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tv   Cross Talk  RT  May 20, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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between the science and knowledge, as well as the industry students here say that brian bracy was a person who are spearheaded. everyone's shifting from reliance on ties with the was to the eastern blog. he took really practical actions practical steps to try to fulfill his ambition of trying to gain self efficiency, trying to shield the country's economy economy from the western sanctions and the impacts of the western embargo on different one year industries. overall, he was a special and a heavy weight politician that brought about every oil change for a wrong socio political in iran, socially political scene. and he's going to be miss a lot by the iranian nation. all across the iran at people, a guy, the rings him on the desk of the president, sounds for administer, locals, and floats to most things. ropes,
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praying for those killed. and the crash funeral ceremonies will be held near the crash sites on tuesday, laying the statements on statesmen and other victims to arrest you. one has done many difficulties. that illusion have been many assistant nations explosions and incidence of war and many bad news. i mean, actually experience new wrong uh for the last, nearly 5 seconds. so before he's added that, and the point is that the union nation has the experience of dealing with such situations. and usually in this, let him off now has no events, an incidents the nation is usually united way of that. so they join hands to share the same, but the, and to be, to give you can be together and they, you know, more than before. so this is going to be one of those moments that even and those
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will be a perfectly against or is that right? you can do them was more hands was they are with 3 to shed, there sort of will be the others is not a word that about the part is an issue is not just the president of those who voted for it was the present for the own nation, and that is a sort of that is tragic. everyone here when you want and the only people are actually staying get together in your own that sorrow to support the wondering order. and also there is the end of those that haven't already defined what is meant to be so based on the guidelines that they will talk to policies according to the constitution, a symbol where as the 1st by squares. and he's going to take off this, we do to what of that, a supreme leader and in mind. and i'll meet 2 of 3 people in this demo. and also just figure out what's going on and off the judiciary, we actually gather to arrange the everything for elections within 60 days from
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today. and there should be some of the actions to pick the next president for the sound of the department of the one exist on 2 months from now. iran at pakistan on lebanon, have declared a national space of morning following the crash nations that were expressing that's supposed to meet the tragic death of the rainy and president. remembering him as a strong leader, ended outstanding individual among them. fellow brooks members, south africa of industry and department is deeply sho, inside and at the reports of the policy of these excellence, the prison, tracy. of these allow me for a public. i'll be wrong as well as my colleague the minister of do. i mean, the minister of foreign affairs of these lumnick republic, i'll be around their policy on very tragic circumstances. just causes us to express our deepest condolences and sympathies to the government. the
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people of these like republicans had run as well as to the families of he's excellent. see the late president crazy and the late minister of july, han chinese foreign minister, wong k has expressed is they'd sort of the death. so the precedence on for a minister of a wrong, the russian president vladimir putin, has also extended his condolences praising abraham brace. these contribution and folding must go into wrong partnership. said abraham lacy was an outstanding politician whose entire life was devoted to serving the motherland. he rightfully enjoyed high respect from his compatriots and significant authority abroad. as a true friend of russia, he made an invaluable personal contribution to the development of good neighborly relations between our countries and made great efforts to bring them to the level of strategic partnership. the circumstances of the crash are still unknown,
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and radiant authorities are expected to investigate. the wall could have been the cause and who might gain from the tragic incidents. the country has strange relations with a number of major global players, mainly the us and as well kind of be promised with vantage both wrongs were talia to where we attacks just last month on summit us politicians were quick to express that satisfaction even before the rating of the president's face became known good riddance racy, was a murderous human rights abuse or before and during his presidency. but look for the reigning regime to blame israel and the us for an assassination as another excuse to support terrorism. if i use these that the world is now a safer and better place, the evil mind was inside and instead of just he was not loved or respected and he will be missed by no one is gone. i truly hold the reading and people have the
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chest and say that a come to back from mergers dictates us. let's discuss this further with all gas could site which he sees in baldwin activist on zone or p s man, but many thanks for joining us on the program. it's good to see. so 1st of all, us senators have posted statements on the line that seemed to revel in the desk of the rainy and presidents. um, what do you make of that reaction? ok, thank you very much for that christian. it is not surprising. it's all of that. you as seen, it says reacting, better wait. and the one who's like, give us the interest in the one who stands up like goodness, the hedge money, and one who stands up against you, essentials, the balance to live with that person isn't. it is a, is a dictator, isn't it? replacing is somebody who is i can, is human advice on each of these. so we don't really surprised by their reactions. it is, it was coming and we started to kind of be
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a full my rainy and foreign minister mohammed, the reef has actually accused the us of burying some responsibility for the crash of erased these helicopter because they sanctions, the sale of planes and pods to iran. what role does the embargo play in the accident in your eyes? this is a very important issue uh the sections because before the, it was function by americans, they don't have a trade a bit more technical terms. the equipment from the u. s. or us companies. now, the, you essentials eviction of axes, a spare parts to repay those helicopters so that, that actually contributed because it could be, have been a mechanical failure of the helicopter that contributed to the class. and u. s. b, u. s. is very responsible for that because of that and by goal, which is i've said, which isn't justified, which is no place in what in. so sites the death of abraham race,
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the has been felt really hard within as well. and especially because he was rude to be the future supreme leader. but what about the politically, what kind of how significance is right? these desks do a politically this is raise c is a friend of the globe i saw about 2 weeks ago. he couldn't be in the event asked me to submit many african countries made up again the dis, i attended the summits. there has been a very good relations between a, a freak our applicant missions into the latitude of his presidency. we cannot forget how he'd managed to upgrade the positions we did last year. i would say that he managed to take a ride big into the brakes if any of those missions. so you've stepped, it gave me it is, let me fissions on the global scene. politically jump really to get a to say he has been a friend or so all the people who are fighting against oppression. i cannot think
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of anybody or any leader who's up uh for the palestinians. more than prison bracy. so he'll be missed by his friends to be missed by all of the people who will look up to him for leadership when it comes to global issues. especially the standing up for wisdom hedge and when he, with the sanctions and wisdom, imperialism. he has been this stat and he'll be sorely missed for that. well, he does have, of course, being offering that condolences since the race these death was announced. but most of the messages supposed coming from those in the global south is this just another example of, of how fragmented the world is? a did a that's a big what is very slick method is besides the global solve always the friendship in a ride. because this friendship, you know, such a date is a history go. friendship is friendship because of should i diligence as much as
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prison? rice, as far as much as he is, died his ideal to your he's like the list of, of principals will leave, especially in the hudson minds of the people in the global south. we ascend into by his depth, we feel the pain and the ways that we got him is a friend, is an ally, doesn't based on what the books if the go button up i see, or flips into wisdom. here me see, i say it was change the role that she played, the leadership that she have shown to us the people in the global assault. so that is not surprising. during his life, he was a friends to people in the global south. he was also a scene, is it an amended by people in the global not? so that's not surprising really. when we see the reactions from the global styles and also the reactions from the global not it was found to be such as always being because many thanks for speaking to us today we've been talking through could. so
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i'm a teasing, baldwin, activist, hands on your p. s. member. thank you. it will come with different one of his last public appearances. apprehend bracy spoken, and press conference in azerbaijan. he talks about the wrongs, cooperation with us, a by john on the palestinian conflict. you almost soon as i want to have, so we will be able to complete this harass quarter of the project ahead of the schedule of 36 months, which means the interest of both countries and peoples. and is this degree important route in the region. we believe that this quarter will provide communications which is very important. we intend not only to continue close corporation between all countries, but also to continue by law true and regional cooperation in organizations a which both around and as it by john a members. visa organizations such as the economic corporation, organization this on hi corporation, organization, and other international cooperation structures where our goal is to solve the
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issues and problems that the modem will faces. the palestinian issues very important in out opinion. this is the most important topic in these land make worlds, and we have no doubt that corporations in is allow me countries is of great importance in solving the problems of these logic well to let, to. during his visits to as a by john abraham racy participated in opening ceremonies of to them says what is holding talks with his as a by johnny counts of pods on a variety of topics. one of the projects discussed was the so called our as a car, adult alons legs. it might eventually lead 20 radians that hold in the black sea and was on his way back to, to ron when the accident occurred to men or i'll stay with all the international for continuing cough, which will keep me fully updates. the latest developments on the as online the
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the, the russian states. never see as tight as one of the most sense community best ingles. all something set up the in the 65 to 5 must be the one else calls. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russia to day and split the r t supposed met, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say from stephen twist, which is the
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1937 militaristic? japan started a full scale invasion of china. the invading army was rapidly advancing towards the capital of the republic of china. the dies, the city of nursing, leaving behind the burned down villages and thousands of the dead. on december 13th, the japanese occupied time, z and states the real massacre. for 6 weeks, the invaders exterminated the civilian population. they carried out mass executions,
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rates, women, and were engaged, been merciless robbery. ruthless competition of 2 officers of the imperial army. so c i. d. my guide. and to yoshi, no doubt to gain particular notoriety. they competed with each other as to who would be the fastest to kill $100.00 chinese with us. or this monstrous competition was widely rewarded in the japanese press. the non being massacre claims the lives of about 300000 people and became one of the largest crimes against humanity in the world history. after world war 2, many foreigners advance of the atrocity phase trial. however, the commander of the japanese army in the non being operation freeze yasu e to a socket, was able to escape the responsibility due to the interference of the american administration.
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the now, can you use visa deployed here? near to nancy kim's in a book that probably vanessa should see where it gets to that young showcase use the so i'm just going into the ways that the boys the, the most new and it'll be for them. imagery of assess florida doesn't want that. i
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faxed them, put the notes up under that the welcome back, the digital must see all the documents, the landscape of presidency, and may, the 20th, as the ukrainian leader has cancelled elections on the constitutional court failing to address them. awesome, to steve's way, they takes a look at how the lensky who town paint on a promise to bring peace to ukraine, ended up in this political dilemma. a home peace micah to lane ducking, just 5 years. ukrainian president, one of them is a, let's, these term of office has come to an end. but let's look at a timeline of how mind conform is peace and don't boss has instead, for his country to his knees and upfront to organs, rush to it. oh, salty like this, little he not all of the dear people during my life, i've been trying to do everything to make ukrainians laugh. that is how i felt in
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my last job. and that was not only my job, but it was my mission. in the next 5 years, i will do everything ukrainians to make sure you don't cry, but the ukrainian people on smiling at the going to despise the licensees promise to end the conflict and don't boss is just the web shift. sure. i believe that all this stuff and all these pieces of land, it's all about the human lives, and i would put human lives 1st. our goal is to save people. therefore, any option like we will go there with the army. i reject outright. we will have to talk whether we want to or not. we need to step over our sales. i'm ready to negotiate, even with the devil himself. if it means no one dies, we need to take the 1st steps to stop the shooting and develop our country. but he didn't, instead,
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he wouldn't know you don't the minutes go green was plunging the country into war even when the opportunity presented itself to end the bloodshed and assembled. instead of making an independent decision, he bought the big guns from london, including prime minister boris johnson, sending hundreds of thousands of ukrainians. so that, that in the interest of the west mixed all calling them from them. when we returned from his temple forest, johnson came to kia and said that we would not sign anything with them at all. and let's just continue fighting on the rest as yet to come with a meat grinder. catherine pace. just last month lensky found a new modem is that you should order, turning your crate into an open prism. the
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west is hurting a blind eye to that because of the lives of ukrainians, or a set price to pay on a cheap $1.00 at that. so it is very much in our interest to support ukraine because they are fighting this war. we're not fighting. and so i think we have to engage also in the dialogue with our americans colleagues and, and friends because they have the same interest in way. of course, the 14 frames very cheap way to, to make sure that russia with this regime is not the threats to the nature lines. but this for the west is what food independent and democratic state looks like. with no position, no free press, no ability to hold the government to account. but the point is, that lensky has scrapped elections the holy grail of wisdom democracy. look over in your voice that we must realize that now is the time of defense, the time of the battle that determines the fates of the state. and people,
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not the time of manipulations which only russia expects from ukraine. and i believe that now is not the right time for election. seems you politically so, but a let excuse approval, right? thing is promising. he was losing support to form an army chief general of other use illusion me, which perhaps explains why he was sucked and shipped to prison to work fast as the am bossy to even the western press is now questionings related skis legitimacy and on top of the russian president vladimir putin. how said the lensky legitimacy might become an issue when it comes to signing any future piece deal? regarding legitimacy. this question should 1st be addressed by ukraine's political and legal system. there are various options in their constitutions. it's a matter of assessment. this assessment should primarily be given by the constitutional court and ukraine's political system. for us, it doesn't matter because if it comes to signing any documents,
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we must assign them with legitimate authorities, especially on such a critical issue. that's an obvious fact. but i repeat, this question should be answered by ukraine's political and legal system. so for now, the future hung is very much in abundance, with around 50 countries, signing up to piece tools in switzerland. think sold a set to take place without russia as the western values of freedom of democracy. come on the question. this is steve sweeney latonya, public football team from importers diplomats and proud told me earlier that the loan guys, lensky, delays elections the holiday. it will be for him to end the war. this is jane the simon office. obviously you claims to come, mind in the hallways is increasingly becoming a little sponsored. by the way. i think the use of us in the u. k. my country. so he's able to see the system, my name is integrated,
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replacing with you for being so helpful. you know, by this one, the, the load, it all continues to the hot. it's going to be, it's going to be licensed agent. if i produce this patient, kind of has smoke like the integration, so back on a full you'll be connected to a country. so i think can you know, as a part of this as being fairly cool thinking because you know, he needs to the end to was going to make these trains come alive. that soleski has said that now is not the time for elections. and what do you think that means it, is it a good enough we know to hold elections and do you think the ukrainian people have on board with that decision? well, i think the best case that some, you know, hello good. he delays the elections, the hot is going to be famed and i mean the whole basis i enjoy innovations it uses his country remains on the marshal. um yeah, that's within the ukrainian constitution for how long does it continue to kind of
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extend that that some of the monday to kind of the main office last elections for the year for the other 5 years. i mean, it's a real question is how long is it we're going to continue? and there was an option to kind of point 9 to the world within 2 months of installs in march 2022. that was taken, you know, how much longer as the going to the site to the side that actually would it be nice to do is least in the case, $0.80 a month to the low we've, we've also had the founder partners constitutional codes could legally confirm an extension for the landscape presidency based office as an as yet to file an appeal one who is taking steps that would support the landscape legitimacy a tardy for them to, to deal with the find the seems clear to me it is. and this, these isn't time, it's kind of remain in office. he states that whole is kind of 14 is behind a continuance of this war. and while i considered to be a false belief, ultimately you crank and so wait a minute, no, actually kind of have to have
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a negotiated assessment with us. so i think that's a long assessment. you know how he plays that because cecil ukuleles and sorry for his always consider, but katie interesting sale. thank you for joining us on what is a very busy news day this monday and we've got you covered with back with all the latest updates in just a few minutes on the
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the water is part of the leg is a good poly would posted isn't the deepest you of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop without cases let's go out of the
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the a one year deduction attempt to collect as extra a month. i thought she sat there for the show and then it will be a job to bluff and it goes in and out of it is uh, international stuff is defensive to supplement the setup button and
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not to printer. person wants to do an easy task like that. if i said the media, i love people, there's only 2 reasons to do, say, with the city, the new country, from the sofa. so they're going to be present the deals for their money. i'm going to work it on stimulus the industry is it'll less money will process the left. so should william farmer shots, monuments. so we have good cash door to go over. what decision did my lab and what was that man was? what was that ridiculous funds? i put it in the midst of them one today and but you know, so that's what it was that strong to settle. mean shows tools or suspect. pretty sure can was on page. did it for she's getting those are the best do what i mean? there's a push out the
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now can you use visa deployed here? see it to nancy. you know look comes into both. that's just me very the, it's the only showcase in genes nathaniel. so i'm just going to the boys at the boys. the, the most noun that will be for them. imagery of this uh, florida doesn't want that text them. but adults appears that the,
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the breaking news this on the international criminal quotes chief prosecutor, 6 and westward, for the israeli prime minister. and the latest i have a deal to try the 7th attack on subsequent role in golf, u. k. hi coles cross duty. the songs, the rise to appeal is us expedition, giving that was the hope he may know top to face charges. they put me to spend the 175 years behind paul's. i did the president abraham bracy and his foreign minister to the phones killed in a helicopter crash in the rainy and probably in 7 east. the by john, the radian 1st vice president is expected to serve as in.


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