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tv   News  RT  May 19, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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the the search and rescue operation is underway in the mountains of north, under ron officer, a helicopter carrying the country's precedence on foreign minister makes pause landing no idea for tackling or refugee camp kills at least 27. kyla simeon says, the best tolling goals is the policies 35000 also then attempted coup d'etat has been nipped into by the lady of defense and security forces. these attempting, bold foreigners and communities. these kimberly's and the foreigners have been put out of harm's way. their leaders included and 3 people including a rebel lee to meet that jack's as the d all combs the military. the pals to attend
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on sunday, the 330. not the international bringing you a flavor of any use over the past 7 days with the fresh salons. a warm welcome to the program. we're going to install the, with iran, where a rescue is all trying to reach the side to where a helicopter, carrying the countries president and foreign minister came down. it was, has been described as a hard landing several other top officials will also on board. they were turning from a ceremony on the border with neighboring as the by shown. heavy fold though, is hampering the search operation in the remote mountainous regions of the north of iran. the countries, red crescent, has denied me. do reports that claim to helicopter had been found. a correspondent use of july has moved now from tier on, on this, on
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a search and it's getting darker. but still, there's no news about the conditions of the iranian president and the presidential chopper that carried beat. ronnie, president there, brian bracy and his team in used cars are by john, province and northwest. they're one of course has the early hours of being said in an extensive team of uh, search and rescue operations. i was dispatched to the crash side to try to locate the crashed plane and the aircraft that crashed earlier in the day and try to locate that you're wanting president and a team a company came. but so far, there's no single detail about what has happened and how they are wanting president is doing the forces difference relative entities, including the iranian red cross and society. even the iranian military has deployed it's drones to try to help and assess the search and rescue teams with finding and trying to locate the are wanting president for so i'll be our teams. there have
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been scouring a mountainous area, a mountainous terrain and if sick forestry despite all of the harsh and adverse weather conditions there, it's raining there. there's heavy fond of the surrounding area is a rough mountainous area, but still despite all of those difficulties of the search and rescue teams are trying to access the crash site and try to locate the crashed chop or which uh, crash landed uh earlier in the day around uh, 2 30 pm local time in east us or by john province in northwest. and one of course uh what caused vincent was uh, low visibility as put by a different uh, relative sources including the one in interior ministry said that that low visibility caused by ring situation and a heavy fog led to the incident. uh they are wanting president force was out there on his way back from a sick ethical ceremony and ideal reading a major damn,
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a much anticipated down build um over a course of 20 years. but you want and engineers on v r as river, which separates everyone from neighboring doors are by john. of course, senior high ranking officials from the 2 sides were attending a an inoculation ceremony. opening the dam force on the ross river, including the presidents at home, audio for the audrey president of the of was also attending the ceremony. or you're in today and present. gracie on his way back out from that location. the inoculation opted them. he was upset to attend another and on duration ceremony of a major project in the provincial capital type breeze. but that incident happened mid way. and now, so far we don't know exactly what has happened to they are wanting president and the accompanying team, including foreign minister, was saying, i mean,
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the young who was on that very same chopper that was carrying the iranian presidential. everybody is now waiting for the search and rescue teams to try to access the crash site and tell everybody about what has happened to the a wanting president as well. several countries happening quick to offer assistance to around the increase the russian foreign ministry, which says it's ready to help investigate to have a comp, the incident took a once the age would search and rescue efforts of the indian prime minister has also expressed his sole authority and says he's praying for the reigning officials . the e u has offered iran access to its satellite data to help with that search. saudi arabia has also expressed a willingness to assist. meanwhile, rainy and supreme media, i are totally alisha. they will be no destruction to the worst of the country, vice president mohammed, my class stands ready to run the government in the case that the president is
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unable to do. so this goes to people who rally to cross around to join. impressed with the top officials who's condition remains unknown at this stage, local say that they are trying to stay positive, even as some of bracing for the worse news about the president's way. deeply saddened by this incident, because of which is still unknown. as the head of state, the president is one of the servants of the people and then wished him and those a companion came to be found in good health. honestly, the dominant feeling a spear. it's a strange feeling that we experienced before when general feeling money was assassinated by the us. but i hope the officials are fine and will soon be found less had to israel, not because it's being run thing up. it's offensive on garza, with at least $27.00 paula sidney, and supposed to be killed in a strike on the new subject, refugee camp in the enclave central region. now that says the gauze,
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the death toll surpasses $35000.00 people since october. this is where any photos is targeted, one house in the cam, so that was sheltering, displace palestinians. the goals are health industry, says the weaving parents and not having to give a final pieces to the slain children in the new serat. and another strength, variety of forces has been to this time in the south and the city of san eunice, wounded, gauze, and spring rushed to hospital following shelling, that policy news, and not only suffering from attacks from israel. but they're also facing an acute humanitarian crisis, with a shortage of basic needs. locals, curing up for a central supplies which are badly enough to feed. everyone depends, gone, has enough. it's floating t, it has to be something to uninstalled to deliver age. you and agent seems to phrase
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the law as far as a crisis impacting millions, pointing the age of operations of stuff on very worried. i think that it's a world which has lost its way and we need to help find its way back to those norms that we will live to create the humanitarian operation is stuck. it's completely stuck. we can't do what we want to do. what is the hope for these people? they don't know what's coming next. vice a water supply. so a central system of being disruptive and civilians are struggling to not have to join queues to philip that jerry cans. local say, life has become unbearable with no one willing to help them in that desperate need of us. it would travel long distances to fill one or 2 containers with water while you know, there are no wells. there are no services, homes were destroyed and i want you to look killed. we live in humiliation. in fact, the no one cares about us. i thought we'd not okay with national when it porter
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came in and can you like to leave when she returns? so home. oh children have been thrown into the job. i love the fuck. that's the image is life is unbearable. yeah, we transport water from use the c walk approximately 5 to 6 kilometers comes we bring 45 containers of water and it spills on the road is no other way to provide water for somebody you do, but of the ability to ship love for 14 days um, border crossings have been completely closed or something, and no human attorney an 8th, as getting into casa and including food, water, and a few weeks. this is, has resulted in some hospital announced, and they were complete. if you had the pleasure and resulting and posted the reviews and reviews, it's a oh patients off. what's happened in hospice in i'm now a the situation is getting worse on thursday. expectation of this for the crossing
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is going to be continue close. this will result in a complete not for the health care system as most presents when the no more events to continue providing their life. stevens services with a few depression fuel is also needed for the continue all ambulances, as ambulances need, also q. and also as for the human history and a it's, we are, the situation on the ground is for the cats are asked to speak to before even the loser of the crossings. this for us, cuz the lives of civilians, a garza who wouldn't have no more asked who would i ordered you before the complete the closure, the amount of the humidity of ease that was getting into garza, it was already announced. and now with a complete enclosure, this means of time and is immune and would result in thousands of civilians will be
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losing their lives because of the start ration. what would they all come? the military on sunday says that it held off an attempted cru near the presidential offices in the country's capital. military spokesperson says that 3 people were killed in the shootout that involved on chrome galleys militants and foreigners live focused on the, the armed forces of the democratic republic of congo, inform, national and international opinion that an attempt included has been nipped into. but by the defense and security forces, this attempting vote for and there's an come gleese. these kimberly's and the foreigners have been put out of harm's way. their leaders included the armed forces of the democratic republic of the congo, asked the population to go about their business freely and quietly. the defense and security forces have perfect control of the situation. we will return to it as forcefully with proof and supporting images. a democratic republic, a phone,
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the spokesman said in a televised address on the box, the pepper traders of the fields take over, including several foreigners have been arrested and are now in cost for the release defense and security forces said the situation is under control. but according to local media reports, 3 people including one soccer and 2 gods, were queued in the crossfire the on demand on sunday assad, but came south a residence to ma, here a federal legislator and candidate for speak of a national assembly forces. what's 1st name to the legislative said, come out here and his family are safe and sound. incidents came amid a crisis, reaping village securities, governing party over an election, or the parliamentary leadership, which was expected to hold on saturday, but was plus phones honorable by direct them all here is to become speaker. the
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former president was re elected for 7th term as president in december, but has yet to name a government west and central africa has reported multiple since 2020 the most recent b reserves president mohammed for sue last july. meanwhile, the united states embassy as an issue of security warnings on sunday following the incident r t. material. well, let's get some reaction now to that story on cost of pulmonology or in presidential osbourne to download gall. but the 2nd thanks very much for joining us on all to international. i just will ask you very quickly, what's your reaction to what we've heard about that situation on sunday, in the democratic republic of congo. and it's just unfortunate, i think, um california is that to become an example of the printer does blessing so much and
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associates. yes, it is caught by doctor sources and even from history, you know what happened during the king blo, call it, you know, from belgium to independent conference again and then up to the show and i went to how to very what lead uh like brought to these little box, you know what happened to him? she was to see a little push on, on some of the printer the does the same, but it was, i mean, the guy says, yeah, todd, just have to be loaded and copied off the lift. 13, it was about to some degree, even an assistant, indeed, completely smooth dish on the title and no extra additional machine i know seeing now somebody else needs to turn in. if someone that's a very strong willed person trying to renew or shift some times in the interest, or perhaps maybe time to make sure that the people of the 20 really benefit from the video that's coming from to go. it just, um, um you've seen though, there's one for me to deploy the plugs to that is coming from very close to melinda
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. it does really rather very unfortunate what the, just the scripted because you know, dot don't want to know is how do you a little bit as well. oh, it is in the clinic wall about an attorney to see what happened between china and the united states. the us is tiffany: produce central, the chinese you'd be with us on this 1st problem. anybody who's coming from somebody who can send all home was one of the told me not of the power of electronic vehicle. our phone is actually coming from the cable. so i just moved on is picked it up condo, would you come to continuum of $23.00 is for some risk control from one to another . you know what i have to show you a different company. that is the thing i do want to pick up on what you're talking about that because we did have full military spokes person that's far and fighters were involved in this attempt to do you think that's related to what you're talking now about the cobalt mines in the congo in the to be recorded because uh,
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hang on, just one of the very interesting countries in the central africa because it is what you like the delta force or the international system of that. and because some of the companies behind the pod, they're designing a new hi. 1 do you come with these governments and how some companies, for you've done this before, which is led by done, you bet that is helping them to organize, don't want to do this. i'll do mine or potential. that is something that you know about being on the interest in the point on. so if you look to the, i know the sanctions are going to start from by the united states, about some operations on site within the table or in the instructional fixed point . jim deficiencies and again if you go back to, to click to come inside the of just easy on the more tenga, these are the areas where they produce j, which you have several up to 19 different or wherever cobalt mines into the phone
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lines. you know, as a byproduct multiply, that become quote, hold on. do this company is owned by chinese, private on chinese government, although 19 or leave to is one of those. i don't know. so you see because there's the georgia, wherever you're not, just didn't expect to slow down the chinese do bundle in, in the area of easy naturally you will find. so interested in trying to come that was controlled so that they can maybe help in the process of enforcing differential for benefiting from it. so yes, the funding part of would be from what i have seen down to 45000 on the friends of christian richard with united business development packages in delphi, me. general box, which is shown arthritis organizers are designed to your walk through the prism. i know that they should know that the squares they'll bring into it, and that is one based on the highway level reports, the diesel. okay,
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well thank you very much for taking us through that school and i during presidential last sprint. adama golf. uh, the 2nd i think is likely well in the us what public incentives have, so i'm the bite in administration for being pushed out of africa as russia in china gain momentum on the continent present. biden's foreign policy has been a disaster in every continent, and africa is no exception. while the russians and chinese are working overtime to us the was from a region that will soon be home to quarter of or a spot relation. the button and ministration continues to fumble the bowl and we can our nation strategic interest with our african partners. america now has affectively been pushed out of chad, new cher molly and berg and a fast. so making more room for rush and china. the administration behaves small like an illustration, the superpower pulse of the toning type of gains. washington's presence in asia and
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chat recently with the military cooperation agreements with the us ordering troops back to pack up the bags and leave american troops were initially sent to african countries to fight with terrorism. however, new tangible results have been seen with the coincidence still suffering from insurgencies. now the us who's trying to urgently find another african nation to her states military personnel. but so far as having the little success, nigerian journalist told us that is natural to see africans turning to russia and china. this is off to the west, failed to help them with the security and economic issues that are on the continent . and america's insulins has strategically we can, over the last decade or 2. and this is allowed to be because of how america you do seem to have dealt with african countries of african economies over the years. the americans have not put their money is with the amount to use. they have not defended human rights as much as they claim that the world have been many african
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countries. they have not made enough investments in terms of into structural development and providing strategic support for the girls of many african economies . and obviously they have not done enough in helping many of these african countries deal with internal kind of costs, regional security as it with especially dealing with insurgence. you have a group of african countries who believe, but um yeah, the strategic objectives about cheating, national security and economy plus barry is better served with partnerships with china and russia. and then, you know, with american or, or, or you turn the economies div very long conditions that many african countries trouble to meet. and perhaps because many applicants countries trouble to meet these conditions, the pilots towards china and russia has
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had to create now and have a look at that unfolding situation. on the groundwork keeps, forces have been using much of background. recently. russian troops have taken control of 13 settlements in the hospital for region this week alone and all have been but nullified. she has limited gaines in the separate ocean region. i'll tell you, steve sweeney is in donuts with more earlier this week in a, by egypt, as you claimed russian forces took control of the simple that the impulse in vintage of it both in the end is up what, what was your region intense function took place here and what was one of ukraine's only gains only as much warranty, but filed counter offensive football season lies 75 kilometers. ne, i municipal the regional capital. it was here. but next to it military hardware, military vehicles, with damaged or destroyed the so called game changes is that for the wanted western supposedly invincible equipment burns. and in terms of its technical and technical
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characteristics, how much of it often even falls short compared to some models of soviet made weaponry? lots of the already is not one display and the russian capital turing, huge crowds to pump the punk, where they can see military vehicles, including the so called invincible abrams tank mall rush, i'd like to to volunteer is in the hawk of region crossing through defensive lines . like fatah, in fact, the bbc reported last week that those defensive lines simply didn't exist with reports of russian troops advancing to online the areas and you crate and simply giving up with i'm following a single shot. is let to save us questions being honest with the abbey a previously set to be heavily fortified. many of the mounting offices as to where that money has gone. i mean the allegations of corruption. there was no 1st line of defense. we side, the russians just walked in, they just walked in without any mind fields. either, it was inactive negligence or corruption. it wasn't a failure. it was
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a betrayal. at the time, the guy had role days as impulse and successes on the battlefield. that you, craig and stuff with heavy losses, and now it seems as well as compet, nothing. with the rest, you're really taking control this of the, quote the carrier, despite and deploying such a norm as forces. if the enemy did not manage to reach even the 1st line of our defenses. well, there are still 2 more lines beyond that. the last 166000 killed and wounded over 800 tanks and nearly 2400 are merch fighting vehicles. so yes, another fight you on the battlefield despite the constant flow of volumes of weapons to key have as nice. so i'm re, continues to, but this is steve sweeney. don't. yes, for public, for all to lose russia makes battlefields and bonuses. keep as high as a surprise visit from us secretary of state down to the blinking. he's been expressing washington's unwavering support despite ukraine's frontline phase,
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but blinking attempted to lift spirits during his trip with us spontaneous performance while a new draconian mobilization law was being enforced on ukrainians. let's have listening. the king of guitar and a phone belting out and working in the free world. us diplomats has passed 2 frames, loop allies, ations many literally being dragged off the streets by constriction offices and sent to the conflict of people who died of film leads objections, all to which been fine. the authority of is trying to blame any negativity over its controversial mobilization, though, also called russian propaganda and western officials up singing the same to you even if the statements don't always add up all teasing mind where each all takes
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a closer look, a twos winning the information the west says it upholds the values of other freedom and fight in this information. up until ukraine comes into the picture as suddenly they lose their train of thought for them. this information is when ross saw response to statements that they have made previously themselves. because if it comes out of russia, it surely is untrue. so my go, here we go again. i mean, forgot sage. i said this was before who started this war? who wants to resolve this on the battlefield? it's russia. it's not the if you do, your opinion is not on the battlefield. who's started this war? it is russia, it is a rough show that wants to finalize to, to finish this on the battlefield. so to ask us for the position of the opinion, apologies for, for a surface thing does not know, but simply disregards everything that we have been saying. since rushes forces and
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legally invaded ukraine in february of 2022. there shouldn't be, no war will do. just quote the of the current or still for the minister or 4 of the over the russian, the regime is just another example of the misrepresentation of the valley is another example of, of his money pollution of the find something he was doing since the start of the conflict, or even before peter's point is very important. this is blatant this information and we should not solve it quite a lengthy response to a statement by a rush. this top diplomat, even though he was the again, stressed to rush this openness to negotiations. just as a push, it is the worst one see fights on the battlefield as a say, find the finish president spoken disregard of game the other day. exciting to the source conference is important, but then they need to defeat rush and the war we connect. so that is no longer a threat to call wanting this to negotiate is confirmed by the president personally
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. every time he addresses the crating issue explains on what basis we will be ready to do so on the basis of every when expecting the realities. that of a much what's interesting is that so de la problem is not poking out of thin air. he has simply repeated what the use foreign policy chief previously mentioned on many occasions. normally the will i really mean have be waiting or last week. we have at the same time to be able to put the funding to put the will to change the procedures and to understand that we are. and i don't see, we understand in a war situation in 3 months, things will be decided that individual feel. so is this information is a top you official, has been call on record, call this amount of time saying the exact same thing, but wait,
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burrell is not alone. when you mediate piece, it begins with dialogue and after the dialogue, you start setting parameters. but i think the cold truth in this particular case is that the only way we can achieve peace is through the battle field. to day to have peace and ukraine, we must not be weak. and so we must look at the situation lucidly. and we must, with determination, will encourage see that we are ready to reach the means to achieve our objective, which is that rush, it does not wind. so this, the whole idea of the was fighting the rush or on the battlefield is not a random concept for administer love. ralph came up with the gas. lighting continues though, because unfortunately it seems to be their favorite sport you case. prime minister is now putting all the blame on moscow for the energy crisis. fusions, recklessness has taken us closer to a dangerous nuclear escalation than at any point since the cuban missile crisis. russia has poisoned people with chemical weapons. i went boots and cut off the gas
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supplies. they had a devastating impact on people's lives and threatened our energy security. did he just conveniently overlook the floor and it will of western sanctions in all of this. so we remind ourselves of when russia gas from salt, the assistance of germany, siemens to repair the turbines, along the north stream, one pipeline only to be stopped by western sanctions. fast forward europe, not only maintain those sanctions, but also escalated the situation by prohibiting russia to coal imports. and more recently, brussels bramlet, a ban on russian liquefied natural gas. time and time again, they were the ones to introduce sanction. after sanction, we must cut rushes revenues, which fortune uses to finance is a choice. it's lauren ukraine. and now i'll work of the last month really pays off . because at the beginning of the war, if you looked at the importance of gas,
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40 percent of it was russian gas since a long time. today we're down to 9 percent only cheaper. which one said, i know a little yes. the rest of the data obtain significant revenue some 2020 to state because the price of sky rocketed with we're still dependent on russian gas and oil . there is no longer the case to run this. one of our major successes has been to reduce our considerable dependence on russian energy to almost 0. russian gas and oil revenues are down 46 percent on last january 9 and president. i know, i know that let me russian gas will have cost for you or, but it's not only the right thing to do for moral standpoint. is going to put us on a much stronger strategic footage. and there are many more examples of their hypocrisy. and this information, it seems that they usually mean the opposite of what they verbally promise all of these blame games. the west is play.


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