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tv   Documentary  RT  May 19, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT

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the american soul just was initially eastern to ask and countries to fight terrorism without showing any tangible results. the confidence is still suffering from insurgencies. now that us is trying to find another african nation to and to its military personnel with little success. and i, jerry and journalist told is it's natural to say africans turning to russia and china, off the west, failed to help them deal with security and economic issues. on the confidence america's insulins has strategically weakened over the last decade or 2. and this is allowed to be because of how america you do seem to have dealt with african countries where i think then economies over the years the americans have not put their money is with the amount to use. they have not defend that human rights as much as they claim that the world have been many african countries. they have not made enough investments in terms of infrastructure development and providing strategic support for the girls of many african economies. and obviously they have
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not done enough in helping many of these african countries deal with internal and of course, regional security as it with especially dealing with insurgence. you have a group of african countries who believe that um, get this strategic objectives about cheating. national security and economic prosperity is better served with partnerships with china and russia. and then, you know, with american or, or, or you turn the economies for div very long conditions that many african countries trouble to meet. and perhaps because many applicants countries trouble to meet these conditions, we have pilots towards china and russia. many things we accompany this sunday that so for me, for today, my colleague, i saw the defense key will be with you in about 30 minutes past the
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when i was here position, i was suggesting we bomb bell. great. i was suggesting that we send american pilots in and the bridges on the drain. i would suggest things we take out as oral supply . i was suggesting very specific the our suggesting we take out his oral supply. the each of the
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leading deja is $64.00. he was with the with prove that clear the day very often the city of india was bombed. in 1999. it wasn't, it was very striking. definitely to do any of cells we use his work mates. old, died later of cancer. he is the of the survivor tamales. some of them old. you have them with this question. patel him a 200, not foreclosure and the queer fitness risk, the lack of fear in there. so say $10.00 for the sum gulfport dataset was a 4 day phase idea to me a plus. so look that in some of that committed the cost for this sum for period 2 4th. uh good. i said not to miss will. what we're going to do,
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the squids 5 bill bombard going all the cars. your mother serial doesn't go to school. know billy billy doesn't have to. i said bill the so yes, i'm good. i the me, you're on the issue. uh lets and you can some more delay on what i need is going well then you're on a scale of it. so that's gonna be so that said to david, though the annual didn't know the effective or still will not fit appropriate. so instead of meeting you, so now let's see
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a way of all the cover all that. but i mean, i saw the tool that that brought me in there yet, or $2000.00 a really go by snow storm gradually, or even would it be or even see them all over it out of the all they oh, this is as really all sorts of some of the with other so you all and then i would say but always, you know, some oil incentives looked at the glassdoor and obviously what they were mentally or the cause. you know, i'm a little bit of a william delgado here to put any dollars dollars or so you that the she, you know, until you're going, but we're doing a good annual day. you're going to so you will do less with. and he's when he's out of your sandwich course and i shall not for you will call you will do so much longer so fast. it's so little of the guys to go with us to have somebody. but all, you know, some of the most a view up all isn't as a desk to pull stuff. nice stuff, boston midwest. the 1st of this it full of best. if that's doable, produce it as well. you know, well they eat, i typed it, and so it was
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a sun. so nice survey that you put on your bill is us. you put an obama mode, move down the amount holly now, and they'll lock for you. let us don't little more need see it all the on use with dana natalie. it will surely fullness to classes and you know, to run your little silly. so what i knew most of them i through the glass on the susceptible. well, they tell a donna, yes it over to say to them. and really, so let me tell you that you're all book or the course of these out to me, cause the rather than he is now the, is that all my, which of that? i don't have to read that godaddy. i'm not open godaddy. nothing more than that though. yeah. music on see so easy. let's see. again, let's see the echo seeds knowing that i don't know the community mode, the depleted uranium is a toxic heavy metal from the main byproduct of uranium in which month because of its high density about twice that of lead. depleted uranium was used and i'm a passing munitions. the un office for this element defense
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the the sky by now, but i can feel associated with it anymore. i view on thermal to email portion. we're going to out most of the, the out see a name majority dollars the the ceiling. yeah. not just eats that. was that almost what on your course of all of these, what you'll still the alpha trust it we have the mothers are through the ball for test. it's that you love the east to adjust it to what audio one e o eco pro is the number on which on the, on the number of the project popular. i think most of the project and around which elliott e. honora, committed ship process modeling the data almost not modeling mailed that out to you, nor mileage elliott english even. is this a new york one, but you don't, you don't nickel, taller son? or we're going to drive on molly res jelia victoria on. was that the or tell me going? the not just it tells you it almost on the board on your what is a z o you daily to appear to be on the sub. it'll see people that see the soprano
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tuna spots. it is optimal. that's the level of it's cohort. that western science is still still debating exactly how dangerous depleted uranium weapons of my dad. don't talk, claiming that depleted uranium is homeless. there's not any sign typically being accurate isn't dangerously. negligence is usage and width and the strengths tossing project goals that can be inhaled or ingested. closings of interest to human health and the environment to hysteria is unwarranted. dr. lucas, the reality is that the risks of depleted uranium are grossly exaggerated and when handled properly. the rest are minimal. minimal. tell that to the civilians living in conflict and suffering from increased cancer rates. the
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media, it's a score scene 0 so much more with the you know, don't get out the rest later. boy name in the land up as well. think of, of, of a mean if board you account a terrorist operation carried out by the sub you know, me and special forces on the comfortable village of rhetoric against the housing in extremis. turned out to be the excuse they were looking for lots of that. so my name's a good, the not just done with the legend research to i knew what the question whether you've option sweetie. production for square to just insure what is missing. anything else in the search to get to where they don't need for someone to, to you when he got nato countries fled by the united states immediately declared that the killing of the albanian majority in kosovo was genocide and decided to bump in former yugoslavia depleted uranium shells were included, russia vehemently opposed to that decision. to see the
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thing was that the bill, i'm not sure you use it, but i see he's got them some more than come with the store to abuse needed because that's still more than the abuto is a couple of things. none of them will probably come home is not a big problem. i be in the baltic sea and can the i've had a lot about bosh product electronics without a funeral out of life. the order, monica, sonya saw a lot of the the play button because at the center i show that to show our gratitude. if i leave a lot like a front of the comments marks, i thought we had to have them unable because the color lot, 5 is moving to solution for the study of the kind of shot. i wait, the other alarm saw here's dose. i saw the tie, it looks i work,
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i did that. so i with the for the bottom say i have to cite them out at the dap out for the camera. you have to come out of the month like i don't need that lower section on. i think if i come down with them, but it just doesn't have the most generalist to come a ya. she found that of the rocky cities for louisville was the one that self with the most from depleted uranium weapons. it's in 1st place, 13 percent of the total population at that time up using sales, when totally used against the military hardware, the residential buildings, to the rental, the fine way and how much are the, what to share the data is on or off with shane johnson, come with id on a, on some sub and one of them at each on higher end and will not be on the i'm just
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me, a lot of really old lobby. i'm in one of them. the trunk. new puzzle. funny. we are a lot of money on the account of oil for they've been to hawaii, i'm lot of the husband alone. i'm looking in the account along show them how do i video jack inside of the house or or side of here, this movie or show i the law. how do i tell you? yeah, hi john, but i'm, although it, i won't be at all, but the labeled fish are definitely. yeah, well i'm in the, i really a shot. the of it is how much god i need to have done. i want all the special, i don't know the wash does say i was living at
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the beautiful. they offered a sale in the tomorrow. the person, oh, oh, well, how did you see cool, and what was the show? oh, and hodge. from the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watchers in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters, but who will be the power behind it? watches almost $1000000000.00 people decide and billions for react the the boy of course the scene is a $150.00. if that's good, then that's the story of the indeed show decided to one of the memory of his
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comrades. and for the very 1st time in 25 years, climbed amounts to the very place. when the depleted uranium bomb fail, the rug fish. this is the correct and this is total bulus. this it but doesn't need done a some pro good game like leg supplemental really small. yeah. to get all pay or is our 3rd sister in law in the method on the day? not plenty on the bus the most well past coast and this was all it does the bill house that i what they were just by the full or the the name
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a program color is. yeah. he is rest. i trusted that i the the single with a trash can. i mean this one is not the guy you know so, so sit emotional around noon, both less, most size. all the customer that some yeah, probably be on the let's in yeah. was like, well i guess the 1st to those to the, to, to, to some of those tauriel cool, i guess a, so basically the more than 3 decades the us army has use depleted uranium sales in various conflicts . they have also been adopted by great britain. but neither country officially
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admits the depleted uranium alone is deadly. you're just over simplifying or complex fisher disturb fear, dr. lucas. yes, there are risk, but they're minimal compared to the strategic advantages they provide. it's about leveraging technology responsibly. not a bad thing. yeah, they're very rational, fear irrational, ignoring the long term environmental catastrophe and the model implications of boys and exams, but generations. that is what is a rational circle of strategic advantages are appearing victory at best. it's easy to throw around accusations when you're not the one making the top decisions. military strategy isn't about choosing the perfect options. it's about choosing the least worst wants. and currently that involves depleted uranium. and we should strive of best. so no central at least was we have to deal with the world
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as it is. question yes. but outright fear mongering helps no one the the reason the reason they don't want this known or out in the public is, is they don't want. it's not a good advertise, they have to have your kids join the military, they'll be, they'll be exposed to radiation and toxins from the depleted uranium. it's not a good advertisement for the military. that's why they never met it. we have mission 1st. so the mission 1st is destroy your enemy. joseph hickman is a former u. s. military officer, who after retiring became involved in investigating the dangers of munitions used by the us. and the only reason you would use a depleted uranium ammunitions would be for armor piercing. i would think, i don't see where it's effective and anything else. the radioactive, it may not be a. it may be, you know,
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a lot less radioactive than the something it's actually of uranium, but still it's radioactive and it has toxins that they can kill you as a military. we never really know about. no one ever really talked about. it just likes to burn fits that i cover. so we didn't, they, they kept saying everything's good. it's, you know, not, it's not unhealthy for you. it's not, not a bad thing. in joseph pigments, books done pits, the police native american soldiers, he revealed another big mystery. how depleted uranium munitions were disposed of the without to play rainy and being burned into burned pits, it was set up. i mean, then, then it actually is that only had to get terminated area, but it was a domino effect to start finding hundreds of soldiers. i ended up interviewing 1400 soldiers for my book, there were 2nd dying from the burn fits. it became a big story. and the book was very successful. president bind stuff
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about the book often because i mentioned his son bo in there who got sick from the burn fits and died enjoying lovick of some. so i'll give them patients a boss so quick. a quick trip was so talk to them patients to go in there to go to a new morning say on a cousin a the city, the septic model, they will for brother in law to the bottom. say for interest that the what was some issue that i didn't quote, this is the 1st the law. it's a shot the day. my boy 3 met the trip today. that's us. and the largest said this is to blow. this is the 5th by the name in the midst of this will be in
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the, the test was sent by more to more of a training course. k for less than just a moment ago. it seemed like the developers killed them at the shoshone gross. that the young if i used to have a set of weeks during the exam because i'd be new as of yet or the next to a new car that i can provide you. if it's, i know what i see in which i'm sorry to bug and you know, it just has the 30 voice in your mind. so i see the reinforcing institution page.
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you include the that are starting on the run for a reason for, for with these language to talk with like a is in a jewish customer in the nation is not going to move me just from this course. so because of that, i'm wondering if i'm going to be ready for them to be doing that. i believe he has an i redid category really time in kindergarten, gene for some parts of the association for english. 31 minus name was presented to tucker. i did that, but i'm good from cushion leading the new days got through manually so i do understand the appreciate you with the expression to allow us to ink or for your study. ask yourselves that's the way. oh no, no, no, no, just the security for
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the. 6 this is a protest rally held in run by the relatives of soldiers himself, that from depleted uranium italians land for the 1st time, the dust from depleted uranium shells can cause fatal diseases when the soldiers began to return from comfortable and metal here, where they carried out nato so called peacekeeping mission the project and a sunroof unethical. generalist with italy's biggest, independent and used total come at done kashodi. they're investigating how depleted uranium affected italian. so just health demo check. got you equipment them. are the media diety a or told me that she had come a lot? the windmill fell on a deeper post, showing an army neil people on the little fence that they should really make a delicious on a party going immediate diety. but the st. instead of danielle tunnel sorting media, daddy can also affect the my funny best story identical morning when we get
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a hold on when they come, because something remote and there were any fully don't while you're not for me. so that is one of the center. so that'd be magic's the holes in the search for evidence. no. yeah, to me. i know me today. you all or no, nothing. the baby was. yeah. you know, the, she, i need a new showing the doctor, the perform be a little dining guy because the guy, the little mike turned it on to the new guide. i've got the back of the g at the design, the update on your off. you may kind of design the answer. no, it will. do you think i know that the dying july, the katie, that may not in the mean cause i know only a few months ago on the call, anita a dot studio and change the show. larry gene in the previous what i need to be, i'm ok if you much and i call any guy it was a different go to the building on the, the new book, the a genuine l. gosti gets the
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angelo to tell you is the 1st and only western european lawyer who tries to take every depleted uranium contamination case the court and he's been successful so far . he's one on more than 250 occasions. if they don't that they didn't get that back out. the answer the question, i'm about the surely the 30 this on. i mean the demo, the initial daughter i the only assigned with when they sound when they should lose what i did, the i'm not the most uh, the provider. okay. little gee again. so it all down started out. so need to see in god to the 5 story. little the independent. i mean, did i receive up to the beast with and i'm going to, i'm going to do it all by not. so any data if i will show the game labriola i'm game data mean each of the dates that go many purchase will be $91.00. i believe it's yeah. yeah. so cost way, not doing
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a bit of math to i will make equals 3 schumake asset. he's one of us so they don't get have to achieve what he took our course at ocean you already know. use a subject is dustin, what good is i see it co punch. i don't get only shuttle. well, it says because i said already is out. if the person i'm up to lucky watering boesky corporate shift, i ridiculous such a disaster of things at the start just so that you're not always the concert or we need our stuff in it tonight. the so the, the story again i'll go to the show room on a trip to pensacola, my little boy, you all missed that as soon as something that wasn't done before. you might don't do that, no point of to going to something that i'll be updating. what our new medical was, luca bostic got that, brushing us this late in the settle total as it was. understood, the less you know. no, no, it could be like a wonderful garden by doctor correspond. nicky shuttles. just leave off with the for me, isn't there yet?
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on the do you have no groceries of the so again, if you called them while i was to see how you had a good 0 thing of the 3 by the, you know, not going going, but a going issue there. so that is out. there was all can i think though it yet good. they are watching those 0. i the separate camino de la save the issue that a recording. i'm stuck all over my table or must forego a 2nd already metallic events. cliff bill, the the price i seen in the read this here by
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the escape that place by high this i, i really kind of those to the normal point will really cut out of the pos of the bus. so this a sub to so pro, a real a, the sick, the deal us intelligence cool sample. the bill allows us to, so i'm sure they would have to sell it them and they have a problem, a fortune to over i or to the face to face of the on that other sounds. good us, one of us with the
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of the
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search and rescue operation is underway in the mountains of north a new raul. and this is officer, a helicopter, carrying the country, presidents and foreign minister, and make some pause, landing, or returning from neighbouring as advice on an idea attacked owner refugee camp kills at least $27.00 palestinians as the overall dest tolling garza from these radius shouting nasa, policies 35000 people. also the police clash with for testers, intel, a, beaver's thousands, raleigh against is where the problem.


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