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tv   News  RT  May 20, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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perversely, being pro palestinian and pro peace is condemned, has been submitted. the breaking news has been confirmed. that arabian president abraham, right, you see on his foreign minister saying amir adult died in law twice, helicopter crash in the province of east, as or by john the right and vice president is expected to serve as interim president as a country will hold new presidential elections and the next 50 days, contrary to us senators, expressing their satisfaction over the incident leaders in the global south extended their solidarity to a wrong support in the nation and the moments of breaking off the
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live in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching a hearty international writing president abraham, racy and foreign minister who's saying a mirror of the all in have been confirmed as killed and last night helicopter crash. the team accompanying them also died in the incident. they ran and government says the crash will not affect its work of the hard working and tireless president of the uranium people who did everything to serve people who were wrong in the development and progress of the country kept his promise and sacrificed his life for the sake of the nation, we assure our faithful grateful and beloved people that the path of honor and service will be continued by. the tireless spirit of ayatollah arise, the hero and servant of the nation, with the support of people, there will not be the slightest problem in the further governing of the country. footage shows the site of the crash. the risk operation had been ongoing for over 10 hours. severe weather conditions, rain and heavy fog as well as difficult terrain all complicated to search. a drone
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operator working on the site says the helicopter is completely burnt out. sides of i don't say no, nothing. none of it, no heat, it's burned. look this propellers here. the cabin is completely buttoned up. so imagine we have a reporter who will be joining us live from toronto shortly with the latest updates on the death of the randy and the president abraham res. seem it is a tragedy for one country, but an invitation for another to show its the true colors. some of those politicians were quick to express their satisfaction with what had happened even before the state of the writing and president became no good riddance. right. you see was a murderous human rights abuse or before and during his presidency. but look for the reading regime to blame israel and the us for an assassination as another
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excuse to support terrorism. if i use these that the world is now is safer and bet someplace that evil mind was inside and instead of just he was not loved or respected and he will be missed by no one. if he's gone, i truly held the reading and people have the chest and say either come to back from modes or is dictates us. and so it is odd, a professor of political communication at the university of toronto as the us may have had a hand and they are rainy and leaders helicopter crash sooner or later you're on we'll find that what was the cause of the crash. it was be the that would be the amount of function of the cost as well as would be sabotage. and if it's a sabotage we hold woodside savage by the separate guys. it's only it is really an american operation that can engage in this type of terrorism. these are the same people who are killing thousands of children that are killing hundreds of people on
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a daily basis. they have no respect for human rights. they have no respect for international law itself. as i say, cummings and other countries president is obviously going to have severe consequences for the people who are engaged in the type of criminal and behavior it could be, you know, the weather was quite bad. so at the end of the day, it could be cuz that could be the reason we don't know the costs you overnight. thousands of of rain ends joined. the prayers for the top officials, locals tried to stay positive, even in the face of the worst news about the president's lives across live. now 2 sided mohammed mirandi political analysts up to ron university and professor there as well. mohammed, the weather conditions were said to be severe with heavy fog at the time of the crash, as well as during the search operation which took place during the night. how much
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of a factor do you think that has been in the rescue operations? so okay, we're having difficulty with the sounds uh with my guess. so are we gonna move on and hopefully i'm re connect with him in just a few moments on september 2023. the ran in president was in new york, where our correspondent killed him up and got the chance to speak with him. here's a short segment from that interview. with countries from the developing worlds having more prominence and importance and international affairs, do you feel that the united nations could be restructured in a way that would give more representation to developing countries? and this one is the same in the name of fall law, the most of all the compassionate, i think the when and it's mechanisms. i will reiterate that the you, when and it's some mechanisms need to be voiced. so that is kind of fulfill its
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role of enhancing these security and justice. and if the when the security council and the various un branch as our notes revised, then i think that with a new sense of power that have a motion to weld with the global call ations and the developing countries. the role of the you when will diminish day by day, and it will certainly not be able to fulfill its role as before. and in our view, its position and condition of functioning will inevitably come to not. we definitely need to reconsider its position, structure and condition a functioning. iran has faced widespread criticism for it stands on the ukraine conflict, whiskey of and its partners lashing out and criticizing iran. what would you say to those who look on at this, and it appears to be some kind of double standard. uh, what do you have to say on this point? look, we are convinced that they won't, between ukraine in russia,
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needs to come to an end as soon as possible, most decisively. it will be good for all the parties. if we want to understand what had caused this war, it is need his desire to expand its incidents and more countries and establish its presence instead of military base is not only in ukraine, but in many other states. naturally, what we observe now happening is the green, seriously increasing its capacities. thanks to american, you rip the bowl in terms of the middle 380 to receipts naturally. this only purchase it to continue the war. let's see who's to benefit from a prolonged floor. and that's why is it ukraine? is it perhaps you say yes or is it those who are praying today for this war to go on? i am convinced that with regards to this issue, that is to make republic of around a bowl stands for facilitating the end of this war, playing and mediators rule between russia and ukraine if possible. however, over those who are today sending all sorts of aid, including financial and mailed,
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380 crane and not wish to end the war, they wish to protect it by any means possible. the islamic republic of around due to the ample opportunities. it now has that is disposal has been blamed by the west, which is the right to throw in more accusations. we have given no response to these accusations on different forms. we said, if you have something to back of these occupations, police, but if you see it, they have no being able to produce a single piece of evidence or prove of any kind. today we have no doubt that their strategies to keep accusing based on the group public in order to disparage it and said public opinion against it. but vis drake. just like all the other tricks they have used the games based on the group public won't help them. we spoke earlier with our 2 correspond caleb mounts and he recalled his opinion of president roy you see during the interview last year it was really an honor to sit down with him back in september because i've covered a number of american elections. you know,
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i asked donald trump a question, one of his press conferences. and when i spoke with the head of state of the islamic republic, i was speaking of some to somebody of a completely different brand, a completely different category. i mean, this was a deeply religious man. this was a long time clerical figure and a ron, a judge, a legal scholar. this was someone who took the history of his country and the project of carrying out the islamic revolution and national rejuvenation. very seriously, when realizing was elected, it was very much thing as a repudiation of kind of the reform is policies and a real reiteration of the principles of the islamic republic and the as law make revolution. the anti capitalist and anti imperialist principles. i mean, he called himself a principle, this stuff is critics called him a hard liner and he said he was a principal, is then he was reasserting the principles on which the as long as republic was founded. and that's particularly important right now because iran is very much
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a target of israel because of their support for the palestinians. and support for the palestinians was something that he was very firm. and he was kind of leading the country to kind of hold itself together in the face of the murder of cost themselves, the money, and more recently the brutal attack on the running consulate in damascus. so and so it's important to understand him in that light, he came to power as a repudiation of figures who had tried to conciliate with the united states and then gotten slapped in the face. all right, let's go back to my guest side mohammed mirandi political analyst. it's around the university. professor, professor, thanks for sticking with us. i believe we've got our connection problem is fixed. i had asked you about the weather conditions at the time of where you seized helicopter crash, which was said to be very poor with heavy fire, heavy fog and rain as well during the search operation which took place during the night. it was some 10 hours until the presidency helicopter was found. i'm wondering if you can talk to us about what factor that may have played in the crash
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itself as well as in the search and rescue operations. it's i think at the moment that is, i'm seeing is the main reason for the tragic incident would be helicopter. when it took off, it was, the weather was clear, but there was a sudden change in weather. and as we've all seen through the footage, uh, there was a suddenly very swift day, the weather change and there was heavy rain, a heavy fog and the train was very mountainous. and uh, also it is a dense forest. so um, it is believed that most probably the reason behind the crash was uh, due to the very 4 weather and the sudden change and the weather. the president was
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constantly on the move. he said that he will always, he will regularly visit the provinces. so he visits every province at least once, every year, and that means he's constantly flying or he's on the helicopter. and he travels to uh, the more deprive the areas often are regularly to, to meet those and to solve their problems. so there was always this risk of that because of the amount of traveling that he has always been doing throughout the country. that's something like this would happen and it's very sad counsel the people across the country are with oh, are morning right now. there is no shock because i think most people child the chances for his survival under those circumstances that we saw yesterday were very low. a little honda. this is a 1st time a ron has lost
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a president in office since 1979. and can you explain to us what this means for a ron the country as well as the people? well, early on in the revolution. um, i think it was uh, 1980 or 1981. uh because our calendar is different. um the writing president and prime minister with both both assassinated together back then our constitute, according to our constitution, we had a president and a prime minister. and now we have a president and the 1st vice president. but back then both were murdered by terrorist that were based in the west. and they continue to be based on the west, the these 10 are organizations and, and these terrace and the people who carried out these attacks of back them the present and the prime minister were killed. and within less than 2 months,
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we had new elections. and a new president and a new prime minister, what was uh, came to power. so the constitution is very dynamic and it there is no issue that cannot be resolved through the constitution. i think the transition will be very smooth and there will be continue at the the president's peers. demise is a, is a sad and great loss. he was a great supporter of the policy and even people and that he worked hard to give them and the resistance of capability to defend themselves against a genocide. he was an advocate, a strong south south relations and the rise of uh, a multi polar order. he was prepared to improve relations with the west, but the west has always been demanding and irrational when it comes to the wrong
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don't stand um. i've just been hearing in the western media over the past few hours . how hated he is and how unpopular he is. but i think it's quite clear that in the coming hours in the coming days, when millions of people of the millions of people will come to the streets and uh, and, and take part in his funeral. and i think as usual, the western media, their propaganda will be exposed as empty. and you say that you expect the transition to be a smooth one. can you explain to us what we can expect to happen? the 1st vice president mohammed lothair will become the interim ruler until elections are held within a maximum of 50 days. now it's my understanding that iran has several vice presidents and they're of the vice president is appointed, not i like them. so we will have elections within
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a maximum of 50 days. so what can we expect? and is there any indication of who might become raised the successor? the yes, the, the, the president has a number of vice presidents. but the 1st vice president is um, the most important uh vice president. and he is the person who will be in charge of the administration until the elections take place at the moment. there is no talk of candidates. everyone is in morning his a politic his political opponents have all been asking people to pray since yesterday. uh for. ready for him to survive and now they to are in the morning he, he is actually a very humble person. he was a very humble person, a very friendly person. i met him on numerous occasions as he does not act. uh, you would not assume that he's the president. when you meet him,
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you would not think that he's surprised when you think he's a local, a religious figure in a, in a city or a town. very, very humble person. but this political problem is all risk. recognize that he's a very likable person. so even those who have been severely criticizing his administration over the past 23 years in the or media outlets here in the wrong, they have been praising him and his personality and his patients over the past few hours. so i think there's a lot of unity right now in the country. i have no doubt that they're the transition will be very smooth. we'll have to see who steps forward, but it's too early right now people are busy morning and the government is busy preparing for the funeral to but also iran will carry on with businesses. usually it will continue to pursue as foreign policy agenda and
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support the policy needs and the face of genocide and the country will continue to move forward and grow and develop stronger ties with countries and the local south . and with those countries in the west that want to behave more reasonable in future. what, what does the death of racing mean for a rainy and foreign policy, especially in light of ongoing war in gaza? and as he said around being one of the chief supporters of the palestinians, it will not change anything. iran is, of course, the chief supporter of the policy and in people there is no other country that does anything nearly as much as a ronnie run has paid a price for this over the decades. other countries have not paid any price whatsoever. buddy one believes that this is a principle that needs to be pursued the policy needed people's need to gain their freedom. this policy will not change this. there is a consensus in iran about this,
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especially after the genocide began 7 months ago. i think that this has become a more recognized necessity to, to bring in and to act as a permanent system in apartheid. so with regard to what i was born policy, it will, nothing will change with regards to economic policy that will depend on the new president. but i think that in general, the mood and the wrong right now is a mode where uh to uh, move that this president has a in force and that is looking to them more deprived, supporting the private sector and investment. but at the same time, expanding the social net, jeremy, uh for, for the disenfranchised mission to this of course comes at a time of high tensions between iran and israel. just last month, israel struck the uranium consulate in damascus, around responded with its own strikes. israel had promised to retaliate, what kind of response do you think we'll see if any from israel now,
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of israel does not have the capacity to her the run. i think he runs a strike against israel. this way the regime has shown that i've just returned from damascus. i was there for a few days. the mood has changed. so substantially there and people feel empowered. the diplomats that i've met in damascus, they form diplomats, they've all said that the israel and the united states, they, uh, they've had, they've had to reassess the situation as a result of the runs strikes. so i don't think there's really wishing will do anything. all right side of the home and randy political analysts to run university professor great to have you on with us professor. thank you. thank you. all right, well let's cross live now to our, to the correspondent use of july who joined us also from that to ron eustace. what more use of what more can you tell us about what you know,
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of course, as the ronnie of nation is trying to grasp the tragedy. messages of condolence are pouring in from different countries, including from pakistan, india, then as well. and even countries as far as uh, some of the african countries. but what is significant is this message is really interesting by our, the pakistani prime minister, shawn bostrad. people said that pakistan had the pleasure of posting president receipts and for administer hosting, i mean up the on, on a historic visit less than a month ago. you said that um, they were good friends of package that package that will observe a day of morning. now and the flag will fly at half mast as a mark of respect for president bracy and his companions and install it at ready with brotherly their want. of course choice. he made
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a historic visit to pakistan less than a month ago, or were he signed major agreements with um is law ma bought including the gas pipeline to major gas pipeline which we caught a nerve in the united states. and the united states said that it will sanction the pakistani authorities if they moved ahead with their want on that equipment to a launch that gas spot pipeline, which extends from the iranian south, parsed gas field in the southern iran all the way to pakistan. and this major gas pipeline suggests how abraham bracy are really pursued this bid and effort to try to get everyone away from reliance on closer ties with the west as the ultimate elect, sir, for the economic was in the country as
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a result of the western sanctions. so brian bracy was a really a person who pursued a policy of closer ties with like minded countries in the global south. and it's shanghai cooperation organization. he championed a one's accession to breaks and to the s c o. and those instances. and those incidents really marked a shift and it was for him policy, unlike his fleet assessor role honey, who tried to go of course of salvage the are wanting economy by relying on closer relationship with the western countries, which proved to be a wrong because uh in 2018 now the united states all unit laterally walked out of the 2015 nuclear deal with iran and left the iranian government trying to find a way to save the iranian economy from the all of the pressures imposed against the country by the west. present of ways he tried to be practical and realistic by
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trying to forge closer ties with countries that shared the same mentality of countries that are suffering from the same pressures from the west, including some of the latin american countries and even applicant which never was on top of their wants trade list, abraham bracy paid several pay to visit a historic visit to the $3.00 major african countries. and he clinched many major deals with those african countries trying to expand trade ties with new trade destinations as sports by the late iranian president. he said that the world is not limited to the west, and everyone needs to on tie its economy from a reliance on the western world. then he indeed materialized his slogan as his presidential campaign slogan that he was, he pursued a path that was never pursued. and followed by his freed assessors,
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of course he was a so let's not forget that a couple of weeks ago, we are assigned to meet a major contract with a packet spent. and again, he and not the right it a major damn in 3 long john. nobody would ever think that one would do this project in sweet land caught iran, build a major hydro power plant in sweet lanka and entirely iranian of engineering project that was launched in. so we learned a couple of weeks ago during his historic visit to pack a sentence through the end of last week. he, of course, um the running government assigned a major contract with india to develop the iranians uh south eastern trouble har port which will really revolutionize on the north south transit quarter. so all of these projects and all of these instances suggest that a president re see really was practical and realistic. he tried to
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salvage the iranian economy from all of those uh, economic clothes. uh that were partly driven by the economic sanctions imposed by the west on iran, of course of moments ago. we heard from the a ronnie and guardian council that the transition of process will go smoothly uh, the spokesperson of the running constitutional council, or the guardian council, which is responsible for holding elections. and iran said that there will be no disruption in that process. a council comprising the incumbent, vice president will how much more fare along with the head of the judiciary, and the around the speaker of the are wanting parliament of why my daughter, volleyball. flo sit and of the comply will, will sit and try to um, arrange an election for the new iranian president to ensure
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a smooth on this and to, to elect a new one new person. and then that will be within a maximum of 50 days based on article $131.00 of the iranian constitution. so what's next for a one is to organize um a funeral ceremony, most probably in the birthplace of abraham bracy in the holy city of mashhad, where he also served as the head of the austin towards many years ago. of course, before he became the iranian justice chief and then the a wanting president. he served a major post as the head of the austin awards, which is responsible for the custodian shape of the holy shrine of the members in their wants, virtual capital. i'm not sure. so we are expecting such a massive funeral ceremony to take place for the late iranian president. our t correspond that uses july uses. thank you. the rocky and the pakistani prime
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ministers have joins, in the condolences over the death of the rent in president that's his world leaders extend their words of support to a ron. remembering him as a strong leader and the outstanding personality among the 1st was indian leader. and the vendor movie deeply saddened and shocked by the tragic demise of don't to say at abraham rossi, president of the islamic republic of iran, his contribution to strengthening india, iran bilateral relationship will always be remembered. my heartfelt condolences to his family and the people of iran, india stands with a wrong in this time of sorrow. i am dismayed by the news about the loss of the president of the is law mc republic of iran, abraham rice e. celia, who is a friend of his wife and i, are over whelmed, with great pain, for having to say good bye to an exemplary person, an extraordinary leader of the world who will forever be our brother at bringing
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him an excellent human being. defender of the sovereignty of his people, an unconditional friend of our country, will of course, live to associated affairs expert, injured or less, dr. jaime, to con, almost re key. dr. good to have you on with us. we've been seeing reaction coming in from leaders around the world. why do you think condolences though are so far, largely coming in from the global self? uh, definitely. uh because we have seen keats, he was very much close introducing the entire visit countries like a dog and yeah, and then he had very good relations with the frequent categories haven't categories to do. the very said moment for people feet on it. i would say the mostly the profitable because we do the very said, you know, tragedy and the re being is died. and i would say that the is
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the best use visa as well. i'm sure that we'll look into this as well that, i mean, why there was so many be these uh, you know, taken a vote in the, in the one having talked to mike, uh on this to was dad and the mom of 3, who did i think i believe that one of the one that's on the other by done was in the same have you talked to, i mean, it is a little bit, you know, to and so in terms of protocols movement up to be, you know, by sounds. on the other hand, really look at this should have been a better position, better for cost wise the, to the movement of the had to come in. so it's not ruby's had in the since i, you know, the, uh so i mean the space set and the unfortunate incident and i can be that you know, receive is designated to be known as a person who tries to bring it on. all.


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