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tv   News  RT  May 21, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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it's a special funding place where i look at the here that'd be the, the is absence is an absolute void for us, but the absence won't generate for jill. it, at some point it will create more integration in unit at another level. a wrong lays, the country is the top officials to read the faithful, how they comp, the crash on the sunday with crowds gathering to the city of tempe rates for the funeral procession. we are running out of words to describe what is happening in that as a we have described this as a catastrophe, a nightmare. as hell on earth. it is all of these and worse. the situation in gaza is catastrophic, according to the you when it's nearly a 3rd of the population spaces to this time. it is, comes of this relative swaps 8 supply routes into the end. the french
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presidents, a manual ma crone heights to crisis stricken new caledonia, amid the angry protest, save a contentious constitutional amendments which indigenous people may find the best. but the, a very warm welcome to you is to turn full pm here in the russian campus. so, and this is on the international with the latest world news update. it's good to have you with us on the top story this our a ron is a must and the 2nd of a 5 day period of national morning, paying respects to the victims of sundays, helicopter crash, including its president as a haven't racing tens of thousands guy that integrates the capital of east as it by john solomon's closest to where the crash as it pops into most to pray that those parish is the bodies at the uranium preston's power to minnesota and other
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delegation members arrived in the northern city below being sent to the radian capital to run on wednesday that we discussed the f for him, where he sees legacy with the math of to well and who told us to state this policy in place, the significant boyd and his home country. yeah, that's, that is precision and consistency with neighboring countries and russia was distinguish on having ties with russia, china neighboring countries, the countries of the resistance front and his logic states was his unbreakable principle. in my opinion, this integration will be increased. nevertheless, his absence is an absolute void for us, but the absence won't generate for geology. at some point, it will create more integration and unity at another level. while it's around looks into the cause of the face, so crash, new images of imaginative emergency crews. first, discovering the wreckage of the ag croft the right crescent has reported the passengers and crew died moment and so also they had to come to wind down as being
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suggested, a technical failure and weather conditions were likely to be the accidents caused the government into raul and has given assurances that this will not affect its work with the radian vice president. so i think is acting head of states and so on . election is held. let's take a look at events proceeding. the face will flight the
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many countries are expressing that supposedly the death of the leader, remembering him is a strong politician of individual. this list includes fellow breaks, men, but india with his vice presidents were opposed to be heading to the wrong to pay
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his respects to the radian top ranking officials, all t corresponded $1.00 didn't show him a, has more a yes or no city of states. morning on the 21st of may, which is to be tomorrow, respect to be condolences to living in the, the shape of the, of the president. he's for maintenance stuff and 7, all those who were on board the shuffle that crashed on sunday of the iranian other advice on for the. now what it's doing is all the government official buildings where the national side is no one will be going to be also there will be no official entities man for today, but it's not as india that is wanting. this was like a rock 11 on pockets on this to be off the chalk, this dawn as well as the key. so my morning for days on for to was on for 3, some even more and as leadership from across the world that have expressed show on
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the tragic death of the legal. yvonne in fact, the range more these prime minister being the very 1st one need us to express as chalk mc is. condolences on the test. deeply saddened and shocked by the tragic demise of dr. see it. the brain raised the president of the slimy club to cover on his contribution to strengthening india. the run bilateral relationship will always be remembered. my heartfelt condolences to his family and the people around india stands with around in this time of sorrow . condolences on the top indeed issue, boyd von and wrong use of boston, roving. yeah. despite the country being heavily sanctioned by the west, in fact, just days before the crash and get assigned to do you with the rom and the java hard bought a decade long. do you very important one for both india and ron inside the ride off of the beat was signed the us states. the bossman had indirectly issued trips to
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india for possible sanctions against countries as that will do business with the wrong. but this is a very important for india, india plans to invest in the shop a hard for us over the next few years around $120000000.00 on the boss, but also around the 4th round to 15 $1000000.00 to build infrastructure. the sport trauma, our fault is expected to open up new markets for india and centrally shows and we've got time to trade with only fox knows, like a rough show, for example, or to send each to us gone this dawn. but india is not the only country that in fact has expressed shock like in the other countries also. so the volume is a pop now, and many have express they can do is flip that are they convey to my brother, mohammed's motor, back and to they said prima lead to i. it's on the harmony and it condolences on
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all people. the deep feeling of all people, so the devotee with a brave and heroic people. little bit run with a family of all friends out brought the president a brain, but i you see who deposits. it's on the see a ministry and department is the p show and side and the reports of the past seeing all these excellent sea prison drive you see of these i make republic, i'll be around as well as my colleague the minister of do i have the minister of foreign affairs of these lumnick republic on the run state auto. i'm working on behalf of the chinese people. we express our deep condolences of the desk of present tracy in the had a cop to accident. so since taking office present for i use has made important contributions to maintaining that you run security. instability promote and national development and prosperity, and also made active assets to consolidate and develop the chinese ronnie comprehensive strategic partnership. so really oh,
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well being support coming in from across the world for yvonne in contrast that to the reaction from the west, very the seeing that it was the decision on the, in the indian leadership to fly that form. they came to shuffle now many from across the world are pointing out what options they did on the have a country have really on the sanctions and then to fly that softball, which needed new cards. now, all eyes on it onto the next few days as iran will soon elect it's new shit. while yvonne is moving the tragic death to all these presidents, motions of officials with concern that a world war may of rocks off to the helicopter crash. american media has with 1400 wising and design. i see that ron may play washington on, is wells full the incident. you can read details on the story and much more on our website, all t dot com the
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a representative from the un humanitarian affairs office has made an impassioned appeal to the security council calling on the body to end the night mess situation in gaza. we are running out of words to describe what is happening and as a we have described it as a catastrophe, a nightmare. as hell on earth. it is all of these and worse, nivia, so they've gone this population is experiencing starvation with a full blown famine. taking cold in the north food and medical supplies are piling up in egypt because the reform crossing remains close to the to, to deliveries in southern garza shipments by and see does come close to meeting the needs of dogs is $2300000.00 people and the locals describe the complete destruction of their existence without receiving any official aid is the most i does but the sunday dinner. we don't officially receive any aid as reported by
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media outlets. we get only 5 or 10 percent in our hands while the rest somehow ends up on the markets. the process of commodities and the markets hide on those in any european and all the countries you in the war and see something called this trip. the price of leave, it has become a normal locals. i completely destroyed in the shadow this war and the shadow of the kittens and as choice, people don't have money. and this hasn't been the case for a month or 2 with and to the 8th or 9th months of the war. you know what? i mean, the, well, i'm not good with the talks about the entering through the peer are not true as it began operating just 2 days ago. otherwise we know nothing about the fear or who will run it through or be responsible for it. so far. this is all unknown as for the people who come here, some of them come together city due to the current situation as they prefer to stay in guy here. others come here out of necessity as they want to feed their children . food and security has worse than this is really nationalist rates,
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humanitarian supply trucks on route to garza vehicles of blocks and surrounded on the road from jordan by a group of his regular these extreme is so reportedly cold. today thing online targets in trucks and an asset to stop supplies from reaching garza video shows. schools of aid craig's being thrown to the grounds by attackers is really police are allegedly turning a blind eye. in most cases, allowing the nationalists to disrupt the humanitarian. what. how the city and wind so active as you, as a high fall waste, as there was a collaboration between the countries will start to use and back to this, carrying out this. so this is a systematic name. the phones are ordered. 5 phones the beginning of civil engineers form corporation between the police and the us. this guns officer in the army informs us sauces, wednesday,
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gwen and rails in front of voice, and also close to us as a legs the process going to rise to that much is there. and it says to be the diagrams and the talk. so when you use anybody who talks any i called vice saying as a box no longer owns, they would spend the same people that sort of responses from viruses. and the 2 guys aren't going to officially very easily. and, and that's the only thing i know them to pass by. they are very happy. is that right? is this actually saw actually renting the passage the international criminal court
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has taken a strong stance on the role in gauze or accusing members of the use wally and tomas leadership of committing war crimes. the i, c. c is chief prosecutor, has filed for an arrest. warrants against is wally prime minister. netanyahu alongside the country's defense minister. it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you will have gone back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine from at least the 8th of october 2023. goshen was the same as the prime minister of israel. i reject with disgust the hague. prosecute as comparison between democratic israel and the mass murderers of hum awesome, i'm so this is a complete distortion of reality. this is exactly what the new anti semitism looks like. it is moved from the campuses in the west to the colt in the hague. is what a shame while washington was quick to side with it as well. and with jack's
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b i stacy decision state departments folks posted the claims the international criminal court has no jurisdiction over this master house speaker mike johnson went even further saying the us may propose sanctions against the international criminal course. president job bind. and also tip tend to defend as well claiming what was happening in gaza is notes genocide, reject the i. c. she's application arrest warrant. you get to choose and wants to all do or can't do insure civilian protection. but let me be clear, concert allegations against israel made by the national court of justice. what's happening is not genocide. reject. also announcing the requests for the rest of his wells. and tomas is officials, the i say say post the case, he gave an interview to cnn, saying he was told by the leaders of some countries that the quote was created for us for can cases only. and of course, i've had some elected leaders,
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so speak to me and they'd be, it'd be very blunt. this court is built for africa. and for folks like putin was, was one senior leader told me that we don't feel like that. that's plus live now to lawyer and lecturer at the university of south africa. legal departments. not ways to day. many thanks for joining us on the program today . so it's an interesting revelation from the prosecutor. i really appreciate you. his honesty and that interview with cnn. uh, what do you make of this anonymous statement? that's like the check that i put into this uh, you know, criminal court is up. there is something, you know, kind of super nice to me as a cushion of those individuals and countries built for by the west big since
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2000 students. and i think this is what people are setting up for the web. and i think you can see that the principle that i took off the i c c, which i think is quite a reset phenomena, but also that are part of the entire inter mr. you know, point to point just to see did you intend to sort of justice, which is consistent substance abuse items of what the infinities but to put in prison, could you do it without the one with the victims i think was become very clear with this k is this how the icpc is only relevant to some countries when they wanted to be? we can take a look at how the us state department spokes person reacted to the ice age. these will crime charges against the vladimir putin. let's have a listen to remind us what was said. the police actions have submitted him as an
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international, pri, remember, he's under a, he's been charged by. yeah. i see with war crimes was not able to travel to the most recent meeting of the brakes. uh, because of that decision to charge him did not show up at the g. 20 meeting, no doubt, because he didn't want to hear from a number of the countries there about the results. and the consequences of his actions must be made as speaking that i'd like to ask, why did you think nothing yahoo, facing, and arrest warrant didn't go on a similar support considering that more than 35000 people have been killed in gaza? the cost of my own, the jews supported by the incident that dominated the nation, documented most of these incident and solutions of post victor and due to a tractor to go on to continue to execute it in vibration. conflicting versions of the to pull the bar,
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the people that they are colorado and the they just keep it. i can not speak you. it was parked. there's a kind of upset that's you know too much of it now. oh, absolutely. yeah. it's i want to be submitted to the next time, but there was some just keeping a ticket to people. this would be the of the problem, but i have not seen do tend to print the actions of those, but i see the problem, the room to put the patient on the top of the students in the dr. thomas, who's the trustees? oh, yes. and as to what this getting out of to aside across the whole time to do it in 7 to 5 years. so maxwell does happen when buses of hundreds of pounds,
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the government to make waiting for the big bulky side to be dispatched. of course, so much respect for the honest easy post case it was the cause of speaking so tongue dudley. about what this unnamed leader had said to him, of course they've been, this person is going to remain unnamed. but from those view was watching cnn, which is widely watched across the states and across the world. do you think they're going to be shocked by these claims? if i missed a call that this on, they lead to told him the code should operate selectively. this is the default, but because of this point has problems just function. but i do not understand why the problem is that instruction that's in the 1st place is to about it's about maintain its shop. when did you go through what that
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entails as truck that we put the vision of countries like kind of by the sort of the amenities when you look at that, all this cool stuff for 20 take they then distribution here off 7 box. some of the month means of to 1000 miles and different speed of wanted to to be seen like $35000.00 firms. dude. $10000.00 about using the destruction of 80 percent of the infrastructure introduced and all of the sites and so ultimately succeeds when victor, to the system and how about the settlement on the product, which is a vision of what, what you did not turn those packages. so would you send that notice populated
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with the kaiser? i just wanted to get to supplement on the level of the people, the eviction. i want to say to you about the cut that interest, but it's been, you know, to just push the parcher opportunity. what the law was in the service of the interest of those sections of why don't we need then as a nation in this case is of course, you know, technician in the states and of us can do thanks very much for speaking to us today . i really appreciate your time and your insights into the matter we've been speaking to and i'm not too late. save a little lecture at the university of south africa. thank you so much. thank you. now to the northern westbank where the state health ministry proposal,
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these 7 palestinians have died and 9 have been injured in the idea rate on a city option. and so we'll host a local hospital the school's engine in the surrounding refuge account that being evacuated due to the violence. local media space is really forces have besieged the local hospital and the suits and good civilians inside the medical facilities courtyard. the idea of claims is conducting counter terrorism operations engine, and local journalists brings us this report that i, the army at back in the genie in the can be used at the, the night, the satellite mon main gear so that you need so i'll just get the one, the daughter and the one p charges and the one is to dance and the tv for the tv. and now as i said, i the ami
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a b and that means it's what i mean strong. that's 3, then based on and explosions is the house. and the bone banga and then it should uh, one door to my list the and the out of the hosp, the jump on about a month. and i know that would issue a that way a sion and uh uh do you need cam and that is the is somewhere around the union and the many, many. ready shopping and in john the 22 and got about a senior man before you and got him there. and done the and uh i uh i see you. but he is in the icu you in the hospital for the french presidents
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a manual. the crown is heading over to christ district in new caledonia, according to the government spokes, pass in a state of emergency was declined in the region of classes, left, 6 people dead. the unrest broke house off the powers tried to enforce a new law that would give tens of thousands of non indigenous presidents voting rise. that's close to a correspondence a my age off. more details on this now it's not good to see. so the situation in new caledonia seems to be spiraling out of control so much so that mccord himself is flying over to the pacific archipelago. can you put it as more on the situation, please? yeah, of course. as you mentioned, the french president, in my, on my call is now heading out to the french overseas territory, new caledonia, and mid the worst, and rest of the territory has seen in over 30 years. now of course, this is probably in hopes to calm the situation down, but it's really important that hundreds more of security personnel is going to be
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joining the reinforcements on the ground. but just to remind you of what happened essentially here france has launched this major operation after protest that erupt to a little over a week ago, turned violent. now the, the, these comes, these come after the, the, the election reform that the french government pushed on to the territory, the indigenous, conic active as so essentially unhappy with the constitutional reform as it says that it would be given the right to people that moved there after 1998 the right to vote in the local elections, the activists are arguing that this is going to be giving more power to the french . so settlers and instead would make the vision is people have less say in their politics and the indigenous people in the territory by the way, make up around 40 percent of the population. and thus they also said that it would
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make them feel a little a little bit more of a minority in their own land. now from his band take talk across the entire overseas territory, becoming the 1st country and you are to block decision media platform. powers is yet to provide evidence of a network, and so i think it via is what can you tell us about this decision? now of course of friends ben took talking to the territory, but unfortunately they did not really give much detail when it comes to that. uh essentially what they're saying is that is that it's part of the state of emergency measures, but it seems like maybe they're trying to silence the protestors themselves. now a new color don't yet is home 22072000 people and has been payoff for the past week . it's been reported that 6 people died during the unrest and hundreds more were injured. were 5400 businesses as well as shops were damaged and around 270 people were also
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a rested now. as the unrest morrison's australia and new zealand also sent out the military plains, to the territory, to evacuate their own nationals there. and on top of that, for the presidents of the poor french overseas territories, older territories also came out essentially urging the french government to drop the reform. and they argued that only a political response would comb the violence down a many things to bring it up to speed on that story. that so t's a mind that each i thank you. thank you for joining us. say on the the international. we always appreciate your company to forget to keep an eye on our website all t dot com we have on the very latest news they sign document raise, right that for you, with back at the top of the app, essentially the,
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the, the brush remains the only colonial empire that still exists in the modern world, comprised of both its colonies. does guys dispose of these territories? numerous officially silver and african states that fall under frances, so called from the freak sphere of influence. it's no wonder that any respondent on hearing the word colonialism, followed up with the word products and the relationship between from molly form and the fridge. so don't, is a good illustration. the
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point is i will try your cell phone on your money. it's money it's, i'm like, oh and you know, yeah, this is why didn't oh yeah, there's one yet. i didn't, didn't you room the, there was, this is really i never, i'm a bunch of what else? drug of us ways done for 3, a visual interest or anyone looked into the history, they'll see that the french would not welcomed with open arms. the colonial agitation of molly was violent, uncompromising, and bloody the .


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