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tv   News  RT  May 20, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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the the, the working news based on the international criminal code. she's 12 foot king says sells for a rest word for the is really prime minister until not lead the type of 7th attack on subsequent rule in cost to you k hi code for wrong judy. the songs, the right to appeal his us x to edition, giving the was the blow a whole pain may not have to face charges. that could lead to spending a $175.00 days behind phones. i visited a wrong president, f for him, raise the on his foreign minister. can funds killed in a helicopter crash in the radio province of east as a by john radian 1st, the vice president is expected to serve as interim president as the country will
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hold new presidential elections within the next 50 days. the hello and welcome. this is on the international with the very latest wells. news update is great to have you with us. our top story this out with the chief prosecutor of the international criminal code has applied for arrest warrants for is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu on her mazda is lita in garza, for war crimes and crimes against humanity related to the october 7th attacks on as well and the, and see you in conflicts in dosa. i have reasonable grounds to believe the 3 senior leaders off have mass. now. yes and was the mohammed dice? and ishmael hernia back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of these rail. i'm the state of palestine from at
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least the 7th of october 2023. i can also confirm today that i have reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office. that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you have gone back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the touch screen of the state of palestine from at least the 8th of october 2023. well, that's cause live to wants. he's made at least bureau chief maria the notion of for more details on this. now maria, good to see you. so this is a significant move by the i see. see, what's the reaction from tell a vase of the why do you need to? well, i have to say that the panel, all the international criminal record charges is yet to consider their chief
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prosecutors application. but rarely politicians have already commented on the news . one reaction is stronger than in other former and baffled into the un calls of the course. s theatre of dogs, the dentist to the tunes of the terrorist, as well as national security administer sat. the movie shows that it was a mistake to send, as really representative to the hague, advising prime minister and defense minister to ignore the and to submit a case of i c. c. and continue with the operation in gaza. former defense minister entire and the chairman of the national unity party claims, but which one is really leaders in the same line with ballade assess the terrorist for israel's ability to protect as citizens, israel's finance minister now and for his strongly ride tween views and openly and so you've probably seen in positions describe the move as an end to submit to comparing the course with nazi propaganda. that's 2nd,
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listen. we have not seen such a show. he book racine hatred of jews like that display. but according to hague, since nazi propaganda. the now the souls have spoken to name of morality and there was nothing there besides and so i assume it is. i don't ask warrants for them auto arrest warrants for all of us, of the cohorts and into the apple himself sat about the court earlier has been used to be as calm as a surprise to reports about the i since the considering the move and merge. last month and then just really, prime minister said they were and so games is really the leadership role to be an outrage. i'll keep story proportions for asking the is round, has an independent legal system that is able to investigate all violations on zillow. today we haven't heard from them yet. we ads, but we might understand what he's on sir, will be judging from his previous comments that we'll be hearing from the us as well. what kind of reaction typically time expects for me as well as may not line?
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well the words against is really politicians marks the 1st time the i c. c has targeted the leadership all the close ally of the united states. there was no yes, official reaction from washington. but this is what the white house had to say earlier. let's take a listen. so we've been really clear about the icbc investigation. we do not support it. we don't believe that they have the jurisdiction, and i'm just going to leave it there for now. israel and the united states are not members of the i. c. c, how wherever the quotes claims to have jurisdiction. however, gazda is the original name on the old provide west bank after palestinian leader is formerly agreed to be bound by the courts. principles back in 2015, something that the washington apparently strongly opposed. and as we know, the i c. c used as an arrest warrants against the drive. and i put in last year in
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washington, didn't say a word about the quotes jurisdiction that at the time, what can we say about those different positions? absolutely. earlier or the same court issued an arrest warrant against russian presents, what am i putting for most goes special res. in a new place at all, only there was no negative reaction to the move from washington. it was welcome by the us. russia sees it as a clear example of western the park we're seeing here is russian foreign ministry spokeswoman slamming washington for its double face fall, let's say, let's take a look to be honest, this is evidence of the stratification of consciousness among the white house strategists. let me remind you on the one hand, the i c. c judges are under us sanctions. on the other hand, washington fully supported, is not stimulated the issuance of i c. c warrants against the russian leadership. at the same time, the american political system does not recognize the legitimacy of the structure
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and relation to itself and its satellites. the sense of absolute permissive. this leads to the absurdity of mental constructions. just a flurry, 5 back in 2020 washington indeed. imposed sanctions on senior icpc officials when the court was investigating whether us forces to meet your crimes and of dan, it's dawn. it wasn't the 1st time that america attacks the international criminal court. but again, criticism only comes as washington itself, or it's any serious or its allies are in the spotlight of the international prosecution. and what it is is not double standard approach. back to you many things to be done, solid team, at least bureau chief maria the notion of speaking to is it live at frontier? we some scientists and i'm assuming, well, let's discuss this. whether that's close to an expos on is way the palestinian relations aside of new must have some more insight. many thanks for joining goes on
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the program assessed up. what do you make of the is really reaction towards the i c c ruling. we get to hear from nothing. yahoo, we've had some small, it's rick, what do you make of us this afternoon for you on one of us, it's quite clear. i understand this. you also have the game and are very late that you would like the better. stevens had 5 chase on the i cc, just a 2015 that concerning 3 finds the warranty guys. uh, 2014. the issue is nurse. busy i seen a vision was drafted by the ortiz and the show on the seconds and sharpness. and yet the r c c actions do as well. and now the, this was talking about the 2014 and now where they are taking disposition. also, it's good on the one hand or the very 1st time i'm presented to bring and these are
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a also show in front of the i see i was in my eyes. i was driven, i was on the edition, the rest of it for that. but on the other hand, the other hand also, and we also decided you say the i c, c 4 is what i vision between the victims of the as the oppressors. and why the, they actually shipped order, i guess getting into the our, our leaders, me, the diesel, he's a gene and i'm at the same time to make i know what i teach the best, i guess some lot of guys who's now under this heavy clinic when you know, attacked by usually, however, this is ricky, it's a good decision to bring east you guys or condemn them. and i really, really, you know,
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as solely for these people and i see and to be stronger by the states and by these raises, i guess. but when it comes to the decisions of icy, see how about the, with a as you know, by so i guess the book and nobody is anything nor or, or so i can't find big. busy positions we zalinski also to bring him to the front of the board or so crunch. so we think that sounds as the wisdom works. ready america and some other countries want to get on the booklet and uh, based on the, what the industries like i say is it seems like some countries just calling seems to make up their minds on the legitimacy of the i. c. c. i'm going to like his box a 2018 when then a us national security adviser join both and criticized c i. c. c. ultimately branding the body is legitimate to can actually have a listen to what he said. let's listen. now. the united states will use any means
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necessary to protect their citizens and those of our allies from i'm just prosecution by this illegitimate court. we will not cooperate with the i c. c. we will provide no assistance to the i c, c. and we certainly will not join the i c, c. we will let the i c, c die on its own. after all, for all intents and purposes, the i, c, c is already dead us. so don't both, and then making the us, it's done. so in the eyes they say very, to fast forward, just a few. yes. and washington was fully suppose to be i see, see an issue. i'm going to rest words. you can slide to me a post. and so my question is, why is the quote a legitimate in some cases and repeat a repeatable body in others? this is the exact example of the simple garcia and the, the rest of the window and just shooting them. it's fine and no additional is i
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gotta send it tends to the uh, the judges of the, uh, i see, i know that since last 3 days a go with some numbers. oh gosh. and america and just the citizens directly to the judges of the 0. it will be sanctions on some of the judges i'm, you know. busy punishments or so i guess some of which is for the security. so when it comes to there are of the running against them or i guess they have some of the allies like is, was the, you know, nice guy, see i'm talking about is a present. anyone, an, or this tendencies is, you know, with their interest, then the sizes is great as the decision was funny, sound and everything is clear, like what happened in the case of, of the both in. so i think it's like, oh yes. now, we are talking about this,
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you know, more people international expires is somebody's on the, on the united states. and some of these european countries are for, was us states in, in order to look for that. i just as for the 1st time on the additional russian drains, but everywhere around to shoot them and they support work. it's against the english . yes, please. there's not to mention judgments on say that this is one of them, but we know that procedure was born after the 2nd world war to deserve the a piece. the word these are to bring or those given those who are committing crimes and more crimes, i guess the amenities in front of of course it will be i'm or isn't. but sign this like 3 months we did seniors the whole was most of
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accepting the money. thanks for speaking to us today. really appreciates your full sized number expos on the is wally pa, the city relations and ramallah many thanks. i for the okay. hi coles. as what was in favor, all the expedition to pay, all of which will blow a julian assault. he's been going to the right to continue his fight for freedom. as get more details on this, i'm joining the studio by a correspondent marina called her up in the rena, thanks for coming in. so it'd be much anticipated ruling in judas. but usually the songs saga has been announced. the ruling is a positive one. so what does it mean? does it mean we'll see a songs, b, fremont, any time soon? just focus through this. there's never ending a songs. fines. yes, never ending. indeed. and of course, it depends. which way you're looking at it. of course the, the ruling means that a science will not be expedited within 24 hours, but essentially, which is good. but essentially it doesn't change anything because it means that he
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can continue appealing, which he has been doing for years, and he's being persecuted from all the way back in 2010. when all of this started after his website, which leaks of released information. but it was basically expose the us military's actions abroad in particular and the rock and down to sound, which we'll get to in the 2nd. and all of a sudden, after that rate charges, random rate charges appeared in sweden where he was at the moment at that moment. and after that that prompted his move to the united kingdom. and then the courts there ruled that he should be expedited to suite on the were appeals, which he failed. and then he entered the ecuadorian embassy in 2012, seeking the solemn, which was granted. and he spent 7 years there. uh, now fast forward to 2009 seeing that were doing and the see uh typically wages asylum status and that's from goodness authorities arrested in face on him breach. and his bail conditions all the way back in 2012. so he had to,
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he was sentenced to 50 weeks and presently at the same time, us, oh, it is. we're always on his case, the one that him expedited to the us where he for spaces espionage charges, now facile or the again, the 2021, the courts and the care rule with that no astonish, cannot be expedited to the united states because there he risk losing his life based on the harsh us present conditions that you as the government been filed in the appeal and convinced the court that, that he would be treated humanely. now there was another appeal and now it's been finally set that he can continue appealing in the u. k, because the only other option was so if today it was a negative response, he could only appeal to the european court of human rights. so he's continuing appealing within the u. k. so it doesn't really change the heck by his persecution continues on. good news, of course, for the family that he's not in the united states. let's hear more from his wife outside. the 4th what she said. so we spent
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a long time hearing the united states putting lipstick on a pig. but the judges did not quiet, but united states should read the situation and drop this case now. now is the moment to do it. just abandon the shameful attack on journalists on the press on the public that has been going on for 14 years. yes, absolutely. in the united states have indicted him on 18 charges mainly on espionage . and he places a 175 years in prison there. as long as his wife stellar, she's become well known face for her, you know, impassioned speeches and fight for astrology is release. and she's been very critical of the us who were really hounded. a julian, a songs that i've had numerous, he is like you said, but it's close to the song. he's not an american citizen. you know,
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he's australia and he also holds ecuadorian citizenship. and yeah, washington is determined to secure his extradition to the us. just took us through the logic of the s yes of course will because it's their secrets died too late in the sons'. expose not even the he expose that it was his website which leads because it's wistful blowers who go on there and basically upload the, the information that they go to or that was linked. so this is basically the persecution of a publisher or a journalist if you will, bought washington does accused him of conspiring with us army intelligence officer chelsea manning to hack into a pensive on computers and access those military files and diplomatic cables and then release. and then uh, and also just to take you through some of the revelations that we saw again in 201-2011 was really the main leaks there were actually describe the ask and, and iraq of war diaries were described as the largest security breaches of their client and us middle, sorry, history and they expose that food,
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the space on the us military's actions in iraq and i've gotten a some huge that's all targeting of civilian. so of course, and this was picked up by, oh, was the western press that was very damaging and also very embarrassing information on the surface because of the leaks continues. this was a and then there were also a secret diplomatic cables that were leaked and 260000 miles from embassies, us embassies around the world, so forth. a lot of people, a lot of diplomats us and military officials and us officials in general. they were very angry and embarrassed by what came out and then add to that also the guantanamo bay files, where they expose the torture and unnecessary the tension of hundreds of people who received 0. no fair trial. there was happens essentially in secret. so of course, this was very, very damaging for, for the united states. i'm just wondering, you know, how today's decision is going to impact uh,
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as long as you is long term prospects. it like we know a sondra is a health conditions and no is physical state has a mental state, a know in tip top shape. and we've been talking about that for a number of years now. so although this is a positive step, is it is a lie to the end of the tunnel. can we say, well it's, the tension is being prolonged. so yes, you can appeal, but he's still in detention and he's been in detention really for over a decade. if you calculate 70 years at the embassy and now the last few years where he's been in prison over a decade last stop. so naturally, so this has had extreme effect on his health. his family have. the more than that, his health is practically a rapidly deteriorating. we even saw that at one point recently, he currently attends one of his own trials because he wasn't. he wasn't feeling well and his wife has said that he will not survive the expedition to the united states where by the weather was at some point chocolate he could face the death penalty there. so of course, that's one of the many, many reasons, while world,
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so cxc, human rights organizations fighting against this expedition. let's hear from amnesty international. for example. the high court's decision is a rare piece of positive news for julian hassan. and all defenders of press freedom . the high court has rightly concluded that if extradited to the usa assigns will be at risk of serious abuse, including prolonged solitary confinement which would violate the prohibition on torture or other ill treatment. in trying to imprison julie and assigned to the us as sending the unambiguous message that they have no respect for freedom of expression. and that they wish to send a warning to journalists and publishers everywhere that they too could be targeted for receiving and publishing classified material. even if doing so is in the public interest. do linda sanchez, always argue that it's very important to inform the world of what the united states are doing in the senseless loss of life around the world. so something needs to be done, something needs to happen for that to stop. and also
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a lot of people are having an issue with the fact that washington is using the espionage acts and charging them with espionage. because uh before this was used, not when it comes to during the less the publishers, if a government work or for example links and information to a government work of another country. but here you haven't, a publisher being persecuted for, simply releasing information that was acquired by someone else. so that's why a lot of people are so size in the freedom of speech of boston for me is all about freedom of speech and the freedom of expression, them. what is this all about? so that's what, where we're hoping that it will come down to that and we'll see a change because last month, jo, by them the us president did say that he's considering at the request of the australian government to drop the case a drop the charges and allow him to go back home to australia. we'll see if that happens again, election season. this would look good on joe biden and switch them out with everything that's happening in the world their own as well. let's. let's see what happens. but the appeal process continues. let me know. thanks for coming in with
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the details. i saw these correspond to and marina caused her. i think lita all the time in his policy a great person, randy bra so he's, he's happy with the ruling but the song still faces an up hill vassal is mostly very happy about the the outcome of this stage in his hearing. but we must never forget that it is just the stage that does not yet signify a victory for assigned. we are out here just in front of the role of courts of justice and you can see there's a carnival atmosphere behind me. many people have turned up hundreds, perhaps 500 to do an assigned you supposed to do for them throughout this process. but what we really feel is that it's not julian who is on trial here today. we feel that step which is to do so system which is on trial and above. oh, the much vaunted freedom of speech and freedom of the press which anglo american imperialism. what they call themselves the democratic free will. but we increasingly see to be an isolated and aggressive group of very wealthy finance
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calculus to really spend behind the politics and policy of our country. i'm constantly claimed that they have a moral superiority based upon the right to the individual, to speak up the rights of the free press. just recently we celebrated once again, so cold, weld, free press. they, i think every a will free press phase, celebrated and trumpeted. we must look at anyone who makes mention of it and say, if i don't mentioned julia, so if anyone points out the obvious hypocrisy that you are allowed to deliver any message so long as it's in june, with the interests of fine until interest in finding american imperialism, but if you speak against them, your rapidly move to be shut down, including criminal proceedings. and of course, you're on the phone. and that's been a lot of concern and highlighted from the un rough quote uh for quotes you. but the condition of the student is still being held on the in bel most even if he wins this verdict, taught you. and this is the reality versus the parents free speech that we enjoy in
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the west it wrong. so supreme leader has and those 5 days of morning off the president abraham gracie on foreign minister who's saying i'm a at the law here and we're concerned to died in a helicopter crash in northwest and a rod a team accompanying them. also perished when the how they called. they came down on sunday, so it shows emergency workers, retrieving bodies from the sides of the crush. the red crescent times reported the day we will unfold. the helicopter died in the 1st moment in soft of the crush. the rescue and retrieval operation has been ongoing for several hours. so be aware that conditions, rain and heavy fog as well as the difficult terrain complicated the search mission . meanwhile, the uranium government has a show that the crush will not affect its work. racing, you know, fatigue in these tragic incident. the rented nation lost a sincere and valuable servant for him. the welfare and satisfaction of the people
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was preferred over everything. so he's annoyances from the ingratitude and tones of some you wishers. did not prevent him from working day and night to improve affairs . according to the constitution, well, how much must there is in the position of managing the executive branch, and he's obliged to arrange with the hands of the legislative and judicial branches to elect a new president. within the maximum of 50 days, yvonne in president has lost his flight on his way to the east as there by john provincial capital tab breeze midway. that incident happened at abraham, where you see, along with 7 other top officials of were killed in that crashed and that leaves a heavy burden on the shoulder of his successor spokesperson. i'll be here. won't even guardian council to hong, as even just announced that the iranian vice president is, has officially started its role to take over the presidential responsibilities for
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up to 50 days. and this means that, and that counsel that we spoke about earlier will be held as soon of the presence of the iranian parliament speaker, mohammed vulgar, volleyball f, as well as the judiciary chief messer. as g along with the vice president of the 1st vice president mohammed will fare to arrange that election to choose the new iranian president within that time frame of 15 days. so what's next for iran is to also observe massive, unexpected, massive funeral ceremony. students of the conic university up the wrong gather today at the campus to hold a memorial service for the late abraham where you see the light they're wanting presidents and brian were you see, and his companions who died on sundays, he of course, paid repeated visits. 2 different iranian universities,
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including the university of toronto, trying to bring about this connection and contact between the science and knowledge as well as the industries students here say that brian boise was the person who spearheaded their wands shift from reliance on ties with the was to the eastern blog, he took really practical actions practical steps to try to fulfill his mission of trying to gain self efficiency, trying to shield the country's economic economy from the western sanctions and the impacts of the western embargo on different iranian industries. overall, he was a special and a heavy weight politician that brought about a real change uh for a wrong socio political in iran, socio political scene. and he's going to be miss a lot by the iranian nation. when you cross iran,
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people are gathering some of the death at the president on foreign minister, locals of flux to most clean drives, praying for those killed in the crash. funeral ceremonies will be held near the crash sites on tuesday, laying the statesman out of the other victims to arrest. we spoke to the secretary john, one of the asian mess for him, who stays around has emergency mechanisms on the country will have a new leader and less than 2 months. the c one has done that so many difficulties. uh, that illusion have been many estimations explosion as the best of war. uh, many bad news have, i mean, actually experienced in the wrong uh for the last and the only 5 2nd. so that before he's added to that, and the point is that the union nation has the experience of dealing with such situations. and usually at this level of now national events and incidents, the nation is usually united around the corner of that. so they join hands to share
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the same, but the, and to be continuing can be together. and they, you know, more than before. so this is going to be one of those moments that even and those will their politics, the gains, if there's already sandy, them was more interested. they are going actually to say they're sorry will be the others, is not a word that about it. or there's an issue is not just the president of those who voted for it was the present for the own nation. and that is a sort of that is true to everyone here when you want. and the only people are actually this day get gathering your own data bestardo to support more in order. and also it was that who is and the laws that haven't already defined what is going to be. so based on the guidelines of the policies, according to the constitution, a symbol where as the best buy's prison has been entered.


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