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tv   News  RT  May 21, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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off without pieces. let's go part of the the wrong lays to rest the countries the top officials who died in a helicopter crash on sunday, with crowds gathering the city up to break fit for the funeral procession. and the wrong moons, the policy give its president time for administer, washington defends it's heavy sanctioned policy against to ross of the being blamed for the incident. we're not gonna apologize for our sanctions. regime at all is the running government that is responsible for this isn't to fly a 45 year old helicopter in was described as poor weather conditions. not any other actor, double standards, the parade of american hip hop proceed. allstate, for you with the standing by its route on the international criminal to fix the
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rest warrants of the country, 12 official available and gone south africa as high as cold bands. the countries ex president jacob, the law from the upcoming parliamentary elections. his policy has allowed to challenge to this patient. the very will welcome to you is just 13 pm here in moscow. and this is nancy international with the latest world news update is great to have you with us. a top story this now iran has entered 5 days of morning off of the countries president on foreign minister died in a helicopter crash radians adopted for the funeral ceremony. which will last 3 days and take place in several cities across the wrong problems of paxton some most to pray for those who perished. the bodies, it'd be a rainy and presidents, foreign minister, and other officials and stuff that being transported to,
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to breed the capital city. other wrongs east as it by john province where the highly cult came down on sunday. now walter, ron luke seemed to the close of the fatal crash new images having the emergency crews 1st discovering the wreckage of the ashcroft. the red crescent has reported that passengers on food dive moment off to the helicopter came down. it's being suggested a technical failure and weather conditions would likely to be the aston scores. so as a government into ron is given assurances that this will not affect its work with the rating and vice president. subbing as acting head of states until an election is held this. now take a look at events, proceedings and the states will fly to the
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the the mold, whitehouse blamed yvonne full flying of the old us made helicopter in bad weather weather us with public incentives. the other in the world is safe off to the radian president's desk by tom's as a full, my radian foreign minister said, responsibility for the crush lines with washington of h restrictions on the wrongs ation industry. j at the it was one of the main culprits is the united states, which has placed them in bar, go on the supply of aircraft in evolution parts we run and does not allow the ring and people to enjoy a good ever use. and based on this will be included in the list of with crimes against the wrong name category of a to us is the one of the main responsible for that. you run your business and a couple of crash due to the sanctions. so 1st of all, we're not going to apologize for our sanctions regime at all. the running
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government has used it's aircraft to transport equipment, to support terrorism. so we will continue to fully enforce our sanctions regime, including our sanctions were seems on the aircraft for used by the running government. ultimately is the running government that is responsible for decision to fly. a 45 year old helicopter, in what was described as poor weather conditions, not any other actor. american officials took the opportunity to la shots at the late rainy and presidents on his politics. as many countries are expressing desa poles over the death of the leader. remembering him as a strong politician on the individual, this list includes speller, briggs, men, but india with his vice presidents were supposed to be heading to to a wrong to pay his respects to the randy and top renting officials i'll take correspond to join didn't show my husband's house for us, it is an all cynthia stage morning on the 21st of may,
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which is to be tomorrow. respect to be condolences to learning in leadership on the rest of the president hughes for maintenance stuff and 7, all those who were on board the shuffle that crashed on sunday as the earphones other by john for the now what it's doing is all the government officials buildings where the national side is, what you will be your own ass off off to be. also there will be no official in to team and for to day, but it's not as india. that is morning. this was like a rock 11 on pockets on this to be off the chalk, this dawn as well as the key. so my morning for the song for 2 was on for 3, some even more and as leadership from across the world that have expressed show on the tragic death move the lead. yvonne in fact, the range of more these prime minister being yeah, was one of the very 1st one need us to express. the shock m p is condolences on the
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desk. the full price deeply saddened and shocked by the tragic demise of dr. see it, the brain raised the president of the slimy club to cover on his contribution to strengthen in india. the run bilateral relationship will always be remembered. my heartfelt condolences to his family and the people around india stands with around in this time of sorrow. condolences on the top indeed issue for yvonne and ron use of boston roving. yeah. despite the country being heavily sanctioned by the west, in fact, just days before the crash and get assigned to do you with the rom and the child, the hard part of the decade long. do you very important one for both india and ron? inside the ride off to the was signed the us states, the bossman had internet, the issue trip to india for possible sanctions against countries as that will do business with the wrong. but this is a very important for india,
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india plans to invest in the shop, a hard force over the next few years around $1300000.00 on the boss, but also around the 4th wrong to 15 $1000000.00 to build infrastructure. the sport trauma, our fault is expected to open up new markets for india, and centrally shows that you got time to trade with only fox knows like a rough show, for example, or to send these to us gone to sun. but you is not the only country that in fact has expressed shock like india, other countries also. so you vaughn is a pop now and many have express banking. doing says that every day i convey to my brother, mohammed's motor, back and to the supreme leader. i, it's on the harmony and it condolences of all people, the defendant of all people. so the devotee with a brave and heroic people over the run with a family of all friends out brought the president a brain by you see who deposits. it's on the see, ministry,
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and department is the p show and side and the reports of the past seeing all these excellent sea prison drive you see of these i make republic, i'll be around as well as my colleague minister abdulla the minister of foreign affairs of these lumnick republic of the run state auto merchant on behalf of the chinese people we expressed our deep condolences of the desk of present tracy in the had a cop to accident. seems taken office present for i use has made important contributions to maintaining that you run security and stability, promotion, national development and prosperity, and also made active efforts to consolidate and develop the chinese ronnie comprehensive strategic partnership. so really oh, well being support coming in to them across the world for yvonne in contrast that to the reaction from the west, very the seeing that it was the decision on the union leadership to fly that for
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they came from the shuffle. now many from across the world are pointing out what options they did on the have a country have really on the sanctions and then to fly that shop off, which needed new cards now or live and onto the next few days. as iran will soon elect it's new, as well as pays as respects either prices embrace these tragic death. these statements home country has been left with a significant voice. we discussed to apprehend gracie's legacy with the mass of to wrong. yep, that is precision and consistency with neighboring countries. and russia was distinguished on having ties with russia, china neighboring countries, the countries of the resistance front, and his lot mc states was his own breakable principle. in my opinion, this integration will be increased. nevertheless, his absence is an absolute void for us, but the absence won't generate for jody. at some point,
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it will create more integration and unity at another level. too early, we started to veterans, syrian diplomats and diploma and bassett, the to, to get and the dollar cabal in. and he said the us best responsibility not only for the helicopter crash, but also for what he calls is on 5 and a legal sanctions policy. and the reason definitely that us, that's just the responsibility not the only for the crash and one way or another office siller car to can see it and then present this for minutes of damage because better responsibility for the death of millions of it. i could show that in the city and children and sylvia celia and show the level of these children killed by sanctions, by the series of other stuff up a life that has to be labeled by calling i will and the other senior leaders of the medic need to ship the station, i guess the back, which has proven to be false. and then later,
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sanctions now sort of all the settings of 10 years ago, syria, the syrians in gaza and elsewhere, nevin and the killing millions of innocent people throughout the region. so to better serve this part so it looks good for that class, is it probably not going to add the. busy to the record held by the americans as sponsors of terrorism of sanctions. so illegal infections, unilateral sanctions, that's the, the physically intelligent people. hundreds of thousands of people. uh, monthly, okay. in the region. a due to 2 on fast and illegal infections to actually uh, forced by the americans use any nation, any power, any part to the that or causes the policy that imperialist policies and. busy assets to come and control the whole roads to
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say we don't see international continuing coverage, we're going to be keeping you fully updated on all the latest developments. but on the, on the online the russian officials have launched down to the us for double standards with the washington defending as well off to the i. c. c. prosecutor, fall for arrest. warrants for top is where the officials do ago. the us supported and arrest warrants against the russian president. this is another example of double standards in a breed of american democracy. the us authorities denied the legitimacy of the icy seat and intimidate the structure. we sanctions when it comes to the interest of washington itself and its allies. however, the shamelessly use this pseudo legal tool against those whom they consider enemies . washington statements and connection with the icy cease zation suggest is rarely
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leadership resembled the reaction of a scorpion. stung by itself or spider. entangled in his own web, the russian criticism comes in. we're supposed to emotional reactions at the united states. a state departments, folks, puss and reject it. it's the i c. c, appeal, play make. it has no jurisdiction over this monitor. how speak and mike johnson was even further saying the u. s. may propose sanctions against the international criminal close as president to bind and also chipped into defend as well, claiming what was happening gonzalez', his thoughts, genocide, or through jack the i see she's application arrest warranty against the prison wants to all do or can't do insure civilian protection, but let me be clear, concert allegations against israel made by the national court of justice. what's happening is not genocide to reject any of the international criminal quotes. chief, prosecutors are requested and arrest warrants will be as way the prime minister
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alongside the countries defense minister based on the cues of war crimes and gone. so i c. c, prosecutors, a car i'm calling. allstate was to see the leadership of him. us and the dog to have reasonable grounds to believe the 3 senior leaders of the mass back criminal responsibility for the following. international crimes committed on the territory of these rail. i'm the state of palestine from at least the 7th of october 2023. i can also confirm that i have reasonable grounds to believe that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you, i've got and back criminal responsibility for the following. international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine from at least the 8th of october 2023. this calm as a surprise reports about the eyes this season tension is happens circulating since
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last month, but it did come as a blue below the about these really political establishment has gone wild, slamming the international criminal court. gordon was the same as the prime minister of israel. i reject with disgust the hague, prosecute as comparison between democratic israel and the mass murderers of homos. this is a complete distortion of reality. this is exactly what the new anti semitism looks like. it is moved from the campuses in the west to the colt in the hague. what a shame to be. i say say became a rock. there is a hard place as well. and it's on yeah, he's on the tremendous pressure on the home front. he risk seeing his rolling call ation crumbled as allies threatening to rebel over his handling of the war and gaza . and he's rapidly losing public support to has regular protests, the games he's liter, shape, mountains across the country. unlike is really officials, many citizens see
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a possible arrest international domestic affair. faith for the prime minister who fails to protect his relays on october 7th, and has since fails to bring all the hostages home. nearly 8 months on, i think, do not should not stop with maybe they all have to be able to do all the government . the premium knows the acumen people in palestine and so with no reason, they all have to go to choose an old all of them one by one. i think he said his entry, i think he's just trying to keep it safe to keep himself out of trouble. and meanwhile, if there's anything everything uh full of us. but who says natania, who actually cares what is riley's want? he's clearly more worried about securing support from washington for washington and the international criminal court is not good credible enough, especially when it investigates ace american forces committed war crimes and of county stone. or when it considers an arrest warrant against the leadership of
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washington's ally over war crimes and crimes against humanity and gaza. which ones, what am reporting is in the ice is the spotlight. the courts suddenly becomes fair and upright for the americans. well, i think it's just divided. that's of course, it is not recognized internationally by us either, but i think it makes a very strong form for us. supports all international efforts to examine atrocities in ukraine, including the investigation by the icbc and the reporting by the un commission of inquiry on ukraine. the united states supports a range of international investigations and the rest of the trustees in ukraine, including the one conducted by the i see, i see, see, but we did not weigh in on each decision development as part of those investigations as well. has made it clear the eyes. this is warren's approved by a panel of judges, or in fact, anyone will not stop the prime minister and he's government's war on guys of the news that's made. world headlines will hardly make changes on the ground,
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but it's such a nice house, no pressure on these really is. and the american allies to all become increasingly isolated as the global majority relas for palestine. brief notion on how t reporting from jerusalem. from the city of the national initiative policy lead and the stuff up, but goosey stays, washington suppose, have as well as a clear double stand. and i hope that dakota does not the sky i owe you and does not show a new color this on the american pressure, which is absolutely hypocritical. but on one side, there will come the court decisions against pressure and now the condemned. and the code for is showing these the decisions about the 0 that shows how much they and i to states this one going to attend and complete the standard because the american lead the student grab. busy one should look, i've gotten, so there was and they think that the court of justice,
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the own new court of justice in the world is very united states senate congress, which is by the way and now some of its members out of sorts of things to take a punitive acts against the international court of justice. something unbelievable . uh, they don't believe in international law the night to stay. so i'm not familiar with the international. it's below the communities in the law of the jungle and dental sport. whoever has the power can do it. they're like the uh, the, to the west bank where local authorities are proposing an increased is wally military presence. so it's what hit it's near a local hospital. but fortunately, 7 people were killed in the least at 12 people wounded. 2 of the victims online us . all schools in jeanine and this refugee camp have been evacuated due to the
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violence local medias. say these rated forces, a procedure in the local hospital and shooting the civilians inside the medical facilities call to us the idea safe is conducting a counter terrorism operation engineering. a local journalist, it brings us this report that i, the army at deck in the do me in the can be, is active the night, the at live on rain, get it so that you need sort of just get the one, the daughter and the one the child is and the one is to dance and the cvt for the city and know that it's like the army a bid. that means is that i mean strong, that's 3, then based on and explosions is the house and the bone banga and did it should one daughter list the and the out of the let's beat the
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jump on the button month. and i know the issue a that way, a sion and uh uh do you need cam and that it probably is a little got is somewhere around the union and the many many. ready sure thing. yeah. and in john a 22 and got about a senior and then before you eh and got there and done that. and uh i uh huh. i see you in the icu, you and who speaks french president and manuel the crown is heading over to christ is stricken newton le donia according to the government's spokes passing. this comes as hundreds more security personnel will join the 1500 reinforcements already deployed to new caledonia, following the west on rest of the french pacific territory is seen in more than 30
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years. pro independence protesters that continues to push back the gains french forces by maintaining roadblocks on the archipelago, states of emergency was declared in the region of to these classes, left 6 people bed. the unrest broke house off. the paris tried to enforce a new load that would give tens of thousands of non indigenous residents voting rise protests to say they one's box down until below is withdrawing from parliament . all us we won't give up until they withdraw the text they're about to vote on the next. like, no, we won't give up. even if we have to die for it will stay here on the roadblocks. who's going to be able to come out, being out of breath and all that we don't have to brand know we're waiting for these tests to be withdrawn because it means the elimination of the connected people were already in the minority. if they get the text through congress invest, sorry, we're screwed. a girlfriend, that's what they don't understand over. they were already a minority. so there's one of them. you know what the south africa is?
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constitutional closures will that to golf for my president jacobs, the my from running and next week's parliamentary elections, stating that his jail right cold as made him ineligible. it is declared that mister luma was convicted of an offense and sentence to more than 12 months into cement for purposes of $6.40 e of the constitution and is accordingly not eligible to be a member of and not qualified to stand for election to the national assembly until 5 years has elapsed since the completion of the sentence. as get more details on this from our correspondence, the icon gauge joining goes live from johannesburg and get to see you today. can you take us through the details of this ruling, please? indeed, south africa's former prison jacobs, who my has been borrowed from brand new full parliaments in this month's election
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following a routing by the constitutional court. the court declared that the zoom of 15 months, the jail sentence full contempt of a 2002 into one disqualified him from standing in the may. 29 eviction as the constitution prohibits. in one was a prison sentence of 12 months or longer from holding a parliamentary seat. he did serve less than 3 months since $8.20. but the quote to move that, that was the relevant as the constitution refers to the sentence imposed not to be sent to the served whom or once made. so that's because reading african national congress party but was forced out of office and as a lead a 2017. and he resigned as the president of the country 2018, and the a cloud of corruption allegations to return to the politics late last year with a new party ad renew, he's vs criticism of amc and current president who plays team as both the pots you
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need and the president, the and see was shocked by the m. k. move add to, to add insults to the injury. the m. k. paul 2 takes its name from n c's. disband, wiggle. i'm calling to wish these was the part to say it in a statement that this is an surprising and it is disappointing, but it has not disheartened them its way to criticize the court. and the panel of judges that issued the ruling have also seen the intake parties sacred for general c simply by new saying that the ruling does not a 50 to come pain. and that they would take direction from zoom on on the next steps for the stating that despite numerous disqualification, his photograph will remain on the valid paper. as you were interested in need of some condo issues with, even though his name will be removed from the list of parliamentary candidates habits of to the president is whom i will be on the follows the following week. and when we leave here, we go and have
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a meeting as an executive in prisons whom i when need us on what to do from the on your so he's the lead off the party. he's in charge of m k pa to people to start often must relax every direction that trickled zillow will give us, we will follow him. he needs this part, the cool months as part of it keeps directions to this opinion. polls indicate that to the is the majority is addressed as a m k party, posing a significant states, particularly in humans, home 12 and so forth. and then a time where she remains a very much popular. and because between the 2 in one zoom as imprisonment lead to riots and possibly natal resulting in more than $300.00 bits and widespread routine, it splits fee that if the m k supporters don't have the a way with these elections, this could get out of hand but it has to load, i'm a pull, so the so that's a compressed and expressing confidence in the mood of flu and has stated that
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security forces are prepared to handle any potential violent. one of the things will be on site dental. and the correspondence ability icon, gay. thank you. i'm ready. thanks to you for joining us this tuesday of next, the latest episode of let's talk about us. and with that, with more do use at the top of the, i hope to see you then the, the, the, the other, you look up what sky o'neills was the when you talk to the ball, got them to move
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the weight of the money for the theater if as little as humanly is that the existence of the attendance i q assess it with read you a couple, i get those go for need a lot more to the door. so familiar with just a moment. as i said, let's see. let's see. let's just as soon as i make you submit it and then we can see it on there, which assessment when you put it, you got it got to get the, the the
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of the, the 1st 3rd of the 19th century was marked by the aggressive expansion of the united states, the american, sought to seize as much territory for settlement as possible. ignoring the sovereignty of the neighboring states and the interests of the indigenous peoples. in 18. 45, washington announce the annexation of mexican texas. and in march, 1846, american.


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