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tv   News  RT  May 19, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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as florida doesn't want that as much text, i'm putting notes up under that the search and rescue operation is on the way the month. things of news and the roll and off the helicopter, carrying the country's presidency and foreign minister makes us todd landing. an idea for tackling the refugee camp kills at least $27.00 to palestinians is the overall that's told in gauze from the is really offensive supports is $35.00 kind of it's also the police collage we've protested intel of b besides is riley against his way. the prime minister netanyahu, for while we're looming, try to reach any cross the shadow of where the impossible lead is government. the
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prime minister netanyahu. i look you in the i to know, i can tell you the choice to use in your hands. if you choose to follow the pos of fanatics and lead the entire nation into interface, we will be forced to quit. the government then attempted coup d'etat has been nipped into, but by the defense and security forces, this attempting vote for and there's and congress. these companies and the foreigners have been put out of harm's weight. their leaders included on 3 people, including a rebel lee the needs of the day as the all calm go military. but pals to attend on sunday the welcome to the we do have an ot international, a fresh look at some of the most important stories from the past 7 days as well. of course is keeping you up today with the breaking news. it's not so are we going to
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start without breaking news in a rollin where researches are trying to reach the science where a helicopter, carrying the country's president and foreign minister came down and what's being described as a hard landing some and renewed media outlets report that a brief phone call was houses, at least one of the passengers, but apparently only screams could be heard on his side and he's no longer available for contacts. heavy folk is hampering the search operation in the remote mountainous region of north and around. all correspondent use of july li has more now form to them. the night is falling, but so far nobody knows where the crashed aircraft is. that the aircraft carrying the iranian president and his theme, of course crash, landed in east aso, by john province and northwest at one around $230.00 p. m local time. but still the
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search and rescue operations have gotten nowhere. of course, since the early hours of the incident of an extensive search and rescue teams from their french relative entities, including even the iranian military, were dispatched to the crash sites, trying to locate the christ chopper with child care care care. we did wanting present it but so far to northville and now with darkness falling, things are getting much tricky or foresaw the one the military side that it has also deployed. it's a team of experts trying to locate the crashed aircraft. and of course, the military has used its jerome is to try to locate uh the uh, the, the crash side and the location i'll be sending, but so far to no avail. of course the chopper crowd crash, landed in the afternoon, as i said, in the north, in the northwestern azerbaijan, province, east oz. or by john province force were um the uh, the,
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the aircraft crash due to low visibility caused by heavy fog and adverse weather conditions. course of this situation there is very, very much difficult for the search and rescue team as are the different who are wanting authorities are pointing to difficulties caused by a rainy weather and dense fog and ross mountainous area. and i think for us to be there making it really difficult for the search and rescue teams to try to get to that crashed chop or and try to see what has happened to the warning president and the team become the names are the, are want to present of course of about mr. a. c was attending a ceremony in tab reason of course enjoy the fall, an area bordering god. the neighboring cars are by john. a significant ceremony was being held in the morning local times there the in on duration of
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a significant down a much anticipated dam, built by the iranian engineers on the ross river, which separates iran from neighboring cars are by john high ranking officials. all were from the 2 sides were present in the ceremony. early in the morning, of course, in east as or by john province, including the your for is the president of us or why john, but on the way back from that ceremony, that unfortunate incident happened. of course, initially we heard many conflicting news about the health conditions all for the iranian president and his accompanying 13 miles with some people are talking about bad news and others saying that he has got off the aircraft in one piece and he's safe and sound and even we heard of news suggesting that they're wanting presidents continue with his trip to a tab breeze. the provincial capital, a sponsor by john problems are using in motor. okay. but all of those conflicting
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news were dismissed by the iranian authorities, the running interior ministry. and um, even if they are wanting national tv has dismissed all those allegations. and now everybody is waiting for the search and rescue team to try to locate the christ aircraft. and that will be the answer to all of those concerns and different and conflicting news about the situation and the health condition of the one president irradiance of raleigh to pray for the top officials whose conditions were made on known several countries of also sent the best wishes to the reigning nation. supremely de la toy? yeah, ali. so i mean, he says they will be new disruption in the work of the country. and the vice president mohammed macbeth says he stands to ready to run the government in case the president is unable to. oh,
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what does this well run step is offensive, own goal is at least $27.00 palestinian type of food, usually being killed in a strike on the new surround refugee camp, which is in the enclave central region. this is as the gall, the test that shows the policies. so sheets, $5000.00 since october will grieving parents seeing here giving final kisses to the slain children in new. so right. is ready for us as talkative, one house in the camp that was apparently shouting, displaced, palestinians, and didn't know the strong fi idea. forces has been the force he didn't. the southern city of con eunice wounded carson's being rushed to hospital following the showing that allison is not only a suffering from those attacks, which is well, but also facing an acute to mount a. terry in crisis with shortages of basic needs. locals clearing up for central
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supplies, which are barely sufficient to feed everyone in need. the pen took on half of them 6 floating p. it has been completed and in schools to deliver h. u. n. agencies have raised the law, move at the spirit in crisis, impacting millions and warning. the a deal for ations us stuck on very worried. i think that it's a world which has lost its way and we need to help find its way back to those new ones. that we will live to create the humanitarian operation is stuck. it's completely stuck. we can't do what we want to do. what is the hope for these people? they don't know what's coming next. it was the supplies vital ones and the central system have also been disrupted, and civilians are struggling. they also joining choose to fill up the jerry cans in the hope of guessing fresh water. but local, say, life has become unbearable with no one willing to help them in that desperate need . as an advocate, it would travel long distances to fill one or 2 containers with water. there are no
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wells, there are no services, homes were destroyed, and i want you to look killed. we live in human ation. in fact, no one cares about us. i thought we'd know when it's porter, we need food. we need to, this is likely we want to return. so homes, our children have been thrown into this tract. uh, yeah that's, that's the image of life is unbearable. yeah, we transport water from use the sea. we walk approximately 5 to 6 kilometers comes we bring 4 to 5 containers of water and it spills on the road. there's no other way to provide water for us some way you do, but at the district level, for 14 days, um border crossings have been completely closed or something, and no human attorney an 8th, as getting into casa and including food, water, and a few weeks. this is, has resulted in some hospital announced and they were complete
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a few of the pleasures altering and hospital visits. and if use it's a oh patients ask what's happened in hospice in i'm now a the situation is getting worse on thursday. expectation of this for the crossing is going to be continue closed. this would result in a complete collapse for the health care system as well. spaces when be no more events to continue providing their life. stephen services with a few of the sessions fuel is also needed for the continue of ambulances as ambulances need. also, if you and also, as for the humanitarian a it's we. 1 a this situation on the ground is for the test after 6 before even the loser of the crossings. this for us cuz the lives of civilians, a garza who would have no more as to as the order the before the complete the
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closure. the amount of the human is already at ease that was getting into gaza. it was already enough to know now with a complete enclosure this means of time and is internet and would result in thousands of civilians will be losing their lives because of the start. patients with thousands of is rarely purchased as a riley didn't tell of eve against the current government resulting in police having to use a water cannon and also detaining demonstrators. the, the crowds are urging benjamin netanyahu to resign. and to also pull a snap election, they demanding that the government secure with the release of dozens of these rating hostages still being held captive in casa. and these ray department says, also facing pressure from another side. this is because he's wood cabinet. minnesota is threatening to of bell against the government. many guns has given me
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nothing. y'all who just 3 weeks to agree to a post full plan that he's proposed with gauze and is well, what's the deal prime minister netanyahu? i look you in the, i to night and tell you, the choice is in your hands, the nets and yahoo of a decade ago would have done the right thing. are you willing to do the rights and patriarchy thing today? the people of israel are watching you, you must choose between zionism and cynicism, between unity and factionalism, between responsibility and lawlessness, and between victory and disaster. if you choose to follow the pos of fanatics, and lead the entire nation into an abyss, we will be forced to quit the government. we will turn to the people and form a government that will gain the trust of the people. we will form a government based on broad unity that will bring correction. unreal victory against plans include the return of all of the hostages from gulls, but he also wants an international civilian government that would include american
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european, our and palestinian elements, but not with the involvement olsby authorities from the west bank. the woman that says also said that he wants to see goals at the militarized and under is really quote, security control. here's how benjamin netanyahu has responded to the demands. the condition said by benny guns are whitewashed woods, that clearly mean ending the war. and they use the phrase rail, a band of the most of the hostages, leaving time us in fact, and establishing and boasting in state. a funny guy, this is just the latest is really official to open me oppose nothing. yahoo! early this week, the defense witness that you are going to use the premier of miss managing the more assets gallons demanded that netanyahu from it to policy and investments for the own place, as opposed to is randy occupation and resettlement. back in january department was the survived and no confident spoked in his paula, this is over,
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his failure to bring all of the hostages home is really parliament them. but also proceeds says that guns nothing yahoo! all actually to sell its all the same for him. i actually am is gone, stopped a lot, but didn't say anything. i mean a, it's in, it's a constant think it's a, he's don't been clinging to his norm a many times are normally seems it up days talking quite a lot sometimes, but actually be saying nothing. and that these use a dr. dukes, so it seems to be, to stay in the government and speak of the people up against the policy, and the opposite. you then the ongoing, the deeds of the government buckling block, dest, it seems that these still any tech at all. and part of this, the government unfortunately missed a gun support or wants to carry out and did the policy that they brought me to spend it them. yeah. oh yeah,
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he's out both seed support and one to even enlarge and deepen the occupation the want to wise and so it seems the sort on me guys out the did me a sort on guys out. so he's that's down there. let's keep doing it the yahoo! a we must think about the definition of it. when i say of upkeep, because it's not the deal come go. military on sunday says it's held off for the tempted crew, near the presidential offices in the country's capital and ministry spokesperson says, 3 people were killed in the street that, that involved armed companies, militants and foreigners. lift from the, the armed forces of the democratic republic of the congo, inform, national and international opinion that an attempt to included, has been nipped in the bud by the defense and security forces. this attempting vote for an there's an communities these kimberly's and the foreigners have been put out of harm's way. their leaders included the armed forces of the democratic republic
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of the congo, asked the population to go about their business freely and quietly. the defense and security forces have perfect control of the situation. we will return to it as forcefully with proof and supporting images. a democratic republic, a phone manager is focused on set in a televised address fund is on the pepper traders of the field. take over, including several foreigners have been arrested and are now in cost for the release defense and security forces said the situation is under control. but according to local media reports, 3 people including one soccer and 2 gods, were queued in the crossfire. the on demand on sunday assad, but came south a residence to ma, here a federal legislator and a candidate for speak of the national assembly forces. folks 1st name to the legislative said, come out here and his family are safe and sound. incidents came amid
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a crisis weeping. president phillips securities government in party over an election leadership which was expected to hold on saturday. but what's the, what's phones honorable by check them out here is to become speaker. the former president was re elected for 7 term as president in december, but has yet to name a government west and central africa was reported knowledgeable since 2020, the most recent being out of new jersey president mohammed pursue a loss july. meanwhile, the united states embassy as frances, i'm the issue of security warnings on sunday, following the incident of easy r t material. hailing the strategic partnership lab, my preaching was given a very well and welcomed by using paying, as the russian president visited china for to day state visit both to be does. matt
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and beijing for the top level talks points to further cement. that partnership is how present pitching was created the the, the the, and on a god, a marching band and canon. it's something to the beads of the symphony of pomp every minute detail rehearsed to absolute perfection. we are in central badging behind me is the building of the parliament and over there in the distance,
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the 2 delegations, the russian and the chinese delegations here as they are about to greet the 2 leaders here. you can see the, on the god, everything is very, very solemn. you can see there's actually both men and women represented in the front rows about to meet both vladimir putin and shooting, paying the you don't get to see this kind of reception every time. we have the front row seats . mutual respect to the degree of reference has never been vis expressive, the continuous strengthening of rushing chinese development, comprehensive strategic interaction and mutually beneficial cooperation meet the
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fundamental interest of our countries and our peoples. and are in line with the needs of the world community and time. relations between china and russia are irreplaceable. their significance is hard to overestimate the which i apologize for speaking so long and not letting the interpreter do his job. i feel at home here. it's like i thought everyone here already speaks russian. the know that translated into hours of 2 weeks and a speck of signed documents, no strategic partnership, and the brakes book, the pillars on which russia china relations stand high during the visit, the delegations agreed on must go further expanding its presence on big things. kolosso agricultural market and while the us has being ramping up its efforts to
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make rushes, banking sector talks it through sanctions blackmail most to n b gene discussed ways to get around that. now the 2nd leg of the journey. so a lot of my putting. 6 calling from capital b g to the north eastern city of had been the now over there, he met with chinese students and shed some of the behind the scenes details of his visit. my dual credit. this started yesterday, my friend, the president of the people's republic of china, treated me to this dish of peking duck. i'll tell you honestly that i thought about eating only one piece. well, you understand right? but i couldn't resist because it was so delicious, but simple of course. but the biggest revelations came just off to the enemy's your conference,
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which was truly in your face event for everyone. still hoping to see russia sidelined and isolated. it is important that those who are trying to maintain a monopoly uncle issues, understanding that a multi point a world is emerging before our eyes do everything that depends on them in this case. so that this process is natural, peaceful, conflict free. and that the opinions of all participants in the international process is taken into full account. it was also the 1st time vladimir putin spoke about russia's new advance in the high region in east and ukraine. and that it's not actually about taking the city of high gulf. well please, for now in the ukraine is showing residential areas of russian board of territories including belgrade. civilians are dying. it's obvious that firing right into the center of the city. if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone. that's what we're doing. as for the city of car cost today,
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we have no plans of taking it. and once again, pollutants trust both most goes readiness for peace talks, and the futility of any such effort that does not account for russian interests. we analyze everything. of course, we are following what is happening around the announce meeting in switzerland. we are not going to switzerland, but we never refuse negotiations. unlike ukraine, they are the ones who withdrew from the negotiation process. they are the ones who said they were going to inflict a strategic defeat on. they declared that they were going to fight to the end. in fact, not to the end, but to the last ukranian. it was president supporters, 1st 4 and visits since his latest, a new duration, and on this guy celebration of deep friendship between russia and china. and the failure of us slight attempts, a geo political segregation,
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and while haters in the west, i surely still gonna have the defined display in the east, sadly speaks for itself to quite know where keeps forces or facing an uphill battle. russian troops have taken control of 13 settlements in the course of region, an old but notified the countries unlimited games and the separate roeser region. all these don't buy space correspondent teet steve sweeney brings us more details earlier this week and a major. but as you claimed, russian forces took control of the symbolic the impulse in vintage over boston. the end is that for all your region intends function took place here. and what was one of ukraine's only gains as much warranty, but filed counter offensive football soon lies 75 kilometers. ne municipal, the regional capital. it was here. but next to it military hardware, military vehicles, with damaged or destroyed. the so called game changes is up on the wanted western supposedly invincible equipment burns. and in terms of its technical and technical
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characteristics, it often even falls short compared to some models of soviet made weaponry. lots of the army is now in display, in the russian capital, drawing huge crowds to pump the polk where they can see military vehicles, including the so called invincible abrams tank. meanwhile, russia makes you devonte is in the hawk of region crossing through defensive lines like fox uh, in fact, the bbc reported last week that those defensive lines simply didn't exist with reports of russian troops advancing through online to areas and you crate and simply giving up we don't following a single shot, is let to save us questions being honest with the abby a previously set to be heavily fortified. many of the mounting offices as to where that money has gone. i mean allegations of corruption. there was no 1st line of defense. we saw it, the russians just walked in. they just walked in without any mind fields. either, it was inactive negligence or corruption. it wasn't a failure, it was
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a betrayal. at the time, the guy had rotates his impulse, and success is on the battlefield. that you, craig and stuff with heavy losses, and now it seems as well as compound nothing. with the russian ring taking control this to the quote, the carrier, despite deploying such a norm as forces, the enemy did not manage to reach even the 1st line of our defenses. well, there are still 2 more lines beyond that. the last 166000 killed and wounded over 800 tanks and nearly 2400 are merged fighting vehicles. so yes, another fight you on the battlefield despite the constant flow of volumes of weapons to key have as nice. so i'm re, continues to, but this is, these really don't yet. so public fidelity as also makes battlefield advances. keeps as had a surprise visit from us secretary of state anthony lincoln. he's express
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washington's unwavering support. despite ukraine's front line failure is blinking, attempted to lift spirits during his trip with his phone pena's performance, while a new to coating, in lieu of mobilization was being in full stone ukrainians. the lincoln plays the guitar and a t. f. b a. a saw and belts that rocking in the free world for us to, for life has back to cranes, mobilization is meant not and literally being dragged off the streets by conscription offices and sent to the conflict people to death. a family of junctions risk being beaten by the authorities. morning we have some disturbing images ahead. what you're saying now is the photo of a young a desk. the woman who says she was beaten by an enrollment officer off the filming her boyfriend being dragged away. again and wound and you may find the following video upsetting
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the new mobilization law requires all conscripted men between the ages of 18 and 60 to update the personal data within 2 months without waiting for summons. it also cancels the delay of service and employees of the defense ministry enterprises were allowed. i'm the law has expanded. you can actually distribute the summons. educational institutions of the heads of have been added to the list president like me, zalinski signed a new area authorizing also the mobilization of prison convicts. according to printing media reports in 10 to 15000 criminals will soon be rushed to the battle field. he have claims the move is needed to make up for a critical shortage of manpower as its regular ministry has been had fully depleted
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political commentator and also one daily. so me says that robbing people on the streets has no legal basis to do is absolutely not just the vacation force and actually people on the streets from their homes and will seem to to, to go to the bed so that we try a really sweet saying so people that you find that have never even held a guy and now find themselves heavy to battle. one of the strongest armies in the world, it's showing the kind of situation that is it is it is being and is on find themselves . stories of this ration where they now results. it's a human rights violations, but of course you look at uh when supervisors, buddies are committed by either the wasted ations or actually supported by the way you find it. nothing's done. you find the international organizations have nothing to say the us government does not care about the you crazy people that you're
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creating. gov. the only thing the us government is proving to care about is left this politically expedient to the time. and they have an invasion. they have to political emissions and that part of the world and ukraine is, you know, a tool towards tools was expanding in eastern europe a lot. so we've got time full this hour. we'll be back at the top of the next hour until then he's a sound, a boy with lots of pounds. the
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