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tv   News  RT  May 19, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the search and rescue operation is underway in the mountains and moving around off the helicopter, carrying the country's president and foreign minister breaks off pot land. an idea for tackling the wreckage and come kills at least $27.00 palestinians as the over old baskets. rolling gauze as the pos is $35.00, filed tulsa then attempt included has been lifting the button by the defense and security forces. this attempting, both foreigners and congress, these come to lease and the foreigners have been put out of harm's weight. their
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leaders included. and 3 people including a rebel lee to meet that, that says, what do you all call? the military repels a crew attempt on sunday. the news and be sort of across the globe. this is all the international coming to you from the russian capital. welcome to the program. what we're going to start in the wrong because the military says it house received signals from the missing helicopter that was carrying the country's president and also for administer enough . it came down in the mountains of north and iran on sunday. the military says, search groups on, i'm moving towards the air from where the signal came from, but there is no wood on the condition of the officials who were both that chauffeur alia, rollins executive vice president, mentioned. there was a brief phone call with the passengers,
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but only screams apparent. it could be heard on this side and then the cooler immediately became available. executive also says that there is hope that they will be found to live, but the search is being ham food. find the severe weather conditions. it doesn't alter. one of the most promising things is that one of the passengers of the helicopter chairs and the flight group have made contact, at least indicates that it was not a serious accident because 2 people to work inside the helicopter contacted us several times. now the promising point is that according to the technical work done by our colleagues and the means of communications and other secure dependencies, the scope of the incidents has been narrowed down to a radius of to kilometers. and the work is being seriously procedures in us due to the special conditions and the region to the work is progressing. slow, know about the weather was very cold and foggy, and yet there was heavy rainfall. the air is difficult to excess and reach. so the search has been delayed, but the team is busy and we hope to have good news on the animal side on the post
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this on a set and it's getting darker. but still, there's no news about the conditions of the iranian president and the presidential chopper that carried me around and present it to brian bracy and his team in east pas are by john province in northwest. and one of course has the early. 9 hours of being said in an extensive team of us search and rescue operations, i was dispatched to the crash site to try to locate the crashed plane and the aircraft that crashed on earlier in the day and try to locate that you're wanting president and a team a company came, but so far, there's no single detail about what has happened and how they are wanting present. it is doing the force in different relative entities, including the iranians, red cross, and society. even the iranian military has deployed its drones to try to help and assist the search and rescue teams with finding and trying to locate the are
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wanting president. of course, all the teams there have been scouring a mountainous area, a mountainous terrain and if sick forestry despite all of the harsh and adverse weather conditions there, it's raining there. there's heavy fog of the. the surrounding area is a rough mountainous area, but still despite all of those difficulties of the search and rescue teams are trying to access the crash site and try to locate the crashed chop or which uh, crash landed uh earlier in the day around uh, 2 30 pm, local time in east us or by john province in northwest. and one of course uh was caused. vincent was uh low visibility as put by a different uh, relative sources including the one in interior ministry said that the low visibility caused by ring situation and a heavy fog led to the incident. uh they are wanting president force was there on
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his way back from a significant ceremony and i'll get reading a major damn, a much anticipated down build um over the course of 20 years by juan and engineers on the our ass river, which separates everyone from neighboring deposit or by john of course of senior high ranking officials from the 2 sides were attending a, an occupation ceremony opening the damn. of course, on the ross river, including the presidents at home. any of the us or the president of how many of those also attending this ceremony or you are in the day and present tracy on his way back out from that location. the inoculation opted them. he was upset to attend another in on the origin ceremony of a major project in the provincial capital type breeze, but that incident happened mid way. and now, so far we don't know exactly what has happened to they are wanting president and the accompanying team including foreign minister was saying, i mean,
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i have the law here on who was on that very same chopper that was carrying the are wanting presidential. everybody's now waiting for the search and rescue teams to try to access the crash side and tell everybody about what has happened to they are wanting president for several countries have been quick to offer assistance to iran . russia is sending to planes a helicopter, and 60 rescue is to help. i took a, his also said it's sending purse now and visuals. the indian prime minister has expressed his sole authority and says he's praying for wrongs. officials meanwhile, but use all for the wrong access to it. satellite data, while saudi arabia has expressed a willingness to assist, also radians supreme lead. uh, i totally alice, how many has searched locals sheet home for the best of these?
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here they got on quite and we must pray. you should also pray move. everyone pray. the help of this group of officials lead by the honorable president, their service and efforts are a great blessing for the country. you are here and those who will hear my words later on be sure that there will be no disruption in the worth of the country. we hope that god will bring our dear president back to the nation in full house. people should not worried, the president will return to the people's arms and things will be done in the best way. the schools, the people have raleigh, the costs around joining fries, all those top officials. this condition of course, remains unknown at this point. the local say that they are trying to stay positive even us summer for using for the worst possible news about that precedence where deeply saddened by this incident, the cause of which is still unknown as the head of state. the president is one of the servants of the people and the wish came and those a companion came to be found in good health. honestly the government and feeling
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a spear. it's a strange feeling that we experience before when general fully money was assassinated by the us. but i hope the officials are fine and will soon be found a right name, political on the list earlier read the has sent. he shared his assessment of just how difficult the search and rescue operation is proving to be the heavier the, according to him, up some of the scanner. yeah. in my visas to someplace isn't a breeze in northern the run. this isn't densely for us to area where there is no internet and no possibility of communication. my mobile phone or other means, i believe that the difficult would it to rain and heavy rains in the area will create significant difficulties in finding the president. i know this area well, when you come to the top of the mountain, all connections are cut off due to the dental education. it can be said that these places remain untouched by man and are rarely visited based on my experience travelling through the forest into north and northwest of your on. i think it will
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be very difficult to get to the president in the current conditions. in addition, the military radar is used by the army and father on forces do not function there. as israel runs up it's offensive on galls, or at least 27 palestinians have reportedly been killed in the spy. this is all new . so our refugee camp in the enclave central region, this is as the galls at dest told us, the pos is $35000.00 people since october, the id f. hey, it's a house in the thames that's being sheltering display civilians. schools of forty's, including children, have been lined up now for the dentist occasion. if a local move for a family member is gab praise, so the dad levels have declined. these really assaults and another strike fight idea of forces has been reported in the southern city of con eunice, wounded gauze,
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and spring rushed to hospital following the shelling that of the palestinians are also now facing and a key to monitoring crisis with the shortage of fed basic needs locals, curing up so those essential supplies which are barely enough to feed everyone in need at the pentagon has an explosion. p. it has been completed and installed and is ready to deliver aid. however you in agencies of range. the law move with a spiraling crisis saying that it's impacting millions and also warning that a operations are stuck on very worried. i think that it's a world which has lost its way and we need to help find its way back to those new ones that we will live to create. the humanitarian operation is stuck, it's completely stuck. we can't do what we want to do. what is the hope for these people? they don't know what's coming next. vital to supplies from the central system of also being disruptive and civilians all struggling and not having to join keys just
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to fill lead. jerry tends with go to local, say, life has become unbearable and there is no one willing to help them in that desperate need to observe us. we travel long distance is to fill one or 2 containers with water. there are no wells, there are no services, homes were destroyed and i want you to look killed. we live in humiliation. in fact, no one cares about us. i can be not sure when it's porter, we need to food. can you like to leave? we want to return, so holmes, our children have been thrown into this tract. uh, i love the fact that the images life is unbearable. we transport water from use the sea. we walk approximately 5 to 6 kilometers comes we bring 45 containers of water and it spills on the road. there's no other way to provide water for us on my jeep but the ability digit glove for 14 days. i border crossings have been completely closed, resulting and know you may, attorney an 8th,
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as getting into casa and including food water and a few weeks. this is, has resulted in some hospital, announced that they were complete. if you have the pleasure and resulting and posts with the reviews and reviews, it's uh o patients os. what's happened in hospice in i'm now a the situation is getting worse on thursday. expectation of this for the crossing is going to be continue close. this will result in a complete collapse for the health care system as well. speakers will be no more events to continue providing their life. stevens services with acute depression fuel is also needed for the continual ambulances, as ambulances need also you and also, as for the human nature in a it's, we are. a the situation on the ground is for the cats are asked to speak to before
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the, even the loser of the crossings. this for us cuz the lives of civilians inc, us a who wouldn't have no more as to as i ordered you before the complete the closure . the amount of the human is already at ease that was getting into gaza. it was already knocked enough. and now with a complete enclosure, this means of time and is imminent and would result in thousands of civilians will be losing their lives because of the start ration the d all come. the military on sunday, held off and attempted coup near the presidential offices in the countries capital ministry. space person says 3 people were killed in this shoot at that involved on comb, gleese militants and foreigners live focused on the the armed forces of the democratic republic of the congo. inform, national and international opinion that an attempt to included has been nipped into . but by the defense and security forces,
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this attempting vote for and there's an come gleese. these companies and the foreigners have been put out of harm's way. their leaders included the armed forces of the democratic republic of the congo, asked the population to go about their business freely and quietly. the defense and security forces have perfect control of the situation. we will return to it as forcefully with proof and supporting images. a democratic republic, a formal ministry spokesman said in a televised address on the box, the pepper traders of the food table bar, including several foreigners have been arrested and are now in cost for the release defense and security forces said the situation is under control. but according to local media reports, 3 people including one soccer and 2 dogs, were queued in the crossfire beyond man on sunday, thoughts, but came south a residence to ma. here a federal legislature and a candidate for speak of
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a national assembly forces. what's 1st name to the legislator said, come out here and his family are safe and sound. the incident came amid a crisis, sweeping plaza. the phillips securities governing party over an election for the leadership which was expected to hold on saturday, but was flushed phones honorable by check them all here is to become speaker. the current president was re elected for 7 term as president in december, but his name a government, west and central africa, has reported multiple polls since 2020. the most recent, the president mohammed was due last july. meanwhile, the united states embassy from safe issued security warnings on sunday. following the incident
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r t. material pulmonology were in presidential last spring to download go, but the seconds as the deals is being targeted full, it's rich natural resources to do so. um, you know, there's one on the counter before the plugin to that is coming from the system. and it just really rather be unfortunate what the, just the point is bit because, you know, not to do homework now is how did a little bit as well. oh, it's in the community for about $10.00 to $20.00 days. let's see what happens between china and united states. so yours is heavily produced functional. the chinese you need be on the full holidays. you mean by who's coming from campbell, somebody, the defend cobalt. one of the told me not of the power was in a totally big lot or the new it was, is actually coming from the cable. so i just moved on is picked it up condo. would you come to frontier? what it is for some risk control from one to another. you know what i have to show
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you in the computer. it is something that is del rio who is indicating what i'm seeing the this is, this is just like the beginning is likely can watch a lot of the problem will come back with. so for his medicine, on the, on doing quite an, on the card and government on the ball move in the science and american soldiers all find the packing up to leave needs. yeah, this is of to be us agree to pull out all of its troops from the west african country following months of tough to to use your national defense ministry. and the u. s. defense department have reached that these engagements agreement to carry out the withdrawal of american forces, which has already begun. it is agreed that did this engagement will and no later than september, 15th, 2024. think about remotes in asia scrap the security packed with the us and rewarded its troops to leave the applicant, countries military and government accused washington of undermining the suffering
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till evening shifts. american soldiers had been station bessie. he is under a so called counter terrorism mission, but new jerry and officials say the us hassan actually helped to bring peace and security to the nation. last month, washington also agreed to withdrawing soldiers from neighboring chad. that was off . the military official says that they won't, if the americans out to were also an historian, general tools as africans, apparently don't want to work with any americans who refused to treat them without respect. i don't have that much of a choice. the washington post esmond reporting that the new gerry and authorities were very upset by the con, the sensor, and to patronize an attitude taken by us emissaries when they arrive in the army. the course, se, now on the african continent, which bears a colonel more close, is that when us officials arrive in africa,
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they pass about what's your relationship is going to be towards either china or russia or both. apparently the us authorities were very upset with the fact that they knew jerry and authorities were bit or getting a higher price for their precious commodities, including uranium will. i think that the african authorities feel that the united states is conflicted. it's well known that over the decades united states has collaborated with these religious zealots, windows up kind of stats from the 1970s, up into the l. start with united states in 2020. what? it's well known that these religious zealots often times or supported by certain goals, error readings, which in turn or close to the united states of america. and i think that the chatting authorities and then to 0 and authorities have reason to suspect the united states is not operating in good faith. when they say that they are bit and determine, or routing the reviews, will let the sellers,
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whatever more knows than united states, often times collaborate subsequently. i'm afraid to say with these very same zones . well, let's look at the unfolding situation in ukraine. no, it keeps forces have been using ground. russian troops have taken control of 13 settlements in the cohort region this week and have all but notified t apps limited gains in this effort. osha region. all tease steep sweeney is in donuts with more earlier this week. and a major, but as you claimed russian forces took control of the simple that the impulsive vintage of both in the end is that portfolio region intensifying. some took place here. and what was one of ukraine's only gains of it's much warranty, but filed counter offensive football soon lies 75 kilometers, ne or municipal, the regional capital. it was here that next token military hardware, military vehicles with damaged or destroyed the so called game changes is up on the
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wanted western supposedly invincible equipment burns. and in terms of its technical and technical characteristics, it often even falls short compared to some models of soviet made weaponry. not to the owner, he is now in display, in the russian capital, drawing huge crowds to pump the polk where they can see military vehicles, including the so called invincible abrams tank. meanwhile, russia makes you devonte is in the hawk of region crossing through defensive lines like fox uh, in fact, the bbc reported last week that those defensive lines simply didn't exist with reports of russian troops advancing through online to areas on ukraine simply giving up with i'm following a single shot is let to save you as questions being honest with the abby a previously set to be heavily fortified. many of the mounting offices as to where that money has gone. i mean the allegations of corruption. there was no 1st line of defense. we saw it, the russians just walked in. they just walked in without any mind fields. either,
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it was an act of negligence or corruption. it wasn't a failure, it was a betrayal. at the time, the guy can go ahead, well, this is impulse, and success is on the battlefield. that you, craig, and stuff with heavy losses. and now it seems as well as compound nothing. with russia really taking control this to the quote, the carrier, despite deploying such a norm as forces, the enemy did not manage to reach even the 1st line of our defenses. well, there are still 2 more lines beyond that. the last 166000 killed and wounded over 800 tanks and nearly 2400 are merged fighting vehicles. so yes, another fight you on the battlefield despite the constant flow of volumes of weapons to key have as nice. so i'm re, continues to, but this is, these really don't, yes, for public fidelity. as russia make special field advances, kids is had a surprise visit from the rest secretary of state. um,
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so the blinking was expressing washington's wavering support despite ukraine's frontline fe is blinking, attempted to lift spirits with a spontaneous performance while at the same time and need to coney mobilization who was being enforced on ukrainians. the linking, struggling away down a key at bon belting at rocking in the free world. us diplomats, his back to cranes, mobilization is mentally to leaping, drags off the streets by conscription offices. and then since the conflict of people who died to fill police abduction say that they risk when people buying the authorities or key f is trying to blame any negative a t o. but this controversial mobilization, know also called russian propaganda and west and officials,
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all singing to the same to you even if sometimes the statements on adding up on the easy mind where each all takes a closer look at who's winning the information more. the west says it upholds the values of other freedom men fighting this information. up until ukraine comes into the picture as suddenly they lose their train of thought for them. this information is when russia responds to statements that they have made previously themselves. because if it comes out of russia, it surely is untrue. so my go, here we go again. i mean, forgot sage. i said this was before, who started this war? who wants to resolve this on the battlefield? it's russia. it's not the if you do, your opinion is not on the battlefield. who's started this war? it is russia, it is a rough show that wants to finalize to, to finish this on the battlefield. so to ask us for the position of the opinion, apologies for, for a surface thing,
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is that not but simply disregards everything that we have been saying, since rushes forces and legally invaded ukraine in february of 2022. there shouldn't be, no war will do, just quote the of the current or still for the minister or for of the over the russian. the regime is just another example of the misrepresentation of the valley is another example of, of his money pollution of the 5, something he was doing since the start of the conflict or even before peter's point is very important. this is blatant this information and we should not solve it quite a lengthy response to a statement by a process top diplomat. even though he was the again, stress, the rushes openness, sunni go, she ations just as a push, as if the worst once to twice on the battlefield as a say, find the finish president spoken this regatta game. the other day signed to the force conference is important. but that they need to defeat rush and the war we connect. so that is no longer
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a threat of wanting this to negotiate is confirmed by the president personally. every time he addresses the crating issue explains a won't basis. we will be ready to do so on the basis of every on excepting the realities that of a must. what's interesting is that so gay love rob is not poking out of thin air. he has simply repeated what the use foreign policy chief previously mentioned on many occasions normally there. well, i really mean i've been waiting or last week we have at the same time to be able to put the funding to put the will to change the procedures and to understand that we are. and i don't seem to be on this time in the war situation in 3 months. things will be beside that individual feel. so is this information is a top you official,
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has been call on record, cause the amount of time saying the exact same thing, but wait, burrell is not alone. when you mediate peace, it begins with dialogue. and after the dialogue, you start setting parameters. but i think the cold truth in this particular case is that the only way we can achieve peace is through the battlefield. today to have peace and ukraine, we must not be weak. and so we must look at the situation lucidly and we must with determination, will encourage see that we are ready to reach the means to achieve our objective, which is that rush, it does not win. so this, the whole idea of the was fighting russia on the battlefield is not a random concept for administer love. ralph came up with the guest, sliding continues though, because unfortunately it seems to be their favorite sport, u. k, as prime minister is now putting all the blame on moscow for the energy crisis. fusions, recklessness has taken us closer to a dangerous nuclear escalation than at any point since the cuban missile crisis.
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russia has poisoned people with chemical weapons and when foods and cut off the gas supplies, they had a devastating impact on people's lives and present our energy security. did he just conveniently overlook the poor and it will of western sanctions in all of this. so we remind ourselves of when russia gas from salt, the assistance of germany, siemens to repair the turbines, along the north stream, one pipeline only to be stopped by western sanctions. fast forward europe, not only maintain those sanctions, but also escalated the situation by prohibiting russia to coal imports and more recently brussels greenwood, a ban on russian liquefied natural gas. time and time again, they were the ones to introduce sanction. after sanction, we must cut rushes revenues, which fortune use us to finance is a choice. it's lauren ukraine, and now i'll work of the last months really pays off. because at the beginning of
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the war, if you look at the importance of gas, 40 percent of it was russian gas since a long time. today we're down to 9 percent on the shape of it, which is what i said. i know. yes. the rest of the data obtained significant revenues in 2022 because the prices sky rocketed and we're still dependent on russian gas and oil. there is no longer the case. one of our major successes has been to reduce our considerable dependence on russian energy to almost 0. russian gas and oil revenues are down 46 percent on last january 9 and president. i know, i know that a lemon, a russian gas will have cost for you or but it's not only the right thing to do for moral standpoint, is going to put us on a much stronger strategic footage. and there are many more examples of their hypocrisy and this information, it seems that they usually mean the opposite of what they verbally promise all of
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these blame games. the west is playing with russia are simply not going to extend the test of time leading to the dangers of a ticking time bomb ready to go off at any time. well, thanks for your company. that's all we have time for, but there is plenty model of the stories we've been discussing. if you head over to our website oxy, don't com, the mara math. oh yeah. wow. you know, sometimes when he doesn't know the phase, sometimes the he might not be a make me happy. i don't


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