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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  May 20, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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this is on the united states, around the corner of that, so they join hands to share the same, but the, and to continue to compete together. and they, you know, more than before. so this is going to be one of those moments that even and those will be a part of the explicit gains or is already sandy. them was more, they are going actually to share their starting with the others is not a word that about that. or there's an issue is not just the president of those who voted for it was the present and for the own nation. and that is a sort of that is true to everyone here when you want. and the only people are actually at this day and get together in your own that started to sell for the wondering order. and also it was the end of those that haven't already defined what is meant to be. so based on the guidelines of the policies, according to the constitution assemble, whereas the 1st vice president is going to take off this, we down to one of the supreme leader and me and mind. and i'll me 2 of 3 people in
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this demo. and also just figure out what's going on and on the judiciary, we actually together to arrange the everything for elections within 60 days from today. and definitely be some of the actions to pick the next president for these don't have to call me the one in this time, 2 months from now rhonda pockets on, on the 11 own have declared a national state of morning following the crash nations are expressing that supposed to admit the tragic death of the arabian president, remembering him as a strong leader as an outstanding individual among them fellow briggs, member of south africa, the ministry and department is deeply sho, inside and at the reports of the policy of these excellence, the prison, tracy, of these allow me for a public, i'll be wrong, as well as my colleague,
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the minister of do, i mean the minister of foreign affairs of these lumnick republic. i'll be around their policy on very tragic circumstances. just causes us to express our deepest condolences and sympathies to the government. the people of these lot make republicans here run as well as to the families of these excellent. see the late president gracie and the late minister of july, han chinese farm and a so long a has expressed his deep story, whatever the deaths of the president signs foreign minister of russian president vladimir putin has also extended his condolences praising abraham gracie's contribution in forging moscow and to wrongs partnership, say it everywhere i see was an outstanding politician whose entire life was devoted to serving the motherland. he rightfully enjoyed high respect from his compatriots and significant authority abroad. as a true friend of russia,
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he made an invaluable personal contribution to the development of good neighborly relations between our countries and made great efforts to bring them to the level of strategic partnership. the circumstances of the clash, a still unknown and radiant authorities, are expected to launch an investigation. find out what could have caused the incidents as who might gain from the tragedy. the country of strange relations with a number of major global players and mainly the us and this, well, some of these promise we're event is for to runs retaliatory attacks that says last month. well, some of us politicians are quick to express. that stuff is function with what has happened even before the face of the a radian presidents became none. a good riddance, right? you see was a murderous human rights abuse or before and during his presidency. but look for the reigning regime to blame israel and the us for an assassination as another
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excuse to support terrorism. if i you see that the world is now is safer and better place the evil mind was inside and instead of just he was not loved or respected and he will be missed by no one. if he's gone, i truly held the reading and people have the chest and say either come to back from mergers, dictators stewart, one of his last public appearances. abraham crazy, spoken of press conference and as of by john. he talks about sharon's cooperation with us a by john on the palestinian conflict and we'll do 10 as the haps. we will be able to complete this harass quarter of the project ahead of the schedule of 36 months, which means the interest of both countries and peoples and existing degree, important route in the region. we believe of this corner that will provide communications, which is very important. we intend not only to continue close corporation between all countries, but also to continue by law true and regional cooperation in organizations,
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or which both are on and as that by john a members visa organizations such as the economic corporation, organization this on how i corporation, organization, and other international cooperation structures where our goal is to solve the issues and problems that the modem will faces, the palestinian issues very important in our opinion. this is the most important topic in these logic worlds. and we have no doubt that corporations in is allow me countries is of great importance in solving the problems of these logic. well during his visit to as a by john abraham. gracie participates in opening ceremonies of to down says, what is holding talks with his as a bind jenny, kansas paused on a variety of topics. one of the projects discussed was the so called iris the car. i do alons lang. the mice eventually lead to a new radian foothold in the black sea is on his way to, to ron when the accident attached to advocate that you had to post all actions against the wrong could lead to a such an oil prices on cause the global economy to crush us,
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according to gerald freelance, a founder and a head of the trends with that institute, you can most of the full interview with salenti on the latest episode of going on the ground with obviously more time see avenue throughout the day here on on see for now, here's a quick preview. recently, israel has killed a number of commanders in syria, is a ronnie and commanders. they are accused recently of bombing the around in oil depot and oil seals. if israel goes to war against iran, you're going to see or know prices spike to above a $130.00 a barrel. and that's going to crash the equity markets and the global economy. putting it into perspective. we forecast that israel is not going is going to continue this war and it's going to continue to
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escalate. and as we have been warning since the ukraine war began, is that as you create loses, they are going to take more and more dramatic steps to get money from the united states and europe. and doing so, things like, all of a sudden, a nuclear power plant blew up the going to escalate these wards, the more the wars escalate. the higher gas and oil prices are going to the oh, do you make sure you stay with us here? we're not the international for all continuing coverage. we're going to be keeping you fully updated on all the latest development space on the, and online the
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to do some of the news. now, the ukrainian presidents loved them as long as these legitimacy ends in a day, as the lead to cancel presidential elections with the constitutional quotes they found stating, to address the matter i'll see is correspond to the states waiting takes a look at how's a lensky, who promised to bring pace to ukraine when elected ended up in today's political situation. from peacemaker to lightning, docking just 5 years. ukrainian president below them is the, let's case term of office has come to an end. but let's look at a timeline of how minds inform is peace and don't boss. how's? instead, for his come to you to his knees and apply it to organs, russia. it all started like this. literally not all of the dear people during my life, i have been trying to do everything to make ukrainians laugh. that is how i felt in my last job. and that was not only my job, but it was my mission. in the next 5 years, i will do everything ukrainians to make sure you don't cry,
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but the ukrainian people on smiling, i've been going to despise the licensees promise to end the conflict and don't boss is just the web shift. sure. i believe that all this stuff, all these pieces of land, it's all about the human lives, and i would put human lives 1st. our goal is to save people. therefore, any option like we'll go there with the army. i reject outright. we will have to talk whether we want to or not. we need to step over our sales. i'm ready to negotiate, even with the devil himself, is it means no one dies. we need to take the 1st step to stop the shooting and develop our country. but he didn't, instead, he wouldn't how you doing them in school agreements, plunging the country into war even when the opportunity presented itself to end the bloodshed didn't assemble. instead of making an independent decision. the barnes, the big guns from london, including prime minister boris johnson,
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sending hundreds of thousands of ukrainians. so that, that in the interest of the west, victoria calling for when we return from miss temple forest, johnson came to kia and said that we would not sign anything with them at all. and let's just continue fighting on the rest is yet to come with a meet. glad to catherine pace. just last month. lensky, sondra, new mobile, as i use in order toning ukraine into an open prism. the but the west is totally applied. i to that because the lies of ukrainians are a fair price to pay on a cheap $1.00 at that. so it is very much in our interest to support ukraine because they are fighting this war we're not fighting. and so i think we have to
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engage also in the dialogue with our american colleagues and, and friends because they have the same interest in way, of course, to 14 frames, very cheap way to make sure that russia, with this regime is not the threats to the nature lines, but this for the west is what food independent and democratic state looks like. with no position, no free press, no ability to hold the government to account. but the point is, that said lensky has scrapped elections the holy grail of wisdom. democracy live over in your voice that we must realize that now is the time of defense, the time of the battle, and that determines the fates of the states and people, not the time of manipulations which on the russian expects from ukraine. i believe that now is not the right time for election seems to be here. so, but a close at length his approval, racing is promising. he was losing support to full army chief general of other use,
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the illusion me, which perhaps explains why he was sucked and shipped to prison to work fast as the impossible to. i'm even the western press is now questioning. zalinski is legitimacy. and on top of the russian president, vladimir putin has said that the lens keys legitimacy might become an issue when it comes to signing any future piece deal regarding legitimacy. this question should 1st be addressed by ukraine's political and legal system. there are various options in their constitutions. it's a matter of assessment. this assessment should primarily be given by the constitutional court and ukraine's political system. for us, it doesn't matter because if it comes to signing any documents, we must sign them with legitimate authorities, especially on such a critical issue. that's an obvious fact. but i repeat this question should be answered by ukraine's political and legal systems. so for now, the future hundreds,
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very much in abundance, with around 50 countries, signing up to piece towards in switzerland. think sold a set to take place without russia as the western values of freedom of democracy. come on the question. this is steve sweeney. the don't. yes, republic football team. so that's close a lot of people, the british diplomats and all the all the myspace in most go, how bored this diplomacy failed in russia? in proud so many thanks for joining us on the program. it's very good to see you to, to, to today. um, so the 1st up, as we know, is the landscape legal term as president i expires on may 20th us today. how would you sum up his time in office? mr. proud is nikki in the studio in mosca. can you hear me? okay. yes. can you hear me? yes, i can. let's try this again. i was asking you about the lens these legal time as
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president, which of course expires today. may the 20th, i'd like to ask you to go thoughts on his timing office. how would you summarize up? oh, so j assignment office of the c e claims become mind in the role which is basically becoming a for eval sponsored by the west, including most of the us and u. k. my country. and so he's able to see if that's he's come my name to integrate more casey with you being some hello. you know, by this one does not, it will continue use nevada is going to be, it's going to be utilizing the vision. if i produce his vision, it's kind of has more claim to be integrated so that i call it a level you'd be connected to a country. so i think him, you know, the purpose has been fighting for me because, you know, he needs to write that and was going to make these dreams coming on. and that's not the major lensky has said that now is not the time for elections. um,
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what do you think that means it, is it a good enough with a note to hold elections and do you think the ukrainian people have on board with that decision? well, i mean, i think the best case that some, you know, the longer delays the elections, you know, the heart is going to be fame to end the war. uh, i mean, the whole basis i enjoy innovations is that his country remains on the marshal. and that's within the ukranian constitution, but how long does it continue to kind of extend that, that some of the costs of monday to kind of the main office last elections for another year for the other 5 years? i mean, that's the real question is how long is it we're going to continue as it was an option to kind of put 9 to the will within 2 months that we start seeing inbox 2022 . that wasn't taken, you know, how much longer is he going to the site to the side that actually what he really needs to do is based on the case it assessment to the wall we've, we've also, as i understand, defines constitutional quote,
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could legally confirm an extension for the landscape presidency based office as an as yet to file an appeal why employees taking steps that would support the landscape legitimacy, a toddy for them to, to deal with the find the seems pretty. it's amazing isn't as these isn't time instead of remain in office is that the whole is kind of 14 is behind a continuance of this war. and while it can seem to be for me for the ultimately ukraine, kind of wayne and not actually gonna have to have a negotiate assessment with us. so i think that's a long assessment. you know how he plays that because he's a cool ukuleles and tati for based on his consumer, but to say the types of sale as lensky has, of course previously had disagreements with ukraine's highest cold, with his head accusing his government of trying to gain control over the close decisions in 2020 uh, what about charles, is that the same quote would extend his timing office now?
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i mean uh, i see. no, it won't be. so the lady said to the cause of signing off on an extension of his time in office most of all amazing place sized bartonville with a ukraine's constitution that will be inside of the legal discussions of technical discussions with in the created by that. but i didn't get, it says to say that any in on the quote is going to cost any me by that is the, to extend this to one of your claims. most popular lanita is a general solution a he's been sent to the u. k. as key of some boss of the, the before this appointment that with multiple reports of the landscape viewing solution, the as a political competitor. having said that, what do you make of the timing of the generals diplomatic exile if you will, as well as it makes holidays, it really and being nice as long as we can show you guys simple. for for minutes we supplies the claim form from you. okay, no, so you've has the general election coming up at the end of this year. you know, we,
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it's amazing. so 1000000000 is going to several 1000000000 pounds already to providing a web us, do you kind of have easily usernames and will be a whole kind of outline for whoever's empowering cube to continue to kind of be covers the base government to, to support ongoing. but the supply to ukraine, even off, you know, coming in the election, which the labor policy is expected to wait. and so, you know, policies getting mass of the way, if you have a little so i see in terms of the tactics is helpful. haven't been logged into kind of continued and encouraging you bicycles and supplies to these needs as well. mm hm. i think it's interesting how west of media has even started to take notice of the landscape hanging on to the office despite his to him coming to an end with them as what he paying attention. what do you think the sudden, exclusively suggests about his current image in the west? when you still think the case that in the us speak less of you use as the case id
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is that that's the, the unit he still has with a strong brand. you know, with the policy, the decision makers in, in dc i, i developed and so the get the impression that is kind of a, is brand, these kind of wakening here. you know, unfortunately, yeah there's, there's a lot to, we'll push to it. so you have a sense of the discussions that see about the future. you know his country, including the future. this will, which are some would be doesn't easily answer given that ukraine struggle on the battlefield isn't bearing fruits. if you like. i could kids west important as see this legal issue is perhaps a way to transition the war aspect into different hands. the other thing, so i mean certainly us and you guys the full page on the surface, at least of these photos, arrows in the us was recently agreed this big, 61000000000 dollar package. by the way, i knew about 14000000000 unless you gauge the guy to ukiah. california is going to be a change will be around the time and money elections in the us on,
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in the u. k. 5 least, the most important change. what is going to be the us selections more than the next, the southern in a way to have what you just like prince, you know, really is a country by the way. i think that that's a point to which that may be any kind of changes to the grand strategy from the west if there's any change of buy in washington dc. and yeah, well, watson, so like you say is inbox tens of billions of dollars for ukraine, military aid reports that it can take months to actually arrive at? do you think they'll be any issues with the us government justifying, sending on to ukraine? if the lead is legitimacy is in question, well, there's been a big back place, you know, about the green is a charge. this is the one paying an additional 8. do you claim that went on for months? that wasn't the agreement? think always about the need for that additional kind of shipment belong to the wall, guys, all the guys that the by eh, you know, within the us about, you know, how we can just find continued kind of buttons by sea crane load. it does nicely,
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bates b, can a winnable on the battlefield side of that for sure with in the us, you know, it will continue to go about but that kind of the width and changes to the, the to decrease. but i think it, i think is less about that kind of is and is legitimacy issue besides of and in general terms, people in the us moist, you've been in the u. k. and increasing any questioning, you know, the value, this is the strategy. and that's what the positives gave me mobilization the which is triggered a fis backslash and you cry. and we've seen some horrific videos of men being snatched off the streets. but do you think they get increasing number of men in the trenches will help key up turn the tables on the russian offensive? well, i get my modem is yeah, this. but as you independent know, to alice that you know, the west you look at the situation, i would say, you know, given that most expertise that i see, this is all that ukraine, you know, call waiting. i mean, most of the job in my lising exercise equipment. so this will kind of what,
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just as the troops apparently sits, you know, the war started. you know, you credit has a smaller population, just become the populated, you know, your prices, mostly the challenge is nice. you providing sufficient people to the front line to kind of, you know, avoid that as the to, to make him real fast. and letting them can script and i just want 27 to 25. it will buy some new people. they will need to be trained before they can be supported before them. i think 5 people independent most he observes, in the west leave with this will be making such a difference on the brand. thanks very much for speaking to us today is really great to hear from you. we've been talking to in crowds, from a british diplomats and also of a myspace in moscow. how bored taste, diplomacy failed in russia. thank you. thanks. god bless me, bye. well, we um many thanks for joining us. hey, on the, on the international we're keeping you fully updated on a lot of breaking news is happening this monday. so do stay with us with back in
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just a few minutes with all the the path to the establishment of the boxes for his email is been in 1933. the position of the indigenous population in the portuguese colonies deteriorated dramatically. especially in angola, decatur antonio de, i live at salazar, encourage colonizing the end goal in lands by europeans, and sought after turning the country into a portuguese province. where the and goldens would be 2nd class people. in 1961, there was an outbreak of violence on the part of the portuguese,
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in revenge for the plantation workers, dry portuguese aircraft bomb. the villages in northern angola and race rides took place in african parts of lawanda. the people of angelo rose in an armed rebellion . the rude jealousy of the colonialists knew no bounds. despite the un calls to stop the violence, the board to gaze only intensified their terror against the rebels. the 40s actively used the political contradictions between various groups of rambles during the war colonial aircraft regularly use, ne fall, and drop the fully ends on peaceful villages. the portuguese empire was severely exhausted by the struggle against the national liberation movements. a revolution in portugal brought down the plaza as freezing and put it in to the murder as war against the people of angola. on january 15, 1975, the l bore agreements were assigned and the country gained independence. after so
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many years of the brutal war, the l look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people about must obey the orders given by human beings, except we have such orders that conflict with the 1st law should we live in to the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. and the point obviously is to place a trust rather than fit the various job with artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme and the robot must protect his phone. existence was on the
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way to to no one. no, no, not a real pleasure. not put to more than what they should end up to the unit 731 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program. that the world had every now through you know, to production with it. so i guess it was the great deal to the youth. suddenly looking through here, they keep on month to mazda thought this minute nguyen, from the, from the sale. i don't understand. i wish to know
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about doing so need. i know you gave him some more or less than a to you it's. i had to put all of this kind of them of the a party bill because you cannot push the couch. so for the scribbles to the 0, what the fondest, the law should buy a new on it, on the site in sentiment. simone dot on the, on the, on the put the ticket bucket. i got the move. what else seemed wrong? just don't you have to safe house because the and engagement was the trail. when so many find themselves world support. we choose to look for common ground, the
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the the most affordable cuz it was business. and you clean the 3 of the of the young lady that was chosen. yeah, mary, comes green. we'll just go through with this discussion of clipping and i'll see what i can provide you with stuff such and sure. ruckel was not as if author of the different suited him for which of course, and yet you throw in with them in the probably just a moment. that was curious if it was just you or that i sent to you yesterday i
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just looked up through yours man. i'm looking at the study skills on the verge of place to come into on, on, on thursday to do it. or if we can, we can load it, was it just some updates and pushed it just won't because we use new way to possible do full colors really don't know which these are i know for the don't know and i can adjust to do given the other than that, we're going to sort of these but it's the premium finance has come up with the along the casualties as a result of israel's genocidal assault on guys which includes suspension of international humanitarian law. but also free speech across the western world. perversely, being pro palestinian and pro peace is condemned, is and i submitted the,
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the breaking news this our, the international criminal code case prosecutor falls full rest warrant for the as lady prime minister leader ever the okay, the 7th attack and subsequent low income u. k. hi, whole squad security. the songs that it's with kayla is us extradition, giving the was a blow her the main all the top, the face tom, just like present to spending a 175 years behind. foss oversee around president abram racy on his foreign minister, the concerns killed and it had the called the crush of the radium problems of east as a by john uranian. first, vice president is expected to serve as interim president of the country will hold new election within the next 15. the.


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