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tv   News  RT  May 20, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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of this, my show is called direction, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the breaking news has been confirmed that a writing president abraham raw, you see in his foreign minister who's saying a mirror of the all in the have died in a helicopter crash in the writing problems of east as a by john uranian 1st vice president is expected to serve as interim president as the country will hold new presidential elections within the next 50 days. and the contrary to us senators, expressing their satisfaction over the cross leaders and their global health extends their solidarity to our lawn, supporting the nation in a moment of great lot the you're watching archie international live in the russian capital. i'm rachel ruble
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already. and president abraham, right, you see, and a foreign minister husein, a mirror of the hand have been confirmed as killed and last night's helicopter crash in the arabian province of east, as or by john the team accompanying them. also perished in the crash of footage shows, emergency workers retrieving bodies from the sides of the down helicopter. the rescue operation has been ongoing. it now for over 10 hours, severe weather conditions, rain and heavy fog, as well as the difficult to rain have complicated the search. a lot of the rainy and government is issued reassurance is that the crash will not affect it's for the hard working, tireless president of the ring, and people who did everything to serve people around in the development them. progress of the country kept his promise and sacrifices life for the sake of the nation. we assure our faithful grateful and beloved people the past on our own service will be continued by the tireless spirit of right. you see the hero and
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servant of the nation with the support of people there will not be the slightest problem in the further governing of the country. are to correspond that use of to wally joins me now live from turan with more. uh you said, what more do you know so far? it's rachel law, the sports person up there wanting guardian council to hung as eve just announced that the iranian vice president is, has officially started its role to take over the presidential responsibilities for up to 50 days. and this means that and that counsel that we spoke about earlier will be held as soon as with the presence of the iranian parliament speaker, mohammed de boff as well as the judiciary chief messer. as he, along with the vice president of the 1st vice president mohammed more fair to arrange that election to choose the new iranian president within that time frame of
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50 days. so what's next for iran is to also observe massive, unexpected, massive funeral ceremony for all the lives lost during the aircraft crash, which happened yesterday. of course of a for, i mean, mr. i mean, i'm the one who's the iranian foreign minister and the lady at ronnie and president abraham bracy, of course, are we see played a key role in revolutionizing the iranian foreign policy. he was known for his efforts to try to move out of the country's economy, away from reliance and dependence on ties with the west and to try to forge new connections, a new contacts with other countries, and what he called new destination is new trade destinations. he believe that they are wanting economy can survive the western measures and the western sanctions on
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the country's economy. he said that by establishing new relationships with countries um in the east turn block on top of them, russian, china, and also countries as far as latin america, including been as well and cube ups it won, can overcome the pressures impose against the country by the west. on the united states in particular. so, but, and he really materialize the really men's want. what he said, he really forge ties with destinations that never existed on a ross trade list like some countries in africa. he believed that african african countries can play a key role in, in uh, saving it runs the economy. and by forging new ties, trade ties with some of the african countries which suffer from the same pressure from the united states of yvonne can't survive the pressures. and the sanctions by that was the really of the if we review his, uh, uh, recent uh, works out. he, uh,
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launch this gas pipeline with pakistan. uh he um, i signed a deal with in the recently just recently or i think last week he signed this development, the development of trouble har, port with india. india is now going to invest in trouble har port and a sum of money for the $300000000.00. investment is going to take place and pour into the strategic now south eastern trouble. hard part in the wrong, which will be the next step for the implementation and the launching a v i n s d c, which is the international north south transit quarter, which connects eastern europe and russia all the way to the indian subcontinent. this is a strategic trade route that will replace the traditional source canal route even for russia, which is which trace of sanctions on some of the western controlled trade routes. this new route for la play key role and try to circumvent the western sanctions on
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iran and onrush shops. and of course it will facilitate trade on this trade route. so i'm not an also sweet lanka. he paid a historic visit to a street lanka less than a month ago and to pack is found in sweet land. kawan are the one who president didn't argue right at a major hydro power plant, which was built by iranian engineer, as marking the 1st extra territorial engineering project ever in eros. history to be launched by iranian engineers. and recently, before his dad saw yesterday, he was attending a ceremony to inaugurate a major down again, bills by iranian engineers, over the course of 20 years built on the ad ice river, which separates iran from us, are by john. that ceremony which took place yesterday on sunday morning local time involves the presence of a major and of the top officials from the 2 countries,
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including the auxilary president at home. and he of who was also present at that ceremony to inaugurate that major dam built on the grass river and then um on, on his way to the uh, east auto body shop for a visual capital tab breeze midway. that incident happened. and abraham lacy, along with 7 other top officials, uh, were killed in that crash. so if we review what he did, we figure out that he really meant what he said about the multi polar world order. he joined iran to breaks and to the s c o. the much anticipated was accession to the i. c a which presidential honey course cake started the process, but later on, abraham bracy was a person with champion and it was succession to the see. and then 2 bricks, all those developments suggest and prove that present racy was really
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a person who was practical, realistic, and very tireless in his uh, bit to try to transition airlines economy from a full and complete reliance on deals with the west or closer ties with it was a way to ties with countries that share the same mentality that share are the same that issues and is it the same interests and challenges? he said that by a fortune those ties with like minded countries in latin america in russia, china, iran is able to circumvent the sanctions. and indeed, reviewing those projects that he launched inside the country and outside the borders of iran. we realized that he really meant what he talked about about the so those are not just logan's, when he talked about the transition to a multiple, our world order. he said that the closer ties with neighboring countries that have
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been neglected by the previous administrations, including even their watch, even a package that and some of the neighboring countries around iran, of those countries can play a key role in trying to move the country away from dependence on ties. what that was. so now this impressed iranian president has lost his life and that leaves a heavy burden on the shoulder of his successor, who has to follow the path taken and beaten by president, re see trying to open up to the eastern block. not the western was as racy, put it a very rightly that the world is not limited to the west, and we have to afford job improved ties with the eastern world as well. so now we are going to wait for
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a massive funeral to take place for abraham bracy and his companions, including uh, for administer. i mean the most probably tomorrow or in the coming days are t correspondent, yusef and july. you so thank you. us in iran, people are mourning, the death of their president and foreign minister locals have locked the 2 mosques in droves, praying for those killed and the crash was cross live now to alessandro bruno independent political analyst. a sounds really good to have you on with us the weather conditions at the time of the crash for said to be very poor with heavy fog, as well as during the search operation itself. that search, taking several hours during the night to even locate the sight of the crash. how much of a factor do you think that has been in this rescue operation in the morning as well? yes, the weather conditions. that's why we play this actor and in handwriting the,
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the search and rescue and who knows? had the president being found sooner he might have survived. i don't know the details of, of how the bodies were found. but what is curious is that there were other helicopters in the enterprise who did make it through those same conditions. so i think um, that fact um, and of course the other circumstances of the global circumstances of the past 2 to a few days and the significance of this event will not prevent the rumors of potential sabotage there. and therefore at assassination of the president of the on the weather conditions. um as that said, i also think that my suspicion is that the,
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even the rain government would probably prefer to keep the weather as the main cause. because in the, the alternative, the case, it would demand some kind of response response which could be quite costly. this is the 1st time that iran has lost a president in office since 1979. can you explain to us what this means for a ron? the country and its people well actually the 2nd time, because very early on in these line with your public and 1981, president of whose name right now i forgot. i was killed by a member of the much i had the truck to and the signing of those. most of the talk would be my main suspects in any
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should the investigation into the incidents prove that there were some kind of sabotage that that would be one of mine main suspects. um, but uh, what is also interesting. presidents, denise plumbing. republics are generally the executors, or they're like the ceo in the company. uh, they execute a program, a plan which is worked out with the, with the supreme leader who is really the person more and in charge of the overall uh, policy of the country. so in terms of um from various points of view, um, ron's policies will not change radically at all in fact. and the, the, what is very interesting, however, is that, and what makes the run so unique is that despite the revolutionary nature of the
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government over the years, they've managed to establish a very solid, political and social structure. so there is continuity. there is no need to permit the runs, the institutions are strong and they are, they have the mechanism to proceed. so the, in fact, the election will take place within 60 days as mandated by the constitution. and already a new president has been an interim president has been appointed. and mohammed mohammed who is the 1st vice president and he already held the position in 2021 in the, in the midst of the, during the presidential election. there was to be a presidential election, i believe in 2025. and iran has just, in fact, just last week, i believe there is a, there work. there's a 2nd round of legislative election. so you run has a lots of political structures in placing it and but the overall
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um, the way i guess the, uh, uh, the outside world procedures on is, is dictated more by, by what the supreme leader does. and then the president is a kind of execute the policy. and in recent years the policy was especially under the president, proceeded crazy, a little honey. that policy was to get close to the west. and he was the one who signed the, the nuclear accord with president obama. right. you see, on the other hand, given the west's hostility was mandated with securing a closer ties to russia, to china and to join the bricks and to put to the country on a different path. a path which is for i think,
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the one that will be chosen by more and more countries outside of the of the west. right. alessandra bruno independent protocol analyst alessandro. thank you. thank you. ro leaders extended their condolences over the tragic death of the writing and president, remembering him as a strong leader and outstanding personality. among the 1st was indian prime minister and the rent promoting. deeply saddened and shocked by the tragic demise of doctor se at abraham rossi, president of the islamic republic of iran, his contribution to strengthening india, iran bilateral relationship will always be remembered. my heartfelt condolences to his family and the people of iran. india stands with the wrong in this time of sorrow. i am dismayed by the news about the loss of the president of the is law mc republic of iran, abraham rice e. celia, who is a friend of his wife and i, are over whelmed, with great pain,
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for having to say good bye to an exemplary person, an extraordinary leader of the world who will forever be our brother at bringing him an excellent human being. defender of the sovereignty of his people, an unconditional friend of our country. let's cross live to honor tank and senior fellow at the time to institute n. sherman of asia. narratives einer we've been seeing, reaction coming in from leaders all around the world. why do you think condolences are largely at least so far coming in from the global self grow out? obviously it's a different story in europe and the finds the united states in particular. they have been baffling. iran and obviously on the other side of gauze. and so at this point, i don't expect much to come out from those governments because they're concerned about their own issues. but to the global south, he was an independent voice. certainly a he had established or
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a good trade relationship with china. although china is official, policy is a non appearance in the affairs of other countries. and if there are differences, they are not something that stood in the way of trade and honor. uh, what can you talk to explain to us, what does what use doesn't mean for the global south to those? i mean, as i said, he was a simple uh, iran, uh, successfully resisted us pressures over many of these many, many years since the fall of the shop. in many ways, the us interference in iran, us solidified it brought people together rather than not tearing them apart. there have been very difficult economic times. his solution was what he called resistance economy. this idea that by resisting the global powers and turning towards the global south, also with china, russia,
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that iran could be truly independent and escape what they saw is persecution by the united states. we have started to see some reactions start to trickle in from the west as many of these western countries. uh, as very early in the morning. in some cases, the middle of the night, we thought you cancelled president charles michelle tweed out his condolences. but that's a sharp contrast to many other post on social media. we saw almost immediately in the aftermath of, of the news of the, of this crash. many politicians in the us expressing li almost how would you explain that reaction in, in the west, in sharp contrast to what we've seen elsewhere? well, i mean, obviously ritual. i mean it's, it's the political divide that is going on now, and it's not gonna change. those who have the bad matters to celebrate the death of somebody who matter to other people's going simply, they shouldn't be in the position they are. i mean, these are a sensitive times,
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reacting with inappropriate remarks to, to the death to somebody. it just doesn't make sense. yes, he was opposed to united states. but you know, if iran was reacting with the lead to the death of a similarly place person, the united states, they would be very, very much upset. so, you know, one of these things, one of the tenants of most the lease is due on the others as you would have them do unto you. and it's very bad for him by those countries, even though they disagree with them. all right, entertained guns, senior fellow at the tire institute and chairman of asia, narrative signer. thank you. if you're rich, well, the circumstances of the crash are still on. no, no rainy and authorities are expected to launch an investigation to find out what it could have caused the den, who might gain from the tragedy of the country has strained relations with a number of major global players. mainly the us and israel tel aviv promise revenge
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for to ron's retaliatory attacks just last month. some of those politicians were quick as well to express their satisfaction with what had happened, even before the se to the right in president became known. use of. good riddance. right, you see was a murderous human rights abuse or before and during his presidency. but look for the reading regime to blame israel and the us for an assassination. as another excuse to support terrorism. the phrases that the world is now is safer and better place the evil mind was inside and instead of just he was not lost or suspected and he will be missed by no one is gone. i truly hold the money and people have the chest and say either come to back from merger as dictates as well. it is odd, a professor of political communication at the university of toronto as the us may have had a hand in the rainy and leaders helicopter crash. sooner or later you're on,
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we'll find that what was the cause of the crash. it was be the, be the amount of function of the helicopters, what it would be sabotage. and if it's a sabotage, what woodside savage by the sucker that it's only is really an american operation that can engage in this type of terrorism. these are the same people who is kellen, get thousands of children that are killing hundreds of people and they would faces they have the lowest spectacle human rights. they have no respect for international law if it's subsidized. cummings and other crimes is president, is obviously going to have severe consequences for the people who are engaged in the type of criminal behavior. it could be in the way that it was quite bad. so at the end of the day it could be cuz that could be the reason we don't know the cost
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you in september 2023, the right and president was in new york where our correspond caleb month and the got the chance to speak with him here is a short segment from that interview. ron has faced widespread criticism for it stands on the ukraine conflict with k of and its partners lashing out and criticizing iran. what would you say to those who look on at this, and it appears to be some kind of double standard. uh, what do you have to say on this point? look, we are convinced that the war between ukraine in russia needs to come to an end as soon as possible, most decisively. it will be good for all the parties, if we want to understand what had caused this war. it is need his desire to expand its influence and more countries and establish its presence in setup mildred basis, not only in ukraine, but in many other states. naturally what we observed now happening is the green, seriously increasing its capacity is thanks to american, you rip,
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to the bowl in terms of the middle of 380 receipts. naturally, this only purchase it to continue the war. let's see who's to benefit from a prolonged for here and is it ukraine? is it perhaps you say yes or is it those who are praying today for this war to go on where you go? i am convinced that with regards to this issue, the is the leg republic of around a bowl stands for facilitating the end of this war. cling and mediators rule between russia and ukraine if possible. however, all those sorts of de, sending all sorts of 8, including financial and mailed $38.00 to ukraine, and not wish to end the war. they wish to protect it by any means possible. now i would like if possible for you to give us your assessment of the prospects and future relations between iran and russia. we have enjoyed longstanding relations with russia in multiple areas, including politics, economics, trade, defense and security. and our cooperation is developing every day. even the war in
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the region couldn't slowed down no cooperation. the multiple areas quite the opposite as the article was, the political will that prioritize is expand call corporation, particularly in the areas of trade and economy as well as our partnership in the international, no self transport, coin go. initiative and regional cooperation misuse. the development of fall relations, today's issues have had no impact on the relationship between brush and the red and level. well, all relationship with russia is of strategic importance. and no developments on the global scene can change that with the running and president stuff r t takes a look back at the leaders life and the key achievements. during his tenure. ryan president, a brian raised the tragically passed away at the age of 63 after a helicopter crash more in the 14th of december. 1960, in my sad ron bracey was a leading prominence cleric and politician before taking the role of president. and
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i see held a number of key positions including chief justice of iran, and he was already well known for his steadfast, conservative, believes, and his loyalty to the ideals of these lot make revolution easy. assumed the presidency in august 2021. following the resound in when in the national election, and while in office, he prioritized fighting corruption, advanced in economic reforms and strengthening iran, international spending. the under rise, these watts iran has gone through quite an interesting geo political period. during his presidency, the long standing rivalry between 10, ron and washington continued in 2021 alone. the u. s. re establish numerous sanctions on iran, financial, and energy sectors. targeting over a 100 entities and individuals and by the administration continued to push for any
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force more sanctions. us sanctions has cost a run, a fortune billions in los revenue inflation, rates of both 40 percent and a significant wise employment. bracey was an outspoken critic of us policies in the middle east that he made sure it runs internal affairs, would see no american influence. and instead, stay independent despite the challenges that came with his chosen policy. many of the sanctions and threats were used to prevent our armed forces from enjoying the necessary advanced weapons. but our armed forces decided to equip themselves with advanced armaments and to rebuild our country's defense industry. we see that not only did we achieve self sufficiency in the military sector, but we transition from a mere importer of other countries, arms to a producer and ex porter of weapons, the under rise. this
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presidency, iran has shown weight support to the poly center people. he consistently can stand is riley actions in both casa and the west bank. well, yet on the bottom, it must stop as soon as possible. a ceasefire must be established immediately to monetary and aid to the people of guys that must be allowed as soon as possible. this gruesome crime is a crime against humanity. it's a genocide and child killing that's been committed by the zionist regime with the support of the us and some european countries. but things got more hectic after a senior commander of iran, the sonic revolutionary guard cor, was killed in syria, and it is rarely attack on the arabian consulate in damascus. daron condemned to kill him calling. it's an act of aggression and vowed to retaliate a guess. those responsible, 2 weeks later iran launched hundreds of drones and missiles at israel collins in necessary show of force. these incidents, of course, have heightened tensions across the region. yet they continue with support for
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palestine has turned iran into a heap layer. as a c stave consistent in his belief and called for muslims to join forces against israel. and yes, we have seen many more countries calling for union against the ideas assault on gaza, roads, africans, muslims, all united against israel as highlighted in the i. c, g for case brought by south africa. the, you've got him an ac made, or ron a key player in the middle east end the global cells as a whole. he builds and reinstated ties with met any during his presidency, iran saw a huge development in his diploma seats. the biggest one is of course, the chinese mediated the talent which has helped calm to decades, long uranian rivalry with sodium ravia. crazy also stepped up, his nation's diplomacy,
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expanding it to all the continents like africa. what are you going to we believe that the world is not just western countries. when we say world, we meant all the states in the world, africa is an important continent as america and asia are important in recent years, ties with africa didn't receive proper consideration. he received a red carpet welcoming kenya, you gone the end seemed bob way as he went on a 1st trip to africa, buying a rainy and present in more than a decade show in some new beginnings in relations with the consummate. the prizes administration also helps in developing a weight deepening of ties between iran and russia. the 2 countries cooperated profoundly in various views, including the military and the economy. rise is solved to fortify the strategic and vital alliance between iran and vol. shocks seen it as essential for counter
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balancing western influence and.


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