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tv   News  RT  May 21, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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to react the thousands of dollars of gather to order receipts, present him as a transformative figure, whose tear donation away from a comical ops or radians gathering, bid to the final farewells to the president. abraham rise and several other officials who were killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. the massive funeral procession has now reached the central city of cooper. the international criminal court executive judge. i forgot russia. that's the instruction being given to the legal bodies name prosecutor. i'll think he's accused members of these really and how much leadership of committing will crime and french president demand. even mccall had to prices drifting new caledonia and maybe angry,
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purchased the potential changes to the voting rights which indigenous peoples. they will delete that for the focus on 11 pm henry most. are you watching the news? our nazi international. thank you. as always fits shooting in, we have a tax program coming up for you. what was dawn saner, ron, which is in most now in the 2nd of a 5 day period of national mooning, paying respects to the victims of sunday's helicopter crash. that included the country's president abraham. but i see what we've discussed. his legacy we put on smack, who told us that the states and passing needs a significant void in his country. yeah, that's, that is precision and consistency with neighboring countries in russia was distinguished on having ties with russia, china neighboring countries,
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the countries of the resistance front and his lot mc states was his unbreakable principle. in my opinion, this integration will be increased. nevertheless, his absence is an absolute void for us, but the absence won't generate for jody. at some point, it will create more integration and unity at another level. well, massive clouds of gather thing came for the arrival of the bodies of the president and the other victims of that crash. the central or rainy and city is a holy sites. the she and muslims are these correspondent use of july, lee is the that was the foreigners, i've gathered to order receipts, present him as a transformative figure, whose tear the nation away from a looming economic collapse by wesley shipping, your own sort of policy towards an eastern focused approach in western town to isolate the country on the world stage. following the shocking incidents on sunday
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afternoon, everyone has declared a 5 day period of national morning starting on tuesday to express review over the tragedy. several other countries like starting from india, it was serial and see if you can find her both for i know, solidarity with their own by jordan, at least one day of national warning. after the ceremony home, the bodies will be transported to just run for a similar funeral service on wednesday, led by supreme leader ari to law. somebody who will conduct a congregation with prayer for the deceased. you, in turn, government has designated, once they as a national holiday to allow people to attend the funeral. after all the wednesday ceremonies of on the late president's body will then be laid to rest in mashhad, his own town. under location of a mom, results wholly shied, were received long as the custodian burial ceremony, and my child is expected to draw a substantial crowd of horses citizens on hot z for the former president.
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meanwhile, 1st vice president mohammed most man has been approved by the supreme leader of the as of course the term president of to assume responsibility of course no response of the transition process more alone would upon them and speaker, and just to see how their inaugural meeting with a guardian council, during the meeting, been hours the time line for the upcoming presidential election scheduled for june 28th. for now. we're still doing the presidents. everything has to proceed in a very tight timeline of just 50 days, but anyone who will eventually succeed way. so you will have a heavy burden on his shoulder. some of them all attire regional geopolitical dynamics from, especially when it comes to the countries and vision to move towards the economic resilience as to one strives to shield itself from the horses are to sanctions by
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forging strategic alliances with the eastern hemisphere. a daunting task for re fees, eventually successful, and the key aspiration of a significant portion officer was population including those attending this funeral . well, president preaching his, on the russians, they deem a chapman to personally pos, on his condolences to a wrong, which is left below. then is flying to the capital on wednesday to attend the funeral. all of abraham, but i see, and also the other victims. president preaching also stated the russia women chain . the close ties with the wrong that the late president helped build the dental issue. i'm sure the death of president pricey is a huge loss. first of all of costs for a ron and the iranian people, please convey my sincere condolences on this tragedy. indeed, he was a very reliable partner, a man of directness, self confidence. above all
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a man who was guided by national interests, but of course he was a man of his wood and it was a pleasure to work with him. bearing in mind that if we agreed on something, we could always be sure that the agreements would be fulfilled. for our part, we will do everything to ensure that russian and running and relations continue in this way. please convey these words to the leadership of it on. and if our colleagues have a need, we are ready to do everything we can to provide them with expert support and assistance in identifying the true causes of this disaster as well, many countries have been expressing that is supposed to meet the death of the leader. remembering him as a strong politician and individual now this increased fellow brakeman, but india it's vice president is planning to visit chad on a wednesday to pay respects on behalf of his country. all these correspondent runjun show my house more. can you as an ounce to d of states morning on the 21st of may, which is to be tomorrow,
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respect to be condolences to their being in the, the shape of this, of the president. he's for maintenance stuff and 7, all those who were on board the shuffle that crashed on sunday. the union other by john for the now what india is doing is all the government official buildings where the national side is one it will be going off must be also, there will be no official entity meant for today, but it's not as india that is wanting this all the companies as well, like a rock 11 on pockets on this syria off the chalk. hassan, as well as the key summer morning for the song, for 2 songs for 3, some for even more and as leadership from across the world that have expressed show on the tragic death move though, lead. yvonne in fact, the range more, the prime minister being the with the very 1st one need us to express as shock mc
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is condolences on the to the full price. deeply saddened and struck by the tragic demise of dr. see a dead brain raised the president of the east logic republic over on his contribution to strengthening india. the run bilateral relationship will always be remembered. my heartfelt condolences to his family and the people around india stands with around in this time of sorrow. condolences from the top indeed issue for yvonne and ron is a boss moving yeah. despise the country being heavily sanctioned by the west. in fact, just days before the crash and get assigned to do with the rom and the java hard bought a decade long. do you very important one for both being yeah, and ron inside the right off to the view assign the us states, the bossman had internet, the issue trip to india for possible sanctions against countries as that will do business with the wrong. but this is a very important for india, india plans to invest in the shop
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a hard for us over the next few years around $120000000.00 on the boss, but also around the 4th round to 15 $1000000.00 to build infrastructure. the sport trauma, our fault is expected to pronounce new markets for india, in centrally shows that you got time to trade with. no one knows like a rough show, for example, or to send each to us gone this dawn. but india is not the only country that in fact has expressed shock, like in the other countries also. so you've gone is a pop now, and many have express they can do is let that are they convey to my brother, mohammed's motor back and do they said prima lead to i. it's on the harmony and it condolences on all people. the deep feeling of all people, so the devotee with a brave and heroic people over the run with a family of all friends out broad, the president a brain. but i, you see who deposits, it's on a c ministry and department is the pre show inside and out the
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reports of the pop, seeing all these excellent sea prison drive you see of these i make republic. i'll be around, as well as my colleague minnes. stop. do i have the minister of foreign affairs of these lumnick republic on the run state, often working on behalf of the chinese people. we express how deep condolences of the desk of present tracy in the had a cop to accident seems taken office present right use has made important contributions to maintaining that you run security. instability promote and national development and prosperity, and also made active efforts to consolidate and develop the chinese ronnie comprehensive, strategic partnership. so really oh, well being support coming in to them across the world for yvonne and contrast that to the reaction from the west very blatant the seeing that it was the decision of the union leadership to fly. that for they came to softball. now many from across
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the world are pointing out what options they did on the have a country have really on the sanctions and then to fly that chop off which needed new cards. now, all eyes on it onto the next few days as iran will soon elect it's new to ship. there's riley prime minister, who causes won't change for war crimes for trial, but the chief prosecutor of international criminal court is stepping up phase. we're woods on him cutting con. this has been human. yes. in your who's. so i'm the prosecutor for putting him in the same league with how much sleep does at the hague . describing a false symmetry between the democratically elected leaders of israel and the terrace chieftains. that's like saying and after $911.00. well, i'm issuing arrest warrants for up for george bush, but also for beloved and for after in world war 2. well,
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i'm issuing the arrest warrant for f d r, but also forehead, sir. it's a hit job. it's not serious, he's up to the same as role. washington has been defending these riley prime minister, the us extra space on to the blinking his denounced the arrest warrant bid by the i c. c, chief prosecutor. but the american diplomats himself is also in hot water for supporting is well assault on goza. lincoln has been handled by pro policy and activists during hearing in the senate's a showing the well, the, i know the state department officials said that the international criminal court has no jurisdiction over is well,
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us has speaker mike jones went even further than that, saying congress may propose sanctions against the i c. c that president joe biden has weighed in on this, claiming about what's happening in gaza is, according to him, not a genocide. reject the i. c. she's application arrest warrant against the prison wants to all do or can't do insure civilian protection. but let me be clear, concert allegations against israel made by the national court of justice. what's happening is not genocide reject. let's cost now to show and stone use a political analyst. i'm still make a show and thanks for coming with us on the program. just a quick reaction to what we heard that from president biden, and not just condemning the eyes. stacy's chief prosecutor is big but also saying that what's happening in gaza is not a genocide. yeah,
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i mean he's been very clear in saying that the american does not perceive us as a genocide. i don't think that's a surprise in any way that norris's lack of coherence when he speaks, i'm surprised somebody got the words out without, without just stumbling and reading. so the teleprompter, the pauses and the periods and it's ease, ease, very feeble. and it's very difficult. i think for, for someone like by and to be taken seriously at this point. but unfortunately, he's still, you know, the president united states, but he's not looking very strong in terms of what, you know, how he's reacted so far. these people pointed out he was suggesting that the united states would stop supporting his realm. they go into rafa. and then he basically gives a $1000000000.00 of, of arms and sends, you know, $1000000000.00 of arm state to israel. and so it's like people are seeing that it's all this talk of, well, you know, we're going to say israel's, you know, has
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a red line here or there. and then we just blow right through it and realize that it's, it's uh, you know, clear that the united states has, on israel side in this war. they talked about imaginary, ne, to going to guys that we don't really see how the united states is helping in that regard. i mean, they've talked about building a board. you've got, you know, you've got issues with getting food to people. that was, the main issue that i see was bringing up is that people are being starved. essentially, civilians are being targeted and united states doesn't seem pretty quickly to care . besides, a few words of things to meditate in crisis. but nothing that bite and has done despite his, his words as shown, consideration for the people that are being that are suffering. i mean, those for why do you think then that washington doesn't seem to care? why do you think it's been so quick to riley behind is well, we've even obviously had those threats that potentially the icpc could be sanctioned if it presses a head to it this. mm hm. yeah, i mean to, well,
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i mean to be honest the i c. c. let's be clear like united states has it is not nestle part of the i c, c is never really approved of, of, of the, the power of the i, c c. and i think that there is, there's, there's reason for that from, you know, from america's perspective as a nation. and certainly in the past, there been concerns about prosecution against people like president bush or maybe obama. but the point is that the united states has clearly been pro israel since the inception. i don't think that's a surprise. but look, i mean this administration, you could say that just as ministration. but even previous ones, there are a lot of double doable citizens. i think even blinking amongst them i, i believe is a dual citizen of israel as well as america. that gives you a hint where the legions lies with many is people in the administration. and obviously the amount of influence that we know, these are
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a lobby see america. so pro is real. i think the main surprises just seeing the disregard for the for, for human life and the cost and the toll that was worth taking in golf. there seems to be no, no concern for the people they're talking about and to be blinking. he's gone as far as the state that b i c c chief, possibly just bid is actually an old stickle to piece in the middle east. let's just papa listen shown to what he said. there's been an extensive effort may have raises much to get that agreement. i think we've been very, very close on a couple of occasions, a cutter, egypt, others participating in the efforts to do this. uh we remain at uh, every single day i think that there's still a possibility but is challenged by a number of other events. and i have to say yes, the, the extremely wrong headed decision by the i c prosecutor,
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yesterday. the shameful equivalence implied between a moss and the leadership of israel. i think that only complicates the prospects for getting such an agreement showing what to take down a lot perspective from the us is top diplomats it's certainly it is. this has been the argument against the ice. he sees the prosecutors are quite, you know, basically pursuing these warrants essentially and saying, well, you're making an equivalence between the leaders from us and a mazda is a, you know, considered a terrorist organization because they, they kill woods and it's true. i mean, they do, they kill civilians with impunity. but, but the idea that you know, comparing come off to nothing, yahoo and company is, you know, they have single, false equivalence. well, i don't think it's so much about the equivalence. i think it's about how you pursue a war. it's interesting that netanyahu gets, you know, basically says, well,
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you can't, you know, you can't see of the ours as bad as hitler as well wouldn't, you know, when you're, when you're choosing tire or bombing, for example, to refer to world war 2. that's a choice that is reprehensible and you know that i think that we aren't, we're supposed to be civilized enough to recognize that certain tactics are deplorable. inch it'd be averted, israel's pursuing terrace, terra tactics and gaza. they are also bombing and so 11 on hundreds of civilians killed their obviously tens of thousands in gaza. the doesn't seem like they're pursuing and what type of war that is conscious of the river cushions to the people that are civilians that are simply trying to live their lives we're trying to survive. it's not only washington the show and it's also the case. foreign secretary that has criticized the i. c. c in relation to this. why do you think we're seeing such a strong response from the west when all the i, c c is doing is putting a case together and saying,
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it believes these arrest warrants should be shooting, but obviously that will be up for the judges to decide yeah, well again, i mean this, the had the strong response. i mean, you certainly didn't see the strong response from the west when the, i see it should arrest warrants on the president puts in, in russia. so i think it is kind of shows the double standard, right? that the west have is where it's like, well, as long as the i, c, c is ruling in our favor with, you know, with argument agrees with that square fine with it. but also is it now paper tiger . this will put pressure on the i c c to actually prove that actually that it has any purpose for any moral authority. and also, you know, that is towards the question, what you're asking. because if the icpc has is able to issue arrest warrants for let's say, and that's in yahoo. and he was the travel to one of these countries that are signatories. presumably he should be arrested. so that's why i think the united
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states and others are putting pressure to say, this is crazy. if you go ahead and do this, that's and you all can be arrested when traveling, which obviously is gonna put a lot of stress and pressure on him in terms of what he chooses to do with his movements. indeed, well, thanks very much on for going through that with us that sort of starting political analyst and to make that a prominent is really historian who is critical of design isn't, was detained in the us apples and interrogated by federal agents for 2 hours, 11 profit shared with us the details of that worrying experience. the 1st question was about my ebt to do to is the how much whether i think it. ready is a, it's a rest organization or not. and i refuse to answer that question. and then uh, i was asked um, what do i do? i frame the x ray reactions in the guys. ready as genocide
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say to which i said yes. ready i do but refuse to love. ready said. ready they came to like a series of lectures and they couldn't attend the lectures where i would explain why do i frame these way? the actions is genocide. i will also ask that both my you on. ready slogan, fall is fine, should be free from the river to the sea. then was the 1st section. the 2nd section i was asked to be of names of arabs and muslim americans and my know and then my phone was taken away for a very long time. a lot of phone conversations were made while i. ready was waiting in. ready with some other discussion about the way i understand what am i position. ready is anderson as well and so on and on
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and all it was. ringback a 2 hour bizarre interrogation was her father. warren garza has claimed over 35500 lives. the majority of those killed all women and children. now, the events of seeing growing suppression of pro palestinian voices from sense to ship in need you to a crunch down on protest is on special attention to anyone critical of as well. in just one months of purchase, the american universities needed 3000 people who maintained the land. coffee again says he knows many people who have been affected by d as riley prussia. and it's kind of interesting medation and harassment. i think it's part of the pressure is really puts on the united. ready states on countries such as germany, france. ready britain to try and suppress critical views and is what it is and is
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this moment the time, especially in the global. so i think this is not isolated the case. and i connected to the decision of france and germany not to allow the director of the university of glasgow, the son of the city, to enter the germany of funds to give similar tools menu, 1st one. now to ring the words and explain the why, the war in does a genocide, one is really should stop its action against the palestinians. find all kinds of hurdles in expressing freely our views about this topic. and you know, i'm 5 minute and he's really do. i heard so my friends go out of the americans, especially police do and americans then when they were interrogated, the was far longer and much less pleasant. so. so for a relatively speaking, i didn't get the worst of it. i'd never heard of as opposed to these will be. ready
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detained in the way that he was asked, but any agency whether it. ready the s b i or the d h s a asked about the views about their ideas of. ready solution, i don't think you'd ever ever happen to as opposed to a visit, but i can give you names and names. those are listing is and properly speaking is who, where occasionally stopped and asked about their views about the way to understand history in palestine. the future of palestine and all kinds of these are questions that a really seriously speaking is there a right place is in the academia it's, it's very good to have, you know, these open conversations and not everybody has to agree with everyone, but they should take place in the left you a hole in the seminar who not uh you know that the issue that is
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a very bizarre. ready situation where of your opinions as the historians are being interrogated by people who are so. ready basically defending the national security . ready states well french president and menu in mccoys heading over to crisis stripping new tyler, don't you? that's according to the government spokes person. a state of emergency was the client on the island, which is in the pacific ocean that was off the clashes less 6 people that now the and rice broke out of the parish, tried to impose a new rule that could give up to $25000.00 non indigenous residents voting whites a stapler back for 10 years, and so to the situation is no complete the normalized, but it is improving to be claimed much remains to be done before things return to normal. the government has baffled funding. mobilized as i have been stressing since the start of the violence in the color donia. and now i'm announcing today
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that it was stated by the president of the republic during the cabinet meeting. but he will go that he will leave this evening to set up a mission that will say, do you mean my call is now heading to new caledonia and that's mid the worst unrest the territory has seen in over 30 years. i mean, probably this is in hopes to call this situation down, but there's also been reports that the hundreds more of security personnel will be sent to reinforcements will be joining reinforcements on the brown. the just to remind you a little bit of what happened essentially here front is launching this a major operation in new color donia, amid the pro does the rep to the little over a week ago, turn in violence. now the reason those protests even interrupted was because science is trying to push this new reform onto the territory. and of course, the indigenous kind of people are unhappy with the new constitutional reform, which essentially would give the right to new people that moved to new calling
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during the after and 1998 the right to vote in the local elections. indigenous people here, they argue that this essentially would get power. it's a french settlers, and instead the indigenous people will not have their say in their own politics. and mind you that the indigenous people in the territory make a 40 percent of the population. almost. we won't give up until they withdraw the text they're about to vote on. no, we won't give up. even if we have to die for it will stay here on the road blocks a go over, talk about being out of breath and all that we know how to press. we're waiting for this text to be withdrawing because it means the elimination of the connect people were already in the minority. if they get this text through congress invest, sorry, we're screwed. that's what they don't understand over that. we're already a minority at home. now you're going to hear that people are quite unsatisfied and unhappy. new caledonia remains largely under french control and it is one of the very few territories like that. in the postcolonial era,
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it was granted some autonomy in 1998, but before 1998, the locals have some still some vote and restrictions on this on the phone says, bonds take talk across the entire territory. they choose it as being used to install violence so that there's no evidence that's being brought forward to prove that. and that also makes phones the 1st country in europe to block a take talk. so just took us through this decision. yeah, this is quite interesting because france has this national moto of liberty equality fraternity. i mean, they're known to stand for freedom of speech up until now where they're banning the tip top of social media. this is a 1st in the you and although they didn't really give them much details, the surely looks like they're trying to maybe silence protesters. i am leaving the summary hearing before the council of state following the government's decision to band tick tock in new caledonia. what is happening right now is unprecedented. no
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country in europe has ever band tick tock and government officials have provided no evidence to show the networks linked to the violence. only one argument. young people use this network. the government considered them guilty by definition because of their age. we are facing an extremely serious liver to sidle drift. now new caledonia is home to 270000 people and it has seen kaos in the past sleep. and unfortunately, that also means that the on rest lead to casualties 6 people are for to leave dead hundreds. our insured 400 businesses and stores were damaged and over 200 people were also arrested. and as the unrest sources, we have new zealand and australia who are sending out their military plays to essentially evacuated their nationals back home and presidents for older french overseas territory. it also came out urging the french government to drop the
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report. there are.


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