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tv   News  RT  May 21, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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to the double standards and a parade of american hypocrisy, moscow slams the us for defending israel after the international criminal court speaks arrest warrants for the country's top officials over the war and guides us with washington reacting very differently in a similar situation with russia. around in more, in the depths of their president and foreign minister and a helicopter crash for washington pushes for more sanctions against iran and mid accusations of disrupting toronto. the asian industry leading to the fatal accidents ultimately is the right government. that is responsible for the decision to fly a 45 year old helicopter. we're not gonna apologize for our sanctions regime at all . and the political powers of ukraine and later vitamins the lens to have
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officially expired as he refuses to hold elections. citing martial law in the country, the you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow with a look at the top news stories from around the world's present. officials have lashed out at the us for double standards with washington defending israel after the icbc prosecutor filed for arrest warrants for top is really officials a year ago, the us supported an arrest warrant against the russian president. this is another example of double standards and a breed of american democracy. the us authorities denied the legitimacy of the i, c. c, and intimidate the structure we sanctions when it comes to the interest of washington itself. and it's all lies. however, the shamelessly use this pseudo legal tool against those whom they consider enemies,
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washington statements and connection with the i. c. c. c. zation suggest that is really leadership resembled the reaction of a scorpion, stung by itself or spider. entangled in his own web, for the russian criticism comes in response to emotional reactions in the united states, the state department spokesperson rejected the i c. c. appeal claiming it has no jurisdiction over this matter. how speaker mike johnson went even further saying the us may propose sanctions against the international criminal court and presidential bite and also chipped in the defend israel climbing. what's happening in gaza is not genocide. reject the i. c, she's application arrest warrant you get really wants to all do or can't do insure civility protection. but let me be clear, concert allegations against israel made by the end as the court of justice. what's happening is not genocide or reject. earlier the international criminal court is chief prosecutor requested an arrest warrant for the is rarely prime minister
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alongside the country's defense minister. they stand accused of war crimes in gaza . i think the prosecutor kareem con also wants to see the leadership of from us in the dock. i have reasonable grounds to believe of the 3 senior leaders of the mass back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of these rail. i'm the state of palestine from at least the 7th of october 2023. i can also confirm that i have reasonable grounds to believe that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and minister of defense. you will have gone back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine from at least the 8th of october 2023. this calm as
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a surprise reports about the eyes this season tension is happens circulating since last month. but it did come as a blo believed about these really political establishments has gone wild, slamming the international criminal court. goes from each other as the prime minister of israel, i reject with disgust the hague, prosecute as comparison between democratic israel and the mass murderers of hamas. this is a complete distortion of reality. this is exactly what the new anti semitism looks like. it is moved from the campuses in the west to the colt in the hague. what a shame to be. i say see, became a rock. there is a hard place as well. and it's on yeah, he's on the tremendous pressure on the home front. he risk seeing his rolling call lucian crumbled as allies threatening to rebel over his head. lean house, the warren geyser, and he's rapidly losing public support to has regular protests against his leadership mounts across the country. unlike his really officials,
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many citizens see a possible arrest. international domestic has a fair faith for the prime minister, who fails to protect as really is on october 7th. and has since failed to bring all the hostages home nearly 8 months on. i think the significance should not stop with maybe they all have to be able to do. all the government is for you. me knows. no kidding. people in palestine and so with no reason, they all have to go to choose an old all of them one by one. i think he said, who is a century. i think he was just trying to keep it safe to keep himself out of trouble . and meanwhile, here's the thing, everything and full of us. but who says natania, who actually cares what is really is want? he's clearly more worried about securing support from washington for washington. and the international criminal court is not good or credible enough, especially when it investigates ace american forces committed war crimes and of gattis dawn. or when it considers an arrest warrant against the leadership of
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washington's ally over war crimes and crimes against humanity and gaza. which ones one more pull thing is in the ice se, spotlight. the courts suddenly becomes fair and upright for the americans. the international criminal court is issued 2 words of arrest in the u. k. situation for vladimir putin, president of the russian federation. and for many of a bit of a commissioner or the russians presents from shows that side for the alleged word crafts or the foundation of chosen from euclidean by territory spin to the russian physician. so i think it justified it. of course, it is not recognized international by us either, but i think it makes a very strong form for us. supports all international efforts to examine atrocities in ukraine, including the investigation by the icbc and the reporting by the un commission of
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inquiry on ukraine. the united states supports a range of international investigations, interest as atrocities in ukraine, including the one conducted by the i see, i see, but we did not weigh in on each decision development as part of those investigations as well. has made it clear the eyes. this is warren's approved by a panel of judges orient ex. anyone's will not stop the prime minister and he's government's war on guys of the news that's made. world headlines will hardly make changes on the ground. but it's such a nice house, no pressure on these really is. and they american allies who are becoming increasingly isolated as the global majority, relas full pallets, time. reef notion on how to free floating from jerusalem. paula city, a national initiative party leader. most off of our duty says washington, support of israel is a clear double standard. i hope that dakota does not to die. oh you and does not show and you call a miss. and the american pressure,
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which is absolutely hypocritical. but on one side, they will come the court decisions against pressure and now the other condemned. and the code for it showing these the decisions about the 0 that shows how much they and i to states as well know in total and complete devon started because the american lead the student grab the one. so the work i've called didn't. so that was and they think that the court of justice on the court of justice in the world is very united states senate congress, which is by the way and now some of its members out of sorts of things to take a punitive acts against the national court of justice. something unbelievable. uh they don't believe in international lawyers are united states, the ultimate, even international. it below the communities in the law of the jungle. and in general start, whoever has the power can do it. they're like a ron has entered 5 days of morning after the countries president and foreign minister died in
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a helicopter crash well to wrong probes, the fatal accidents, new images have emerged. of the 1st moments emergency crews discovered the wreckage of the aircraft. as the red crescent has reported that everyone on board the helicopter died in the 1st moments after the crash. recent reports claim a technical failure and weather conditions were a likely cause. meanwhile, toronto is given assurances that this will not affect the functioning of the country with a rainy and vice president serving as acting head of states until an election is held. oh sure. the residence of to ron gathered in the capitals the central square morning president. right, you see, and other passengers who died in a helicopter crash on sunday many arabians packed into mosques, to pray for those who died. the bodies of uranium president foreign minister and
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other officials in the south have been transported to breeze the capital city of the arabian east, as or by john province. let's take a look at the events proceeding there, fatal flights of the
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. so meanwhile, the white house is pushing for tougher sanctions against iran, with a us republican senator, adding the world is safer after the rainy and presidents, dest, that comes, as the former rainy informed minister said, responsibility for the crash lines with washington over its restrictions on or ron's aviation industry a j a theater time. one of the main culprits is the united states,
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which has placed an embargo on the supply of aircraft in evolution by so we run and does not allow the ring and people to enjoy a good ever use. and based on this will be included in the list of with crimes against the wrong name category. the us is the one of the main responsible for that . you run your business and a couple of crash due to the sanctions. so 1st of all, we're not going to apologize for our sanctions regime at all. the running government has used its aircraft to transport equipment to support terrorism. so we will continue to fully enforce our sanctions regime, including our sanctions there. seems on aircraft for used by the running government ultimately is the running government that is responsible for decision to fly. a 45 year old helicopter, in what was described as poor weather conditions. not any other actor. american officials went as far as to lash out at the late or rainy and president and his politics. on the contrary,
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many countries are expressing their supports over the tragic death of the leader. remembering him as a strong politician and individual celebrates members, china and south africa are among those sending their condolences doing which on behalf of the chinese government and its people. we express all jeep condolence the sold the death of president, but you see in the helicopter accidents since taken office, president vice see has made important contributions to maintaining involved security and stability promotes and national development and prosperity. and also made active efforts to consolidate and develop the china of on comprehensive strategic partnership. he's enforcing death is a huge loss to the rodney and people. the chinese people have lost a good friend of industry and department is deeply sho, inside and at the reports of the policy of these excellence, the president, re see of these are major public. i'll be around, as well as my colleague,
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the minister of do i have the minister of foreign affairs of these lumnick republic . i'll be around their policy and very tragic circumstances. just causes us to express our deepest condolences and sympathies to the government. the people all the things that make republicans run as well as to the families of these excellent, see the late president, gracie and the late minister of july had earlier respect to veterans theory and diplomat and former ambassador to turkey. and it all came along. he says the us bears responsibility, not only for the helicopter crash, but also for it's unfair and illegal sanctions policy in the region is definitely the us. that's just the responsibility. not the only for the, the crash and one way or another office helicopter can see it. and then present this for administer,
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america's better responsibility for the death of millions of the i could, children as well as and young children and celia, celia and children, 11. these children killed by sanctions, by the series of other stuff, up the lines that has been labeled by calling power and the other senior leaders of the but it need to ship the station against the back, which has proven to be false. and then later sanctions now for all of those settings of 10 years ago, syria, the listed in this in does and elsewhere. nevin in the killing millions of innocent people throughout the region. so to better a partial response. so let's get started. that class is it probably not going to add the. busy to the record. busy by the, the americans as sponsors of the, of sections of illegal infections, unilateral sanctions, the physically intelligent people,
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hundreds of thousands of feet. uh, monthly, okay. and that agent a few to hold on for us and illegal infections to actually force by the americans as any nation, any power, any party the that or causes the policy is that imperialist policies and. busy assets to come and control the whole world to stay with our t international for continuing coverage will keep you updated on all the latest developments on air and online. the ukrainian leader bottom, there's a lens case. presidential term has officially expired. elections for the country's top job were supposed to take place in march, but were postponed by martial law firm or russian president. dimitri method of said
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the delays are indicative of a failed state. all these manipulations with laws mean only one thing, the death of the file states of ukraine. it's transformation into a classic filed state to use american vocabulary, the west support. it's a landscape decision not to hold elections precisely because it is afraid of a shameful full of his criminal regime. zalinski and post martial law over ukraine in february 2022 and has pro long that repeatedly. since then, the status prohibits any elections including the presidential race, several extensions of the martial law have pushed as an excuse, time and office past the constitutionally mandated 5 years ukrainian later has refused to hold elections. this year. we've heard from international economist martin armstrong, who says zalinski is pushing back the vote because his chances of victory are slim
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is suspended the elections as long as the word goes on. so as long as the word goes on and he remains present, that seems to be a conflict of interest internally. a lot of people in ukraine are beginning to realize that when he killed a deal for peace, at the request of bars, johnson why, you know, ukrainian people have no right to, to negotiate your, on their own behalf. so his election, you know, i think it's a fraud and he's deliberately postponing it because i think if he went to election you would find that he lost. if you just look at what he ran on when he stood for election and it was for peace, i wrote comments even from russia, thought the deal. maybe this would be a good idea. and then he turned completely the opposite direction there people, they won him out. and i think it, this globalization is
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a show of really have desperate things of could have become a. and i mean ukraine had had mast one of the biggest are amazing in europe, and they did not do any good. uh so i think it's your last desperate eh, measure because, you know, ukraine. he just cannot possibly win this war if you want to know more about what the future holds for flooding or zalinski and his powers in the presidential chair, or you can head to our website or to com, to read about this story and much more to do with government is committed to keeping the ukraine complex going instead of promoting peace talk talks. that's according to american civil society activists. margaret kimberly who brief to the un security council during its latest session in new york
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. for the last 2 years, we've seen a terrible war which would end if this countries and if this country and others would stop providing arms and instead see peace. there were opportunities for that to happen in march and april of 2022. when the government of tortilla hosted peace talks between ukraine and the russian federation, the possibility of peace was lost when my country and other subverted these talks by promising the government of ukraine, that it would receive an endless supply of weapons with which to achieve a military victory monday session was called by moscow to discuss to create and conflict. another threats to global security versus envoy took the floor to state the plumbers. zalinski can no longer be negotiated with as his presidential term has now officially expired after he refused to hold elections. ambassador, bustling dementia, also accused of the west of web and isaac ukraine against russia. was brothers. the
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sides of the truth is that since 2014 washington and its allies have turned ukraine into a guinea pig with the goal of growing, it's into something that would annoy russia and ideally hinder our development. however, the main element of transforming this guinea pig has been pumping ukraine full of weapons under the guise of the men sc agreements and bring washing it with russo phobic nationalist and neil nazi ideology in this, the american authorities and their accomplices, having deed succeeded the guinea pig has grown aggressive and reckless, but no matter how hard the western puppet tears try, they cannot turn a guinea pig into a more powerful animal. and as soon as they realized that this experiment had done all it could, they simply wrote it off. now their main task is to make as much money off the
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guinea pig as possible, dispose of as many old weapons and test as many new ones as they can. international defense consultant, earl rasmussen, says even with a legitimate liter, ukraine is not a party for peace negotiations as its decision making processes are handled by the united states. i don't think uh, it really matters who's in power or, or who's even a medium power in, in ukraine because ukraine basically you're not gonna negotiate any type of settlement unless you're negotiating with the, with the, with, with the united states with washington. and that, that no matter what mr. blinking says, he knows that ukraine doesn't make the decisions. there may be some things they do on the ground on their own, but, but as far as ending the conflict as far as the escalating, we've already seen the why this,
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this is the conflict that should never have started. it has several opportunities to en, always scheduled by the west, either london or washington. it's not about democracy that this conflict is going on about. do you have political objectives about this, the power over halfway around the world. while the u. s. c finds itself and a deadlock over ukraine. the don't ask for public city of murray. you pull marks 2 years since russian troops took over the city. the port hub was almost completely destroyed, that during the extremely fierce battles there, the city has been largely rebuilt. tons of life has returned to normal locals. remember how the notorious you print in as of battalion at tara is to their city ortiz and steve sweeney reports from the ground. on monday, the 20 is 2022 and the seizure mario. but finally came to an end. russian troops took control of the city, much of which had been destroyed in the fighting. according to the west did not
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receive the pharaohs of as also made that law stones here. but the reality is very different. neo nazis on the west of the compass is well hold up, pay like cowards, using civilians as human shields. but today is know about them. today is about the liberators and the liberated flowers of being late here with this new, the restored monuments as locals and soldiers. and officials remember the atrocities that took place in the fall as a fatality and had his headquarters in the safety using as a face from which they terrorized the local as the media decade level of the those is a very, very important dates for the city of mount rio pole, because it is the 2nd at the end of a 3, i'll leave the ration as parts of the boston preservation. the city is recovering, developing, and there's no doubt that it will be one of the best cities in russia. unfortunately then they are not just left a lot of explosive,
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old 6 that have to be destroyed by the sports as a landfill while doing everything possible. so that matter, you put the concept come and chief old results. but did you do a temporary 242022. no one knew yet that this would happen in our country. i was sitting at home in the computer watching my desk just facing the window. and suddenly the shooting started. it was coming either from the lap in hell or something to a shroud of smoke over the east. the war had begun that killed. so go look before hunger and cold, said you people who went out to get food or water were killed, but they were lying right on the road. as all through each that's out in the as a fighters were exterminating us whenever they showed us. we run to the basements when the showing stopped, we would come back out. they just stood there and shuddered us. so we had to stay in the basement. so why did the western media say about it? they were told a story by the ukranian neo nazis. so they simply repeated it, but we are the ones who survived it all here. a russian flag on file stretching the length of the square and the city center, a symbol of the liberation of value po,
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ribbons along with pride. as a people had expressed a russian identity, beautiful as dominion, the 1st thing that really stupified me was the corpses of civilians lying everywhere. there were a lot of bodies, but no one had cleaned them up. at the same time, there was shooting artillery and mortar fire everywhere. it was a terrible sight. everything was destroyed and in flames. anybody's address as all fighters came, stood between the houses fired and then left. but then the return fire came and hit civilians. as off did whatever they wanted, do the people were showing you some money. i personally saw a man come up to them to ask something only to be shot. there was complete lawlessness. more and more of those that commit to the atrocities here. and now being able to account with lengthy jo sentences being handed down. for some, this is an essential part of the rebuilding process. of others. the punishment is not enough. these are fighters or animals,
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they must be eradicated. simply exterminated, don't leave a single one. they must all be cleanse, reconstruction gathers pace with support from locals and volunteers from across the russia. that's not even the full rise from the ashes. and the people say never again. this is stace where you, me for all to embody people. i do stay with archie international. i'll be back with much more news and just over half an hour from now. in the meantime, of course, be sure to visit our website or to com for the very latest breaking news and updates by the what is part of the is it that the employee would posted? isn't the defense you of us entered in the word?
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or is it something deeper, more complex, might the present good? let's stop without glitches. let's go out of the .
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the brush remains the only colonial empire that still exists in the mountain welled comprised of both its colonies, disguise, disapprove of these territories. numerous officially silver and african states that phone on the front is so called from. so freak sphere influence. it's no one to that. any respondents on hearing the word colonialism, follows it out with the word products, and the relationship between from somali form and a fridge. so done is a good illustration. the
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one is i will try your cell phone on your money. it's one of the ones you know. yeah. didn't says is just waiting to hear this one yet. i did. did you hear that there was, this is really, i never meant for to what else comes up us ways done. first 3, a visual interest or any one looks into the history. they'll say that the french would not welcomed with open arms the colonial as ation. molly was violent, uncompromising, and bloody the
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