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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  May 21, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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for nuclear weapons. so we're honestly, we monitor this and have continued to wonder if this is very close to i can tell you, we've seen nothing, even despite the reckless rhetoric that would cause us to change our strategic to turn posture and look lastly if, if mr. brewton and russian officials are worried about their troops and ukraine getting hit with weapons from other countries. then the easiest thing to do is just take your troops and leap. nobody wins a nuclear war. that's a reality that has haunted the planet for decades. so with the international tensions rising in a number of theaters right now, you would think it's just common sense that you shouldn't be flaunting your nuclear arsenal at this moment. however, when met with criticism us media and us leaders have an opt use root bottle, it's all rushes fault. however, russia has not engaged in the type of provocative drills we just saw in nevada.
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caleb mauppin, archie, new york, jo altman, a host of the conservative daily podcasts as western leaders, deliberately nurtured violence as a tool to deal with global crises. and that's a very, very, very slippery slope. and we've been talking about slippery slopes for decades, not just related to new sort bombs, but you know, cutting off body parts from individuals allowing open borders, creating environments where pedophilia can be normalized to be creating an entire environments where that slippery slope is allowed for the degradation of society, not just the united states, but around the world. and now we're talking about new, your weapons as if that's a, that's a plausible solution to any conflict. and it just, it shows you how most people are in most countries want to push towards peaceful resolutions. and yet are leaders as they call us violent when we want to rise up to, to do things because they've done things to hurt. the populace are now saying it's
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okay that they can use violence as a means to, to hurt other people as long as it doesn't involve them yet. as people we, we're, we're expected to be law abiding. and so on the sidelines will they really have it not just on their own country, but on the countries around the world. it's just, it's a that we're dealing with an upside down world. and frankly, i think the leadership and not just the united states around the world is, is pretty pathetic. and the end of this justification probably shows this alignment with the world economic forum and sort ellison, you've all know or her already just really, really bad people who have done really, really bad things around the world. and, and this is kind of signaling that they're, they're not done yet. they're stay with our to international up next on let's talk about roth and a problem. karen is, guess, discuss one of india's biggest strengths. it's cultural diversity by the
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the, when the world's largest democracy votes, the rest of the planet watchers in an emerging multi polar world india as voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react the the same people who still lower demand. are you feeling like basically all the time the bottle traffic started thinking now he's attacking or what i want to be honest with me, cut off on a significant another small audiences. you know, so cited in a country not to be sure. then lots of problems are there which can be, was again,
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the woman's voice. then obviously that one of the things we've additional while i'm getting to david caught me. i'm a woman intended for the nickel, but that's okay with me and i think but older. yeah. and especially if you see from 24 people that is the use of the search. i've been very fortunate to be present in guns twice for me because in most of everything for me up to this about india, i knew fees a sign of respect. now people getting with the hello enough, they come, i'm of them kid in the evolving landscape off 21st century. the focus no more than it is on india park. today i've had become a very special guest, either fin directed and produced a known and loved for the are all portrayal of the social issues. and it's been you as a see numerous awards, both at home and abroad,
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including the prestigious bug machinery award. the other one that i do have, i'm talking to is a high time national award winning indian director script brian to and produces is women centric fields. hold on the merits of the social deals of contemporary hub and india, empty lives of socializing through a woman, journalist, prism, and caps for it behind the scenes rival racing. the passion and corporate world are some of the themes that probably certainly go into life often is find by these real life incidents and doctors inimitable type as a sneak peak into the underbelly of india's big cities. beyond the project, like every tuesday you go to have given i input walking. yeah. what is the reason behind it? i've seen this belief for the guard and it's been almost touching to hear that thing. so even if i come from daily or to nathan the night on sites i'm done and come with the flight. i line up and i go to take them to the wow. so that kind of,
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i think the belief is so do ask for something or do a tank reward for something i think i time because initially i did ask video honestly in the beginning, then most of it will be the diesel that i just want to be of the make up because i've been of fame but from a childhood and i live send them up to date on so i do the same thing and my whole thing big soon says one for them, for them. then phillips and your graph is to amazing, my friend mother mondanca used to go door to door with video cassette spilling video to say, yeah, yeah, i was a very mediocre student in school and i came home very limited, less suddenly i was going to drop off the honestly, so i still sit in the back stage and the been a bag badge. i mean, just the analytics clips of we've had to watch, you know, those movies. we'll do a little better. yeah. yeah. and then we'll all is to get punishment because of the end, the pieces of the piece would continue your story or site, the background,
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schooled and this and that i should do of this thing. so i was a very mediocre student. i was not interested in sir needs basically. and then things happen such in my life, you know, my father had a loss in business business when he was a local i'm going to say electric on track day was abilene school and then particular day and i started doing this job of we do gets a library of, i mean just as a tank we do, it gets it from somebody and give it to somebody and to highlight it into that talk . and since i wasn't feeling but i was full of fist are watching when i used to watch tv for me with in a d n that was during the eighty's submission. even though you days give the blue was too much of we do get celebrity. so mind to new out of the new guys and let me review which 1. 83, it started 838485286. it was for us to go to user, go to door to door door to door on the site. well, initially it to you, they didn't say cuz then i got some money in and what a school did also either let me just go to. so that was the things you remember the
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name plate of leonard, that's wonderful. i don't m t t something was the wife 1st god was maybe 506 it wow . so i became sl knowledgeable, of a sudden my, me like a lot of people to go to my friend who knows me from the dental and the home 10 industry. if you're sitting in front of me, you don't have to will eventually that you and it came. so i can just give you the answer. so you might, was that shopping? you know, doing this, we do give a think all the filament, the same people as a good we do, gets it from caught eyes to go to vendor a vendor of the city of a stay in the corner while i've been looking while it was just in the infant stage of looking at me and those other days i. so i'm going to do guessing that be on the by to anyone, you know, who are some of the known? no people as one me boss than one knows me a very valid into the other to be paid when she was. she was great in the gift of the, on the top floors. so when we do gets in with the thing garden meal brooding in, in, in, in the, a good one on a spot. so these other 2 people didn't only have the same with the good whose to
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deal with. we do guess it's and yet this is the same guy who has make americans of america. you also, i believe sort of things on the street $300.00 now and then we took us and started utility at $1.00. yeah. to you to 89. it's during the back key and we didn't know what to do with that time. and again, like i, i didn't know education bedroom, i didn't have any technical skills. what i'm gonna friends have good. let's said, you know, it's, well, look, i'm finding this is joe mean, due to on said, intern comes on colleges and on the traffic signal here. so that's how i did a smarter than you and for 6 months they did. and i remember that my air condition market move was the marketing thing. there's 2 ways to collect stream videos. this was i just searching them on the metro date of the video. i'm in college and i'll just send them to you in case in college, freshman of jingle might have been with a single month. so how do i sort of those things i did for 56 my then we still get paid weekly basis that they what my main focus was kids i will listen for them to
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do that. had to nor do the computer be honestly a billing i'm from the recent events busting. so when you know that would be enough to do that, but no, me because of it we do get since i believe we do, cuz this is a lot of people. so i have access to a lot of people going to say like dave, so i would have about this med most to do very much as of other words. oh so i mean, that should be almost 50 percent of the shooting you. you did this land of the s n . i was opposed to like, you know, people, you just give me access like i some actors manager or driver who's familiar with you guys since he comes to get into a blind. so this will give me access. i'm interested in iceland just opposite me, but i don't know how many shootings i watch. i was a camera was late. my friend's when watching movie this watching we as a man, this will get finished. i used to watch. i would probably use mean you was hello. claiming when you was way the 2nd sure. i to watch when we thing. so what i i so what all the money love somebody. good. when the nice uh you know, so the,
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the 3 so all the way those to wasn't paperless when a block for them you're watching like for them i, but i shouldn't love those kind of send them all. so send them. i became the one any fashion and the only thing which i and also only escape only escaped phone me escape and i still get a story left and then somebody going to be going make a new law for it to me. they want to do the square drop or the phone because that it, that has to be a very intelligent person. and i used to all of these give, again, this is, i have me as a good example of who's the middle candidate and we are shooting. that's absorbed in the studio, you see and he was getting the school drop or yes, and i still think home, great. we've made like mother it. yeah. and so i'll be there. so give that example to know that really one of the guy in was on easy for you was and i wanted to go to and then somebody told me, can you can on go to if be able to go to the other 200 here later i became one of the team gets to where the wow of 2 years and i've been successfully filled. oh, did you go to a 1st big as an assistant?
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i did odd jobs a lot. i knew not a lot of them because i assisted and you know, they were giving me like those did one and then 20 will be, you know, as i put in this, where to go this call active on the make up a little all putting dropped my putting a be, you know, giving the clap, you know, all those things i've done with the lot of people for me because i didn't when we would do you also have go said feed item, but that yeah, yes. that you're like the system. anything that i gave you the left twice, but when we go to hock. yes night and we'd been done by buddy. yes. yeah. and that was in the city. i remember you were sitting that uh being machine. mm. the plan makes right? yes. yes, that is grapple. do how you never told me all these years, these good you had saved it for us. oh, that's amazing. so then how did you become then? my parents told, kay, i should think of things job. there's a film in the scenes or does it, does that them job you the, i'm my sister. i looked the so was in musket and she did wondering we do have to fix job live a i will on they really told him to be the one that has been
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a diamond too much good. 15 investors are most canadian liked it. a friend of mine, he told me coming to the way you may like it and i wanted to buy from india. and again, i went and my friend fixed me to the shop and it was a dream lady for it. but then i said, no, i came back in india and i talked to no, i don't want to do this job. you know, i want to be a fee because this passion was not dying to me. then i became a citizen to mess around with a lot of my mm. by me, i left them, but i what we, what does that, that was a week old rock video tape through here with another do 9 doing, you know, we even made con and dicky, sure nobody would bump a lovely success. so that was we, i became a associate that and so that was a long journey. and after that i went to want them to become independent for them and good. i thought this is my time to go into by midnight and i took up a break for them. so what am i and you were you writing simultaneously about your 1st feeling? i wanted to make some, a lot of people talking my parts my id or they'll send them uh welcome to defend.
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yeah. but it was under me, i was a big fan of my move disabled so. so i remember one funny incident happened when i went to up in use a and he said guy said i want to make this, we and this is amazing message. he said, yes, i wouldn't listen june, please give me a message, send me on. uh, the put more work that was not bad if it miss, i'll send it to all your friends and people who want to find it will be one will be one to submit that assignment, but i wouldn't go for it. right? so this will be even a particular template get everything shouldn't be den to, for them to let people them guide you to me this 100 feet. you cannot think of this, can you 1st will even on the waiting list you, you have to make for them, which is data to a lot your dns. i know it will be coming soon cinema. and the time i did my 1st in your, as a for the me go go, when we go kenesha, you know, with i should watch the 1000000 going on. you should have couple rush me. that'd be in going, i'm to, all right. it was a very difficult, affordable cinema and which had all the ingredients of full color should send him a ride. but unfortunately, we took to do 3 as in making,
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but then my act of status on the box office. well, very diminishing sony, sony. now this, when we bombed very badly, i have a, some bad news. wanted get this and we want to ellen, lot of people in the field and to see mean that these are 2 of the very big for me . disc human when with none of them, but what they will people in the data, people who have it in my professional budgeting is this guys finished doing the time? that was the solution? there was service, but for me and the thought, cuz he has some things around a little but my up to them get to pick him a big for them. be good. and especially then when we found them industry, nobody wanted to pick up my phone. and when he wanted me associated with me in a box the, there's to voice to me like, pretend like, you know, completely ignored and you know, what would that be easy to know to people, to me. i should go back to being a solution to it for like easy, i wonder that would give up. i said, no, i want to try and then try me, but have a friend of mine to enjoy the ladies to be in a box and those things simply put it on the actually not the actual nissan needs
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and all the next day i told my friend you know, i want to make a movie on this but of goods. and he said that he wouldn't buy a new just, you made a flop. we know if you want to make this on who would want. it's like a documentary, but i wasn't, he hasn't been, i want to make, then i just searched on it in 3 another 6 months to write the script. then i go to that, i do the search, i'm making auto body goods. a lot of customers, people across the section of the people who are associated with the bought the bottle, knows everything. and then it was the guy from lot of people, what stuff worked in the bought and what happened to it was sticking. a lot of people are you do kind of in the blue to do that or means. so i'm on my produce, i'd be ready to double in. oh, we told about the script. she loved the idea she, she thought it was amazing. i did the, i made a decision and she was said, i want to be in this for me. the confidence really came to me and i have called gift to this one doesn't like my screw, my good. it is what
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a vendor with then with a lot of conviction doing the life. and that was a great way to include. i thought she doesn't want to listen to the 2nd of maybe she's not like script never does happen. yeah. yeah. and i did this in look and then we'll be able to do. they don't have them taking a little act to do that. but she said, i want to do this, we, i can't imagine myself. i looked at it of, oh gosh. and that introduced 2nd of and things happen and try me, but was another one that i have not been that. yeah, i remember seeing that feeling and i said, wow, what an amazing feeling he has made that journey. that's really the gene of fortune ordinate useful from a liquid would earlier that you would have one thing to make friends about women empowerment. all the fluid supply made on domino, doesn't end up with a gain and lucky will of wanted to betray short base to be a me to board. to do that story and cooperate, i made about a company to learn about the bus of us with a bunch of us little fashion, what you doing all this we, i don't know because i just really did get in our society in that country. lot of
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issues and lots of problem. the rich kendra was the getting the women, but then obviously there was a thing, but issues getting good isn't going to be i'm a woman intended for the make up, but that's ok with me because i, for you to the time you tell a story for me so story which connects with the audience and i for me to of the story has to be door. i'm just a lot of people after waiting or the manager listen to basically by the company demanding the company. it went away to fashion on the fashion woman way. can be a mean more than i'm, i'm a conflict. and if i have an idea, i want to be good for them. i'm already, let's listen those things. you know, i don't want to wait for the actor when the bus and me give me the dog this and that i don't want to get into that big model and i'm bored in handling budgets and i understand the dynamics of it. and also they're not only women tend to create their own support for working cardboard, which of was it an effort to be different or was it an effort to make it fit and within the budget, i'm really passionate about the ideas to come through. i still will do so then it
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can be walking, like i said, from 20 to 32 years. so i sort of walk through the mind because when they sustain, so the me that i liked takes me and people start selling windows and all these people come bigelow, them to become. so selling, you know, different, different the bulk things. yeah. one of the things they said, so i was very interesting to know from the point of view of the people, what, how does people come from, from various people come from how, what, what comprises them? standing in the signal and asking for money and how things to open behind the scenes of this thing. and i do research on his lot of seeing those of them. but then i came to the one that came to those and things. i mean, we'd was, it was a 160 could all they knew about them to turn on and off the, the people banging on this on the signal. yeah, but it wasn't, i don't very fascinating for goods which came to me shortly to live looking more. but i loved the idea to make a film one traffic signal, but nobody was caught in a lot of good w for me cuz they told me give them the research to many and graphically know what
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part can we make a film on it? yes, you know, you will do it and i'm sure and watch that i'm showing you. come on, but i shall really fascinated hope the more the gum. how does the middle money come from where they come from? i want to go behind the ramp and we'll just see what happens to it. but the people who are not happy with the movie, the in the fashion in the yeah, a lot of the been good bull upset about it and they has a reason to live because they always thinking my daughter is basically explaining to closing young so that that happened with a pop put it on to some extent. they were like they were they, they would like it was and we're going to to the dock side of these shows or the pastries, the, the that yeah, yeah, that's what your lights and it was coming up so they don't get upset about it. and, and i feel i am ones to be pulled the social and then the guardians. congress? yeah. audience other mean people, when i made the phone he doing also the people are going to get upset with me from the from victim indeed said of being a bottle to put them in the scene. they thought i have really done
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a lot of scan it to in the fence, which was from did i from, again, from real life. and if you did, can you know, he is drunk, better than steward, and the game. it wasn't, all right. the same people who still lower demand earlier from like bass 3 or a time the bio traffic's in the company started thinking get now he's are attacking us in the sense what i want you to be honest with microsoft on a significant another small audiences. so i didn't wonder to compromise when it comes to life. i don't need the action on the board feet that don't even i said, i legal or load. so i have no qualms about it. you know, i'd stick to the, if i want to make it in, i mean the same be, you are one of the very few just on my, this joshua who has been to the show 5 times. i know what that would work for me. especially it was a very big thing when before, when to s and i was invited in the moscow for the festival in 2001 because i'm too sorry. and i was very happy, very clear to go to the show because i for the,
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my god we, i heard so much of what is she almost cool and that jenny was really great. my, we like john the bought a fashion company based 3 of those i've got all being shown or what they have a good friend fully, or the people who watch movies or particularly my daughters telling me, does that. so i, i was an extra didn't love a dish. they gave us a more warrant on so yeah, yeah, they gave me award. it was in 2009. the international ocean thing. first of all, i want it was from the state award. i have a specialization on russian nutrition in the 1st book ever given to me was by my uncle was mother by godaddy. look in the process and those days use 2 days to get in those over. yeah, yeah, yeah, 3 days because yeah, i know. and then i went for pods pious was, and its in nicole through s key check. so because i used to find a lot of similarities. but what did you discover of the legacy of raj? couple site in huge a, with the yes video when you go, i'm being told what
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a nice i been. tools and petersburg, the place called balloon. got from funding right. in the most cool to you know very well there are 2 people like very popular bit contributor with the that up and lots, couple supply journals. i found the jimmy. jimmy is a supportive solved. yeah. and a lot of yeah. and manage with the heads up. i mean, yeah, does the sing songs and i have to tell you this, then i would russian the water nice and be sure to for them here. we know what the, and like what you'll see and the thing to put a who a brother authorized to that. i've said i remember it was a factual. i said the actress of the for she the grand total for logical board. yeah. go to the board and i got the before them we start from and i go to standing . well, we should meet on telling issue the grand total for us couple i'm, i'm getting it was but basically the energy simple law school. whenever you know, sure, it's great. i think the energy is to above the people of any one. what the, what do you love being an engine about what do you love about india?
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what do we have that was generally what student reopen and the i c n n for the support and even the were like, well i have to have my diary, trouble with it and i feel proud of or yeah. and especially if you see from of 2014, that is the always up search among. i've been very fortunate to live in india and gone twice in 20192023 last year for me because of the rest of it really would be a cute as about india and you'll see the kind of respect now people are getting with their in the company of how much contribution has mr. moore the made a huge human this? absolutely, and i mean, this didn't matter from the time he was the cm of the wizard. i and i started listening because he's the person who has this, you know, the vision to change the india and present any of the new see,
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amazing work is happen. and the kind of work is denise up soon. he but yeah, there is a set of people who get upset if you and mr. mode. you admire that 20 minute evening feet so it can be there many feed you we, we having some people who read mean they could do about it and who me was a do about it. there's all this to minute of waiting on me. so i think we should just ignore that and we shouldn't just. ringback stand with the bmw wasn't so much for the country, not the new one. instead of waiting for so much for the attract us and we want to just be the problem is we have seen of the industry and simple. so if somebody we've got to, nobody wants to please it, what do you want? so they want us to pass the public in size and i'm the known go. sure, the i live in phillips, i know. so people are, there will be those, those factors being we will just need to be, they will not be have any happy of your success that can involve doing that convincing that, getting in the business world, how do you dig failure starting like that even the affiliate hm, okay,
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to finish up the was like i said, then we don't have them, but just bombed of anybody the we, i was fee. did the people just put me on the camera? so i'm starting with some small, extra low so it's different as a please. i bought the so that's kind of the munition se. so if you get, i've come a long way to do when i see myself looking back to it. i think i'm very happy with my awards. my we are being in, i'm and the but i am going back not like the nickel, but it's a lot of places. i go back and talk to people. i knew i don't want to mention speech and also yes, family. the vision me there and the best thing give people capitalizing you on the field when you want me to be the districts. this is more likely, it's me a new get or i'll give a success. good. we're free. if you have to keep on telling you what went wrong or watch them, you haven't done that will be always be there. and it's all is a free. it is way to define us. so f as, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, because celia decides us what kind of person that we are. yeah. to do you are
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talking and what are you johnny do of add on a journey? isn't fascinating in spiting jenny office, young boy, school dropout or 1st from being a disaster and then winning so many 5 national guards and bud machine. it's been a pleasure talking to him other than that, so thank you so much. taylor. thank you. thank you for watching. we're going to be back next week with the new, but basically one indian, another in depth, finalizations to join us again on let's stop product, i'm unable, i'm case number's got the the,
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i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show your identification . we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously, is to place a trust rather than to the various jobs. i mean with the artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme in the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also absurd. this is the 3rd
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world lunacy re washing pressed for. so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to be living online. we have very close propaganda. you know, a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions, ask a better. the answer is will be the
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the you're looking live as a ron lays to rest the countries stop. officials who died in a helicopter crash on sunday with crowds gathering in the city of debris for the funeral procession. as a ron warrant of that stuff, it's president and foreign minister. washington defends it's heavy sanctions policy against iran after being blamed for the incident and apologize for our sanctions. regime at all is the ryan government that is responsible for decision to fly. a 45 year old helicopter in was described as poor weather conditions, not any other after double standards and a parade of american hip hop proceed. moscow slams the us for standing by israel after the international criminal port. 6 arrest warrants for the country's top officials over the war in gaza.


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