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tv   Documentary  RT  May 19, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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this is anything a beautiful if you do if need be to live, give you the wrong information. so easy to solve. all so you may see that the year . yep. uh be sure it's not, i'm not doing money. a familiar with streaming, like sports even bought the cade. yeah. of course he didn't. you know, i did cheap. i'm was doing that and that's true. most people, especially just cleaning, coming up the more people are medium. what's the good thing? so i'm looking at the insurance, disappear that's the get the status of it was to even look for the quote to is then you might if you show, even though the positive q b s t,
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it's going to happen. so in his signal, just like a normal renewal, i do most of it the while you're doing the the okay. and so even though the park has already out as much it, so i'm for the keys for human rights to me. just going to give him a phone the i would thing you, but aside in one second, you've got to be we've got an expression for by name and, and deal with the thing and those both the mean with that. the. so if i'm compressed mentioned to player, that's what they just given either on the what the espana met with a pin deal. it's uh, but you mean you have to punch a flash of putting doubtful, but you're moving with and send you what is nice. but i see you, which in most of your phone means your just give you the one that function, the comments on the approval of the storage, the subject associated with the group, which is on virginia. and what does it from the, almost like a nice but then you think your grandma,
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you have gaining causes. you are the most case of the orders components. i'm showing a functional company to share or transfer a can without those kind of shows this of this even unless i'm competitive local but already now black one are close to most even getting more than this lesson will give it a mutual serial number. but it isn't e or shooting that are going in pretty sufficient. good solution, right? bramblewood possibility. now let's see if the plan deal less of the drum color able, i think the subsequent order assume a choice, the for you up with as little difficult for states to care a comp program want them that shows a special order for 3 was condition was a way to remember the reason for me, the last hope i vision was the store on the last couple months. i'm used to sure the last look the why should we we breath for, for
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a going to come on with them. just be sure to return the gloss i bottom, you split it up with what's up with a video to show, but he's going to come in for some reason. you'll see the whole sandwich in it to be honest, as opposed to my shifting. i'm aware, existing request for the force in the my water slips going useless at them. if i wished language, mostly if someone could just only, you know, put americans with a junior what the, what actually scale, which is quite, that's what i'm thinking of doing such as senior since children. that's one of them . well to but he looks like they someone forgetting since he left that i have the see if the can you please the run the show us jane your process before you so much for like going countries to keep going. as i mentioned earlier, is up just typical plan with finality express here submit item. so you may have not as a way can regards us boomers to what's the reason they shall play wireless,
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say on a goal as god does. and the best to ship is kind of because they drove to the front . i know the engineer from his designs, a smaller recognizance plan named sky, suggesting or should i show up anyway? that's beside the question. thought if we could see them. yes. yes. so this might be the idea thing and i, if you want to know boating of some of the one look forward, you know, some very well some of the machine you know, about a foot in the door and present one if you don't care about the words let's see what was most now all far out this somebody will take both given no solution so that you just must deal with the chest and well, most of most of the name please. most of them are on the ceiling. we saw somebody over, i knew it was your little your sure about that. this is when you click of showing us almost page when you move on the case the following. if you lost the store up on next, assume only thoughts the mind waiting, but for most young people chats, that's for the rest of the rest of the boy, the normal interest. if she'll,
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if i'm in the of the, when you missed the mutually, i get these mean you know, where i'm with you. if i listed anything 30th, please senior with local, launching and on the football shooting. cause you just touching jeremy unfortunately is up with me the way i don't see if you mentioned religion when we somebody look for when you political in these, put the old soft on the low. we some of your process because on utilization, even though there's always someone your priority, both sides of the show really on the phone with you the truth, let me, i will a ticket though the, the is professionally
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missing those this into the you must do some unity which you, the people below it, little was somewhat of a smooth grab a nipple insurance. there's someone who discuss those with you only when you, which you will of cool enough that the or somewhere. but she didn't open yet. it seemed to have this, isn't it? it will control really turned on one year old, one of course to, to, and truthful, and also things person out the products the to have somebody to, to, to look up what i mean. what we've just in the process is i much of the receipts here that each, that each so here and increase. can you visual fight them on the only e and your near with my to play is it wasn't sure what that means in the kitchen was do i that alone? if the issue, if at the phone, the chief storm police investigating is we have to pass off cohen moore's at the desk at that point of literature, void village k e said it's
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a wishing bush name in the family. if i see what i mean. right. yeah, voice in the pony. got upset with the cover. that's right. got you what she did the principal and the no way to meanwhile in some pete, as the local enthusiasts have been a desolate little flower, the hide range of my phone or phone. yeah, i do move off my way to the practical things that figured out, let them say somewhere within the room set to move where's thinking counselor has got all kinds of forensic little got things. yeah. but the little guy see when i looked at is the partial uh, what i see is kind of that kind of miss. i wonder we should since they ask me to help us way with the models or can i see what's your 1st name as when it's really
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fun. get on. it was chosen got things you really just send me a letter to you what i was doing. yeah, at the promotion, you'll actually put that at the school. no problem. this 15 still to lease there was a month for the dental and the other semester come on. the curriculum which this book's done would see the model describes and shows the lesson plan was to have my own portion, the breaking news. the rainy and red crescent says there are no signs of life at the site to the craft helicopter, caring and raining president abraham rice. an idea of the attack on the refugee camp kills at least $31.00. palestinian says, the overall death toll and gaza surpasses 35000 also been attempted coup d'etat has been nipped into, but by the defense and security forces. this attempting both foreigners and communities. these kimberly's and the foreigners have been put out of harm's way,
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their leaders included. and 3 people, including a rebel leader, meet their dad as the the, the are congo, military repels a crew attempt on sunday. and last hours of legitimacy. wednesdays official presidential term ends in a day as the ukrainian leader canceled the elections with constitutional court silence on his further tenure as a head of state. the you're watching r t international. i'm donald quarter. thanks for joining us here. now we start with breaking news. the rainy and red crescent says there are no signs of life after the crash of the helicopter side, carrying president bracy has been found. a rescue teams are working at the location
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right now. it shows the site and rescue vehicles driving to the scene, and there's still no concrete information on the condition of the president and for administer. hassling, the right rescue operation has been ongoing for over 10 hours now. of severe weather conditions. rain and heavy fog have complicated the search. a drone operator working on the side says that the helicopter is completely burnt. how sad that i don't say no, nothing. none of it, no heat, it's burned. look this propellers here. the cabin is completely buttoned up. so the 1st rushing plane out of 2 flights the aircraft has flown to iran to help in the rest of the operations. 50 rescue workers and equipment have been sent to assist arabian teams. hundreds of people have rallied across iran to join and prayers for the top officials, local say they're trying to stay positive. and even as even as many brace for the
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worst news about the president. a way deeply saddened by this incident, the cause of which is still unknown as the head of state. the president is one of the servants of the people and the wish came and those a companion came to be found in good health. honestly the dominant feeling a spear, it's a strange feeling that we experienced before when general fully money was assassinated by the us. but i hope the officials or function coming in by the hour will keep you updated on all of the latest developments. now to israel, where us national security advisor jake sullivan, urged as rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu to connect the war and gaza to quote political strategy. as the 2 officials held talks in jerusalem, the to the top us official tested the waters to press is reopened. to waging a more targeted military operation and gaza sullivan also hinted at the opportunity
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for israel to normalize relations with its longstanding regional foe, saudi arabia. but only on the condition that israel agrees to a pathway to a future palestinian state. a scenario that prime minister netanyahu strongly opposed to us national security advisors visit to israel comes after he held talks and saudi arabia meant to mit, a promot integration within the middle east. this comes as the hostage deal and cease fire talks between a moss and israel had been put on hold, partly because of the escalation in rough thought. meanwhile, these rarely prime minister faces mounting pressure from within, as war cabinet minister benny gans threatened to quit if netanyahu did not come up with a post war plan for gaza. r t corresponding or my, my is shar, reports on the growing internal ripped. it is rarely prime minister, seems to be digging himself to deeper and deeper into trouble,
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while his unpopularity grows among citizens. his goal ition is now also in hot water, which i'm sure the prime minister netanyahu. i look you in the lights and i can tell you the choice is in your hands. the nets and yahoo of a decade ago would have done the right thing. are you willing to do the rights and patriotic thing today? the people of israel are watching you, you must choose between zionism and cynicism, between unity and factionalism, between responsibility and lawlessness, between victory and disaster. if you choose to follow the path of fanatics and lead the entire nation into an abyss, we will be forced to quit the government. we will turn to the people and form a government that will gain the trust of the people. we will form a government based on broad unity that will bring correction, unreal, victory. this comes as the prime minister is on the brink of long shane and all out assault and gaza, pushing further into the southern city of rough or something that even the united states warrants against still nathaniel,
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who shows no intention of backing down the conditions, said by benny dancer washed up words that clearly mean ending the war ended defeat for his real abandoning most of the hostages, leaving him off intact and establishing a palestinian state. but even the country, his defense ministers seems to be unhappy with how the situation is going for us. a once again that there is a need for a clear post for strategy from the prime minister. and that plan should not involve is rarely governance over the place. is it to bill? since october i have been raising this issue consistently in the cabinets and have received no response. the end of the military campaign must come together through political action the day after hum us will only be achievable with palestinian entities taking control of gaza, accompanied by international players and establishing a governing alternative to home us. on the shovel movie,
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i called on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to make a decision and declare that israel will not establish civilian control over gaza. that israel will not establish military governance in gaza. and that a governing alternative to whom us in gaza will be raised immediately. uh and its. 7 just any gone, sorry, a lot of glance vocalizing their discontent is the reported that a he does confrontation a rough to between benjamin it's on yahoo and the national security minister just a few days ago. so it does appear that significant disagreements are emerging within the government, which is simply highlighting the dissatisfaction among its members with the current state of affairs. according to the israeli military, $281.00 soldiers have died on the ground since the 20th of october. in contrast, because of health ministry reports, the is rarely stripes have claimed the lives of over 35000 policies since october,
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7th, and 8th agencies in the clay of continued to sound. the alarm over the wide spread hunger and severe shortages of fuel and medical supplies. taking all of this into consideration, it's really no surprise that nathaniel has popularity continues to decline from people taking over st. paul, in for him to step down to strong statements from opposition. leaders have been asked again and again. why didn't you join the governments? my answer is that we don't need to strengthen it. we need to over fro it. we don't need to make it big, but to get rid of it, the other day is going to be the private insurance fraud because policies like yeah,
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i think this and the way often i think for sure i understand now and every bit that'd be a big thing manage a sofa, administer the now is government. he doesn't care about how it doesn't care about economy. he doesn't care about anything except himself. for the latest. we cannot afford for a year to have the same government that is responsible for the city and all these damage is going to happen. we're going to be out in the series until we get alexis with a lot of controversy going on behind his back. and he's emergency coalition in the
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stress, it seems that benjamin nathaniel will, has become the antagonist in his own political narrative. as israel wraps up it's offensive on gaza, at least $31.00 palestinians have reportedly been killed in a strike at the news. the route refugee camp in the enclave central region that says the cause of death toll surpasses $35000.00 since october. the idea of hit a house in the camp that's been sheltering displaced civilians. scores of bodies, including children, have been lined up for identification at the local more brief family members gathered to pray for the dead, while the cry is rarely assault of the house. the names are also facing and acute to many of whom monetary and crisis with shortages of basic means. local cues up for a central supplies which are barely enough to feed everyone in need. the pentagon has announced its floating peer has been completed uninstalled to deliver
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a over you and agencies have raised the alarm about the spiraling crisis, saying that it's impacting millions and warning that aid operations are on very worried. i think that it's a world which has lost its way and we need to help find its way back to those new ones that we will live to create. the humanitarian operation is stuck, it's completely stuck. we can't do what we want to do. what is the hope for these people? they don't know what's coming next. vital water supplies from the central system have been disrupted, and civilians are struggling to join queues to fill their jerry cans. local say, life has become unbearable with no one willing to help in their desperate need to the travel long distances to fill one or 2 containers with water. there are no wells. there are no services, homes were destroyed and i want you to look killed. we live in humiliation. in fact, no one cares about us. i thought we'd know okay, when it's porter,
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we need to food. when you like to leave, we want to return. so holmes, our children have been thrown into this tract. uh, i love the fact that theme is life is unbearable way. we transport water from use the sea. we walk approximately 5 to 6 kilometers comes we bring 4 or 5 containers of water and it spills on the road. there's no other way to provide water for us some way you do, but the ability of digit glove for 14 days, um border crossings have been completely closed, resulting and no you minutes already an 8th, as getting into casa and including food, water, and a few weeks this is, has resulted in some hospital announced that they were complete if you have the pleasure and resulting and hospital review. and if you said uh oh, patients are what's happened for the golf in hospice in i'm now a, the situation is getting worse on thursday. expectation of this for the crossing is
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going to be continue close. this will result in a complete collapse for the health care system as well spaces when be no more events to continue providing their life. stevens services with acute depression fuel is also needed for the continual ambulances, as ambulances need also you and also, as for the human history and a it's, we are. the situation on the ground is for the cats are asked to speak to before even the loser of the crossings. this for us, cuz the lives of civilians. a garza who wouldn't have no more asked who, as i ordered you before, the complete the closure, the amount of a human attorney at ease that was getting into gaza. it was already announced and now and now with a complete a closure. this means of time and is internet and would result in thousands of
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civilians will be losing their lives because of the start ration. now back to our breaking news story, the rainy and red crescent says there are no signs of life at the crash sites of the helicopter. carrying president tracy with the door rescue teams are currently working as a location and severe weather conditions. rain and heavy fog, as well as difficult terrain, have complicated the search operation. but to get more info on this breaking news story right now or, and across live to forward is id professor of political communications at the university of to around thanks a lot for joining us on the program, sir. now the 1st thing i want to ask about has to do with the weather conditions. they've been severe with heavy fog, hindering the search, as we mentioned earlier in the program. how big of a factor do you think this has been in terms of the time? it's taken to get to the site. yeah, click that. yes. so the last night this idea of was quite foggy. and it was not
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possible for helicopters to navigate. this was a cloudy that today. and, you know, we have, they, they like, now in need. i'm, it's much better than compared a sense of what we had yesterday. and the fact that the crash side has been identified, i think, is due to the fact that it's possible to see things now on like what we experienced yes or variety heard reactions from some american politicians that have said that the world would be a better place without right, you see what can we take from those comments? you know, these are the same people who was telling get thousands of children that are killing hundreds of people on a daily basis. they have no respect for human rights. they have no respect for international law and you know, sooner or later you're on, we'll find that what was the cause of the crash. it would be the be the matter of
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fact, the function of the helicopters, what is, would be sabotage. and if it's a sabotage, what would set sabotaged by the south is that it's only is a, the american operation that can engage in this type of terrorism. and the other statements are going to come back and haunt these politicians who want to get a few more dollars fund is i think that will be because if it's such as ice coming and other countries, president is obviously going to have severe consequences for the people who are engaged in the type of criminal behavior. it could be, you know, the river spies back. so at the end of the day it could be that could be the reason we don't know the cost. yeah. uh, but uh i would that device these politicians to show some of the specs
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and the say away from using this tragic answer them to us to explore some products. footprint. last month, the tensions between iran and israel escalated after tel aviv struck these radiant it'd be raining and cancel it in damascus and around responded with its own strikes . israel promised to retaliate. after that, do you think this helicopter crash could be connected to it? and he's also, it's too early to the tab, we just have to give time to the investigators and the rescue team to look at what's happened. i think so later you will have an answer for that. that is, that sometimes you realize that this is actually a service, i think you're gonna government's response is going to be much more serious than what you saw last time. and what do you think is going to happen? what kind of reaction are we going to see from uh to run if it is indeed true or? well, if it turns out that the current president has confirmed his killed if you know if
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the president of the scales based on the, the constitution article but the one another election has to be held in 50 days, you know, his vice president will take office and take care of the government for the next 30 days. and then you will have a new president, you know, inexperienced attentiveness, the attack on its president in the early 19 eighties, and because to survive. so the constitution does not have any of the un. what needs to happen if indeed the president is kim and the government officials see a fully capable of moving the country forward without any problems. obviously, those invasive was loved by the people who voted for him. others that does not look for him, but respect as his work. if he's in practice that he's going to be missed by a lot of people are not on the inside the on button. internationally that you're on
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has been a source of the, from the city and cause for the last 45 years. and whoever is the same from the pictures that we just saw on our see was also myspace invasive. because he did because his life for the cause, for the sign and of for justice international i will say on the topic of every day of radians. what do you think their mood is right now? and are they optimistic about the current condition of the iranian president? you know, i was an international television until tuesday in the morning last night and i'm going to, the front of the city is coming back home. you could see people in defend this 1st actually print a miscellaneous it was a clarity, was a matter of religion and a lot of people he has wanted to see him alive, surviving this i said the sooner or later we'll find out what has happened to him
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and i think that is, is going to result in the if he in fact is, is the price that result in a huge combination of follow the i think that i shouldn't, i followed is the professor of political communications at university of, to around thanks for joining us in the program. thank you. and we also spoke to political analyst and director of dell media center fi sol abdel solitaire, who says that us sanctions on iranian aviation may have played a part in a helicopter crash. the only hit on size hit on today's experience, no difficult moment, and deep concern of them that certainty set out in the face of the countries presently, but a human race, and whose delegation, including the course of the accident. it is not yet known. if columbia conditions caused the accident a technical malfunction, or if it was the would of a 3rd party. in any case,
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we need to wait for information from officials to reveal the costs of the accident and to avoid waiting misleading scenarios. i think there can be different versions and each person can analyze what happened, but you can't make any assumptions. but the main issue in this case is the way the sanctions that affect the vision and other important areas. the issue should be raised as many countries are suffering from us sanctions that are affecting the civil and mailed throughout the ation of many countries, especially around that. but at the moment, we're talking about a specific case, then elevated over and suppressed into a neighboring country to open it down. in any case, we will ask the questions whether climatic conditions, checks totally. did they change the technical condition of the helicopter? the or any sort of us have said that they have started looking into the course of the accident. the result of which will be announced the republic. but the main thing now is to find a helicopter and to find out what really happened. and the fate of the president and use that location. the democratic republic of congo is military
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says it's foiled and attempted to near the presidential offices and the country's capital on sunday. at least 3 people were killed in a shoot out involving armed militants, according to a military spokesperson. a list of some of the armed forces of the democratic republic of the congo inform, national and international opinion that an attempt to quit has been nipped into. but by the defense and security forces, this attempting vote for and there's an come gleese. these kimberly's and the foreigners have been put out of harm's way. their leaders included the armed forces of the democratic republic of the congo, asked the population to go about their business freely and quietly. the defense and security forces have perfect control of the situation. we will return to it as forcefully with proof and supporting images. democratic republic folks from said in a type of eyes address sundays.


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