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tv   News  RT  May 20, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the breaking news, they sell a b international criminal quotes. chief prosecutor thinks arrest warrants for these really prime minister. and how much need is the october 2nd attack on the subsequent rule in guns that you case? high courts grants julian assigned to the right to appeal is us extradition, keeping the wistful blow a hose that he may not have to face the charges that lead to spending a 175. he is behind thought it really in the president abraham, but i see on his farm and it's the outcome. send chills in
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a helicopter crash in the ringing province of east as advise you on the, on the ringing 1st, vice president is expected to serve is into room president until elections can be held within 50 days. the you watching not the international. this is the news out. welcome to the poker. lots to get through. over the next 30 minutes. we're going to start with our top story this our, this is the fact that the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court has applied for west florence for these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and how much is leader in gauze for war crimes and crimes against humanity? now these relate to the october 7th attacks on is well and then the ensuing conflict and garza,
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i have reasonable grounds to believe of the 3 senior leaders of the mass. yeah, yes and well, mohammed dice and issue may need a back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of these rail. i'm the state of palestine from at least the 7th of october 2023. i can also confirm today that i have reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you. i've got a bad criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine from at least the 8th of october 2023. the panel of the international criminal coal judges is yet to consider their chief
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prosecutor's application, but several others rarely politicians have already commented on the news. one reaction is stronger than in other former and bass added to the un close to the course. s, theatre of dogs, the dentist to the tunes of the terrorist. israel's national security minister said the move shows that he was a mistake to send his rarely representative to the hague, advising prime minister and defense minister to ignore the and to submit a case of icy feet and continue with the operation in gaza. please rose finance minister now in for his strongly ride tween views and openly and 2 probably seen in position described the move as an end to submit to comparing the course with nazi propaganda. that's they can listen. we have not seen such a show he bulk or seen hatred of jews like that displayed, but according to hague, since nazi propaganda. the now this also spoken the name of morality and there was
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nothing there besides and so i assume it is. i don't ask warrants for them, auto arrest warrants for all of us taking in bad faith. this one sided move represents a union lot. so political stuff doesn't bolton's terrace around the world and violates sold the basic rules. so the quotes, according to the principal of complementarity and all the legal norms. a drawing parallels between the leaders of a democratic country determined to defend itself from despicable terror to leaders of a bloodthirsty terror organization is a deep distortion of justice and blade and moral bankruptcy. the prosecutor's position to apply for arrest warrants is in itself a crime of historic proportions to be remembered for generations earlier, the same court issued an arrest warrant against the russian president, wad my poor people most go special ration and you re, i don't want to live there was no negative reaction to the move from washington. it was welcomed by the us. russia sees it as a clear example of west or in the park. we're saying here is russian for ministry
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spokeswoman slamming washington for its double face. paula said, let's take a lesson to be honest. this is evidence of the stratification of consciousness among the white house strategists. let me remind you. on the one hand, the i c. c. judges are under us sanctions. on the other hand, washington fully supported. it's not stimulated the issuance of i c. c, warrants against the russian leadership. at the same time, the american political system does not recognize the legitimacy of the structure and relation to itself and its satellites. the sense of absolute permissive. this leads to the absurdity of mental constructions. just to clarify, back in 2020 washington and they didn't pay sanctions only senior i. c. c. officials. when the court was investigating whether us forces to meet with the war crimes. and if it's done, it wasn't the 1st time that america attacks the international criminal court. but
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again, criticism only comes as washington itself, or is insurance or its allies are in the spotlight of the international prosecution . and what it is is not double standard approach. we is there, a foreign ministry has a non so they is going to create a crisis headquarters to find to any only c actions against nothing. you all who and guidelines thomas's pushed back at the possible rest of its lead is and says the entire leadership of israel and its military conducting the operation in gauze . but it should be issued with warrants now is really officials up in your teams to crimes against humanity by stopping civilians as a method of rule 5, how much is wide scale taking of hostages on october? the 7th constitutes a war crime. well, there's a lot to digest pay, so let's cost live now. to bashing karachi,
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secretary general of the european moves, the administrative, the social cohesion, thanks very much for joining us. hail in ocoee international. i just wanna, 1st of all, get your reaction to what israel has said in regards to the ice facing ruling. thank you very much for the invitation. video information. if it is okay with you, i think it's important for people to know that this is under water and this is an application from the prosecutor. so the hard court that they really listen to the case and then if they decide the water to be issued. and a 2nd thing is that the i c, c goes after individual and that is why they have means the prime minister and the end, the defense. but it's tough is right. and of course the have mosley this year. so this case is not against is right, it is very important to,
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to remember that now is what i use a reaction. i was expecting. there's nothing new that is right and does not respect your action. nation is side does not respect i, c, g, and no i see see, so i have read a and gone too many is really interested in newspapers and i've seen the same colors from everybody been there is a, you know, liberties, paper. 1 is i think they are saying that this even in thoughts to ease eyes rise to says friends. but i think, i personally think that it is good that the, the, the i, c, c has taken this step because if they had only done visit a month, then america, which is made the noise, they really say here, you see, we knew that, that they're going up phase, right? so going out of both parties of shows the course of neutrality and hopefully
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that when the quarter decides to issue water far, nothing. yahoo is defense minister and how much lead years that it to be, you meant it. the problem is not that the water to come of the, the quote will decide. the problem is how this they'd be mended. you can, you know that. so when a virus against, um, president booting was issued um he talented to south africa. he teller 2 countries, and they said that he's the president of russia. we cannot accept this kind of treatment from icbc. and now america is making lot of noise. as you have also said in your intro, united states has a w morrow and here's hoping to see how much i, i want it to sort of go into that specific day. because, well, you know, if we talk about the fact that we've had john bolton, who's
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a former us national security advisor, the cool guy, c, c, body illegitimate. to let this is back in 2018. i'm as you say, that didn't stop washington supporting you. i see, see, when a warrant was issued for like may i put in the russian president in 2023. so why now in washington is viewed, does the court know have quite the ability in some cases and then it does in others, it seems as if washington doesn't know where to position itself in regards to the i c. c. when there is what i was actually starting to say is that united states think that they're above law, there is an explanation of others. you go to call. so i see i see this. i do think that nobody should awesome any t, y, whatever, you know, course decided not to mission, decide on anybody else should be implemented. and i think this is extremely
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hypocritical. it is the or laura and to me it is i to the races. i did you that americans are above the so and as far as the john gordon. uh, he's a statement and what he has been saying, we're john morgan, he's an extremely right wing. i would call it a festus, the kind of thinking person. and he has been saying a lot of things about of the country, so i will not give you any kind of ability because the directions here, whatever you said, the important thing is that i see, see if this cost issues and goes through the court and present their case for that nothing yahoo is the 1st $1.00 is to and t how much does a teacher equally. and if the code finds that they have a committed bar code, then the case the go and lawrence would be issued against these people homeless problem. well, thank you very much for joining us. hey, on all to international,
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that is bashing crashing the seconds in general. been your opinion was lim, initiative for social cohesion. thank you very much. well, london is high, cortez granted. julian the sounds the right to appeal his extradition to the us where he faces life in prison if convicted on espionage charges which will blow and now has ever new chance to fight for his freedom. and my colleague nicky, are and discussed these latest developments in the leonard vs on soccer with all t correspondent, marina costa. and of course, the ruling a means that assigns will not be expedited within 24 hours, but essentially which is good. but essentially doesn't change anything because it means that he can continue appealing, which he has been doing for years. and he's being persecuted from all the way back in 2010 when all of this started after his website, which leaks of released information a bit,
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which basically expose the us military's actions abroad in particular in iraq and of down to sound, which we'll get to and the 2nd and all of a sudden after that rate charges, random rate charges appeared in sweet and where he was at the moment at that moment . and after that that prompted his move to the united kingdom. and then the courts there ruled that he should be expedited to sweden, the were appeals which he failed. and then he entered the ecuadorian embassy in 2012, seeking this solemn, which was granted the new spend 7 years there. now, fast forward to 2009, seeing that we're doing and the c uh 60 wages asylum status. and that's from goodness authorities arrested in face on him breaching his bail conditions all the way back in 2012. so he had to, he was sentenced to 50 weeks and prisoners at the same time us, i'll forward, he's were always on this case, the one that him expedited to the us where he of course spaces, espionage charges,
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now pass or the again, the 2021 at ports in the u. k. of old that's no astonish, cannot be expedited to the united states because there he risk losing his life based on the harsh us present conditions. the us government been filed in the appeal and convinced the port there that he would be treated humanely. now there was another appeal and now it's been finally sets that he can continue appealing in the u. k. because the only other option was so if today it was a negative response, he could only appeal to the european court of human rights. so he's continuing to peeling uh, within the u. k. so it doesn't really change the fact that his persecution continues on good news, of course, for the family that he's not in the united states. let's hear more from his wife outside. the 4th what she said. so we spent a long time hearing the united states putting lipstick on a pig, but the judges did not quiet. the united states should read the situation
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and drop this case now. now is the moment to do it. just abandon the shameful attack on journalists on the press on the public that has been going on for 14 years, have coasted into sauls. he's not an american citizen, you know, he's australia and he also holds ecuadorian citizenship. and yeah, washington is determined to secure his extradition to the us. just took us through the logic of this. yes, of course will, because it's their secret that julie and the sons' expose not even the he expose that it was his website which leads because it's wistful blowers who go on there and basically upload the, the information that they got all about was linked. so this is basically the persecution of a publisher or a journalist if you will, bought washington does accused him of conspiring with us army intelligence officer chelsea manning to hack into pensive on computers and access those military files and diplomatic cables and then release. and then uh,
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and also just to take you through some of the revelations that we saw again in 2010 in 2011, was really the main leaks there were actually describe the ask and and iraq of war diaries, where the scribe does the largest security features of the client, the newest military history, and they expose the food, the space on the, the us military's actions in iraq. and i've gotten a some huge, that's all target, think of civilian. so of course, and this was picked up by, oh, was the western press that was very damaging and also very embarrassing information on the surface because the leaks continue, this was a and then there were also a secret diplomatic cables that were leaked and 260000 miles from embassies, us embassies around the world. so far as a lot of people, a lot of diplomats us and military officials and us officials in general. they were very angry and embarrassed by what came out and then add to that. also the guantanamo bay files where they expose the torture and unnecessary detention of
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hundreds of people who received 0 no fair trial. there was happens essentially in secret. so of course, this was very, very damaging for, for the united states. i'm just wondering, you know, how today's decision is going to impact uh, as long as the long term prospects. it like we know a songy is a health conditions and know is physical state as a mental state and know in tip top shape. and we've been talking about that for a number of years now. so although this is a positive step, is it is a lie to the end of a tunnel. can we say? well it's, the potential is being prolonged. so yes, we can appeal, but he's still in detention and he's been in detention lately for over a decade. if you calculate 7 years at the embassy, and now the last few years where he's been in prison over a decade last stop. so naturally, so this has had an extreme effect on his health. his family have, the more than that, his health is bracket and the a record live,
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it's your rating. we even saw that at one point recently, he currently attends one of his own trials because he wasn't, he wasn't feeling well and his wife has said that he will not survive the expedition to the united states. where by the weather was at some point so that he could face the death penalty there. so of course, that's one of the many, many reasons. well, we're also seeing human rights organizations fighting against the sex with additional let's hear from amnesty international. for example, a hi course decision is a rare piece of positive news for julian assigned. and all defenders are press freedom. the high court has rightly concluded that if extradited to the usa assigns will be at risk of serious abuse, including prolonged solitary confinement which would violate the prohibition on torture or other ill treatment. also, a lot of people are having an issue with the fact that washington is using the espionage act and charging them with espionage. because before this was used, not when it comes to during the less the publishers, if a government worker, for example, links and information. so government work of another country,
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but here you haven't, a publisher being persecuted for, simply releasing information that was acquired by someone else. so that's why a lot of people are so sites in the freedom of speech of boston from this all about freedom of speech and the freedom of expression, them. what is this all about? so that's what we're, we're hoping that it will come down to that and we'll see a change because last month, jo, by them the us president did say that he's considering at the request of the australian government to drop the case a drop the charges and allow him to go back home to australia, around supremely de, has announced 5 days of morning of the present abraham, that icy and foreign minister hosting. i mean abdulla hun, we're concerned to has died in a helicopter crash in north west and iran. the team accompanying them also perished when the helicopter came down on sunday. well, the right questions has before,
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which is that everyone on board the helicopter died in the 1st moments of the crash, but the circumstances surrounding that crash just spill unknown. despite recent claims that the crash could be attributed to a technical failure. meanwhile, the reigning government has assured that the accident will not impact its what racing, you know, fatigue and these tragic incident. the rent in nation lost a sincere and valuable servant for him. the welfare and satisfaction of the people was preferred over everything. so he's annoyances from the ingratitude and tones of some you wishers. did not prevent him from working day and night to improve affairs . according to the constitution, well, how much must there is in the position of managing the executive branch, and he's obliged to arrange with the hands of the legislative and judicial branches to elect a new president. within the maximum of 50 days,
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yvonne and president has lost his flight on his way to the east azerbaijan provincial capital tab breeze midway. that incident happened at abraham. will you see, along with 7 other top officials of were killed in that crash, then that leaves a heavy burden on the shoulder, off his successor spokesperson of the iranian guardian council to hung. as we've just announced that the iranian vice president is, has officially started its role to take over the presidential responsibilities for up to 50 days. and this means that and that counsel that we spoke about earlier will be held as soon as with the presence of the iranian parliament speaker mohammed the both as well as the judiciary chief, mister se, along with the vice president of the 1st vice president mohammed, most that's to um,
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arrange that election to choose then uh the new and ronnie and president within that time frame of 15 days. so what's next for iran is to also observe dropped massive, unexpected, massive funeral ceremony. students are the conic university up to wrong gather today at the campus to hold a memorial service for the late abraham where you see the light, they're wanting presidents and brian were, you see, and his companions who died on sunday. i brought him ready for space repeated visits, 2 different iranian universities, including the university of toronto, trying to bring about this connection and contact between the science and knowledge as well as the industry students here say that brian boise was a person who are spearheaded, everyone's shifting from reliance on ties with the was to the eastern blog, he took really practical actions practical steps to try to fulfill his ambition
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of trying to gain self sufficiency, trying to shield the country's economy. economy from the western sanctions and the impacts of the western embargo on different iranian industries. overall, he was a special and a heavy weight politician that brought about every oil change for a wrong socio political in iran, socio political scene. and he's going to be miss a lot by the iranian nation. well, people of course, around a gathering to me on the day that prices in town for administer crowds flocking to mosques, praying for those killed in the tragic accidents funeral ceremonies will be held near the crash sites on tuesday. that's according to the vice president. it's around university professor to hey, to see i saw the says that right see, staff is it dissolves just moments of the country, but it's political as stablish wednesday's able to handle this crisis was to be
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observed today in addition to the emotional feelings. and the reason to dig sorrow that people see you pertaining to this heavy loss for the country is intense uh, kinetics. in terms of the let's say political calculation. we see just a small transition in which we have a wide spectrum of people among the political as from right to left from it seem right to assume that's what is shared is a sense of solidarity, which at this time people are very much uh, thinking about the i the this, the fact that they have loss to g g goes along side, it's 7 others and this crash, which was of course, when it comes to the posts revolution, history of these not make it public very unique. i think it's the most tragic symbols, these,
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that through catastrophic moments in the history of posts of allusion. further still, we see that the country has a good capacity in handling this critical situation around pakistan on lab and on have replied the national state to morning. many countries are also expressing their support over the tragic death of the reigning president. remembering him as a strong politician and an out standing individual fellow breaks men. but china and south africa are amongst those that have been sending that condolences a date on which on behalf of the chinese government. and it's the poll we expressed solid jeep condolence, the sold the death of president. but you see in the helicopter accidents since taken office, president vice see has made important contributions to maintaining involved security and stability. promotes in national development and prosperity and also made active efforts to consolidate and develop the china of all. and the
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comprehensive strategic partnership is enforcing data is a huge loss, gives you the right people. the chinese people have lost a good friend. you well, um industry and department is the pre show and side and the reports of the policy of these excellence, the president, re c of the so i make republic, i'll be wrong as well as my colleague the minister of do i have the minister of foreign affairs of these lumnick republic of a run, their policy going very tragic circumstances just causes us to express our deepest condolences and sympathies to the government. the people of the stomach republicans did run as well as to the families of these excellent see the late president, gracie and the late minister of july had well, do you stay with us international for continuing coverage on this story?
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we're going to keep you updated on all of the developments. hey on. and of course online oxy. don't com the little russian. send it to alexi push golf has claimed slovak president drew up with the feet. so shoot, a wasn't thing alone. i'm the gun in his hand was guided by ultra liberal europe in media and politicians. the radical liberal, slow back, the central ex, fixated on supporting ukraine and heating fits so fired 5 shots that robert fits. so he was the one pulling the trigger, but the gun was put in his hand, but he called for a liberal european media and politicians who nurtured the ideology of hatred and extreme intolerance in europe and turned it into a field of war against the new heretic. who disagree with the dogmas of ultra liberalism and atlantis is
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a little reminder of what we know sang for 171 year old you i sent to les shopped the slow back prime minister 5 times back on may 15th, so that the deputy prime minister has confirmed fix his life, he's out of danger. off the he went and 5 hours surgery, but the interior minister has also announced an investigation into whether the suspect may have not actually been and will space is previously believed. and the form of justice administered by here has pointed the finger at the source foundation and for an n g o's, full, the assassination is time expelled media, the responsive by source foundation, and all the ngo's from the public space. and the polarization of slovak society will and within a week well that's cost i've seen veteran will correspond is elijah magneer, elijah, thank you very much for joining us. head on the program. i just want to get your
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take 1st of all and what we heard from the russian, send it to her about this suggestion that actually output nipple, european media, and politicians of potentially also responsible for the assassination to 10 foot, but what would fit? so a thank you for having me. i really tend to agree with him because the i the most of the, i guess try shot. it doesn't come from last week or 2 weeks ago. oh, when ever it has vaulted. after the february 2022. when russia was considered in terms of european approach, nope, n n b, and this situation has changed with the intention of the us to designate russia as the enemy and to push your up to a line. it said with the united states. now having done that, there is
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a need of justification to come to the european population and for that russian needs to be demonized. and this is what the americans have done. this is what mainstream media is very, yeah. is it since the february 2022 and still active? emptive today in doing exactly the same game that has been established dodge in the heart of pure of node string to everybody does. the 9th doesn't want to investigate . and any up against the person have to justify a tax against russian suits, unions, or just divide against the most cool by what the claim to be honest is, was that i can see there's as business as usual in europe. nobody really pay attention to it. and nobody wanted to know what's happening that and all this sentiment onto russia has the mounting as to and extends where and if that on a prime minister in the hall,


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