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tv   Cross Talk  RT  May 20, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT

2:30 am
and i will see that there is a few vessels visits as well. i'm sure that she gives me answers. we'll look into this as well that, i mean, why there was so many be these uh, you know, taken a vote in the, in the one having talked to mike, uh on this to was dad and you mama, the reason did i think, i believe the saw the other by done was in the same have you talked to, i mean, it is a little bit uh, you know, and so in terms of protocols move made up to be uh, you know, by sounds on the other hand, uh, let me look at this should have been a better position, better for cost wise uh, due to the movement of the headquarters and so its not fit for reset unless its i, you know, the, uh so i mean, the space set and the unfortunate incident and i can be that, you know, go ahead and receive is designated to be known as a person who tries to bring it on out of the lot of trouble. delta engaging,
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that's a recent visit i. something was, despite of all the sanctions from united nations and us see this find of all the same services, the nation with soft freight we have seen recently, even they were having a truck trouble getting medical, you know, certain medicine that other thing i would not be able to be able to do it on the sanction. on the other hand, i run a race, he was trying to improve the relations of the box. a song, especially a gas pipeline to increase. you know, obviously the economic strength of, you know, obviously i can start as well at the same time the develop rentals relation to india and the, to the united history general john ford. and then we saw that the re, i don't really down to mankind that we saw the mute you, that you meant to be african entry funding. so easy to trade then uh,
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getting in here and very good relations is solid american countries as well. i believe that is, you know, on the new old will be known as a, as the 80 remarkable can you afford people as far as you know, his international really good stuff. that's good. they've been racing, was very clear to support the palestinian, especially often since 7th, a whole you know, the genocide because going on in gaza and he's a 40 open we do the hosting and people and he had the dog was being price for that as well. in terms of a tags on the them bench seat and then jack some beautiful song. but i believe that they continue to use the ones you will be seeing is running coming days. let's see how they action process tools. but i believe that the indian boss
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is very clear as far as the smooth transition has been. so, and yeah, it gives you 50 these be disconnected as of info. so let's see how that happens at the moment. relation is under of a morning teacher's doctor on this tricky um re se became president of iran in 2021 . so it's not a terribly long time in the global scheme of things. i'm wondering if you can talk to us about the, the impact and the significance of his death and what that means for the global south. i definitely agree. there will be a lot of feedback. i mean, there is, uh, you know, since he gave me the bottom, the known as a parson, was taking very board decisions rather supporting by this being a stein. awfully rather, you know, of taking their business relations. uh, uh, business style of the country fan of your police. he was known as the person who wants to bring it on out of the uh, you cannot make
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a change of mind which the country is facing. on the other hand, you do have some kind of a position is relevant in the country because of some restrict you, emailed me. the main thing again in terms of uh, you know, uh other, you know, social restrictions. but at the same time, the people are supporting is that we cannot be conformant. people support ages. uh, you know, uh its policies in a done talking to an extra information that the correct information. i believe that uh, that's of the america must go see, did you have a better relations, really not. as you own in the piece in the region. i think this is the time and there's supposed to be some kind of masks from america and europe and other the rest of the rest. it was that the want to have a peaceful relation. really. i mean, uh, you know, upcoming best in the united government for, for the people c dot info, the bees in the region. if they want to have to be seen the region,
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they need to work with the vector from the vector division between the stuff. i don't believe we've seen any official reaction yet from the west to raised his death, of course is still the middle of the night. and many of these western countries. i'm wondering if you can talk to us about relations between the us and iran since right. you see entered the office, of course we saw the relations become especially tents in early 2021, a rainy and general customs. solely money was assassinated by us. forces the right you see again as assuming office in 2021. but what we're relations like between the 2 countries after he became president, to designate me then not the very good relations we have, seizes the american food, all that you deal with the uh, uh, the relations between it um and american lot was and then b, i'm sure, you're the man, but at one time the what about have a lot of in the, in there in the goes region. when you get in and us marian's game, you know,
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in front of each other and there were many other things. it has been the other word countries, but have to be to de escalate the situation and then been racing came to file the situation was the same. then sadly, the last 7 months, we have seen a, sadly, i'm going to be seen support of americans for a living. the category of the genocide on the beach is a, again hurting the relation to be here on and i and, and it on is it really supported off by this the, me and i'm the dogs clearly against a bar hinesville is i so i mean in terms of international styles, if you look at the americans as dogs, entirely different, then you don't need policies. on the other hand, you don't always ask for the, i don't, you know, the, you know, because the old and the very who you're starting your program. they have very few
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years, thousands in, in terms of defending the, you know, country, they have very clear stock in terms of supporting, you know, uh that is the, on a race to people on the breast, those things across the street. and so, i mean, there are so many stones via a, there was a lot of differences between americans and in doing the grand races didn't yours? well, what does races just mean for a rainy and foreign policy going forward, especially in light of the ongoing war in gaza and iran being one of the palace times chief supporters? i think uh, in circumstances reached ben racy it passed away. there won't be much seeds because of his success that has to carried out his policies. otherwise, he wouldn't be able to have the support from the people. because if the support update on the boat to the body see last night, he would not be able to get into this for the better. see me as an, as the biggest,
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the support for the uh for that is the, uh, i believe that uh no. it is up to americans use up to x ray use all of these and uh, if you know view in terms of. ringback talk a lot of ceasefire, they don't the talking about peace in the region in terms of talking about let's have some kind of back in relation to the future of the region. but in terms of the, in dunlab political situation, i'll be down. i believe that the, anybody who will be the next president would have to come to you the policies, all right, and very easy and the other direction. i don't think to that and hopefully should be able to you know, with the upcoming connections so far the we receive angry singles, very popular. so i'm very confident to see might be all right and very easy. so
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if, if the getting the same ideology, it means it would not be much significant change in the following policy. and what you expect the next 50 days to be like this transition period. and iran, of course, is a period of morning right now in iran because they've just lost their president. but of course they also have to transition and elect a new president within 50 days. what do you expect of this period to be like i to be on this page. it would be like more in terms of the assessment in terms of the situation. and i believe that the know the why it's less plus why that's been mom and look what it would not be able to do any big international styles in terms of you know, why do you see that anything rather than trying to compete the election bros process as soon as possible, because you see the kind of income set to do the kind awful set up. is it like a clear data center? so when a subset of does not have enough policy to show the policy and follow a deep uh,
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very strong decision in any country. and indeed, uh, you know, insight situation after these do of all the vice president is the head of the country. but at the same time, the has run, there can be a fee is be the advise of the cheese or in the ged and then another member. so it is not going to get very easy for any of you know, the moment most of the day, you know, single life single handed season. you will have to consult with his. uh, you know, other advisors is about to have almost equal the ball can be to see just the dental one policy does nothing done and what do you see? so i believe that the $3014.00 days will be required in done the connection to the default. it on you got me as we've been discussing and we will know a ron does not have a good relations with the west and a journal as a journalist yourself. i'm wondering if you can talk to us a little bit about some of the western media coverage that we've seen uh
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surrounding the crash of, of royce, jeez aircraft. and also in comparison to what we've seen in the global sales and other countries that have more friendly relations with a wrong. obviously there is a defense, there is a difference. i mean, if you look at bbc, if you look at for look at a cnn the, with the, for the, like a little bit other, you know, all of us the media easily, but the, some of them they have even not given. uh, you know, obviously i mean headline as well, and it is a very small public as well, although they all have given a coverage to the sat and seeing. but obviously we see this kind of difference between, you know, some of the world and the best of luck because best was, it was not, you know, is taking it as an accident is taking it as an incident. and as a, as, as, as an incidental getting the state. but they are not a, you know,
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talking about the policies. they're not talking about the nbc, the styles, in terms of, you know, support the hosting. and they don't talk about what happened just a month ago. we need on the site, they're not talking about how it is very, you know, uh, started at, you know, i kind of understood well between eat on and say, so they're not talking about that. so wait a while on the other hand, insults the media. yeah. you have a different company, the appreciating his, these efforts that after you've been raises your support did have you been raising economical plans to bring the country economy, the economy, then the talking about his family relations is boxed on it and other countries. so it is a very significant difference between the company of the votes. you know, medias investing media and used to meet your media. you can see that it is
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a significant difference. right, dr. hamid khan. almost ricky strategic affairs expert and journalists, thank you right with the writing and president stuff r t takes a look back at the leaders life and achievements. during his tenure, a rainy and president e brian raised the tragically passed away at the age of 63 after a helicopter crash born the 14th of december, 1960 in mashhad, ron re see was a leading prominence. clerk and politician before taking the role of president and i see held a number of key positions including chief justice of iran. and he was already well known for his steadfast, conservative believes, and his loyalty to the ideals of these logic revolution. ac assumed the presidency in august 2021 following the resound in when in the national election. and while in office he prioritized fighting corruption, advanced in economic reforms and strengthening iran,
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international spending. the under rise, these watts iran has gone through quite an interesting geo political period. the sonic republics relations with the united states with mold to us during his presidency. the longstanding rivalry between san rondon, washington continued in 2021 alone. the us re established numerous sanctions on iran, financial and energy sectors targeting over a 100 entities and individuals and dividing administration and continued to push for any force more sanctions. so iran has seen severe restrictions including only central bank hindering to her arms abilities to excess international financial markets. and in 2023 a ron was slapped with even more sanctions. this time on each drone manufacturers, as they were accused of supplying you avi's for some regional conflicts. however,
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despite the obstacles they had to face the republic simply refused to give in to us pressure. many of the sanctions and threats were used to prevent our armed forces from enjoying the necessary very advanced weapons. but our armed forces decided to equip themselves with advanced armaments and to rebuild our countries defense industries. not only did we achieve self sufficiency in the military sector, but we transition from a mere importer of other countries, arms to a producer, an ex porter of weapons. us sanctions had cost a run of fortune billions in last revenue inflation rates of both 40 percent and a significant rise in employment. right. see, was an outspoken critic of us policies in the middle east that he made sure it runs internal affairs, would see no american influence. and he said, stay independent despite the challenges that came with his chosen policy,
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the under rise, his presidency. iran has shown weight support to the policy and people he consistently can dand is riley actions in both garza and the west bank. the stomach republic provided remarkable political, financial, and military back into palestinians. the solid and unwavering support further solidified a ron's role as an essential player in the middle east side of all. yet when the compartment must stop as soon as possible, a ceasefire must be established immediately humanitarian aid to the people of guys i must be allowed as soon as possible. this gruesome crime is a crime against humanity. it's a genocide and child killing that's been committed by the zionist regime with the support of the us and some european countries. but things got more hectic after senior commander of iran is the sonic revolutionary guard, cor, was killed in syria, and it is really a tag on the radio consulate in damascus that wrong condemned the killing. calling
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it's an act of aggression and vowed to retaliate a guess those responsible. 2 weeks later, a run launched hundreds of drones and missiles at israel collins in necessary show of force and warning that it is prepared to strike much harder if its assets are attacked. again. these incidents, of course, have heightened tensions across the region yet, so they continue with support for palestine has turned iran into a heap layer as a see state consistent in his belief and called for muslims to join forces against israel. after hall, islamic and neighboring states must provide security instability for those from occupied regions. they must cut any political and economic relations with design this regime and cut off all commercial ties, especially in the energy field. this must be our priority. these womic states must also recognize the occupying power as a terrorist entity. we call for the establishment of an international court to
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prosecute and punish design this regime. and yes, we have seen many more countries calling for union against the idea of salt on gaza . our ups africans, muslims all uniting against israel as highlighted in the i. c. j. 4 case brought by south africa. the you've got him at a see made or run a key player in the middle east end the global selves as a whole. he builds n reinstated ties with many during his presidency, iran saw a huge development in his diplomacy. the biggest one is of course, the chinese mediated the talent which has helped calm the decades long uranian rivalry with saudi arabia raised the also stepped up, his nation's diplomacy expanded to all the continents like africa, alternative m. k. we believe that the world is not just western countries. when we
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say world, we meant all the states in the world, africa is an important continent as america and asia are important in recent years, ties with africa didn't receive proper consideration. the 1st goal of this trip was to enhance the strategic depth of iran in africa, which have fine natural resources, mines, and many talents. on the 2nd stage of this trip was about enhancing economic and commercial ties between the states. he received a red carpet welcome. in kenya, you gone the end seemed bob way as he went on a 1st trip to africa by, in a rainy and present in more than a decade showing some new beginnings in relations with the confidence the right is this administration also helps in developing the wage deepening of ties between iran and russia. the 2 countries cooperate is profoundly in various views, including the military and the economy. rise is solved to fortify the strategic and
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vital alliance between iran and russia. seen it as essential for counter balancing western influence and resisting pressure in the region. the under his presidency, iran also saw itself joining the economic organization of products. another important step in economic opportunities, an openness to the global south about a payment we on some save a solution to our problem lies in pleasing the us or europe on my answer to them is that we will not wait for their approval. we will not put the economy of our country and the livelihood of its people in their hands. bricks and the s c o are proper international coalitions and they will help in the stand against the us. as a gemini, iran's economy can be effective next to these economies. iran is a capable country. foreign countries are fully aware of iran's role in geo political position in asia, including its ties with the persian gulf and central asian states. iran has
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specific capabilities. hence, we perceive its presence in bricks, the seo and regional coalitions as an effective presence. it is a 2 way road. we will be effective for them, and they will be the same for us. and he brought him right. he was a highly trusted feeder in iran, leaving behind a complex, yet unforgetable footprint in the world of politics. he's a true and dedicated to this law, make republics principles all while navigating his nation through a challenging and harsh to political landscape. his passing raises some crucial questions about the country's future. any definite least signifies any port and loss for the sonic republic. you brought him, i use these major contributions or rainy and politics and his influence on the nations trajectory will definitely be remembered for many years to come to stay with our to international. what's new information coming in by the hour.
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we'll keep you updated and all the latest developments as we get it right here. the little one? no, no, not a real flush of luna. but to most of the location of the unit 731 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had every now
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through you know, to production with it. so i guess it will show the great deal to the youth suddenly, you keep on my mazda thought, this minute, union one of our, from the sale. i don't understand. i wish to know, forgot to like go home, you know, to do some more or less than a j o. i had a problem with this kind of them of the a party bill because you cannot push the couch nice all point festival to deal with the 00. want this on this to she my a new on it on site can send me some long don't the you're not on the ticket. most of them
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the every spring and summer, the melting optics move reveals abandoned machinery, millions of rusty barrels. and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories. yes, i used to move so as a customer, both of us for someone at the bus to be joining us. an issue calling to us from clean optic travels the highest island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land archipelago. sierra really asked me for our laws. my boys are more you have to do should. so it means it's when you feel when we see lots of money and i'm but some of the, some will stay on the old stuff last time. i feel like a mess almost a little bit. see me. and i'm not sure when you to, i've got to read on serial. no boys the place to join me instead of the optic pioneers main objective was to explore and comcast, these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management now and,
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and i guess they could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice of. so it's pretty at the question system. is this multiple in your company to inquire about the deal to issue the one year and do that to at that point. but at the extra a month, i see the show as a new tool village to los negotiate and all of it is uh, international stuff is the template to separate the setup button and not to mention in a person once. did you lose your task like that? if i said the media, i love to focus on the 2 reasons, can you say with the city the new country tempe, me,
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so it'll be presented is working monday morning to work. the dog stimulates the industry on these little less money. the final sales reluctance story and former shots, monuments. we have court car started over or decisions in my lab. and what was that man was the ones that ridiculous problems i put in the midst of them one today and but you know, so that's what it is that you want to set. i'm sure those are pretty sure jimmy was on page 2 to for. she's kim, those are the best, do what i mean? there's a corporate push out the russian states never as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community best to communicate and i'll send, send up the send the 6595 and
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speed. the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t spoke neck team and our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services for what question did you say from stephen twist, which is the, in the year of 1954, the united states of america engaged in warfare against the people of vietnam. the
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white house supported the corrupt governments of southern vietnam. 196, the five's americans began their invasion following the aim to defeat the forces of vietnamese patriots. the pentagon was confident that the victory would be on the american side due to its military superiority. however, the vietnamese, during this war into total hail for the occupants. unable to cope with a guerrillas, the american army started blanket bombing alongside using chemical weapons and naples, which burnt all alive. the village of my lay, where he 1969 american soldiers killed 504 civilians, including 210 children, became a tragic symbol of this war. all and all. during the whole period of this conflict, the usa dropped on vietnam more than $6000000.00 tons of bonds, which is 2 and a half times as much as on germany during the 2nd world war. in 1973,
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the american army under the pressure of the rebels, withdrew from vietnam, and only 2 years later did the pop and regime. and so i got involved. however, the vietnamese paid a high price for their freedom. more than 1000000 in vietnamese people became the victims of america in aggressors the hi alex santos. i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. search like why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do have the state department c. i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my shelves to stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again,
3:00 am
you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the breaking news has been confirmed that a writing president abraham raw, you see in his foreign minister who is saying a mirror of the alley and have died in a helicopter crash in the writing problems of east as or by john uranian 1st vice president is expected to serve as interim president as the country will hold new presidential elections within the next 50 days. and the contrary to us senators, expressing their satisfaction over the crushed leaders and the global house extended their solidarity to iran, supporting the nation in a moment of great lot the you're watching archie, international live and the russians.


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