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tv   News  RT  May 20, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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of the breaking news uranium vice president confirms of president abraham raise the was killed in last night's helicopter crash. the us national security adviser is in tell of even a bit depressed israel into waging a more targeted military operation in gaza. that's a mid and i'm president of split, and he is really wor, cabinet over the offensive. and the last hours of legitimacy, as well as his official presidential term ends in a day, as the printing liter cancels the elections with the constitutional port silence on his further tenure as a head of state, the
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i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. we are watching our t international uranium vice president has the confirmed president abraham right. you see was killed in last night's helicopter crash report say 8 people in total died in the crash footage shows the sides of the incident. the rescue operation had been ongoing for over 10 hours. severe weather conditions was a drain and heavy fog, as well as difficult to rain complicated the search. a drone operator working on site says the helicopter is completely burnt out. the sides of i don't say no, nothing, none of it, no heat, it's burned. look this propellers here. the cabin is completely buttoned up. so all right, let's press live now to our to correspond into yusef, july and use of we did get that confirmation from the rainy and vice presidents that the tragic news that you're running and president re see did indeed paris. and
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that, that crash. what more can you tell us? of course, i'd say shocking news for they are wanting a nation for everyone who has heard this tragic news of around 5 30 am local time the do shop or was detected and was found using gate a report only a turkish drone ox mounted that the air crowds within a, down a valley in a remote area, and that would cause the search operations to take this long for more than around 15 hours since the incident took place 2 30 pm. a lot of time on sunday, the search and rescue operations were underway and that's fine. and finally, around 5 30 am local time in northwest erewhon. down a very deep valley are the wreckage of the aircraft was found and
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the bodies were recovered. shortly after of the different news agencies released the list of the bodies, but topping ballast was the late iranian president. abraham bracy along with the late uh, foreign minister, jose and i made up the young. that's a very tragic incident, and we have to wait for more and more information about what exactly cause of the incident as there are speculations, a lot of speculation surrounding what's cosby instead, in the timing of the visit by the us or the president to iran, azerbaijan is close ties with his route and all of those um and analyses are pointing to a possibility that this is not an accident and not, not an incident. of course, not an accident, but an incident. uh what of course. uh, but what we do know for sure that uh, what's next for the is law make republic is odd to choose the next president. so
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based on the, as long as the republics constitutions are based on article 131 of these lumber composites constitution of a council comprising the incumbent, vice president, the head of the judiciary and the parliament speaker will organize and arrange an election a presidential election to choose the next at ronnie and president and owner, of course, all of this process is over seen by the iranian supreme leader of course, for now, we do know that mr. more there was being comment. the ronnie and vice president will take over and will be the next to ronnie in president for now and center, and they won't even president, for 15 days until the next president will be chosen during an election over seen by the iranian supreme leader. of course, present re see, i thought it was
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a very prominent high profile political figure. he spearheaded, it runs a detachment from reliance on the western block sports. unlike his pre to assessor a has central hottie who believed in closer ties with the west. then you believe that the, the western and rapp rosemont with the west, of course, is the only way out of the i want you to get on the course. but of the late are wanting president to brian bracy. really of that, he trusted closer ties with the iranian traditional partners and allies like china, russia, and even countries as far as latin america. he paid a visit to many of those countries of he made the unprecedented visits to africa and latin america and forced closer ties. with all those countries believing that those countries that shared the same mentality, the anti imperialist stance of those countries can upsets,
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talk and force closer ties as an act, as a council for us to the western pressure that has um, impact it. all of those nations on top of them is these bubble wrap up, but it runs uh animosity and rivalry with the west has been going on for more than 4 decades on the west as um and post a sanctions regime on these one. the group on the try try to cripple the one in economy of the united states vile to bring iran oil sales down to 0 during president um has, has central honey, who does foresee, tied all of be a ronnie and uh, i cannot make um agenda to closer ties with us and that unfortunate and the unsuccessful nuclear deal 2015 nuclear deal with the world powers which all turned out to be on successful after the united states. i walked out of the nuclear deal
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in 2018 and we stayed essentially the only one president race, the was the person who said that the west of the world is not limited to the west. anyone can do more with its partners who was the person who spearheaded everyone's inclusion to the brakes and to the shanghai cooperation organization. believing that those treaties and those agreements and those organizations can help her on i get off the ground and rebuild this account economy. and indeed it was successful despite all of the pressure imposed by the west on iran. as long as the oil sales witness the rebound, reaching more than 3 uh, of course the only production reach more than $3000000.00 barrels per day, despite the united states pledge to bring it was boy production and oil sales to 0 . so all of those hard working instances suggest the warning president of brian bracy was a person was really successful and has a bit to bring about economic growth despite all of the sanctions imposed by the
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west. and as part of likely by the iranian supreme leader yesterday, he was a very hard working ever a president and the islamic republic and try to salvage the one in economy from the western pressure. and now that unfortunate incidence let him die in that doomed aircraft crashed on sunday. and along with the president posts, and i'm the one who is the another hardworking you're wanting official, but the want informants are also passed away in that unfortunate incident r t correspond that uses such a lovely into ron. you says thank you for the 1st of 2 russian plains pledge to help with what will now become a recovery effort has flown to iran. 50 rescue workers and equipment had been sent to assist the rainy and it seems overnight and thousands of iranians
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joined prayers for the top officials. locals tried to stay positive, even in the face of the worst news about the president. all right, let's cross live now to home address that i told them is that a secretary general of asian mares formed good to have you on with us. this is the 1st time around has lost a president and office since 1979. can you talk to us about what this means for around the country and the people and what do you expect to happen? that's to no one has been at school many difficulties after lucian, that have been many associations explosion as the best of war. and many bad opportunities for, i mean, actually experienced in the wrong uh for the last nearly part of the big. so before he's added to that, and the point is that the union nation as the experience of dealing with such
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situations and usually at this level of national events and incidents, the nation is usually united around the corner of that. so they don't have to share the same, but the, and to give you can be together and they united more than before. so this is going to be one of those moments that even, and those will be a part of the explicit gains or is that right? you can do them with working. they are going actually to say they're sorry will be the others, is not a word that about that. or there's an issue is not just the president of those who voted for it was the president for the whole nation. and that is a sort of that is tragic. everyone here when you want and the only people. all right, so the stay and get together in your own that the sorrow to support more in order is and also there is the rules and laws that have already defined what we eat. so based on the guidelines, the same policies for the institution,
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a symbol where as the 1st vice president is going to take office, we down to one of the supreme leader and in mind. and i'll me to office 3 people in this demo and on. so let's figure out to the following on and off the judiciary. we actually gather actual arrange the everything for elections within 60 days from today. and it definitely be some of the actions to pick the next president for these don't have to call me about the one in less than 2 months from now. i want to ask you about the as a true condition surrounding the crash of this helicopter, caring. the rainy and presidents of the weather conditions have been severe with heavy fall. i'll get that entered the search. and we can see that and, and some of the video that we've been showing, i'm wondering how much of a factor you think this has been in the time that it took to get to the cross side . it was several hours of searching overnight before the car site was even found
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early this morning. of the apparently the weather was actually the reason behind the crash. but there's a, there by 300 congress and 2 of them made to the destination. and, but the report says that they have actually been in fox each creation in the weather, in that location. of course, they were flying not very close to one another, but anyway. and they have also reported about the back situation of the weather. but they couldn't manage to escape the situation, but unfortunately this occurred, the warranty is not finished, it's free. and the report says that there were some warnings about the bad weather . but at the moment of launch occurred in the when they were departing. and the 1st place, the whatever has not be that bad. and that was the reason why they have profitable, actually allow for me to do that. like to happen to know which one of the apps or what the situation has been call. and that whoever has the that the crash as we
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have seen. and it seems that of course, the official reports and, and schools needs need to be out. but it seems that the same. and then the park there is actually priced into that. okay. and because of the lack of sign, and it does have to fall in the back of what it does have as me, okay that's, that's the, that's of the right and president comes, of course, at the time of high tensions between a ron and israel, it was us last month israel struck the right and consulate in damascus, and iran responded with its own strikes. israel had promised to retaliate. what kind of response do you think will likely see if any from israel now, of no doubt that is correct. the president and the foreign minister, most of them have more to, to be in incident. but the punk is that part of part exactly one is not. i strongly sense buying these 2 people as lee today years of
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a foreign policy. they are part of that. they are key players need that, but they are not the only players. and the part in part exactly one is based on dynamic which is a which includes different players and it is a higher level, a policy making like it to print security accounts. so one and the other players, and like the i or just the, the, the army and many other players can have the same day. so the final policy is based on the decision that is fine and they made off of all those dynamics. and so there is not going to be any changes in diary bar and, and regarding the location that you mentioned on the a response that was a give up on the right hand side. it wasn't mean the immediate 3 issue. so even if it has, he is right there machine, there's to do anything hurry up, any pass or something like that. the response would be, as he was promised to pass,
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the response would be even harsher and stronger than before and it wouldn't be immediately. so there is no change at all in that regard. the, the only thing is that the domestic politics is going to have some hindrances. but anyway, they are going to frontier their job as well. but the sorrow is blinking or something and it to bumps on their procedures. but anyway, he's going to go on. so in terms of foreign policy and the support part of how us on or it's of preparedness for responding to any attacks from inputs from overseas . it hasn't made, it has had new changes at all and it would be even stronger than before. because in as time of the interest and the whole industry and on forces already to respond to anything. so that might be some possibilities of such a house of a time or a somebody seen the country,
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so they are only prepared for that. and i would then think that these writers you, more and more would there to a pink in think of attacking where you say was believed to be flying in a bell. 212 helicopter, which is a civilian version of the vietnam war era. twin, hugh, it's used and globally widely by both governments and private operators. i'm wondering if you know anything about the presidents use of this aircraft. is it something he flew in regularly? is there any indication that there may have been problems with it before? it depends actually on the situation this uh particular uh, aircraft while it belongs to uh, ridgecrest ring and risk person. and uh it was use you all to use those accounts as well. have the new address also. so it depends on the situation and the, uh, the people responsible for the security and the protocol. they usually decide which one to use. and as we know,
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it has not seen any payment here in the aircraft itself. it seems that the time has been bad weather that has caused and the lack of 5 and such things. and as i said, we need spiritual weight for the official reports. and the diagnostic centers sort of thing is about the reasons behind that. but, and so far from what we know is that is not because of the failure there. so it seems that they have chosen needs and correctly. and you have pointed on technical issues, but as it has happened. so they've got a peak of a truck is depending on the situation. sometimes as i said, it is a military. sometimes if these from army or from i r d c would be from the risk person or could be a, the, usually for a pair, their travel is the plane. that is, that belongs to the president actually. so as from time to time, it is a piece based on the situation, the client meant that there are the
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a geography of the police and a difference. right, right. and i live at their home address. i go, i'm, is that a secretary general of asian mayor's, a forum. thank you for your time. thank you very much. well, and a tragedy for one country as an invitation for another to show its true colors. some of us politicians were quick to express their satisfaction with what had happened, even before the fate of the uranium presidents became known. a good riddance, right, you see was a murderous human rights abusers before and during his presidency. but look for the reigning regime to blame israel and the us for an assassination as another excuse to support terrorism. if i use these that the world is now is safer and bet someplace the evil mind was inside and instead of just he was not loved or respected and he will be missed by no one is gone. i truly held the reading and people have the chest and say either come to back from modes or his dictators for
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design, a professor of political communication at the university of toronto, said the us may have had a hand and they ran in leaders telecom progress sooner or later, you're on, we'll find out what was the cause of the crash. it was be the be the amount of function of the cost as well. it would be sabotage. and if it's a sabotage, we thought we'd set savage by the separate guys. it's only in the american operation that can engage in this type of terrorism. these are the same people who are attending thousands of children that are killing hundreds of people on a daily basis. they have no respect for human rights. they have no respect for international law if it's such as ice cummings and other countries president is obviously going to have severe consequences for the people who are engaged in the
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type of criminal behavior. it could be another way that was quite bad. so at the end of the day it could be that could be the reason we don't know the cost. yes. and september 2023. the a rainy and president was in new york where our correspondent kayla map on it. got the chance to speak with him. here is a short segment from that interview. with countries from the developing worlds having more prominence and importance and international affairs. do you feel that the united nations could be restructured in a way that would give more representation to developing countries? and this was the one that i've seen in the name of fall law, the most of all the compassionate. i think the when and it's mechanisms, i will reiterate that the you, when and it's some mechanisms need to be voiced. so that is kind of fulfill its role of enhancing peace, security and justice. and if the you,
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when the security council and the various un branches are not your voice, then i think that within you sense of power that have a motion, the world with the global call ations and the developing countries. the role of the you when will diminish day by day, and it will certainly not be able to fulfill its role as before. and in our view, its position and condition of functioning will inevitably come to not. we definitely need to reconsider its position, structure and condition of functioning. iran has faced widespread criticism for it stands on the ukraine conflict with care of and its partners lashing out and criticizing iran. what would you say to those who look on at this, and it appears to be some kind of double standard. uh, what do you have to say on this point? look, we are convinced that they won't, between ukraine and russia, needs to come to an end as soon as possible is most decisively. it will be good for all the parties. if we want to understand what had caused this war,
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it is need his desire to expand its influence and more countries and establish its presence in setup mildred basis, not only in ukraine, but in many other states. naturally what we observed now happening is the green seriously increasing its capacities. thanks to american you. the bowl in terms of the middle 380 receipts naturally. this only purchase it to continue the war. let's see who's to benefit from a prolonged for. is it you crane? is it perhaps you or is it those who are praying today for this war to go on? i am convinced that with regards to this issue, the is the leg republic of around above all stands for facilitating the end of this war, playing and mediators rule between russia and ukraine. it's possible, however, over those who are today sending all sorts of aid, including financial and mailed 38 to ukraine, and not wish to end the war. they wish to protect it by any means possible. the
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islamic republic over on you to the ample opportunities it now has at his disposal, has been blamed by the west, which is trying to throw in more accusations. we have given no response to these accusations on different forms. we said, if you have something to back of these occupations, police but use it. they have no being able to produce a single piece of evidence or prove of any kind. today we have no doubt that their strategies to keep accusing these and make republic in order to disparage it and say public opinion against it. but this drake, just like all the other tricks, they have use the gains based on the group public won't help them. well, we spoke earlier with our t correspondent kellum up, and he recalled his opinion or present it right. you see during our interview last year, this was a deeply religious man. this was a long time, a clerical figure, and a ron, a judge, a legal scholar. this was someone who took the history of his country and the project of carrying out the atlantic revolution and national rejuvenation,
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very seriously. when re ozzie was elected, it was very much seen as a repudiation of kind of the reform is policies and a real reiteration of the principles of the islamic republic and the as law make revolution. the anti capitalist, an anti imperialist principles. i mean, he called himself a principle, this stuff is critics called him a hard liner and he said he was a principal, is then he was reasserting the principles on which the islamic republic was founded . and that's particularly important, right? now because iran is very much a target of israel because of their support for the palestinians and support for the palestinians was something that he was very firm. and he was kind of leading the country to kind of hold itself together in the face of the murder of cost him solid morning and more recently the brutal attack on the iranian consul, it in damascus. so and so it's important to understand him in that light, he came to power as a repudiation of figures who had tried to conciliate with the united states and
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then gotten slapped in the face with a rainy and presidents death r t takes a look back at the leaders life and achievements. during his tenure, i, irena and president e. brian raised the tragically passed away at the age of 63 after a helicopter crash. this grave incident and his abrupt that signaled the end of the momentous period in a rainy in politics. and this will definitely have a significant impact on the nation's future. born the 14th of december 1960, in my side, ron bracey, was a leading prominence clerk and politician. his career was very fruitful stretching from several decades slowly, but surely, he advanced through the ranks to become one of the republics, most influential figures. but before taking the role of president and i see held a number of key positions including chief justice of iran, and he was already well known for his steadfast, conservative believes,
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and his loyalty to the ideals of these law. make revolution easy. assumed the presidency in august 2021 following the resound in when in the national election. and while in office he prioritize fighting corruption, advanced in economic reforms and strengthening iran, international spending. the under rise, these watts iran has gone through quite an interesting geo political period. this amik republics relations with the united states with mold to us during his presidency. the longstanding rivalry between san rondon, washington continued in 2021 alone. the us re establish numerous sanctions on iran, financial, and energy sectors, targeting over a 100 entities and individuals and dividing administration and continued to push for any force more sanctions. so iran has seen severe restrictions including on the
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central bank, hindering to her arms abilities to excess international financial markets. and in 2023 a ron was slapped with e even more sanctions. this time on each drone manufacturers, as they were accused of supplying you avi's for some regional conflicts. however, despite the obstacles they had to face the republic simply refused to give in to us pressure. many of the sanctions and threats were used to prevent our armed forces from enjoying the necessary advanced weapons. but our armed forces decided to equip themselves with advanced armaments and to rebuild our country's defense industries. not only did we achieve self sufficiency in the military sector, but we transition from a mere importer of other countries, arms to a producer, an ex porter of weapons. they thought in vain that they could stop us by imposing sanctions on us. but our armed forces have turned the sanctions and threats into
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opportunities so that today the islamic republic of around produces and unveils missiles like the fata. and drones like the mo has your 10 of us sanctions has cost a run of fortune billions in las revenue inflation rates of both 40 percent and a significant rise in unemployment. right. you see was an outspoken critic of us policies in the middle east that he made sure it runs internal affairs, would see no american influence. and instead, stay independent despite the challenges that came with these chosen policy. the under rise, this presidency, iran has shown great support to the policy of people. he consistently condemned is riley actions in both casa and the west bank is summit for public, provided, remarkable, political, financial, and military back into palestinians. solid and unwavering support further
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solidified ron's role. as an essential player in the middle east side of all, yet the compartment must stop as soon as possible. a ceasefire must be established immediately to monetary and aid to the people of guys it must be allowed as soon as possible. this gruesome crime is a crime against humanity because it's a genocide and child killing that's been committed by design is pushing him with the support of the us and some european countries. but things got more hectic after a senior commander of iran, the sonic revolutionary guard corps was killed in syria. and it is rarely attack on the arabian consulate in damascus. daron condemned to kill him calling. it's an act of aggression and vowed to retaliate a guess. those responsible, 2 weeks later iran launched hundreds of drones and missiles at israel collins and necessary show of force and warning that it is prepared to strike much harder if its assets are attacked again. these incidents, of course,
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have heightened tensions across the region. yet they continue with support for palestine has turned iran into a heap layer as a easy space consistent in his belief and called for muslims to join forces against israel. after hall is lubbock, a neighboring states must provide security instability for those from occupied regions. they must cut any political and economic relations with the zionist regime and cut off all commercial ties, especially in the energy field. this must be our priority. the islamic states must also recognize the occupying power as a terrorist entity. we call for the establishment of an international court to prosecute and punish design as regime. and yes, we have seen many more countries calling for union. it gets the idea of salt on gaza, are of africans, muslims, all united against israel, as highlighted in the i. c g for case brought by south africa the.


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