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tv   News  RT  May 20, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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on the, the breaking news is our, the international criminal code chief prosecutor, fall for rest warrants 40 as lady prime is the leader ever the okay, the 7th attack and subsequent low income k. hi, whole squad security. the songs, the right to appeal is us extradition, giving the whistle blow a hug he made on top of the face time, just like putting to spending a 175 years behind falls overseas around president deborah, embrace and his foreign minister confirms killed in a helicopter crash of the radiant problems of east as applied john uranium. thus the vice president is expected to serve as interim president of the country will hold new elections within the next 15. the
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adult, the international would be very nice as well as news on the date is great to have you with us, the sound or low top story. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court has applied for arrest warrants for his wally prime minister benjamin netanyahu. as a mazda is lita in gauze for war crimes and crimes against humanity related to the october 7th attacks on as well. and the, and see you in conflict in garza, i have reasonable grounds to believe the 3 senior leaders of how a mass now. yes, and while i'm at dice and ishmael, i need a back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of israel. i'm the state of palestine from at least the 7th of october 2023. i can also confirm today
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that i have reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you. i've got a back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine from at least the 8th of october 2023. the panel of the international criminal coal judges is yet to consider the chief prosecutor's application, but rarely politicians have already commented on the news. one reaction is stronger than in other men. baffled into the un calls of the course. s theatre of dogs. the dentist is tunes of the terrorist, as well as national security administer sat. the movie shows that it was a mistake to send is really representative to the hague advising, prime minister and defense minister to ignore the quotes the and to submit
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a case of i. c. c, and continue with the operation in gaza. pedro's finance minister now and for his strongly ride tween views and openly and so you've probably seen in position described the move as an end to submit to comparing the course with nazi propaganda . that 2nd, listen. we have not seen such a show. he bought christine hatred of jews like that displayed, but according to hague, since nazi propaganda. now, this also spoke in the name of morality and there was nothing there besides and so i assume it is address lawrenceville. them auto arrest warrants for all of us. once again, this is really politician is marks the 1st time the icbc has targeted the leadership, all the close ally of the united states. there was no yes, official reaction from washington, but this is what the white house had to say earlier. let's take a listen. so we've been really clear about the icbc investigation. we do not support it. we don't believe that they have the jurisdiction and i'm just going to
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leave it there for now. earlier or the same court issued an arrest warrant against the russian president. what am i putting for most goes special ration and you re and all, only there was no negative reaction to the move from washington. it wasn't welcome by the us washer, sees it as a clear example of western hypocrisy. and here is russian foreign ministry spokeswoman slamming washington for a double face policy. let's take a look. to be honest, this is evidence of the stratification of consciousness among the white house strategists. let me remind you. on the one hand, the i see see judges are under us sanctions. on the other hand, washington fully supported is not stimulated the issuance of i c. c warrants against the russian leadership. at the same time, the american political system does not recognize the legitimacy of the structure and relation to itself and its satellites. the sense of absolute permissive. this
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leads to the absurdity of mental constructions. just to clarify, back in 2020 washington ing date imposed sanctions on senior i cc officials when the court was investigating whether us forces to meet with the war crimes and of janice on. it was not the 1st time that america attacked the international criminal court. but again, criticism only comes as washington itself, or if any serious or its allies are in the spotlight of the international prosecution. and what it is is not double standard approach. a mouse has pushed back at the possible arrests toby's leaders and it says the entire leadership of israel august military involved in the operation in gaza should be issued warns while the is ready for a ministry has announced it will create a crisis headquarters to find any i see see actions against nothing you all who and go out. i have instructed the immediate establishment of a special command center at the foreign ministry with all professional entities
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aimed at fighting against the decision intended primarily to shackle israel's hands and prevent it from exercising. its right to self defense. that's cause live to must have thought of duty lead of the palestinian national initiative at policy. many thanks for joining us on the program today of the stuff i'd like to ask, what are your thoughts on the is really reaction to the i c c ruling and how effective do you think the crisis headquarters will be? as well as literally the action is as usual, crazy and i'm reasonable and has no justification. the claim that there is that the national court of justice now has to be come on to submit, take on the things you wish and all of the rest of today, usually. but i've, i've gotten that they are using against anybody who criticizes israel. i absolutely don't, i agree of course with the equating between those that are and you could and those in this case and some palestinian knew those. but nevertheless,
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i think what the international court of justice did is the end once for on the impunity. or is there any need this from being accountable to the national until international humanitarian, the and the fact that the prosecutor didn't, i didn't have as the final of the judges to approve, is the request for a showing the warranty to address nothing. you know, on the is the defense minister, the grant is very meaningful and we have to remember that one this case is taking place in the international court of justice. and the prosecutor saying that there's, there is committing good crimes. there is another case in the restaurant court of justice where the issue of genocide is being discussed and the government. so the, the, the court has said already that that is a plausible human side. these are very important developments and for the 1st time
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is that i will be held accountable. and i hope that the court does not the guy i owe you and does not show a new color this on the american pressure, which is absolutely hypocritical. but on one side, there will come the court decisions against pressure and now the condemned and the code for issuing these decisions about this. so yeah, that shows how much there and i took the states as for the total and comes the, the stunted. yeah. all not knows we haven't. a from as well as very loyal friends in the us. so far, however, the us is for many proven to be in decisive on villages, tennessee, of the i, c. c. i'm going to take us back to 2018 when the fully us national security advisor join both and criticized the i. c z. cooling is illegitimate. we cannot truly have a list. and so his exact words, let's just remind ourselves the united states will use any means necessary to
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protect their citizens and those of our allies from, i'm just proud secure sion by this illegitimate court. we will not cooperate with the i c. c. we will provide no assistance to the i c, c. and we certainly will not join the i c, c. we will let the i c, c die on its own. after all, for all intents and purposes, the i, c, c is already dead us. and yet, following those comments, just a few short years later, as you also mentioned, washington was fully supportive of the i. c. c issue and the rest were integrated supply and demand person. so my question is, why is the quote a legitimate in some cases and irreplaceable bodies in office because the american lead, the sick, the. busy should work according to the way, and they think that the court of justice, the own, the court of justice in the world is the night of states senate and comforters.
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which is, by the way, and now some of its members out of sorts and needs to take competitive acts against the international court of justice. something unbelievable. uh, they don't believe in international move, the united states, the ultimate, even international. it below it communities in the law of the jungle, and in general, start whoever has the power can do it. they're like, but the, in this case, i think the national court of justice. fine idea, do something after so much, but i should for, if not to do so. and after a long time when the cutting of sand was subjecting incentives to the pressures of the united states on the 0 and the did so many investigation in ukraine. but does nothing good by this by now? i think the situation is so embarrassing that to could not to but issue warranties against is, i mean there's because the water could i am so obvious not. this is not my opinion
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. this is the open end of so many united nation organizations. this is open, you know, so many of. busy active, this is the opinion of many, 30 and organizations. and this is the opinion of so many media people who managed to bring to the world the deals that water could i is that is there and is commenting good guys, including genocide, including that of ation. including causing from an inclusion causing the diseases, including both thing does on the tentative and sees preventing people from having fluids that haven't degree. but if i'm having clean water, all of these uh, water, uh, criminal mores. a violations of the laws of international law and international humanitarian law. and that it isn't clear new order crimes. thank you for speaking to us today. i appreciate your time is been talking to you must have fab oguchi leader of the palestinian at national initiative policy. thank you. thank you. dear to the songs has been grown to the right to appeal his extradition to the us
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where he faces up to a 175 years in prison. that was the blow. well has a renew, charles, to fight for his freedom. i discussed these latest developments in the legacy i saw on sancho without a correspondence marita concert. of course, the, the ruling means that a science will not be expedited within 24 hours, but essentially, which is good. but essentially it doesn't change anything because it means that he can continue appealing, which he has been doing for years, and he's being persecuted from all the way back in 2010. when all of this started after his website, which leaks over at least the information of it was basically expose the us military's actions abroad in particular and the wrong and of down to sound which we'll get to. and the 2nd and all of a sudden, after that race charges, random rate charges appeared in sweden where he was at the moment at that moment. and after that that prompted his move to the united kingdom. and then the courts there ruled that he should be expedited to sweden,
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the were appeals which he failed. and then he entered the ecuadorian embassy in 2012, seeking the solemn, which was granted. and he spent 7 years there. uh, now fast forward to 2009 seeing that were doing and the fee, $60.00 wages asylum status, and that's from goodness authorities arrested. then based on him a breach in his um, the bail conditions all the way back in 2012. so he had to, he was sentenced to 50 weeks and prison at the same time us, oh, it is, were always on his case, the one that him expedited to the us where he of course spaces, espionage charges, now past or the again, the 2021 the courts and the care rule with that, no, a science cannot be expedited to the united states because there he risk losing his life based on the harsh us present conditions that you as the government been filed in the appeal and convinced the of course asked that he wouldn't between the 2 mainly now there was another appeal and now it's been finally set that he can
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continue appealing in the u. k. because the only other option was so if today it was a negative response, he could only appeal to the european court and then right, so he's continue unappealing within the u. k. so it doesn't really change the fact that his persecution continues. pot and good news, of course, for the family that he's not in the united states. let's hear more from his wife outside before what she said. so we spent a long time hearing the united states putting lipstick on a pig. but the judges did not quiet. but united states should read the situation and drop this case now. now is the moment to do it. just abandon the shameful attack on journalists on the press on the public that has been going on for 14 years. yes, absolutely. in the united states have indicted him on 18 charges mainly on
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espionage. and he faces a 175 years in prison. there. as long as it was said that she's become well known face for her, you know, impassioned speeches and 5 for astrology is release. and she's been very critical of the us who were really hounded a julian a saw instead of a numerous. she is like you said, but it's close to the song. he's not an american citizen. you know, he's australia and he also holds ecuadorian citizenship in networks. and so it is determined to secure his extradition to the us just took us through the logic of this. yes, of course will, because it's their secrets that julie and the sons' expose not even the he expose that it was his website which leads because it's wistful blowers who go on there and basically upper. busy low the, the, the information that they got all that was leaks. so this is basically the persecution of a publisher or a journalist. the few will thoughts washington does accuse him of conspiring with us army intelligence officer chelsea manning to hack into pensive on computers and
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access those military files and diplomatic cables and then release. and then uh, and also just to take you through some of the revelations that we saw, again in 201-2011 was really the main leaks there were actually describe the ask and and iraq war diaries where the scribe does the largest security breaches of their kind in us millet terry history and they expose that food, the space on the us military's actions in iraq. and i've gotten to some huge that's all targeting of civilian. so of course, and this was picked up by, oh, was the western press that was very damaging and also very embarrassing information on the surface because the leaks continue, this was a and then there were also a secret diplomatic cables that were leaked and 260000 miles from embassies, us embassies around the world. so for a lot of people, a lot of diplomats us and military officials and us officials in general. they were very angry and embarrassed by what came out and then add to that. also the
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guantanamo bay files were they exposed the torture and unnecessary detention of hundreds of people who received 0, no fair trial. there was, happens essentially in secret. so of course, this was a very, very damaging for, for the united states. i'm just wondering, you know, how today's decision is going to impact uh, as long as you is long term prospects. it like, we know a sondra is a health conditions and now is physical state as mental state a know in tip top shape. and we've been talking about that for a number of years now. so although this is a positive step, is it is a lie to the end of a tunnel. can we say, well it's, the detention is being prolonged. so yes, you can appeal, but he's still in detention and he's been in detention really for over a decade. if you calculate 70 years at the embassy, and now the last few years where he's been in prison over a decade last stop. so naturally,
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so this has had an extreme effect on his health. his family have, the more than that, his health is practically a record live. it's here, right. and we've been sort that at one point recently. he couldn't attend one of his own trials because he wasn't, he wasn't feeling well and his wife has said that he will not survive the expeditions to the united states. where by the weather was at some point chocolate he could face the death penalty there. so of course, that's one of the many, many reasons. while we're also see esteem of rights organizations fighting against this expedition, let's hear from amnesty international. for example. the high course decision is a rear piece of positive news for julian, hassan. and all defenders are press freedom. the high court has rightly concluded that if extradited to the usa assigns will be at risk of serious abuse, including prolonged solitary confinement which would violate the prohibition on torture or other ill treatment. also, a lot of people are having an issue with the fact that washington is using the espionage act and charging them with espionage. because before this was used, not when it comes to during the less the publishers, if
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a government work or for example, links and information. so government work of another country. but here you haven't, a publisher being persecuted for, simply releasing information that was acquired by someone else. so that's why a lot of people are so sites and the freedom of speech of washington is all about freedom of speech and the freedom of expression. them. what is this all about? so that's what we're at. we're hoping that it will come down to that and we'll see a change because last month, joe, by then the us president did say that he's considering at the request of the australian government. so drop the case a drop the charges and allow him to go back home to australia. we'll see if that happens again, election season. this would look good on joe biden, to switch them out with everything that's happening in the world, their own as well. let's. let's see what happens, but think appeal process continue. let's discuss this further. now let's close live 2, i guess robots griffith. so the general secretary of the told me this policy, of course, and many thanks for joining us on the program. it's very nice to see you today. and
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the 1st of all, i'd like to ask for your immediate reaction to the ruling. and so also ask you how significance you think this would and in favor of joining us on his right to appeal his extradition is well, that's a really good, well can find is that i want to get should be in britain, which is supposed to be independent of the political oh that we've actually seen a small spark of that independence with today's ruling. but of course, nobody should, nobody who values free speech and freedom of the media should should for a moment imagine that we are on the way to victory and the release of beauty. and that sounds the same previous decision for this bridge coach. and therefore, i think there's absolutely no room for complacency. are you up to mistake the sounds will be a free man anytime soon?
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i are not the only just conclusion to the shopping and disgraceful long drawn out process. but i'm afraid i'll give a written, direct all down say in southern affairs and military balances as a loyal student of the united states. and that is still a seat. yes. prospect to the united states. real good. it's way across the only the only justifiable me or i some go to the united states would be the receive, for example, a, a congressional medal of all of us, all of your services in exposing what is, what is a box system of mesh surveillance solution of state violence, the united states impulses be practicing for many decades. the only real tribes in
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america device that such as i'm just committed is disease problems lou about this and he's not going to be forgiven any time. sions of doing that. allows us, does those stake? sanchez extradition know, so that can give him a metal unfortunately. do you see any diplomatic repercussions between the u. k and the u. s. and any other policies involved or? well, it says to all of the energy needs to be clear that the printer's established is doing absolutely nothing to defend generally. and that's all the main screen, political policies, the government, almost all of them actually get in britain with the old republic section. i suppose in the daily mail uninstall newspapers. i'm positively, perhaps the kind of you, the sections of a political ruling class and the mashing aged in prison. i have not expressed any
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sympathy of fellows down to see the fusion of some actual uh, youtube. both means that all of this process, all that we have, some of them, they don't count for the judge if it's the operations of western states. so that would be an exposure to the nations people, most of whom, by the way, has the wiki, the to expose a role. so subject to match the advantage of uh, just us age. as long as this case has previously been described as the death bed full freedom of speech, how my today is decision impacts this rule to discuss and own press. freedom and whistle blowers, rice, world wide. it will give him coverage much to those in britain to go out, genuinely committed to the cause of investigative journalism and free speech exposing wall crunch x exposure and reading affiliates activities in the state of
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things people real social believes in in, in, in that we'll take some of this month, but having said that, it's not really a matter of a church. you know, once one understands what the state is capable of and what the state actually does, whether we're talking about the british think or the american states and so on. then it's very difficult to just walk away to close your eyes and forget about it, you know, the and in this sense of course, we should all understand and appreciate the motivation of julian or something. he could not stay silent when he saw all the extent of the, as i say, oh goodness, serious activities of the american students, opportunities in the middle east. and in fact, around the world. by the way, not just sputtering on the mass of only people, but sputtering on america's own hours. whether it's the president of germany,
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although the general of the united nations residents of corporations, you know, the western countries. this has been a vast operation on either by the rules, most folks on stage. and once a june in that sounds came across the evidence of that operation. he could not, he could not stay so. and that's what the true champions of me speech will also encourage them from we child stay silence. we will, we will not that's up. but of course, the case with the saw and provides a very stock example of what might happen to you if you don't fall in line. i mean, if a sounds was to become a free mountain, we all hope that he does said see, it would perhaps give people more encouragements to, to stand up, to the established non, to stand up to the wrong doings. do you see what i'm,
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what i'm getting as well, of course, but it won't be those whose voice is heard all the time on the british major. i can't speak so much about other countries. but in britain we see the same old voices with the same old views, almost all of them upholding all the principal tenets of the western interests in weston propaganda. um, they're not going to go away anytime soon. and this is what it's showing for the adult. you and the kids need, you develop, i'm supposed to, or bottle genuine, you believe in free speech and demographics. value. money, thanks for speaking to us today is really good to hear from you. we've been talking to robert griffith, the general secretary of the comedy as policy of course, and thank you it wrong. supreme leader has announced 5 days as morning off the president abraham racy on foreign minister. his staying
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on the out. the law he on were concerns who died in a helicopter crash in north west in iran. the team accompanying them also perished when the helicopter came down on sunday. so it's, it shows, emergency work is retrieving for these from the side of the crash. the red crescent has reported that everyone on board the highly comp to died and as those moments of saving fresh, the rescue and retrieval operation has been ongoing for over several hours. now. several with the severe weather conditions, rather rain and heavy fall because one is it difficult to write and have complicated this to. meanwhile, the iranian government has a show that the crush will not affect its was racing, you know, fatigue and these tragic incident, the rent in nation lost a sincere and valuable servant for him. the welfare and satisfaction of the people was preferred over everything. so he's annoyances from the ingratitude and tones of some you wishers. did not prevent him from working day and night to improve affairs
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. according to the constitution, well, how much must there is in the position of managing the executive branch. and he's obliged to arrange with the hands of the legislative and judicial branches to elect a new president. within the maximum of 50 days, yvonne and president has lost his flight on his way to the east azerbaijan provincial capital tab breeze midway. that incident happened at abraham. will you see, along with 7 other top officials of were killed in that crash, then that leaves a heavy burden on the shoulder, off his successor spokesperson of the iranian guardian council to hung as we just announced that the iranian vice president is, has officially started it scroll to take over the presidential was possibilities for up to 50 days. and this means that a, that council that we spoke about earlier will be held as soon as with the presence
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of the iranian parliament speaker mohammed the both as well as the judiciary chief messer. as he, along with the vice president of the 1st vice president. well, how much more fair to arrange that election to choose the new iranian president within that time frame of 50 days? so what's next for iran is to also observe job massive, unexpected, massive funeral ceremony. students are the icon, ic universe and you up the wrong gather today at the campus to hold a memorial service for the late abraham receive the like. they're wanting presidents and brian were, you see, and his companions who died on sunday, i brought him receive or space repeated visits, 2 different iranian universities, including the university of toronto, trying to bring about this connection and contact between the science and knowledge,
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as well as the industry students here say that brian boise was a person who are spearheaded, everyone's shifting from reliance on ties with the was to the eastern blog. he took really practical actions practical steps to try to fulfill his ambition of trying to gain self efficiency. trying to shield the country's economy economy from the western sanctions and the impacts of the western embargo on different one year industries. overall, he was a special and a heavy weight politician that brought about every oil change for a wrong socio political in iran, socio political scene. and he's going to be miss a lot by the iranian nation, all across the iran at people a guy, the rings him on the desk of the president. sounds for administer, locals of floats to most extent what.


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