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tv   News  RT  May 21, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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so it's good to assess if anybody's rodnick i to yeah, that'd be the the so these are the latest images from a ron as a country life to rest its top officials who died in a helicopter crash on sunday with crowds gathering in the city up to breeze for the funeral procession. as iran warns, the death of its president and foreign minister washington defends its heavy sanctions policy against iran. after being blamed for the incidents for our sanctions regime at all is the running government that is responsible for the decision to fly. a 45 year old helicopter in what was described as poor weather conditions. not any other actor double standards and a parade of america and hypocrisy. moscow slammed us for standing by israel after the international criminal port. 6 arrest warrants for the country's top officials
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over the war in casa. and it is the 1st day since the political powers of ukrainian liter, vladimir zalinski officially expired as he refuses to hold elections, citing martial law in the country. the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching archie international of a ron has entered 5 days of morning after the country's president and foreign minister died in a helicopter crash arabians have gathered for the funeral ceremony. other countries and senior officials, which will last for 3 days and take place in several cities across a ronald crowds of people packed into moscow to pray for those who perished. the bodies of the right in presidents, foreign minister, and other official staff have been transported to debris, is the capital city of iran, east, as or by john province. the helicopter went down on sunday to, to ron,
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looks into the cause of the fatal crash. the images have emerged of emergency crews 1st discovering the wreckage of the aircraft. the red president has reported that everyone on board with a helicopter died moments after the helicopter went down to recent reports. claim a technical failure and weather conditions were likely to blame. meanwhile, to ron has given assurances, this will not affect the government's work with uranium vice president serving as acting ahead of states until an election is held. let's take a look at the events proceeding their fatal flight. the. the
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meanwhile, the white house blamed around for flying and old us made helicopter in bad weather with the us republican senator, adding the world is safer after the uranium presidents stuff that comes as the former rainy and foreign minister said, responsibility for the crash lines with washington over its restrictions on our ron's aviation industry, j is equal to one of the main culprits is the united states, which has placed an embargo on the supply of aircraft in evolution by so we run it and does not allow the ring and people to enjoy good have us on those uh well this will be included in the list of list crimes against the wrong. i didn't even catch that. the us is the one of the main responsible for that. you run your presence in the couplet crash due to the sanctions. so 1st of all, we're not gonna apologize for our sanctions regime at all. the running government has used its aircraft to transport equipment to support terrorism. so we will continue to fully enforce our sanctions resume, including our sanctions. resumes on aircraft for used by the running government.
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ultimately is the running government that is responsible for decision to fly. a 45 year old helicopter in what was described as poor weather conditions, not any other actor. american officials took the opportunity to launch out at the late right in president and his politics. that's as many countries are expressing their support over the death of the leader. remembering him as a strong politician and individual, this list includes fellow brooks member, india, with his vice president, reportedly heading to to ron to pay his respects to the arabian top ranking officials are 2 correspondent, runs and sharma has more a cynthia stage morning on the 21st of may, which is to be tomorrow, respect to be condolences to barely in the, the shape of the, of the president. he's for me, me stuff and 7, all those. and we're on board the shop, all that crushed on sunday. uh that you really need other advice on for the now
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what india is, do we use all that stuff? hm. and do for sure. buildings where the national side is what it will be known as off off to be also there will be no official entities and for the day, but it's not as india that is wanting this. well, i could rock 11 on focus on this to be off. the job is gone, as well as the key summer morning for the sounds of to we sound for 3, some even more and as leadership from across the world. and that have expressed show on the tragic death. so lead yvonne in fact, the range of 45 minutes to being the very 1st one need us to express the shock. m p is condolences on the right. deeply saddened and shocked by the tragic demise of dr. see at the brand name raised the president of the east ludovic republic over on his contribution to strengthening india around
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bilateral relationship will always be remembered. my heartfelt condolences to his family and the people around india stands with around in this time of sorrow. condolences on the top indeed issue for yvonne and ron use of boxes are lean. yeah . despite the country being heavily sanctioned by the west. in fact, just days before the crash and you had signed the do you with the rom and the child? the hard for the decade long. do you very important one for both india and ron and tried to ride off to the resign us states. the bossman had introductory issues trip to india for possible sanctions against countries as that will do business with the ron. but this is a very important for india, india plans to invest in the top of hard for us over the next few years around $120000000.00 on the boss, but also around the fall of drawn to $15000000.00 to build infrastructure. the sport trauma, our fault is expected to open up new markets for india in centrally shoals. and
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we've got time to trade with only fox knows, like a rough show for an example or $0.02 each to us gone to sun. but india is not the only country that in fact has expressed shock, like in the other countries also see, yvonne is a pop now and many have express they can do is they convey to my brother, mohammed's motor, back and to they said prima lead to i it's on the harmony and it condolences of all people. the deep feeling of all people. so the devotee with a brave and heroic people over the run with a family of all friends out brought the president a brain. but i, you see who deposits, it's on the ministry, and department is the pre show inside and out the reports of the part, seeing all these excellent sea prison drive. you see of these i make republic, i'm here on as well as my colleague the minister of do i have the minister of
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foreign affairs of these lumnick republic of the run state often working on behalf of the chinese people. we express our deep condolences of a desk of present tracy in the had a cop to accident. seems taken office present for i use has made important contributions to maintaining that you run security. instability promote and national development and prosperity, and also made active assets to consolidate and develop the chinese ronnie comprehensive, strategic partnership. so really oh, well being support coming in through them across the world for yvonne in contrast that to the reaction from the west, very the seeing that it was the decision of the union leadership to fly. that for, they came to shuffle. now many from across the world are pointing out what options they did on the have a country have really on the sanctions and then to fly that chop off which needed new parts. now,
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all eyes on it onto the next few days as iran will soon elect it's new. earlier we spoke to veterans, syrian diplomat and former ambassador to turkey and adult couple on he says the us bears responsibility and not only for the helicopter crash but also for what he calls this unfair and illegal sanctions policy in the region. definitely the us, that's just the responsibility, not the only for the crash and one way or another office helicopter can see it. and then present this for minutes of damage because better sponsibility for the death of millions of the i could children and a city and children, and celia, celia and shoulder 11. these children killed by sanctions, by the cities of other stuff, up the lines that has to be labeled by calling power and the other senior leaders of the. but i need to ship the station against the back,
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which has proven to be false. and then later sanctions now sort of all the settings of 10 years ago, syria, the syrians in gaza and elsewhere, nevin and the killing millions of innocent people throughout the region. so to better serve these folks. so let's get for that. could i, is it probably not going to add the. busy to the record held by the, the americans as sponsors of total of sanctions, of illegal infections. unilateral sanctions, the physically living people, hundreds of thousands of feet, uh, monthly to in the region, a due to 2 on fast and illegal infections. the actually the 1st by the americas, any nation, any power, any party the that or causes the policy is that imperialist policies
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and. busy assets to come and control the whole world. as the funeral for the uranium presidents and other top officials killed on the helicopter, crash continues to stay with our to international for continuing coverage. we will keep you updated on all the latest developments on air and online. a the russian officials have lashed out at the us for double standards with washington defending israel after the i. c. c. prosecutor filed for a rest of orange for top is really officials a year ago the us supported and arrest warrants against the russian president. this is another example of double standards and a breed of american democracy. the us authorities denied the legitimacy of the i, c. c, and intimidate the structure we sanctions when it comes to the interest of washington itself and its allies. however,
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they shamelessly use this pseudo legal tool against those whom they consider enemies. washington statements and connection with the associates exemptions against the israeli leadership resembled the reaction of a scorpion. stung by itself or a spider. entangled in its own web. for the russian criticism comes in response to emotional reactions. in the united states, the state department spokesperson rejected the i c. c. appeal claiming it has no jurisdiction over this matter. how speaker mike johnson will even further assigned us may propose sanctions against the international criminal court and presidential by and also chipped into defend israel, claiming what's happening and gaza is not a genocide. reject the i. c. she's application arrest warrants against prison was all do or can't do insure civilian protection. but let me be clear, concert allegations against israel made by the end as recorded justice. what's happening is my genocide reject. earlier the international criminal court is chief
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prosecutor requested an arrest warrant for the is really prime minister alongside the country's defense minister. they stand accused of war crimes in gaza. i see prosecutor cream con, also wants to see the leadership of home us in the dock. i have reasonable grounds to believe of the 3 senior leaders of our mass back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of these rail. i'm the state of palestine from at least the 7th of october 2023. i can also confirm that i have reasonable grounds to believe that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu a minister of defense you. i've got back criminal responsibility for the following. international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine from at least the 8th of october 2023. this calm as
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a surprise reports about the ice season. tension is happens circulating since last month, but it did come as a blue below the about these really political establishments has gone wild, slamming the international criminal court. gordon was the same as the prime minister of israel. i reject with disgust the hague, prosecute as comparison between democratic israel and the mass murderers of how moss. this is a complete distortion of reality. this is exactly what the new anti semitism looks like. it is moved from the campuses in the west to the colt in the hague. what a shame to be. i say say became a rock. there was a hard place as well. and it turn yeah, he's on the tremendous pressure on the home front. he risk seeing his rolling call lucian crumbled as allies threatening to rebel over his handling of the war and gaza. and he's rapidly losing public support to has regular protests against his leadership, mountains across the country. unlike his really officials,
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many citizens see a possible arrest international domestic as a fair faith for the prime minister who fails to protect his release on october 7th . and has since failed to bring all the hostages home nearly 8 months on. i think you should not should not stop with maybe they all have to go to do. all the government is for you, me knows the acumen people in palestine and so with no reason they all have to go to choose an old all of them one by one. i think he said has a country. i think he's just trying to keep it safe to keep himself out of trouble . and meanwhile, is i think everything. yeah, full of us. but who says natania, who actually cares what is riley's want? he's clearly more worried about securing support from washington for washington and the international criminal court is not good credible enough, especially when it investigates ace american forces committed war crimes and of
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ghana stone. or when it considers an arrest warrant against the leadership of washington's ally over war crimes and crimes against humanity and gaza. which ones one more pull thing is in the eyes is the spotlight. the court suddenly becomes fair and upright for the americans. no, i think it's justified it's of course, it is not recognized international by us either, but i think it makes a very strong point. us supports all international efforts to examine atrocities in ukraine, including the investigation by the i c. c, and the reporting by the un commission of inquiry on ukraine. the united states supports a range of international investigations, interest of the atrocities in ukraine, including the one conducted by the i see, i see. but we do not weigh in on each decision development as part of those investigations as well. has made it clear the eyes. this is warren's approved by a panel of judges, or in fact, anyone's will not stop the prime minister. and he's government's war on guys,
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on the news that's made. world headlines will hardly make changes on the grounds. but it's such a nice house, no pressure on these really is. and they american allies to all become increasingly isolated as the global majority rallies for palestine or even ocean ah, how t reporting from jerusalem palestinian national initiative party leader and was stuff about duty, says washington, the support of israel is a clear double standard. i hope that dakota does not the sky i owe you and does not show and you call it miss under american pressure, which is absolutely hypocritical. but on one side, there will come the court decisions against pressure and now the other condemned and the code for issuing these decisions about the 0 that shows how much they and i to states as for the total and complete the standard. because the american lead, that is thing to have the world should look,
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i've gotten. so there was and they think that the court of justice on the court of justice in the world is very united states senate congress, which is by the way and now some of its members out of citizen needs to take a punitive acts against the national court of justice. something unbelievable. uh they don't believe in international lawyers are united states does not believe in international it. below it committees in the law of the jungle and dental spar. whoever has the power can do it. they're like the estrella in and new zealand governments announced on tuesday. they were sending planes to evacuate their nationals from crisis stricken new caledonia. this comes as pro independence. protesters continued to push back against french forces by maintaining road blocks on the archipelago, paris, and sent over 1000 security forces to reclaim the road from the airport to the capital of new math. the state of emergency was declared in the region after the
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death toll from cautious rose to fix the unrest broke out of her parents. his intentions were in force, a new law that would give tens of thousands of non indigenous residents voting rights, protest or say they won't back down until the text of the law is withdrawn of all us. but we won't give up until they withdraw the text. they're about to vote on the next. like no, we won't give up. even if we have to die for it will stay here on the road blocks. who's going to be able to talk about being out of breath and all that we don't have that brand. we're waiting for these texts to be withdrawn because it means the elimination of the connect to people in us. we're already in the minority. if they get this text through congress invest site, we're screwed. a girlfriend, that's what they don't understand even though we're already a minority. so there's only the current in later blood mer. zalinski is presidential term has officially expired. elections for the country's top job are supposed to take place in march, but were postponed by martial law from a russian president. dimitri method of said the delays are indicative of
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a failed state. all these manipulations with laws mean only one thing. the death of the file state of your crime. it's transformation into a classic filed state to use american vocabulary. the west support as a landscape decision not to hold elections precisely because it is afraid of a shameful full of his criminal regime. the lines campos marshal law over ukraine in february 2022 and has pro long that repeatedly since then. the status for hibbits. any elections including the presidential race? several extensions of the martial law have pushed zalinski as time in office past the constitutionally mandated 5 years ukrainian leader has refused to hold elections this year. we heard from international economist martin armstrong, who says zalinski is pushing back the vote because his chances of victory are slim is suspended the elections as long as the word goes on. so as long as the order goes on and he remains present, that seems to be
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a conflict of interest internally. a lot of people in ukraine are beginning to realize that when he killed a deal for peace, at the request of bars, johnson why, you know, ukrainian people have no right to, to negotiate your, on their own behalf. so his election, you know, i think is a fraud and he's deliberately postponing it because i think if he went to election you would find that he lost. if you just look at what he ran on when he stood for election, it was for peace over comments. even from russia, we thought the deal. maybe this would be a good idea. and then he turned completely the opposite direction there people, they won him out. and i think it, this globalization is a show of really have desperate things if could have become
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a. and i mean ukraine had had mast one of the biggest are amazing in europe, and they did not do any good. uh so i think it's your last desperate eh, measure because, you know, ukraine. he just cannot possibly win this war place. you want to know more about what the future holds for vladimir zalinski and his powers in the presidential chair. go to our website, our t. com to read more about the story and so much more north korea has slammed the us for conducting nuclear tests that threatened global stability and could lead to greater escalations. the north korea will not tolerate the creation of a strategic and balance and security vacuum in the coming peninsula. but whole firm of defendants security rights, an interest policy for the toned action against the evolving nuclear upfront. from
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the us, there's only one country that's ever used, atomic bombs that with united states that use nuclear weapons on her ocean in august saki, the people of corrosion was, spoke up in the aftermath of the recent provocative drills by the united states. on behalf of the atomic bomb, to the city of hiroshima, i vehemently protest and demand that all future nuclear tests be canceled. i strongly urge the united states to reflect deeply on the higher risk reality use of what a single atomic bomb did to hiroshima and the tragic experiences of the survivors. the cry of some critical nuclear tests were done in nevada. here's how the u. s. national nuclear security agency describes them on the evening of may 14th the us department of energy's national nuclear security administration, successfully executed a sub critical experiment and then as a relies on some critical experiments to collect valuable information,
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to support the safety, security, reliability, and effectiveness of america's nuclear warheads, without the use of nuclear explosive testing, the nuclear security enterprise will use the results of this experiment to improve on modeling and simulation capability. positive assigned space to stockpile stewardship program that n n s a has like for over 30 years. in 1992, the united states declared a moratorium on full on nuclear tests with explosions. however, tests like the recent want to be provocative, some critical nuclear tasks that want nuclear prowess and demonstrate the ability to destroy millions of lives have continued. the usa has never signed the nuclear test ban treaty, and it claims that these recent critical tasks are in full compliance with all international law. however, the context of the recent tasks makes them a little bit more alarming. let's recall how recently us senator lindsey graham
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defended the use of atomic bombs against erosion and nagasaki on the floor of the us congress. would you have supported dropping the atomic bombs on here? shame, or nagasaki, general brown, in world war 2? well the, the sooner i think it is based on the situation where the a well, we know, i mean is half and we know i'm not asking they did it. do you think that was disproportionate? it was, uh, it was dip definitely. uh well, what do you use, what do you live in on site? do you think that was the right decision for america to drop to atomic bombs on the japanese cities in question? well, i'll tell you to stop the war. japanese officials were horrified by the rhetoric of lindsey graham to say the least and a. com at a time when western leaders say that threatening to bring nuclear weapons into the ukraine conflict is simply fair game. just reckless and they're responsible for the leader of a major new nuclear armed power to be saber rattling the way that he is with
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respect to the casualties for, for nuclear weapons. so we're honestly, we monitor this and have continued to monitor this very closely. i can tell you, we've seen nothing, even despite the reckless rhetoric that would cause us to change our strategic deterrence last year. and lastly, if, if mr. brewton and russian officials are worried about their troops and ukraine getting hit with weapons from other countries. then the easiest thing to do is just take your troops and leaks. nobody lands a nuclear war. that's a reality that has haunted the planet for decades. so with the international tensions rising in a number of theaters right now, you would think it's just common sense that you shouldn't be flaunting your nuclear arsenal at this moment. however, when met with criticism us media and us leaders have an opt use rebuttal, it's all russia's fault. however,
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russia has not engaged in the type of provocative drills we just saw in nevada. caleb bobbin archie, new york, jo altman, and a host of the conservative daylight podcast, says western leaders deliberately nurture violence as a tool to deal with global crises. that's a very, very, very slippery slope. and we've been talking about slippery slopes for decades. not just related to neutral or bombs, but, you know, cutting off body parts from individuals allowing open borders, creating environments where pedophilia can be normalized and me creating an entire environments where that slippery slope is allowed for the degradation of society. not just the united states, but around the world. and now we're talking about mutual or weapons as if that's a, that's a plausible solution to any conflict. and it just, it shows you how most people in most countries want to push towards peaceful resolutions. and yet are leaders, as they call us, by what we want to rise up to, to do things because they've done things to hurt. the populace are now saying it's
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ok that they can use violence as a means to, to hurt other people as long as it doesn't involve them yet. as people we, we're, we're expected to be law abiding. and so on the sidelines will they really have it not just on their own country, but on the countries around the world. it's just, it's a that we're dealing with an upside down world. and frankly, i think the leadership and not just the united states around the world is, is pretty pathetic. and the end of this justification probably shows us alignment with the role economic form. and so we're ellison, you've all know or her are a just really, really bad people who have done really, really bad things around the world. and, and this is kind of signaling that they're, they're not done yet. it does say with our to international. i'll be back with much more news in about 30 minutes by the
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the routes remain c o, a colonial empire that still exists in the mountain welled comprised of both its colonies. just guys, dispose of these territories, numerous officially silver and african states that.


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