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tv   Documentary  RT  May 21, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

6:30 pm
and when we leave here, to go and have a meeting, as soon as i get to the prison, so my, when need us one, what to do from the on your so he's the lead off the party. he's in charge of m k pa to people to sort of send, must elect every direction that trickled zimmer would give us. we win for the ellipse. this part, the cool months as part of it keeps directions to this opinion. polls indicate that he is, he's majority is the risk. once again, k policy, posing a significant states, particularly in humans, home, proven for for them. and that's the way she remains a very much popular. and because between the 2 into ones whom as imprisonment led to riot, some was to be natal resulting in more than 300 deep and wide sweden, etc. exploits via that is the m k support is don't have the a way with these mixes. this could get out of pad, but it has to do it. i'm a pull. so the so that's a can prison expressing confidence in the mood of flu and has stated that security
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forces are prepared to handle any potential violent quality. because this is always a pleasure to have your company and some more, all of the stories that we've been delving into do head over to a website, aussie don't. com, the the, what is part of the, the employee would post that isn't the, the place you of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present. let's stop without cases. let's go out of
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the a boost on for a month. so is it walker see on continue comes on. so look at the sort of prescription out of my on that i pretty much it on the all set. i saw it looks you don't keep on the list securities woocommerce, those you may see do something about continuing much of in my just because your logic has the ability to realizing the blood to us. if you to remind you that the 3 low level mama to remind you to see today of all the call numbers on the menu or to the composite kind of what it is that the kind of easy you sound like a so level of entity into their focusing on it and going from a buddy to to book. so i see some of the better method are due to do the death of both of them. the
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know to the casino sits system to set the money under the fact this isn't going to cover a lot pleasure to let be. i think i know some of the amendments on, on what's going on boost by a be stuck on a or some fos. so gladly or some foss, apple bradshaw old wants to come in front of you, sir, to i'm going to deliver just as you don't know, that is your intimate, nice, compound, visited my click to the page. there's nothing they try to go to the bottom. that is, i mean, they are listed between 4 and 4. okay. well, to ask you the name, let, let me the to see whether it as it is it, say my name, the, to the box, genuine it to do any process typical. what do they want to get toilet going to do these off of the can't, is all or most of the process. i say to some of them on it on, on the as of suck you measure person do know said say, and that's what the additional bottle said. i mean, she was google says that additional cues on patient data for she's going to set up the shock and was on page data for the she came to me. it was on page do what?
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um, there is a copper on a chef. was the middle of debt to income for naples, all about some of the song don't sit back to. so i said, don't click people on the not so i was just as important was not what we know this we've got to remember is a minute to make up what to do with to deprive a country of summer to use, to arrange its memory. and that's not only cultural heritage, it's also about it to use the
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circle. let me pull up. what can we do to not to be gone? was that john called on the one the is good, or do they do? so i'll make a point in this. the shipping is known as some shall see, we can more on liquid liquid k, a plane. it was on the phone mit phoned them on. the associated testbed. beautiful . i do miss. they have on file on the volume associate, the things i've been, it'll so it pulls to lot id routine in your system and you've got a hunk lesaine bundled when do you notice it pop really entity while odd to choose the key on the point. going to be read off the she lost the money that's also going to mess around. i figured i'd love to you. it is a lot better me boss, 3 day nissan, san naples on into it. i'm on eastern this on san food budget and let me set it up as the funding paradox. french school children joined demonstrations coming down
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with friends. blackouts from this is colonial cliche turned out to be more important than the humanistic and universal value is a french culture. tends to an ordinary malia from this isn't associated with google and some x ability. but with macro on poland and the 3 on culture and science have been replaced by on principles in neo colonial demagogue. they say it's time for friends to leave somebody's voice when to describe d. 016 on. so you can still see your mom. i left francis pasadena donasia rose, wanted to speak with mr. hall on frontier is if you don't mind industries, date is a long distances there. file a motion if looking it up in a file and you end up on the go through this yourself that gives you the import, the district. and it says, you won't see the teacher, so she'll be able to make it so sad. it says something is going to, oh goodness, on the, for the only, there's almost 20 percent below the font is on the the bottom of the image to the
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school, not billable. then i'm ready to go. you know what you said on the bottom of a move from step before i'm just going to stick with this law offices. get a no money for him. wonderful. raise your degree. so it looks like i mean it all over. is it? did it still settings it because it goes that's not going to pour them up the most . okay. yeah. does it, it becomes useful for us to that's initial, a faucet on that for that long. cuz your boss, i think it is. and in that off, i mean, send a technician out of the game though, and the end of the and then assess, gets lost. and i'm seeing what's the song dollars they told me to fill out, to more than i thought a thing on the phone at that location. right. so finally kicked my new set of i'm a customer on the line with us. all i was wondering a are the owner for my own. the son was on the district all the thousands on and then getting them in california. is that so? i mean, i know some, i'm in canada as it might be,
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the, the, the, the, the on falls from zone. see so i didn't click on the notes is to, to, to, to set up the
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new at the city. i do, most of them go to find stuff that nothing new for me cut off in beautiful. it's literally just a bit of house. in most i let them take off the russell. i need legend now some grip is it didn't have enough at the board on monday, tuesday enough for the substitute drugs a ride in the the most recent page in molly's history is operation sort of our for that and implemented in rankled time to preserve the country state code, it's a simple trick. the operation was prepared in advance and waited for flour in groups formed incidentally with french help to get it from libya tomatti. the authoration has several symbols and he has objectives. a french military contingent entered the country, demising the pro, the french government, and the toner eggs were put in that place. the
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a little guy, the to the b. c. s bus out the exact same. keep on team. so far as the glass of each there at the 2 brand easy, let me pull the data said take the bark, going back because she gave me deference. it didn't while the display. sure. c v. like victor let us from the new but i didn't get that case. buttons use of the view. and as i said, we used to do the symptoms, then the site to go to, i mean, for us of them cut for the, for going was seen by the, the lead me. so used to, i mean that it'd be opened up so that they can. but that keep this on for you think the new boy should be, do it on the line can produce even with the
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next operation of hon. allowed friends to take control of the whole region from send a goal. so, so done. most of the curious path in the terrorist threat to continue to grow can be area of, of terrorist activity expanded, while french business affairs in molly improved 10 profits grew click unsafe for charlotte $49.00 french soldiers died. not for molly. the french trade interests. frances, i'm a, took up an independent and extremely advantageous inconvenienced position in molly mulky bias found many molly and civilians died at the hands of the french facts. doesn't care about that phrase the girl fronts has no friends, supposedly its own interests. the history of relations between
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friends and its former colonies should serve as an example to of the defense treaty with france. is a deal with the devil. so no, uh, uh, people do or talk to the police on monday. i'm gone. don't say that i'm going to, donald pretty modifies or pull the l. uh, reset the reset that p the 1st for us as a 1st model in political k that is on the map. i leave it a lot of to loop the, the, the 1st of my, my them onto to stop it next, cynthia. and that will be less all my then nobody concludes to develop on the so i'm back on the t davis instead of in a well done that is on all the also on luke on. good, a lot of new concepts, a mid suzie and you know,
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i'll listen to the 2 of us live, but i picked them up or something didn't pay for a ton of them. then let's see the address, the when i wasn't sure. they just don't have to shape out and engagement. it was the trail when so many find themselves will support we choose to look so common ground the the
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girl to the dealer on 4 legs a bit. i saw for one side of my lease a lot easier to do the to the diesel. the net month need got the bus to this is a but i saw nobody on the it was locked down to the popular so surely the classic you need to is the please also do is that the force at the, unless of my or my late don't for now, i live, do my long see, don't cause you to do that to belong to by them. i didn't need that is not going to
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do not through as fast as the new it is in that, but the one of the difficult and do one don't know to a to a policy for me. i don't know to protect that. i talked to the new provider or the upon those who look law i area and then we'll do the, as i call the, the blizzard for another little up in a little could be that i assume that, that i saw it is i'm going to done to sort of us value the desk of jim that i felt a set list, auntie to this uh another plus it's best on the so i don't know if a new to notes don't accept full glass. uh, usually deals with the, the data on clear on that, that this, the fee that this, the 2nd you to be paid, not alone or the, the, the new role. fucked in that. yeah. that process, i don't mazda a lot of this is it is 2 side long to long dollars a month. the uh,
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the last 2 of us to uh, let me tell my the home 3 for the month for the most is uh, 2 days and my uh, did not to pay for the corporate. i saw i work a lot of receipt sooner incorporate i so put this on don't well send it back in good that i see all the pet fees while i send it by input. i saw a lot of all found in moses on the i love the vision for the data level that i submitted to the collaboration sample that i saw on the younger. now soon we'll go through that. so you said a tablet down the civic to aspect. there's a, there's a as in good. so keep them at the bottom. april 1st is our new model of it issue. does it kick month a cpa data that amount to
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a lot of the photos out a new model in on the monte. i'm to so the looks at this issue and kinda chose things all the time and actually in the review of it to look to be performed on the coupon. is it ok to get it, which is different each of the key decided to us i'm saying some of the some way to shoot you nissan. nissan said then you'd to the sensitive allowed them to effectively as it gets increasing the environment. inconvenient for the meeting
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activities in the building to see something listed in the interest sheets or simply asset. and if you show the sync up meeting for sorry, my name is and betsy to so i'm p collision. so as far as i mean, some of the home products, so then by the way he says best on weight, the other parts of the city totally please enter the ball. linda was under the news for them. that's the reason that jones have to know if there's anything said lizzie, open leave a sure is it the surface that's on the front end of it?
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didn't buffer so. sure. sorry, so, but that stuff and then to set really intended to talk this would be the 2 but 3 stuff from the lesson to empty the best in the 2nd button. this up to see that s, but it isn't that it did in between 92. so this quasi, i didn't use it so you might still have to remember to put the lesser what is your b plus the incidence? i'm thinking of that, but i sent you to task literally is competitive menu on the home page and you guys are on cheek, you saw on g b live and there was no one predict comedies there to. so i think even begin to cheat my email. i have on the internet says, you know, seeing bus and the tip toilet seat. the government is the same price or can be 2 months and the policies ended and good things, you know,
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who said, what exactly does it for me, please? and as long as it was to be met, elicited for was that i'm at least i see the low doesn't do you guys do the work and simon m y 2 more literacy to do that and you're gonna get through his talk. see, listen to my 2nd amendment bond one. this policy done on what you gave. it's an old place for the new car. that's what they do sets every time. lived on my end, it's about to do this. let's see enough. i mean, when i see the intent message to give me new, but that was with making the sometimes the same that gave you. so let me put that in the left, but then you know, if that didn't fit, that sensor did. you didn't really. so this is something that you didn't even off
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to being ousted from molly, from still somehow pressure the regional union of african states. echo us with the goal of isolating molly foods, sanctions, and close boulders by in essence, imposing a blockade. a huge number of its goods are imported and molly has most the access. these measures extremely unpopular among the population, not just in volley, but throughout the region. that the one that's important we citizens out and even ruined some friends has already started to lose africa, enough competition. in particular, this is shown by the narrowing range of goods and foreign companies based. and molly, from content doesn't want to change its power dime by taking equal partnership relations into account literal names. and it's also other methods of direct colonial influence. but money is a software in the country with the right to its own history, traditions, values and equal relations. it has the right to to choose the log on
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this on that. so we need to get him to put him on getting, getting in about a minute, for example, tom sick or let's think i do a less pain doing that. so that means when you buy through a diesel, i also do a pair bonded triple bundle. you can just check it out for that migrate. uh the one you bring us, the only thing is blah blah, money bring us throwing that in for unless you own somebody, they sold it as the company that i didn't want put it to the simple blog. definitely and emotions about the 22nd. again, let me see what i can do. nothing on these in there, but the replacement to people is on the most collision. popcorn peter's to sound for me. no one mr. casual or to 2nd. the money is performed a lot, but i see a list of it into some pro for the long adult shape. i love that don't say say much do nice blogs to buy stronger girlfriend immediately than me. you know more so
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kind of a lot of the politic team. but them are in, i'm divide house. no. may. 10001000 is pretty them watching us all the off and all those in this be your boss here. last, you know, the dismissal control in the song vishal. the really don't know why that is also start to say, does that prove can nobody isn't sick. it was a new money. i don't understand what the sample reduction or the money i'm trying to know. but to you so, so visual samples to, to show what the things i'll share a little mistake it thinking a boy or do you see why your internet from your house look see don't enrollment on busiest joiner money. se, bosco, with the money on this in the fall, i may look for me because you all look was on a little for me, cash on something,
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getting on the bus, getting onto this old one year on the line and will follow up on the escrow and it shows about a little book your needs are bundling somebody, but i mean for the men of equity. so i haven't really been out actually what i was wanting to make. let me notate it. ok along with it on, on the move on my lease in money. does that the same money device, 100 new v dash the last week total of putting in for last to see it this season and not a nice short move. it's best phone to the song to baby this assure me it says so i can fix it. and these are the pain that the 1st all
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stipulate to level those phones on under lot going to need to be because for tim deluxe and his actual are included, he does show april great the she does, i live in the bundles that are within symbol. that's and that's in there we go. suddenly she'll so would it be wise and under what is the test? it's good candidates in would it that i showed you had to live streaming function to took each to the screen so that that might be fair. and then we'll should good luck fall in love. see them all complete. can go to the pepper on vehicle. yeah, we have to ship the chevy. the name of the
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last motor most of solution was as if someone's even under their lonely, i'll say, really reward all wonderful causes any you gotta keep premium develop. so i'll freak out for that. it's my last summer, but it's super shoot. the
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the rabbit collapse of the ottoman empire gave the arabs hold for independence. but the colonial power, so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the air of lands under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. this bible play caused particular indignation in a wreck, which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 rest with claim for independence broke out, both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies drew and into a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. britons
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urgently began to transfer reinforcements to a rack and used aircraft radius war. secretary, winston churchill birds. the use of chemical weapons against the rebels and general ser i, elmer held a border. the destruction of any village where weapons were found burning a village properly takes a long time. an hour or more according to sized paulding recalled cynically. in his memoirs, the mediaeval cruelty paid off the revolt was crossed. however, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921, it recognized bustle. the 1st, as the king of a rag time gave part of the power to representatives of the local population. v a racket revolt marked the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and became an important milestone on the way to final independence.
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the is widely recognized every game and its western batteries are losing the proxy war on russia. in the case of ukraine, it is obvious bad news, but gets more bad news. the west appears incapable to comprehend as war and rush. it is an utter failure. the of the
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thousands of learners are gathered to order receive, present him as a transformative figure, whose tear the nation away from a looming economic collapse in grainy and gathered to bid that final farewells, the president, abraham roy, p and other officials killed in sundays, helicopter crash domestic funeral procession has reached the central city of crew case about 5 minutes. the rich since the international criminal quotes chief prosecutor seeking a rest for him alone. so i believe is the come up ad french president menu and nicole heads to pricing strictly new caledonia. i mean the, and we've.


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