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tv   The 360 View  RT  May 21, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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all this all started when the chinese a spied balloon floated over the entirety of the us. the lying unimportant bilateral meeting between china and us back in february of 2023 now kind of claimed it was a weather balloon and called the decision to shoot down the blue, unacceptable and irresponsible. while us intelligence says the unmanned vessel was designed to collect military data, not why the reports. now this from the secretary of state anthony blanket to postpone a diplomatic visit to beijing from february to june, to try and call the attention and present terabyte and has also signed a bill for seen the sale of chinese social media company to talk in april. now all of this comes as a biden is implementing tariffs and sanctions against china to slow their access to, to technology such as somebody conductors. and during blinking the last meeting on beijing,
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chinese versus shooting pain said washington needs to look at china's development in a positive light. all in order for bilateral relations to improve. china is willing to see a confident and open us with prosperity and development. it is hope that the us can also look at chinese development positively. only one is fundamental issue is resolved with the china us relations be truly stabilized. but is this just more theatre or tensions between the 2 world powers at a breaking point, which will have devastating effects on the rest of the world? well, let us discuss with our panel k, j now author and east asia, expert line, all of a line on media and tim iverson, host the iris, and show thank you so much for joining me. all 3 of you. thank you to. so kim, i'm actually going to start with you because it is no secret that republicans and democrats and office often speak of china as the number one threat globally. yet
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only a few pieces of life legislation have actually been passed, which draw hard lines between the 2 countries. so what is the truth regarding the current relationship between washington dc and beijing? well, the truth is, is that the business class will not really truly allow the political class to do the things that the political class says that they want to do. the political class does a lot of posturing against china. they want to act like they want to act like china is the big bad bully that they have to go after they continue to. they're just fostering a lot. but the, the bottom line is we do too much trade with china. we have too much, we have too much writing on the, on china's economy. we have too much of business in china. the business class won't actually allow anything to happen, which is fundamentally a good thing. we should not be creating another cold war or, or creating another adversary if we want to compete. we've got to learn to compete by actually producing better goods by actually making ourselves more self
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sufficient rather than relying on china and their imports. that is what we need to be doing, rather than constantly demonizing and trying to create a cold war. it's just not gonna work. okay. days is that how you see it, and i have to ask, what is the united states? a biggest fear in regard to china, the us is afraid that china is a rising competitor. they refer to it as a revision. our, which is another way of saying that it is an official enemy, but the us at least 1992. or at least since 1992 has been the considering itself, the global hatred, mon, and because of that it does not brook any challenges. a char i know originally when the us the have relations with china. number which is supposed to become another person. all right, so, so that's why i think,
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why know this on that side, because that's the thing because it looks like, you know, in line will be your secretary of state. so he sent this regarding china and it's relationship with russia. so enabling russian to rebuild the defense industrial base that countries throughout europe are deeply concerned, will be turned against them after ukraine is done. okay, align also is the secretary of state accurate, or is it more more likely gas fighting the citizens into villain eyes in china? kind of, along with russia, the hi everybody except the israel, which is what we're doing right now. this is in coal. here. we have to start from the beginning. listen, you, you, you use the word one time a particular word you use. somebody said, is this china an enemy of our, i didn't remember not enemies, this good versus evil. the mannequins is this. who is the good guy in the bad guys?
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this is ridiculous. this is a super power though, and 1972. we more we did when we were smart and we were adults. we actually, but we, we, we had the show in china and actually we embraced china and basically pulled them away from the show in those days of this audio did everything today broke in this weird kind of not, not a head you money, world, skid ship, frantic and our view, our region just look at what's happening right now. what is real? look at how the way we handle our show, the standing should look at what, how nato has absolutely destroyed us. well, we are a sketch of frantic, i'm sorry to say this. we need a new integration and start over from scratch him. i got to ask you the u. s. has taken, do you think that this administration will take any responsibility for china is growing power in the world, both financially and diplomatically, because the other countries are rebelling from the west to actions as well. you know, i don't think that the administration is going to take responsibility and i also
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don't think they should. i don't think anybody should have to take responsibility for china is rising power except for china and china has been doing what china needs to do in order to make china strong in order to make china thrive. and i, i don't think there's any stopping it. i think with 1400000000 people, you're not going to stop the rise of china, especially at the economic rate that they're growing. so i think the only thing, you know, rather than blaming administrations for allowing china to arrive, i mean china is going to rise. what we can do is blame the administrations for not properly competing. and rather than actually focus on competition, they're focusing on trying to hinder china, stop china, creating an enemy out of china, causing the rest of the world to kind of look at us with shock of well, what do we, what do we trying to accomplish here? when the rest of the world wants to turn towards china and do business with their 1400000000 people. so i don't think any administration should take blame. i, i for rising a rising china, but they should be, they should be taking blame for not competing properly line or what's her thoughts?
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okay, very well us, of course you wish to bite administration. first of all, china is not the cancer fine. it is a burgeoning brazilian lead of a that excited country that once the same thing for is good, we want trying is not part of their planet. and you are so question. remember when we said nancy belong to taiwan? we're going like this to china, and then we sit back and we wonder, do you wonder what's going on? and by the way, much too much is being played about this bullet that flew over this has been going on for an hour. we need the dogs to sit down to understand that china once what we want, who we want to run the world. we're blaming, try for doing exactly what we want. and we act like, like they're from the planet. and let me explain something. we please do not confuse russia. well china, this is i, the ology versus magnetism versus economic realism. we need somebody far enough,
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maybe bear, i say, like a mere shame or, or somebody to actually understand the way human beings work. re, i'll pull a d and that there's not a fox news versus cnn left and right man, a key or dribble is called survival to i like to think you're on written. maybe we got everything fixed on our if we do cause k j in early may present your bite and long, long time ally, japan with russia and china. take a listen. well, i spend a lot of time with present abe's vice president. and guess what is going on, but on at all, but economics, the talking about your advice that is on the tire move because they are just down a full rate because they know i want to invite other people from outside their country to can move and make up the workforce, they have fewer workers, then they have a need for work. okay, so describing the nation as xena phobic. well, that's true. widespread outrage, especially since he was freaking out a campaign fundraiser, which was marketing asian american heritage month. now,
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by didn't did make similar remarks when china is present, shooting paint, came to visit san francisco november watch this in the sense that the guy runs the country is okay, watch how to get a secretary of state entity blinking appears to shake his head and went on present job, i didn't said he still believe chinese president changing ping the dictator. that's incredible. now the chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman my name said quote, the statement is extremely wrong and irresponsible political manipulation. so i've got as to k, j is biting largely responsible for these deteriorating relations. no, not at all. you know, it's been a long time coming. you can track it back to the obama administration, which in 2011 declared the pivot to asia, which was essentially the beginning of the plan to encircle and contain china. even
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that plan was hatched, probably around 2008 to sign. we noticed because you started building our adoption of war called se baffled in 2009. it was revealed a few years later. so these plans of building for a very, very long time. i think you played it squarely on the shoulders of a big obama and here hillary clinton and even before that, i think you really have to point to the neo cons that essentially put forth a deduction that said they would not tolerate any challenges to the us little hegemony that no country was allowed to challenge as a gemini, and that they would use any method any to any strategy to prevent that from happening? well, i want to thank you to our panel. great discussion, please stick around. because prior to the global pandemic, president trump had been working with china on a trade deal,
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which was supposed to level the playing field for goods and both countries. now, after the break, we're going to look at the economic relationship between the bottom ministration and china and which ministration to china work better with. the revolution of 1789 in france gave hope for the liberation of the oppressed peoples in the branch of overseas territories. but paris did not want to part with insurance is a profit. silver sign of the colonization was the uprising of black slaves in haiti . that remote island produced almost half of, of all the sugar on the planet. sugar was made by using franchise slaves broad from africa. scene 1791. they started and uprising against their oppressors.
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the black swept away the colonial administration and formed their own army. it was led by that charismatic leader, francois dominique tucson, live at york. branch attempts to regain control of the colony were unsuccessful. having comes up, our napoleon dispatched a large expeditionary force to haiti, the french manage the caps or to solve love it. you are by deceit, but they could not suppress the rebels and suffered devastating defeat. on january 1, 18 o 418 declared independence. the 1st one in the whole latin america. however, freedom was paid for with the blood of 200000 courageous haitians who had sacrificed their lives for the abolition of slavery on our planet. the events in haiti were the only successful uprising of slaves in history when they not only through of slavery,
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but also began to rule their state. the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also a pursuit. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washington as well. so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to help me living on that. we have a very quick propaganda. you know, a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions ask the better. the answer is, will be of the operation. we deal lowest points of view as the longest
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the, the dealer to a vehicle currently in the most in store for the money and douglas william, which is here to stay on the the goods and services trade with china totaled an estimated $758400000000.00 in
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2022 through the us goods and services. trade devastated with china being 367000000000. and that same year and well present job. i didn't spend most of his time on the 2020 campaign trail. criticize a former president, donald trump's terrified china barton has not only matched them, but it's no exceeding trump era. here, you know, the by ministration has announced it will raise tariffs on certain chinese steel and aluminum products from 7.25 percent to 25 percent. this year on semiconductors from 25 percent to 50 percent. and on electric vehicles, 4 times from 25 percent to a 100 percent. all happening next year. now whitehouse pressed secretary greens, young pierre, responded to reporters questioning why the president has changed is to change his mind and now believes parents work. we have always had concerns on china.
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unfair trade policies. we've been very clear about that. and the last administration, would they do the trade deal with china? what it did is it failed to increase american american export or boost manufacturing. that is that something the president wants to see? well, for president trump responded to the new terrace, given by the, by the ministration on his way into a new york court room for his hash money trial. he wants to put a, a big jobs on china, which is a suggestion that i said, where do you been, sir? ran out of here. so you should have done that on topic that because china is eating lunch right now and they were away from what i really still like it. okay, so we've gotta continue this conversation regarding us, his relationship with china, from an economic perspective, with our guest kj, no author in east asia, expert ed line on from line or media and kim iverson host of the kim iverson share
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. thank you so much for joining me again. well, i know i'm gonna start with you on this one. what do you think has caused this shift for president joe biden to go after china in a farm of tears and whose economy is under more pressure, china's or the united states? say, well, how do you think? well, 1st of all, the question is not, not what does joe biden, what has caused the person who tells joe biden to change their mind? and by the way, if you ever needed any example, the absolute incoherence of this administration, looking at your range on peer who basically respond to every question like she's entering, you know, particle physics, super good 3 questions. it's this kind of a, well, i feel like as long as the notes there look very, very simply that's what you know. it's so easy for us to use just kind of a pedestrian terms, but well, i know what will respect is strength and consistency. and somebody who knows what,
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how they're talking about that can be adjusted later. if you didn't even speak english and you look at the present from science or versus visual beer, who knows what they're talking about, then they may not be correct. but what does this is? this is i, i think coming to an end right now. and by the way, remember, one thing if china ever decides to have to really play hardball when it comes to taiwan and, and, and dips and computer components can be bought or good night. gracie, it's over, it's our what, what's not over k j is the us media reported on this because they're saying the chinese economy is failing. is that accurate? no, i don't think so. china is economy grew 5 point one percent this most recent quarter . that's about 3 times as far as the united states and faster than almost any other
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country in the u. and so trying to lock failing a china is doing very well. it's going from strength to strength. now 5 percent is less than the 789 percent that it was growing previously. but still it, it will grow by nearly a trillion dollars this year. that is to say, it grows about the size, one 3rd of india every 3 years. it grows the size, it expands economy, the size of india every 3 years. so china is no slouch, they're building out that technological, the industrial, this scientific capacity is that going from strength to strength. anybody who thinks that china is going to fail. in fact, this is a kind of collapse this doctrine that hillary clinton and neil collins had. i think they're completely mistaken. well can, why is that? why would they go with that narrative and, and continue to push the child is economies failing? what good does that supposed to accomplish?
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while they get, you know, they're just playing the blame game and trying to, to blame anybody but their own us policies as to why the u. s. economy is not doing as well as it could. they're focused on our foreign policy unless wars, they focused on everything but making america strong and building america up. so all they have is to point and blame even though it is ridiculous. claim 5 percent g d p growth for china is enormous. that's more than double what the us as g d p growth rate is going to, i don't know, they say all but it's, it's, it's, uh, it's shrinking. it's going down to what 4.6 percent is the estimate, and then you're still at 1.9 percent. so even with china having a declining g d p, it is still more than doubled in united states. it's still an incredible in norm as g d p growth that china is experiencing. and so of they're just trying to say, well, china's scrambling china doesn't and ties. so china is a subsidizing a bunch of other industries so that those industries don't have to make a profit. so we have to sanction, we have to add all these extra terrorists onto these. for example,
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on the ease you know, they're putting a 100 percent tariff from the bye didn't ministration. meanwhile, you know, by that has nothing to test what every single turn. you've got. one of the biggest e v manufacturers in the world here in the united states. and what is biden done to support, tesla, etc, and invites g m that made what $26.00 eaves when testing was pumping out $300000.00 eaves. i mean, the, it's the failing of the political class that uses everything for politics and then realize it's later on, crap, we made a mistake. so now we're just going to have to turn around to blame china. and that's an easy thing to do because line, oh, we do know that we are in election year. so i've got to ask, what is the effect as all of this uh, the november elections actually going to have on the us relationship with china depending on who wins? well, if, if, if we continue, and i don't say we are, we are going to continue. i believe there's going to be a, a change and administration in a $170.00 plus days. but one of the things i hope that we stop doing,
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or we saw it was russia. we went from russia full big to sign of folding. i don't want to use words like racism. i, i don't like that. i think that those terms over use. what happens is we start beating the drum here in this country. and all of a sudden when you start hearing the fox news sock puppets of this e and there's and they start talking about this deem it is that you shouldn't have tried. and that they want something more. they want to dominate shit. and or even with your communist, we're actually repeating cold war we're, we're, we did learn from russia, from, from what happens when you create, we're doing the same thing. somebody you've got to sit down where she june payment look, i'm on the adult. what do you want? this is what i don't want war. you don't want war. it was a favorite stops. the our stuff, the only low don't make me look bad and have a balloon by the way. that was good because that's the story we've got satellite.
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do you think that we don't steal other people's stuff? do you think that we with our technology, we don't do the very same thing that we say other people do you think i'm going to go buy some credit when it comes to deal with stuff? we're be, we can compete with anybody. so the 1st thing i hope that we do is to become adults and, and, and apply this re, i'll pull it up and use some, some realism here, and stop this name. kelly. i left some real adult, makes some real progress regarding no issues. and that's the thing, k j because we've learned with russia, russia really isn't used to becoming the villain, made by western media. doesn't really affect their policies. how is china going to react, or are they reacting to being villa nice to by the west or media? they don't blanket one bit. they think it's absurd. i mean just give you one example. you know,
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we talked about this bible. you know the chinese have for satellites in geosynchronous orbit, another $140.00 in low earth orbit, and $300.00 and lower orders. there are major space power. they can stand and surveil anything they want to scan the united states. so we are suppose to believe that they sent in must slow moving to story white billboard. that scream see me until i get me despite on the united states. that's so that's like me saying that the n s a would inspire on you 50 ways to choose day drilled a hole in your wall and stuck a content with a string and was listening in on you. it's upside. well, that's a very interesting way on that. i've got in the ended because i want to say thank you to our seemed a panel kim k j line. oh, thank you so much for a very frank and honest about this conversation cuz you don't hear that many media outlets right now. maybe they're afraid that might be the truth. you know,
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there are so many stories talking about being afraid where the boogeyman or the villain turns out to be in cohorts with a hero the entire time. now, pardon me, if i find the pontificating so often done by us politicians, 3 merely theatrics as their fears. just actions are against the social media app made payments by viral dances. but now, one of the main sources for on regulated live videos or the band and the phone manufacturer, which is the number one competitor to apple and every other country. meanwhile, one and 5000 chinese companies actually operate in the united states with little to no attention. companies like smithfield foods, alibaba and even general electric to name a few art majority owned by the chinese. and yet there's silence from us politicians from writing restrictions against these are other chinese own companies, actually doing business in the us. not to mention china owns around 384000 acres
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of american agricultural land. but only a few us governors like florida governor, wanda santas, enacting legislation to sever ties with the chinese country, even if it's the florida economic detriment. yup. this lack of consistency makes one believe the relationship between the 2 countries, while volatile, is not the breaking point. some would like us to believe this has been in your 360 view. thanks for watching. it's the one you do that you attempted to exit a month. i thought she sat there for the show and then it will be
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a job to bluff any cause of a dish. uh, international stuff is the template for supper, for the setup button and not to printer. person wants to do an easy task like that . if i see the media, i love people, there's only 2 reasons to do. say, with the city, the new country can be service and they're going to be present the day before the work you've done. stimulus the industry is it will less money will process the left . so should william farmer shots might give us. so we have good cash door to door or decision to my lab. and what was that man? what was that ridiculous funds i put in the midst of them one today and bunch of deluxe. i've also left for an additional to settlement shows. those are pretty sharp journals on patient data for she's getting those are the best do what i mean? there's a push out the
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the same wrong just don't have to shape out the application and engagement equals the trails. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the, the, the, the, the, the on off
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what sky o'neills laws, the. when you talk with fox, the fox got them for the, for the book, the job. we have of the money for the theater. if as little as human views to them, please just give us just do it really a couple i get those go for need a lot more to the door. so familiar with just a moment. as i said, let's see. i don't know the shape this interior that thank you so that we can see on there with which assessment when you put it you, i think a go cannot be the of the
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double standards and the parade of american hypocrisy. moscow slams the us for defending israel after the international criminal court speaks arrest warrants for the country's top. officials over the warren guards us with washington reacting very differently in a similar situation with russia around, in more, in the depths of their president and foreign minister and a helicopter crash for washington pushes for more sanctions against iran and mid accusations of disrupting toronto. the asian industry leading to the fatal accident ultimately is the right government that is responsible for the decision to fly a 45 year old helicopter. we're not gonna apologize for our sanctions regime at all . and the political.


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