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tv   News  RT  May 20, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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but also free speech across the western world, perversely being pro palestinian and pro peace is condemned, is and i submitted the israel is 5 minutes. the last you back to the international criminal quotesoft chief prosecutor says he wants to bring in benjamin netanyahu on his defense piece along with 3 inches of how much the down 12 klein rejects. we've discussed the hate prosecutor's comparison between democratic israel and the mass murderers of homos. this is a complete distortion of reality. this is exactly what the separatism looks like. the u. k. how i quote constituting this on the right. so p leads us extradition, given the whistle blow hope that he may not have to face the charges. the complete to spending a 175 years behind boss overseas and
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a rainy and president abraham rise. c and his board members the components and kills and a helicopter crash and uranium providence, a piece of advice on and the rain in 1st vice prime is that president is expected to visit into room precedence until elections can be held within 50 days. the welcome to the new zone here now to international us, we take you through the stories that you need to know what our top story this iowa is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has. so i'm the international criminal quotes chief prosecutor for seeking an arrest warrant, not just for him, but also his defense means that you of gallons. they stand accused of war crimes in gone for nothing. you are who has branded the move quote to the new anti semitism
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icvc, prosecute to carry them. con, also wants to see the leadership of thomas in the dock that i have reasonable grounds to believe. the 3 senior leaders of how a mass now. yes. and while i'm at dice and ishmael, i need a back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of these rail. i'm the state of palestine from at least the 7th of october 2023. i can also confirm today that i have reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you. i've got a back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on
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the touch screen of the state of palestine from at least the 8th of october, 2023. so absolutely, but i should prosecute her in the hague with one's odessa to do. you dare compare the monsters of him off to the soldiers of the adf most tomorrow ami in the world with once odessa to you, cut him between the mos that murdered bud butchered rate, and keeping out tom brothers and sisters. and the idea of soldiers who are fighting adjustable that is on power leveled in morality, that he's on, matched as the prime minister of israel i reject with discussed the time of the hague, prosecute as comparison between democratic israel and the mass murderers of how most of us, so this is a complete distortion of reality. this is exactly what the new anti semitism looks like. uh, it is moved from the campuses in the west to the cool thing. the hey, just a shame. this calm as a surprise reports about the eyes this season tension is happens circulating since
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last month, but it did come as a blow. oh beloved about these really political establishment has gone wild, slamming the international criminal court. we have not seen such a show. he bought christine hatred of jews like that displayed, but according to hague, since nazi propaganda. now this also spoke in the name of morality and there was nothing there besides and so i assume it is an important for them auto arrest warrants for all of us. i have instructed the immediate establishment of a special command center at the foreign ministry with all professional entities aimed at fighting against the decision intended primarily to shackle israel's hands and prevented from exercising its right to self defense. a drawing parallels between the leaders of a democratic country determined to defend itself from despicable terror to leaders of a bloodthirsty terror organization is a deep distortion of justice and blade and moral bankruptcy. the prosecutors position to apply for arrest warrants is in itself
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a crime of historic proportions to be remembered for generations. the ice ac became a rock. there was a hard place as well. yeah. who is under tremendous pressure on the homefront. he rece seeing his rolling call lucian crumble as allies threatening to rebel over his handling of the war and gaza. and he's rapidly losing public support to has regular protests against his leadership mounts across the country. unlike is really officials, many citizens see a possible arrest. international domestic has a fair faith for the prime minister who failed to protect his release on october 7th. and has since failed to bring all the hostages home nearly 8 months on its initial pressure. it gets b, b, o, these really governments of today will just help him to stay in power. we need him to kick him out from inside. i think he said was
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a century. i think he was just trying to keep it safe to keep himself out of trouble. and meanwhile, is living. everything is full of us. i think, you know, should not stop. we'd be, be, they all have to be able to do. all the government is freely knows, no kidding people in palestine and so with no reason, they all have to go to choose an old all of them one by one. but who says newton, yahoo actually cares what is riley's want? he's clearly more worried about securing support from washington. the i c. c. prosecutors, application for arrest warrants against is really leaders is outrageous and letting me be clear, whatever this prosecutor might imply. there is no equivalence, none between e's real and how much we will always spend with israel against threats . do it security. israel has made it clear the eyes to say is warren's approved by a panel of judges, or in fact, any war and will not stop the prime minister. and he's government's war on guys on
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the news that's made. world headlines will hardly make changes on the ground, but it's certainly piles. no pressure on these relays and the american allies who are becoming increasingly isolated as the global majority rallies full palestine. where are you from ocean ah, how t reporting from jerusalem to london now with the high quotes has gone to julie this on the right to pay and his extradition to the us. what he faces a life in prison if he's convicted of espionage charges, there was a blow, a has now a chance of a renewed fight for his freedom. activist phil russell was at the scene when the verdict was announced in brutus. this report of the julius owen's case was a bit of a surprise because to be given leave to appeal
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to everybody's expect take the next day. of course the ruling a means that assigns will not be expedited within 24 hours, but essentially which is good. but essentially it doesn't change anything because it means that he can continue appealing, which he has been doing for years, and he's being persecuted from all the way back in 2010. when all of this started after his website, which league so released the information, but it was basically expose the us military's actions abroad in particular and the rock and of down to sound, which we'll get to. and the 2nd and all of a sudden, after that rate charges, random rate charges appeared in sweden where he was out at the moment at that
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moment. and after that that prompted his move to the united kingdom. and then the courts there ruled that he should be expedited to sweden, the were appeals which he failed. and then he entered the ecuadorian embassy in 2012, seeking the solemn, which was granted. and these spend 7 years there now fast forward to 2009, seeing that we're doing and the c. uh typically wages asylum status. and that's from goodness authorities. arrested. then face on him, breeching his bail conditions all the way back in 2012. so he had to, he was sentenced to 50 weeks and prisoners. at the same time, us a forty's were always on this case, the one that him expedited to the us where he of course faces s been us charge has now passed or the again, the 2021, the courts and the care of all of that. no, a science cannot be expedited to the united states because there he risk losing his life based on the harsh us present conditions that you as
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a government been filed in the. busy and convinced the court that, that he would be treated humanely. now, there was another appeal and now it's been finally sets that he can continue appealing in the u. k. because the only other option was so if today it was a negative response, he could only appeal to the european court of human rights. so he's continuing to peeling uh, within the u. k. so it doesn't really change the fact that his persecution continues spot and good news, of course, for the family that he's not in the united states. let's hear more from his wife outside. the 4th, what she said, that we spent a long time hearing the united states putting lipstick on a pig. but the judges did not quiet. the united states should read the situation and drop this case now. now is the moment to do it. just abandon the shameful attack on journalists on the press on the public that has been going on for 14 years, coasted into songs,
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is not an american citizen. you know, he's australia. and he also holds ecuadorian citizenship in networks. and so it is determined to secure his extradition to the us just took us through the logic of this. yes, of course will, because it's their secret that julie in the sons' expose not even the he expose that it was his website which leads because it's west full blowers who go on there and basically up. busy the, the information that they got or that was linked. so this is basically the persecution of a publisher or a journalist. the few will bought washington does accused him of conspiring with us army intelligence officer chelsea manning to hack into pensive on computers and access those military files and diplomatic cables and then release. and then uh, and also just to take you through some of the revelations that we saw again in 201-2011 was really the main leaks there were actually describe the ask and and iraq of war diaries,
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where the scribe does the largest security breaches of their kind in us military history. and they expose the truth of a space on the us military's actions in iraq. and i've gotten a some huge that's all target, think of civilian. so of course, and this was picked up by, oh, was the western press that was very damaging and also very embarrassing information on surface because the, the leaks continues the, it's was a. and then there were also a secret diplomatic cables that were leaked and 260000 miles from embassies, us embassies around around the world. so far as a lot of people, a lot of diplomats us and military officials and us officials in general. they were very angry and embarrassed by what came out and then add to that also the guantanamo bay files, where they expose the torture and unnecessary detention of hundreds of people who received 0 no fair trial. there was happens essentially in secret. so of course, this was very, very damaging for, for the united states. do linda?
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sanchez always argued that it's very important to inform the world of what the united states are doing in the senseless loss of life around the world. so something needs to be done, something needs to happen for that to stop. and also a lot of people are having an issue with the fact that washington is using the espionage act and charging them with espionage. because before this was used, not when it comes to during the less the publishers, if a government work or for example, links and information to a government work of another country. but here you haven't, a publisher being persecuted for, simply releasing information that was acquired by someone else. so that's why a lot of people are so sites in the freedom of speech a fall, something is all about freedom of speech and freedom of expression. them, what is this all about? so that's what, where we're hoping that it will come down to that and we'll see a change because last month, joe biden, the us president did say that he's considering at the request of the australian government to drop the case a drop the charges and allow him to go back home to australia,
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we'll see if that happens again election season. this would look good on joe biden, especially now with everything that's happening in the world around as well. let's . let's see what happens. but the appeal process continues. well versus coleman is policy chief up at griffith says that given us as political subservience to the us, as long as it's chauncey's for appeal, remain slim, as well as the welcome sign is that i want to get should be in written, which is supposed to be independent of the political. oh like that, we've actually seen a small spark of that independence with today's ruling. but of course, nobody should, nobody who values a free speech and freedom of the media should should for a moment imagine that we are on the way to victory and the release of fusion. and i've found, we've seen previous decision for this bridge coach, and therefore,
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i think there's absolutely no room for complacency. i'm afraid. i've given dreadful don't say in foreign affairs of military methods as a loyal to those of the united states. and that is still a serious prospect that the united states will get its way popping across the only the only justifiable reason for the phones go to the united states will see services, for example, a marker of a congressional medal of all 4. this is in exposing what is, what is a wash system of mass surveillance? should version of state violence the united states approaches the practice in so many decades. the only real trillion in america is always the search i found just coverage. it introduced paul lou about this and he's not to be forgiven any
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time shooting to dealing with the us. government is committed to keeping you quite in conflict, going instead of promoting peace to cuz that is, according to american civil society acts based small gord, kimberly embrace the un security council during its latest session in new york. for the last 2 years, we seen a terrible war which would end if this countries and if this country and others would stop providing arms and instead see peace. there were opportunities for that to happen in march and april of 2022. when the government of tortilla hosted peace talks between ukraine and the russian federation, the possibility of peace was lost when my country and others subverted these talks by promising the government of ukraine, that it would receive an endless supply of weapons with which to achieve
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a military victory, we need only recall what the president of the united states and his foreign policy team have said publicly. the secretary of defense famously said in a rare moment of candor that the us wanted to quote, see russia weekend and quote. this is a dangerous goal for the united states to have at all a well monday session was caused by most go to discuss the ukraine conflicts on the threats to global security. rushed his own voice, took the forward to state. the lot to me is the landscape can no longer be negotiated with us as presidential term has now officially x 5 of the he refused to hold elections. i'm positive, the ceiling up in the z. a also choose the west, the west familiarizing ukraine against russia. the states of the truth is that since 2014 washington and its sellers have turned ukraine into
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a guinea pig with the goal of growing it's in to something that would annoy russia and ideally center our development. however, the main element of transforming is a big has been pumping ukraine full of weapons under the guise of them in sc agreements and brain. washing it with it. we're still phobic and nationalist and neo nazi audiology in this, from the american authorities and their accomplices. having the succeeded, the guinea pig has grown aggressive and reckless, but no matter how hard the western puppy tears try, they cannot turn a guinea pig into a more powerful animal. and as soon as they realize that this experiment had done all it could, they simply wrote it off. now their main task is to make as much money off with a guinea pig as possible, dispose of as many old weapons and test as many new ones as they can. so
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let's go life now to international defense consultant l rosman studies in washington, d. c. for us, thank you very much for joining us, showing off the international. i want to start with the. yeah, listen in the rooms, lie to me is lensky is no longer and elected president and ukraine has to, has expired. we've now heard that she's not the person that russia could to negotiate with who could then most go potentially negotiate with in kia, of in the future at some point. but i think um yeah, one of the uh, ssl recognizing those present but, but the officially, he's not exactly so and plus see in their constitution they, they banning him from negotiating with the, with present improvement on it. and to be honest, i don't think it really matters who's in power or,
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or who's even maybe in power in, in the ukraine. because ukraine basically, you're not going to negotiate any type of settlement unless you're negotiating with the, with the west, with united states with washington. and it's no matter what mister blake and says, he knows that ukraine doesn't think that there may be some things they do on the ground on their own, but, but as far as ending the conflict, as far as the leading, we've already seen the wireless. this is the conflict which has never started. it has several opportunities to end, always scuttled by the west, either london or washington. so it really doesn't matter if uh, one skis are legally the president currently in any case. but there really is no one there. he does not have a public support, they couldn't have an election because he wouldn't win. and
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a plus the you need to negotiate with washington that's, that's who has to, has to be in, in the, on the development, the negotiation and having a peace conference in switzerland without the russians is a, is meetings. no, it's been a pretty difficult couple of weeks for caps, troops losing ground on the battlefield over a nova. some weston, unless it's also suggested that ukraine's on me could actually be close to collapse . do you think that if that's really true key as may be more prepared to perhaps considering sitting down for talks any time soon? if as you say they get permission to do so from the west the, the army is, i mean it's close to that. we're going as like 4th, integration of the army and this current one is nearly, uh, i think it will collapse instead of kind of almost a free fall right now. you've got entire data surrendering. they may get into more
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equipment in, but they don't have the manpower to they only have let alone train man or they don't have the manpower period. um, i think the, you know, the, the west is going to try to literally there, there. it's not about democracy that this product, what is going on about geo political objectives about just the power over halfway around the world. and um the i think they're going to try to, they're trying to probably wouldn't make an offer, but to try to push it as long as possible. we need to get to the election. i don't think that the us really wants this conflict the end it any time, but they definitely don't want to to end before the election. and it would look like another. ask dana stand debacle even worse. but they really the west does not care about your claim, no matter what they say they do not. and i hope the ukrainians wake up to this and
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realize that that but yeah it's, it's, will the objectives the week and russia, uh, you know, must do events. yeah. said it's yet right on. that's always been the objective ever since 2014 and even probably before then. so it's um, yes, we'll do it with perhaps after the election they'll look for some type of settlement and allow something to make some type of face saving. but we'll have to see what happens. but, so what you're saying that is the west essentially the us doesn't want anything to happen in terms of peace folks until we've got the november elections out the way. do you think that's the reason why we've been hearing some pretty unusual statements coming from the west? western officials still claiming that t as tom b most coke on the battlefield,
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despite the fact that we've seen more moved around being lost by you quite a bit is clear when you look at the picture on the map, but no succeeding and yet western official. so yeah, yet we can still when oh yeah, absolutely. yeah, absolutely, and it should never, i'm going down this experiment to begin with. and if you go back, you've had the people, you know, advising, go. president obama saying we don't want to go there. and so they've known this and yet we've got some isolated cells that are very influential. unfortunately, mr. bite and mr. blinking are part of those cells. and um, you know, miss new and obviously was one of the cheerleaders involved as well. the. they want to stretch this on and, and, and, and the, it's, and they actually, sometimes i actually think they actually believe ukraine to win. but that's it's,
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it's unrealistic, they're moving into the neighborhood in a 2nd world, a parallel universe, some point. yeah. um and the leave it that but thank you so much for taking you through that. really appreciate your time. international defense, consultant, ill rasmussen, around. supremely that has an ounce 5 days of morning off the president abraham or i see on his foreign minister will confirm to have died in a helicopter crash in north west and iran. the team accompanying them also perished . when the helicopter came down on sunday. this, the red crescent has reported that everyone on, for the helicopter died in the 1st moments off to the crash, but the circumstances surrounding the accident a still unknown. that's despite the have been claims that a technical failure could be the cause. meanwhile, be raining government just giving a short says that the tragedy will not impact. it's what the racing, you know,
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fatigue in these tragic incident. the rent in nation lost a sincere and valuable servant for him. the welfare and satisfaction of the people was preferred over everything. so he's annoyances from the ingratitude and tones of some you wishers. did not prevent him from working day and night to improve affairs . according to the constitution, well, how much must there is in the position of managing the executive branch, and he's obliged to arrange with the hands of the legislative and judicial branches to elect a new president. within the maximum of 50 days. students are the conic universe and you up the wrong gather today at the campus to hold a memorial service for the late abraham where you see the light they're wanting presidents and brian were, you see, and his companions who died on sunday i brought him lucy for space repeated visits, 2 different iranian universities, including the university of toronto, trying to bring about this connection and contact between the science and knowledge,
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as well as the industry students here say that bryan bodies, he was a person who are spearheaded, everyone's shift from reliance on ties with it was to the eastern blog, he took really practical actions practical steps to try to fulfill his ambition of trying to gain. so trying to shield the country's economic economy from the western sanctions and the impacts of the western embargo on different iranian industries. overall, all the he was a special and a have you weighed politician that brought about every oil change for a wrong socio political in iran, socially political scene. and he's going to be miss a lot by the iranian nation with the wrong pa, castanan, lebanon level. and i said that they going to have a natural state of mooning. many countries also expressing their support over the
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tragic death of be arranging prime minister president melba. remembering him as a strong and politician and an outstanding individual fellow bricks, members, china, and south africa are amongst those, sending their condolences dalton, which on behalf of the chinese government and its people, we express all jeep condolence, a sold the death of president. but you see in the how the call to accidents, and since i've taken off this president, vice city has made important contributions to maintaining your own security and stability. promot to national development and personal parity. and also my active efforts to consolidate and develop the china. your role and comprehensive strategic partnership is unfortunately down to is a huge loss gives you that you rodney and people. the chinese people have lost a good friend, an industry and department is deeply sho, inside and at the reports of the policy of these excellence, the prison,
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tracy. of these allow me for a public, i'll be around, as well as my colleague, the minister of do i have the minister of foreign affairs of these lumnick republic . i'll be around the policy on very tragic circumstances. just causes us to express our deepest condolences and sympathies to the government. the people of these loved make republicans here run as well as to the families of these excellent, see the late president crazy and the late minister of july hand will stay with all the scenes. national full, continuing coverage will keep you updated on all the latest developments on a and of course, online the
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action or time. so you're welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from the you a brutal day to a was the decline of us, probably accelerating rise of bricks, economic catastrophe, and west endurable in the bigger selection. yeah. in history up to russia, pockets on and bangladesh, the south africa and mexico, india, and the u. k. and in november, the usa, one trans full cost it correctly predicted the us dot com crash, the us savings and loan corruption scandal, and the rise of gourmet coffee. jones selected days founder and director of the trans research institute and publisher of the week. the trans journal and he joins me now from kingston in new york. thank you so much, gerald for coming on away from the go on a coffee booming stock prices.


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