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tv   News  RT  May 22, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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going underground can the is java and said that the, the final farewells of the, to the present a vi embrace. so you can see here and live big just come into now and all the killed in sundays and have you called the class given the horrible acts that he engaged in both as a judge and as president to the stand. you can no longer gauge with them. yes, the iranian people are probably better off us in the hills. a lot of times the games this season to run in front of a sudden even say that now the world is better off, but on as much strong criticism by the people around the todds how most of the running people never have trusted. the western countries, especially european once and the united states, and unfortunately,
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they proved themselves again in shy here, which is not trust you are about all the play politics. i'm tell lies. the profile to tech, who was the us plan to deliver a garza and the innovative process present. michael and i'd say to the pacific i'm tired of newtown, done. and to addressing rates princesses of the plans, the man, and then go to white boxes from the bottoms list. i've seen that to that tip top to close look what the of i will welcome to you from the entire all the international news team. we're coming to live from us, but let's take a look at which also is this out. sponsor of crowds have gathered in the wrong to
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mourn it raining present macy and other senior officials who died in the hay cups of clash on a sunday. i was on my shoulder hayes and see live. let me just come and see now now they radiated supremely that i live kindly and it has a light of class for the highest latency known to assess and takes place in the reading capital crowds have is a loss to pray for the vintage on the face. so have you come to class? the body of rain in 4 minutes i meant july. heard is to be late to us instead of on official from dozens of countries, all taking part in the funeral. and i'd say include a russian delegation headed by this, think of the law house of parliament. it is a summer time, not just in a ron. a day morning has been observed across india with old official entertainment events, tensile and flags flown. i'd hop moss throughout the country. this reflected is by
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far as it is expected to flies itself, um to attend the locals in india, express the solar there and see was wrong and said it connect to sudden this little water then is a well that you will already have good relations with the run and in the future, all relations should get much better. we should be taking care of each other. this is a time of morning for us, especially in these time agrees. we are always with a run on guess on the business or we have good business relations, so we have the wrong. it is our duty. our country believes in unity. this is i will call it you to think on care about all the nations as well was important our government, when they announced one day of morning and lowering deflector health most, this is a good thing. we should always be united with our neighboring countries. yeah. yeah, mazda, well, national use around to load, express condolences over races, death us places did not see. i'll put certainly suits of facts. they raining go
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a little way as far as to say the world is better now, but racy is there. the secretary is the world better today now that racy is dead given the horrible acts that he engaged in both as a judge and his president to the stand you can no longer gauge with them. yes, iranian people are probably better off. would you agree that it is utterly disgraceful for the united nations to be mourning? the death of the butcher of tehran were certainly that morning. his death, as i said, we were just read it was the price will for the you in to be and i'll, i'll, i'll look at what they've done. we certainly would not do that smell off the seems to be pulling over this port to on $812.00 p u, a visual for the band class among all of the members in brussels of the he's suggesting helping in law, i'm fine. the president having come to when it was missing a pony, ronnie, and request for assistance we are activating the use, copernicus,
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e m. s rapid response mapping service in view of to the helicopter accident, reportedly carrying the president of iran and its foreign minister lea ronnie, in presence helicopter dis, out over a mountain range near airlines puerto with azerbaijan and the commissioner for humanitarian aid. and crisis management decides he's kind of his back venture, who finally gets his time up to that. he might be asking who this guy is. well, when he does anything, it's usually just riding shotgun with chief diplomat. joseph pero, most recently on the humanitarian crisis in gas. uh, but right after this crash with just about the only thing coming from the garden being crickets, he sees it as him, his time to shine by responding to a rise request for help. seems like a no brainer, right? kind of benign. he's like, hey, i'm making monitoring crisis guy and a plane crash is last. i checked the humanitarian crisis. hash tags,
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the use followed there already was. there in lives is error. suddenly a whole lot of european officials were triggered. it is an absolute mystery to me. how the u commission can show you solid garrity with iran. what a miserable hash tag! what a mockery of the brave fight has for human rights in a ron? i expect an explanation for this. i am shocked that yon as leonard keeps posted the message on behalf of the you proposing to activate you solidarity to save the uranium president. was this truly our priority solidarity with who, the killer or the victims? how about insuring human rights defend as an other victims of this regime in need of assistance get emergency visas for e, you almost support the civil society and human rights organizations as an expression of a you solidarity with iran? god love that one there. when you solid arity should really be reserved for the use
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civil society regime change partners in iran. not that road leader who's playing just went down. what is this the real house wives of brussels, the way to whining? you think that this you crisis and humanitarian commissioner had invited the rodney in president and his entourage to an e. u garden party and their noses were out of joined about it. not that he was trying to maybe help to save some lives in a plane crash, which by the way, there were 8 on that helicopter, not just the president of ron. anyway, he ended up having just spell it all out for them like they were toddlers. the provision of a copernicus, m s. satellite mapping upon request for facilitating a search and rescue operation is not an active political support to any regime or establishment. it is simply an expression of the most basic humanity. the most basic humanity comes after narrative and virtue signalling with these jokers. it's like these are gone for a 2nd which clown 10,
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please hang out in and figure that basic common sense would fly. worst cleaners who have underlines royal proclamation. are all this by the way, she's been strangely silent for once. you're being council president shopping reset . express his condolences over the death of her. i mean foreign minister in the same crash and caught black online for that too. but perhaps the award for best virtue, signaling in an aviation disaster goes to the lift, the weight in for administer, who somehow managed to make it all about ukraine, saying, quote, i don't feel comfortable sending condolence as well. iran is sending drones that are used against civilians and ukraine. yes, he did feel comfortable saying something that told death aloud inside the giant you planted. as far as that goes is stars on race is death has come on. the song quizzes in by ray is it say the us and the you cannot because
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of the ever seen. so we can remember there has been a do have that seen american and european countries. and unfortunately, this happens again in this incident to and from the very all of that, i heard these news. i had no confidence in groups, media and what the run and people who never had trusted, the western countries, especially european ones and the united states. and unfortunately, they proved themselves, again, that's on hot, and certainly anyone who opposes the arabian revolution is really against anyone who wants to help it because he considers helping the revolution is helping its goals and helping the resistance and the anti. well, the person who is against the revolution is against religion, against resistance, against islam, and is really against anyone who wants to help. it is very natural that the enemy is always against us. a hotel hall, i assure you the conspiracy some mischief from the west and europe and israel, an internal traitors, and hypocrites, and then filled traitors. the march of this noble monta presidents, right?
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you see that we should not trust you are, but all they play politics and tell lives we're doing now by all to class. so the mosse, the i boss here, he's in reporting live from the funeral association in the writing capital, the se, condolences he's all this through this several money the on the move, the,
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the, the
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very loud place. indeed that when i leave it, that thanks for joining us. when we get back to the next hour. the arrows, a political system is expected to remain stable following ways in depth. as this is know that the side of the country is lost or the high ranking official. however up, it will certainly be assessed to pull the government for more information about the tragedy. and what lies i had put on visit our website policy dot com, the to the now the situation is the sit raising with the you and saying the food distribution in the service of the rasa hasn't been suspended. and why?
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because of a lack of supplies and as a courtesy due to is, was expanding, let's see operation u. s i just was and said, ain deliveries from the us of old in docking area in gaza. has see see recently there is about 600 tons of supplies, i believe to have been sent to the temporary peer the 1st 2 days of the operation. when grilled by a john this a bunch of other representative confirmed the deliveries was halted, a might accurate to say a 0 has been delivered to the people of guys a sofa. you'd have to check with the world food program. i know that aid is getting in, but it's not accurate that no aid has been delivered. you know, we've been doing air drops. we've been helping to facilitate aid coming over the ran plan crossings. but the causeway has been able to get over 569 metric tons of 8 into gaza for on we're delivery. so yes, very shortly. i think you'll see aid starting to be delivered that has been
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delivered right today. as of today, i do not believe so. okay. lot is an attempt to send agents. a garza may end in staying in washington, adam and the defend. it's closed. i live as well, but yes, diplomats have found themselves under pressure from the public for supporting as well as a soap on gaza. recently, i'd say been can was heck of why pro policy and answer this call him a murderer. doing a hearing in the sense showing the good lies i'm still making so also says the body of the ministers is, would do not much is deeds regarding 8 for garza. unfortunately,
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he still hasn't, you know, the president united states, but he's not hard looking very strong in terms of what, you know, how he's reacted so far. as people pointed out, he was suggesting that the united states would stop supporting israel and everything that they go into rafa. and then he basically gives a $1000000000.00 of, of arms and sense of, you know, billions of dollars of arms they to israel. and so it's like people are seeing that it's all this, talk them, well, you know, we're going to say israel's, you know, has a red line here or there. and then we just blow right through it and realize that it's, it's uh, you know, clear that the united states has on israel site and this war, they've talked about 2 minutes here in a to go into guys that we don't really see how the united states is helping in that regard. i mean, they talked about building support. you've got, you know, you've got issues with getting food to people. that was the main issue that i see was bringing up is that people are being starved. essentially civilians are being targeted and united states doesn't seem pretty quickly to care besides
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a few words of things to match or in crisis, but nothing that by and has done despite his, his words has shown consideration for the people that are being that are suffering . i mean, as for 3, west to nations, a set to recognize post, i'm as an independent state, this is a by ireland no way i'm saying is to officially come into effect and next week as well, or is a method, is it means it'll be a form as well, i know way off to the news in the it's also on my number of a civil action against, by the, by to pacific island, tennessee of new calvin. don't you? well, bottom protests of fullest french nationals and so is to evacuate. present mike. one is heading to the region to address the demonstrations. also around 300 afraid is all currently waiting to evacuate on many others and what he said,
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the islands instead of emergency is being declined by powers in new kind of don't. yeah. off the trash is left that nice, 6 people that the rest are up to the office in paris twice in full, a new but could give up to 25000 non indigenous red residents voting rights on the fragile items of the french council of state has gone to the additional 24 hours to the government to justify as buying on tick told in new kind of doing it as well as to provide evidence that the social network played a kind of actual role in the riots. frogs by the tick tock in his overseas terrace. in an effort to quote the unrest i'd say correspondent, mainly asia as the story. liberty equality fraternity, an outstanding model for
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a nation. unless you are trying to go against the official line, am in the interest in new caledonia, the french government has officially bad the social media at the tip top and it's overseas territory. the 1st 5 ministers announcements came a week before as part of state of emergency measures alongside the deployment of troops. and while the band is still in place, the french government is now facing legal challenges over the move. i am leaving the summary hearing before the council of state following the government's decision to band tick tock in new caledonia. what is happening right now is unprecedented. no country in europe has ever band tick tock and government officials have provided no evidence to show the networks linked to the violence. only one argument young people use this network. the government considered them guilty by definition because of their age. we are facing an extremely serious liver to sidle drift. this bad was made possible by new kind of donio state, run, postal and telecommunication service. and what made things even easier is the fact
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that only one mobile phone operator exists in the territory. but is it legitimate, is it legal? why is talk being targeted according to french authorities? this was necessary. why? well, simply because the app was being used by those opposing the rules pushed on them from paris, picked up called the move regrettable. while some french officials claim paris has no legitimacy to band the social media platform. i was present this morning at the summary hearing before the concert of state on the decision of french government to suspend the social network take told. and you kind of don't, you, the arguments developed at the, here in by the government is still nation. no evidence is produced to legitimize the use of the band. no connection is demonstrated between the use of take talk and the violence. this is a guilty indulgence in the use of custodial in mattress with you go by analysis and
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thomas portez at the hearing of the council of state on the suspension of take talk in new caledonia. this measure is not legitimate and the government is floundering to justify yet another attack on freedoms in the context of colonial repression. it's not surprising that my calls administration will come to such a measure though. let's remember that the french president already had a bias against social media even before the protesting new caledonia mccall want to tech guy. and so the lead content with protests on 1st soiled back in 2023. with some suggest in french president found escaped vote for on c as in riots that we saw on several of them. snapshot take talk on several august, the island gatherings being organized in a sort of copycatting of violence. these i'm on the youngest leads to a sort of escape from reality, and we sometimes have the feeling that some of them are leaving the streets of the video games that haven't bucks a to them. i assume this platforms to be responsible. it's a similar story repeating itself,
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put the blame on social media or people put the blame on anyone going to get us through political decisions. that's the easy way out. but this is interesting. there is a pattern with western governments here. now, so long ago the united states was pushing to advance tip top. why? because of too much content about gaza. that needs to be an immediate investigation into allegations that tech talk has an anti semitic work environment. china and take talk has been pushing anti semitic and see israel and the american and pro have mass content take talk is a propaganda machine to the influence of americans. the less often discussed is take todd's power to radically distort the world picture that america's young people encounter israel's on folding. war with a moss is a crucial test case. according to one poll, 51 percent of americans between the ages of 18 and 24. believe that how mazda is murder of civilians was justified a statistic,
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notably different from other age cohorts. analysts have attributed this disparity to the ubiquity of anti israel content on tick tock. we're most young internet users get their information about the world. take talk is a tool china uses to spread propaganda to americans. now it's being used to downplay how much terrorism tick tock needs to be shut down now. but again, there's always a catch because the main supporters of that bad were also among the largest recipients of donations from the pro israel lobbying group a pack. so anything that does not fit into what they want to promote, they strongly oppose that gaza done buys new caledonia. but if it's something that promotes their interest, they will make sure you hear about a day and night. let's say b r a spring, for example. when a google executive got bored and decided to use facebook to start a revolution in egypt, if you want to liberate a society, all you need is the internet. i was wrong, as i said,
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those words back in 2011 when a facebook page by anonymously created help spark that just under of illusion. so this man did admit that thanks to facebook, a revolution took place. did anyone care to bad or investigate facebook, or even the man behind the craft himself or the country? actually, he was invited to talk shows that somehow when he comes to what's happening in new caledonia, it's a different story. one of the main social media apps for people to share what is going on with one another was taken away from them. the freedom of speech, of those indigenous people fighting to be seen and treated as equal to the 1st settlers in their own land seems to not matter as much the famous liberty equality, fraternity, france slogan, see this to exist if it's not in line with the states narrative or attorney freely . they do believe that you f as to prevent people from expressing the views,
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destroy the very values. always modern europe was built. i don't think you will be a i came on the you would be a very well that way. come by the end, they found that this context, maybe the you will be, would come by the lake, at least that's not by the uprising. the people, the heart of your opinion. it's human rights and dates of freedom of speech or move on the exit there. and we resort, that's wherever a shot the band rush. i mean, yeah. if i'm, if you're your pin number is not officially in war. was there a shot? i'm to find the use these kind of a method. they come up from beating the freedom of speech. so i think it's a heavy problem and there is without risk of this issue that what we are looking in you can is on that comes appraisal all over the overseas territory.
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was a, has been gone the 1st day just to say that i had seen the launch a tactical nuclear weapons possibility. so the defense may see how the drills involve, is scammed and tens of but a sick me solved as well as a new, clear, capable across. well, let's go says the purpose of the exercise is to keep them in a few poses footpad for national. if i is that what small, according to a certain student from the crime, then you're going to present that as he has gone into full pregnancy and is pleading with the lessons of what is the additional strikes are rushing. and so while you can still just continue to withdrawal and then know the sounds like it isn't, so that i haven't seen the interview with the new york times. one of the more recent instances, a hi, oscar can with 1st shut down from the territory of a native country from the territory of our neighbors. the me,
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south wind tours our adage of facilities without crossing into ukraine's aerospace . technically all of this as possible. let's say the 1st practical step should down what's in the sky over ukraine, and give us the weapons to use against russian forces on the borders. that we can eventually get 7 patrick systems from nato countries. 7, do you think it is too much for the need on a verse or the summit in washington for a country that has been trying to become a native member since 2008? now this all comes as a 5 year tub of the equipment present ends wednesday. once you run for office and 29 team, he probates to and the warrant on bus. but he has failed to deliver on that promise when russia began is what i feel peroration and back in february 2022. so the landscape put you claim on the marshall rule. cave says that that alexis'. com
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happened while as a rule because of how the law is interpreted. so as he says that because of martial rule, his time and office hasn't really ended, he has given no indication of when he will for may seek re election. oh yeah, my colleague shaw dimansky discussed this very topic with a panel of guess. i think it is very troubling. um, you know, and he, his defense may be, well, we have a war going on. so i had to suspend me while i was in election observer as ardo was as well. um, in the new regions where there's war going on. russia held elections for president, even though the war was going on in those new regions is always the, they have been elected processes. but of the manner that he has executed is mandy piece. has been anything other than this is
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a man who sold out his nation to the interest of his people to of that of the collective lessons allowed in this country to become foxy of nato. he knows that he was elected on the platform, which was to make peace. uh, you know, to bring peace into his country and to play the court of appeals months so that the country couldn't move forward. and in that sense he's visiting to see was on the mind from the moment uh the trade or he acted in bad faith in implementing the means. the court calling this country into disarray, leading to uh uh awful, the store month, 600000. no, they're young guessing, finest young man. essentially we've seen from zalinski that he's got no time for any democratic institutions in ukraine. we've had the binding of real position policies, the binding of media. we've had to list saying that they're under pressure in terms
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of the sorts of things they're reporting on, that we had the cracks down of the if adults church as well in ukraine. and then now we've had this new to mobilize most ukrainian. and then this demand to have them extradited essentially from other countries where they've been seeking refuge up how you expect to let the skis weston allies to keep just defying all of that. when they say he's fighting for democracy, i don't think the west will even try to justify what they're doing and they'll just continue to use platitudes about freedom and democracy and that that, that's what zalinski represents. it's all don't do what we do, do what we say. that's the western point of view. most zalinski and his western supporters appear to be, at least in terms of their public pronouncements trapped in a fantasy world that is nearly reminiscent of that which existed in hitler's bunker
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at the during the fall of berlin, where adolph hitler was seeking to move non existence armies around the map in order to achieve some sort of miraculous victory. i guess the advancing soviet army and the same phenomena a key appears to be happening in shifted. ready where are you creating leadership, civil and military, are hoping for some sort of miracle. the only reason the remains in place is that the americans having an election on their own and as far as the incumbent, the destruction is concerned, they must do their utmost is to somehow maintain a uh, an illusion that the everything is okay. and they don't want to rob the boat and this could hurt, you know, drove by them for his re election be. so that's only the only reason that i can see as to why the americans, for the time being at least are backing this unconstitutional.


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