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tv   News  RT  May 22, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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slider, and this is here to match with with the assessment when you put a 0 like i to get the, the, the thousands of foreigners are gathered to order receipts, present him as a transformative figure whose tear the nation away from a looming economic collapse. right is gather to bid the final farewell to present. abraham re statement of fitful tube in sunday is highly called. the car while live is around the globe express as i couldn't dollars is in us in a you official more personalized tax against the disease through a new president is met with strong criticism by the people that live on the run and people who never have trusted the western countries, especially european ones and the united states, and unfortunately, they proved himself again,
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didn't show you what was it not trust you are about all the play politics. i'm tell lots showing the a pro part of the line. so it's head goes, washington is at the top, didn't put mind giving a science hearing because it us plan to deliver a, it's a god that ends up in fayetteville. on the falls of the prism i call and headed to the pacific by the tennessee of new caledonia to dress in wage protests of the plans and latest, then boats in, right. but just as from scratch down on the tip top. well, the rest, the almost the, to the, well, this is all to this good type your company today. my name's mazda. the files have
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gathered intact, wrong to move. busy rainy and present, re see and other senior officials who died and i had to go up to class on sunday. it right instead of paying me to leave her. many have laid a prayer full little bit since in the field for assessing takes place in the reading, capital crowds have typed into most to pray for the victims of the faithful. heading up the question, the body of reading and form is made up. the light is to be lazy to rest into officials, form mold in 14 countries on taking part in the, you know, events. they include a russian delegation headed by this week of the lower house of parliament. many writers also pay their respects to the deceased officials in the main just said to you, come hurry, sites foot share, most of the buddies will tell you, cause a number of really just locations all think on the use of jelly has the story. a
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thousands of foreigners are gathered to auto receives, present him as a transformative figure, whose tear the nation away from a looming economic collapse by wesley shifting. you're off for a policy towards an eastern, focused approach in western town to isolate the country on the world stage. following the shocking incident on sunday afternoon, everyone has declared a 5 day period of national morning starting on tuesday to express review over the tragedy. several other countries like docusigns, india, it was serial and future concern of also, i know solid ality with their own words. irving, at least one day of national warning being turned government have designated was they as a national holiday to allow people to attend the funeral. after all, the wednesday ceremonies of on the president's body will then be laid to rest in mashhad. his own town on the location of a mama results wholly shied,
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were received long as the custodians to somebody and my child is expected to go a substantial crowd as a forces citizens on the form of president. meanwhile, 1st vice president mohammed must bear, has been approved by the supreme leader as um, as of course the president to assume responsibility of course now was forms of the transition process. my friend alone would upon them and speaker on just to see how the inaugural meeting with the guardian council during the meeting. been hours the timeline for the upcoming presidential election scheduled for june 28th. for now, we still don't know what wrong president everything has to proceed in a very tight timeline of just 50 days, but anyone who will eventually succeed way so you will have a heavy burden on his shoulder. some of them are a tile original. the next time,
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especially when it comes to the countries and dition to move towards the economic resilience as to one, strives to shield itself from the harsher thoughts of sanctions. by forging strategic alliances with the eastern hemisphere, a daunting task for a fuse of mental successor, and a key aspiration of a significant portion of it was population including those attending this funeral. is this on that? so i'm not just sitting there on a day morning is minimize the cost india and. busy official entertainment of its canceled and flags flown and half off throughout the country. there's over space. india is vice president isn't switched to fly since that ron to attend the funeral locals in india express. the solidarity with the ron and shed in the collective sadness loves it. then is a while that you will already have good relations with the run entering the future
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. all relations should get much better. we should be taking care of each other. this is a time of morning for us, especially in this time of greece. we are always with a rod and guess of the business that we have good business relations, so we have the wrong. it is our duty. our country believes in unity. this is i will call to think and care about other nations as well. was important. our governments, when they announced one day of morning and lowering deflects to health most. this is a good thing. we should always be united with our neighboring countries. yeah. yeah . well, actually, just around the world express condolences other races, death us up, the hills did not miss the opportunity to attract the earring government. they even went as far as to say the world is better now. racy is that the secretary is the world better today. now that right you see is dead given the a horrible accident gauged in both as
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a judge and as president to the stand he can no longer gauge with them. yes that you are. i mean people are probably better off. would you agree that it is utterly disgraceful for the united nations to be mourning the death of the butcher of a wrong were certainly that morning? his death, as i said, we would do is reduce the price. well, for the u. n. to be um, i'll look at what they've done. we certainly would not do that. let's say things i turned into a you paula member, the brussels last styles, the bronx, a, the crisis management commissioner for offered to help wrong with it. search operation in on sunday a pony, ronnie, and request for assistance we are activating the use, copernicus, e m. s. rapid response mapping service in view of to the helicopter accident, reportedly carrying the president of iran and its foreign minister lea, ronnie, and presents helicopter dis, out over a mountain range near airlines, florida, with azerbaijan and the commissioner for humanitarian aid. and crisis management
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decides he's kind of his backed venture and finally gets his time up to back. you might be asking who this guy is. well, when he does anything, it's usually just riding shotgun with chief diplomat. joseph pero, most recently on the humanitarian crisis in gas. uh but right after this crash with just about the only thing coming from the garden being crickets, he sees it as him, his time to shine by responding to it runs requests for help. seems like a no brainer, right? kind of benign. he's like, hey, i'm a humanitarian crisis guy and a plane crash is last. i checked a humanitarian crisis. hash tags. the use holland theory. what's there in lives is error. suddenly, a whole lot of european officials were triggered. i am shocked that yon as leonard keeps posted the message on behalf of the you proposing to activate you solidarity to save the uranium president. was this truly our priority solidarity with who,
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the killer or the victims? how about insuring human rights defend as an other victims of this regime in need of assistance get emergency visas for e, you almost support the civil society and human rights organizations as an expression of a you solidarity with iran? it is an absolute mystery to me how the commission can show you, solid garrity with iran. what a miserable hash tag, what a mockery of the brave fight has for human rights in a ron. i expect an explanation for this. god love that one there. when you solid arity should really be reserved for the use civil society regime change partners in iran. not that road leader who's playing just went down. what is this the real house wives of brussels, the way to whining? you think that this you crisis and humanitarian commissioner had invited the rodney and president and his entourage to an e. u garden party and their noses were out of joined about it. not that he was
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trying to maybe help save some lives in a plane crash, which by the way, there were 8 on that helicopter, not just the president of iran. anyway, he ended up having just spell it all out for them like they were toddlers. the provision of a copernicus, m s. satellite mapping upon request for facilitating a search and rescue operation is not an active political support to any regime or establishment. it is simply an expression of the most basic humanity. the most basic humanity comes after narrative and virtue signalling with these jokers, it's likely for god for a 2nd, which clown 10, he's hanging out in and figure that basic common sense would fly. where's cleaners? who have fonder lines? royal proclamation are all this by the way, she's been strangely silent for once. you're being council president shopping to shed express his condolences over the death of rodney and foreign minister in the same price and caught black online for that too. but perhaps the award for best
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virtue signaling in an aviation disaster goes to the list of waiting in for administer, who somehow managed to make it all about ukraine, saying, quote, i don't feel comfortable sending condolence as well. iran is sending drones that are used against civilians and ukraine. yes, he did feel comfortable saying something that called death aloud inside the giant you planted. the western countries, stars on a race is death. have come under strong criticism by writings and say the us and to the you cannot be trusted. oh, as ever since we can remember that has been a do have that seen american and european countries. and unfortunately this happened to again, and this incident to, and from the very all of that, i heard the news. i had no confidence in groups, media and what the run and people who never had trusted. the western countries, especially european ones and the united states. and unfortunately,
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they proved themselves, again, that's on hot, and certainly anyone who opposes the arabian revolution is really against anyone who wants to help it because he considers helping the revolution is helping its goals and helping the resistance in meantime. well, that the person who is against the revolution is against religion, against resistance, against islam, and is really against anyone who wants to help. it is very natural that the enemy is always against us. the total hall, i assure you the conspiracy some mischief from the west and europe, and israel, an internal traitors, and hypocrites, and then filled traitors. lots of the march of this noble march and present, right? you see that we should not trust you are, but all the play politics and tell lives there was a put, let's go. this is expected to remain stable. funding rates is death, as this is no, the 1st time the countries last a high ranking official. however, it will certainly be a stress test for the government, for more information about the tragedy. and what lies i had it wrong because there
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are websites odyssey called the to the now and the human situation is the here waiting for the you and say, the food distribution in the southern said the rough has been suspended. and why? because of the lack of supplies and security due to this is well expanding and feed operation or yeah, so it's what's inside a, the base from a us simple to don't hang area and gaza. the sees in recent days about $600.00 tons of supplies. i believe they've been sent to the temporary pier. this is 2 days of it. so for a probation was grilled by angel and i say printed on rep with a to confirm the deliveries will holton a might accurate to say a 0 has been delivered to the people. if there is a sofa,
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you'd have to check with the world to program. i know that aid is getting in, but it's not accurate that no aid has been delivered. you know, we've been doing air drops. we've been helping to facilitate aid coming over the rank land crossings, but the causeway has been able to get over 569 metric tons of 8 into gaza for on we're delivery. so yes, very shortly. i think you'll see age starting to be delivered that has been delivered right today. as of today, i do not believe so. okay. why they sometimes sign, david garza may end up in faded washington, dudley defense. it's close ally as well. but us diplomats have found themselves under pressure from the public for supporting israel's assault on glosser. recently, i'd say if it was hi cool, why approved policy? an activist who called him a murder during a hearing in the sentence, showing the
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put who alice done, filmmaker, soul and stone says the faces was, it did not match its deeds regarding aid for god's the people are seeing that says it's all this. talk of the well, you know, we're going to say israel's, you know, has a red line here or there, and then we just blow right through it and realize that it's, it's a, you know, clear in the united states as on his real side of this war they talked about humanitarian aid to going to guys that we don't really see how the united states is helping in that regard. i mean, they talked about building import. you've got, you know, you've got issues with getting food to people. that was, the main issue that i see was bringing up is that people are being star,
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but essentially civilians are being targeted. and united states doesn't seem pretty quickly to care besides a few words of things to match here in crisis. but nothing that by and has done despite his is words as shown, consideration for the people that are being that are suffering. i mean, as for by now to pacific, i'm tired of a new kind of don't you? when bottom protests have full french nationals and so as to evacuate prison, my client is heading to the region to address the demonstrations well, so around $300.00, the australia is on company waiting to evacuate. while many of those have been ready for the items, a state of emergency has been declared by powers in new caledonia of the trash is left at least 6 people that the unrest erupted off to paris tried to impose a new law. busy the could give up to 25000 non indigenous residents voting rights on the frame to ireland. ah, the name of the shop has the details. mccoy's now heading to new caledonia and
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that's mid the worst unrest. the territory has seen in over 30 years. i mean, probably this is in hopes to calm the situation down, but there's also been reports that the hundreds more of security personnel will be sent to reinforcements will be joining reinforcements on the ground. so just to remind you a little bit of what happened essentially here for us is launching this a major operation and you call it donia. amid the protests the rep to the little over a week ago, turn in violence. now the reason those protest, steve interrupted, was because science is trying to push this new reform onto the territory. and of course, the indigenous kind of people are unhappy with the new constitutional reform, which essentially would give the right to the new people that moved to new calling during the after 1998 the right to vote in the local elections. indigenous people
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here, they argue that this essentially would give power to france, settlers, and instead the indigenous people will not have their say in their own politics. and mind you that the indigenous people in the territory make a 40 percent of the population. almost. we won't give up until they withdraw the text they're about to vote on. no, we won't give up. even if we have to die for it will stay here on the road blocks. please be able to talk about being out of breath and all that we will have to press . we're waiting for this text to be withdrawing because it means the illumination of the connect people were already in the minority. if they get this text through congress invest, sorry, we're screwed, that's what they don't understand over that. we're already a minority at home. now you can hear that people are quite unsatisfied and unhappy . new caledonia remains largely under french control. and it is one of the very few territories like that. in the postcolonial era, it was granted some autonomy in 1998, but before 1998,
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the locals have some still some vote and restrictions on this on the phone says, bonds take talk across the entire territory. they choose it as being used to install violence so that there's no evidence that's being brought forward to prove that. and that also makes a far as the 1st country in europe to blog a take talk. so just talk us through this decision. yeah, this is quite interesting because france has this national moto of liberty equality fraternity. i mean, they're known to stand for freedom of speech up until now where they're buying the tip top of social media. this is the 1st in the you. and although they didn't really give much details, the surely looks like they're trying to maybe silence protesters. i am leaving the summary hearing before the council of state following the government's decision to band tick tock in new caledonia. what is happening right now is unprecedented. no country in europe has ever band tick tock and government officials have provided no
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evidence to show the networks linked to the violence. only one argument. young people use this network. the government considered them guilty by definition because of their age. we are facing an extremely serious liver to sidle drift. now new caledonia is home to 270000 people and it has been kaos in the past sweep. and unfortunately, that also means that the unrest led to casualties. 6 people are or to leave dead hundreds, our insured 400 businesses and stores were damaged and over 200 people were also arrested. and as the unrest horses, we have new zealand and australia who are sending out their military planes to eventually evacuate their nationals back home. and presidents for older french overseas territory is also came out urging the french government to drop the report . they're arguing here that only a political response can stop the violence attorney affinity. the believes
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that you f as to prevent people from expressing the news, destroyed the very values which modern europe was built. i don't think you will be . i came on the, you read the very well that way, come by the in defend that this context. maybe the you will be, would come by there. look, at least that's not by the uprising. the people, the heart of your opinion on that it's human rights and dates of freedom of speech or move on the etc. and we saw that's wherever a shot the band rush. i mean yeah. if i'm, if you're a pin, you know, it's not officially in was or a shot. i'm to start the use these kind of a mid thought they come up for meeting the freedom of speech. so i think it's a heavy problem on there is without risk of this issue that what we are
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looking in, you can is on that comes appraisal all over the overseas territory. has a big gun. the 1st stage of drills simulating the launch of the type who knew for the weapons, though that's according to the defense of instead of drills on the ground, include loading is scan that. i'm getting a job, a ballistic missiles that will be deployed to specific sites. in addition, the russian apples is put forward in the skies with nuclear. just according to most, the purpose of the exercises is to keep mid few forces for pads, for the potential deployment of the nation's nuclear, the so it's solely for national defense now, according to a spokesman for all the equipment new credit present, the life he has gone into full frenzy ad is pleading with the west. so suppose is for additional strikes on russian soil while you're playing. so this continue to
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withdrawal in the know these, then let's take a listen to that as his interview with the new york times for one of the more recent instances i oscar kind of with 1st should down from the territory of a native country from the territory of our neighbors, the me, south wind tours our adage of facilities without crossing into ukraine's aerospace . technically all of this as possible. let's take the 1st practical step, should down watson, this guy over ukraine, and give us the weapons to use against russian forces on the borders. that we kinda eventually get 7 patrick systems from nato countries. 7, do you think it is too much for the need on a verse or the summit in washington for a country that has been trying to become a native member since 2008 of this old cause as the 5 did. so all the inquiring president, and as soon as he ran for office in 2019,
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he promised to end the war in dunbar. but it failed to deliver on the promise when russell began and some of this operation in february 2022 nice people, including under marshal cave, says, but elections con happened while the as a will because of how the law is interpreted. so as he says that because of loss or role his time in office hasn't really ended. you've given no indication all when he was formerly seek for the next you know, there by calling charlotte demantzy, discuss the topic was the problem of guess? i think it is very troubling. um, you know, and here his defense may be, well, we have a war going on. so i just suspend me while i was in election observer as are know was as well um, in the new regions where there's war going on. russia held elections for president,
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even though the war was going on in those new regions as always, the, they have been elected using the processes. but of the matter that he has executed is mandy piece. has been anything other than this is a man who sold out his nation to the interest of his people to of that of the collective less is allowed in this country to become foxy of nato. he knows that he was elected on the platform, which was to make peace. uh, you know, to bring peace into his country and to play the court of appeals months so that the country couldn't move forward. and in that sense, he's been just too much. she was on the mind from the moment. uh the trade or he acted in bad faith in implementing the means record, towing this country into disarray, leading to uh, an awful, the store month 6 of
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a 1000. no. their youngest and finest young man. essentially we've seen from zalinski, but he's got no time for any democratic institutions in ukraine. we've had the binding of opposition policies, the binding of media. we've, how'd you expect to let the skis weston allies to keep justifying all of that? when they say he's fighting for democracy, i don't think the west will even try to justify what they're doing and they'll just continue to use platitudes about freedom and democracy and that that, that's what zalinski represents. it's all don't do what we do, do what we say. yeah, that's the western point of view. both zalinski and his western supporters appear to be, at least in terms of their public pronouncements trapped in a fantasy world that is eerily reminiscent of that which existed in hitler's bunker at the during the fall of berlin,
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where adolph hitler was seeking to move non existence armies around the map in order to achieve some sort of miraculous victory. i guess the advancing soviet army and the same phenomena. a key appears to be happy to shift today. where are you creating leadership, civil and military, are hoping for some sort of miracle. the only reason the remains in place is that the americans having an election on their own and as far as the incumbent, the destruction is concerned, they must do the utmost is to somehow maintain a uh, an illusion that the everything is okay. and they don't want to rob the boat and this could hurt, you know, draw a bite in for his re election be. so that's only the only reason that i can see as to why the americans, for the time being at least are backing this unconstitutional situation. things might change after november or us november's election of
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america and a private estate contractor blackwell. this is an less sensible, sent to train, is not going to change the outcome. so keep it made by a statement of the rates of interview with the top of costs, and we've got a lot of the much more analysis on the compet covered on all websites of seat going be so that check that out and we'll be back let's, i'll do the out the a, the same rom just don't have to shape house because the after and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground,
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the the, the other you live on up what sky o'neill slow was the when you talk with bob, bob got them for the, for the book. the job, by the way, if of the money for the theater, if i've who do i have to move it to that but he just gets the attendance like the assessor with really a couple i get those go for need a lot more to the door. so familiar with that, but yeah, i don't know for sure,
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but just an area that making some idea and then we can see it on there with which assessment when you put in your article here, that'd be the of the well, interestingly enough that was one of the most valuable things that i wanted to do was question, shall we say these ukrainian prisoners because i wanted to get inside their minds. i wanted to disentangle the strings that tied them up in knots that enabled and animated their actions. what was their decision making process? what were their biases, their prejudices? what was their psychological profile? i wanted to study them in very deep detailed ways. i am that american, and i see army officer and i've come to ukraine to try and understand it.


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