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tv   News  RT  May 22, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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it's going to assess what funding please do. i look at the here, that'd be the the on the rock. this here fills the air in the capital as a warranty or lid a final farewells to their life president saying they're good bye. so radians more in the last of their president after he was killed in a helicopter crash. and over the weekend, the country supreme leader delivers a funeral per, the russian forces to take full control of the town of cliche, of kind of the done yet the people's republic located close to the city of our control, much as they continue to make it better and crying, lone wolf, small scale accuses washington of pushing the narrative that no one else was involved in. last week's assassination attempts on this pullback. prime minister the
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just about 4 pm here in moscow when you're watching r t international. my name's donald courter. welcome to the program. our top story to ron has come to a standstill as thousands packed into the rainy and capital to mark the passing of the countries president who was killed along with other senior officials and a helicopter crash on sunday. the supreme leader has let a prayer for the victims. the crowds have packed into mos in toronto. pray for the victims of the crash and officials from dozens of countries are also taking part in the funeral events. the rest of the state do my speaker of it just love the logins into ron for the funeral, the prime ministers from pakistan and iraq, along with the ticket stand. presidents were also president present. archie corresponded use of julie reports from the c asunder. office for your fills, the air, and the capitals, as long as everyone here is bid a final farewell to their late president and his companions,
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which tragically lost their lives at a fatal. how much off the garage in northwest have on a sunday? thousands of mourners have gathered at the university of denver on an out on this for you to participate in. the funeral service of presidents were easy that will involve carrying the coffins all the way to the bodies square around 5 kilometers away. ahead of the ceremonial one supreme leader to la harmony, let a congregational prayer. i'd be university of the one in honor of the deceased president and his entourage, which included foreign minister, was saying, i mean after law young, there's following this funeral into one on thursday. the leads president will be put to rest in the northeastern city of mashhad, which is his home town. and the size of a mob resolves holy shrine, where, where you see once served as the custodian, because sodium of the holy shrine of
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a mom result. where you see was known for his waiver and commitment to bolstering as long as they can. amik resilience through leveraging domestic resources and diversifying toys partnerships beyond the confines of the western influence, and still a sense of self assurance in their warranty and strongly that the wants does not hold the elixir for it wants economic challenges. despite the absence of european tech companies and iran, racy inspired confidence that the country code progress using its own resources as support from like minded nations and quitting venezuela and cuba. he used to say this frequently that the world is not limited to the west. he also automated size with longstanding partners such as china and marshall something which allies perfectly with his vision of fast free, gay multiple or was order encountering western pressure aimed at isolating these
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limits for public on the world's stay. so indeed, where he sees global impact is on miss a couple which can be easily worked as in the out touring of condolences from world leaders across the world who have expressed solidarity of sympathy with one during this period of morning. we see that the un security council page review it with a minute of silence, while numerous countries declared on national days of morning and lord the flags to half mast embassies. the chairman of the state duma. refresher and pack is 75 minutes or should boss or you are expected to attend sen. memorial service later in the day to have on a monday russian president vladimir pool, he conveyed his heart fails condolences, but it was interim president. how much more bear the line up for the upcoming transitional presidential election remains on surfing,
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but vice president must bear who serves as acting president in accordance with the constitution headset, june 28th as the election day, which with candidate course registration, starting from may 30th to june 3rd, so the nation says at a pivotal juncture, now as it prepares to talk to new floors in the port for you. sierra well, leaders around the world express their condolences override these deaths, and us officials did not miss the opportunity to attack the uranium government. but even claims the world is now better off following the rise these depths. the secretary is the world better today now that racy is dead given the horrible acts that he engaged in both as a judge and his president a to the stand he can no longer gauging them. yes, the ronnie and people are probably better off. would you agree that it is utterly disgraceful for the united nations to be mourning? the death of the butcher of k row were certainly that morning. his death,
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as i said, we would do is reduce the price will for the u. n to be um, i'll look at what they've done. we certainly would not do that. on the streets of toronto radians reacted furiously to the western a response to raised these depths. the o as ever since we can remember. there has been a do, added scene, american and european countries. and unfortunately this happens again in this incident to, from the very all of that, i heard the news. i had no confidence in groups, media. what do you run and people who never have trusted, the western countries, especially european ones and the united states. and unfortunately, they proved themselves, again, that's on how to search and re, anyone who opposes the radian revolution is really against anyone who wants to help this. because he can see it is helping the revolution is helping his goals and helping the resistance in meantime. well that the person who is against the revolution is against religion and against resistance against islam. and is really against anyone who wants to help. it is very natural that the enemy is always against us. toto,
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all of us. are you the conspiracy some mischief from the west and europe, and israel, and internal traitors and hypocrites. and until traders let the march of this noble march in the presence, right, you see that we should not trust you are about all the play politics and tell lies around political system is expected to remain stable following rise. these death has this is not the 1st time that the country has lost a high ranking official. however, it will certainly be a stress test for the government, for more information about this tragedy. and what lies ahead for rand visit our website, r t dot com. the other news russian forces have regained control over the town of to shave, come near the city of our to almost getting the don yeske region. last year, the town was taken by ukrainian troops as one of the main gains of their counter offensive. at that time. the last few months have seen russian troops advancing in several areas across the front lines in the dynamic region. key of forces were
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pushed back from the regional capital, as well as around the town of shelves of yar and in may, russian forces started and offensive in the hawk of region to boost the security around the back. will go with regents after it came under repeated ukrainian showing more on the latest tiers ortiz students. we were just receive confirmation from the russian ministry of defense of the latest advances in the don't yet square public. russian troops are taking control over the settlement. of course you have this kind of a heavy price to ukrainian on forces around $1000.00 men when last of the last 24 hours. that's a total wounded and also admitted to u haul better, also has grown up in flames out these come soon off the rushing neighbor. i said, the village of, of boston, of course, this was symbolic because the only real value of the ukrainian filed counter offensive. the and it comes a time when the ukrainian government has implemented these,
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this new mobilization which was as close, many, many, to flee the country rather than face life on the front lines. which is proving very difficult for the crating anomaly at this stage of growth and haul calls, the russian freaks that are causing delays. defensive lines, like a knife through butter with very serious questions. being also, of course this is supposed to be a heavy, every $45.00. every and i, russian president vladimir putin to the side of the stage that they're on no punts and take control of hulk. of the game is ready to create a buffers and to provide some welcome relief for the people of belgrade, which is coming under a sustained and constant ukrainian. a top for strict new mobilization rules coming into force, a new crane. last week footage, spreading on social media shows empty streets across the country with people claiming that men are avoiding public places where recruitment officers are operating. in other news,
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washington is trying to control the narrative around last week's assassination, attempt to on the slow back prime minister by pushing the lone wolf story. that's the claim being made by russian intelligent services. it is notable the us and it's your penalized offices simply trying to impose the version of a loan that betrayed to dissatisfied with a decline in the level of democracy. in slovakia, according to information available to the russian for intelligent service, american government agencies already seeking to join the investigation in order to steer it in the right direction. the very goal is to exclude promotion of the topic of political terrorism in europe and the robot at potential external trace to the terrorist attack. well, to get more on this now we're joining the studio by our 2 correspondent marina costs are over. thanks for joining us. marina, some interesting stuff that russian intelligence says said, what else can you tell us about it as well? rushed as intelligence as saying that basically the success of nation that time shows bought the west will resort to when they fail to maintain their hedge. and
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monday, through civilized methods, they're calling that political terror attack against an opponents. now we know that robert said, so is one of the most pro russian politicians in europe. his re, election in 2023 was largely based on a platform of all promises to and military support to ukraine and also to veto ukraine's nato ambitions. so, and then all of a sudden, when does this, this nation that time happen? everyone jumped the gun, excuse me, for the pun. there. jumped the gun to say that basically this was definitely a loan will for a situation. what we're hearing this lone wolf narrative from western sources. but the slovak leadership has completely rejected that. what is their stance? and this is right now, they're reject that about originally when this happened or said, oh no, no, no, this is a low, involve situation. yes, it's politically motivated, but he was acting alone. and they made that conclusion without even having their information, because now we know the attack happened on wednesday,
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and they only miners to search the perpetrators home on sundays. so 2 days after the attack and why apparently there was this was due to delays and processing the arrest, the search warrant issued by the judge, the plaque middle story sauls, and use like 2 days to process a search warrant for the pro, for trade us some things sounds off here and meanwhile, by the time they've gone to his house, guess what happened somehow on his own line history on his computer was a race he was at home, his wife, so she didn't do it. so who did it? let's just move to the solution today. what do you mean? maybe 2 hours after the crime scene? someone deleted the perpetrators, entire history of communication on facebook, and it wasn't deleted by him. even his wife didn't do it or you just told me i could also, stacy, there's been some assistance here and covering his the suspects tracks. it means that the policy act suit for the benefit of the suspect plus there are other clues that say that the facts have wednesdays, the tech. they've been discussing. why the circle board of this is shocking that i
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showed is good to know when they were asked the decisive and this turn, that it's a prime minister. how this was allowed to happen. why did it take 2 days? they say they can comments on the situation. there are 2 points in the finger of someone else and all you need to ask the police all you need to ask the judge what happened? so it's really, it's very strange and also to add to that the general prosecutor has said that he doesn't stuff basically that we'll be looking at re qualifying this as a terrorist act. once they gather all the information, which is what they should have done, gather all the information 1st and then say whether it was, it was not alone, little situation. this is what's really bizarre in this situation. what about gary and presidents come out with a statement saying that the media is to blame for what happened in slovakia? can you take us through the sort of argument that's emerged along these lines? yeah, absolutely. a lot of i fits those allies mainly in particular, we're focusing on what was happening in the media in the country and in general in europe. this hate rhetoric,
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but the bulgarian presidents spelt it out quite clearly. he's that, it's unacceptable to continue push on this narrative that the only solution to the conflict and ukraine is to continue the war until russia is defeated. he says, 1st of all, as to, you know, that's not going to happen. and 2nd of all, it's impossible. and 2nd of all, if you continue pushing that narrative, then of course this will lead to more hate. let's listen. the attempted assassination of european prime minister by radicalized fanatic because of his support for peace indicates this ingrained intolerance of defense and hatred. many politicians parties and media have contributed to this by portraying every differing voice as pro russian, which is extremely unfair and leads to these negative consequences. so well over its level of care, the parliament has now resumed its activities on tuesday. and actually they started by approval and the government led a resolution condemning the attack of course,
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and also calling on several organizations and media in the country can to continue promoting hates. and this hates a rhetoric, so we'll see what will happen. but also they're continuing his policies, basically they're saying that they're moving forward and working in the direction that was said by robert feed. so. so the master plan behind the soul has the, the well, definitely some interesting new information that service then likely we're going to see some more of that. so radical serve up thanks a lot for joining us in the program. the butcher and war criminal. those were the labels being hurled at the us secretary of state by pro palestinian protestors. anthony blinking was reportedly interrupted as he was giving a speech in congress the
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distinguished citizens. when do the 3 wes for nations are now set to recognize palestine as an independent state. the decision was made by ireland, norway, and spain. and it will officially to come into effect next week. a simple listing salt off listing and state is obliged in line with the international law to live in peace within secure dimension. they recognize borders and to comply with all relevant to you and resolutions. i'm confident that further countries will join us and taking this important step in the coming weeks. this is the starting and important stay for arden's and for palestine. says find the time hasn't come to
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move from words to action, to tell the millions of innocence suffering, palestinians, the we're with them that there is hope. not more than 140 you in states have recognized that was fine since 1988, which is already most of the world on wednesday. 3 more countries, spain 1st followed by no way an island, have joined the chorus, frustrated at the lack of peace progress, and hoping to send the symbolic message of supports to publish students by this move and also try to boost political changes, but will eventually hopefully they believe bring an end to israel's definitely war and guys of that some describe as genocide as well started it smells reparation. and the power his student enclaves, back in october or has a response to have masses attack on southern his rarely communities when hundreds were mowed, hadn't taken hostage claiming the goal is to destroy the mass that has been rolling
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this troops since 2006. what's the, almost a month long war claimed more than $35000.00 palestinian lives already. and that made many am on the global community concerns and question. israel's approach more and more rarely for palestine, while israel, it's friday, the south isolated the decision of islands, no way and spade will take into 4 starting may 28th. although the 3 countries made is clear, the move is not against israel, but rather for peace and political settlement is really reactive furious, save the countries foreign minister, old as these really ambassadors to also in dublin to immediately return to israel. here's his statement, ireland and norway intend to send a message to the palestinians in the whole world today. terrorism pays. after the terrorist organization, homos carried out the largest massacre of jew since the holocaust. after it committed the most terrific sex crimes the world has seen. these countries chose to
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give a reward to him, mos in iran, and recognize a palestinian state. as rarely foreign minister also warns that's the has the stab, will have serious consequences on the relationship between the states. without mentioning the what measures could be taken and for administer, he's far from the only really politician, of course, expressing his disdain was the decision, healthy european states. israel's finance minister, known for his extreme rights when position and open the end to palestinian views, sent a letter to foreign minister the 10 year old in london. inappropriate respons offer it as an option to authorize the construction of $10000.00 new units in the jewish settlements. across the west bank always being some are or this is how he's ro, calls this area a small ethridge also or extension yahoo to stop collecting and transferring taxes to the palestinian authority to cancel all privileges for palestinian vi piece. when it comes to crossing into israel. and the outside world and impose sanctions
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on them instead. also we hear that these really defense minister now gave some instructions to allow israelis to enter an area in the north of the west bank way towards the basement for them to cross since 2005. and that means we might see jewish outposts and supplements in that area to in the coming future. the idea behind the recognition is been gradual establishment of a palestinian state under the shape of the palestinian authority. and that move is rejected by israel and no surprise. the news was taking negatively some politicians, including from the ruling call. this is a full time believe only and one state solution is rose national security to administer even said recently that he wants to move to guys on top of the war. and when israel will have a full control over the street we populated by doorstep. there is like himself here's what's ben green had to say. what do you mean by jewish settlement?
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should we go back to the settlements? we left during the disengagement. not only it's possible to let many more people in . and if there is immigration and hundreds of thousands of leaving, you can bring more and more people in and you will be the 1st to go and live there to encourage jews to settle there. i will be very happy to live in gaza. will you do this if there is an opportunity? of course, why not? the news was certainly welcome to by palestinian officials. president a boss has said he appreciated the efforts made by no rate for the sake of the palestinian people while another top publishing an official mister shae called the move at historic moment where the free world is winning with the help of truth and justice islands in no way are now calling all the states to follow them and the estimates here in jerusalem or that they could indeed be more countries choosing to recognize palestine in the near future. ecuadorian journalist esteban carrillo does
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not believe international recognition of palestine would make any difference to the situation on the ground. i think this is a bit 3 a on paper, on the streets, in practice for the ballast videos. suddenly not much is going to change, but there's also if i do this cruise around israel, right, uh. busy of a sudden you have uh you have these uh, this call spends public relations a nightmare for them. right. and which is why they recognize their competing agend those sites and is why they recognize that they are a media terry. okay. patient that needs to end. we are already seeing a very intense movie terry campaign in gosh, over night in rough up the us as we're deal. busy is job on the, in the northern guy. so the street, the classes are ongoing. you know, another mid that was recently debunked. is that a israel a defeated? so a most of my masters fighting for us right this morning for me to go had an article in which they side us intelligence. i said that only about 30 to 35 percent of how
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masses fighting force have been killed in gas up. so it does another one another reason randy lie that we can pull it right up there. so, and he's now has a, every time that the international community reacts, you know, way that he's, that gets their own interest. what do we see? we see these roll intensified their rates, right? and these are these corners such as the military, right? these also been like a few minutes. are you an agent entering gusta, they wrap up no more humanitarian they they, they u n r w a. they just run out and the defense hang on. just announce that these up here that they build the gas. and because on coast, has it been able to then lever a single pounds of, of humanitarian aid to starve even got sense. so suddenly, you know, a like i said, for by the speed is on the streets, the reality is not going to change that much. as president, as an on an official visit to washington, it comes in a deep divisions at home, over his plans to send troops to the caribbean islands nation of haiti, artery is caleb up and picks up. a story to the president of kenya is expected to
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shake a lot of hands do a lot of photo ops, a typical diplomatic visit. however, underlying it all will be the recent announcement, the kenya is leading a number of african countries to send police forces into haiti. now the added states doesn't want to get directly involved. it wouldn't be a good look internationally. so instead we have a number of african countries that are aligned with the united states that are moving in, antonio's taking the lead, the view of the disease, some of the costs in republic, essentially guiding. how can you should be able to carry out this deployment? and we, in the process of government is in the process of finalizing, at the present to deploy a now kenya is adamant. this isn't any legal invasion or occupation of haiti. this is simply an intervention done at the request of the haitian government, the very same haitian government that the people of the country are currently rioting. and rebelling against
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the people at the very 1st must be made by a democratically elected president of the requesting goods. does not have a president seeing that keeping over of another noise in, in july 2021. this i'm a prime minister, right. audio, audrey who actually resigned other time did not of those posts under the constitutional rights. i'm therefore making the home a typical agreement. another 2 from the very beginning. now the visit comes as the united states is currently losing ground on the app, or given con, man to recent, gallup poll shows that africans have a far less favorable view of the united states compared to other major countries and superpower. now it's important to know that there is
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a number of african country is that recently asked the united states and its forces to pack up and leave. there hasn't been an official visit to the united states from an african leaders since 2009. it's been roughly 15 years since ron copper. i'm gonna add the red carpet rolled out for him by us president george w bush present biden's foreign policy. it has been a disaster in every continent and africa is no exception. while the russians and chinese are working overtime to all see us from a region that will soon be home to a puerto of the earth, population divided into ministration continues to fumble the ball. and we can, our nation's strategic interest with our african partners that present rudo is also facing problems back in kenya in 2023. the country experience rioting as food and fuel prices were skyrocketing, is also got rising national debts. now he's expected to address the us chamber of commerce and make clear that kenya, his homeland is
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a prime spot for investments. news of the trip back home has been overshadowed by rising anger of about potential tax hikes, as well as corruption and feelings that the government response to flooding the killed a $160.00 people was mismanaged. and some are less than thrilled about the prospect of canyon involvement in a hate to even the vacation that they have to say to i saw on the ocean by, you know, the kind of the president weaver is the same. you where the, the kind of the government is looking us is the, the interest that people have done and do the security on the utilization, the lease agreements. but the existing, the,
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the thoughts when, once i get this deployment of getting it straight away and get the experience that is best fit for you is that is why the, anybody, it's no secret that africa is drifting closer to russia and china as the world moves toward multi polarity, however, routes, so seems like the kind of leader who is trying to hold on to that old setup. and joe biden has no problem giving him a rainbow tour. what remains to be seen is amid all the lights and handshakes, how well american mainstream media will be able to obscure the reality of what's happening on the ground in haiti and back in africa. caleb mauppin, archie, new york. so that's all for this. our join us again in just about 30 minutes here
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on our t international for morning. the
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water is part of the, the employee would post good. isn't the, the place you of us in that, in the word part? is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without cases let's go out of as the well, interestingly enough, that was one of the most valuable things that i wanted to do. was question, shall we say these ukrainian prisoners because i wanted to get inside their minds. i wanted to disentangle the strings that tied them up in knots that enabled and animated their actions. what was their decision making process? what were their biases, their prejudices? what was their psychological profile.


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