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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 21, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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the entire environment where that slippery slope is allowed for the degradation of society, not just the united states, but around the world. and now we're talking about new, your weapons as if that's a, that's a plausible solution to any complex. and it just, it shows you how most people in most countries want to push towards peaceful resolutions. and yet are leaders, as they call us, by when we want to rise up to, to do things because they've done things to hurt. the populace are now saying it's okay that they can use violence as a means to, to hurt other people as long as it doesn't involve them yet. as people we, we're, we're expected to be law abiding. and so on the sidelines will they really have it not just on their own country, but on the countries around the world. it's just, it's a we're, we're dealing with an upside down world. and frankly, i think the leadership and not just the united states around the world is, is pretty pathetic and the, and this justification probably shows this alignment with the world economic forum and sor ellison, you've all know her already just really,
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really bad people who have done really, really bad things around the world and, and this is kind of signaling that they're, they're not done yet. many thanks for joining us and coming your way next. rick sanchez with the latest episode of direct impact to end up about with more of the days tops new stories and 13 minutes bye for now. the . the hello got everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. and this is what we're going to be talking about a, a high call for carrying the arabian, a president on several high officials with supposedly makes a rough landing. so what you just heard, right there is how the news 1st broke. interesting choice of word. no hard landing
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. how does that mean? right, well it was much worse. the present, other on is dead. i'm rick sanchez. this is a major global story and we're going to cover and for you, let's do it the so that i should have a rod as morning tonight with the death of their president abraham racy, is that a copier crashed in an area near azerbaijan, in northern iran after rice, he had joined the aus or by john the officials to basically do it politicians doing . they were cutting a ribbon on some new dam that was just built to serve apparently both countries. there was really bad weather in the area. that's important, but the cause of the crash is still in this desolate area where it happened not known yet a bronze at president. abraham rise, the end of foreign minister husein a mirror of the law hen are both confirmed to have died in a helicopter crash. breaking news out of iran or state media has now confirm the
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death of president abraham pricing in which significant breaking news. iran state media is reporting that the nation's president and foreign minister has died in a helicopter crash search teams arrived at the site and what was originally called a hard landing and they found no sign of life. there's that hard landing thing again, right? so it was known to travel by helicopter and had, in fact, promised to visit every one of the country's provinces, the that make him a target, you think as we travel around in an american made bell helicopter by the way. well, it's an obvious question and excellent question. not to mention one that is being asked all over the world today. i mean, my gosh, go on internet, go on social media sites, diplomatic missions around the world, probably all talking to themselves, especially in countries from the global south community who don't buy the stories
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that are generally put out by the western media. because too often they're basically written by the pentagon or the state department. so well one of fingers pointing to at this point, the right israel for years now, israel's of secret service. the massage has been hitting a radi and targets inside and outside of the country. the incidents are way too numerous to list the most recent is the bombing and the assassination of iranian and bassett. or is that the serial number c, but by far the most brazen where the mafia style hits on 4 or 5 different iranian nuclear scientists. and this all occurred between 20102020. all were foreign length assassinations, most linked to israel with the most infamous being the assassination of the head of the nuclear program that some guy who was named most on soc reside day. right. and this is interesting in 2021, it was reported that the retired is riley mill,
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saw the agent seemed to come out and admit the interviews with the media that israel was indeed responsible for that yet. the also suggested that it really, agents were able to get into iranian facilities to destroy and or sabotage iranian nuclear energy facilities. so look, there is no evidence at this point and we have to be journalistically fair about this. there's no evidence to suggest that this helicopter crash that killed the president other on was perpetrated by israel or by the united states or anybody else for that matter. at this point. we just don't know, however, and this is important. this. however, manila, there is plenty of history to suggest and it would be foolhardy not to at least consider that israel is both willing and capable of doing something like this. especially given the stories that you and i have been talking about recently the top protect between israel, the united states and uh, and iran,
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and just reset weeks. you say what? well yeah, rick, absolutely it's, it's quite feasible to imagine that there was something nefarious behind this helicopter rack. however, as you said, we have to remain journalistically fair about the information you currently have and not to speculate what we do know about this particular crash site was the weather conditions at the time the weather conditions up in this mountainous region . apparently it's a very remote era area. it was very foggy. it was blizzard conditions is what the reports are saying. and if we harkened back just a couple of years ago to the famous l. a lakers player coby brian, his helicopter went down in a mountainous area of los angeles as well due to heavy fog and the bad weather conditions. and as it turned out, it was pilot error low. i think that's the best the best but didn't know but,
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but that's like saying in the last uh year i think i reported just myself about 35 incidences involving boeing. so now a boeing plane crashes, and the 1st thing we look at is the weather. and we don't talk about the other 35, the crash because there was some kind of mechanical problem with the way they were manufactured by boeing. it's almost like, yes, the weather could have been bad, but that doesn't mean that there can't be another explanation as well. you get my drift. you know, i agree. i agree that we can't. we can't rule out any foul play. but, but at the moment, the information that we have on hand, we have to kind of based, based on where they were traveling and what the climate looked like at the time. the time of day it was if there was mechanical failure. so i would say we need to reserve judgment until we get gather further information. and as we know, iranian state media has been kind of scant on that on the details. and like you
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said, they were calling it a rock landing. i mean, that's one way of putting it for sure. and as you can see from the images there, i mean, you can in that of some 6 fog. oh, it was one of those feet ahead of you. you're absolutely right. it was horribly 40 and that's true. and it's something that should be taken into account. all right, let's go to another story. it's official president joe biden, and donald trump will debate the surprised decision to do so, began with this very edited, heavily edited challenge here. this is so close to the beach to me in 2020, the sense that he had showed up for debates. now he's acting like he wants to debate me against or make my day pow holly to do a twice 1st place. today's gone. i hear you free on wednesdays. how many adults can you put it in 14 seconds? that's gotta be a run. cuz i remember she was like 20 out. it's in a 14 seconds video. trump has accepted back. okay. but the rules are really weird. so here we go, there's going to be no audience. there's going to be no,
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bobby kennedy junior. the candidates are going to control everything with the help of cnn. the moderators are, i mean, i hate to say it, but it is what it is. they're pro israel. zion is reporters, jake tapper and dana bash and wait, it gets even better. the sponsors of the debate will likely be those who have sponsored have in the past, raytheon pratt and whitney and other military contractors who have sponsored the the these debates many times in the past. now who in the hell is going to be watching a debate and decide they want to order a warship or a bomb? i don't know, but in case they want to, the commercial will be there by race, the whatever. what do you say? well yeah, i'm already on the wait list for the the newest aircraft carrier. i thought i would have one on the side. so i can't wait to watch the bates. but yes, the, the does have only heavily edited video of the president, almost as if he was daring president trump to debate him. i mean it's,
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it's after the fact, it's a little bit too late. donald trump was the 1st one to say i'm in. put me to sign me up, coach, i'm in throne me in the game. so i don't understand why the president's team decided to put up this very short video, the probably taped in micro seconds, because that's the only way he can get through a sentence at this point. what i mean, you're right this, this whole debate sham with 2 people. yeah. everyone's be muted and that it is quarter if the american isn't carter re, again, it's not nixon j a k. i mean, it's ridiculous and, and really, i mean i like that, but i think it's a good guy and i think he's a good reporter. i think that a bash. obviously i worked with her for many years. i know her, but her policies which she believes and what she reports on a daily basis about what's going on and god's of what she reports about ukraine. what you reports about the south china sea. she is lock step in with the
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administration, 100 percent. both of them are 100 percent, the jo buttons of foreign policy. and that just seems a little weird that the people who are gonna be moderating the debate are 100 percent lock step with everything that the president set. so that, no, no, we gotta get wrong cuz i gotta get this it. and we're also we're going to run out of time. and i've got a great guest coming on. and by the way, who's from f i, you, i'll tell you about that little bit. america's most macho senator, he's added again, sounding like a man, his loyalty is to the connected and not to the us. lindsey graham actually came out and said he trust israel more than the united states. anybody else who declared their loyalty to another country other than the us and as a senator, would probably be criticized maybe even called a traitor. not in this case. here's this comma. now trust israel, more than not drugs dalston. the stills that asking has been withdrawal was a good idea. bottom line, there's a lot at stake here. i think the region in the world is going to 2nd guess future
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relationships with us, mister president, if you don't change your mind, it says because joe biden did one tiny little thing that could be seen against is real. why would he say that most americans who don't get their information from cable news or the new york times, or even someone who doing will tell you it's because it's probably corrupt, because he's paid by military contractors will give them money left. and i mean big time box. uh, you know, so they can have more wars and because he's also probably gets a check from a pack. i mean, everybody in congress gets a check from a pack. they pay us politicians like graham to support is real over or even the us itself in many, in many ways. and by the way, they have a way to it's perfectly legal to give money to politicians. so they both and say certain things. that's the way our system now works. that's what the supreme court decided we have. so it is what it is. here's code pink. so
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a protester making that point in some, at the powers committee hearing. and then getting thrown out for essentially, i'm sorry to say it, but telling the truth of the status. so that's one more the only order if you want to take the order. 6 to read the committee will come to order expose all those the video cam nor for the. 6 the committee will turn to order. look, love him, hate him, disagree with that dude. whoever he is, i think i know his name, but i was there. somebody in the united states should be allowed to at least say
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something different from what the politicians and the media are saying that the guy gets up to say it and he gets thrown out on his. but i don't know. what does that say about this? and he does it musically, rick, i mean, it's a catchy tune for us to remember who's financing genocide here? that's number one. but number 2, on the whole, lindsey graham talk, he spent all of last week, essentially, effectively advocating using nukes on gaza, not in so many words feed. no, it's literally was justifying. he said he was justifying it by comparing it in into the lens of world war 2. the whole world is, has changed. first and foremost, the weapons that we have have changed and this guy is over here, war hocking. what he normally does best. and this is his continuation of, of raise the blood last words. this is the would say something like that and think
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about what you just said in your protest or right now, according to the us congress and you say from the river to the sea, it means that you're a terrorist. and it means that you want the destruction of israel and you can be put in jail according to the laws that were just passed. lindsey graham says he wants everyone in gaza to be new to disappear, to fly, essentially. and there is no punishment or anything that is that about him and the story last that essentially 15 minutes in the new cycle, something there's something wrong with that. it's just something wrong with that just doesn't seem fair. manila, thanks appreciate your time. thank you, rick erik. lot works as a professor at florida international university. it's a school that i have many connections to like, i love the school. all my kids went there. it's a great place. i hear he's a great professor, he's written a book. it's called the ron's reconstruction, jihad world development and regime consolidation. sorry, regime consolidation,
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not re genes. they used to be a club on south beach, after 1979, not the club, his book. it's a good book. you should get it. he's going to be kind enough to join us in just a little bit to either agree or disagrees with some of the things that are taking place right now in iran, in particular with this death of their president will be right back. stay with us. the when the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watchers in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions for react the
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the so welcome back. i'm rick sanchez. and this is direct impact, so his book is called a ron's reconstruction jihad world development and regime consolidation. after 1979, he's done tons of interviews to put this book together. he's a professor at florida international university and beautiful miami professor. eric lot is good enough to join us now to talk a little bit about what he has learned and i guess for most on our minds today is this question about the, the iranian president dying. so what happens now,
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is this going to change iranian politics? defect as well, myself and, and the minneapolis don't believe there's going to be bunch of it change because of the system over there with the supreme leader. really having the final say over foreign policy and even many areas of domestic policy that even with this president to in many ways was an extension of the supreme leader of being killed essentially that there, there is going to be more continuity. and really then there would be change on moving forward in the wrong. the global south community will tell you that all things considered with everything that we the united states have grown at a ron breaking treaties and you know, firing at them, israel, assassinating their and bachelor is just uh, a month ago, etc, etc. all things considered uh,
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this government has when it has been somewhat tolerant of all of that. of course, the western media will tell you they're all terrorist or monsters and you know, they're out there though. just destroy the world. which side are you on? well usually stay in the middle, but good course. yeah. you know, as an academic, it's a safe place. you know, of course we didn't negotiate a deal with them in 2015 the, the ron nuclear deal where the basic premises that they would scale back their nuclear activities waste a by all accounts they were largely, if not entirely compliance with and then the us was going to provide sanctions release that of course, 3 years later, 2018, the us unilaterally withdrawals from the deal. and it barks on this campaign of maximum, the maximum pressure that you describe sections and other activities. and i mean the question is if, if there hadn't been that his account or factual, where do we be at a different place today?
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not just with the ron, but in the wider region in terms of having a perhaps greater stability. i think it's a big question to ask him to ponder when the trump administration executed, or i should say, assassinated soul of money, for example. i mean, i don't know, man, i mean, that's a hell of a thing to do. you imagine one of our leaders were assassinated by china, or russia or event as well are one of the countries that we think are, are the bad guys or ron, for that matter. i mean of the fact that they barely react to that. maybe they're not as evil as we think. well, i think they're more rational than we think in terms of when we see them that are um, that are subjected to these kind of attacks. whether it was the assassination of sort of on in 2020, whether it was the fact that you had mentioned earlier of that also across the red line in terms of international norms and the pulling up for rules. rules based the order that the us overseas. when they're a embassy or their costs,
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a lot of damascus was hit back in april. of is that they responded to very calculated way in a way that's telegraphed as uh for a graph to in many ways to show that they could save space. but at the same time, not escalate this conflict even further and invite a larger retaliatory response for can conventionally superior allies in the united states and israel, that it really was the line and their response. yeah, and that's, that's my biggest concern. you know, obviously i've been to israel as a journalist, i've covered it. i've met with folks at the can. that's it. been all over the country tucked all kinds of people. by the way, you know, there's a joke about is really jews. you know, you had talked to 5 different jews in israel and you get 5 different opinions about things, which is generally true. i, i think they, they tend to have more varied opinions that even we do here in the united states. but by fear. now with this particular government, the method, yahoo government, to be honest with you, is that he almost would like to see us the united states,
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our tax dollars, etc. dragged into some kind of conflagration with iran that, that really worries me as an american. and am i wrong to be concerned about that? i think it's a valid point. so in terms of, well, you know, israel back in 2015 or 16 being the, you know, one of the staunch opponents of the iran nuclear deal. and you know, some of the is really national security establishment would say that that was actually a good deal for as really security to try to contain the iranian nuclear capability of. so you know, the question is why, why that is real, really oppose the deal. and then the question or the answer may be that it was more, it's pure rock prussia mall between iran in the united states. more than the actual capabilities and, you know, set as soon as, you know, leading up to october 7th after october. so does you've been fly? there seems to be this desire by some of the news really government to drag the
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united states in the war with the ross and the united states. it to its credit is not taking the debate as not taking the bait. yeah. and is actually had indirect talks recently with the ryan's, i believe in oman or somewhere in the region to try to dial down sanctions and avoid that scenario from happening, especially heading into a election season. you know, heading into november, i heard that the person replacing president rice, c of iran, is going to be another very similar quote unquote hard line. or in other words, he's going to be someone who pretty much represents the same thinking. what do you expect that not to be true, and would you expect the populace there in iran, or the think tanks, the media, the educational sector to push against that to try and go in a different direction? well, you know, they could try. i mean, well, you know, whatever is left of independence,
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civil society over there could try to push back. but, you know, they seem to be really at the mercy of, in many ways to the preferences, perceptions the policies of the supreme leader and his inner circle. but he, you know, to answer your question, i would say really, it's a, it, it's an open question. we have to really keep an eye on this because of the, of the 1st vice president is now the intern for us, or volleyball bar is really an unknown quantity and, and he's kept a very low profile of so i think it's hard to predict what direction he's going to go with that said, when you look at his cv or his resume and what he's done, it's clear that he has close connections to the supreme leader to the revolutionary guard. and so one could assume you know, that there's going to be some continuity there with the domestic and foreign policy . is that right? i see had pursued her and at the very least, supported before i let you go. speaking of our approach, small, i think there seems to be something developing on the global stage with the global
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south community in the russia, china, iran, saudi arabia, a brazil, all these bricks nations are suddenly coming out and challenging. what we have. busy always thought to be, you know, our own dominion of politics and economics all over the world. what, what is your take on that? especially f, as it effects iran, because it makes it harder. i would think for our side, for washington to be able to go around the world or you can talk to them. you can't do anything with them. they're bad people that a lot of people are saying, well, you said that about us to the do you see where i'm going with us? oh, absolutely. and i think it's so important point. it's something to keep an eye on as well, in terms of, despite all the, you know, the sanctions, i mean there, there, yeah. how the sections that we've levied against the wrong, the maximum pressure campaign. the attempts to isolate that is that in the past year or 2, since rice has been present any ron has joined briggs along with its regional rival,
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saudi arabia, and the united arab emirates. and it's also become a member of the shanghai cooperation organization. and these are institutions, as you describe, that are really looking to push 1st of all, economics above all else that really not intervene at the political affairs of their member states. so, you know, that's number one. and secondly, you know, as you've applied, there's this of this spirit of trying to establish an order, or that, that really means on the principle of non aligned bins and independence by the states. although of course, there's going to be power dynamics within those institutions with china being there and all, and also kind of thinking about an alternative world of water that leaves more in multi polarity. and that transitions away from unit polarity and, and know just having a policy imposed by the united states and by western powers. yeah. and it's going to be hard, i think, and i'm sorry to say we've run out of time, but i see our leaders. i mean, whether you're talking about mr. trump or mr. bide,
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and these are old war horses from days gone by. they still think in many ways, like the 19 fifties and sixties and they believe there's a big cold war out there that we got a when. and i just don't think that that's the thinking that we're going to need for the future to effect of a proper foreign policy. um, i guess we got 15 seconds if you want to comment on that. do you agree? i think, i think, as you said, it may be beneficial to think of the world less as a 0 sum game. yeah. a game, assuming we could get out of that mindset and a more of, you know, where there is given take and where are the, you know, thinking about call benefit analysis and, you know, leaning less are not military, but perhaps more diplomacy and develop. and another 2. ready to further our, our national interest and objectives, however, we decided to find them. that's great stuff, especially. thank you so much. thank you for your buck. thank you for your time and thank you for helping my kids a little bit smarter. i appreciate it. thank you. it was a pleasure being here,
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pleasure meeting you. so thank you back. thank you. that's our show. remember, now always look outside your own little box. that's one of the problems we have nowadays. we all want to live in these little boxes where we think it's only our truth that matters. busy truths matter, i'm rick sanchez, will see you the next time the, the russian states never. i've side as i'm assuming the most sense community invest. ingles is all set and set up the same assistance. must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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the kremlin machine, the state on russia to day and split the r t smooth net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube. the services for the question, did you say steven twist, which is the, what is part of the is it that the employee would post good? isn't the defense you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present there?
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let's stop without cases. let's go products of the yvonne lays to rest the country's top officials who died in a helicopter crash on sunday with crowds gathering to the city up to breed for the funeral procession. and the wrong moons, the palm seem to be depressed in town. foreign minister washington defends its heavy sanctioned policy against the 2 rocks of the being blamed for the incident. we are not gonna apologize for our sanctions. regime at all is the ryan government that is responsible for decision to fly. a 45 year old helicopter in was described as poor weather conditions. not any other actor, double standards as a parade of american hypocrisy. and most of the you with the standing by israel.


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