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tv   The Whistleblowers  RT  May 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

11:00 pm
is it good? let's stop without pleases. let's go products. on october the 18th 2023. the up. do you have just like he was taking? it says strategically important side. now the code itself was carried out by about 10 in the $100.00 and 14th brigade of the russian armed forces. the unit carries out the operation with no losses. let's play it seems to need to talk of the sick too much. but that's all of the need to put a new get something tied up both plus cause me to the sort of 16 or that it will stand with us for present. so it is, if you do or i'm, this is that to, to the point on popular with people cause always
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a mattress to move with. sure that uh no voice in your interest shipping, get the a message for this month for a location of shipping from will show us. i'm just sure things on zillow must or do you deal with this? the about a foot board once it leaves a while, but the system will be ready so low that as a deal, a deal as a name on the billing and your combats, that should be the most uh, getting us to them on the, on the street in the purchasing of assist on the issue uh we increased premiums the the i believe so was
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concerned that cuz this one going to come out. so they just meant times to configure the front of my to shoot them like that. are you sure to get us more excited to, to call them uh not sure. the a policeman shop for your child to be 0 about any of us cause a crack at the brew. during the movie my near the dad this to go up to the cold when you could choose which i in the was my pleasure
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. you've simpler receive the actual but then it's bull mouse with all the stuff this and you don't lose the leave you do a gun is that are leading to inform us to pull the paper on. and so i see what they see these things on the phone. so it's just the garage to me unless you download and you don't store with, i'm sorry, missiles suitable so it will be while it is cool. so i may have a sort of a spark to do right in their thoughts are, was up to push ups, pay us the budget as low as deliverables. i've gotten back to you, but the most of the, some of them is i some quotes of, of difficulties which i'm curious about you, i'm guessing is that your significant support the yes. go ahead and finish the data from your thing when you hit the
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citrus to be renewed. visiting the to do i. yeah, the pacific typical good thing is to bring you to a landline fish. couple of many of the wasted and cause i was more compute to should be measured to foster this one got sort of fixture. the corner of the design is not simple as measured the sewer water or so by the time we're 0. so not one of them. okay. yeah, we're done, but from the sure. from to the cool. yeah. to them. yeah. especially after that, the mazda obsession building, keep us which it the to perform. you mother must have both good moodle squatted. i'm not sure if i see it though, could you put a you on? is it that them work up a little bit on? i'm sure thing you will was ma'am. missed the boys in your good. so my load it onto the, going to be brought up with recession. see i'm actually producing and you go to the
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level you, you imagine you multiple co cottage to corporate of couple number of i'm, we started individually. so the way i'm actually producing here, gimme a call, see to play music from nima, just sponsored. let's go, i'm you. conf. my pleasure. boost. i don't believe you're sure because you and so i have not, it was wrong. and just a few items that i need to choose which i the was my pleasure useable credit. i'm gonna go ahead and just to moves and dispatch it, and you guys just put your take on board. is that with tackling the especially let's let them fitted technical on, on the bus. most of them uh, who bought the opposing needs to somebody and nobody knows that go by the store because really isn't a little high but a little higher. so can a person to manage, but must almost them the,
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the was so much and how much is to some way to really put almost is here. so there is really, and you can sort of, does me believe that message really is roughly for which has a political voice. the other store was that it's, i'm sure it's more 5 to the, to the insurance. so one much the trust man's are special of us a lot. that's a lot the way it is. but
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the issue of this, the thing is nice of you just the the typical of no just good one. be to the good you or should the distribution for
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5 days, cuz i'm a little bizarre. i thought billy, you would have to model in the globe. let me put you much. is a why do you to the put avenue the, there's a new school bus and you know, the feeling that the we school could you said you 1st and you'd be to do it but out there. so you just motion at the close is doing was able to get to the original and it was a good group of. so moses jump to the deal is be done with, but i'd say it, i get pity one is supposed to purchase to pre own move divide. yeah. so it really isn't as low as possible, increasing the mattress bags and what's my blood pressure's good? the are turned in for 2 of them actually pushing dispose of a scratch. do they have a dish depot? can usually this is just the fatherly them we have them but just to do not stream a lot of just group our this a part of the new order for you to keep it
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c for the can we see we've not wasn't going to do, let me skip ought to be like out of do not disappear to refresh proposal. absolutely. so would you please the, was it sonya and what's the good news for our team to come up with my me a present i believe to for so you want me it's probably america the left to mention there to imagine boys or something actually woke up smart it's from uh the to the good else. yeah. those are the guys the additional progress over those. i'm gonna pull them up with my me have go to the marine as well. sir. move forward, shave so, but you need because the list below is when you go and you bring you much to move
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your personal i'm, i've to look up at the grover. my point is there's 4 bedrooms in your sites or storm. okay. and so the support the foot up was that i did post those. i didn't do you mind you can move the purple, the sound like liners, but there's a bunch of, it's not enough go to consumable can, but almost a mess and the ability 0 personal if i'd love to skip of the roof, if so what the body of it was that mother, behold a bulk, i screwed up, a default on customer to get the but you had any channels by, you know, aware of what she is new gulker, you mentioned the of the yeah, special order to that as we have to go to them with shirts and the smart really yeah. and you called the guy, can you call to have other people citizen that i bought a new blush. i think it's just going to be the life of what it was used. you must do it before but daily. but i'm afraid i will have cause also it's you go on, lead me to that one must buy you on that comes to me by george my guy here,
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maybe just molly, new group immunization and saw stuff. the come on you to put a gun, one of my years for movie and my mother's phone. when you moved you mclaren you off the phone and we was at the most frequently the spiral song. i'm national smart city. i use that. i'm with a lot of assist you in my so i'm gonna kind of look like the family's deal associated you but then your, your support is that brand new or that that's just a good i'll see to you must give me a parts store. it is, pardon me when you might have stopped by your brain yet frontier and you need your partner and you put, put that simple one. yep. i still don't people right here. so you have and last minute that if we that are and you post the pulled data through what is that in diet or would you want it to the cool method of the shows does go to lunch and when i'm with them. so i'm headed letting you know, but let's go ahead and zip on the difficult one doing that should do it pretty good . it's just the for loop loop, i'm uh go back over to national as well. so i'm asking you to okay,
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should sugar glitter pumps and you have a couple of my view menu which is good to let you go to yours. let's just do the fun to do this old windows. do you have the disposable invest? the exam is what do you mean? yes. good. good. bloomberg penny. i deserve the old one. was it much familiar to both of you? positive center for nice little so if i was just on your stump of sending data, come on, you're contributing. does a way as little as what the putting do i have to reach it and what the julia could be able to do would be in dash for her as far as the body shop. little a lot of times would be good. nobody had done the, the,
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the just give them have so the used to make just the general someone you know, going to just will never know is this the, you denny, this is my, them, the known in vietnam as the american war, the vietnam war lost its almost 2 decades and dragged in numerous countries. not any time between now and then you don't see it now. what did go on empty
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hundreds of thousands of american troops who was sent to the country to bank the south vietnamese on me. i got to develop that not meant to supply american soldiers limited resistors. most of us like the down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals and lee lead up day bye. all right. did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did on the, via the means? veterans ready to forgive? yeah, yeah. yeah, that's that way. it's too late. but yeah, the same, the does,
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it does all of the pass code the, the new book video because you know what his name says, what it was smart. did you put it more creative for you? moving latrice i'm coverage is quarterly. you said you don't really use i use all the . c c the little of
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the word showing the how to put the commission. i'm good on the bill. it pretty you the younger showed them the leaders all attributed another provision in i'm watching the commission as this full chance with faculty, with faculty faculty. we see the assembly and that one was it is uh ford. your vehicle comes 2019. uh i'm pretty sure they're going to insure your series that you've got a teenager dollars the present to me at the risk of pennsylvania. and you can go on your business with us, our side of the the the kind of cool, it's good to squeeze couple of the, the words,
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the video, but the lady i used to do to minimize the deal. yeah. we never, they darn. people got the least amount of money to match up with some of those. actually i knew lot of mind that the demon looks close them up with my me have suicide while they're still for a team to me with neighbors and with matches. good. the zillow is, yes, i have to. yeah. but to get everybody coverage of the owners also spoke with the setup with those. but it's just a visit visit. it's just a party. it's a good deal it but you ma'am,
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and your smart rates are good to go to pretty much in the the definitely tentative because most of the do you mean that you would, you would be learning the nation's bite? so i need to create the mass of with on the board chess list, apply this new little bit, you know, there will be an accounting of a master rightful farm when you failed in europe. are of these even them i need to sign is what is the little dark move cross, some of you may have cool. good, bad you back with got in at the moment for so can you mind restore my boat? wonderful. pretty mileage to uh, its uh, bush to exit. the issue uh we just looked at the hood. so i told you we just looked but almost uh it says got it. so could it shadowy, per se, but the problem is i have the vehicle. i just do on my uh, but you move you issue, but i team is standing up up to you. usually it moves in instead of going to
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dispatch it for you from the gym when you put your down it. yeah, from steam is puts on zillow. so should you put the on the no what does that mean? the thing is that we uh move dina to like she didn't leave at the beginning. she thoughts of, of, of course, the opportunity for us to move up when you come all winter to the bottom. we've been that far from sure to sped newman's. actually the political and would you be the best? like most the board producer didn't use our book to school. yeah. generally what it's like, i thought you said that the polluted the
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family. it was so silly. when was the budget we've got to get them out to see what you guys are doing them out. but you could that when you put the you because i knew it was, i need, it was brand new. the beauty she started raising via the postal, particularly when you saw me i was producing, could you find out for us to go to it wasn't sure if the design it or need to find is no solution. so stuff to the, the the bill from always when you mazda tim, still to the junior parts in the area. it's a gold rush in you. which of the cool part of a message who associated you particularly in your partially must depart one brand new or rid of my manager to support carpenter, to buy a go to would you to bill or the
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are you getting the why do you put some of that are most progressive, remember that much the bretton woods of which on the go little i'm, we were to put him in the mall in the group. and as of course, you said this is one bedroom. so what would you like to know if it did as a model dimension address and then you said you funding for poor do you what was it really initially for 5 minutes here to cool and you will not support your system with them. but giving you the difficult photo spot wireless mode or any of the sign we store see from bullitt for sure. with the in this folder the the the is the yes the the,
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the vehicle the one with where you live up with us. the additional over for leave one otherwise i'll try it out for a bus. there's a little little does this. so 3 me, my son is so send me your name. you're for the news early to do cool. but it has to do more searching the the and the 5 hours of the store and you today, it's not finished. it didn't really come through a bunch of them via
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the us to about the project. me for some of those will be as low as much design national companies that also need them for the media. but usually the most knowledge of this is bradley pretty yet a dish. the the let's look at the launch. the beauty might be 5 minutes and you need the said that it was a skype. so that daily cause i did. of course you can give it to you, but you put the, put it, let's do my duty for money in your mode the to move. when is this of do be because
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you do get to the to the to but as for the summer, but on the sort of job who, who is on this and with that for you? some of these, are you guys? yes, i think towards the middle, excuse me, but most times unit. so dean barnett spoke when your new need. just give me jimmy deal is the volume or that it's a little both a lot more will be live sort of chat. it's really, it is critical to lancaster now is a good fit. our comment was the guy is the party will know nimble before that. yeah, i haven't of just giving you a technology has because they've got those comple jones move from group and go by soon as possible. i mean should, was they really to the same show of you when you specially and you will do the parents usually go just a little leave to get the full, which i, it's uh, seems to me to call comfortably. especially the church offers little push for them
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. couple mazili name is actually start at all, but a far group started with the business for them. those are still more what am i? yeah, he moved condition. it's better. but the, what the look when the loop or the dollar with may, i have to believe that it for the the, for the 3 and your rulers, williams. i'm, but i'm with the time coming from national until then you've been, you wish. so you would, unless the visiting of northeastern is a typical one, is to go what else cause i do to call in the fall, which i, i am the most of our mission. hi today to the, the this over to the dealer deal. that the other thing is no, yeah, we found the cloth the get us and we buy eco on good it to get the, you know,
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i was expecting you put it in the schedule. you know, it was a lot but all right, good. yeah. let me give you it. so what was the date of going? not them there cuz i just wanted let you let us plus the lease. did y'all hold on for up to about 5 years? yeah. oh no, i'd have to come and get it to come and get it. but yeah, that's patients and then you know, yeah, just push them but i missed the clock and when they don't flung behind me, don't let me see what else besides this coming due to those new or come but then the wish of that. it's a sick i'm when you, he bustling me. well 5, you see that that slot. just put them, put it as a slow. i bet just what alex's. so what i would do for you then you prospect them cut. they were best. i really do want that slot, so young, listen to she didn't deal them with that bit. i'm with the the, the flushing to him, the spi son is 5. even the flaw. yeah. i need to go to the brand much seems to matters to. i'm just going to attempt to put the chest. do the cool now move from
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wherever. you're not going to guess process. the sun is dealing with the opportunity for the i'm just move it to the cool slides. supposedly it's why using your do i didn't use your just the mutual mode then. yeah, it should the batch on you, but i'm, i've got to refer to it as this was and you might as store, special yackel was a designing designer for those 3. i could bring the chain into or optim, uh, store yeah. could be suitable. should you would send me an email with the channels in your bottle of the fox, cuz i want to purchase my my mortgage? yes. but from my from ceiling pictures fishing down, you mean should frontier to choose something, but they stated the system? no, that's it. the blood that i need to set them leaving was the thumb printing the levels
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and you said the symbol of the most phone. yeah. use. come on. yeah. use wave said to come one unit, cook this, the phones that on the new thing, x and z mom on know i'm finished, just let young videos to zill and i'm glad that i'm still use flores on that. come on the to the store, the by single on butts unless i use my fish except by super to most of the the
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because bailey was not great because as bailey was expansion, they arrived clear wrongly we can discuss it. but rush out there receive the expansion of nature as a vital exist spouse will trap to russian security. and uh, it must be repeated once again. that's russia said this many,
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many times since the need 9 to 9 the the man the work i'm not, i'm trying to read now when you say that ma'am, why.


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