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tv   News  RT  May 20, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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a special funding place? yeah. look at the. yeah, that'd be the the israel is 5 minutes. the lashes on to the international criminal pool. doctor chief prosecutor says he wants to bring in benjamin netanyahu on his defense tea along with 3 business. how much to some twine twine? i rejected. we discussed the hague prosecutor's comparison between democratic israel and the mass murderers have come off. this is a complete distortion of reality. this is exactly what the new anti semitism looks like. the k holland court grows, julian, it's on the right to appeal. here's us extradition, giving the wistful blow a hope that he may not have to face charges. the privilege of spending a $175.00 is behind a pause and
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a raining presidency for the hammer. i see. and he's a foreign minister reconfirm, killed in a helicopter crash in the east and not as a by john province overrun on the ringing for twice president is expected to serve as interim president until elections to be held within 50 days. the bringing you all the news you need to know this is all to international thanks very much for tuning in. we're going to start without top story this our, this is the fact that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has. so i'm the international criminal quotes chief prosecutor for seeking an arrest warrant for not just payment, but also his defense means to you. of gallant bait stands accused of war crimes in garza, netanyahu, his brandy, the move quote, the new anti semitism i see. see,
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prosecute account with con also was to see the leadership of homicide in the dark to have reasonable grounds to believe the 3 senior leaders of how a mass now. yes. and while i'm at dice and ishmael, i need a back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of these rail. i'm the state of palestine from at least the 7th of october 2023. i can also confirm today that i have reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you. i've got a back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on
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the territory of the state of palestine from at least the 8th of october, 2023 sum up solely by should prosecute her in the hague with once odessa team. do you dare compare the monsters of him off to the soldiers of the i d, f, moral ami in the world with wonderful data to you? what had between the from us, that murder, but butchered. right. and keep about top brothers and sisters and the id soldiers of a fight on a possible that is unparalleled in morales that he's on, matched as the prime minister of israel i reject. with discussed the time of the hague, prosecutors comparison between democratic israel and the mass murderers of how much of this is a complete distortion of reality. and this is exactly what the new anti semitism looks like. it is moved from the campuses in the west to the colt in the hey, what's a shame this come as a surprise reports about the eyes this season. tension is happens circulating since last month, but it did come as
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a blue beloved about these rarely political establishments has gone wild, slamming the international criminal court. we have not seen such a show he bulk or seen hatred of jews like that displayed, but according to hague, since nazi propaganda. now, this also spoke in the name of morality, and there was nothing there besides entice them. it is, i don't ask morton's full them auto arrest warrants for all of us. i have instructed the immediate establishment of a special command center at the foreign ministry with all professional entities aimed at fighting against the decision intended primarily to shackle israel's hands and prevent it from exercising its right to self defense. the drawing parallels between the leaders of a democratic country determined to defend itself from despicable terror to leaders of the blood. there's to tell organization is a deep distortion of justice and blade and moral bankruptcy. the prosecutor's position to apply for arrest warrants is in itself a crime of historic proportions. to be remembered for generations. the ice ac
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became a rock. there was a hard place as well. yeah. who was on the tremendous pressure on the home front. he risk seeing his rolling call lucian crumble as allies threatening to rebel over his head, lean hope, the war and guys us, and he's rapidly losing public support to has regular protests against he's leadership. mountains across the country, unlike is really officials, many citizens see a possible arrest. international domestic has a fair faith for the prime minister, who fails to protect, as really is on october 7th. and has since failed to bring all the hostages home nearly 8 months on its initial pressure, it gets b, b, o. these really governments of today will just help him to stay in power. we need him to kick him out some insight. i think he said has a country, i think he's just trying to keep it safe to keep himself out of trouble. and
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meanwhile, is living everything. yeah. full of us. i think it, it's not and should not stop. we'd be be and they all have to be able to do all the government is freely knows. no kidding people in palestine and with no reason. they all have to go to choose an old all of them one by one. but who says natania, who actually cares what is riley's want? he's clearly more worried about securing support from washington d. i. c. c for security is application for arrest warrants against is really, leaders is outrageous and letting me be clear, whatever this prosecutor might imply. there is no equivalence, none between e's real and how much we will always spend with israel against the threats to it. security. israel has made it clear the eyes. this is warren's approved by a panel of judges, or in fact, any war and will not stop the prime minister and he's government's war on guys on
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the news that's made. world headlines will hardly make changes on the ground. but it's certainly policy, no pressure on these relays, and the american allies who are becoming increasingly isolated as the global majority relas for palestine. where are you from ocean? ah, how t reporting from jerusalem? which i live chevy of bill rockman says washington is likely to pressure the i. c. c against issuing arrest warrants for is where the officials double standards is double traced it because they are equal lies in between. uh hum us and israel was fighting for the freedom of the senior people. and in the same time, i mean, i've been doing this and you know, on your go on presenting and book, you'll find the who are book you wind up on a senior lens. so if you also look at the kinds,
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the false goose is committed by both sides of this means you may need to know this already gave instructions on all those to kill thousands of policies. look at the destruction of goals to look at how many women, how many children, how many of the people not killed and all of them were in most of the game regarding all those. if you look at their best conferences, their statements, i don't believe that in the role to cold. i don't believe that the united states are going to let them know that easily. they will stop picking sanctions. they would stop the rising in the ice to see the prosecutor and all the judges, that they shouldn't take any action against the latest and want to be only 90 to doing some us for patients, only london's high courses quantity. julian, this owns the right to appeal his expedition to the us where he faces life in
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prison if convicted on espionage charges, the whistle blower now has a renew chance to fight for his freedom. active as spirit russell was seen in the verdict was announced in his boat as this report on the julius owen's case was a bit of a surprise because to be given leave to appeal to everybody's expect take the next day to appeal to of course the ruling a means that assigns will not be expedited within 24 hours, but essentially which is good. but essentially it doesn't change anything because
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it means that he can continue appealing, which he has been doing for years, and he's being persecuted from all the way back in 2010. when all of this started after his website, which leaks of released the information up, it was basically expose the us military's actions abroad in particular and the rock and of down to sound, which we'll get to in the 2nd. and all of a sudden, after that rate charges, random rate charges appeared in sweden where he was at the moment at that moment. and after that that prompted his move to the united kingdom. and then the courts there ruled that he should be expedited to sweden, the were appeals which he failed. and then he entered the ecuadorian embassy in 2012, seeking the solemn, which was granted in these spent 7 years there. uh, now fast forward to 2009 seeing that were doing and to see uh, typically wages asylum status and that's from goodness authorities arrested. then face on him, breeching his bail conditions all the way back in 2012. so he had to,
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he was sentenced to 50 weeks and prisoners at the same time and. busy so for these were always on his case, the one that him expedited to the us where he of course spaces, espionage charges, now pass or the again, the 2021. the courts and the careful that's no astonish, cannot be expedited to the united states because there he risk losing his life based on the harsh us present conditions that you as a government been filed in the. busy and convinced the court that, that he would be treated humanely. now, there was another appeal and now it's been finally set that he can continue appealing in the u. k. because the only other option was so if today it was a negative response, he could only appeal to the european court of human rights. so he's continuing to peeling uh, within the u. k. so it doesn't really change the fact that his persecution continues on good news, of course, for the family that he's not in the united states. let's hear more from his wife outside. the 4th, what she said, that we spent
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a long time hearing the united states putting lipstick on a pig. but the judges did not quiet. the united states should read the situation and drop this case now. now is the moment to do it. just abandon the shameful attack on journalists on the press on the public that has been going on for 14 years posted as long as he's not an american citizen. you know, he's australia and he also holds ecuadorian citizenship. and yeah, washington is determined to secure his extradition to the us. just took us through the logic of this. yes, of course will, because it's their secret that i truly in the sons' expose not even the he expose that it was his website which leads because it's wistful blowers who go on there and basically up. busy the, the information that they got or that was linked. so this is basically the persecution of a publisher or a journalist. the few will thoughts washington does accused him of conspiring for
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the us army intelligence officer chelsea manning to hack into pensive on computers and access those military files and diplomatic cables and then release. and then uh, and also just to take you through some of the revelations that we saw again in 201-2011 was really the main leaks there were actually describe the ask and and iraq of war diaries, where the scribe does the largest security features of the client, the newest military history, and they expose the truth of a space on the us military's actions in the rock and of down to some huge that's all target, think of civilian. so of course, and this was picked up by, oh, was the western press that was very damaging and also very embarrassing information on surface because of the leaks continues the, it's was a and then there were also a secret diplomatic cables that were leaked in 260000 miles from embassies, us embassies around around the world. so far as a lot of people,
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a lot of diplomats us and military officials and us officials in general. they were very angry and embarrassed by what came out and then add to that. also the guantanamo bay flowers where they expose the torture and unnecessary the tension of hundreds of people who received 0 no fair trial. there was happens essentially in secret. so of course, this was very, very damaging for, for the united states. julia massage has always argued that it's very important to inform the world of what the united states are doing in the senseless loss of life around the world. so something needs to be done, something needs to happen for that to stop. and also a lot of people are having an issue with the fact that washington is using the espionage act and charging them with espionage. because uh before this was used, not when it comes to during the less the publishers, if a government work or for example links and information to a government work of another country. but here you haven't, a publisher being persecuted for, simply releasing information that was acquired by someone else. so that's why
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a lot of people are so size in the freedom of speech a false sense and is all about freedom of speech and freedom of expression, them. what is this all about? so that's what, where we're hoping that it will come down to that and we'll see a change because last month, joe, by then the us president did say that he's considering after requests of the australian government to drop the case a drop the charges and allow him to go back home to australia, we'll see if that happens again election season. this would look good on joe biden, especially now with everything that's happening in the world around as well. let's . let's see what happens. but the appeal process continues. where judge comment is posted schafer up at griffith says the gave me your case. political subservience to the us, as on his chart says was successful appeal remain swim as well as the welcome sign is that all that you get should be in written, which is supposed to be independent of the political. our place that we've actually
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seen a small spock of that independence with today's ruling. but of course, nobody should, nobody who values free speech and the freedom of the media should should for a moment imagine that we are on the way to victory and the release of duty. and i've found we've seen previous decision for this 5 bridge coach. and therefore, i think there's absolutely no room for complacency. i'm afraid i've given dreadful down to say in foreign affairs and mental treatments as a loyal total of the united states. and that is still a seat. yes. prospect that the united states will get its way across the only the only justifiable reason for that sounds. go to the united states square feet. there has changed for example, a, a congressional mental overall. uh, uh,
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sort of it shows as this in exposing what is, what is a box system of mass surveillance, a short version of state violence. the united states approaches the practice in so many decades. the only real trillion in america is always that founder of coverage. it is that these photos of, of this, and he's not to be forgiven any time soon to roll now where the country supreme leader has the next 5 days of morning. this is off the president abraham rossi and his foreign minister the work consent of died in a helicopter crash in north west in iran. the team accompanying them also parish to not helicopter came down on sunday as well. the red crescent has reported that everyone on board that had a coffee, died in the 1st few moments off the crash,
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but the circumstances surrounding the accident is still unknown, although the half being flames with technical failure could sustain the cause. meanwhile, the reigning government is keeping short, says, a tragedy will not affect its work. racing, you know, fatigue in these tragic incident, the rented nation lost a sincere and valuable servant for him. the welfare and satisfaction of the people was preferred over everything. so he's annoyances from the ingratitude and tones of some you wishers. did not prevent him from working day and night to improve affairs . according to the constitution, well, how much must there is in the position of managing the executive branch. and he's obliged to arrange with the hands of the legislative and judicial branches to elect a new president within the maximum of 50 days. students of the conic universe and you up the wrong gather today at the campus to hold
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a memorial service for the late abraham receive the like they're wanting presidents and brian were you see and his companions who died on sunday i brought him receive or spade repeated visits to different iranian universities, including the university of toronto, trying to bring about this connection and contact between the science and knowledge, as well as the industry students here say that brian bracy was a person who are spearheaded their wands shift from reliance on ties with the was to the eastern blog who took really practical actions practical steps to try to fulfill his addition of trying to gain self efficiency, trying to shield the country's economic economy from the western sanctions and the impacts of the western embargo on different iranian industries. overall, he was a special and a have you weighed politician that brought about every oil change for
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a wrong socio political in iran, socially political scene. and he's going to be miss a lot by the iranian nation. well, the wrong pakistan on lebanon have declined the natural state of mooning. many countries also expressing the support over the tragic death of the reigning president. remembering him as a strong little politician and an outstanding individual fellow brakes. members, china in south africa, or amongst those sending back condolences which on behalf of the chinese government and its people, we express solid deep condolence a sold the death of president. but you see in the how that cult accidents say can office president, vice city has made important contributions to maintaining your own security and stability. promote and national development and prosperity, and also made active efforts to consolidate and develop the china, your role and comprehensive strategic partnership. is unfortunate that is
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a huge loss to give you the run and people's the chinese people have lost a good friend as well. um, industry and department is the pre show and side and at the reports of the policy of these excellence, the president dray c a v. so i make republic, i'll be wrong, as well as my colleague the minister of do i have the minister of foreign affairs of these lumnick republic of the run, the policy going very tragic circumstances just causes us to express our deepest condolences and sympathies to the government the people of the stomach, republicans that run as well as to the families of these excellent, see the late president gracie and the late minister of july had in the us. how's the cues there on a flying a 45 year old helicopter in bad weather conditions and on the line,
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but it's functions will remain in place that is off the foam arranging for minutes . down mohammed john bates. zoey's said responsibility for the crash lines with washington over its restrictions on around a patient industry. j is equal to one of the main culprits is the united states, which has placed in them by the supply of aircraft on evolution by sticking around it and does not allow the ring and people to enjoy the good of using dose of, of this will be included in most of them with crimes, against the wrong name category of a, the running government has used its aircraft to transport equipment to support terrorism. so we will continue to fully enforce our sanctions regime, including our sanctions. resumes on aircraft for used by the running government ultimately is the ryan government that is responsible for the decision to fly. a 45 year old helicopter, in what was described as poor weather conditions. not any other actor arising
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participated in the opening ceremonies for 2 dams during the visit and hell talk through this as advise you on a counterpart on a variety of topics they discussed, the so called iris cardo project alarm link could eventually to in the rain in foot told in the black sea uranium delegation was been traveling to 2 bridges where the price of it was expected to renew great and local oil refinery project when the accident occurred. the
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. * the state without change and national full continuing coverage will keep you updated on
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all of the latest developments on us and online the of the dentist. so public safety of mario has smoked 2 years since being freed by russian troops. the port type was almost completely destroyed. during an extremely famous battles, but took place that it has been logged to me rebuilt in life, was returned to nubile, but local. still remember how the tourist ukrainian as a battalion terrorized them as office faith sweeney reports from the ground. monday . the 20th 2022, and the senior valuable finally came to an end. russian troops took control of the city, much of which had been destroyed in the fighting. according to the west did not receive the pharaohs of as also made that law stones here. but the reality is very different. neo nazis on the west of accomplice is, will hold up, pay like cowards,
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using civilians as human shields. but today is know about them. today is about the liberators. and the liberated flowers are being late here with this new, the restored monuments as locals and soldiers, unofficial. remember the atrocities that took place in the fall right as a fatality and had his headquarters in the safety using as a place from which they terrorized the local media decades level. one of them i do for those is a very, very important dates for the city of my real poll, because it is the 2nd, then it goes to reopen liberation. as parts of the boston preservation, the cities recovering, developing, and there's no doubt that it will be one of the bus cities in the process. unfortunately, the neo nazis left a lot of explosive objects that have to be destroyed either on the spot or in a landfill. good, we're doing everything possible. so the mary paul becomes a common cheerful resort city. let's talk about it. on february 24th 2022. no one
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knew yet that this would happen in our country. i was sitting at home and the computer watching my desk just facing the window. and suddenly the shooting started . it was coming either from the lab and hell or something of a schroeder's smoke covered the east towards the war, had begun by mitchell some bullet before hunger and cold set. and you, people who went out to get food or water were killed for they were lying right on the road. he was also in each that's out in the as a fighters were exterminating us whenever they showed us. we run to the basements. when the shuttling stopped, we would come back out. they just stood there and shut at us, so we had to stay in the basement. so why did the western media say about it, or they were told a story by the you create a new not to so they simply repeated it. let's see. but we are the ones with survived it all here. a russian flag on file stretching the length of this square in the city center, a symbol of the liberation of value po, ribbons along with pride. as a people had expressed a russian identity, beautiful as the media. the 1st thing that really stupified me was the corpses of
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civilians lying everywhere and there were a lot of body and so that, but no one had cleaned them up at the same time and there was shooting and your tillery in order fire everywhere. it was a terrible song. well, everything was destroyed and in flames, can you please? yeah, this the fighters game series between the houses fire and then left up with them. the return fire came and hit civilians as off did whatever they wanted to the people were shockey someone. i personally saw a man come up to them to ask something only to be shot. there was complete lawlessness, more or more of those that commit to the atrocities here and now being held to account with lengthy jail sentences being handed down. for some, this is an essential part of the rebuilding process. of others. the punishment is nothing. now. these are fighters or animals, they must be eradicated. simply exterminated, don't leave a single one. they must all be clans. reconstruction gathers paced with support from locals and volunteers from across the russia. that's not even full rises from
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the ashes. and the people say never again. this is steve sweeney for all to embody . the 3 prominent siege in easley does have signed political agreements in kenya, speaking to in the conflict done to stop a civilian rule in st. john as well. the main declaration prioritize secular governance and the right to self determination. as it champions non religious, non partisan civil rule, it would ensure equal power and well for all future needs and guarantee freedom of cultural religious identity representation. the declaration was signed by a former street and these prime minister i'm need is of liberation. movements can use president william rudo, helped magic mediate and witness the new agreements. while the warring factions for me is to work together to address the dance challenges. and so just
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with cease 5 to pave the way for long term peace, the 13 month long comb 6th broke out between call 2 between c. john's army and the rapids support forces parliamentary power mystery. creep night. besides his being willing to concede off that dissolving the civilian governments in 2021 crew, approximately 15000 people have been killed and over 8000000 displaced. finally, the following thing. south sydney's international policy consultant chad, case assessment of the piece to is not really most of what i think when you talk about any declaration, any piece agreement, you need to main warren size. and when we talk about the issue, the sudan doris says, which is the rep is support forces led by the former vice president mohammed him don't do that. no one is admitting and to sit down for his lives by.


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