still open. these could even shalom, but some truck drivers say that they are coming in the increasing attack. so is
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really sad to lose while they're trying to deliver supplies to goals or from jordan, or clarice middle east bureau chief, maria financial reports that from the ground. the 3 says he am spontaneous parking on a dead end street somewhere between jordan and jerusalem for security reasons. we could not disclose the exact location i'm and now his real name starts the engine and inspects the cargo. having been a truck driver for a decade, i'm and lost his job due to the worst impact on the logistics industry. on his 1st day back to work in 7 months, he embarks on an important mission, shaping humanitarian aid to guys us. for understand this, is that the age going from jordan to gaza through these really territory? so a 100 a month? yes, we load the dates of the island, the bridge shown the jordanian border until deliver it to the correct i'm so long
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crossing. we'll drop it off at the crossing and we'll head back. might sound like an easy job, but it became a challenge recently for months. do settlers happened, presenting to minutes, hearing aids from going to gaza, blocking roads attacking trucks, holding the calls for hours and vandalizing cars and supplies. less than the road has been piles of sugar flour, rice grain, desperately needed in war. torn starving, the guys uh, last week several trucks were set on fire. a rock close online groups where people post information on where the trucks will be calling on all those available to come and stop the aid the miles. so what's in front of the main argument? no humanitarian assistance before all is really hostages of freed. i guess you've seen the pictures of the attacks all the humanitarian tracts destined for gaza. how
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you feel about it, a war and about your trip. it's very dangerous smell just a little, but what can we do when you just done by all people and deliver the a to them? for 45 am, simon is ready to go. the as soon as we start moving, we spoke of the lease car for a moment. we think it is for the truck security, but it is not well its really supposed to ensure the safety of international humanitarian aid transport as to its territory. it doesn't provide convoys with passports when attacks happen, police arrive at the scene, even occasionally arresting the most active settlers. but it doesn't stop others
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from continuing the very next day. the us has gone down to the souls as a total outrage. jordan has criticized israel for failing to safeguard crucial supplies, while human rights groups labeled these incidents as acts of terror, the 6 am, we try to engage him and in conversation, but he appears focused and reserved. it's about 2 hour drive, half is already covered with threats remain the while on the road to a spot, a number of trucks similar to islands. although many a bound for gas um they avoid traveling together in
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a convoy to minimize the risk of crossing past with set. there is the 7, 10 am we arrive to the frontier. gas uh is less than kilometer away. when the carriage cell on crossing on a israel gas a boulder, it leads to the southern parts of the probably seen it in play. it has been the key entry for few, many tear in a 12 guys and since the 1st try for cents for the street, but it still remains. so since the beginning of the war in a cobra more than 27000 vehicles, more than a half a 1000000 tons of supplies worse. and so the guy who has 3 been most of it went through here. this vital passage has been closed for some time following a deadly walk, if attacked, the 10 mazda of responsibility for, but now these really authorities say that it's reopens and it is functioning in
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a day. and we see that there are many trucks here. some of them not going through to check for, and some of them are going to be inspected and continued a way to the guy, the 3 where the supplies they are carry now and such a desperate needs humanitarian organizations and international organizations like the u. n. r. alarming that's family spreading their in the in place where literally everybody out of 2300000 population suffers from food and water shortages. i went on his truck and reached here, luckily without any trouble on the roads. but with a set there was a tax on humanitarian convoys, tests and full gazda being on the rise, we can say that everybody could be that lucky and even his next 3 would be different. ready for nationality reporting from israel and kept them shut them crossing let's turn your attention is to georgia now when red
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lines have been cross, that is how the country's ruling policy chapman has betrayed the parents by the foreign ministers of list. the way new is tonja and iceland out of raleigh against a new transparency new of these people spoken of rally organized by the opposition . what should we call it? if not an insulting interference in the internal political affairs of our country? what is this? if not an insult, it is unacceptable when a foreign minister arrives and speaks at a rally, especially a diplomat. this is an unwritten law. this is a red line. and when they come out and tell us what to do, it is unacceptable. what kind of support is this? this is a blatant interference, a violation of everything, and they pretend to be our friends will be repeating. foreign ministers arrived into place you on wednesday and then participated in a rally protesting the new the speaker of the georgia in parliament has accused the western diplomats of trying to move us through is governments. meanwhile,
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as soon as foreign minister has threatened georgia, with these sanctions in washington is issued some similar warnings. if the law goes forward, the house of conformity with you norms, we will see restrictions coming from the united states. those tend to be financial and or travel restrictions on the individuals responsible for those actions and their families. we will see the parliament what the problem it does. but if this legislation passes, it will compel us to fundamentally reassess our relationship with georgia. alexander, to cheer heads the center for the study of globalization problems and tells us that the foreign diplomats presence in georgia is a sign of efforts to undermine the current government. the there was already certain patterns when something empty russian is growing or happening somewhere along the perimeters of the border of the russian federation
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representatives of the baltic. governments are always present there. they have led their own countries into a state of complete despair of half the population destroyed their industrial potential, which was very high after they gained independence. well, now they're trying to share this experience, apparently with other posts of the countries in georgia. this is perceived extremely negatively by the broad masses of the population because such a brazen interference and internal affairs is simply outrageous. why don't they go with similar demands with similar condemnation, for example, to the u. k. or the us or israel were similar laws on for an influence apply, but are much more stringent than the ones in georgia. but no, they do not go there. they do not condemn those laws. what's in georgia, where apparently they feel more at ease. i don't know for what reasons, but they consider it necessary to come and to lecture the local government, the local population to threaten them with sanctions and whatever. no one doubt it
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to me that president is rubbish truly would veto this law on foreign influence. since western countries, the leadership of the european union and the united states did not like it, and she is the conductor of their interests in georgia. therefore, there's nothing surprising in the fact that she vetoed and will in every possible way impede own measures, that the governments will take the strength and independence and sovereignty of the states. she prevents everything that meets the interest of georgia and the georgian people, her main task is to ensure that everything meets the interest of the french government, the european union. and of course, the united states. yes, i'm the georgian president, has of course done not confirming she's veto the foreign agents bill passed by the parliament. i still am is, would i be should be lee had repeatedly promised that she would block the legislation if it was sent to her. she has also expressed support for the protest movement, but against the law, all these moreno cassette eva picks up the story a saw in the actual. it's
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a question the presence modems when they have to home constantly spending the case of so long as rubbish. lily is georgia and france, so whose interest is she actually survey based on these? so i go to the 2nd later today we talked about how serious is the point that was made yesterday with the yesterday's decision on the 4 people who voted in favor of the bill is a serious point for the government that has declared that we want to pursue the european pulse. this point shows that the government did not listen to its people to the recommendations and warnings of his friends and started to pursue its own pulse, even a robots. now they tend to think that they can tell you that a european passport, georgia comes with increased security risk, domestic political divisions, economic dependence on the west end, naturally limits of cooperation with non western countries. and it's for those exact reasons that the ukranian government ultimately chose russia over the when
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push came to shove in 2013 spots. pro western forces could have the letter go. and it's the same story in georgia where the president is, let's really find to drag to the country in some nato and the european union. my priorities are to bring georgia in europe. i came from europe to georgia for that. i'm now the president elect to as been election by a society that once more you are put into georgia and georgia into the european union. they say at home is where the heart is and when it comes to salom is rubbish, lily home is paris. that's where she was born and raised after her parents fled georgia in the 19th wednesdays to escape soviet communism. she had 2 passports until 2018 when she asked the french government to renounce right instead of
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concepts so that she could run in the presidential elections in georgia. or by that point you gained a lot of experience in the west and was ready to apply it to georgia. i guess. let's take a look. so during the french diplomatic service, when she was 22 years old, she's on the 10th of the columbia university in new york, where she studied under people who were a counsellor to us president lyndon b. johnson who later became national security adviser to president jimmy carter. and this was the kind of rhetoric that the future madam president was learning geopolitically, an independent george that gives us access to the oil and energy of the caspian sea of us or by john, which would be terribly vulnerable if it was cut off. it would give us access even to central asia marley. the issue at stake is how the nation was conduct themselves in the was forced to impose their will on that
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a seat accommodation from 1974 to 2004. she served in the french diplomats of the service at embassies in actually the united states, and had, as well as with french representations to international organizations such as the u when made a western european union. and, oh, let's see. she was at one point, the french ambassador to georgia, the irony, all that all well fast forward to 2005. and she answers towards in politics as the minister of foreign affairs. at the invitation all the novel western lover, me file sack us the late, she became known for her pro western stands advocating for closer ties with nato and the e u, which naturally calls tennyson's with the georgia and governments. so was eventually fired then to quit politics altogether before she reemerge with that ben, this is where a decision is going to be taken about whether georgia becomes
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a candidate states a membership. um, how bad would it be for georgia if the on site is not very bad without any question mark following that. and because a, to the mean, a very deep frustration in the public opinion, even deeper after the recommendations made by the commission. now, i think everybody's convinced that the answer is going to be yes, my view is to, that's we owe to the 27 member states to not consider anything as done before it's done. because initially you can always happen. but clearly, the frustration would be enormous. and that's what gave us in a hand to russia, are a huge satisfaction. because of course, and we will know that frustration is what can be best exploited by people that the
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venue for the propaganda if they can use and all of that, then they will start blaming the european union suddenly for our and her western supporters. her veto power means nothing as it can be quickly overturned by the georgia parliament spots. it's a reminder to everyone as to where her heart lies and whether it's intentional or not. it could be the green light. the protesters need to keep going until they achieve change. regardless of the consequences that change 10 brain well, that's 10 to the situation in ukraine now with a village of studies has full into the russian army that brings the total number of sacraments taken in the cost of the region to 13 in just the past week. this is according to most go. now the defense ministry says russian forces of also completed $28.00 strikes using high precision weapons on ukrainian military sites.
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the targets included at defense, arms and munitions that those as well as drone facilities. what's the media is the of sounding the alarm over the rapids, rushing defensive. i meant that i would quite price it and put it in the notes while he was in china, but taking cost golf is not russia's go most go says it's about seeking to create a buffer zone to ensure the safety of it's for the regents. what is happening in the cock of direction is also default. ukraine is showing residential areas of the board of territories, including belgrade. civilians are dying. it's obvious that shooting right into the center of the city. if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone. that's what we're doing. as for the city of car cost, we have no plans of taking cock of today on with great losses on the bottle field.
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a new neural mobilization has come into force in ukraine. this is legislation and now requires all conscripted men between the ages of $1860.00 to update the postal data within 2 months without having to wait for summons. it also cancels the delay of service that employees of the defense ministry. enterprises have been allowed. i'm the law has expanded. you can actually deliver the summons about no includes heads of educational institutions that are on the list. meanwhile, mobilization on the streets of ukraine has ramped up. the footage circulating online shows deserted ukrainian cities in creating
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a desa ends up at osha and the sea of controls of mind reported. we attacked the military recruiter in the denay pro bye to the ups region at night point and wounded him. here's what we've heard from a witness to bess's empty streets. there were some ice vermont, it was still said may 18th, 2020 for the day of mobilization. not a single man here, not a single one. it's actually empty. it's the middle of the day 1 pm, and there's not a single man here except to me as well as new mobilization measures are in force to courtney and truckers have staged a protest on the key it. but that's a highway. this isn't reaction to the news. they sold hundreds of trucks on the road, preaching a pretty massive traffic jam. that's according to the crating media is what we've been hearing from the purchases. good thing cause you're a short video on the truckers protest on the of this
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a key of highway against the draconian laws of the same legitimate zalinski government from the additional region. and you can life get over grad, there's probably no such region from which cars are not standing here so that they can see that we are the citizens of this country and the address on us, not them them. well, this week alone, most case forces have already gained moved around in keeps troops were able to achieve during several months of the much hyped counter offensive loss. the ukrainian presidents, whose tub is expiring just next week, is blaming a lack of western weapons. full rushes gains, flood them is. the landscape is also signed a new urgent. they said most old is true. it's crumbling front lines and authorize the mobilization of prison convicts. according to put new media reports some 10 to 15000 criminals will soon be rushed to battle with minimal training. have
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cleans move is needed to make up the critical shortage of mind. power. this is as it's regular ministry, as being heavily depleted ukrainian authorities of also passed to move the video evidence cannot be used as proof of conscription. notice this is even if a person refuses to receive the document from an investment officer freshman will correspondent elijah mag, this is a queen, is struggling to find enough volunteers for military conflict that he believes that simply cannot win. it is in desperate situation and they do cannot be mobilized the truth that all savvy exist as 27 months. now. they are going up on the, on ages. they go to 25 years old now, and they even stopped or support a broad concert of support to own man who will be called to assess the ukraine. so
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they really in the shortage of man, so therefore they would go to bon, anyone to come and go and get him says in the bathroom feed because they, they know how this is going to end up. and the reason why people all, not taking the initiatives and join the army because they understand this is a law school and even is kim, this, them, that you're and that was that the americans understand that. but as long as you as an excuse didn't saying i'm ready to fight to the not too great. and then the worst you saying would be my guess, go and fight and mobilize whatever you want, even convict or the youngsters, or the level of let b or a in the villages or a needs menissi. but i d o after you want, as long as you are happy to continue the war. a commitment declaration for peace has been signed between the south sea,
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done governments on rebel or position groups as high level of medication to look so taking place in kenya as well. the deal is seen as being a key step in ending the conflict of this principles. the country's economy, although the agreement substance has not yet been made public can use for an office, has reported the warring sides committed to ending the violence on plan to hold the sun. but elections are continuing. rebel of position groups would not cost of a 2018 freeman's is ended, sat down 5 years civil war leaving some full 100000 dead millions displaced. the country has faced ongoing fighting on remains politically fragile due to the incompetence incomplete implementation open earlier agreements. but we spoke to independent political analyst co on pile chung, who said that the steps taken off,
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commendable the center for discussion and also the uh the the visual decision. the only we don't know i'm going to push this. you saw before the summer on the, on the, the, the estimate and they, me as well, thanks very much for your company. that is your round up. do you head over to a website or see dot com? no. if you'd like to take a deeper dive into all the stories we've been,
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