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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  May 20, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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again, the democratic republic of congo is military says it's foiled and attempted to near the presidential offices and the country's capital on sunday. at least 3 people were killed in a shoot out involving armed militants, according to a military spokesperson lift from the the armed forces of the democratic republic of congo. inform, national and international opinion that an attempt to included has been nipped into, but by the defense and security forces. this attempting vote for and there's an come gleese. these kimberly's and the foreigners have been put out of harm's way. their leaders included the armed forces of the democratic republic of the congo, asked the population to go about their business freely and quietly. the defense and security forces have perfect control of the situation. we will return to this forcefully with proof and supporting images. the democratic republic of congo military spokesman said in a tired of eyes address sundays on the perpetrators of the food table bar,
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including several foreigners have been arrested and are now in cost for the release defense and security forces said the situation is under control. but according to local media reports, 3 people, including one at soccer and 2 gods, were queued in the crossfire the on demand on sunday i talked to the king south a residence to ma. here's a federal legislation. so as a candidate for speak of a national assembly or forces squarespace of a legislator said, come out here and his family are safe and sound. the incidents came amid a crisis, sweeping plaza, the village, securities governing party over an election for the leadership which was expected to hold on saturday, but was plus phone honorable by direct them all here is to become speaker. the current president was re elected for 7 term as president in december, but his vs,
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the name of government, west and central africa, has reported multiple since 2020 the most recent re reserves president mohammed pursue a loss july. meanwhile, the united states embassy as usual security warnings on sunday following the incidents of easy r t material for more nigerian presidential aspirant adamo garbo. the 2nd says that the country is being targeted for its rich natural resources to do so. um, you know, there's one on the counter before the plugins. to go from very close to melinda. it does really rather very unfortunate what the, just the point is bit because, you know, not do homework. now is how do you do it as well? oh, it was about 10 to 20 business. you see what happened between china and united states
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. the yours is heavily produced functional, the chinese and you'd be on the holidays. anybody who's coming from campbell, some of the defend loved. one of the coming out of the power of attorney, be, or daughter knew it was, is actually coming from the cable. so i just moved on is picked it up condo. would you come to frontier or it is for some risk control from one another in order to show you to do something that is dealt with. what i'm seeing the, this is, this is just like the beginning is likely that get much, a lot of the problem will come back with such as medicine. when the or doing decoding on the current government or not about more than a 1000 american soldiers are finally leaving at packing up to leave new chair. after the us agreed to poll all its troops from the west african country. following we following months of top talks, news, your national defense ministry,
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and the us defense department have reached the disengagement agreement to carry out the withdrawal of american forces which has already begun. it is agreed that did this engagement will and no later than september, 15th, 2024. think about in march. these hair scrapped a security packed with the us and ordered its troops to leave for a 100 re african countries. military government accused washington of undermining the sovereignty of new year. american soldiers had been stationed there for years under a so called counter terrorism mission. but new jerry and officials say that the us hasn't actually helped to bring peace or security to their nation. last month. washington also agreed to withdraw its troops from neighboring chad after military officials. they're said they want to be americans out as well. author and historian gerald horn says, africans apparently, don't want to work with any americans who refuse to treat them respectfully. and
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then have that looked at the source, the washington post esmond reporting that the new carrying of tardies was very upset by the con, the sensor. and the categorizing attitude taken by us number series, when they arrive in the army, because se now on the african continent, which bears a colonel more close to that one us officials arrive in africa. they ask about what your relationship is going to be towards either china or russia or both. apparently the us of doherty's were very upset with the fact that the new jersey and authorities were bit on getting a higher price for their pressures commodities, including uranium will. i think that the african authorities feel that the united states is conflicted. it's well known that over the decades united states has collaborated with these religious zealots, windows up kind of stats from the 1970s up into the ouster of united states in 2021. it's well known that these religious zealots often times more
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supported by certain goals, era of resistance, which in turn or close to the united states of america. and i think that the chatting authorities, images here and authority is a reason to suspect the united states is not operating in good faith. when they say that they or been in determine or routing the route. these will let the sellers, whatever more knows the united states, often times collaborate culturally, i'm afraid to say with these very same zones of the back to our breaking news story. this hour, the rainy and red crescent says there are no signs of life at the crash site of the helicopter, caring and rainy, and president racy, and his lumnick revolutionary guard, core commander has said, there are an identified burnt bodies at the site with rescue teams working at the location before it shows the site and rescue vehicles driving to the scene, there are still no concrete information on the condition of the president and the
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foreign minister. the rescue operation has been ongoing already for over 10 hours, severe weather condition as it go, severe weather conditions, rain and heavy fog have come complicated. this search and a drone operator working on the site says that the helicopter has completely burnt out. sab, than say, no, nothing, none of it, no heat, it's burned. look, this propellers here. the cabin is completely but, and that's to imagine how to get more on this story. we cross live now to em, office warren, an air force veteran and former deputy chief of integrated defense staff. thanks a lot for joining us at the program, sir. uh, these weather conditions are what i wanna start with in, in terms of this interview. i want to ask you about how they've hindered the search . be how big of a factor have they been in terms of how long it's taken for people to get to the site. uh, thank you for getting me on get program. and uh,
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it's very unfortunate uh accident. uh its uh, the weather conditions have been quite sylvia as indicated uh in the news. because the 1st question is, uh, why did they fly into that with the abs? that's, that's the question that needs to be examined carefully. and develop conditions up for as indicated the let's do 150. uh, i've been really good severely in fact. so because i'm going to skip danes to reach the site is a difficult proposition because they have to fight on data spent of the weather conditions. they don't, but the problem gets been a habit, but they wouldn't the mouth they'd be not good for. maybe they're not there based the site. and if they've seen a big crash, a site that is no sign of life, then obviously it's going to be a difficult thing to accept. but that is skill pollution. so would it be handbook?
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it seems to be a for us today. it is smooth. and therefore, it's going to be more difficult to, you know, quickly resolve the issue with the way that i any in your purse and stuff like that with a that's a difficult task. well, some american politicians have said that the world would be a better place without. right. you see what do you think we can take from those comments? i think it's, uh, it's at the nonsense in the sense the 1st day. it's very descriptive. so the light and loss of life and it puts it in the country. i mean, we don't show that that will be the slide. but uh, to come up with a statement like that. does the possible, i think it's very, it doesn't affect very been long any contribution to make the statement by the 1st the bringing you up on a fixing to be possible that those are precedent, which is unfortunate fixed. and we, unfortunately, as well as in 2020
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a rainy in general. of course customs saw him on he was assassinated by us forces. do you think we can be sure that no external forces were involved in this latest incident, or what do you think you're not being involved? the bose, the big a president. i'm flying to a particular region in almost a month to the questions that they can in any country. then i'm going to just fly off. that's like, that's good. and uh, so obviously in the context of what's happening in gaza, maybe it's really involved in maybe their fascination events and the us constantly at it on uh the sanctioning them and video assassination. uh, act they would do that they've done when you're not through load sabotage with this particular case a split i'm the white one has to go to investigative carefully and those about different so, but it wasn't that through a process. so i had and in my opinion and it, it can, one cannot below
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a distinct possibility of stuff. i just spent last month the tensions between iran and israel escalated after israel struck the reigning consul, it in damascus, around responded with its own strikes and tele vivas since promised to retaliate. do you think this helicopter crash could be connected to that again, uh, as i said again on being a little dog with a friend and the thing is possible. but then if there was even a slight disc the uh, suspicion of the sales enrollment in the 7th, i do feel like this. i think this will be a very serious uh factor for escalation. and i live on has sent a very clear message that what they can do and how they can reach out of it, reach them. so i'm going to 3 reach into is right. so this, but if anything is established of any of the substitution, it could be a huge escalation at all costs. and that's sort of what sign level or
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would you say is going to happen if the president is officially confirmed as killed? well i think the 1st uh uh browser diesel, the it on, in, on government build still get the leadership fleet in the, you know, they charge in the absence, find a new i think those event. and i love those that process, i suppose, the visible and plays and the i'm supposed to be doing here of possible boss struggling. but that's, that's the bbc economics from the wisdom analysis. but i think i've been gone through what, how did on as they load of that is the supreme lee though we launched in the soft the, the large me, you know, come on to be the logical aspect of it. the president of the was their presidential and administrative active views very carefully. i'm very good young people for them
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positions politics that handled excuse me. but, and i think that this best of that it's been done quickly with so they will have to find a good replacement for him. and i'm sure that must be under way. so that in the 1st task is on. and 2nd is given the other possibilities. they should, you know, rollout any sabotage, acted with this. if that is the possibility, then we know they get on. we'll have to look at the idea of what the decline goal in terms of hope they be and rise up to the challenge. and that's the best because they've been on the sanctions on the trip constantly for the last 3 decades. i think they will come up with okay, much. alright, i'm up as wire and former indian air force marshall and former deputy chief of integrated defense staff. thanks for joining us on the program. thank you. sufficient. that was new information coming in by the hour. we will of course, keep all our viewers updated on the latest developed use to use of,
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of the current in president vladimir as lensky is. legitimacy ends in a day, as the leader cancelled presidential elections with the constitutional courts so far. failing to address the matter ortiz, steve sweeney takes a look at houses. landscape was promised to bring peace to crane when elected ended up in today's political situation. from peacemaker to elaine, talking just 5 years, ukrainian president, one of them is the lead skis term of office has come to an end. but let's look a timeline of how minds inform is peace and don't boss has instead, for his country to his knees in a pregnancy war against russia, they all started like this. literally not all of the dear people during my life, i have been trying to do everything to make ukrainians laugh. that is how i felt in my last job and that was not only my job, but it was my mission. in the next 5 years, i will do everything ukrainians to make sure you don't cry,
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but the ukrainian people on smiling at and going to despise the lenses promise to end the conflict and don't boss is just the web shift. sure. i believe that all this stuff, all these pieces of land, it's all about human lives, and i would put human lives 1st. our goal is to save people there for any option, like we will go there with the army. i reject outright. we will have to talk whether we want to or not. we need to step over our sales. i'm ready to negotiate, even with the devil himself. if it means no one dies, we need to take the 1st step to stop the shooting and develop our country. but he didn't, instead, he wouldn't how you doing? the main screen was punching the country into war even when the opportunity presented itself to end the bloodshed dentist on both. instead of making an independent decision, he barked the big guns from london,
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including prime minister boris johnson, sending hundreds of thousands of ukrainians. so that this in the interest of the west, victoria calling for when we return from miss temple forest, johnson came to kia and said that we would not sign anything with them at all. and let's just continue fighting. and the rest is yet to come with a meat grinder gathering pace. just last month, lensky found a new mobile as i use in order toning ukraine into an open prism. the, the west is turning a blind eye to that because the lights of ukrainians are a fair price to pay on a cheap $1.00 at that. so it is very much in our interest to support ukraine because they are fighting this war we're not fighting. and so i think we have to
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engage also in the dialogue with our american colleagues and, and friends because they have the same interest in way. of course, the 14th brain is very cheap way to make sure that russia, with this regime is not the threats to the nature lines. but this for the west is what food independent and democratic state looks like. with no position, no free press, no ability to hold the government to account. but the point is, that said lensky has scrapped elections the holy grail of wisdom, democracy, liberal. when you have reason that we must realize that now is the time of defense, the time of the battle that determines the fates of the state. and people, not the time of manipulations which only russia expects from ukraine. i believe that now is not the right time for elections. business replaced the keys, approval, racing is promising. he was losing support to form an army chief general of other
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use, the illusion me, which perhaps explains why he was sucked and shipped to prison to work fast as the i'm positive. i'm even the western press is now questioning. zalinski is legitimacy . and on top of the russian president vladimir putin, how said the landscape legitimacy may become an issue when it comes to signing any future piece deal. regarding legitimacy. this question should 1st be addressed by ukraine's political and legal system. there are various options in their constitution. it's a matter of assessment. this assessment should primarily be given by the constitutional court and ukraine's political system. for us, it doesn't matter because if it comes to signing any documents, we must sign them with legitimate authorities, especially on such a critical issue. that's an obvious fact, but i repeat this question should be answered by ukraine's political and legal
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system. so for now, the future hundreds, very much in abundance, with around 50 countries, signing up to piece towards in switzerland, piece sofa set to take place without russia. as the western values of freedom of democracy. come on the question, this is steve sweeney and the don't. yes, republic, football tea. back to our breaking news story, the a rainy and red crescent says there are no signs of life at the crash site of the helicopter carrying president, right, you see, and his law make revolutionary guard. corps commander has said, there are an identified but burned to body use at the site because the rest of the teams are currently working at the location through the door from the beginning. well that's what it shows. the site and rescue vehicles driving to the scene are still no concrete information on the condition of the president and for administer . the rescue operation has been ongoing for over 10 hours now. severe weather conditions, rain and heavy fog have complicated the search as
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a drone operator working on the site says that the helicopter is completely burnt out. the size of i've done, sorry. no, nothing. none of it. no, he's, it's print. look, this profile is here. the cabin is completely button, so that makes the 1st russian plane out of 2 pledged aircraft has flown to around to help in the rescue operations. 50 rescue workers and equipment had been sent to assist. a rainy in teens across around hundreds of people have rallied to join and prayers for the top officials. local say they're trying to stay positive, even as many brace for the worse news about the president. where deeply saddened by this incident, the cause of which is still unknown as the head of state. the president is one of the servants of the people and the wish came and those a companion seemed to be found in good health. honestly, the dominant feeling a spear. it's
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a strange feeling that we experience before when generously money was assassinated by the us. but i hope the officials are fine and will soon be found. and a tragedy for one country is an invitation for another to show its true colors. some of us politicians were quick to express their satisfaction with what happened even before the face of the arabian president became no good riddance, right. you see was a murderous human rights abuse or before and during his presidency. but look for the reigning regime to blame israel and the us for an assassination as another excuse to support terrorism. if i you see that the world is now is safer and better place the evil mind was inside and instead of just he was not loved or respected and he will be missed by no one is gone. i truly held the reading and people have the chest and say either come to back from merger as dictates us for these are the
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professor of political communications at the university of to ron says that the us may have a hand in the rainy and leaders helicopter crash sooner or later you're on, we'll find that what was the cause of the crash. it was be the, the, the amount of function of the kind of cops as well. it would be sabotage. and if it's a sabotage, we hold woodside savage by the sucker that it's only it is really an american operation that can engage in this type of terrorism. these are the same people who are attending the thousands of children that are killing hundreds of people on daily basis. they have the strength of human rights. they have no respect for international law. is it such as i just kidding. second i do. a crunch is president, is obviously going to have severe consequences for the people who are engaged in that type of criminal behavior. it could be another way that was quite bad. so at
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the end of the day it could be cuz that could be the reason we don't know the cause you back in september of 2023. the rainy and president was in new york, where our correspondent caleb martin, got the chance to speak with him. here's a short segment from that inner, with countries from the developing worlds having more prominence and importance and international affairs. do you feel that the united nations could be restructured in a way that would give more representation to developing countries? and this one, the one that i've seen in the name of fall law, the most of all the combustion that i think the when and it's mechanisms. i will reiterate that the you, when and it's some mechanisms need to be voiced. so that is kind of fulfill its role of enhancing peace, security and justice. and if the when the security council and the various un branch as our notes revised, then i think that with a new sense of power that have
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a motion to weld with the global call ations and the developing countries. the role of the you when will diminish day by day, and it will certainly not be able to fulfill its role as before. and, and our view, its position and condition of functioning will inevitably come to not. we definitely need to reconsider its position, structure and condition of functioning. iran has faced widespread criticism for it stands on the ukraine conflict, whiskey of and its partners lashing out and criticizing iran. what would you say to those who look on at this, and it appears to be some kind of double standard. uh, what do you have to say on this point? look, we are convinced that they won't, between ukraine in russia, needs to come to an end as soon as possible is most decisively. it will be good for old bodies if we want to understand what has caused this war. it is need his desire
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to expand its incidents and more countries and establish its presence instead of military base is not only in ukraine, but in many other states. naturally what we observe now happening is the green seriously increasing its capacities. thanks to american you. the bowl in terms of the middle 380 to receipts naturally. this only purchase it to continue the war. let's see who's to benefit from a prolonged for it and is it ukraine? is it perhaps you say yes or is it those who are praying today for this war to go on? i am convinced that with regards to this issue, that is to make republic of around a bowl stands for facilitating the end of this war, claim and mediators rule between russia and ukraine if possible. however, although, so today's sending all sorts of 8, including financial and military, 80 grades and not wish to end the war, they wish to protect it by any means possible. that is, will make republic over on you to the ample opportunities it now has at his
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disposal has been blamed by the west, which is the right to throw in more accusations. we have given no response to these accusations on different forms. we said, if you have something to back of the subjugation, 6 police, but as you said, they have no been able to produce a single piece of evidence or prove of any kind any of it today. we have no doubt that their strategies to keep accusing based on the group public in order to disparage it and say public opinion against it, but vis drake. just like all the other tricks they have used to gains based on the group public won't help them. oh, we've got our q r t corresponding kaleb mopping with us right now live from new york. caleb, we just showed your interview that you did back in september 2023 with the rainy and president. what were some of your impressions of the man as well? it was really an honor to sit down with him back in september because i've covered a number of american elections. you know, i asked donald trump a question at one of his press conferences. and when i spoke with the head of state
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of the islamic republic, i was speaking of some to somebody of a completely different brand, a completely different category. i mean, this was a deeply religious man. this was a long time clerical figure in a ron, a judge, a legal scholar. this was someone who took the history of his country and the project of carrying out the islamic revolution and national rejuvenation, very seriously. and every answer that he gave me came from a place of a very sophisticated understanding of geo politics. and really i should say, a more eastern approach and a more long term approach to how one should govern a country. he wasn't worried about sound bites and scandal and gossip, and rumors and all the stuff we hear from american and western leaders. he was focused on kind of a long term vision of how the eastern parts of the world could come together. and he was very excited about cooperating with russia,
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cooperating with china. he was very critical of the united states and how it's the stabilized and meddled in. and in ron's internal affairs, it was quite a conversation. and it was really an honor to, to speak with him and i, i really wish that american audiences could understand how our leaders are kind of out of touch with how figures like him govern in different parts of the world. well, speaking of the sort of vision that the president gracie had for a ron, what would you say is the sick was the significance of his election back in 2021 a? well, he came on the heels of ronnie and president roo honie, who was a reformist, who was seen as being more sympathetic to the united states and had come to power on a platform of saying that if he carried out the wrong nuclear deal and negotiated with the united states that would improve things for the islamic republic, and real honie, his predecessor was proved. devastatingly wrong because they are on nuclear deal was signed and the usa ripped it up. and not only did they betray the deal,
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but then they murdered cost him. so all the money, the top iranian general, military figure national hero. so when reality was elected, it was very much seen as a repudiation of kind of the reform is the policies and a real reiteration of the principles of these law. make republican, these law make revolution the anti capitalist and anti imperialist principles. i mean, he called himself a principle, this stuff is critics called him a hard liner and he said he was a principal. and then he was reasserting the principles on which the as long as republic was founded. and that's particularly important right now because iran is very much a target of israel because of their support for the palestinians. and support for the palestinians was something that he was very firm and he was kind of leading the country to kind of hold itself together in the face of the murder and cost them solid morning and more recently the brutal attack on the iranian consul, it in damascus, and so it's important to understand him in that light. he came to power as
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a repudiation of figures who had tried to conciliate with the united states and then gotten slapped in the face. of course we have very little official information right now. we don't know if there were any foreign powers involved in this incident involving or are you seeing but what do you think that it could mean for to ron and it's foreign relations in the region and beyond as well as domestically as well. the fact that all ready, all over iran, there is suspicion of is really involvement, american involvement. that reflects what iran has been subjected to for decades. criminal economic sanctions. the funding of de stabilisation move brands to try and tear the country a part, you know, the moods that had been in that cult, which was considered for years to be a terrorist organization that conducted assassinations and worked with saddam hussein. they are openly celebrated by the us government and promoted by top american politicians. i.


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