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tv   Documentary  RT  May 21, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT

2:30 am
the f as a money for the theater, if as little as the mid views to them please just give us just do it really a couple i get those go for need a lot more to the door. so familiar with that, but yeah, i don't know for sure, but just as easy as i think it is here and there with quintessential funding for you. i think a good deal. that'd be the the acceptance that i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show. search like why watch something that's so different whitelisted or opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you, go ahead,
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change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you to some of the is it? well co see on continue comes on. so look at the sort of prescription of them, all of that are pretty much it on the all set. i saw it looks you don't keep on the list securities equal minus those you missing some people going to make much of it my just because your logic has the ability to revising the plug davis. if you to remind you that there are 3 low level mama to remind you to say today, i'll come up with on the committee or so the composite kind of what it is that the case is on each level of entity into their focusing on it. and gun come on buddy to the board. so i'll see some of the better method are due to do the debt. the,
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the, the, the casino sits system to set the money under the fact, let's say some of the pleasure to let be, i think, i know some of the amendments on, on what's going on most by a be stuck on a or so for us. so gladly or software us it up a brush on old wants to come in for the views here, cuz i'm gonna deliver it as, as you don't know, that is your intimate nice. somebody visited my click to the page. isn't they like to go to the bottom? that is, i'm in a list. i'm between 4 and a quarter. okay. well, it's us with the new name. let. let me the to see while it, as it is, it's the same. i need to check the box, genuine it to do any process. simple go what do they want to get? totally gone through these. how if we can't use all of them as soon as they process, i say to some of them on it on, on as of documents you personally do, they'll say,
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say, and that's what it was that you want to set. i mean shows tools that additional can was i'm patient, beautiful. she's going to set up the shock and was impressed data for us. you can do most on page do what um, based on copper, most of them are chef. was the middle of debt to income for naples, i'll look back some stuff to you, so you don't sit back to assess it. don't political is the social security question right now. what we know this we've got to remember is, i mean it's and make up what to do with to deprive a country of summer to use to arrange its memory. and that's not only cultural heritage,
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it's also about it to use the simple level pointed to not to be gone. was a john called on the one that is good or do you think there's only a couple in this? the only thing is i've been on the list and she'll see anything more on liquid, came up and it was on the phone with phoned them on the associated testbed. you're dividing this, we have on file on the volume associate the things up, and it will so it will fill out id routine in your system. introductions anyhow. glossy by milton. would you communicate bob? really any day, while odd to choose the key on the point, going to be read off the she lost the money. that's also going to
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mess around. i figured i'd love to you. it is a lot better me new boss. 3 day nissan. seeing people who need a little more new services here in for about 2 time money. so the funding power adults, french school children joined demonstrations carrying down with friends, blankets from this is colonial cliche, tend to have to be more important than the humanistic and universal value is a french culture. tends to an ordinary malia from this isn't associated with google and some x ability. but with macro on poland under the, on the culture of science have been replaced by on principles in neo colonial demagogue. they say it's time for friends to leave this on a fully when to describe d. o. 16 on. so you can set it off the law offices. pasadena donasia rose. wanted to speak latest. the hall on frontier is open on monday. the soonest date is a long distances to file a motion is looking is i think i found you in a pump on the go through just yourself the case, the dimple characteristic that it says you won't see the teacher,
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so she'll be able to make it so sad, is there something it's going to oh goodness, on the for the only it's almost 20 percent below the font is on the the bottom of the image to the school, not billable. then you might have to get a hold of. uh you said god by mid from set before this one is speaking to this office, get a nobody put him on information to drip. so it looks like i mean it all over. is it due to sir, still settings you because of course, that's not going to pour them at the most. okay. and is it, it becomes useful for sure. that's initial foster, about that for that long, cuz your boss, i think it is. and in that off i'm, you send a technician out of the law the bell and let them then assess, gets worse, and i'm seeing what's the song dollars it don't go on to it. i thought a thing on the phone at that location, right? so finally, kate's line, instead of passing that along with us all,
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i was wondering they are the only for my last so it was on me this technology thousands on and then getting them in california is a song and i made no sense. i'm in canada, as it might be, the i was on some of the office from zone see they said they put on the notes is that you know, the sooner we set up the
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new at the city. i mean, most of them go to the 1st of that and nothing new. unfortunately cut off in beautiful. it's literally lost a bit of house. in most i let them take off the rest of let me, let your mouse and grew up is it didn't have enough at the board on monday, tuesday, not for the substitute drugs. a ride in the to the most recent page in molly's history is an operation set of value for that and implemented in rankled time to preserve the country's state code. it's a simple trick. the operation was prepared in advance and waited for 12 or in groups formed incidentally with french health to get from libya to muddy. the
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operation has several similar to any of the objectives. a french military contingent entered the country legitimize in the pro french government. and the toner eggs were put in that place the a little guy, the to the b. c. s bus out the exact same band. keep on team so far as the glass of each there at the 2 brand new zealand. let me pull the data said to the bar even going back because she gave me differentiate dividend while the display. sure. c v. like victor let us from the new but that's been it up. can you see what the buttons use of the view w? i said we used to do the symptoms, then the other side go to, i mean, for us of them cut to that proof of going was seen by the the lead me. so you,
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so i the own dock so that they can, but that keep this on for you think the do boy should be what on the glen one can produce, even with the next operation of hon, allowed friends to take control of the whole region from send a goal so, so much the curious path in the terrorist threats continue to grow and the area of terrorist activity expanded 12 french business affairs in molly improved 10 profits grew click unsafe for shouldered 49 french soldiers died. not for molly, but for a french trade interest. frances, i'm a, took up an independent and extremely advantageous inconvenience position, and molly occupies, tell many malia and civilians died at the hands of the french. doesn't care about
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that. the better a phrase to go from has no friends, only it's of interest. the history of relations between friends and its former colonies should serve as an example to of the defense tweedy with france. does it deal with the devil? so no, uh uh people do or is i talked to the put the last on monday. i'm going to say that i'm going to donald notifies or pull the l uh, reset uh reset that p, the false, the phone says, oh for somebody in the computer that is on the mac, i leave it. i love the opportunity that the 1st of my, my them onto this stuff that next cynthia nipple. so monday nobody clicks to develop on the so
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a backup of the david instead of any of that is on all the p $47.00 luke on. good. a lot of the new concepts, a mid sized z, and you know, i'll listen to the 2 of us clip, but i picked them up or something didn't pay for a ton of them. then let's see the interest, the, there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is
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the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also absurd. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deal. so what should i mean? something lineal nice to have very good propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask a better. the answer is, will be the
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take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really one say better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can of the loan for elizabeth i saw frances of for my lead a lot easier to do the to the, the, not my new got this bus to this is a,
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but i saw nobody on the it was locked down to the popular so surely the classic you need to is the, please also the use of force at the loss of my or my late don't. for now, i live, do my long, don't cause your data to belong to by them. i didn't leave, that is no going to do nothing as fast as the no, no other than that. but the one of the difficult and do want to know to put a, to a policy for me, i don't know to put it that i talked to the new provider or the upon those who look last i area a memo, do the event, go to the the blizzard for another little up in a little could be that i should let you know that i saw it is i'm going to have done to sort of us to tell you the best on the agenda that i set up a set to move onto to release another plus if that's on the so i don't know if a new to notes don't accept full glass. uh, usually deals with the,
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the data on clear on that that this, the fee that this the 2nd week of the pay not alone was the, the new whole fucking that. yeah. that process problem. i have a lot of the say it has to say you're not going to you how long does a month? the last 2 of the good, the minute the money. yeah. all 3 for the month, for the most is uh, 2 days in my of the not to pay for the corporate. i saw i work a lot of receipt. so that includes that. i so putting this on well, send that includes that. i see all the pet fees for less than that, but a good bit. i saw a lot of bands in moses on the i love the vision for the need a lot that i submitted to either collaborative sheets to incorporate that song
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going on right now. so in a book that i so you said it that bleed down the civic to that aspect. there's a, there's a, there's a good i so keep that in mind. the bottom april 1st is our new model in as it issue, does it kick month a safety data that amount to a lot of the photos out a new model in on the monte. i'm to so the looks at this issue and kinda filtered under things all the time and actually in the was you know,
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to be performed on the funding to get to get it, which is which i think he decided to us on. since i have some way to shoot you, the certainly says, depending that makes sense to you, to keep the sensitive on that into effect. if it is, if you see the environment inconvenient for, we meet the activities in the video. see something listed in the into sheets or simply asset them if you so the was that was not the sink of meeting for sorry, my name is and betsy to so i'm p yes. all right, so as far as i mean some of the competitors. so how you're doing, by the way, the fis best wait. yeah,
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they put something to the totally please enter the lender was under the news, but then that would be the them. that is also kind of designed to say, listen, open, leave a sure. is it the surface that's on the front end of it, didn't process that. sure, sorry. so but from the south end into said really into, into the top, this would be the 2 but the stuff from the lessons to empty, the victim distracted on this activity that estimate is and then between 90 to service quasi, i didn't use it. so you might still have to remember to the lesson was your b plus the money instead of thinking about that i sent you literally just competitive menu on the homepage and you guys on the cheek,
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you saw on g, b live and they want know and predict comedy instead of just so i think even begin to treat the of the pollutants and assess you nothing but the tip toilet seat data on we have to give that is the same for us or can be too much to sit on. the puppies ended and good things, you know. cool. so what exactly does it to me please, and as long as it was done, can you me to give me a list of it for was that i'm at least i see below that you guys have 2 of them simon m y 2 more literacy to do that and you ready to get through is talk, see, listen to my 2nd, a demanding bundle dispos. you've done what you can give. it's an old place for the new car. that's what they do set to be done. done by the end of the above,
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the subject fussing up. i mean, when i see the intent message, give me new. but the, with the nickie this, somebody really saying that game is only me putting it in the left, but then you have the bit a sense of this. so this is us, it is. so gwinnett cd, even after being ousted from molly, from still some help pressured the regional union of african states. echo us with the goal of isolating molly through sanctions and close boulders by in essence, imposing a blockade. a huge number of its goods are imported, and molly has most the access these meshes extremely unpopular among the population . not just in molly, but throughout the region. get the wallets of ordinary citizens hod and even ruined . some friends has already started to lose africa, of enough competition. in particular, this is shown by the narrowing range of goods and foreign companies based in molly . but from content doesn't want to change its power dime by taking equal
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partnership relations into account little names. and it's also known as a method of direct colonial influence. but only as a software in the country with the right to its own history, traditions, values and equal relations. it has the right to choose the, the walk on the song, but so we need to get them to put them on. yeah, you can, you know, the minute for example, tall so good. let's think i do maybe this plane doing that. so that means when, if i through a diesel i've also committed to providing chip and whatnot. yeah. and the share collaborative migrate to the money bring us the only thing is blah blah, blah, money. because throwing that in for an watch, you know, to somebody they sold it as the company that i didn't want, put it to the simple blog guessing and emotions about it. to me. my 2nd again, me see what i get and, and nothing on these in there,
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but the replacement of the people is holding must be easier, but go to printers to sound for me. no one is sufficient or to say to them one, yes, performed a lot of the sheets list of it into some po for the last of the shape of that i don't say say much do nice blogs to buy song, but you'll find in me it didn't mean, you know more so kind of a lot of the politic team, but them in devise house. no. may. 10001000 is pretty. but i'm wondering about you all know not and i was in this be your boss here. last, you know, the only dismissal completed the assignment vishal. the really don't know why that is also something to say. does that prove? can nobody see? second was a new money. i don't understand why don't we don't understand why let us in the
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money i'm trying to know by team so, so visual softball, 60 show what the things i'll share a little mistake it taking a board or do you see why your internet from the house looks you don't enrollment on this is tony money, say possibly the money on this and during the fall i may look for me because you know, we're only open the cash on something, getting off the bus, getting onto this old one year on the line and will follow along on the road s nicole initials about a little panel here. these are bundling somebody, but i mean, there's on demand of actually, so i haven't really been i think, you know what, i think you just wanting to alex, let me notate it. ok along with the log on the move on. maybe in money. does that the same money?
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uh, do you guys charge it new v dash the last week? pull up, putting it for last associate this season. mid thigh and not a nice short move. it's best phone to the song. hello, denise, this shipment is a side config. good. and these are the pain that the, the 1st all step to level 4 songs on sunday. like going to need is papers for him. deluxe, the show or a quarterly. it does show april greta. she does, i live in the bundles that are within symbol. that's and that's in there we go. suddenly she'll so would it be wise and then to what is the test? and this could connect soon, would that i showed you how to do live streaming function to, to each, to the screen so that the mobile might need it. and then mobile
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circus left off a look, see dental or complete color pro on vehicle. they're not to shoot the chevy. no, to clean the rest motor serves to she was because it from soon under that it was really remodel . wonderful. cause any you gotta keep premier to develop cell 3. go forward. but it's my last time when it's super shoot, the
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the, the show they just don't have to shape house because the after and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves boils, the parts we choose to look so common ground the the,
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the, the, the, the, the, the on off what sky o'neill slow was the when you talked with bob, bob got them on the weight
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of the money for the theatre. if i've heard of human views for that, please just like you assess it with read you a couple, i get those go coordinating a lot more. so those are the doors of familiar with that said, let's see. let's see. let's just do it. i think you submitted and then we can see it on there. which assessment planning put. is that correct? uh yeah, that'd be the the the,
3:00 am
the ronald lays, the country's top officials, 2 died and a helicopter crash on sunday to rest with crowds gathering in the city of the breeze for the funeral procession. the as around lauren suggests that their president and foreign minister washington defends its heavy sanctions policy against iran. after being blamed for the incident, we're not going to apologize for our sanctions. regime at hall is the ryan government that is responsible for the decision to fly a 45 year old helicopter, in what was described as poor weather conditions. not any other actor. double standards in the parade of american hypocrisy. moscow slammed the u. s. for standing by israel after the international criminal court, 6 arrest warrants of the country's top officials over the war in gaza.


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