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tv   News  RT  May 21, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the the wrong lays, the country's top officials, the rest of the state to have a cold depression, sunday crowds with gathering in the city of combs this active jerome, the funeral procession. we are running out of words to describe what is happening in it as we. i've described this as a catastrophe, a nightmare as hell on earth. it is all of these and worse than you. and because the situation in gaza as being cast at sort of the population facing to be a fireman, it comes as is really easy. disrupting a, supplies to the own flight and friends present the menu item that call adds to the crisis stricken new caledonia and made the annual report to the contentious constitutional amendments which could the indigenous people say that
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the be watching or to international basis. and these are very welcome to the programming lots to get through over the next 30 minutes or so. but we're going to start with into ron, with the countries a mess in the 2nd to a 5 day period of national mooning. paying respects to the victims of sundays, helicopter crash, including its president abraham. and i see, well, we've been discussing his legacy with the mer to around who told us the states when passing leaves a significant void in his home country. a just that's, that is precision and consistency with neighboring countries in russia. philip was upstairs on having ties with russia, china neighboring countries with the countries of the resistance front. and his
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lumnick states was his own breakable principle. in my opinion, this integration will be increased, nevertheless, gets his absence is an absolute void for us, but the absence won't generate for jodie badge. at some point, it will create more integration in unit at another level as well as the crowds have been gathering in the city of cold before the arrival of the bodies of the president and the remaining crash and victims. comb has a major religious significance for she and muslims ceremonies. mooning the dead will continue in the capital on wednesday. and roy, see, is due to be buried late and his home city of mass yet well the 10s of thousands gathered into breeze the capital of wrongs east as a buyer's young province, where that crash occurred. crowds filled most to praise that those who perished as the bodies of the re new present form and the span of the victims arrived in
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nothing sitting before being sent to comb. um we chatted about which for many people and countries are expressing that's supposed to meet the death of the lead. the remembering him is a strong politician and individual. this includes fellow bricks, members such as india, with its vice president planning to visit to enter on on wednesday to pay respects to earphones top ranking officials onto correspondent runjun show him a has more a yes or no city of states. morning on the 21st of may, which is to be tomorrow, respect to be condolences to building and leadership on of the of the president. he's for maintenance stuff and 7, all those who were on board the shuffle that crashed on sunday, on the other by john for the now what india is doing is all the government official buildings where the national side is the one it will be for one f top must be also, there will be no official entity meant for today,
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but it's not as india that is mornings as well, like a rock 11 on pockets on this to be off. the chalk has gone, as well as the key summer morning for the song, for to song, for 3, some for even more and as leadership from across the world that have expressed show on the tragic death move the lead. yvonne in fact, the range of 45 minutes for being yeah, with the very 1st one, need us to express as shock mts condolences on the desk. the price deeply saddened and shocked by the tragic demise of dr. see it. the brain raised the president of the east logic republic over on his contribution to strengthening india. the run bilateral relationship will always be remembered. my heartfelt condolences to his family and the people around india stands with around in this time of sorrow. condolences on the top indeed issue for yvonne and ron use of
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boston will lead yeah. despise the country being heavily sanctioned by the west. in fact, just days before the crash and get assigned to you with the ron and the child, the hard part of the decade long. do you very important one for both india and ron? inside the ride off to the was signed the us states, the bossman had internet, the issue trip to india for possible sanctions against countries as that will do business with a ron. but this is a very important for india, india plans to invest in the top of hard for us over the next few years around $1300000.00 on the boss, but also around the 4th wrong to $15000000.00 to build infrastructure. the sport trauma, our fault is expected to open up new markets for india, essentially shows that you got time to trade with the fox knows like a rough show, for example, or to send each to of gone this time. but you is not the only country that in
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fact has expressed shock like in the other countries also. so you vaughn is a pop no, and many have express they can do is flip that. i think they convey to my brother, mohammed's motor, back and to they said frequently to i, it's on the harmony like condolences, all people, the deep feeling of all people. so the devotee with a brainstorm and he really needs a little bit run with a family of our friends from the president, the brain brain who deposits on the ministry and department of d. p. show, and sight, and the reports of the pop. seeing all these excellent sea prison drive you see of these i make republic, i'll be around, as well as my colleague minister abdulla the minister of foreign affairs of these lumnick republic of the round table to him, which is on behalf of the chinese people. we express our deep condolences over the death of present for you see i had
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a comp to accident jones taken office. i said for i use has made important contributions to make it in your own secure resign. you don't actually me to say remote in national development and prosperity and it also made reactive efforts to consolidate and develop in china running through with huge compunction. meet so really oh, well being support coming in to them across the world for yvonne in contrast that to the reaction from the west, very the seeing that it was the decision of the union leadership to fly that form that came from the shuffle. now many from across the world are pointing out what options they did on the have a country have really on the sanctions and then to fly that softball, which need a new cards. now, all eyes on it onto the next few days as iran will soon elect it's new. while officials from around the wells are expressing condolence is a varieties that some in your opinion have painted quite a different picture. paul,
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that members in brussels will be lashing as to the new aid in crisis management commission. that's because they offer the satellite tracking system to assist with uranian search and rescue operation on sunday. here's all these contributor right to los, than with her take on this. we are running presidents helicopter dis, out over a mountain range near airlines border with azerbaijan and the commissioner for humanitarian aid and crisis management decides he's kind of his back venture and finally gets his time up to that. you might be asking who this guy is. well, when he does anything, it's usually just riding shotgun with chief diplomat. joseph pero, most recently on the humanitarian crisis in gas. uh but right after this crash with just about the only thing coming from the garden being crickets, he sees it as him. his time does shine by responding to the rise request for help
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with this search for the helicopter and any survivors. so he goes, sure, yeah, we can get the use copernicus, satellite system to help out with it's mapping function. it's not like it's really busy doing much any way besides buying on europe and farmers crops to make sure that they haven't been cheating on the paperwork that they submit to brussels. so, a pony, ronnie, and request for assistance. we are activating the use, copernicus, e m s rapid response mapping service in view of to the helicopter accident, reportedly carrying the president of iran. and its foreign minister. seems like a no brainer, right, kind of benign. he's like, hey, i'm a humanitarian crisis guy and a plane crash is last. i checked, humanitarian crisis, hash tag, use holland theory. what's there in lives is error. suddenly a whole lot of european officials were triggered. i am shocked that young as
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leonard keeps posted a message on behalf of the you proposing to activate you solidarity to save the uranium president. was this truly our priority solidarity with who, the killer or the victims? how about insuring human rights defend as an other victims of this regime in need of assistance? get emergency visas for e, you almost support the civil society and human rights organizations as an expression of a you solidarity with iran? it is an absolute mystery to me how the u commission can show you solid garrity with a ron. what a miserable hash tag, what a mockery of the brave fight has for human rights in a ron. i expect an explanation for this. god love that one. there that talks about a real emergency isn't the plane, perhaps that just happened at some folks to meet visas to the you because they adhere to the use narrative on a ron. oh and you solid arity should really be reserved for the use civil society
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regime change partners in iran, not that road leader who was playing just went down. what is this the real house wives of brussels, the waiter of whining. you think that this you crisis and humanitarian commissioner had invited the rodney and president and his entourage to an e garden party and their noses were out of joined about it. not that he was trying to maybe help save some lives in a plane crash, which by the way, there were 8 on that helicopter, not just the president of iran. anyway, he ended up having to spell it all out for them like they were toddlers. the provision of a copernicus, m s. satellite mapping upon request for facilitating a search and rescue operation is not an active political support to any regime or establishment. it is simply an expression of the most basic humanity. the most basic humanity comes after narrative and virtue signalling with these jokers. it's likely for golf for a 2nd, which clown, 10,
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he's hanging out in and figures that basic commonsense would fly. where's cleaner? so of underlines. royal proclamation are all this by the way, she's been strangely silent for once. you're being council president shopping in the shed. express who's condolences over the death of her. i mean, foreign minister in the same price and caught black online for that too. but perhaps the award for best virtue, signaling in an aviation disaster goes to the lift, the weight in for administer, who somehow managed to make it all about ukraine, saying, quote, i don't feel comfortable sending condolence as well. iran is sending drones that are used against civilians and ukraine. yes, he did feel comfortable saying something that told death aloud inside the giant, you found tent for a while around is moving the tragic death of its president, washington officials, a concern that a world war could erupt on that, that helicopter of crash. american media has been reporting on
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a rising anxiety that children may lane washington and as well for that incident. well, you can read the details of that story and much, much more, always on our website. of course oxy. don't call the representative from the un. humanitarian affairs office has made an impassioned appeal to the security council cooling for the body to end the night. mat situation in garza, we are running out of words to describe what is happening in the plaza. we have described it as a catastrophe, a nightmare. as hell on earth. it is all of these and worse operating security has worse, and this is as is really nationalist being rating humanitarians supply trucks that were on route to goals a as well because of blocks then surround on the right some jordan,
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as you can see from these pictures this is fi green for feeds ray leaves. now the extreme is the reported heat, coordinating online to be able to talk at the trucks. in an effort to stop supplies from reaching garza video shows, scores of age crates being thrown to the ground. 5, the attack is these ready? police are allegedly turning a blind eye to this in most cases, allowing nationalists to disrupt this humanitarian work well palestinian rights activist ego of high file. we says that that is collaboration between the countries authorities and the active this carrying out. so you saw the way to go in systematically the buying phones the beginning and really is formed corporation between the police and the process guns, offices in phones or fantasies. gwen and
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browsing and also phones to us and the policies going to rise to government and it says to be the largest and the taxes in gain use. anybody talk any i was called vice saying as an officer longer owns, spend the same people that sort of responses on viruses. and the 2 guys aren't going to officially and i mean, that's the only thing i know of the thoughts she saw actually a good the passage of the permanent is writing
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a story. and who is critical of design is and was detained in the us, uh forth and interrogated by federal agents to 2 hours. this is in pop, who shed the details of this warring experience with us. the 1st question was about my do to is it how much whether i think it. ready is a, it's a rest organization or not. and i refused to answer that question. and then uh, i was asked uh, what do i do? i frame the x ray reactions in the gaza. strippers. genocide, which i said yes. ready i do uh, but if you still operate the city. ready it came to like suicide lectures and they can attend the lectures, what i would explain why do i frame these way? the actions is genocide. i was also asked about my use on. ready slogan,
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fall is going to be free from the river to the sea. there was the 1st section. the 2nd section i was asked to be of names of arabs and muslim americans my know. and then my phone was taken away for very long time. a lot of phone conversations were made while i. ready was waiting, this is. ready some other discussion about the way i understand what am i position to which is and isn't as well and so on and on. and all it was. ringback to our these are interrogation, those i father weren't garza hes playing their best. 35535500 lives. majority of those kills have been women and children. now the events of seeing the growing suppression of pro palestinian voices from sense to shifting
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media to a crack down on protest is in special attention to anyone. critical of is well, in just one moment to protest and american universities that began on the 18th of april, nearly 3000 people have been detained. and the and profit again says he knows many people have been affected by the is really pressure. it's kind of interesting medation and harassment. i think it's part of the pressure is really puts on the united states and countries such as gentlemen named from. ready to try and suppress critical views and is this moment the time, especially in the global so i think this is not isolated the case. and i connected to the decision of france and germany not to allow him to show me the rector of the university of louse goldman, the son of the city, to enter
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a good many old friends to give similar thoughts. menu, 1st one now to ring the words and explain the why. the warning does a single sign it one is read should stop. it's extreme against the palestinians. find all kinds. ready photos in expressing freely our views about this topic and you know, i'm, i'm in it and he's very need you. i heard from my friends who are out of the americans, especially police do, and americans. and when they were interrogated, the was far longer and much less pleasant. so. so for a relatively speaking, i didn't get the worst of it. i'd never heard of as opposed to these will be. ready detained in the way that he was asked, but any agency where they. ready the f, b i o the d h s a ask about the views about their ideas of
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a solution. i don't see ever ever happen to as opposed to visit, but i can give you names and names. those are listing is and properly speaking is who, where occasionally stopped and asked about their views about the way they understand history in palestine. the future fathers, by and all kinds of these are questions that really see that who's speaking is there a right place is in the academia it's, it's very good to have you know, these open conversations and not everybody has to agree with everyone, but they should take place in the left, you a hole in the semi no, not the you need to reduce that is a very bizarre situation where of your opinions as the historians are being interrogated by people who are sup. ready exactly, defending the national security with united states. well, meanwhile,
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french president, manually mccoys heading to crisis stricken new caledonia. this is as a state of emergency was declined in the region of the clashes less 6 people. that though in russ broke out of the parish tried to enforce a new will that would give more people voting lights. it's estimated up to $25000.00 non indigenous residents. you've lived in new caledonia for 10 years or more would benefits. but some indigenous island is fee of that could dilute that voice. so to the situation is no complete the normalized, but it is improving to be claimed much remains to be done before things return to normal. the government is baffled. selling, mobilized, as i have been stressing since the start of the violence, any kind of donia. and i am announcing today that it was stated by the president of the republic during the cabinet meeting, but he will go that he will leave this evening to set up a mission that will say,
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do you mean my call is now heading to new caledonia and that's mid the worst unrest, the territory has seen in over 30 years. i mean, probably this is in hopes to calm the situation down, but there's also been reports that the hundreds more of security personnel will be sent to reinforcements will be joining reinforcements on the ground. so just to remind you a little bit of what happened essentially here for us is launching this a major operation and you call it donia. amid the protests the rep to the little over a week ago, turn in violence. now the reason those protests even erupt, it was because science is trying to push this new reform onto the territory. and of course, the indigenous kind of people are unhappy with the new constitutional reform, which essentially would give the right to the new people that moved to new caledonia after 1998 the right to vote in the local elections indigenous people here. they argue that this essentially would give power to france, settlers,
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and instead the indigenous people will not have their say in their own politics. and mind you that the indigenous people in the territory make a 40 percent of the population, unless we won't give up until they withdraw the text they're about to vote on. no, we won't give up. even if we have to die for it will stay here on the road blocks and who's going to be able to talk about being out of breath and all that. we don't have that brand. know, we're waiting for this text to be withdrawn because it means the elimination of the connected people were already in the minority. if i get the text through congress invest side with degree, you're just like that's what they don't understand. even a we're already a minority. so there's going to be no, you can hear that people are quite unsatisfied and unhappy. new caledonia remains largely under french control. and it is one of the very few territories like that. in the post colonial era, it was granted some autonomy in 1998, but before 1998, the locals had some still some vote and restrictions on this on the phone says,
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bonds take talk across the entire territory. they choose it as being used to install violence so that there's no evidence that's being brought forward to prove that. and that also makes a far as the 1st country in europe to block a take talk. so just talk us through this decision. yeah, this is quite interesting because france has this national moto of liberty equality fraternity. i mean, they're known to send for freedom of speech up until now where they are banning the tip top of social media. this is the 1st thing the you and although they didn't really give much details, the surely looks like they're trying to maybe silence protesters. i am leaving the summary hearing before the council of state following the government's decision to band tick tock in new caledonia. what is happening right now is unprecedented. no country in europe has ever band tick tock and government officials have provided no evidence to show the networks linked to the violence. only one argument. young
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people use this network. the government considered them guilty by definition because of their age. we are facing an extremely serious liver to sidle drift. now, new caledonia is home to 270000 people and it has seen kaos in the past sleep and not unfortunately, that also means that the unrest led to casualties. 6 people are reportedly dead, hundreds are insured for 100 businesses and stores were damaged and over to 100 people were also arrested. and as the unrest sources, we have news, the land and australia, who are sending out to add their military plays to essentially evacuated their nationals back home. and presidents for older french overseas territory is also came out, urging the french government to drop the reform. they're arguing here that only a political response can stop the violence, okay, and how many things have been is up to speed on that story that's not to use in my
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age. i think a members have adopted a plan to use profits from russian frozen assets for military assistance to ukraine . the check foreign minister says that up to $3000000000.00 is ready to be rolled out. this year. we have approved in the u using revenues from russia's central banks, frozen assets to help you crank up to 3000000000 dollars. only this year. 90 percent goes for ukraine's military. russian must pay for its war damages of the plan allows up to 90 percent of the profits seized from those assets to go to queens military. the remaining monies will be sent by the e. u. run funding to school keeping of the ways of the e. u. the 1st money supply to happen in july this year, the commission also expects the assets, the yields from 15 to 20000000000 euros by 2027. the russian and back to the to austria, has called the plan theory. the decisions are being made and that up to
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90 percent of russia's frozen assets can be withdrawn in favor of financing, military supplies, to ukraine. this can only be described in one word, theft. austria is becoming an accomplice in these latest unlawful decisions by brussels. needless to say, this can only draw the sharpest condemnation and regret and on our part. so this is not hell and things are done in the civilized world. europe, the more dear pain union claims to have some kind of ease in merrill, civilizing emissions which well by leading all imaginable ends on imaginable regulations with a single stroke of a pen to say let's get more details on this story and costs to contribute to all to contributor chris and chris, thanks for joining us. i just want ask you, 1st of all, what president could be set to for international if this adult,
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the plan goes through, given that we also know that people like for stealing the guy has said, let's not do it. this is a bad idea. the best thing so like do you bring up every day of the boat and find it set? i don't think we've ever seen a price of good in the history where essentially a couple of foreign states is speeding people's money. that's essentially what this is. the other part of it is originally we were told by the european commission when they came up with this, they sold basis plan that they were going to use that money to rebuild ukraine. but it's quite old because 90 percent of those funds are all going to be diverted to allow you trying to buy more homes. is only 10 percent being used to this. so could you, you kind development fund. so i think it just sets a very, very scary precedent as to how international was i. that's really the rule book and do whatever we want. i mean, essentially it would be money from russian assets, paying full weapons, and ukraine is pretty crazy. of course, the debate on this initiative has been going on now since 2022. to make anything of
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the timing about this with brussels formerly adopting the planet. is there a reason why it's now? is it just being so difficult to get to this point, as well as a solid? the main reason is ukraine is losing and rushed through. is winning and that, you know, it's very difficult, i think now within europe, i'd say there was still a lot of what, what the points of why pro, you trade in sentiment, the most taxpayers have had enough of billions and billions of euro's, of the pounds of that and the dollars of that money being sent to the country that most of them and never heard of until 2022. so i think now they've, they've kind of desperate the, any way in which they can keep funding this war machine deep funding them with the tree industrial complexes. because by the way, you can, you know, make money off this for is, is to essentially try and find money that the, the, the, the actual tax prize of these nations don't have to shut out themselves. otherwise, i think they've lost the occupants. of course we're very short on time, just very briefly,
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the report suppose supplies will be sent in july. what should take on that very brief face? yeah, i think the take on it very, very briefly is, let's see what happens. let's see if it goes through. hopefully stronger heads will provided rustles that will stop this, not this happening. chris, thanks very much for joining us and talking. i see that as chris ends, ortiz contribute to well, that's what i end up with. the news that you need to know will be back with a fresh look at the global goings on top of the next hour. i do hope that you can join us again. the brush remain c o, a colonial empire that still exists in the modern world. comprised of both its colonies, just guys dispose of these territories, numerous officially silver and african states that fall under frances, so called.


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