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tv   News  RT  May 19, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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the, the police clash with protesters in tell of the buzz, thousands rally against is rarely prime minister. netanyahu all the looming in front of mutiny cast a shadow over netanyahu's government, which i'm sure the prime minister netanyahu. i look you in the item. i can tell you the choice is in your hands. if you choose to follow the pos of fanatics and lead the entire nation into interface, we will be forced to quit the government, the blood and if it and state visit to china seas. beijing roll out the red carpet with the chinese and russian leaders signing more strategic deals. and i think the way
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for a multi polar world in one week, russian forces take over more territory than ts route as opposed phrased counter offensive problems and who visited secure russians. border regions. ukraine is showing residential areas of the board of territories. if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone test for the city of car cost. we have no plans of taking costs of today. and the gunmen who seriously wounded solve our prime minister feed so and to pose the government's policy of refusing to army a train has reportedly pleaded guilty and court the live in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching r t international. thousands of is really, protesters have rallied in tel aviv against the current government, resulting and placed using water cannon and detaining demonstrators.
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the administrators are urging benjamin netanyahu to resign and call a snap election. protesters also want the government to secure the release of dozens of as rarely hostages, still being held captive in gaza. at the same time, these really prime minister faces pressure from another side and is really war cabinet minister has threatened to rebel against netanyahu's government unless the demands are met. many get. so given the premier, it's free weeks to read to us post floor plan for gaza and israel itself the what's the prime minister netanyahu? i look you in the i to night and tell you the choice is in your hands, the nets and yahoo of a decade ago would have done the right thing. are you willing to do the rights unpatriotic thing today? the people of israel are watching you. you must choose between zionism and cynicism,
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between unity and factionalism, between responsibility and lawlessness, between victory and disaster. if you choose to follow the path of fanatics and lead the entire nation into an abyss, we will be forced to quit the government. we will turn to the people and form a government that will gain the trust of the people. we will form a government based on broad unity that will bring correction. unreal, victory to auto body or ministers plan includes the return of all hostages from gaza. he wants the enclave to be run by an international civilian government that would include american european era and palestinian elements, but without the involvement of westbank authorities and also wants to see guys that the militarized and occupied the is really by them is really military, which he calls security control benjamin netanyahu has responded to the demands, claiming they would mean a defeat for israel. ebony gant's is the latest, is really official to openly oppose netanyahu. earlier this week. defense minister you of going to accuse the premier of mismanaging the war effort down. it demanded
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that netanyahu commit to palestinian governance for the enclave, as opposed to is rarely occupation and resettlement. in january, the prime minister survived, and no confidence vote in parliament over his failure to bring all hostages home is rarely journalist a mere orange, says the prime minister has long out stayed his welcome and office of any statements by mister gunn, was to have been eagerly await to see it. but um what uh turned out to have been is uh, statement was directly disappointing because no kyle and political leaders and it shouldn't be have the new toilet rather than do something immediately. and now to, to use right now, leaving the government and leaving the men to replace it all for once the media and the elections. he gave. listen, you know,
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a 3 week old to match them which is really lovable. and the tell you is uh, both the most hate admitting these rules and majority of these rarely think sleet case and be spicing because both of his responsibility for october, the 7th, and his insistence on evading accountability for it, however, seemed to connect had been to follow him and he still enjoys majority. so the to have at least half a dozen members, so hopefully could lead to by gallons bolting from the government to topple the government being comments hailing their strategic partnership. vladimir putin was given a warm welcome. she's been paying as the russian president visited china for to day state visit. both leaders met and by doing for top level talks boys to to further
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cement their partnership. there was how president button was met the of the and on a god, a marching band and cannon. it's something to the beads of the symphony of pomp every minute detail rehearsed to absolute perfection. we are in central badging behind me is the building of the parliament and over there in the distance, the 2 delegations, the russian and the chinese delegations here as they are about to greet the 2
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leaders here. you can see the, on the god, everything is very, very solemn. you can see there's actually both men and women represented in the front rows about to meet both vladimir putin and shooting, paying the you don't get to see this kind of reception every time. we have the front row seats . mutual respect to the degree of reference has never been vis expressive of the continuous strengthening of russian chinese development, comprehensive strategic interaction and mutually beneficial cooperation meet the fundamental interest of our countries and our peoples and are in line with the
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needs of the world community and time relations between china and russia are irreplaceable. their significance is hard to overestimate the which i apologize for speaking so long and not letting the interpreter do his job. i feel at home here. it's like i thought everyone here already speaks russian. the know that translated into hours of tulips and a speck of signed documents. now strategic partnership and the brakes book. the pillars on which russia china relations stand high during the visit, the delegations agreed on must go further. it's spending its presence on page things. kolosso agricultural market, and while the us has been ramping up its efforts to make russia's banking sector toxic through sanctions blackmail most to n b gene discussed ways to get around that. now the 2nd leg of the journey. so
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a lot of my poor for. 6 calling from capital b g to the north eastern city of have been the now over there, he met with chinese students and shed some of the behind the scenes details of his visit. a little clear this started yesterday, my friend, the president of the people's republic of china, treated me to this dish of peking duck. i'll tell you honestly that i thought about eating only one piece. well, you understand right? but i couldn't resist because it was so delicious, but simple, of course. but the biggest revelations came just off to that to the enemy's your conference, which was truly an in your face event for everyone. still hoping to see russia sidelined and isolated, it is important that those who are trying to maintain
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a monopoly uncle issues. understanding that a multi photo world is emerging before our eyes do everything that depends on them in this case. so that this process is natural, peaceful, conflict free and that the opinions of all participants in the international process is taken into full account. now, as for these functions, it's also a convenient pretext to eliminate competition for the us itself. according to the russian president, sensory integration of initially some of the sections of course looked like sanctions on the outside. but to a certain extent, such elements of economic welfare are not being used for the 1st time. and by the way, politics, the nature of the relationship between russia and china, the situation in ukraine, i assure you it has nothing to do with this. these are just elements of unfair competition. it was also the 1st time vladimir putin spoke about russia's new
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advance in the high to region in east and ukraine. and that it's not actually about taking the seats. you'll kind of, well, at least for now in the ukraine is showing residential areas of russian board of territories including belgrade. civilians are dying. it's obvious. they're firing right into the center of the city. if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone. that's what we're doing. as for the city of car cost today, we have no plans of taking it. and once again, pollutants trust both most goes readiness for peace talks and the futility of any such effort that does not account for russian interests. we analyze everything, of course, we are following what is happening around the announce meeting in switzerland. we are not going to switzerland, but we never refuse negotiations. unlike ukraine, they are the ones who withdrew from the negotiation process. they are the ones who
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said they were going to inflict a strategic defeat on us. they declared that they were going to fight to the end. in fact, not to the end, but to the last ukranian. it was president supporters, 1st 4 and visits since his latest a new duration, and on this guy celebration of deep friendship between russia and china. and the failure of us slight attempts, a geo political segregation. and while haters in the west, i surely still going to have the defined display in the east, sadly speaks for itself. nelson wong, val die club expert advice, the chairman of the shanghai center for rent pack, and international studies says the russian and chinese partnership bring stability and promote a multi polar world as soon as a certain date and by fall off a very successful the trip of a russian president be to try and what we can see is that the 2 countries are now not only comprehensive, strategic popped as,
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but it's quite clear that both of actually had and try to have sheer nation about the way falls when it comes to global developmental world development, because both china and russia are very much against the hedge, a monic control or attempt to control the world by the us. and that both countries are not happy with the way the world has being viewed february over the last decade. also in particular that so and also both countries do believe that the future of the low she'll be multi paula and respecting the interest of or countries around the world. a big and small judging by what is going on around the world. i think the unity of china and russia where ways the 2 countries coming together, it will definitely play crate of force to promote peace and stability and hopefully
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prosperity because the rest of the, well, the, as we mentioned earlier, ukrainian forces are now facing an uphill battle russian troops have taken control of 13 settlements in the arc of region and notified cubes, limited to counter offensive gains in this upper rose or region. here's our don bass based correspondence teams. sweeney with more details earlier this week and a major. but as you claimed, russian forces took control of the symbolic, the impulsive vintage of both in the end of that, but also reach an intense function took place here. and what was one of the cranes only guidance of it's much warranty, but filed counter offensive football soon. lies 75 kilometers north east of municipal, the regional capital. it was here that next token military hardware, military vehicles would damaged or destroyed. the so called guiding changes is up
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on the wanted western supposedly invincible equipment burns. and in terms of its technical and technical characteristics, so much of it often even falls short compared to some models of soviet made weaponry. not to the home or years now in display, in the russian capital, drawing huge crowds to pump the polk where they can see military vehicles, including the so called invincible abrams tank. meanwhile, russia makes you to volunteer is in the hawk of region crossing through defensive lines like fox uh, in fact, the bbc reported last week that those defensive lines simply didn't exist with reports of russian troops advancing through online to areas on ukraine simply giving up with i'm following a single shot is let to save you as questions being honest with the abbey a previously set to be heavily fortified. many of the mounting offices as to where that money has gone, i made obligations of corruptions. there was no 1st line of defense. we thought the russians just walked in, they just walked in without any mind fields. either,
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it was an act of negligence or corruption. it wasn't a failure, it was a betrayal. at the time the guy can go, harold is impulse and success is on the battlefield. but you, craig, and stuff with heavy losses, and now it seems as well as compet, nothing with russia really taking control the despite of deploying such a norm as forces, the enemy did not manage to reach even the 1st line of our defenses. well, there are still 2 more lines. beyond that. they lost 166000 killed and wounded over 800 tanks and nearly 2400 are merged fighting vehicles. so yes, another fight you on the battlefield despite the constant flow of volumes of weapons to key have as nice home re continues to. but this is steve sweeney don't. yes. for public fidelity. and that's way q a secretary of state anthony blank and travel takisha of expressing washington's
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unwavering support for your brain as the situation on the front or since let's take a look at how the visit went. the thank you so much. thanks for coming to you. greens, thank you that you can thank you for the signal also. i wanted to thank you from all my teams things so much for this package. thanks to congress. thanks prison. by the way, i think most of my positive support goes well, wear samples for, for these 2 americans to american people. the,
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your soldiers, your citizens, particularly the northeast and parties, are suffering tremendous to the united states. as with you, the earlier we spoke to scott read or a former us marine corps intelligence officer. he says the situation in new crane is a strategic, a failure of the west, a disappointing to a domestic political audience here in the united states. and to some degree, a political audience in europe. look if tony blinking was to be honest about what's happening in ukraine right now, which is strategic to fee for the united states,
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for nato, for europe, for the collective west. this is a disaster of the collective west under american leadership, has poured hundreds of billions of dollars into propping up the zalinski government and a failed effort to inflict a strategic defeat upon russia. that's not my words as the goal support by the secretary of defense, lloyd austin, back in 2022. and then this, they have failed in a rush and not only as cheap, you know, territorial success, liberating the new territories as the don't boscoe zones up or asia securing crimea . but russia has mobilized its uh, industrial potential from military perspective. you're cranking out the defense industry on a scope and scale that can't be matched by the west. and this puts the list of the
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strategic disadvantages they try to cope with the consequences of what is a pending, complete, and total worst victory on the battlefield crate. the gunman suspected of shooting some of our prime minister rubber feet, so has reportedly pleaded guilty in course this talent strongly oppose the prime minister. his policy is particularly his plans to stop armed supplies to crane. that's according to the country's interior minister. should i use columbia impulse, but at each just i can confirm the reasons why this is classified as politically motivated, pre mediated murder. we're not pointing fingers on anybody. i presented to you with the facts. and this was a summary of a stipends made, but they say it was the he's unhappy with the situation and he disagrees with the government. it doesn't agree with stuff in assistance. deep spring, just but at the side of this waste before the assassination attempt, the suspected that gunman, you are, i sent you alive, was spotted at a protest in western some block in the rally and supported the train. saw a small group of people carrying you flags and condemning the country's ruling
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party. let's take a look at some more background on the suspect. the 71 year old, your ice until a is a fierce critic of the slow but time ministers, ukraine, policies, members of feats those government confirmed. he took part in numerous pro western rallies and the demand, the prime minister renew slovak arm supplies to kill before shooting the leader in the country's defense minister says the shooting was not coincidental. that's what i gave you all. the biggest tragedy the past i was is that we've discovered that the disagreement with a different political opinion, disagreement, or conflict of opinions have turned into pre meditated mode at what has to happen for a person who originally presented himself, presented his opinions as a pacifist to become an extremist, take a gun and chemistry want to kill someone else. i believe that the emotions of the last months was so i is the back here. this was no coincidence. robot. visa is not
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the new politician. he's been in politics since 1992. that's 32 years if he didn't have the same opinion with selected media, then the criticism float. and if you, despite public criticism, still won the elections, then it breaks the question, how can we criticize him if he still won the vote on somebody floating? it's going to kick go to robert, fate, so is said to be improving after his latest surgery. however, he still remains in a serious condition after the attack. meanwhile, the slovak prime minister is deputy earlier stressed. the state leader clearly remembers what happens. the footage from the scene shows of panic and chaos spread through the crowd waiting to meet the country's leader is silent, shop prime minister pizza of 5 times. as he left the government building discharged, guards rushed the pizza into a car before he was airlifted to a hospital from a safe location assessed. i was immediately taken into custody archie corresponding
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us and that can brings us more details. smoke and security forces have removed a boat from this tree that was launched as a result of an attack and assassination attempt on the lease of walk in 5 minutes. a rule that fits so immediately behind it is the cultural center in which the prime minister walked out of moments before the attack took place. the silence was a 71 year old male speaking to the locals. they suggest the sentiment that the silence had towards the prime minister or the government is not necessarily something that is shared throughout the country. the silence was in one form or another aligned with a number of conflicting ideologies. back in 2016, many suggest his values more traditional that they were aligned with some walking interest. somebody even described them as pro russian, whereas in 2022, his inner circle suggests his views changed, supported pro ukrainian, pro western and pro liberal values a drastic shift that resulted in the assassination attempt of to walk in prime minister with all that fits. of course, 1st of all, it's a tragedy when you hear
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a politician is being attacked. and of course, we know that some of our care is a country where there's a big polarization. there's parts of the country which is strongly opposed to 5 minutes or feet. so and then there's a large part which is a fan of feats so. so of course it's a dangerous situation and it's also, it's always, uh, uh, sets to hear that people tend to violence to express their opinion. and there's just, yeah, that's misfortune. maybe the gentleman was a little bit sick and it had, but this is not the way to handle things. in my opinion. there are a number of policies that we can list policies that the assailant was opposed for the most part. but the one thing that does remain constant is the government's position to ukraine, as well as ukraine's potential bid to join nato. this is something the government opposes. these policies have been in place for a while. many would suggest there's a division within society. but then again,
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officials throughout the country have stated, the prime minister has been elected into power time and time again, his policies have been necessarily changed. so the big question here is, where is this pressure coming from? and the pressure for the most part is of course, coming from brussels. it's coming from the united states. the walkie is a member of the european union. it's a member of the nato alliance. and this i'm a menu of the things is one of the fundamental reasons as to why the sealants could have potentially carried out the attack. one final thing to mention is leased to lock you in government and it's intention to establish a foreign policy that is sovereign and independent from that of the european union and nato. this is a fundamental reasoning behind the government's position, the opposition as well as the motivation behind the servants motives. but more importantly comes at a time when you are up itself is questioning its own existence, its identity as well as its foreign policy and about europe is looking to establish that identity. it makes sense that slovakia, serbia hungry many countries within the european continent are essentially trying
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to establish the very same thing. yes and again r t in 100 of us little kit. but we got the opportunity to talk with farmers, lubbock prime minister yon turner gorski about the assassination attempt on robert feed. so, and if the ruling parties policy is could have been behind it, you can watch the entire interview on r t throughout the day. but for now, here's a quick preview. pacific authority. so suggested the state as part of the assassination. it sounds a little bad piece of life, was posing his spell. this is in general. that includes so a few. so some of these and the sale of arms to ukraine, or descending age to claim. what i want to know is how much is this political stance? the supposition towards these bo, this is how much is it widespread, or accept? or you just want to split. and terms yes. if you just 5 d a one elections is september last
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year and even in the president. so the elections in slovakia, one month ago. again, fetus political game as one and to even the in the public opinion balls. this stands of. so the government, especially, especially regarding the war in ukraine, is, has a big majority amongst all its citizens. so yes, and the operations against the pizza supported the policy and fits those government that we just we just supported and supporting the west. um says
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the feel is itself strong because the support from the west and the on and on the other hand it sees that as the allow and a has not very big jobs. this is the lock. yeah. and that, that leads to, to such dramatic attempts a following almost a week of unrest, a new caledonia, paris declared a state of emergency and its overseas territory that says pro independence, demonstrators blocked the territories key roads. here's a breakdown of what prompted riots across the island. the,
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the 3 words of my circular awesomeness, speed and system is imperative, the republican or to be restored, the just saw, we feel oppressed, we are angry, everything is happening over with it. and we a one dream, uh, we, the kind of people being heard most cation, my, what i realized is that the french have never thought about us. they talk about shedding and balance. but that's never been the case. let's go plot, but we can't go on like this. we won't get anywhere with threats, violence or are so
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a discussion that works for everyone is needed so that we can find sincerity. serenity and above all, peace. the, i don't know what else to give you the current relationship between france and the former colonies isn't that later became overseas territories is still a relationship where one is important that to the other, we need to restore balance negotiations on the basis of reciprocity and the ability to listen to each other are as a serial. so this is something that doesn't exist on today. so they don't listen to us because they impose a certain things on us, which harms our lands and our development of what the french government is doing now is a bad way to solve the problem. looks beautiful. so.


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