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tv   News  RT  May 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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the, the wrong, the ladies, the country's top officials to rest of the faithful how they come to crash on sunday with crowns gathering in the city of south of toronto for the funeral procession. we are running out the words to describe what is happening in that as we have described it as a catastrophe, a nightmare as hell on earth. it is all of these. and worse, the situation in gone is that he's has a strong faith according to the you, when, as nearly as the population faces to this moment. this comes of this well disrupt the age supply, route thing to the inside. and french president, a monument crone has to crisis stricken new caledonia, i'm of the angry protest, say the intentions constitutional amendments,
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which indigenous people fed may. i knew that the, the is very well welcome to us just to and 7 pm here in most go. and this is on the international with the late as well as news on the day just good to happy with us. also have story it wrong is a most and the 2nd of a 5 day period of national morning paying respects to the victims of sundays, helicopter crash, including is president. apprehend bracy, mazda of crowds, the gathering of the city of tombs for the arrival of the bodies of the president on the remaining flash victims whom has major religious significance for shia muslims ceremonies. morning the dead will continue in the campus on wednesday and raise a will be buried later and his home city of my shot. we discussed the f for him, braces legacy with the men of to vote. and who told us the statements, pausing, leaves a significant void in his home country?
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yes, that's, that is precision and consistency with neighboring countries in russia was distinguish on having ties with russia, china neighboring countries, the countries of the resistance front. and his lot mc states was his unbreakable principle. in my opinion, this integration will be increased. nevertheless, his absence is an absolute void for us, but the absence won't generate for jody. at some point, it will create more integration and unity at another level. earlier, tens of thousands guy that integrates the capital of the wrongs east as a by john province where the crash it could cross filled multics to pray for those who parish just the bodies a be a radian presidents for administer, and other victims arrived in the northern city before being sent to too many countries of expressing that's a pulse. and the death self anita remembering him as a strong politician on an individual. this includes fellow bricks, member india with his vice president planning to visit to ron on wednesday to pay
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respects to yvonne's top ranking officials to correspond to richard shaw. i'm a hospital yes or no city of states morning on the 21st of may, which is to be tomorrow. respect to be condolences to living in the the shape of the, of the president. he's for maintenance stuff and 7, all those who were on board the shuffle that crashed on sunday avenue rainy and other bites on for the. now what india is doing is all the government official buildings where the national side is, the one it will be for one f pos must be also, there will be no official entity meant for today, but it's not as india that is wanting. this was like a rock 11 on pockets on this to be off the chalk, this dawn as well as the key. so my morning for days on for to was on for 3, some for even more and as leadership from across the world that have expressed show
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on the tragic death. though, lead to the wrong. in fact, the range more these prime minister being the very 1st one need us to express as chalk mc is condolences on the test right. deeply saddened and shocked by the tragic demise of dr. see at the brand name raised the president of the east ludovic republic over on his contribution to strengthening india. the run bilateral relationship will always be remembered. my heartfelt condolences to his family and the people around india stands with around in this time of sorrow. condolences on the top indeed issue for yvonne and ron is a boss real lean? yeah. despite the country being heavily sanctioned by the west. in fact, just days before the crash and dead sign to do you with the rom and the java hard for the decade long. do you very important one for both india and ron? inside the ride off to the was signed the us states, the bossman had internet,
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the issue trip to india for possible sanctions against countries as that will do business with the ron. but this is a very important for india, india plans to invest in the shop a hard for us over the next few years around $120000000.00 on the boss, but also around the 4th around 250 $1000000.00 to build infrastructure. the sport trauma, our fault is expected to open up new markets for india in centrally shoals. and we've got time to trade with the boss knows like a rough show for an example or to send each to us gone this done. but india is not the only country that in fact has expressed shock like in the other countries also . so you vaughn is a pop now and many have express they can do is click that. i think they convey to my brother mohammed motor back and to they said frequently to i, it's on the harmony and it condolences on all people the deep feeling of all people
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. so the devotee with a brave and heroic people over the run with a family of all friends out brought the president a brain. but i, you see who deposits, it's on the ministry, and department is the pre show inside and out the reports of the past, seeing all these excellent sea prison drive you see of these i make republic, i'll be around as well as my colleague minister abdulla the minister of foreign affairs of these lumnick republic on the run state often working on behalf of the chinese people. we express how deep condolences of a desk of present tracy in the had a cop to accident. jones seems taken office present for i use has made important contributions to maintaining that you run security. instability promote and national development and prosperity, and also made active efforts to consolidate and develop the chinese ronnie comprehensive strategic partnership. so really oh,
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well being support coming in through them across the world for yvonne in contrast that to the reaction from the west very bleeds the seeing that it was the decision of the union leadership to fly. that for, they came to shuffle. now many from across the world are pointing out what options they did on the have a country have really on the sanctions and then to fly that chop off which needed new parts. now, all i the onto the next few days as iran will soon elect, it's new as officials around the walls or the next person, condolences or the re sees death be european union has painted quite a different picture. parliament members of law style to be u 8 and crisis management commission. s a. launching a satellite tracking system to assist the rescue operations. let's get more details on this. now let's cross to all state contributes and rachel mazda, and joining us now from paris, why to get to see as
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a part of stock difference. and the reaction from the so called your pin dog knows who allegedly so social cohesion yeah, so the iranian presidents helicopter dis, out over a mountain range near airlines border with azerbaijan and the commissioner for humanitarian aid and crisis management decides he's kind of his back center and finally gets his time up to that you might be asking who this guy is. well, when he does anything, it's usually just riding shotgun with chief diplomat. joseph pero, most recently on the humanitarian crisis in gaza. but right after this crash with just about the only thing coming from the garden being crickets, he sees it as him, his time designed by responding to iran's request for help, with this search for the helicopter and any survivors. so he goes sure, yeah, we can get the use copernicus, satellite system to help out with it's mapping function. it's not like it's really
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busy doing much any way besides spying on european farmers crops to make sure that they haven't been cheating on the paperwork that they submit to brussels. a pony, ronnie, and request for assistance. we are activating the use, copernicus, e m. s. rapid response mapping service in view of to the helicopter accident, reportedly carrying the president of iran and its foreign minister. seems like a no brainer, right, kind of benign. he's like, hey, i'm a humanitarian crisis guy and a plane crash is last. i checked the humanitarian crisis. hash tag use holland theory works. there in lies is error. suddenly, a whole lot of european officials were triggered. i am shocked that young as leonard teach posted a message on behalf of the you proposing to activate you solidarity to save the
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uranium president. was this truly our priority solidarity with who the killer or the victims were about insuring human rights defenders and other victims of this regime in need of assistance. get emergency visas for e. you almost support to civil society and human rights organizations as an expression of a you solidarity with iran. it is an absolute mystery to me how the u commission can show you solid garrity with iran. what a miserable hash tag, what a mockery of the brave fight has for human rights in a ron. i expect an explanation for this. god love that one there. that talks about a real emergency isn't the playing perhaps that just happened that some folks in the visa is to the you because they adhere to the use narrative on a ron o n u solidarity should really be reserved for the use civil society regime change partners in iran, not that road leader who was playing just went down. what is this the real house
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wives of brussels? the waiter of whining. you think that this you crisis and humanitarian commissioner had invited the rodney and president and his entourage to an e garden party and their noses were out of joined about it. not that he was trying to maybe help to save some lives in a plane crash, which by the way, there were 8 on that helicopter, not just the president of iran. anyway, he ended up having to spell it all out for them like they were toddlers. the provision of a copernicus, e m. s. satellite mapping upon request for facilitating a search and rescue operation is not an active political support to any regime or establishment. it is simply an expression of the most basic humanity. so yeah, well the most basic humanity comes after narrative and virtue signaling with these jokers. it's likely for god for a 2nd which clown 10, he's hanging out in and figure that basic common sense would fly. where's cleaners?
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who have underlines royal proclamation, are all of this by the way. she's been strangely silent for once. you're being council president shopping to shed express his condolences over the death of rodney and foreign minister in the same price and caught slack online for that too. but perhaps the award for best virtue signaling in an ation disaster goes to the lift, the weight in foreign minister who somehow managed to make it all about ukraine, saying, quote, i don't feel comfortable sending condolence as well. iran is sending drones that are used against civilians and ukraine. yes, he did feel comfortable saying something that told death aloud inside the giant. you fountain. right, so many thanks for bringing this up to speed on that that's all to contribute to rachel mazda and thank you. a representative from the un humanitarian affairs office has made an impassioned appeal to the security council
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calling on the body to end the night mess situation in garza, we are running out of words to describe what is happening in that as a we have described it as a catastrophe. a nightmare. as hell on earth. it is all of these and worse. the international criminal court, which has taken a strong stones on the wall and gone to accusing members of the is wally until last leadership of commission will crimes. b i. c stays chief prosecutor, so hes thoughtful and arrest warrants against his weighty permanence the next in yahoo. alongside the country's defense, minnesota is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you. i've got back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine from at least the 8th of october 2023. goshen was the same as the prime minister of israel. i reject with
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disgust the hague. prosecute as comparison between democratic israel and the mass murderers of hamas. this is a complete distortion of reality. this is exactly what the new anti semitism looks like. it has moved from the campuses in the west to the colt in the hague. what a shame of to announcing the request for the rest of his way into a mazda officials. the i c. c, prosecutors. he gave an interview to see and then tell him, con, revealed. he's come on the pressure, apparently from western officials who told him the hague is only supposed to investigate some nations, but not others. and of course, i've had some elected leaders, so speak to me and they be even in a be very blunt. this court is built for africa and for some slight putative was what one senior leader told me. we don't feel like that. now to the northern west bank where the state health ministry report was at least 7
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palestinians of died. a 9 were injected an idea rate on the city of jan in schools incident on the surrounding refuge account that being evacuated due to the violence . local media space is waiting for this have received the local hospital and the shooting, the civilians inside the medical facilities. costeo's the yes claims, it's conducting town to terrorism operations engine and local journalists been says this report that i the army at tech imaging in the cam i. b is at the, the night the at live on rain, get a slightly, it sort of just get the one big daughter and the one teachers. and the one is to dance and the tv for the tv and know that it's like the army a being that me inside. so i mean, strong that's 3. that is that on and except logins is the house and the bone banga
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and then it should uh, one door my list the and the out of the low speed, the jump on the button monday. i know the issue is that what are you seeing and uh the unique um and the price of yours is somewhere around the union and the many many. ready shopping and in got them at $22.00 and gotten about a senior and then before you eh, and got there and done that. and uh i uh, i see you in the icu, you and uh, who speaks. meanwhile, french presidents in monument cronies heading over to twice as strict a new tele donita according to the government's spokes person,
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a state of emergency was declared and the region off the classes left. the 6 people dead. the, all the rest broke counts off the power as tried to enforce a news. oh, that will give tens of thousands of known indigenous residents voting rights. and so to the situation is no complete the normalized, but it is improving to be playing much remains to be done before things return to normal. the government is baffled. selling, mobilized, as i have been stressing since the start of the violence in the color donia. and i am announcing today that it was stated by the president of the republic during the cabinet meeting, but he will go that he will leave this evening to set up a mission that will say, do you mean my call is now heading to new caledonia and thats mid the worst unrest the territory has seen in over 30 years. i mean probably this is in hopes to call and the situation down. but there's also been reports that the hundreds more of security personnel will be sent to reinforcements will be joining reinforcements on
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the ground. so just to remind you a little bit of what happened essentially here for us is launching this a major operation and you call it donia. amid the protest, the rep to the little over a week ago, turn in violence. now the reason those protests even erupt, it was because science is trying to push this new, we form onto the territory. and of course, the indigenous kind of people are unhappy with the new constitutional reform, which essentially would give the right to uh, new people that moved to new caledonia after 1998 the right to vote in local elections. indigenous people here. they argue that this essentially would give power to france, settlers, and instead the indigenous people will not have their say in their own politics. and mind you that the indigenous people in the territory make a 40 percent of the population almost. we won't give up until they withdraw the text they're about to vote on. no, we won't give up. even if we have to die for it will stay here on the road blocks
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a good over talk about being out of breath and all that we don't have that breast. we're waiting for this text to be withdrawn because it means the elimination of the connect people were already in the minority. if they get this text through congress, invest side with screwed. that's what they don't understand over that. we're already a minority at home. now you can hear that people are quite unsatisfied and unhappy . new caledonia remains largely under french control. and it is one of the very few territories like that. in the postcolonial era, it was granted some autonomy in 1998, but before 1998, the locals have some still some vote and restrictions on this on the phone says, bonds take talk across the entire territory. they choose it as being used to install violence or that there's no evidence that's being brought forward to prove that. and that also makes as far as the 1st country in europe to blog a take talk. so just focus through this decision. yeah, this is quite interesting because france has this national moto of liberty
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equality fraternity. i mean, they're known to stand for freedom of speech up until now where they're banning the tip top of social media. this is the 1st thing the you and although they didn't really give much details, it surely looks like they're trying to maybe silence protesters. i am leaving the summary hearing before the council of state following the government's decision to band tick tock in new caledonia. what is happening right now is unprecedented. no country in europe has ever band tick tock and government officials have provided no evidence to show the networks linked to the violence. only one argument. young people use this network. the government considered them guilty by definition because of their age. we are facing an extremely serious liber decide will drift. now, new caledonia is home to 270000 people and it has been kaos in the past week. but unfortunately, that also means that beyond rest lead to casualties. 6 people are for to lead dead
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hundreds. our insured 400 businesses and stores were damaged and over 200 people were also arrested. and as the unrest horses, we have new zealand and australia who are sending out their military planes to eventually evacuated their nationals back home. and presidents for older french overseas territory is also came out urging the french government to drop the reform . they're arguing here that only a political response can stop the violence. okay, and how many things have been is up to speed on that story that's not to use in my age. i think that's across that 2 doors. how many philip? to feel in paris now to discuss this further many thanks for joining you guys on the program. what do you make of the crowns blitz trip to new tally donio? and how do you expect them to be received by the locals as well? i, i don't think you will be a, i came on the, um, usually we'd be
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a very well the way come by the different that this context. maybe the you will be what, come by a look. at least that's not like the uprising people the in the new kind of design . yeah. in fact ease. uh he did. he didn't expect such array of such uprising new collisions. yeah. because i think it's too busy to take care of the international evans of foreign wars, for example. and he doesn't really care about the read french problems as i used to expand on your child to. and this is a thunderous suspect, because we don't know where we can go on there. there are already that people, it seems that people, 2 of 4 people from the nuclear, the on the, to, uh, uh, to sawyers from the us about. so i think it's a heavy problem on there is on the street scope the see issue that what we are
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looking in, you got kind of surprising all over the overseas territory in the concussion uses in the past the care of the kind of friends and the come up. yeah. and also more, it kinda happens to the french shows sort brooks, which on up and down the sped comfortable. do you think that the crohn will be able to work is magic and convinced the new kind of guardians to play alone with the new legislation? when i think it's it's, it's not going to be so easy we, we, we, we've been because you guys, i think he wants to, to see the a strong direction. yes. to stop that progression of the new though. uh you for the, the uh, the broke up for alex or the people, the people who come out call me, you can as i know from 191998. so i think yes to stop the so i'll see additional
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low. i'll try to get to make a decision for a need for the because the issue, if not, if you want to stand up on the top position, i think yes, the fight independent is a yes to fight them both. so we, we, we can go inside the kind of a civil war because connect our french, i'm to french like i just, our french as well. i'm also take on from the binding take talk in new caledonia the 1st of its kind to move by and e u member. yes, but this is the new high bid. so if your opinion to the heart of your opinion, it's human rights and dates of freedom of speech or move on the etc. and we resort, that's where i shot the band rush i made job if and if you're up and you know, just not officially in war with russia. and in fact the use these kind of a mentor. they kind of beating the freedom of speech to stop the but i used to spend all of that. i think in contradiction with the, the,
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the roots of the low in the starting of europe ending on the, on what 0. no, on. evan was, it was fun. she's doing because i think the, the visual maybe less let, let the people speak on think talk to see what the other goals, what are their thoughts on maybe to, to, to get, to get to the sign, to negotiate with them to because this is a kind of dirty, as we know is already left several people the what do you think it would take the powers to will box these based controversial load that so ready causing so much chaos. this is a good question that can uh, my says the answer. i think you so that the french government, i come to the decision from the french government. i can give you a now lies. i can give you some perspective. so in the future, but the in fact, i don't know if they, we stopped discussing additional low because i, i think it's the starting of the roads on the samsung routine. so they're in
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a new kind of going out. but i think it's a math major. i'm just very serious issue, especially one wants to be for a few weeks before the european union. that makes sense. yeah, i mean it's the west on rested in the seas. uh for some furniture since the 90 days is as we said that we went into the timing so as well. um i, i think um, uh, east the prison back home decide to go uh, mid deputy to you kind of do not because you don't see another way to, to, to, to find a solution they were thinking to uh, to mobilize the former prime ministers to go on to find the solution, but in fact we have a video of prime minister and to find new start can be everywhere. but i've, for once i think it's a good thing that president micro go to. you probably don't have to find
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a situation i'm to, to speak with the people on to, to go to a piece for the ending that we see. it's a matter of days to have the answer. i'm just curious as to whether mcfarland could have possibly pre empted this situation to, to, of kind of both ahead to the and to the crisis that we're seeing now in the timing is always very curious to me. yeah. in fact, you see of the problem with the president, my cro idiots that the never a mtc paid the crisis we. we saw that we so you know jackets. we saw that. we saw that also we the, the, uh, the code, the de shoes where i met the backlog and then for the us form and then uh we have the or i on seen june. remember so uh, i think it looks like after 7 years so far the prism back. well,
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he's just covering the country under the roots of the district forgive the countries of the french print states. and the crown is previously stressed that your opinions should feel safe in new caledonia as it is positive fronts, but doesn't look like the natives would agree with that. the looks of fantasies i tell you the address is uh 9918. 57 and uh, uh its the lights along the uh don to, to funds will be down. also it just started to, to start the position, but front as a bunny in the french, but in that job in the northern pacific. but to the independent east. i would say you're sure you probably because the funds is acting or not the items on the if you are seeking for a dependency on to read the china, we come after you until you won't be so free as you think. so that there is things
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to say to these people to say don't drop french. the designs are french that person about french rights. and you should maybe stop 5 months on to, to find like a compromise. many thanks for speaking to us today is really good to hear from you lower tony phillips, the view. oh thank you. thank you very much. the russian military has started the 1st stage of is a non strategic nuclear drills. according to the country's defense ministry. the exercise is on the ground and both the loading all these scans and miss saldonya isn't that deployment to specific areas under the sky. the russian air force is also flying is new fee on the plains on patrol was gonna say, is the drills and men to maintain the readiness of military personnel for the potential use of the countries nuclear, the terrans, exclusively for national defense on monday, thanks a company here and i'll see international this tuesday, otherwise you can find funds plenty more. all the latest updates on documentary on
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our website, r t dot com. so for me, for today, but my colleagues on a depos people will be with you with all the latest news updates in about 30 minutes. the general population that is more people in retirement and working. they're not, they're not importing any. they're not bringing their their jennifer over. no, nobody coming else coming in. they've got real problems. i'm not looking for a fight with china. i'm looking for competition. but for a competition. there are no 2 countries who are more economically intertwined in the united states and the people's republic of china. but in this relationship, the more money involved does not make for closer allies. i'm sky now hughes in on this edition of 360 view.


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