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tv   News  RT  May 20, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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and we still have some common ground, the the breaking news. it's been confirmed that iranian president, abraham, right, you see on his foreign minister who's saying a mere abdullah here and have died in a helicopter perhaps in the arabian province of east, as or by john uranium 1st. vice president is expected to serve as interim president as the country will hold new presidential elections within the next 50 days. and the contrary to us senators, expressing their satisfaction over the instant leaders and the global south extended the summer. they are ready to iran, supporting the nation in a moment of great loss, the live in moscow on rachel ruble. you're watching our
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t international runs and president abraham. right. you see on foreign minister who's saying a mirror of the law hand are both confirmed to have died in a helicopter crash in the arabian, a province of east, as or by john the team accompanying them, also perished. when the helicopter went down, footage, it shows emergency workers recruiting bodies from the side of the crash. the red precedent reports that everyone on board the helicopter died. the rescue and retrieval operation has been ongoing for over several hours. severe weather conditions, rain and heavy fog, as well as the difficult terrain have complicated the search. meanwhile, the rain in government is issued reassurance is that the crash will not effect as far of the hardball team, tireless president of the range and people who did everything to serve people around in the development and progress of the country kept his promise and sacrifices life for the sake of the nation, we assure our faithful grateful and beloved people the past on our own service will be continued by the tireless spirit of right. you see the hero and servant of the
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nation with the support of people, there will not be the slightest problem in the further governing of the country. yvonne and president has lost his lie on his way to the east also by job provincial capital tab breeze midway. that incident happened and abraham lucy along with 7 other top officials of were killed in that crash bed. that leaves a heavy burden on the shoulder office, a successor spokesperson, i'll be here, won't even guardian council to hong, as we've just announced that the iranian vice president is, has officially started its role to take over the presidential responsibilities for up to 50 days. and this means that in that counsel that we spoke about earlier, i will be held as soon as with the presence of the iranian parliament speaker,
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mohammed burger volleyball f, as well as the judiciary chief, messer se, along with the vice president of the 1st vice president well, how much more fare to arrange that election to choose than new iranian president, within that timeframe of 50 days? so what's next for iran is to also observe massive, unexpected, massive funeral ceremony for all the lives lost during the aircraft crash, which happened yesterday for south of, for, i'm you, mr. i mean, i've the, who's the iranian foreign minister and the lady at ronnie and president abraham bracy, of course receipts. i played a key role in revolutionizing the iranian foreign policy. he was known for his efforts to try to move the country's economy away from reliance and dependence on ties with the west and to try to forge new connections, a new contacts with other countries on what he called new destinations,
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new trade destinations. he believed that the one in economy can survive the western measures and the western sanctions on the country's economy. he said that by establishing new relationships with countries um in the eastern bloc on top of them, russia and china, and also countries as far as latin america, including then as well i, q box, it won, can overcome the pressures and pose against the country by the west and the united states a particular so, and he really materialized the really meant one. what he said, he really porch ties with the destinations that never existed on a ros trade list. all across around, people are warning the death of their president and foreign minister. locals have flocked to mosques in drove sprain for those killed in the crash.
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let's cross live now to a nurse, a non and who's all 10 turkish political scientists that rather than university. and we're going to have you on with us and turkey. it was one of the 1st countries to offer help in the search for right. you see sending it's high tech, i can do a drone, which ultimately spot the crash side. how do you think this? what is the effect of the search a key and that you all have a good relationship or for me that they're good neighbor relationship. ready it's normal, the turkish government or for his, uh, is, uh, tends to be, you know, i mean, governments of, and the, i think that circus circus the health and it took a system help a lot to your, i mean, you're not the insights to find the, the helicopters and the also the sort of the dead body and it's not the 1st item that took you helping you on. and the also your on your side had took you lots in the last. that's great for example. so i think that's
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a normal that's these kind of relation between neighborhoods. weather conditions were reportedly severe at the time of the crash with heavy father covering the area also as well during the search operation. weather was very poor. what other factors do you think could have complicated the search during the night for the president's helicopter? and i think that the official statements, this is like, this could just be an accident that differs with statements uh, the over statements that way. but so i think that the post to go station in the roads make it hard to believe that it was an accident. because just last week there was an army attacked on slower drive. it administered a people and he was advocating normalization between the europe and russia. and in general perspective, i mean that the struggle between the wrist and the, the countries which are defending what people are to like, you're on, uh,
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continue to struggle between these 2 comp on 2 main fronts. what is the green and the other one is? does a and e r is playing an important role in this more people, the roads. i mean, it went in the does a few years. so active, there has been to how much he's blah and the who she's also. ready and i think that's the ocean statement. this is just the accident that, but i think that's what i mean, douglas excellent drawings and these, right. which to targets, you know they, they, they done it before. they, they got the money before they already targeted several times. you don't know if you shoes and the so i think that we have to think about this possibility also is are, although has issued a statement denying and involvements. um, do you think it was necessary for israel to make a statement like that so soon? i i mean to take the responsibility openly that due to
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the just kind of uh, just kind of the extent and like to say that that is normal, that is right. and the previous denied for the think the dispos 70 bucks. i mean, i really think my says, but just last week that there was a tax association of them to slow up pregnant mister, just because he's defending the normalization of relations between you all and the russian. so i think that the chantix expect everything from the rest and come and like the summation at times, sometimes like the knots, it seems you already because it enters up that goal so. so i think uh you so i am um might play important role uh in this uh, in this uh, the assassination. i can, i don't always so it's difficult to say, but the destination of the, the, in the basement and also the either, i mean,
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the foreign minister because they all the way deep uh, deep this kind of attempt several times to be around you know, officials easy right, and then also the sports and so he's right, i mean, the united states and the, the end of the meet them. okay. well no, nobody's calling into assassination and including a ron. but we're gonna leave it there for now and worse and on. because alton turkish political scientist said, we didn't university. thank you. but we're all leaders are offering of their condolences over the tragic death of the writing president. remembering him as a strong leader and outstanding individual among them. fellow bricks, members, south african president silver. i'm a pose and indian prime minister and around remedy. deeply saddened and shocked by the tragic demise of doctor se at abraham rossi, president of the islamic republic of iran, his contribution to strengthening india, iran bilateral relationship will always be remembered. my heartfelt condolences to
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his family and the people of iran, india stands with a wrong in this time of sorrow. on behalf of the government and people of south africa. president graham opposed to offers his deep condolences to the supreme leader of a run in the government. and people of these womic republic president ran the 1st. his thoughts are with the families of the lead president and foreign minister, as well as the relatives of the personnel. and air crew who perished, chinese foreign minister wong, he has expressed his deep sorrow over the desk. the president and foreign minister of iran, russian president vladimir putin, has also extended his condolences praising abraham, raised these contribution in forging moscow and to run some partnership. say it everywhere i see was an outstanding politician whose entire life was devoted to serving the motherland. he rightfully enjoyed high respect from his compatriots and significant authority abroad. as a true friend of russia,
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he made an invaluable personal contribution to the development of good neighborly relations between our countries and made great efforts to bring them to the level of strategic partnership. all right, let's cost live now to the economist and political analysts know how many kamani i know, how many a good have you on with us, the world leaders have been offering their condolences since president raised his death was announced. why do you think most of the messages of support so far though are coming from the global south? the uh, basically the goal was so you have senior citizens. but so that the, they moved into a very delay in brand bracy and tried to reach or resolve dispatches on the existing or the kind of key that she all those guns. uh, how had some openings you uh, got a uh, it's a video or a video success boy. and by the way, enjoy each type of investments and then what really, but then they see that all because the and also show when
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a payment will be executed the lock or i'm going to get the letter that i use is all, that's the number one number 2, we also see that the iranian government tried to look for new sprays and foods. beautiful. my nice point to that, but that, that, that it has a, a software that looked assumptions from the way. so we leave. this would be the reason now that they have become friends and they come from, but the question that's in the biggest what those were uses test mean in terms of significance and impact for the global south. i miss eddie, um the issue all day. i mean, some of the issue of the nation that had, hadn't been that green the phone. we do not know where am i going to win them live? i'm going to dig up with a new release, but then an expectation of their the so please read no later than 5 when he hit the
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made some really awesome physics that is in may in july, in july, last year in some of the applicant captions before there was some a video, but it hasn't been that the, the end of it would be the best available there would be. so i'm 15 minutes over the minutes. i don't know about that. i'm gonna shoot them to him to be there for the bills. the vehicle is that um and we are looking for the business to beautiful for see if this my home or in the for the issue will be executed. i would have been executed if we brian. but i think you'd know that we are sitting starting to see some reaction trickle and slowly from the west, as it's still early in. and many of those countries, what do you expect the response will be to right? uses death in the us and the you at miss eddy. we do not expect as much as it was. you know, it would be a very strange relationship. but of the products into normally be wasteful. then
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you probably want to say, april, the blue and the fall is the kind of the celebrating that they have another residence. that one i believe. and we have seen that they helped me been since the only since, since the last we will. i get it. we know that this shall bring a very valuable ticket that we offer relationships. and we use the rates because we from the, when i was thinking, uh oh, uh i need to embrace wouldn't be in a position to why lou up there with i realize that. busy the united states, we ever need the we sure whether you've been b p. s or yes. could be the weight on the american. so we are just, it's a muscle that definitely can see. all right, we're going to leave it there. now how many i kamani economist and political analyst at like them consultants, and services. thank you. when the circumstances of the crowd are still unknown, the writing and authorities are expected to launch the investigation to find out
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what could have caused the incident and who might gain from the tragedy. the country has strained relations with a number of major global players, mainly the us and israel to leave promise revenge for to ron's retaliatory attacks just last month. some of us politicians were quick to express your satisfaction with what it happened even before the face of the uranium president became known. good riddance racy, was a murderous human rights abuse or before and during his presidency. but look for the reigning regime to blame israel and the us for an assassination. as another excuse to support terrorism. the phrases that the world is now is safer and better place the evil mind was inside and instead of wrist, he was not lost or suspected. and he will be missed by no one is gone. i truly held the reading and people have the chest and say either come to back from mergers dictates us. so it is odd,
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a professor of political communication at the university of toronto as us may have a hand and they are ready and that leaders helicopter crush. sooner or later you're on, we'll find out what was the cause of the crash. it would be the, the, the matter of fact, function of the helicopters, what it would be sabotage. and if it's a sabotage, we hold woodside savage by the sucker that it's only is a, the american operation that can engage in this type of terrorism. these are the same people who is attending get thousands of children that are killing hundreds of people on daily basis. they have no respect for human rights. they have no respect for international law. if it's subsidized. cummings, and other countries president, is obviously going to have severe consequences for the people who are engaged in the type of criminal behavior. it could be another way that was quite bad. so at
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the end of the day it could be that that could be the reason we don't know the cause you us. in september 2023. the iranian president was in new york where our corresponding caleb, mount them, got the chance to speak with them. here is a short segment from that interview. iran has faced widespread criticism for its stance on the ukraine conflict with k of and its partners lashing out and criticizing iran. what would you say to those who look on at this and it appears to be some kind of double standard. uh, what do you have to say on this point? look, we are convinced that the won't, between ukraine and russia needs to come to an end as soon as possible, most decisively. it will be good for all the parties. if we want to understand what had caused this was, it is need is designed to expand, it seemed flints and more countries and establish its presence and set up mildred
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basis, not only in ukraine, but in many other states. naturally what we observed now happening is the green, seriously increasing its capacities. thanks to american you with the bowl in terms of the military aided receipts. naturally, this only purchase it to continue the war. let's see who's to benefit from a prolonged for and is it ukraine? is it perhaps you have yes or is it those who are praying today for this war to go on? i am convinced that with regards to this issue, the installation republic of around a bowl stands for facilitating the end of this war, playing and mediators rule between russia and ukraine if possible. however, all those sorts of days, sending all sorts of aid, including financial and military, ac, crane, and not wish to end the war. they wish to protect it by any means possible. the islamic republic over on use of the ample opportunities it now has at his disposal, has been blamed by the west, which is trying to throw in more accusations. we have given no response to these
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occupations on different forms. we said, if you have something to back up vsoft positions please, but as you said, they have not been they able to produce a single piece of evidence will prove of any kind any of it today. we have no doubt that their strategies to keep accusing based on the group public in order to disparage it and say public opinion against it. but this drake, just like all the other tricks they have used the gains based on the group public won't help them. now i would like if possible for you to give us your assessment of the prospects and future relations between iran and russia. we have enjoyed long standing relations with rushing multiple areas, including politics, economics, trade, defense and security. and our cooperation is developing every day. even the war in the region couldn't slow down, no corporation in the multiple areas. quite the opposite of the political will.
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that prioritize is expanding all corporation, particularly in the areas of trade and economy, as well as our partnership and the international, no self transport, coin initiative, and regional corporation misuse the development of all relations. today's issues have had no impact on the relationship between russia and the red and never wealth . all relationship with russia is of strategic importance and no developments on the global sync and change that. and we spoke earlier with our t corresponding tell him off and he would call his opinion of president, right? you said during their interview last year was really an honor to sit down with him back in september because i've covered a number of american elections. you know, i asked donald trump a question at one of his press conferences. and when i spoke with the head of state of the islamic republic, i was speaking of some to somebody of a completely different brand, a completely different category. i mean, this was a deeply religious man. this was a long time clerical figure in a ron, a judge,
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a legal scholar. this was someone who took the history of his country and the project of carrying out the islamic revolution and national rejuvenation. very seriously, i mean he called himself a principal, this stuff is critics called him a hard liner and he said he was a principal, is then he was reasserting the principles on which the as long as republic was founded. and that's particularly important right now because iran is very much a target of israel because of their support for the palestinians. and support for the palestinians was something that he was very firm. and he was kind of leading the country to kind of hold itself together in the face of the murder of cost themselves, the money, and more recently the brutal attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. so, and so it's important to understand him in that light, he came to power as a repudiation of figures who had tried to conciliate with the united states and then gotten slapped in the face with a ready and president stass r t takes a look back at the leaders life and the key achievements. during his tenure, i,
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irena and president e brian raised the tragically passed away at the age of 63 after a helicopter crash born the 14th of december 1960. in my side, ron re see was a leading prominence cleric and politician before taking the role of president. and i use the health a number of key positions including chief justice of iran. and he was already well known for his steadfast, conservative, believes, and his loyalty to the ideals of the slide. make revolution ac assumed the presidency in august 2021, following the resound in when in the national election. and while in office he prioritized fighting corruption, advanced in economic reforms, and strengthening iran, international spending. the under rise, these watts iran has gone through quite an interesting geo political period. during
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his presidency, the longstanding rivalry between san ron and washington continued in 2021 alone. the us re established numerous sanctions on iran spine natural and energy sectors. targeting over a 100 entities and individuals and divide and administration and continued to push for any force more sanctions. us sanctions have cost a rendezvous. fortune billions in las revenue inflation, rates of both 40 percent and a significant rise in unemployment rise. see, wasn't outspoken critics of us policies in the middle east, but he made sure it runs internal affairs, would see no american influence. and instead, stay independent despite the challenges that came with his chosen policy. many of the sanctions and threats were used to prevent our armed forces from enjoying the necessary advanced weapons. but our armed forces decided to equip themselves with advanced armaments and to rebuild our country's defense industry.
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we see that not only did we achieve self sufficiency in the military sector, but we transition from a mere importer of other countries, arms to a producer and ex porter of weapons, the under rise. this presidency, iran has shown great support to the policy and people he consistently can dand is riley actions in both casa and the west bank. well, yet the compartment must stop as soon as possible. a ceasefire must be established immediately. humanitarian aid to the people of guys that must be allowed as soon as possible. this gruesome crime is a crime against humanity. it's a genocide and child killing that's been committed by the zionist regime with the support of the us and some european countries. but things got more hectic after a senior commander of iran, the sonic revolutionary guard cor, was killed in syria, and it is rarely attacked on the arabian causal attend, damascus. daron condemned to kill him calling. it's an act of aggression and vowed
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to retaliate against those responsible. 2 weeks later, a run launch to hundreds of drones and missiles at israel collins in necessary show of force. these incidents, of course have heightened attentions across the region yet, so they continue with support for palestine. has turned iran into a heap layer. as a c stave consistent in his belief and called for muslims to join forces against israel. and yes, we have seen many more countries calling for union against the ideas assault on gaza, roads, africans, muslims all uniting against israel as highlighted in the i. c, g for case brought by south africa. the you brought him an ac made, or ron a key player in the middle east end the global cells as a whole. he builds and reinstated ties with met me during his presidency, iran saw
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a huge development in his diplomacy. the biggest one is of course the chinese mediated the talent which has helped comb to decades long uranian rivalry with sodium ravia. crazy also stepped up, his nation's diplomacy, expanding it to all the continents like africa, alternative m. k. we believe that the world is not just western countries. when we say world, we meant all the states in the world, africa is an important continent as america and asia are important in recent years, ties with africa didn't receive proper consideration. he received a red carpet welcoming kenya, u gun that ends in bob way as he went on a 1st trip to africa by, in a rainy and present in more than a decade show in some new beginnings in relations with the confidence. the prizes administration also
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helps in developing a wage, deepening of ties between iran and russia. the 2 countries cooperated profoundly in various views, including the military and the economy. rise is solved to fortify the strategic and vital alliance between iran and russia. seen it as essential for counter balancing western influence and resisting pressure in the region the under his presidency, iran also saw itself joining the economic organization affects another important step in economic opportunities in openness to the global south about, hey, maybe we on some say the solution to our problem lies in pleasing the us or europe on my answer to them is that we will not wait for their approval. we will not put the economy of our country and the livelihood of its people in their hands. iran has specific capabilities. hence, we perceive its presence in bricks, the seo and regional coalitions as an effective presence. it is
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a 2 way real old. we will be effective for them, and they will be the same for us. abraham racy was a highly trusted feeder in iran, leaving behind a complex, yet unforgettable footprint in the world of politics. he's passing raises some crucial questions about the country's future. abraham are easy, major contributions to rainy and politics. and his influence on the nations trajectory will definitely be remembered for many years to come on this day with our to international for continuing coverage of the death of a rainy and president abraham. right. you see, will keep you updated on the all the latest developments as soon as we get them the,
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the russian states never. i've side as i'm one of the most sense community best ingles, all sense of the progress, the,
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the what else calls cause about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin, the machine, the state on the rush for the day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say? even twist, which is the, the civilian population. we read your lowest points of view of the hill on this friday the.


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