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tv   News  RT  May 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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the, the, the israel's prime minister lashes on to the international criminal court. all states chief prosecutor says he wants to bring in that new medium. yes. in yahoo! and his defense chief along with 3 lead is a promise. this time trial, klein, i reject we discussed the hague, prosecutors, comparison between democratic israel and the mass murderers of homos. this is a complete distortion of reality. this is exactly what the new anti semitism looks like. the u. k. who i quoted above me and it's gone to the right to a p, leaves us extradition, giving the wistful blow a hope that he may not have to face the charges. that could lead to spending a 175 years behind balls proceedings and the reigning
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presidency. but i'm or i see and his farm is the come from killed in a helicopter crash in the arabian province of east as the body shop. and the rainy and 1st vice president is expected to serve as interim presence until elections can be held in 50 days. the welcome to the news hour coming to life. last date is a must go. this is auntie international. it's a pleasure to have your company. but our top story, this iowa is that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has. so i'm the international criminal court chief prosecutor who was seeking an arrest warrant for him as well as these really defense minister, your gallant, based on the accused of crimes. in guns, i know nothing. you all who has branded the move quote, the new anti semitism i see, see,
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prosecute to carry them. con also wants to see the leadership of hamis in the dock . i have reasonable grounds to believe that 3 senior leaders of how a mass you know, yes. and while i'm at dice and ishmael honey, a back criminal responsibility for the following. international crimes committed on the territory of these rail. i'm the state of palestine from at least the 7th of october 2023. i can also confirm today that i have reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office. that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to administer of defense. you, i've got back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes
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committed on the territory of the state of palestine from at least the 8th of october 2023. so absolutely, but i should prosecute her in the hate with one's odessa to do you dare compare the monsters of him off to the soldiers of the adf most tomorrow, ami in the world with wonderful destitute. you cut him between the moss that mooted bud butchered rate and keeping up top brothers and sisters. and the idea of soldiers who are fighting adjustable that is unparalleled in morality that he's on, matched as the prime minister of israel. i reject with discuss, tyler, the hank prosecutors comparison between democratic israel and the mass mode originally from us. so this is a complete distortion of reality. this is exactly what the new anti semitism it looks like um. it is moved from the campuses in the west to the cool and the hey, so just a shame the panel of the international criminal charges is yeah, sure. consider the chief prosecutors application but several was fairly politicians
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have already commented on the news. one reaction is stronger than in other former and vast. so the to the un close to the course, s theatre of dogs, the den. so, so the tunes of the terrorist, israel's national security administer sat, the movie shows that it was a mistake to send is really representative to the hague, advising, prime minister and defense minister to ignore quotes the and to submit a case of i c. c. and continue with the operation in gaza. pedro's finance minister now in for his strongly ride tween views and openly and to probably seen in position describe the move as an end to submit to comparing the course with nazi propaganda. a 2nd, listen. we have not seen such a show. he bought christine hatred of jews like that displayed but according to hakes and snuff the propaganda. now this also spoke in the name of morality and there was nothing there besides and so i assume it is addressed warrants for them arrest warrants for all of us taking in bad faith. this one sided move represent.
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so you knew lot show political stop, doesn't bolton's terrace around the world and violate, sold the basic rules of the quotes, according to the principal of complementarity. and all the legal norms. drawing parallels between the leaders of the democratic country determined to defend itself from despicable terror to leaders of a bloodthirsty terror organization is a deep distortion of justice and blade and moral bankruptcy. the prosecutor's position to apply for arrest warrants isn't itself a crime of historic proportions to be remembered for generations earlier, the same court issued an arrest warrant against the russian president. why am i putting almost goes special ration in your brain at all? only there was no negative reaction to the move from washington. it was welcome to by the us. russia sees it as a clear example of western the paul of course, and here is russian foreign ministry spokeswoman slamming washington for its double
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face fall, let's say, let's take a look. to be honest, this is evidence of the stratification of consciousness among the white house strategists. let me remind you. on the one hand, the i c. c judges are under us sanctions. on the other hand, washington fully supported. it's not stimulated the issuance of i c. c, warrants against the russian leadership. at the same time, the american political system does not recognize the legitimacy of the structure and relation to itself and its satellites. the sense of absolute permissive. this leads to the absurdity of mental constructions. just to clarify, back in 2020 washington ing date imposed sanctions only senior i. c. c. officials. when the quotes was investigating whether us forces to meet with the war crimes in of john it's dawn. it was the 1st time that america attacks the international criminal court. but again, criticism only comes as washington itself or it's insurance or its allies are in
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the spotlight of the international prosecution. and what it is is not the double standard approach, is where the foreign ministry has enhanced. it will create a crisis headquarters defined to any i c, c, actions that gains nothing. yahoo, i'm the launch. how much is also pushed back the possible rest of its lead is saying, says the entire political and military establishment to base roles should be put on trial. the white house is also way didn't to this reiterating it's full support for these really side. the icpc prosecutor is application for arrest warrants against is really, leaders is outrageous and let me be clear, whatever this particular might imply. there is no equivalence, none between e's real and how much we will always spend with israel against threats . do it security? well, joining us now for we stumble is during the shelby upton hoffman. thanks very much
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for joining us with all the international festival. what is your reaction to what we've heard from benjamin netanyahu and his claim? but the i c. c chief, prosecutors allegations against him. all, i'm quoting the new. i'm a semitism. uh thank you for having me. and uh, the 1st impression i see when i hear i didn't have the name of it. and you know, in the beginning they issued cross a names of how much the pre shows and then it came in within the on going it is uh, double standards. it says double face. uh it because they are equalizing between uh home us and israel wines. i'm also spicy for the freedom of the senior people, and in the same time, i mean, i've been giving it to me on hold on that you're going out of the presenting and book. you find the who are you buying the senior lens?
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so if you also look at the kinds which was the committed by both sides, it means you may need to know, get already gave the instructions on all those to kill towels. and some other thing is look at the destruction of goals. if look at how many women, how many children, how many those are people not killed and them where in those they gave a dining. oh those. if you look at their best conferences, their statements, they say that we are dealing with the we are not dealing with human beings. we are dealing with animals. so they consider the senior living in golf game as animals and they acted accordingly. and even they didn't keep the animals rights while the attacking guns. so it is just showing that almost done this. i don't believe that it wouldn't be brought to cold. i don't believe that the united states are going to let them go that easily. 5 they will stop looking sanctions,
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they won't stop. uh eh, give arising in the i see the persecutor and all the judges that they shouldn't take any action against the leaders and want to be only 9 exhort. some us officials only talking about the us fits, weighed in on this very quickly defending is well knowing the israel move us recognize the legitimacy of b i c. c. however, why do you think that washington is trying to deny the quote, the right to investigate the war in this instance? because it is very simple. united states knows that is where you are me is a army has committed crimes and the goals has been involved. and that was and it was committed with that american weakness, and they knew that from the very beginning, they knew that all the time that there's ways already committing crimes against
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your money. they knew that is res, preventing cold water and also applies medical supplies from entering into goals. and then you also end doing very well aware of that is very like decking the hospitals, the schools. and they were committing all kinds of worst crimes against the posting and, and they didn't intervene to stall them. they didn't try to even at least stop supplying them with the destruction. what was the way to using for these crimes? so it is either directly or in dire need are involved in the same war crimes. gabriel, united states. that is why you should not be ready to go for this crimes, because accordingly they would be so proud. responsible for adults. correct. okay, shot, i'm gonna leave it that. thank you very much for joining us. that was done this shoddy fellow rockman from assemble in
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london's high cortez granted. julian the sons, the right to appeal to his extradition to the us where he faces life in prison. if convicted on espionage charges, the whistle blower has now we're new to chance to fight for his freedom. early in my colleague nikki, and discussed these latest developments in this very lengthy assault. so i'll go with allstate correspondent marina consider. and of course, the, the ruling a means that a science will not be expedited within 24 hours, but essentially, which is good. but essentially it doesn't change anything because it means that he can continue appealing, which he has been doing for years. and he's being persecuted from all the way back in 2010 when all of this started after his website, which league so released the information. but it was basically expose the us military's actions abroad in particular and the rock and down to sound, which we'll get to. and the 2nd and all of a sudden, after that rate charges,
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random rate charges appeared in sweden where he was out at the moment at that moment. and after that that prompted his move to the united kingdom. and then the courts there ruled that he should be expedited to suite on the were appeals, which he failed. and then he entered the ecuadorian embassy in 2012, seeking the solemn, which was granted. and these spent 7 years there now fast forward to 2019, therefore during and the fee, $60.00 wages asylum status. and that's from goodness authorities arrested in face on him breach. and his um, the bail conditions all the way back in 2012. so he had to, he was sentenced to 50 weeks and prisoners. at the same time, us off ortiz were always on his case, the one that had expedited to the us where he, of course spaces, espionage charges. now, past or the again, the 2021, the courts and the care rule that no astonish, cannot be expedited to the united states because there he risk losing his life
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based on the harsh us present conditions that you as the government and filed in the appeal and convinced the court that, that he would be treated humanely. now, there was another appeal and now it's been finally set that he can continue appealing in the u. k. because the only other option was so if today it was a negative response, he could only appeal to the european court of human rights. so he's continuing to peeling uh, within the u. k. so it doesn't really change the fact that his persecution continues on good news, of course, for the family that he's not in the united states. let's hear more from his wife outside. the 4th, what she said, we spent a long time hearing the united states putting lipstick on a pig. but the judges did not quiet. the united states should read the situation and drop this case now. now is the moment to do it. just abandon the shameful attack on journalists on the press on the
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public that has been going on for 14 years posted as long as he's not an american citizen. you know, he's australia and he also holds ecuadorian citizenship. and yeah, washington is determined to secure his extradition to the us. just took us through the logic of this. yes, of course will, because it's their secret, the julie and the sons'. expose not even the he expose that it was his website which leads because it's wistful blowers who go on there and basically up. busy load the, the, the information that they go to or that was linked. so this is basically the persecution of a publisher or a journalist if you will, bought washington does accused him of conspiring with us army intelligence officer chelsea manning to hack, into pensive on computers. and access those military files and diplomatic cables and then release. and then uh, and also just to take you through some of the revelations that we saw again in 201-2011 was really the main leaks there were actually describe the ask and,
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and iraq, the war diaries were described as the largest security breaches of their client and us military history and they expose the food, the space on the us military's actions in iraq. and i've gotten a some huge that's all targeting of civilian. so of course, and this was picked up by, oh, was the western press that was very damaging and also very embarrassing information on surface because the, the leaks continues. this was a and then there were also a secret diplomatic cables that were leaked and 260000 miles from embassies, us embassies around the world. so for a lot of people, a lot of diplomats, us and military officials and us officials in general. now was very angry and embarrassed by what came out and then add to that also the guantanamo bay files, where they expose the torture and unnecessary detention of hundreds of people who received 0 no fair trial. there was happens essentially in secret. so of course,
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this was very, very damaging for, for the united states. i'm just wondering, you know, how today's decision is going to impact uh, as long as you is long term prospects. it like we know a sondra is a health conditions and now is physical state has mental state a know in tip top shape and we've been talking about that for a number of years now. so although this is a positive step, is it is a lie to the end of the tunnel. can we say, well it's, the tension is being prolonged. so yes, you can appeal, but he's still in detention and he's been in detention really for over a decade. if you calculate 70 years at the embassy and now the last few years where he's been in prison over a decade last stop. so naturally. so this has had an extreme effect on his health. his family have. the more than that, his health is practicing the a record live. it's here, right. and we even saw that at one point recently. he couldn't attend one of his own trials because he wasn't, he wasn't feeling well and his wife has said that he will not survive the expedition to the united states. where by the weather was at some point so that he
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could face the death penalty there. so of course, that's one of the many, many reasons. while we're also seeing human rights organizations fighting against this expedition, let's hear from amnesty international. for example. the high course decision is a rear piece of positive news for julian hassan. and all defenders of press freedom . the high court has rightly concluded that if extradited to the usa assigns will be at risk of serious abuse, including prolonged solitary confinement which would violate the prohibition on torture or other ill treatment. also, a lot of people are having an issue with the fact that washington is using the espionage act and charging them with espionage because of before this was used not when it comes through and the less the publishers are for government work or for example links and information, so government work of another country, but here you haven't, a publisher being persecuted for, simply releasing information that was acquired by someone else. so that's why a lot of people are so sites in the freedom of speech of boston from this all about
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freedom of speech. and the freedom of expression them what is this all about? so that's what, where we're hoping that it will come down to that and we'll see a change because last month, joe biden, the us president did say that he's considering at the request of the australian government. so drop the case, a drop the charges and allow him to go back home to australia. but let's cost live 90 dr. depot going govinda, raj and roy about who is that then observed, brought the julian this orange extradition hearing. how significant do you think that ruling is that and in favor of julia this on his right to appeal his extradition here? and thanks very much for having me on. i think it is a significant rolling. it is the 1st building that has effect really gone in julian's favor since the decision of the lower courts not to extradite the the,
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the decision also to some extent restore some credibility to the british justice system, given the flagrant violations. and mr. as on his case, for example, the systematic spying on the privilege leading to conversations of these lawyers, the information that the united states. so to assassinate this, the sounds, a lot of such information is come out of the process has continued without stopping, which suggests that there is something wrong with the way that the process is being carried out. so yes, i think it is significant both for british justice and virtually in a sense can you just talk it through the legal arguments that were presented by associate defense that you think possibly suede the purchase quote to allow this appeal? sure. i think it's important to say that it's as much as the legal arguments and
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the service on the side. i think what really sweet the thoughts was the absence of diplomatic assurances of the quality of the blue magic assurances that were given by the us. so as you know, mr. goldman told me that i had in the us um, social security. i had very clearly stated at an earlier stage that because mr. sanchez and on us now know, he may not be allowed to rely on 1st amendment protections. and as a result, one of the big discussions to today and then the submission to appeal at discussions was whether such or whether mr zones would have access to the west amendment rights. and the assurance given by the united states essentially states that mr. massage can seek to raise the right to have the 1st amendment, which doesn't mean that he can either use his 1st amendment rights and then make it
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documents. ready or that, you know, that his 1st amendment rights would indeed be protected to the fact the us were not even able to say that mysterious august 1st amendment rights would be protect. it was something that was really sweet because it was also really interesting that it's very important to remember that not only does the us loft always on the diplomatic assurances which have been given that as cases in the, in the u. k. in spain, etc. which show us how these, the prologic assurances which i really showed interest with each state's and know between courts and are not necessarily on it. but when they do on of it, they often stick to the very left of the wording, which means the various a clever tricks can be done to be able to do things that the united states wants to
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do. and that was one of the arguments that mr. science lawyers make today. mr. sanchez lewis also went into the cold talking about what i have always seen as a bit of a read heading, which is this argument in some ways about the death penalty. because one of the assurances the us as given now and it is taking a long time for them to give this a children's is that they will not seek to apply the death penalty of mr. saunders and they will not charge him with a death penalty eligible pride. but on let's box that to one side and say ok the death penalty is no longer on the table. but as. busy or present, or rightly said earlier, facing 175 years, and this is for max prison is that's my incarceration. that is best buy jailing. so if he's not that's different from the death penalty except it doesn't have to be instantaneously. okay, we're going to have that issue. yeah, we're going to have to leave it that. thank you very much for joining us. that's
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talk to deeper, go into raj and drive, but who is a julian? this sounds extradition hearing upset by thank you. now wrong, supremely does announce 5 days of morning off the president abraham rise c and for administer holston, abdul, abdullah hon. were confirmed to have died in a helicopter crash in north west of iran, that cim accompanying them also perished when the helicopter came down on sunday, a red cross and it has reported that everyone on, for the helicopter died in the 1st moments off of the crash but the circumstances surrounding the accident to spill, i know, despite the fact that they have been claims that a technical failure could be the cause. meanwhile, the rainy in governments has given insurances that tragedy will not affect its wood, racing, you know, fatigue in these tragic incident. the rent in nation lost
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a sincere and valuable servant for him. the welfare and satisfaction of the people was preferred over everything. so he's annoyances from the ingratitude and tones of some you wishers. did not prevent him from working day and night to improve affairs . according to the constitution, well, how much must there is in the position of managing the executive branch, and he's obliged to arrange with the heads of the legislative and judicial branches to elect a new president. within the maximum of 50 days, yvonne and president has lost his lie on his way to the east author by john provincial capital tab breeze midway. that incident happened as abraham lucy along the way to know, you have 7 other ways to throw you off. and officials were killed in that crash bed . that leaves a heavy burden on the shoulder, off the successor spokesperson of the one who guardian council to on the off the
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announced that the iranian vice president is, has officially started its role to take over the presidential responsibilities for up to 50 days. and this means that a dotted counsel that we spoke about earlier, i will be held as soon as um, with the presence of the iranian apartment speaker, mohammed bulger, volleyball f, as well as the judiciary chief messer. as g along with the vice president of the 1st vice president, well, how much more fare to the arrange that election to choose then uh, the new and ronnie and president within that time frame, also in 15 days. so what's next for iran is to also observe dropped massive, unexpected, massive funeral ceremony students of the conic university up the wrong gather today at the campus to hold a memorial service for the late abraham where you see the light they're wanting unprecedented. brian, where you see and his companions who died on sunday,
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i brought him lucy for space repeated visits, 2 different iranian universities, including the university of toronto, trying to bring about this connection and contact between the science and knowledge, as well as the industry of students here say that bryan bodies, he was a person who are spearheaded everyone's shift from reliance on ties with. it was to the eastern blog, he took really practical actions practical steps to try to fulfill his mission of trying to gain self sufficiency, trying to shield the country's economic economy from the western sanctions and the impacts of the western embargo on different iranian industries. overall, he was a special and they have you weighed politician that brought about every oil change for a wrong socio political in iran,
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socially political scene. and he's going to be miss a lot by the iranian nation. 2 years ago today, merrier was taken by russian forces, gaining control all the city as birth lives and properties of being rebuilt residents, soldiers, and officials mounting the date of these steps. we need reports now from the the net school public city monday. the 20 is 2022, and the seizure valuable finally came to an end. russian troops took control of the city, much of which had been destroyed in the fighting. according to the west, did not receive the heroes of as also made that law stones here. but the reality is very different. neo nazis on the west of accomplice is, will hold up, pay like cowards, using civilians as human shields. but today is know about them. today is about the liberators. and the liberated flowers are being late here with this new,
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the restored monuments as locals and soldiers. and officials remember the atrocities that took place in the fall right as a fatality and had its headquarters in this i think using as a face from which they terrorized the local as the media decade level. and what, what are those is a very, very important dates for the city of my real poll, because it is the 2nd 10 of those 3 on the ration by as parts of the boston preservation. the cities recovery developing. and there's no doubt that it will be won by the by citizens mcgross. so unfortunately, the neo nazis left a lot of exclusive objects that have to be destroyed either on the spot or in a landfill. good, we're doing everything possible. so the mary paul becomes a common cheerful resort city. lots of temporary, 242022. no one knew yet that this would happen in our country. i was sitting at home and the computer watching my desk just facing the window. and suddenly the shooting started, it was coming either from the level hill or something like a shroud of smoke covered the east towards the war,
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had begun by nature of the goal of the whole hunger and cold set. and you, people who went out to get food or water were killed, but they were lying right on the road. he was also in each that's out in the as a fighters where exterminating us whenever they showed us. we run to the basement switch on the show like stopped, we would come back out. they did within their and shuddered us so we had to stay in the basement. so why did the western media say about it or this? they were told a story by the you create on, you know, not to so they simply repeated it and the police, but we are the ones who survived it all here. a russian flag on failed stretching the length of the square in the city center, a symbol of the liberation of value po, ribbons along with pride. as a people have expressed a russian identity, beautiful as the media. the 1st thing that really stupified me was the corpses of civilians lying everywhere and there were a lot of bodies and so that, but no one had cleaned them up at the same time and there was shooting and your tillery in order fire everywhere.


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